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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

Technical co-sponsorship

Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO

Event program
Tuesday, 5/25/2010 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:30 AMG1 
1.P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), L. Budin (FAKULTET ELEKTROTEHNIKE I RAČUNARSTVA, ZAGREB, Croatia), Z. Markučič (XV. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Perić (II. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia)
Python – jezik za podučavanje algoritamskog pristupa rješavanju problema 
U nizu programskih jezika koji se danas nude teško je odabrati jezik koji je pogodan za učenje programiranja. Takav bi jezik s jedne strane morao biti fleksibilan i jednostavan, kako bi prve programerske korake učinio što bezbolnijim. S druge strane on bi trebao biti dobra podloga za nastavak programiranja u bilo kojem drugom programskom jeziku. Iskustvo nam govori da većina učenika ima poteškoća u savladavanja osnovnih koncepata algoritamskog načina rješavanja problema zbog savladavanja detalja pojedinih programskih jezika te posebice zbog uporabe različitih programskih jezika tijekom obrazovanja. Uobičajeni se za uvodne lekcije programiranja upotrebljavaju jednostavni jezici (LOGO, BASIC, Pascal, C). Nakon toga se za podučavanje naprednijih koncepata u kojima se pojavljuju objektno-orijentirane paradigme odabiru objektni jezici (C++, C#, Java). Ti su jezici smišljeni za podržavanje velikih programskih projekata s naglaskom na discipliniranu izgradnju složenih programskih struktura. Ti jezici nisu prikladni za ostvarivanje manjih ili srednjih programa. Navedeni jaz između „jednostavnih“ i „moćnih“ jezika zasigurno je smanjen pojavom Pythona. Radi se o jeziku koji s jedne strane može biti vrlo jednostavan i kao takav može poslužiti početnicima kao adekvatna zamjena za npr. BASIC, LOGO ili Pascal. Istovremeno je Python i moćan jezik koji podržava objektno-orijentirani princip programiranja. Taj je jezik idealan za prvi pristup podučavanju primjene računala za rješavanje raznovrsnih problema programiranjem. Jezik ima jasnu strukture i jednostavnu sintaksu tako da se pažnja učenika može usmjeriti na algoritamski način razmišljanja i osmišljavanje programa. Uz to Python nije jezik-igračka. On omogućava izgradnju vrlo ozbiljnih programa uporabom bogate lepeze gotovih programskih modula. Osim toga, koncepti koji se nauče uporabom jezika Python mogu se takoreći neposredno primijeniti za pripremu programa u produkcijskim jezicima kao što su C++ i Java. Konačno, ali ne najmanje važno, programsko okruženje za pripremu programa u jeziku Python se može besplatno dobaviti Internetom na sve vrste računalnih platformi (Windows, Linux i MacOS). Svaki učenik može ga instalirati na svoje računalo.
2.J. Lisek (, , ), B. Marijanović (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Halo, ovdje Knjižnica FER-a! (Pre)poznajete li me? = Hello, FER Library Speaking! Can You Hear Me? 
Sažetak - U našim okolnostima, jedan od ključnih problema i stalni povod rasprave između knjižničnih profesionalaca i sveučilišnih/fakultetskih uprava te matičnog ministarstva položaj je knjižnica i knjižnične djelatnosti, kojoj poslanstvo knjižničarstva mora biti, premda u praksi nažalost to često i nije, iznimno važno za ostvarivanje proklamiranih ciljeva sveučilišta : uvriježen je stav u području edukacije da su samo i isključivo nastavnici nositelji procesa podučavanja. Shodno tomu, knjižnice kao segment ustroja učilišta, najčešće bivaju neprepoznate i nepriznate premda svojim djelovanjem nastoje kvalitetno utjecati i participirati na ishode učenja. Knjižnica FER-a, koristeći elemente alata poslovne inteligencije, oblikuje svoje djelovanje prema zahtjevu korisnika, bilo da je fizički ili virtualno zatražio pomoć pri odabiru literature, tog neizostavnog materijala za realizaciju pismenih radova (seminara, projekata, završnih radova, stručno-znanstvenih članaka). Online uslugom «Tražite pomoć knjižničara», prezentacijom FER-a srednjoškolcima putem programa Merlin, te direktnim učestvovanjem u nastavi postižu se pomaci prema modernom visokoškolskom knjižničarstvu i opravdanosti postojanja. Abstract - In the given circumstances, one of the key issues and a continuing motive of the discussion between library specialists and university/faculty managements as well as the competent Ministry, is the situation of libraries and library science, to which the librarianship as a mission should be, even though, unfortunately that is usally not the case in practice, very important for achieving the proclamed university goals: there has been a common belief in the field of education that only the teaching staff are the ones who are engaged in the educating process. Libraries, accordingly, are not being recognized and not appriciated as constituent parts of the university, although, bytheir professional work, they attempt to influence and participate in learning outcomes. Bythe usage of busines intelligence elements, FER Library shapes its activities acording its peers' requests, whether the reqest for literature, those irreplacable material needed for written papers (seminars, projects, final reports, scientific works) was made electronically or in an old-fashioned way. Online service called „Ask a librarian's help“, presenting FER to high-school students through Merlin programme, and direct involvement in teaching process, shift has been made toward the modern academic librarianship and the justification of existence.
3.r. marinkovic (, , )
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje nastavnika informatike - stanje i trendovi 
U kontekstu naznačene teme razmatra se trenutačno stanje obrazovnih resursa koji se nude kroz informatičke sadržaje. Uloga nastavnika informatike najviše se manifestira kroz obrazovne informacije dostupne putem informatičko-tehnoloških razvojnih trendova - ICT. Analizira se praktična uloga coursewarea (programsko-sadržajna) koja se temelji na softverskoj ponudi. Posebni značaj i pažnja posvećuje se smartboardu (interaktivnoj bijeloj ploči) koja pruža idealne mogućnosti nastavnicima za obrazovanje svih uzrasta, u svim predmetima i na svim kvalitativnim razinama. Stoga razlikujemo nekoliko vrsta edukacije: obrazovanje i usavršavanje nastavnika informatike, obrazovanje svih ostalih nastavnika za primjenu najnovijih načina e-learninga,te obrazovanje učenika i studenata o metodama primjene (naj)novije ICT. Kroz sva tri generalna procesa obrazovanja treba posebno uvažavati didaktičko-metodičke specifičnosti nastave informatike kojima se posebno bavi ovaj rad.
4.M. Antolović (Srednja škola Valpovo, Valpovo, Croatia), D. Šokac (OŠ "M. P. Katančića", Valpovo, Croatia)
Dvorac Prandau-Normann u Valpovu 
Izrada elektroničke razglednice dvorca Norman-Prandau u Valpovu predstavlja multimedijalni način približavanja povijesnih podataka učenicima. Osnovni cilj izrade "elektroničke razglednice" predstavlja dvostruku edukaciju - povijesnim podacima te savladavanjem multimedijskih mogućnosti računala. Ideja je proizišla iz činjenice da se zadnjih godina sve veći broj učeničkih ekskurzija posjećuju jedan od najljepših dvoraca Slavonije. Ovime žele približiti ljepotu dvorca drugim vršnjacima, te sami naučiti nešto više. Informatički, ideja predstavlja način motiviranja učenika za savladavanje programerskih znanja i vještina koja su postala sve manje popularna među učenicima. Ovakav pristup predstavlja spajanje kreativne komponente programera, te spajanje mogućnosti ICT-a i nastavnih sadržaja povijesti i zemljopisa.
5.D. Moznik (MORH, Zagreb, Croatia)
Distribuirano i e-učenje u obrambenim i vojnim sustavima 
Definicije ADL-a (eng. Advanced Distributed Learning) tj. distribuiranog i e-učenja kao i učenja na daljinu. Prednosti i nedostaci distribuiranog i e-učenja. E-učenje kontinuum. Odnos e-učenja i učenja na daljinu. Sustavi on-line učenja na daljinu (ADL-a) kao najbrži i najjednostavniji načini stjecanja novih znanja, vještina i sposobnosti. Učenje bilo kada i bilo gdje. ACTIONS model. Sustavi za upravljanje učenjem tj. LMS-ovi: ILIAS 4.0 (njemačka kratica za: Open Source LMS) koje koriste članice NATO saveza i Moodle koji koriste i akademske zajednice. 1) NATO-ovo Savezno zapovjedništvo za transformacije (ACT - Allied Command Transformation) koristi ADL. 2) NATO-ova škola u Oberammergau (u Njemačkoj) koristi ADL. 3) NATO Defence College (NDC) u Rimu koristi ADL. Združeno napredno učenje na daljinu (JADL - Joint Advanced Distributed Learning). Pregled i katalog raspoloživih ADL on-line tečajeva i modula. Stanje u MORH-u i OSRH. Projekt: „Uvođenje novih načina usvajanja i održavanja znanja“ u vojnoj edukaciji tj. e-obrazovanje u OSRH. Upravljanje e-obrazovnim projektima. Razvoj i implementacija on-line ADL tečajeva i modula. Primjer razvijenih ADL tečajeva i učenja na daljinu.
6.T. Švaglić (XVIII gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Holenko Dalb, N. Hoić-Božić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Ontologije za prikaz znanja s primjenom u obrazovanju  
Korištenje ontologija kao oblika prikaza znanja prisutno je u mnogim znanstvenim područjima. Među primjenama valja spomenuti semantički web u čijoj je strukturi ontologija jedan od osnovnih građevnih elemenata te korištenje ontologija u područjima umjetne inteligencije, softverskog inženjerstva i biomedicinske informatike. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati i na moguću primjenu ontologija u obrazovanju. Važno svojstvo ontologija u kontekstu obrazovanja je pregledni hijerarhijski prikaz strukture sadržaja za učenje kojim se može postići bolje razumijevanje prezentiranog gradiva kod učenika. U radu je opisan primjer ontologije Platonova tijela kao dio nastavnog sadržaja iz matematike. Ontologija je izrađena pomoću programskog alata Protégé i programskog jezika OWL (Web Ontology Language). Osim osnovnih svojstava i elemenata ontologije, uključuje i element zaključivanja koji učenicima omogućuje ispitivanje je li zadano geometrijsko tijelo Platonovo.
7.M. Marinović (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Grlaš (Dječji vrtić Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Ecological education in preschool education through visual communication  
This paper focuses on children and preschool teachers and points out the influence of preschool teachers on a child in a preschool institution, especially in the aspect of ecological education by means of visual communication. Following the research, the state in ecological education through visual communication will be established and relevant proposals for improvement will be made. The development of information technology (IT) is important and it sets changes in methodology as early as in preschool education. Ever growing level of teachers' education and large scale availability of educational software and hardware that foster the development of ecological education enable children to use computers and acquire IT knowledge in the process as well.
10:30 AM - 10:45 AMBreak 
10:45 AM - 1:00 PMG2 
8.D. Žigman (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), J. Đurić (Tehničko veleučuilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjena Java programskog jezika u izradi aplikacija za visokoškolske ustanove 
Radom je prikazana struktura, jednostavnost, te upotreba Java programskog jezika. U današnje vrijeme u informacijskim tehnologijama ima sve više predstavnika različitih tehnologija koje se bore za svoje mjesto, tako i Java programski jezik pokušava zadržati svoje. Java ima neke prednosti, kao što su modularnost, multiplatformnost, višenitnost, ali naravno i nedostatke. Nedostaci su relativna sporost, te lošije grafičke performanse u odnosu na druge programske jezike, neki od njih će biti prikazati ovim radom.
9.A. Vrdoljak (Sveučilište u Mostaru, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Banjanin (Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, Serbia), K. Rakić (Fakultet Strojarstva i računarstva, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Interaktivni moduli s inteligentnim tutorskim agentima u elementarnoj nastavi matematike 
U novije vrijeme znanstvena istraživanja se značajno orijentiraju na višeagentske sustave. Istovremeno, sustavi e–učenja čine implementaciju inteligentnih tutorskih agenata neizostavnim dijelom obrazovanja. Višeagentski sustavi su idealni za predstavljanje problema koji imaju više različitih metoda za rješavanje, višestruke perspektive i/ili višestruke entitete rješavanja problema. Naravno, to su važeće karakteristike za direktne i inverzne probleme koji se rješavaju u elementarnoj nastavi matematike. Glavna ideja ovog rada je u viziji promjena različitih struktura nastave (sadržajnoj, didaktičko–metodičkoj, interakcijskoj, procesnoj, kontekstualnoj) s ciljem da implementacija kompleksnih interakcija s inteligentnim višeagentskim sustavima dovodi do postizanja boljih postignuća učenika u elementarnoj nastavi matematike.
10.I. Janković, G. Gledec (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
WebIDE - online-alat za udaljeno podučavanje programiranja 
Sustav WebIDE je web-aplikacija u kojoj je implementirana razvojna okolina s integriranim uređivačem izvornog koda te prevoditeljem izvornog koda u izvršni kod. Ona omogućuje pokretanje prevedenog izvršnog koda na poslužitelju te njegovo ispitivanje. Sustav pruža pomoć u obliku uvida u dokumentaciju jezika, kako bi se olakšalo pisanje izvornog koda. Analizu koda i otklanjanje pogrešaka moguće je provesti unutar same razvojne okoline. Sigurnosni aspekt aplikacije osiguran je filterom izvornog koda i ograničenjem izvođenja koji onemogućava prevođenje i izvođenje zlonamjernog izvornog koda. Sustav omogućuje olakšano održavanje nastave programiranja. Njegova glavna prednost u odnosu na postojeće razvojne alate jest stalna dostupnost na Internetu te pokretanje bez obzira na hardversku konfiguraciju i podešenja. Osnovna zadaća sustava je pružanje potpore za udaljeno podučavanje programiranja.
11.V. Galešev (SYSPRINT d.o.o., ZAGREB, Croatia)
Računalna prilagodba Token testa 
U skladu s integrativnim i inkluzivnim procesima, sve više se djece s teškoćama u razvoju uključuje (integrira) u redovite uvjete odgoja i obrazovanja. Pored toga, uočen je porast govornih teškoća i u općoj populaciji djece. Govorna komunikacija bitna je sastavnica ranog odgoja i obrazovanja, a poglavito nastavnog procesa u školi. Razvoj govora i govornih funkcija važan je čimbenik djetetova uspjeha (ili neuspjeha) u školi. Brojna istraživanja dokazuju povezanost jezično-govornih teškoća i školskog neuspjeha. Rano otkrivanje i preveniranje teškoća govornog razvoja važne su odrednice za prilagodbu i individualizaciju nastavnog procesa. Prenošenje i usvajanje nastavnog gradiva u početnim razrednima primarnog obrazovanja dominantno je receptivno, pa pretpostavlja razvijene receptivne funkcije govora. Postavlja se pitanje ranog otkrivanja razvijenosti receptivnog govora, posebice u djece s teškoćama u razvoju. U ovom je radu predstavljena računalna prilagodba Token testa za procjenu receptivnog govora djece u dobi upisa, tj. polaska u osnovnu školu. Opisan je postupak provođenja ispitivanja uporabom računala, funkcioniranje računalnog programa i prikupljanje dijagnostičkih podataka te preliminarni rezultati pilot istraživanja. Ukazano je na uočene prednosti i nedostatke ovakve računalne prilagodbe te na daljnje postupke potrebne za njenu evaluaciju i mogućnosti uporabe u školskoj praksi.
12.N. Mašić (ENERGOINVEST d.d., SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Da li računala služe samo za nastavu informatike i nastavnike informatike? 
Računalo, računar ili kompjuter – do prije dvadesetak godina uređaj za profesionalce i hobiste, danas uređaj za svakoga! Da li je ova tvrdnja ostvarena i u praksi? Statističko istraživanje 21 osnovne škole na području jedne sarajevske općine daje odgovor ne samo na naslovno pitanje (odgovor je, nažalost, da), nego i odgovor na pitanje koliko se taj uređaj danas koristi u „običnom puku“ za unaprjeđenje života i rada, ne pribrojavajući u to igre i internet! Ipak, ima i pozitivnih pokazatelja uporabe računala u vannastavnim aktivnostima!
13.D. Dejanović (HT-Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d, Zagreb, Croatia)
E-learning kao komunikacijski kanal 
S obzirom na razvoj računalne tehnologije i na objavljivanja vijesti kako bismo cijelo vrijeme bili informirani o događajima koji se zbivaju oko nas, razvijaju se i načini učenja putem informacijskih tehnologija. Oblik učenja koji sve više susrećemo, je e-learning ili učenje uz pomoć računala, Interneta, intraneta. E-learning kao oblik učenja može se promatrati i kao dodatan komunikacijski kanal za pružanje informacija, bilo da se radi o stručnom usavršavanju ili o uvidu u tehnologiju koja nam se želi predstaviti. Postoje različiti standardi za e-learning sustave. Koji izabrati te na koji način uvijek imati ažurnu "bazu" edukacijskih materijala/korisnika, ovisi samo o vrsti i namjeni sustava za edukacije. Svi sadržaji koje se ili izrađuju ili kupuju uglavnom su univerzalni i ponekad neće odgovarati stvarnim potrebama, ali zbog uglavnom „male“ ponude sadržaja sustava/edukacija, nekada smo primorani uporabljavati i takve materijale. Ono čemu vjerojatno teži svaka "edukacijska" ustanova je da bi skratili put od proizvodnje do implementacije na sustav da bi ih samostalno mogli izrađivati bez velike ovisnosti o dobavljačima sustava, sadržaja. Edukacija putem e-learning sustava omogućava nam jednostavnije prenošenje i provjeru znanja, posebice kada je riječ o “brzim” edukacijama, tj. stjecanju znanja koje nam je trenutačno potrebno. No na samom početku obično zaboravljamo osnovno pitanje: Tko će na kraju pregledavati edukacijske materijale, ispunjavati postavljene testove, te to kasnije primjenjivati u praksi, zbog obveze ili iz stvarne zainteresiranosti i želje za samoučenjem? Na kraju, kada krenemo mjeriti uspješnost našeg novoimplementiranog “čuda” za edukacije, prekasno je za povratak.
14.M. Berović (Prometno-tehnička škola Šibenik, Šibenik, Croatia)
Virtualni nastavnik u realnoj učionici 
Tradicionalni oblik izvođenja nastave učenicima rođenim u eri ekspanzije IKT postaje monoton. Današnji nastavnik mora upotrebiti kreativnost da iskoristi mogućnosti koje mu pruža tehnologija te da pokuša zadržati pažnju učenika za sadržaj koji prenosi. U svom obrazovnom radu iskoristila sam MS Live Meeting kao platformu za održavanje nastave. Za to mi je bila potrebna nesebička pomoć mojih kolega. Održali smo nekoliko virtualnih nastavnih sati gostujući u „tuđim” učionicama i bilježili zapažanja vezana za reakcije učenika. LiveMeeting je alat koji omogućava učestvovanje većeg broja geografski udaljenih sudionika na zajedničkom predavanju. Tehnički uvjeti za instalaciju LM su minimalni, stoga je ovaj alat prikladan za održavanje „virtualne“ nastave. Primjena u nastavi U procesu samoučenja učestovala sam na predavanjim izvođenim korištenje LM što me je motiviralo da primjenim LM u radu s učenicima. Pripremila sam nastavni sat koji je pratio nastavni program i u dogovoru s kolegicama (B.Dragičević iz Gimnazije u Kninu i S.Deljac iz TŽŠ u Zagrebu) i održala ga u svom i virtualno u njihovim razredima. Svi učenici su pratili predavanje jedne nastavnice, a demostrirane radnje izvodili samostalno na svojim računalima. U tjeku šk.god. organizirala sam nekoliko nastavnih sati prenošenih LM na kojima je „virtualni“ predavač gostovao u jednoj ili više realnih učionica. Dojmove učenika ispitala sam anketom.
15.I. Štedul (Veleučilište u Karlovcu, Karlovac, Croatia), K. Bedi (Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Akademski prijestupi u e-učenju: individualna sklonost varanju 
Neosporno je da su informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije uvelike doprinijele poboljšanju i unaprjeđenju nastavnog procesa. Najočitiji primjer je razvitak mnogih sustava namijenjenih e-učenju. Međutim, učenici i studenti informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, osim za obrazovanje, koriste i za varanje na ispitima ili plagiranje studentskih i učeničkih radova. Anketnim ispitivanjem učenika i studenata pokušali smo utvrditi u kojoj mjeri su varanje i plagiranje uz primjenu IKT-a zastupljeni u učeničkoj i studentskoj populaciji. Posebno je analizirano u kojoj mjeri učeničko i studentsko iskustvo s tim tehnologijama, posebice Internetom, i individualna procjena rizika utječu na pozitivne stavove i prihvatljivost nepoštenog ostvarivanja akademskih ciljeva. Uočena je složena povezanost između spola, dobi i učestalosti korištenja Interneta s varanjem i plagiranjem uz primjenu IKT. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da postoji niz međusobno povezanih faktora koji utječu na pojedince da počine kaznena djela prijevare i plagiranja u svrhu akademskog napredovanja. Konačna rasprava ukazuje na moguće primjere dobre prakse kojima bi se moglo izbjeći takva devijantna ponašanja u učeničkoj i studenskoj zajednici.
16.A. Granić (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Split, Croatia), A. Medvidović, J. Nakić (PMF, Split, Croatia)
Prilagodljivi sustavi za upravljanje učenjem: varijable modela korisnika i okvir za klasifikaciju sustava 
Za razvoj učinkovitog sustava e-učenja neophodno je prilagoditi nastavne sadržaje i proces učenja svakom pojedinom korisniku. Brojna istraživanja pokazuju da je uzrok neuspjeha velikog broja sustava e-učenja nezadovoljstvo i nedovoljna motiviranost korisnika, što je često posljedica primjene koncepta 'jedan-prikaz-za-sve'. Trenutno je pažnja usmjerena prema prilagodljivim sustavima e-učenja koji upotrebljavaju modele korisnika u cilju prilagođavanja korisnikovim individualnim karakteristikama poput predznanja, motivacije, kognitivnih značajki, stilova učenja, ali i njezinom/njegovom tijeku učenja, povijesti interakcije sa sustavom i područnom znanju. Upravo ove karakteristike omogućavaju prilagodljivom sustavu e-učenja da prilagodi kako nastavni sadržaj tako i način njegove prezentacije specifičnostima individualnog korisnika. U prvom dijelu rada donosi se kratka rekapitulacija trenutnih istraživanja u području prilagodljivih korisničkih sučelja sustava e-učenja, s naglaskom na najvažnije kategorije sustava i korištene pristupe prilagođavanju. Drugi dio rada fokusiran je na kategoriju prilagodljivih sustava za upravljanje učenjem (engl. Adaptive Learning Management Systems, ALMSs) koji osiguravaju personaliziranu interakciju. Prikazana je 'okvir za klasifikaciju' postojećih prilagodljivih sustava za upravljanje učenjem temeljen na identifikaciji i načinu detekcije individualnih karakteristika korisnika tzv. varijabli prilagođavanja s jedne strane, te primjenjenoj metodi prilagođavanja i realiziranom vrednovanju prilagođavanja s druge. Na temelju rezultata provedene analize i realizirane klasifikacije, predložen je temeljni skup varijabli prilagođavanja modela korisnika koji bi se trebao primijeniti kod razvoja korisničkog profila prilagodljivih sustava za upravljanje učenjem.
17.D. Raljević (HEP Nastavno obrazovni centar, Velika, Croatia)
Uvođenje tehnologije rada pod naponom u sustav obrazovanja odrsalih 
Tehnologija rada pod naponom na održavanju elektroenergetskih postrojenja postaje svakim danom sve više redovni tehnološki postupak. Pred elektroprivredne organizacije koje se bave opskrbom potrošača električno energijom postavlaju se sve stroži zahtjevi na moguća trajanja prekida u opskrbi potrošača. redovno održavanje, rekonstrukcija, nova priključenja i sl. su postupci koji se mogu kvalitetno i na siguran način obaviti bez da se potrošači isključuju. da bi se to moglo obaviti potrebno je imati i adekvatno osposobljeno osoblje. U radu je opisan postupak prijenosa tehnologije rada pod naponom i njeno uvođenje u obrazovni sustav Republike Hrvatske preko HEP Nastavno obrazovnog centra Velika, koji je i osnovan sa ciljem da vrši obuku za primjenu tehnologije rada pod naponom. Navedena su iskustva iz trogodišnjeg rada u procesu obrazovanja montera za tehnologiju rada pod naponom.
18.J. Lovrinčević (, , ), D. Kovačević (Elementary school “Antun Mihanović” , Slavonski Brod, Croatia), M. Erl Šafar (J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek; University interdisciplinary cultural studies/Department of , Osijek, Croatia)
Uloga nove tehnologije u promicanju ishoda učenja 
Purpose: The paper provides the commentary about learning outcomes of pupils and students in “average” circumstances of the current educational process in the Republic of Croatia. We take “average” circumstances to mean well equipped schools and universities, but not the “perfectly” equipped. The “average” learning setting is meant to indicate flawlessly equipped and a fully comprehensive array of teaching skills, sophisticated teaching methods and strategies, as well as the high-quality syllabus in use in Croatia. The focus of monitoring learning outcomes is the common usage of new teaching technologies inside the direct educational process, distance learning and forms of home learning. Methodology: The paper is targeting the analysis of written work of pupils and students. It is expected that the research will demonstrate qualitative difference in learning outcomes. Especially so in relation to the presence and immense opportunities of the new teaching technologies which nowadays play part in all forms of formal education. Results: Written work of monitored pupils and students offers the possibility of precise valuation which unambiguously confirms the expected results. Indicators obtained by the research can show improved learning outcomes as expected. This is particularly so in the case of differing abilities to adopt new competencies. On the other hand, it is possible to point out the deficiencies in the quality of learning outcomes at the cognitive level. Practical application: more certainty in directing the learning process in these days of the technologies, regarding preferences to certain methods, strategies, means and tools. Key words: teaching assisted by the new technologies; learning.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PMLunch break 
3:00 PM - 5:00 PMG3 
19.M. Menciger (Gimnazija Vladimira Nazora, Zadar, )
Učenje na daljinu 
Sve snažniji utjecaj znanosti i tehnologije na suvremeni život zahtijeva da svaki čovjek usvoji što više osnovnih teoretskih i praktičnih znanja. Internet koji omogućuje prijenos teksta, glasa i slike ponudio je različita rješenja učenja na daljinu. Za prihvaćanje ovakve tehnologije potrebna je odgovarajuća razina obrazovanja. Uporaba računala treba doprinijeti i boljem razumijevanju nastavnog gradiva, a ne samo memoriranju gotovih sadržaja koje nude udžbenici. Korištenjem informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije u obrazovnom procesu stvara se novi posrednik između učenika i nastavnog gradiva. Učenici ne dobivaju gotova znanja nego ih samostalno stvaraju. Učenici su aktivni u stvaranju novih informacija. U školama, a isto tako i kod kuće, stvaraju se uvjeti za individualni i timski rad. Uloga učitelja kao posrednika između učenika i znanja sve je manja, ali se pojačava njegova uloga kao organizatora u prikupljanju i didaktičkom oblikovanju nastavnih sadržaja. Učitelji koji se odluče za izradu i održavanje svojih predmeta za učenje na daljinu trebaju se upoznati sa Moodle aplikacijom. Učenje na daljinu nije pokušaj zamjene klasične nastave nekom drugom nastavom već je samo sredstvo koje doprinosi uklanjanju nedostataka klasične nastave. Moodle aplikacija omogućuje kontakt sa svakim učenikom za vrijeme nastave, a isto tako i kod kuće.
Nastavne metode u informatici/računalstvu 
Nastavne metode kao postupci koje nastavnik primjenjuje kako bi strukturirao tijek nastave i postigao ciljeve kojima teži moraju se kombinirati kako bi poboljšali kvalitetu nastave. Forum za slobodu odgoja kroz projekt «Čitanje i pisanje za kritičko mišljenje» pruža pomoć kojom se uvode u nastavu nove metode poučavanja čijom primjenom se potiče kritičko mišljenje. U sustavu kritičkog mišljenja nastavne etape su: evokacija, razumijevanje značenja i refleksija. U prvoj etapi nastavnog procesa učenici preispituju vlastito znanje, povezuju poznato s nepoznatim. Druga etapa okvirnog programa učenika dovodi u kontakt s novim informacijama ili idejama, gdje od učenika tražimo da istražuju i preispituju spoznaje, smisleno povezuju novo s poznatim. U fazi refleksije učenici stvarno usvajaju novo znanje i u njoj dolazi do trajnog učenja. U radu su opisane različite metode koje se mogu primjeniti u nastavi informatike/računalstva ovisno o sadržaju nastavnog gradiva i etapi nastavnog procesa. Neke od metoda omogućuju samostalan rad učenika, dok su neke primjerene za rad u paru ili grupi. Zanimljive su metode suradničkog učenja, projektna nastava, projektni tjedan i radionice budućnosti. E-obrazovanje i primjena online tečajeva omogućuje promjenu metodologije nastavnog procesa s prijelazom s tradicionalnog predavačkog načina poučavanja na aktivno učenje u kojem je središte učenik i njegove aktivnosti.
21.J. Novaković (Osnovna škola Spinut Split, Split, Croatia)
Sustav za upravljanje obrazovnim sadržajima Moodle platforma za e-učenje u osnovnoj školi: praktična iskustva izborne nastave informatike u petim razredima 
U okvirima nastavnih sadržaja izborne nastave informatike u petim razredima osnovne škole Spinut pokrenut je pilot-projekt po nazivom „ Moodle platforma za izvođenje nastave uz primjenu tehnologija e-učenja“. Projekt je izveden u prvom polugodištu školske godine 2009./10. Programski alat Moodle pruža niz mogućnosti od prikaza nastavnih sadržaja, provođenje aktivnosti tj. komunikacije između učitelja i učenika, provjeru znanja, timski i mentorski rad, evidenciju i praćenje rada učenika, pa do samostalnog učenja. Upotreba ovog alata briše vremensku i prostornu ograničenost same nastave i nudi mogućnost izbora nastavnih sadržaja što je prikladno za dodatnu nastavu u osnovnim i srednjim školama. Pokretanje ovog projekta potaknuto je, između ostaloga, željom da se unaprijedi kvaliteta obrazovanja te time odgovori na zahtjeve učitelja škole koji uvelike dopunjuju nastavu nekim od oblika e-učenja počevši od primjene PowerPoint prezentacija, animacija, multimedije do interaktivnih simulacija. Članak donosi praktična iskustva autora, aktivnosti i rezultate implementacije Moodle-a u nastavu informatike petih razreda. Rezultati su vidljivi u motivaciji učenika i povećanoj aktivnosti te potrebi da se na nivou škole pokrenu online tečajevi za učenike u okvirima dodatne nastave. U tijeku je izrada pilot-projekta „Online tečaj programiranje igara u Gama Makeru“ namijenjen učenicima šestih razreda kao dodatni sadržaj. Na temelju tih iskustva planira se izrada nastavnog programa dodatne nastave programiranja za školsku godinu 2010./11.
22.M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Klaić (Osnovna Škola Brestje-Sesvete, Zagreb, Croatia), W. Cifrić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjer razvoja modela interaktivnih obrazovnih sadržaja iz fizike 
U radu je prikazan razvoj računalnih interaktivnih obrazovnih sadržaja za učenike sedmih i osmih razreda iz nastavnog predmeta Fizika. Računalni interaktivni obrazovni sadržaji mogu uspješno nadograditi postojeće klasične nastavne materijale (udžbenik, vježbenica, nastavni listići itd.). Cilj razvoja modela interaktivnih obrazovnih sadržaja je omogućiti učenicima kvalitetan i kontinuiran rad u školi kao i samostalan rad kod kuće. Interaktivni sadržaji usmjereni su na specifične nastavne teme koje će se uz pomoć multimedijskih interaktivnih sadržaja jednostavnije i lakše usvajati, a potom je moguće samostalno provjeriti usvojeni sadržaj.
23.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Pregled i mogućnosti primjene alata za vizualizaciju podatkovnih struktura i algoritama u redovnoj i dodatnoj nastavi informatike/računalstva u srednjim školama 
Dokazane prednosti upotrebe računalne vizualizacije i simulacije kod učenja i poučavanja novog gradiva mogu se uspješno iskoristiti i prilikom tumačenja i uvježbavanja sadržaja vezanih uz podatkovne strukture i algoritme u redovnoj i dodatnoj srednjoškolskoj nastavi informatike, odnosno računalstva. U radu se ističu prednosti koje nudi ovakav pristup, te se kroz prilagođene primjere demonstrira analiza mogućnosti primjene i uspoređuju zanimljivije značajke nekoliko alata za vizualizaciju podatkovnih struktura i algoritama. Naglasak je stavljen na alate koje se temeljem iskustva može preporučiti i koji imaju potencijal za upotrebu kod početnog (ranog) učenja programiranja. Uz to, iznijete su i informacije o načinu distribucije te licenčnim pravima upotrebe navedenih alata. Nastavnici zainteresirani za praktičnu primjenu i daljnje istraživanje mogu također dobiti zanimljive informacije o korisnoj literaturi i resursima. Portal Data Structure and Algorithm Visualization Wiki projekta (poznatog kao AlgoViz Wiki) može se preporučiti kao mjesto opširnijih informacija i značajkama većeg skupa alata.
24.I. Jurić (Tehnička škola Ruđera Boškovića, Zagreb, Croatia)
Nastava informatke-računalstva u srednjim strukovnim školama 
Osvrt na sadašnju nastavu informatike-računalstva u srednjim školama s naglaskom na usmjerenje Tehničar za računalstvo. Usporedba sa sličnim programima u susjedstvu ( Slovenija, Austrija, Italija, …). Prijedlog promjena u sadašnjem Planu i programu rada kao i u načinu izvođenja nastave.
25.P. Ristov (Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia), A. Munitić, V. Plazibat (Pomorski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia)
Primjena metodologije sustavne dinamike u srednjoškolskom i visokoškolskom edukacijskom procesu 
Sustavna dinamika je znanstvena metodologija za analizu, razvoj, simulaciju i rješavanje složenih nelinearnih problema. Ovaj rad daje opis primjene metodologije sustavne dinamike u obrazovnom sustavu, kako za učenike/studente tako i za nastavnike koji žele koristiti ovu metodologiju u nastavnom procesu i praktičnoj primjeni. Sustavna dinamika za analizu složenih sustava i problema koristi računalne kontinuirane simulacijske pakete, kao što su: Dynamo, Vensim, Powersim, iThink, Stella i dr. Korištenje informacijsko komunikacijske opreme u obrazovnom sustavu sve više i više raste kako kod učenika/studenata tako i kod nastavnika u obrazovnom procesu. Na temelju iskustva sustav dinamičara i nastavnika korištenje metodologije sustavne dinamike je odličan način kako naučiti učenike/studente da sustavski razmišljaju i rješavaju probleme na sustavan način korištenjem modela učenja s povratnom vezom. Time će se znanje učenika/studenta značajno povećati u odnosu na dosadašnje tradicionalne metode i metodologije učenja.
26.Đ. Kukec (Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Kukec (Veleučilište u Varaždinu, Varaždin, Croatia)
Primjena računala u nastavi tehničkog crtanja 
U srednjoškolskim programima u području računalstva i elektrotehnike izučava se predmet Tehničko crtanje. Predmet je zastupljen u nastavi samo dva sata tjedno u prvoj godini. Veći dio satnice se odnosi na geometriju i nacrtnu geometriju a manji dio na simbole i električne sheme. S obzirom na malu satnicu ovaj rad se bavi pronalaženjem načina kako što više primjera planiranih geometrijskih konstrukcija i tehničkih crteža izraditi u okviru zadanog vremena. Kako se radi o području elektrotehnike kao pomoćni programski alat koristi se SEE Electrical koji ima mnoge mogućnosti kako u području elektroprojektiranja tako i za stvaranje geometrijskih konstrukcija i crteža prema planu, za navedeni predmet. Rad prikazuje primjenu računala kroz primjere i to: Konstrukciju krivulja te stvaranje pravokutnih i prostornih projekcija.
5:00 PM - 5:30 PMBreak 
5:30 PM - 8:00 PMG4 
27.J. Arnerić (Ekonomski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia)
Procjena parametara GARCH modela pomoću Solver-a 
Standardna metoda procijene parametara linearnih ili nelinearnih modela u Microsoft Excel-u je metoda najmanjih kvadrata, koja je lako dostupna kroz Trendline rutinu. Ipak ova metoda nije prikladna kod procjena modela kod kojih nije zadovoljena pretpostavka o konstantnoj varijanci. Modeli kojima se dinamički može opisati heteroskedastičnost varijance spadaju u klasu GARCH modela (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity). U ovom radu će se prezentirati postupak procijene GARCH(1,1) modela metodom maksimalne vjerodostojnosti pomoću Solver-a, pretpostavljajući da su prinosi identično i nezavisno distribuirane slučajne varijable. Jasno će se prikazati algoritam koji se koristi u postupku maksimiziranja funkcije vjerodostojnosti. Postupak procijene parametara GARCH(1,1) modela će biti ilustriran na primjeru dnevnih prinosa dionice Podravke. Uz uvjet da je model kovarijančno stacionaran prognozirat će se vrijednosti prinosa u budućem periodu.
28.S. Jurak (Visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia)
Metodika nastave informatike u svrhu dobivanja ECDL certifikata 
ECDL (engl. European Computer Driving Licence) predstavlja međunarodno priznati dokument koji certificira osnovna informatička znanja i vještine. Da bi se započeo proces stjecanja ECDL certifikata nije potrebno informatičko predznanje. Ovaj rad opisuje nastavni proces osmišljen sa svrhom da na kvalitetan način pripremi informatički nepismenu osobu za polaganje ECDL ispita. Za polaganje svakog modula, osoba se može pripremati samostalnim učenjem ili pohađanjem prilagođenih seminara. Cilj rada je pokazati posebnosti metodičkog pristupa pojedinom modulu te organizaciju nastave unutar seminara. Rad se bazira na osnovnom ECDL programu koji se sastoji od 7 modula. Za svaki modul točno su propisana znanja i vještine koje osoba treba savladati. Ovaj rad dotiče se povezanosti nastavnog gradiva određenih modula te svakako iskorištavanja neučenog u svrhu lakšeg savladavanja novog gradiva. Nakon završetka procesa obrazovanja osoba stječe normiranu razinu kvalificiranosti u osnovnom korištenju računala te je spremana za polaganje ECDL ispita. Završni dio rada opisuje način provjere znanja te se time zaokružuje cjelokupni proces dobivanja ECDL certifikata.
29.N. Mašić (ENERGOINVEST d.d., SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Computer Classroom Management with new equipment and software  
Purpose of this paper is to compare results of medium and high level computer training provided for individuals with different background and age, with or without use of specific classroom management equipment (like Tablet PC) and software. Training for children and adults, with or without electronic blackboard (interactive whiteboard) is also compared. In summary, statistical overview with unambiguous results and conclusions are provided.
30.M. Varga (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), Z. Varga (Željeznička tehnička škola u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Utilizing Matlab in secondary technical education 
Matlab is technical computing software which is commonly used for solving various calculation-extensive problems, from physical systems analysis to signal analysis. It is dominantly used in higher education and research institutes because of its powerful numeric engine, combined with interactive visualization tools. In this paper we have considered an application of Matlab in everyday teaching in secondary technical schools. A motivation for such applications is presented in this paper as well as some concrete examples used in technical courses. Finally, the paper is concluded with a discussion of how Matlab helps teachers to make their courses more interesting and efficient.
31.V. Grubelnik (FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS, MARIBOR, Slovenia), R. Repnik (University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia)
Graphic Oriented Computer Programmes Aided Introduction of Mathematical Modelling in Primary School 
The processing of dynamical systems from everyday life requires the development of system thinking and the record of mathematical relations between variables, which is known as mathematical modelling. The dilemma that appears is how to develop the system thinking and particularly mathematical modelling in schools at earlier ages. When one wants to discuss dynamical systems, one should know about something differential equations. Therefore, mathematical modelling appears to be applicable only to students. In the article a possible processing of dynamical systems with graphic oriented computer programmes, e.g. Berkeley Madonna, Daynasys and Stella in primary schools is shown. The programme packages enable the pupils to construct a given system by linking together different graphical objects for parameters, variables, and fluxes of variables. Some actual examples of the dynamical systems which can be used in primary schools will be produced in the article. At first the focus will be on the liquid flow where the pupils adapt the connections between the variables and fluxes of variables. Then the examples of the liquid flows are linked to simple mathematical models which illustrate the object movement influenced by forces. We lay a particular emphasis on a simple mathematical model for free-falling objects in the air since this topic has already been taught at physics in primary schools.
32.M. Mačinko Kovač (OŠ Eugen Kvaternik, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
Ovaj članak govori o načinima izvođenja dodatne nastave programiranja u osnovnoj školi. Danas u osnovnim školama djeca uče programiranje u programskim jezicima Logo, Qbasic i Pascal. Uče semantiku jezika, osnovne naredbe, a kasnije kada napreduju sami izrađuju svoje programe. Sa programima se natječu na smotrama radova, sudjeluju na izložbama i natjecanjima, a kada usavrše programiranje mogu se uključiti i u dodatnu nastavu robotike. U ovom ću članku pokazati na koji način djeca usvajaju nova gradiva, koje su metode učenja napopularnije i pomoću kojih im je metoda učenje zanimljivije, te koje su sve mogućnosti sa učenjem programiranja već od rane dobi od osam do dvanaest godina.
33.Z. Prohaska (Education and teacher training agency (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Rijeka, Croatia)
Teaching and Learning Visual Arts by Using a Computer Program 
Paper focuses on Teaching and Learning Visual Arts by Using a Computer Program.
34.K. Bedi (Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), T. Vrbanec (Učiteljski fakultet Zagreb - Odsjek u Čakovcu, Čakovec, Croatia), N. Žajdela Hrustek (Fakultet organizacije i informatike Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia)
Two virtual communities consisting of the second-year ICT sub specialist course students of The Faculty of Teacher Education attended "Manipulating Images with GIMP" online course as an integral part of the curriculum of the "Information Systems" course. The course was entirely presented online and its purposes were (1) getting students to know the possibilities the teaching process of the kind offers, (2) encouraging independence at performing tasks within the practical part of the course and (3) getting students to know the class of free open-source software. Upon completion of the course, a survey was conducted for the purpose of analysing – in both qualitative and quantitative senses- familiarity with e-education terms and the level of satisfaction in students as to this way of knowledge acquisition and assessing.
35.S. Maravic Cisar (Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija Subotica, Subotica, Serbia), R. Pinter (Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija, Subotica, Serbia), D. Radosav (Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia), P. Čisar (Telekom Srbija, Subotica, Serbia)
Software visualization: the educational tool to enhance student learning 
Object-oriented programming is getting much attention and object-oriented languages (such as C++ and Java) are used as the first language to teach programming. The object oriented concepts such as objects and inheritance are very difficult for understanding by novice programmers. The visualizations of examples of program code or programming tasks could help students to understand programming structures more easily. The aim of this paper is to research the possibilities of enhance learning Java using the visualization software Jeliot.
E-potencije (online tečaj u nastavi matematike) 
U ovom radu opisan je projekt uvođenja e-learning tečaja E-Potencije u nastavu matematike osnovne i srednje škole. Izvršena je evaluacija tečaja i opisana njegova učinkovitost. Rezultat je usvojenog znanja na ELA-i. Implementira stečene stavove i vještine izrade e-learning sadržaja. Tečaj je izrađen u Moodle uz poporu CARNeta. Projekt predstavlja izradu mentoriranog tečaja iz matematike s ciljem povezivanja nastavnih sadržaja matematike i aktivnosti tijekom njihovog usvajanja s ostalim nastavnim predmetima stvarajući korelacijske veze, ukazujući učenicima smisao i primjenu potencija u stvarnom životu. Obuhvaća nastavno gradivo koje se prema nastavnom planu i programu obrađuje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi i može se primjeniti na više razina. Sadržaj se može koristiti na satovima matematike ili ga ponuditi kao dodatan rad učenicima. Tema je primjerena i za učenike osnovne i srednje škole. Cilj je motivirati i olakšati usvajanje matematičkih znanja. Pomoću IKT moguće je slikovitije, dinamičnije i raznolikije prezentirati i objasniti pojmove, postupke i primjene matematike u svakodnevnom životu. Osim vertikalne, moguće je i horizontalno povezivanje sadržaja suradnjom učenika OŠ i SŠ. Tečaj može biti koristan kao priprema (ponavljanje) za državnu maturu.
Wednesday, 5/26/2010 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM,
Nava 1, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:30 PM - 6:00 PMG5 
1.Z. Aljinović (Ekonomski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia), B. Marasović (Ekonomski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia), J. Vidović (Odjel za stručne studije Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split, Croatia)
The Alternative Risk Measures in Excel 
Two years ago, the modern portfolio theory became the regular part of the course Financial modeling for all graduate students of Finance at the Faculty of Economics in Split. Among other contents, the theory is presented using appropriate mathematical-statistical apparatus, which includes the Excel and VBA realizations of efficient frontiers on the Croatian capital market. Namely, the idea was to teach students some well-known and useful financial models in detail and comprehensively, and to make them to experience their concrete applications. In that sense, using Excel and VBA is the best choice, instead of some software packages working on the ‘black box’ principle, not to mention their price, availability and reliability. Very soon, the course Financial modeling has induced great student’s interest and now we have situation where students by itself want to deepen their knowledge and skills. Among other tasks, we have to find the best way for concise and correct presentation of the alternative risk measures, instead of the variance as the risk measure, and of course, to ‘realize’ them in Excel. After brief presentation of the Markowitz mean-variance optimization model, this paper gives answer how to improve its disadvantages using alternative risk measures and offers Excel formulae and procedures for their calculation and application.
2.S. Pivac (Ekonomski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia)
Detection and Solving of Regression Modeling Problems in SPSS 
Regression modeling has been frequently used in numerous qualitative and quantitative economic analyses. During such type of analyses it is investigated how one or more independent variables explain the dependent one. After selection of relevant variables in accordance with economic theory and practice and estimation of regression model parameters with basic regression diagnostic, it is necessary to examine if the basic assumptions are fulfilled. Namely, even in a situation when the model calculation provides numeric results, there are regression problems causing incorrect regression image. Examples of such problems are autocorrelation of residuals, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity of residuals variance and normality assumption. In those models the estimated parameters and the representative indicators could be false. The parameters estimation and all relevant testing and solving of the appropriate regression problems are performed and presented in SPSS on the concrete model analysis of economic variables. This approach can be useful for the students of the faculties of economics as part of their scientific and specialized analyses.
3.N. Denona Bogović (Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Čegar (Faculty of Economics Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Protection of the Environment - the Most Important Challenge for the Educational System 
Environmental protection became an important economic and social issue that requires a holistic approach in predicting and preventing further pollution. International experience has shown that the implementation of environmental protection in daily life and raising environmental awareness of society is long and complicated process. The assumption of that process is a modification and adaptation of the educational system because education on environmental protection is an important instrument for raising awareness of the general public. In this paper the authors will evaluate the existing educational programs in Croatia in terms of environmental protection. Authors will display the basic EU directives relating to the area of education for environmental protection, which is of great importance for the Croatian accession to the EU. Based on all analytical findings, authors will propose concrete measures and instruments, for the implementation of the knowledge and skills in the Croatian educational system, that are a prerequisite for a new development paradigm that will respect not only economic but also environmental standards development.
4.L. Cerović (Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Maravić, A. Mihoković (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Microsoft – Anti Trust Case 
Microsoft’s dominant market position is the result of technological ingenuity of its great leadership. Bearing in mind the natural tendency of successful technologies to become monopolies, Gates unique skill in turning Microsoft’s technology in software standards, provide the company the way to the very top. In just five years, from 1981 when licensed MS-DOS version of its operating system, till the 1985, Microsoft has “won” more than half of personal computers around the world that work thanks to its program, and who’s share in recent years has climbed to a high 90%. Microsoft today holds a substantial portion of the market operating systems, office software and development tools, Internet browsers and services. The American system evaluates this ubiquity of Microsoft as “abuse of monopoly to suppress competition, to discourage innovation and restrict consumer’s choice”, and the Microsoft case as one of the world’s largest anti-trust cases.
5.Z. Prohaska (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET RIJEKA, RIJEKA, Croatia), I. Uroda (Ekonomski Fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), R. Zbašnik (-, -, Croatia)
Money and Bonds – A Computer Program for Personal Finance 
This paper focuses on computer software Money and Bonds – A Computer Program for Personal Finance
6.S. Vukmirović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (BKS Bank d.d. , Rijeka, Croatia), M. Koturović (Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Informatics education, practical training and optimal choice of informatics career in business  
The paper considers importance and chanses of informatics education in the context of informatics training and optimal choice of profession in the area of business informatics. Business informatics education and practical training can be viewed as a combination of academic and professional knowledge, skills and craftsmanship aimed at meeting the business requirements. There are identificated and connected the key issues of informatics training and optimal choice of career (sistematization of informatics career in business, students affinity and competency, needs for professions in the area of business informatics). General, specific and advisible competency in the context of professions in business informatics requirements are definied. The framework of informatics education in the context of informatics training and optimal choice of profession is designed.
7.M. Čičin-Šain (Faculty of economics, Rijeka, Croatia), B. Crnković Stumpf (Ekonomski Fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Bringing IT closer to economy students - a case study 
The paper describes an effort to bring IT topics closer to economy students through collaboration of two lecturers. Program was establish on both Informatics and Economics courses, that will run independently, but supporting each other, with intention to make the teaching material easier to understand and more interesting.
8.I. Uroda (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U RIJECI, RIJEKA, Croatia), S. Begić (Faculty of economics, Rijeka, Croatia)
Creating the Interactive Questionnaire by Using Microsoft Access 
The idea for the this topic of this paper was initially made up thanks to the introductory lecture that was part of the course Business Communication taught at the Faculty of economics in Rijeka. The key course assignment, that was intended to be done by a group during the semester, was to create and analyze a questionnaire that will be sent to a certain number of target e-mail addresses. Since they authors were in the lecturer-student position the year before on the course Databases the decision was to create the questionnaire using Microsoft Access database software that was taught on the named course. The computerized questionnaire was not obligatory for the course Business Communication, but it was quite clear, logical and understandable that it would add extra depth to the given research structure. The process of creating this questionnaire will be elaborated further in the paper.
9.Ž. Požgaj (Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), N. Vlahović (Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Impact of Web 2.0 Services on Informal Education 
Purpose of this paper is to recognize the role of Web services on learning process especially on non-formal learning. Web 2.0 presents the new concept of Web services that strongly promote the development of communication and interactivity between users. The technology (Internet technology) is the same, but the way of usage is different. New services such as services for social networks creation, wiki pages, tools for communication etc. are developed. From educational aspect, the necessity of permanent learning increasingly relies on non-formal methods of accepting new knowledge and skills. Informal learning is a type of non-formal learning where person learns from everyday situations and problems. This way of learning is based on communication, interchange of ideas, acceptance and development of new knowledge and skills, etc. Web 2.0 services present nearly an ideal way for informal learning development. The user of Web 2.0 services is not only a consumer of available Web content anymore. User becomes an active participant in knowledge creation, knowledge interchange with other users, development of new cognitions and transforming these cognitions into new forms. Paper will present some of the results of a survey carried out at the Faculty of Economy and Business Zagreb about the student's inclination for social networking and Facebook, one of the most popular social networks, and their potential as non-formal learning tool.
10.Đ. Nadrljanski (Fakultet za menadžment Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Nadrljanski (Pomorski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia), R. Božić (Split Ship Management, Split, Croatia)
Developed world societies are based on knowledge. They are based on the concept of lifelong education which differs completely from traditional education, not only in quality but also in quantity. Formal education in childhood and youth now becomes a synergy of initial and continuous education, as formal and informal competence education, in terms of various opportunities of society which is based on lifelong learning. In this context, the European Union also proclaimed lifelong learning based on Europe of knowledge as the key development guideline in the first decade of the 21st century. The goal of this paper is to present and analyse the phenomenon of lifelong education of maritime officials in 'Split Ship Management', Split, to be precise, in its Nautical training centre, known as 'Training Centre'. The mariner education project arose from cooperation with world education centres which use the most recent aspects of maritime theory and practice, both in the domestic and wider world expertise context adjusted to the latest European Union criteria. It is worth emphasising the growing popularity of additional maritime trainings in the world as a necessity of the development of new knowledges and skills in various areas in maritime economy, which are becoming a basis for further development both with individuals and companies. Trainings are conducted in computerised laboratories and on a simulator. This formal framework used for shaping and performing trainings at the Nautical training centre is based on the current knowledge and experience of trainers and their constant strive for modernisation and professional knowledge quality improvement, as well as for knowledge in general as a basic principle of development.
11.M. Nadrljanski (Pomorski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia), V. Batinica (Brodospas, Split, Croatia), M. Zokić (Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Croatia)
The goal of this paper is to show contemporary approach to education and improvement of managers, and to discuss issues of maritime manager training. The purpose of the paper is to draw attention to needs of permanent education, as well as to show new possible conceptual solutions of management education. Many Croatian companies are aware of importance of business education in order to survive in today’s unstable business world. However, business practices in many countries show that business education takes one of the last places on the scale of priorities. Due to constant technological changes in the world of business, corporative training, which assumes permanent improvement and learning, is becoming one of the main prerequisites for job security and for obtaining qualifications for new posts. Many companies substitute the concept of permanent employment for investments in lifelong learning of their employees. Permanent knowledge and skill training is becoming the essence of employment. In training system, the most important is education of top-employees, i.e. education of top managers because of level of their responsibility.
Thursday, 5/27/2010 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:30 AMG6 
1.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), O. Uusitalo (Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland), K. Grønhaug (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration,, Bergen, Norway)
Information Systems – Fit or Hit the Needs 
Services are based on the needs of the clients. The needs are satisfied by the activities implemented in service processes, which have service interfaces with the client, service actors and process flow as their components. Service actors may be human or information systems. The service flow connects the service actors to each other and the connection between two actors has a similar kind of interface as the interface between the client and the service. Process analysis is used to recognize the weak points of the process. In service processes these may be in the operations or capabilities of the actors or in the interfaces, which are unable to implement reliable transfer of information without the possibility of misunderstanding or erroneous interpretations. This paper analyzes service processes based on real cases. The aim is to point out the importance of the adaptive and learning organization culture in the implementation of high service quality. The structure of the service process is simplified to cover the client as the service user and human actors or information systems as service providers. Generalization is made by allowing different combinations of the basic service situations. The paper provides an introduction to the central concepts and underlying assumptions related to the study concepts and also the means and methodology to be used in the analysis. The cases introduced are analyzed and a summary of the main findings is given at the end of the paper.
2.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), P. Linna ( Tampere University of Technology (Pori), Pori, Finland)
Software Development in Multicultural Context: Adaptive and Learning Organisations  
One of the trends in software engineering is globalization. Companies themselves are becoming more international by means of acquisitions and mergers, their business is becoming international, and the staff represents different national cultures. Software development is expert work made in closely collaborating teams. The most natural way to do this kind of work is to implement it in local teams. Distribution of expert work increases the grade of difficulty; an additional grade of difficulty appears if the organizational parts represent different cultural backgrounds. The organizations that are distributed and multicultural must be adaptive. Adaptation can be done in two ways: either to adapt the people to the organization or to adapt the processes of the organization to take into account the differences. In practice, the former seems to be mainly used in big multicultural organizations. In this case, successful globalization also expects adaptation of the organization. There are good practices of the division of labor, management of the organization, project management, etc. that work better than others. There is also a lot of knowledge available concerning the differences between cultures. The aim of this paper is to analyze multicultural Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies, as adaptive, learning organizations. The focus is on software development work (Software Engineering – SE). The purpose is to report findings based on general cultural studies and reported experiences that seem to lead to successful globalization in the software industry. Some company cases are also described and analyzed. The paper is based on two ongoing research projects at the Tampere University of Technology.
3.P. Linna (Tampere University of Technology – Pori, Pori, Finland), H. Keto, H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland)
Educational needs reflected from Global Software Companies' problems 
Today's companies' common trend is to operate in global markets, to sustain business growth and to achieve bigger markets. Even startup companies want to reach global markets rapidly, because of home country's small markets and because their products or services are for very narrow markets. Globalization creates challenges to companies' human recruitment unit. They have to find appropriate employees for companies' global multicultural teams and rapidly alternating projects. Employees need to use multiple collaborative tools flexibly to handle complex projects and their communications needs. Employees should have deep cultural awareness to avoiding culture conflicts in multicultural projects and theirs teams. This paper exams what kind of qualities employees need are in global software companies nowadays. These qualities are based on known problems in global software companies. Those needs reflect in educational needs in the universities of software engineering. The view point is to discuss, what educational needs there might be in the universities to offer better employees for labor markets. This paper is based on literature review.
4.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland)
Creating "Creative Class" 
The world of education is changing rapidly: the student contingent is less homogeneous, their previous knowledge and interests differ widely; they are more determined, know what they want and what interests them; many prefer individual work at home with Internet support to “face-to-face” classroom studies; best students, who already work in Information Technology (IT) field have often superior to teacher knowledge of low-level technologies (programming, networking), and are more interested in “general picture” – what is happening, where the IT technology is moving. Here are discussed the changes and shown how we have coped with them on an example of the game programming course .
5.M. Lamza - Maronić (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U OSIJEKU, OSIJEK, Croatia), J. Glavaš (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), A. Vukašinović (Brodsko-posavska County , Slavonski Brod, Croatia)
In the process of EU accession the Republic of Croatia is endeavouring to meet the new requirements for improving the education system. This presents an opportunity to make certain changes in the education system, by embracing and conducting a process of strategic thinking aimed at enhancing all the segments in the Croatian education system. The ultimate goal is to help create a more efficient and more competitive economy. The majority of human resources should be redirected to knowledge-based jobs, whereby economic growth through innovation might be achieved. Current and future workforce should be trained to change jobs with ease, to manage their work environment, and to participate in life-long learning. Usage of ICT in education is a major strategic feature of quality education, development, and employment possibilities in a competitive market economy. All education systems face the challenges and requirements of the information society, and use ICT to make knowledge, information, and education more accessible, as well as to provide life-long learning and education. Primary education is the basis of the entire education system. Its characteristics will reflect on the efficiency of life-long learning, through which members of a community gain competence to live in a knowledge society and function in a knowledge-based economy. The paper aims to investigate the education system efficiency through the usage of ICT, and is based on empirical research.
6.K. Pavlina, J. Lasić-Lazić (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Pongrac (Filozofski fakulet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Teaching Quality – Student Perspective  
This paper presents research that examines the student’s view on teaching quality assessment surveys conducted by the University of Zagreb. Research was conducted by survey where students were asked to rank by importance teaching quality characteristics. Research also examined student’s opinions on importance and influence of teaching quality control surveys on improvement of teaching practice. Main aim of this research is to find out which teaching characteristics students perceive as most important so that teachers can primarily focus their effort to improve those teaching practices. Similar research was conducted in year 2007 so this research will also present comparation of results between two generations of students. This research will became basis for longitudinal research which will explore change in student perception of importance of teaching quality characteristics during 5 years of their faculty education.
7.P. Pale, A. Sović, I. Sović, B. Jeren (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Some Aspects of Student Teamwork on Practical Assignments for Complex Control and Measurement Systems 
Students of the first year of master program „Electronic and Computer Engineering“ of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of Zagreb University are challenged to leverage their theoretical knowledge with real-life assignments they are likely to be involved with after the graduation. “Smart home” was chosen as the complex joint project for a group of 20 students. Every student had his/her own individual subproject for which he/she defined project requirements and acceptance protocol herself. The challenge was to master practical aspects of the teamwork and to adjust individual project requirements as well as acceptance protocols in order to achieve interoperability of subsystems and final functionality of the system as a whole. Especially challenging was segmentation of the target system and student’s assignments in order to avoid that subsystems and their authors who performed well be penalized or blocked by those who did not perform their best or at all. On the technical level the challenge was to choose microcontroller platform suitable for various subsystems with wide range of tasks and to choose protocols to interconnect subsystems.
10:30 AM - 11:00 AMBreak 
11:00 AM - 11:30 AMInvited Lecture 

Christian Gütl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Immersive Collaborative Virtual Environments for Science and Engineering Education

11:30 AM - 1:00 PMG7 
8.M. Čupić, T. Franović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Ferko Project - Intelligent Support for Courses Management at Faculty Level 
Being a part of faculty administration is definitely not an easy job. This is even more so considering all the tasks needed to be done in light of the new Bologna reform. Out of all challenging tasks, we will single out several that are performed at the faculty level: creating semestral lecture schedule for all courses and enabling students to exchange groups in case of conflicting schedules, creating weekly laboratory schedules for all courses, creating assessment schedules for all courses, and supporting course staff to easier manage make-up or deferred exams. With regards to computational complexities, all of those problems are NP, and solving them by hand – even in an attempt to obtain a best-effort quality schedule – is unfeasible. An even more demanding problem is the laboratory exercise schedule, which must be created for each week separately. Not all courses have laboratory exercises each week, and without taking this into account no feasible schedule can be created that meets the (usually stringent) room availability constraints. Hence, for each week a new schedule must be prepared and published to both course staff and students. Moreover, there are many different limitations that course staff may impose on a laboratory schedule, such as the maximum allowed number of simultaneously occupied rooms or a partition of students into predetermined teams, which must be dealt with atomically. There can even be interactions among various courses if they use licensed software for which a limited (and usually a small) number of licenses is available. The goal of Ferko, a course management and support system we are developing, is to improve the quality of studying and to leverage faculty administration and course staff of the many common and tedious tasks. In this paper we present a work carried out as part of Ferko development, addressing most of the above-mentioned problems by providing intelligent optimization methods capable of automatically producing good-quality schedules. We comment on the performance of developed algorithms, and discuss how they can be used to provide an intelligent support for course management at the faculty level.
9.M. Soliman (Qatar University, Doha, Qatar), C. Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria)
Intelligent Pedagogical Agents in Virtual Learning Environments: A Review 
The concept of Intelligent Pedagogical Agents (IPA) has been an important research topic for a long time. IPA is supported by multi-agent systems research derived from AI. IPA provides personalized instruction, increase learner motivation, and act pedagogically on behalf or with the learner. On the other hand, Virtual environments add value to the education process by giving new educational possibilities and computational-richness support. Combining both IPA and Virtual environments can make a promising approach for effective computer-aided learning. This paper provides a review on IPA and related topics focusing on a general overview of the topic, gives a detailed review in the application domain of virtual learning environments, and outlines a proposal for a flexible conceptual approach for the flexible application in different learning settings.
10.M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Duh (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia)
Interactive e-learning materials: How to prepare and use it properly? 
During last decade the advances in the computer science and web technology have changed the perception of the ideal e-learning material. New learning material must be interactive and actively involve students into the learning process. The idea is generally good but the implementation sometimes falls behind. During the analysis of the e-learning materials that are publically available we discovered that everything is prepared in "mouse click" fashion. This has led us to believe that we need to make a break and perform a mental rethink what we actually want. We definitely do not want our children to think that learning is just clicking the mouse. In our article we want to explain how to involve students into the learning process. What are the right ways to use interactive technologies? How much should we automate and where should we stop? It is said that students rapidly lose dexterity and understanding of the text in the manual.
11.M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia), T. Bratina (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia)
New paradigm in preparing e-learning materials 
In recent years we prepared different types of e-learning materials. From the early attempts to the latest development we can see dramatic changes. At the beginning we wanted to include all the materials into one isolated topic that would cover the whole areas. We have discovered SCORM packages and use them. Later we have found we need to provide broad spectrum of knowledge and also provide links to the alternative web sites. Now we are feared that our students would become "educated idiots" who were not able to discover required knowledge for themselves. We also find that it is necessary to prepare learning material to emphasize competences and transferable knowledge. We need to change our perspective in production of learning materials and include different aspects into e-learning materials. The content of this article is the presentation of our approach. It was great experience about the knowledge gain during the design and development of the learning materials. This should not be applicable only in natural sciences but needs to be transferred also to social science.
12.R. Repnik (Faculty on Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
WEB 2.0 in education: Do we really always need it? 
We accept interactive technology in the production of e-learning materials. It is not perceived just as valuable addition, but it becomes mandatory in e-learning material production. Therefore all new e-learning materials are either WEB 2.0 enhanced or obsolete. But is this true? We have different types of e-learning materials. Some are for self-learning, other are for blended learning and there are also electronic libraries. In our case we have prepared for the occasion the International year of astronomy 2009 the e-learning material that is fundamental for learning about Galileo's life and work (available on: It does not have any WEB 2.0 capabilities and because of that it is perceived as more credible than any other e-learning material about this topic for our students. In the article we are going to show the analysis of our material compared to other similar materials which are available over the web; and the results of the survey we conduct among our primary users. In addition, it was tested in a few primary and secondary schools at the end of 2009 in the frame of the national project Development of natural science competences.
13.C. Madritsch (Carinthian University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria)
Rapid Prototyping using Model-Based Design Methodology: A Digital Signal Processing Lecture Case Study 
This paper describes the structure and overall contents of a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) lecture using both, the tradi-tional text based programming approach based on C and As-sembler, and a modern Model-Based Design (MBD) approach using the Matlab and Simulink tool chain. Undergraduate students are guided to implement a simple signal processing application on a given hardware platform (TI C6713) using both design methodologies. Firstly, the simple text based pro-gramming method is used. Secondly, the students setup the MBD tool chain. Finally, a similar application is implemented using Matlab/Simulink. The aim of this course is to strengthen the awareness of students towards alternative design methodologies.
14.K. Vučković (FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET, ZAGREB, Croatia), M. Matešić, Z. Dovedan (Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Should Academia Care about Online Reputation Management and Monitoring? 
Reputation management has always been important for individuals, companies and organizations. Emergence of new types of media, as is the social media, brought radical changes in the ways we manage and monitor personal, corporate and organizational reputation. The fundamental purpose of this study is to describe how social media influences corporate and organizational culture in respect of reputation management and monitoring. It is also disscussed how Academia and their stakeholders should be part of these changes.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PMLunch break 
Thursday, 5/27/2010 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM,
Nava 1, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:45 PMInvited Lecture 

Darko Jureković (Microsoft Croatia Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Zagreb, Croatia)

Inovativne škole – regionalni i globalni model inovativnog učenja

3:45 PM - 4:00 PMBreak 
4:00 PM - 6:00 PMG8 
15.D. Crnec (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Seljan (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Evaluation of Open-Source Online Dictionaries 
The paper starts from the fact that today's scientific and cultural cooperation, international multilingual communication and recent changes in education require the creation of online electronic resources and symbiosis of technology and education in general. The paper stresses the importance of promoting multilingualism in today's society, especially referring to the EU's translation needs and language acquisition. Moreover, the emphasis is put onto development of new language technologies, particularly online resources and tools where we focused on the usage of open-source online dictionaries. The area of study was both multilingualism and translation through software evaluation and the comparison of free online dictionaries using the method of survey. The research was conducted among the students of information sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. The examinees made a self-evaluation of language skills according to European language levels Self Assessment Grid. Furthermore, two types of dictionaries have been analyzed, the Croatian-English combination and English with another language by choice, according to the following criteria: translation adequacy, dictionary usability, number of meanings per word, order of meanings' importance, information per word (synonyms, antonyms, examples), sound record and quality of explanations per meaning. The paper discusses the results ob¬tained in this study, measured in several categories: knowledge of languages, learning and teaching methods, usage of translation tools and the two-way comparative analysis and evaluation of free online dictionaries according to specific quality rank. The results have been statistically analyzed and further recommendations and guidelines given.
16.P. Farkaš, J. Kenyeres, Š. Šajban, M. Rakús (Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Practical educational indoor experiment with Wireless sensor network  
Te merging of information and communication technologies can in future lead to establishment of so called intelligent sensing environments. Wireless sensor networks therefore have to find way into curricula of both communications as well as information technology students. The experience shows that during an introduction phase of a new subject into teaching it is often very time consuming and demanding to prepare practical exercises which adequately complement the theoretical part delivered usually via lessons in universities of technologies. The manuscript describes some indoor experiments setup with wireless sensor networks based on Classroom kit from Crossbow, which were done in Slovak university of technology during a preparation of new subjects. This work was a follow up of a FP 6 IST project CRUISE (Creating Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments) funded by European Commission and an actual national education agency KEGA grant.
17.H. Kuchynkova, V. Hajek (BUT FEKT Brno, Brno, Czech Republic)
The paper deals with utilization of infrared camera for temperature measurement of electrical machines. There is described the non-contact temperature measuring, and principle of sensors that evaluate quantity of incident infrared radiation. In the next part there is termovision camera SAT-HY 6800 presented and the instructional manual for SAT Report computer programme created. This computer programme is used for analyzing of termovision pictures from the SAT-HY 6800 termovison camera. The paper contains description of temperature measuring of one-phase asynchronous motor type J22TO484 and temperature measuring of semiconductor components of EC motor G6 series. The last part of the thesis describes creation of animation of one-phase asynchronous motor type J22TO455. The animation is created in 3ds Max computer programme. The results and animation would be used either as addition in daily studies or as the replace of tutorial in combined form of study.
18.F. Vrbancic (Franc Vrbančič, Ptuj, Slovenia)
Use of eProDas e-Material and Didactic Tools at Working with Gifted Students 
The article presents the application of didactic tools eProDas and e-materials for working with gifted students. Students gain an opportunity of a creative interface in the educational process. Students can catch-up the missed content at home and they can transmit a theoretical knowledge into practical products. With these products students can participate in a scientific research and other competitions where they get opportunities to associate with other participants and learn on an empirical way. With active participation by organizing competitions as LegoBum, students are also the promoters of self-education. This represents a challenge and an opportunity for their personal growth and an investment for the future.
19.M. Krznarić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), R. Buinac (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Elektrotehnički odjel, Zagreb, Croatia)
Can On-line Learning Help Croatian ESL Students Achieve Better Fluency 
The Internet and on-line learning have proved to be extremely popular, not only among the young. However, focusing on these recent advantages of the modern media requires some evaluation and warning. Hoping to master a foreign language using your PC to solve exercises given on thousands different web sites is an illusion mostly due to marketing and advertising. The truth is that one’s language competencies will be improved, but the evident problem is a lack of explanations and exercises which would help Croatian ESL (= English as a second language) students. The differences between the two languages are enormous, Latin script being their only common feature. In spite of the disadvantages mentioned above, CALL (= Computer assisted language learning) can provide numerous benefits. This paper deals with these benefits, motivation and a positive effect on students’ approach to language learning and provides some hints regarding reservations about CALL. It also points out why learners’ autonomy is an important issue, deals with a massive resource of authentic language, and gives reasons why such learners are more likely to continue learning once their classical course/school attendance has been completed.
20.B. Misnevs (Transport and Telecomminication Institute, Riga, Latvia), A. Krivchenkov, A. Muravjovs, A. Muravjova (TTI, Riga, Latvia)
Videoconferencing – new opportunities for TTI distance learning and part-time education 
The experiences which have led to this paper are mainly the use of video conferencing system Tandberg Edge 95 at Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI). The aim of this paper is to share our experience how to put video conferencing into a learning framework. This requires discussing the problem from a number of perspectives: the learning framework; the technology; the role of technology within that framework; how to make best use of the technology.The paper also discusses TTI experience of learning management system Moodle usage in a combination with Tandberg conferencing system. New communication technologies are blurring the distinction between traditional and distant teaching. It has potential uses in both situations. The main pedagogical issue is to understand where the new technology will have real impact on learning effectiveness. The paper authors share their view to the issue resolution
21.B. Misnevs (Transport and Telecomminication Institute, Riga, Latvia), N. Fila, G. Utekhin (TTI, Riga, Latvia)
The purpose of the paper is to present the methodology and its implementation results in the field of statistical research of TTI study process trends by using intelligent agents. Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help the institution to define and to measure the progress toward organizational goals. The Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, reflecting the critical success factors of the organization. The higher school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on the graduation rates of its students. Whenever Key Performance Indicators are selected, they should reflect the organization goals and the key to its success, and they must be quantifiable (measurable). The big amount of the Key Performance Indicators can be calculated with using data sets from existing TTI Information System (TTI IS). This system successfully supports the university study process with all the tools required for the routine study process management: classes scheduling, students’ enrolment, session results recording etc. And on the next step we can use the prototype of the analytical system (TTI AS) for data maintenance and analysis was created at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute by means of the OLAP (On-Line Analytical processing) principle. The paper emphasizes one of the analytical tasks of study processes management at the university, which has been solved with the help of the TTI AS
22.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Creating Rich Information Environment at the University of Zagreb 
Teaching, online learning (better known as e-learning) and research at the University of Zagreb increasingly depend on digital information resources available on the Internet. The task of facilitating access to printed and digital information resources has traditionally been appointed to academic libraries; vital parts of universities and active supporters of research, teaching and learning. Besides offering their paper based holdings and services, in the last two decades academic libraries have oriented themselves towards providing access to digital information recourses. The introduction of the Web sped up the access to digital information resources both to academic and non-academic Internet users helping satisfying increased information needs of teachers, scientists and students. To help them, academic libraries have organized their own library material in digital form and provided access to material they license with major publishers thus creating information rich environment that enabled introduction of e-science and e-learning. As much as the Internet helped libraries a decade ago by putting them in limelight of user’s interest as experts in providing access do full-text databases, today the Internet draws much bigger attention to itself, leaving all information institutions like libraries to cope with the problem of decreasing user interest for their holdings and services. Libraries’ role today is best described as being a liaison between teachers, scientists and students and digital resources that are so abundant that these user categories cannot deal with them alone. This paper will present results from the research conducted in January 2010 among heads of academic libraries at the University of Zagreb regarding their opinions and attitudes about use of digital resources of information for teaching and research.
23.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digital repositories at the Croatian universities: providing support for the enhancement of research and teaching 
In the last decade and a half the Internet and especially the Web introduced many types of digital information resources that have emerged and vanished demonstrating how turbulent digital information environment can be. Today, when digital technology brings together diverse materials in digital form from scattered locations on the Internet in order to support work of scientists, teachers and students, we are still searching for technically advanced and constant digital information resources which would provides us with quality (mostly peer reviewed) content. In effort to provide these user categories with quality content, universities and libraries initiated development of digital repositories, digital archives of the intellectual product created by the research and teaching staff, and students of an institution. Croatian universities are part of the global information infrastructure and they already participate actively in development of different types of digital information resources including digital repositories. This paper will present results from the research in libraries at six Croatian universities (in Zagreb, Pula, Zadar, Rijeka, Osijek and Split) about the current state of development of digital repositories with content for research and teaching performed in institution of higher education in Croatia.
24.D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany)
University as Third Party CAE Certifier for the Industry: a Case of on open source LMS based Certification as EPLAN Certified Engineer 
The paper presents a new international certification model, of the so called Eplan Certified Engineer (ECE), based on cooperation between the industry and university. It specify the certification and assessment procedure, based on online testing open source learning management system (LMS). It looks in detail at the conceptual development of the third party CAE certification, created between the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH – University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with EPLAN Software and Service a market leader in development and training in electro CAE.It argues that the effective interface management, communication plan and the didactical model of the concept has been essential for the viability of the courses. It concludes that cooperation between the industry and university enhances the university’s reputation with consumers and environmental competitors and has had positive financial effects for the both parties. It concludes that on the whole, these joint certification programs have a convenient side effect, like to be the successful way for the development of high-quality training opportunities for the students.
Friday, 5/28/2010 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 1, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:30 AMG9 
1.I. Pogarčić, T. Šepić, S. Raspor (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
eLearning: The Influence of ICT on the Style of Teaching 
Learning and teaching make a synergic process we recognize as instruction or education in general. The realization of such a process presuposse a model in which the student and the teacher share the content and the goals of teaching and at the same time are defined by the context in which the model exists. In the process of teaching, the focus can be shifted to any of the above mentioned elements. From the historical point of view, the advancement and the development of teaching have been conditioned by its relation towards the focus of the model. The increasing involvement of information communication technology in the process has also changed the relationship between the elements in it. The teaching process is organized with precise goals and tailored to meet the students' needs. To a large extent it is also conditioned by the teacher, his characteristics and his style of teaching. The application of ICT in the instruction process, in particular in teaching, has considerably changed the above mentioned circumstances. This paper analyzes to what extent the position of the teacher has changed, what are some anticipated advantages and disadvantages of eTeaching in virtual environment and how can these influence the style of teaching.
2.J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia), J. Gugić (Zagreb School of Management, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Physics and Biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia)
Improving classroom teaching in higher education environment using web-based formative assessment 
In order to improve student-centered approach to assessment and learning a web application named “pitalica” has been developed. The application allows the teacher to question students during the seminar and to detect through their answers the level of their former knowledge and the level of understanding and ability to follow the seminar topics. The development of application is also the attempt to motivate the students to participate during and to prepare before seminars. The paper will discuss this project of formative assessment using computers and the Internet and the possibility to improve the teaching process. The web application “pitalica” has been used during Physics course among first year medical students. A survey questioning self perceived interaction with the teacher, motivation, self assessment of general competencies acquired, satisfaction, ICT literacy and some general guidance for the improvement of the web application itself was conducted on a sample of 122 respondents in 2008 and on the sample of 153 respondents in 2009. The simple descriptive statistics has been applied and afterwards the Principle Component Analysis. Teachers involved were interviewed in order to collect their impressions. The results showed general positive students’ and teachers’ attitude towards the use of the web application “pitalica”.
3.R. Pinter (Subotica Tech, Subotica, Serbia), D. Radosav ("Mihajlo Pupin" Techical Faculty, Zrenjanin, Serbia), S. Maravić Čisar (Subotica Tech, Subotica, Serbia)
Interactive Animation in Developing e-Learning Contents 
This paper will present an e-learning content which was made from selected parts of Analog and Digital Electonics course. The presented application highlights the advantages of using the interactive Flash animation in order to improve the teaching and learning process
4.D. Vudragović (INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS BELGRADE, BEOGRAD, Serbia), A. Balaz, A. Belic (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia), C. Kourkoumelis, D. Fassouliotis, S. Vourakis (University of Athens, Athens, Greece)
Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in Atlas 
The Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in Atlas (HYPATIA) framework is designed to enable high schools students and their teachers to study elementary particles of matter and their interactions. Visualization of particle collisions detected by the ATLAS experiment at LHC, world's most powerful particle accelerator located in the European Particle Research Centre (CERN, Geneva), helps students to learn about particle physics. At the same time, HYPATIA provides access to data and relevant scientific analysis tools, inspiring students by the ideas of such large-scale international collaboration.
5.A. Špernjak (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematic, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), A. Šorgo (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Recent usage of computer supported laboratory in Biology classroom today: is virtual laboratory an alternative 
In the classroom the computer can be used for better conception of students but not just like as tool for pictures, movies or other presentations. Computer-supported real and virtual laboratory are recognized as tools used for better achievement of concepts. At our research Slovenian Biology teachers at preparing on lesson or at lesson accomplishment have adopted computers as typewriters, a source of information and a tool for communication. Other usages of ICT are only rarely on a schedule. Lower secondary school students in aged between 10 and 14 performed three laboratory exercises as classic, computer-supported and virtual laboratory. As a result of testing we know that all of the three methods are suitable even for younger students. They were asked which method they liked the most; their first choice was computer supported laboratory, followed by classic laboratory, and virtual laboratory at the end. In the article will be discussed if actual students of Biology will more efficaciousness use the ICT in classroom.
6.P. Valozic (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Krznarić, G. Vujisić (Tehničko veleučilište, Zagreb, Croatia)
ICT Application in the Bologna Process Study 
This paper deals with the Bologna Process study principles which point out the following basic features, i.e. continuous monitoring of the students’ assessment, teaching in small groups, and the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Such course organisation allows the majority of students to acquire knowledge and competence (skills) “within the real time”, successful examination performance during the current semester, as well as the possibility to enrol the following semester subjects. The same study principles should be repeated until the final examination. This objective is far from being reached yet. Using information technology for monitoring individual and group achievements offers a deeper insight into the progress of the process, not only evaluating semester after semester or even academic year, but also for monitoring shorter periods during the current semester. Furthermore, the acquired knowledge may influence the corrections of the teaching process itself, which means improving the teaching performance and the course itself. In this way, the competitiveness, regarding knowledge acquisition, among the students is encouraged. This paper is supposed to point out the instructions given to the students regarding the choice of the course and examinations which correspond to their accumulated achievements. The final expected result is how to acquire such knowledge and skills that will be verified by the positive evaluation at the examination performance. Here, the intensive application of ICT, the analysis of the achievements, two-way communication, and the study performance play an important role and justify their application.
7.S. Mohorovičić (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), E. Tijan (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia)
New Technologies in Teaching University Level Programming 
In addition to the classic method of teaching and practicing programming in university classrooms that has been in use for years, in parallel with the appearance of new technologies, new teaching methods have emerged which could greatly improve the quality of teaching. The paper researches the idea of combined teaching, using new collaborative technologies for distant teaching university level programming, such as Learning Management Systems, web conferencing systems, etc.
8.E. Tijan (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Dimkova (Open the windows - non-governmental organization, Skopje, Macedonia), J. Delidinkova (Mepring servisi d.o.o., Skopje, Macedonia)
Web Portal for and about People with Special Needs – Macedonian Case Study 
Although the Internet is the fastest way for acquiring information, people with special needs are faced with limited possibilities when it comes to using the Internet and IT technologies. Research in the Republic of Macedonia showed that only a small number of Internet resources exist which provide information about and for people with special needs. Therefore, a need exists for developing a web portal for people with special needs. In this paper the need for such a portal is researched and an idea of the services that it should offer is presented. The portal should represent an online meeting place for people with special needs, parents and relatives, special educators, scientists and experts in this field. It should incorporate several features, including a forum where people with special needs can exchange experiences and problems they’ve faced and are still facing. The web portal should also offer online consulting services by experts. The research showed that there is a significant number of highly educated special educators in Macedonia, but their unemployment rate is also high. In relation to this, the web portal should provide employment opportunities, i.e. recommend special educators to people who have a need for special educator services.
9.D. Ćika (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Grundler (Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Virtual System Modeler as educational aid of microcontroller system modeling 
Engineers working in the embedded system design area using microcontrollers need to resolve some issues not found in desktop environment programming. There is often no standard hardware platform for which the software (firmware) is to be developed. Usually both hardware and firmware need to be designed, and there are many options to be considered when selecting hardware components. Connections to outside world are made through various interfaces, sensors, and actuators. Those components could be unavailable to designer when firmware development is started. Accurate simulation of such systems would save many hours of prototype development. Provided with some application specific virtual instrumentation, we would have complete embedded virtual laboratory at our disposal. In this paper the Proteus Virtual System Modeler (VSM) software from Labcenter Electronics Ltd is used to provide such simulation environment. This software is used not only to draw the schematic diagram, but the microcontroller drawn is also able to accept, and execute the real object code produced with independent compiler. It is even possible to connect Proteus VSM with third party software debugger, and watch animated schematic diagram while simulating real hardware. This is valuable teaching aid where various options can be tested and verified without expensive and laborious real hardware implementation. Also, basic microcontroller design principles and paradigms can be easily demonstrated. In this paper as an example the operation of small 8-bit microcontroller interrupt handler function will be shown, when there are multiple interrupt sources connected to single interrupt line.
10:30 AM - 10:45 AMBreak 
10:45 AM - 1:00 PMG10 
10.M. Katona, D. Majstorovic, E. Neborovski (Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia)
A Cross-Curriculum Embedded Engineering Learning Platform 
In this paper we present a unified platform intended to cover a complete process of embedded systems learning, considering modular approaches for unifying education in relevant embedded system technologies. A novel universal approach to learning process management in the area of information and communication technologies is presented, thus addressing the education of engineers in embedded systems design. The feedback received from global faculty and students across North America, Europe and Asia identified the barriers they faced in adopting a design-based active learning pedagogy in their courses. The barriers can be summarized as follows: • Too much time needed to learn a new tool for every class. Tools are complex, only a subset is needed. • Long cycle time to acquire parts and fabricate prototypes. • Too much time to guide disparate design projects. • Design tools can need a lot of support. Many issues in software installation, revision, licensing and conflicts. • Facilities for design and prototyping are hard to acquire & maintain, very little reuse across courses. Based on these observations, and building on comprehensive industrial experience in platform-based engineering, a modular common design platform has been developed that can provide efficiencies in project-based courses. Such platform cover all aspects of embedded systems learning towards: (1) Digital system design, (2) Computer system design, (3) Digital signal processing of audio, video and data signal streams in real-time, (4) Computer networks and interfaces and (5) System integration. The added value of this paper is a unique platform establishment for learning process within education system (one platform for the complete curriculum), which main aim is to efficiently educate future engineers capable of coping with current challenges in real-time embedded computer engineering. References: [1]. M. Ravel and M. McDermott, “An Electronic System Design Platform for SYSTEMatic Learning in ECE and ICT Curriculum”, 2007 Intl. Conf. on Microsystems Education (MSE’07), pp. 145-146. [2]. M. Ravel, M. Chang, M. McDermott, M. Morrow, N. Teslic, M. Katona, J.Bapat, “A Cross-Curriculum Open Design Platform Approach to Electronic and Computing Systems Education”, 2009 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, 25-27 July 2009, San Francisco, USA 2009. [3]. Holbert, K.E.; Karady, G.G., Strategies, Challenges and Prospects for Active Learning in the Computer-Based Classroom, IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 52, Issue 1, Feb. 2009, pp.31 – 38 [4]. Oliver, J.P. Haim, F., Lab at Home: Hardware Kits for a Digital Design Lab, IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 52, Issue 1, Feb. 2009, pp. 46 – 51 [5]. Pierre, J.W. Tuffner, F.K. Anderson, J.R. Whitman, D.L. Ula, A.H.M.S. Kubichek, R.F. Wright, C.H.G. Barrett, S.F. Cupal, J.J. Hamann, J.C., A One-Credit Hands-On Introductory Course in Electrical and Computer Engineering Using a Variety of Topic Modules, IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 52, issue 2, May 2009, pp. 263-272
11.Z. Buzasi (Fakultet za menadzment, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Inside of Distance learning- from students’ perspective 
This paper explores distance learning from students' perspective. We are faced with ads for online learning every day, and it is questionable whether the quality of knowledge gained by this method is as good as that gained by traditional education. Distance learning is an efficient education method for those who want to obtain a degree while simultaneously working, raising a child, etc. Along with many advantages, distance learning also has its disadvantages, such as not enough student progress control and losing motivation. Well designed courses have a facilitator and forums for alleviating these disadvantages. Conclusions are given based on our study that can also be used as advice for students who decide to use this educational model.
12.D. Glusac, D. Karuović, I. Tasić (Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia)
Abstract: Renewed contents in the subject Technical and Information Education in primary schools, as well as the trends concerning application of modern information technologies in the teaching process have emphasized the need for permanent improvement of the teaching process by the means of permanent education of teachers. Having in mind correlation of two scientific spheres within this subject, technical and information, education of teachers must go in two directions: professional( technical- technological- information) and methodic, as skills and arts of pedagogical adaptation of the teaching contents. Further development of Technical Education is directed towards methodic innovation, first of all by introducing modern teaching methods and problem- solving way of teaching, supported by information and communicative technology, which means using educational computer softwares
13.L. Zekanović-Korona (Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar, Croatia), K. Fučko (Vocational High School , Čakovec, Croatia), B. Krce Miočić (University of Zadar , Zadar , Croatia)
The application of new educational technologies in the education of students and pupils as well as all persons involved in educational system is one of the greatest imperatives nowadays. Moodle is software tool for the creation of electronic educational content that is used both in distance education and as a complement to traditional education. This paper gives demonstrates the usage of Moodle as a system for distance learning in the education of students. The study was carried out at the University of Zadar. The data on the types of information used by students within the Moodle program, the quantity and types of educational facilities available to them, the usage of e-learning, the appliance of multimedia to overcome individual courses and writing term papers are presented here. The quality of educational content created and the usefulness of information and how this type of education have been examined. At the same time the work shows to what range the students use educational technologies autonomously and how many teachers suggest their students to use these technologies. The informatization of education becomes a part of the education of society and the assumption underlying the quality of youth education.
14.I. Škorić (Financijska agencija, Pula, Croatia), M. Zahtila (Mellinia d.o.o., Pula, Croatia)
Computers in School: a Student's Perspective 
Students who attend school today do not know a world without computers. They use them every day in different ways and with different purposes. For them, school is no longer the primary source of knowledge about computers. However, the school still remains for them an important source of knowledge about ICT, and computers in schools has become an important tool for learning. We use computers in schools to enhance the educational process and to improve students' knowledge about ICT. How successful we are in it? This paper reports on study carried out among sudents of different ages in Croatia to evaluate use of ICT technologies in education from their perspective. Data was collected by questionnaires to ascertain student perceptions of the quality of ICT resources used in school, their views of the usefulness of ICT in education, their personal comfort and enjoyment when working on computers for educational purposes. The study also provides an up-to-date picture of computer usage and IT experience among sudents of different ages in Croatia.
15.V. Kirinić (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia), V. Vidaček-Hainš, A. Kovačić (Faculty of organization and informactics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Institutional resources for inclusion of students with disabilities in the process of higher education 
Nowadays there is an increasing number of persons with disabilities that feel the urge to pursue their education in higher education institutions. A wide array of institutional resources at different levels enable the inclusion of persons with disabilities into higher education. This primarily refers to organizational resources and professional staff resources, including services and student counselling within universities or particular faculties, current legislation (development strategies), financial support, environmental support, ICT support and others. One of the recent developments in that area is the introduction of personal assistants that provide peer support in studying to students with disabilities. One specific aspect of support needs to be emphasized among all the other components, namely, ICT support, ranging from defining customized websites of institutions to specific software addressing the needs of students with disabilities. This paper presents initial experiences in organizing a supportive academic environment for students with disabilities by means of contemporary information and communications technology. Although the described experiences have arisen from the early stage of establishing an effective learning environment for students with disabilities, they can be valuable in future implementation of such an environment.
16.S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Jadrić (Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu, Split, Croatia)
Concepts and Theoretical Models of Acceptance of e-Learning Technologies by Academic Teachers  
Numerous studies have indicated the problem of acceptance e-learning technologies by academic teachers in the implementation of e-learning in higher education. Using different e-learning technologies in teaching requires adaptation and development of new competencies, which results in slow implementation of e-learning technologies. In order to understand the process of acceptance of e-learning technologies by academic teachers, this paper analyzes the theoretical models and concepts, such as e-competence and information literacy. Also, this article analyzes the results of previous studies which were conducted in different educational contexts in higher education.
17.M. Puvača (Ofir d.o.o., Osijek, Croatia), D. Roso (Postgraduate doctoral studies “Management” at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), I. Zdrilić (Postgraduate doctoral studies “Management” at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Zadar, Croatia)
Challenges and Opportunities of Introducing e-Learning System 
Trends in higher education show a wide usage of information and communication technology (ICT) in everyday education process. The paper points out a wide spectrum of possibilities provided by e-learning and LMS systems whose task is to facilitate the information flow from teaching staff to students and vice versa. In Croatia this is still a rather novel approach to learning, but it has been gaining pace. The possibilities offered by introducing e-learning system by far outnumber the obstacles. Nevertheless, the spread of the e-learning model has not reached the level encountered at similar foreign universities. In an attempt to establish the reasons for this, we have conducted detailed surveys at Faculties of Economics in the Republic of Croatia. These institutions are similar in terms of study programs, but different in size and geographical location. By comparing responses from different institutions we tried to find similarities and common ground, and to propose possible solutions.
18.D. Grgec, Ž. Stojanović, M. Krznarić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Teaching Introduction to Programming in C: Comparison Between Students’ Initial and Final Scores 
Introduction to Programming is a fundamental university or technical college course in technical disciplines. However, it often presents a substantial hurdle for the students. This paper correlates the student's scores at the end of the one-semester course with the results of the initial tests over a three year period. Initial questionary and test are solved by the students at the semester start. They consist of logical and mathematical problems plus general as well as questions from information technologies. The paper shows that the number of students which score well in the course correlates with the number od students which score well in the initial tests. Statistical analysis and correlation with the student's origin, professional preferences and scores in other courses is also presented in the paper.
19.G. Đurović (Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Ivanović (Filozofski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Model for Enhanced Learning through the Use of Three Difficulty Levels in e-Learning Courses 
With introduction of internet-based course management system MudRi, a great number of university professors at the University of Rijeka are trying to integrate on-line teaching tools in their lecturing structures. Since there are no uniform model for integrating e-learning courses into traditional lectures, the problem is to choose the right approach that will ensure that course material is enriched through e-learning implementation. In this paper a model that uses three difficulty levels in e-learning courses is described. In this way students that have different prior knowledge of the subject material are able to choose their appropriate level (repeat, expand or advance levels) and to quicker achieve obligatory learning objectives. On the other hand, by transforming their course material in appropriate way, teachers are able to use the time they spend in the direct contact with their students to concentrate on the parts of the material that can be best transferred through traditional teaching approaches.
20.N. Zeqiri (SEE University, Tetovo, Macedonia), B. Zeqiri (SEE University Tetovo, Tetovo, Macedonia), L. Mehmedi (SEE University Ttovo, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Visualization and accelerating the dynamics of control over computers in education systems 
Digital computers as an integral part of education for pupils, students, and generally all those who use the computer as a resource, should have a better analysis about the successful management of these works. If you have installed computer networks in education, or anywhere else, of course, our efforts should be oriented to the creation of a stable network. But our goal is to create a more powerful system-based control systems, and better manage resources, computer jobs, and with a better visualization. Through this management. We will have more opportunities to control means, accomplishing accelerate solutions to problems and we have continued monitoring of these resources; and with an appropriate return information for further management.
21.N. Tatkovic (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia), M. Bočev (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), T. Putinja (Odjel za obrazovanje učitelja i odgojitelja, Pula, Croatia)
Implementation of Web 2.0 Applications in Education 
From the beginning of the Internet, users have been passive recipients of the content on the World Wide Web. The "Three R's: Reading, Receiving and Researching" is the principle that has dominated. The technology of content transfer from the author to the end user has been the main constraint in the development of the content and the ways of perception of that content on the Web. Technology has evolved, increasing number of households and companies are using broadband Internet connection, as well as universities, to improve their educational and training activities. Web 2.0 is an evolutionary step from the "old" Web. Users of Web 2.0 and various Web 2.0 applications can customize the shape and perception of the content they receive, as well as to create, form and share the content with other users. The principle of "Three R's" is replaced with the principle of "Three C's: Contributing, Collaborating and Creating". Such a principle is ideal for shaping new students', pupils' and teachers' approaches to learning and teaching. This process implies adjusting to new technology. Social networking component is a component of almost every Web 2.0 application. It strengthens and facilitates the realisation of our natural human need to share what we know and to learn from our colleagues and associates. Web 2.0 means the time has come to move from the traditional ways of learning and teaching to contemporary, active, constructivist learning and knowledge creation.
Development Visual Literacy in Digital Environment 
The purpose of this work is to point out the importance of qualifying the students to be visually literate in the modern world of visual culture, in which a lot of information of various contents are transferred by images. Virtual environments redefined the preferential competences of students. In virtual environments the questions of receiving, interpreting and selecting visual messages are important, because it has been proven that visual analphabetism leads to disconnection. Pictures are always the medium of information, art pictures always represent certain quality, because they show the artists' relationship with the real world. Developing visual literacy is efficient during socializing with artworks of high quality. The author in her work pays special attention to creative games and how through them the attention of students is focused on artworks.
23.D. Čišić (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Ogrizović (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia)
mGBL - FLOSS m-learning Platform 
mobile Game Based Learning (mGBL) was a 3-year initiative, supported by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme within the Sixth Framework. The project, which began in October 2005, was led by evolaris Privatstiftung, a research lab based in the city of Graz, Austria. Nine other organisations contributed to this project, from Austria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and the UK. Most parts of the software modules (project platform and one game ) are available as FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) with the EUPL 1.0 license through portal.

Basic information:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Charles E.M. Pearce (Australia), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia)

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committe:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Peter Brezany (Austria), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Jasna Glavaš (Croatia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Miljenko Krvišek (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Radivoje S. Popović (Switzerland), Ognjen Prnjat (Greece), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Mirko Varga (Croatia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Dalibor Vrsalović (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)


Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija


  • Education and Computer Science
  • Methods for Teaching Computer Science
  • The Implementation of Computer Technologies in Schools
  • Distance Learning
  • e-Learning and m-Learning
  • CAL and CAE
  • Schools and Internet
  • Schools and Hypermedia
  • Continuous Education of Computer Science Teachers
  • Education of All Teachers in Use of Computing
  • Computer Science, Information Technology and Other Related Curriculum
  • Researching about Students and Computer
  • Researching about School and Preschool Children and Computer
  • Practical and Tutorial Experience in the Field of ICT
  • Programming, Teaching and Training
  • Researching about Users with Special Needs and Computer
  • Open Source and Freeware
  • Professions Related to ICT

Official languages are English and Croatian.


Opatija, often called the Nice of the Adriatic, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia and a place with the longest tourist tradition on the eastern part of Adriatic coast. Opatija is so attractive that at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries it was visited by the most prominent personalities: Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Mascagni, A. P. Čehov, James Joyce, Isidora Duncan, Beniamino Gigli, Primo Carnera, Emperor Franz Joseph, German Emperor Wilhelm II, Swedish Royal Couple Oscar and Sophia, King George of Greece.

The offer includes 20-odd hotels, a large number of catering establishments, sports and recreational facilities.
For more details please look at and

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 09, 2011
After May 09, 2011
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate), primary and secondary school teachers

Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750


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