Chairs: Leo Budin, Milan Korać, Ivan Uroda |
Invited Lecture
Armin Pavić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Unaprijeđenje nastave temeljnih elektrotehničkih predmeta pomoću računalne i informatičke tehnologije |
B. Stojaković, G. Malčić, L. Šoštarić, G. Savić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Multimedijska interaktivna tablica engleskih glagolskih vremena 
Multimedijska interaktivna tablica engleskih glagolskih vremena
mr.sc. Biljana Stojaković, v.pred., Goran Malčić, dipl.ing, Luka Šoštarić (student), Goran Savić (student)
Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu
Informatičko-računarski odjel
Zagreb, Croatia
Rad prikazuje način izradbe multimedijske interaktivne tablice engleskih glagolskih vremena u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete nastave Engleskog jezika na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Pod mentorstvom nastavnika, a u sklopu šireg projekta ILESL (eng. Interactive Learning English as a Second Language), skupina studenata je izradila aplikaciju uz korištenje različitih programskih jezika i razvojnih okruženja (HTML, PHP, AJAX, MySQL, Javascript, Photoshop, Flash, Actionscript, Dreamweaver). Tablica je primijenjena u nastavi Engleskog jezika, poglavito u podučavanju gramatike, što se pokazalo uspješnom nastavnom metodom. Naime, provedeno je istraživanje u kojem je uspoređena uspješnost dviju skupina studenata u usvajanju gradiva. U jednoj skupini primijenjen je tradicionalni pristup podučavanju, bez korištenja računala. U drugoj skupini studenti su podučavani uz pomoć interaktivne tablice glagolskih vremena. Rezultati istraživanja su zanimljivi.
Ključne riječi: multimedija, gramatika engleskog jezika, interaktivna tablica
I. Ružić (I. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Korištenje web 2.0 alata u nastavi u osnovnoj školi 
Rad prikazuje primjere i iskustva korištenja web 2.0 alata u nastavi u I. osnovnoj školi Čakovec. Međusobnom suradnjom predmetnih učitelja, učenici od 5. do 7. razreda koristili su različite web 2.0 alate u obrazovne svrhe na nastavi informatike, hrvatskog jezika, povijesti, vjeronauka, kemije i engleskog jezika.
Web 2.0 je trend u web tehnologiji temeljen na socijalizacijskoj noti koja korisnicima omogućava sudjelovanje u kreiranju sadržaja weba. Podrazumjeva interaktivnu dvosmjernu komunikaciju između korisnika i računala te korisnika i drugih korisnika.
Karakteristike web 2.0 alata:
- otvorenost, dostupnost, sloboda i kolektivna inteligencija
- korisnici koristite alate kroz web preglednik (nije potrebna instalacija na računalo)
- besplatni za korištenje (potrebna samo besplatna registracija)
- uzbudljiv način da se integrira ICT u bilo kojem području
- omogućuju učenje, druženje, suradnju i komunikaciju koristeći internet kao platformu
Korišteni alati:
*Bubblr – alat za izradu stripova pomoću vlastitih fotografija
*Delicious – alat za društveno označavanje
*Gliffy – alat za izradu dijagrama toka
*Glogster – alat za izradu plakata
*Mindomo – alat za izradu mentalnih mapa
*Wiki – alat za izradu wiki stranica
Korištenjem navedenih alata učenici su potaknuti na korištenje interneta u obrazovne svrhe, stvaranje vlastitih obrazovnih sadržaja, razvijanje suradničkog učenja i kritičkog odnosa prema internetu.
J. Maravić (HRVATSKA AKADEMSKA I ISTRAŽIVAČKA MREŽA, ZAGREB, Croatia), G. Benat, L. Čulina, R. Majetić, R. Šimunko (Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža - CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia) Demo verzija državne mature 
Na internetskoj stranici http://ispiti.skole.hr/ objavljena je demo verzija državne mature, kojoj slobodno mogu pristupiti svi zainteresirani i online vježbati polaganje ispita državne mature.
Demo verzija državne mature je elektronička simulacija rješavanja ispita državne mature, koja učenicima omogućuje testiranje znanja osnovne i više razine obaveznih i izbornih predmeta.
Ispiti su sastavljeni na temelju oglednih ispita za državnu maturu Nacionalnog centra za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja. Pomoću ove aplikacije učenici imaju mogućnost jednostavnog pristupa rješavanju ispita te trenutni uvid u postignute rezultate.
Cilj demo verzije je priprema za polaganje te stjecanje što vjernijeg dojma prave državne mature.
D. Raljević (HEP Nastavno obrazovni centar, Velika, Croatia), N. Crnko (Ivora, Varaždin, Croatia) Korištenje mobilnih uređaja u vođenju andragoške dokumentacije 
Ustanove su prema zakonima i pravilnicima dužne voditi propisanu androgošku dokumentaciju. Dio ustanova koji se bavi obrazovanjem odraslih provodi dio praktičnog obrazovanja izvan učionice što predstavlja problem u primjeni informacijske tehnologije u vođenju andragoške dokumentacije. U radu je na primjeru provođenja obuke za rad pod naponom , opisan jedan od mogućih načina rješavanja navedenje problematike. Da bi se izbjeglo naknadno prepisivanje podataka prikupljenih u takvim oblicima izvođenja nastave u IT sustav, prikazan je prijedlog unapređenja prikupljanja takvih podataka pomoću mobilnih uređaja te njihov prijenos u centralni IT sustav za vođenje andragoške dokumentacije.
M. Vukas (Osnovna škola "Vežica" Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), N. Hoić-Božić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), T. Vukas (Gimnazija Andrije Mohorovičića, Rijeka, Croatia) Izrada testova znanja pomoću računalne tehnologije 
Razvojem računalne tehnologije način predavanja i ispitivanja u školama počeo se mijenjati. U okviru školskog sustava, profesori su počeli sve češće koristiti računala za izradu materijala za učenje, a kasnije i za izradu testova znanja. Time se razvijalo i sve više alata koji olakšavaju izradu i korištenje lokalnih i online testova znanja. Jedan od njih je i Hot Potatoes program koji se sastoji od više alata za izradu raznovrsnih interaktivnih vježbi u obliku web stranica.
Iako provjeravanje znanja putem računala daje nove mogućnosti nastavnicima, dovodi i do određenih problema. Jedan od njih je i odabir tipova pitanja te njihovo sastavljanje na način da zahvaćaju različite razine i oblike znanja učenika.
U ovome radu opisati će se vrste pitanja koja se mogu koristiti u izradi testova znanja te navesti preporuke nastavnicima za pravilno sastavljanje pitanja u ovisnosti o zadanim ishodima učenja. Kao primjer izrade testova na računalu, obraditi će se Hot Potatoes aplikacija te će se za svaki opisani tip pitanja navesti kojim se Hot Potatoes alatom može izraditi.
M. Korać (Tehnička škola Ruđera Boškovića Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena jezika VHDL u srednjim školama 
VHDL pokriva područje automatske sinteze, glavni razlozi kreiranja jezika su modeliranje i simulacija i dokumentacija složenih digitalnih sustava. Jezik je normiran od strane IEEE. VHDL je koncepte i sintaksu posudio iz jezika Pascal. VHDLLab je Web orijentirana integrirana okolina za razvoj koja služi za izgradnju i testiranje digitalnih sklopova putem jezika VHDL. Prevođenje i simulacija se obavljaju na poslužitelju,korisničkoj strani sučelje za uređivanje VHDL koda, shema digitalnih sklopova, automata, ispitnih sklopova i preglednik simulacija. VHDLLab je integrirana okolina za razvoj temeljena na Java tehnologiji. Koristi na kolegiju Digitalna elektronika na FER-u. Eksperimentalno se koristi u TŠRB u računalnim predmetima.
V. Bušelić (Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Klarić (Elektrotehnička škola , Zagreb, Croatia) Model Centra za razvoj karijera učenika Elektrotehničke škole u Zagrebu 
“Novo doba” informacija i znanja karakterizirano je neočekivanim i brzim promjenama i u tehnologiji i na tržištu rada, te kao takvo vrlo često šokira pojedince koji se osjećaju izgubljeni i ranjivi u sveopćoj pomutnji, pa se osjećaju nesigurni i zabrinuti. Današnje sve više globalizirano društvo najčešće karakteriziramo kao društvo rizika, a jedan od najvećih sociologa modernog društva, Anthony Giddens, Emeritus Professor na London School of Economics, još 2001. godine okarakterizirao ga je i kao “Manufactured uncertainty”.
Nije stoga ni malo slučajno da se još od Lisabonske strategije (2000.) naglašava važnost znanja, a ne samo raspolaganja informacijama. Upravo je to ono znanje koje nam omogućuje preuzeti rizik potreban za fleksibilno i kreativno usmjeravanje poglavito mladih generacija koje svake godine izlaze iz naših obrazovnih sustava na tržište rada. Važan element prepoznaje se u karijernom savjetovanju, poprilično novoj znanstvenoj disciplini koja kombinira teoriju i metodologije iz područja psihologije, pedagogije i ekonomije, a sve više je prisutna i na hrvatskim sveučilišnim i drugim obrazovnim ustanovama.
U radu će biti iznešeno iskustvo, vjerujemo među prvima u Hrvatskoj, promišljanja Centra za karijerni razvoj i usmjeravanje učenika srednje Elektrotehničke škole u Zagrebu, kao integralni dio IPA projekta „Fleksibilnim učenjem i inoviranjem kurikuluma prema tržištu rada“.
M. Antolović, M. Antolović (Srednja škola Valpovo, Valpovo, Croatia), D. Šokac (OŠ "Matije Petra Katančića", Valpovo, Croatia) Škole Slavonije na Google Maps-u 
Prikaz škola Slavonije predstavlja samo neke od načina upotrebe modernih ICT tehnologija kao pomoć u širenju informacija. Osnovni je cilj ostvariti mogućnost preglednog pregleda i geografski razmještaj škola Slavonije.
Pregledom sve većeg broja besplatnih „online “ servisa rodila se ideja za ovaj projekt prikaza škola Slavonije. Za uspješnu izradu programa korišteni su resusrsi online servisa Google Maps, te upotreba besplatnih programa Gimp i IrfanView. Kao programerski alata za izradu sučelja i "upravljačkog mehanizma" projekta upotrijebljen je MS Visual Studio 2010, odnosno Visual Basic.
Kako je Google Maps svima dostupan servis, neupitna je bila njegova upotreba za potrebe razmještaja škola diljem Slavonije. Sve grafičke obrade napravljane su programom Gimp, dok su neki jednostavni zahvati na grafičkim datotekama ostvareni i IrfanView programom.
Naročito je malo zastupljena upotreba objektno orijentiranih programskih jezika, koji već i uz poznavanje osnova omogućuju "velike" mogućnosti programiranja. Spajanjem programerskih rješenja i „online“ servisa otvara se kreativno-umjetnička i programera komponenta tima.
Programiranje u Visual Basic-u omogućuje lak način upravljanja i implemetiranja sadržaja koje nude besplatni „online“ resursi. Programerska komponenta projekta omogućuje razvijanje programerskih znanja i vještina te usmjeravanje učenika i budućih nositelja ovog društva u kreativne i stvaralačke vode života, te povezivanje gotovih sadržaja u željenu cjelinu.
N. Mašić (ENERGOINVEST d.d., SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Utjecaj društvenih-socijalnih mreža na razvoj dječije i omladinske psihe! 
Svjedočimo ekspanziji društvenih, socijalnih mreža tijekom posljednjih godina. Iako je na većini tih mreža (facebook, myspace i slične) zvanično zabranjen pristup, odnosno otvaranje računa osobama mlađim od 18 godina, nitko ne provjerava podatke koji se upisuju tijekom otvaranja računa, tako da je veliki dio populacije u tzv kritičnoj dobi. Opsežno istraživanje provedeno putem autorove dvoje starije djece (13 i 11 godine) iz kruga njihovih stvarnih i virtualnih prijatelja, kao i kruga prijatelja nekoličine autorovih đaka i mladih sportista daje poražavajuće rezultate i dovodi do zaključka o nedvojbenoj koristi zabrane, čak i potpunog ukidanja takvih mreža.
V. Galešev (SYSPRINT d.o.o., ZAGREB, Croatia) Stavovi budućih učitelja prema odgoju i obrazovanju u budućnosti 
Moderna IK tehnologija (računala, mobilni uređaji, Internet) sve se više uvodi i primjenjuje u području odgoja i obrazovanja. Svjedočimo razvoju koji se trenutačno odvija u dva smjera: u smjeru virtualizacije i u smjeru robotizacije. Takva infiltracija IK tehnologije u skorijoj će budućnosti neminovno utjecati na sadržaje, oblike i, u konačnici, ciljeve odgoja i obrazovanja, a isto tako i na školu u institucionalnom i organizacijskom smislu.
Problem ovog istraživanja je ispitati koliko su studenti učiteljskog fakulteta, budući učitelji, svjesni nadolazećih promjena te kakav je njihov stav prema tim promjenama i primjeni IK tehnologije u odgoju i obrazovanju. Prikupljeni su kvantitativni i kvalitativni podaci, a u ovom radu prezentirani su preliminarni rezultati istraživanja.
D. Možnik (MORH, Zagreb, Croatia) Mogućnost primjene distribuiranog i e-učenja u vojnom obrazovanju 
Ovaj rad opisuje i objašnjava sustav vojnog obrazovanja u području gdje postoje mogućnosti primjene distribuiranog (ADL - engl. Advanced Distributed Learning), te naprednog distribuiranog (JADL - engl. Joint Advanced Distributed Learning), kao i e-učenja. Opisuje se LMS sustav ILIAS koji koristi većina zemalja članica NATO saveza. Dat je presjek stanja primjene distribuiranog i e-učenja u NATO institucijama (ACT-u, NDU, NATO-voj školi u Oberamergau u Njemačkoj, NDC-u u Rimu, kao i u NCISS-u u Latini u Italiji). Prikazano je stanje distribuiranog i e-učenja u MORH-u i OS RH kroz projekt „Uvođenje novih načina usvajanja i održavanja znanja“. Navedeni su primjeri razvijenih online tečajeva, modula i kolegija za distribuirano i e-učenje kako u drugim zemljama članicama NATO saveza tako i u području vojnog obrazovanja za potrebe MORH-a i OS RH.
B. Fulanović, D. Kučak (Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) ATES - Sustav za automatizirano testiranje znanja 
Skupština Europskog udruženja profesionalnih informatičara CEPIS predložila je certifikacijski program ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). Program je sveopće prihvaćen i provodi se još od 1996. godine. U međuvremenu osnovana je ECDL fondacija sa sjedištem u Dublinu. Fondacija osigurava kvalitetno certificiranje po točno specificiranim normama. Kako napreduju programski paketi koji su obuhvaćeni u certifikacijskom programu, tako se nadograđuju i certifikacijska pitanja. Kako je danas dokaz informatičke pismenosti upravo ECDL certifikat, potreba za certificiranjem je ogromna. Klasični način certificiranja pomoću olovke i papira više ne može pratiti potrebu certifikacije na tržištu. Upravo zbog toga razvio se web sustav za automatsko testiranje ATES koji između ostalih mogućnosti nudi polaganje ECDL certifikata na simulacijama aplikacija svih modula za koje se ECDL certifikat nudi. Prednosti u odnosu na klasični način testiranja su višestruke: vrijeme za ispravljanje i evaluaciju je svedeno na najkraće moguće, ispravljanje je automatsko, analiza pitanja i odgovora je pregledna i brza što osigurava konstantnu korekciju eventualnih pogrešaka u pitanjima i odgovorima itd…
Ovaj rad će opisivati softversku strukturu aplikacije ATES s naglaskom na razvoj sustava za izradu simulacija pitanja koja se koriste u certifikaciji ECDL ispita.
P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia) Paralelno programiranje u srednjoškolskoj nastavi informatike 
Današnja je poluvodička dosegnule granične mogućnosti za daljnje ubrzavanje rada procesora. Prostora za ubrzanje odvijanja programa postoje u višeprocesorskim računalima. Praktički svako današnje osobno računalo ima višejezgrene procesore. Međutim, većina današnjeg softvera ne koristi na pravi način tu uvišestručenu računalnu snagu, jer su programi pisani uglavnom za jednoprocesorske sustave. Suvremeni programski jezici, čak i oni koji se koriste ili bi se mogli koristiti u nastavi, omogućuju pisanje programa čiji dijelovi mogu istodobno (paralelno) izvoditi na više procesora. Može li se paralelno programiranje spustiti na razinu da njime mogu ovladati srednjoškolci koji u nastavi imaju četiri godine programiranja? Standardno, učenici takvih škola u višim razredima vode računa o vremenskoj složenosti programa, o memorijskom zauzeću programa pa ne postoji razlog da im se bar ilustrativno na jednostavnijim primjerima na ukaže na mogućnost paraleliziranja nekih problema. Osobito će im biti interesantno promatrati razlike u brzinama izvođenja serijske i paralelne verzije nekih jednostavnijih algoritama. Na ovoj razini nije nužno proučavati probleme kod kojih se vodi računa o sinkronizacijama, dovoljno je usredotočiti se na probleme gdje se zajednički podaci samo čitaju. Kao platforma ovdje može poslužiti programski jezik Python sa svojim modulom multiprocessing.
K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Mogućnosti za obogaćivanje pristupa poučavanju osnova informatike u početnim godinama učenja 
Sažetak. Republika Hrvatska jedna je od zemalja u kojoj se osnovno informatičko obrazovanje u školama još uvijek (pre)više fokusira na upotrebu i primjenu informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije nego na usvjajanje temeljnih informatičkih koncepata. Takva nastava, neovisno o njenim uzrocima, za posljedicu ima određeno iskrivljenje percepcije o informatici i računalnoj znanosti kod učenika. Uz kratak pregled rezultata dijela relevantnih istraživanja u radu se izvještava i o nekim dostupnim zanimljivim iskustvima i referencama koje upućuju na zanimljive mogućnosti stavljanja osnovnih informatičkih pojmova u njihov stvarni kontekst i pri tom povećavaju znatiželju i motiviranost učenika te pomažu nastavnicima u poučavanju.
P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), L. Budin (FAKULTET ELEKTROTEHNIKE I RAČUNARSTVA, ZAGREB, Croatia), P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), Z. Markučič (XV. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Perić (II. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia) Lindenmayerovi sustavi – prikladni objekti za poduku rekurzije i elemenata računalne grafike uporabom programskog jezika Python 
Mnogi današnji računalni postupci nastali su pokušajima modeliranja bioloških procesa. Jedan od takvih modela je i Lindenmayerov sustav, ili kraće L-sustav, kojim je biolog Aristid Lindenmayer 1968. godine pokušao opisati postupak rasta složenih bioloških sustava vrlo jednostavnim pravilima. L-sustav djeluje na nizu znakova koji čine jednu riječ i na temelju skupa pravila zamjenjuje pojedine znakove novim nizovima. Kada se taj postupak prepisivanja riječi višekratno primjeni postupno se dobivaju vrlo dugačke riječi, koje su nepregledne te se nameće misao njihove vizualizacije. Pokazalo se da se prikladna grafička interpretacija L-sustava može postići uporabom tzv. kornjačine grafike pri čemu se koristi četiri znaka: F (kretanje uz crtanje traga), f (kretanje bez crtanja traga), + (zakretanje u lijevo) i – (zakretanje u desno). Dodatkom još dva znaka: [ (stavljanje trenutnog položaja kornjače na stog) te ] (obnavljanje položaja kornjače sa stoga) omogućuje se grafičko kreiranje još složenijih sustava koji oponašaju stvaranje stablastih struktura.
Opisano prepisivanje je rekurzivni postupak koji može poslužiti za ilustraciju primjene rekurzije pri programiranju.
Pri podučavanju programiranja L-sustav i njegova grafička interpretacija odlično su sredstvo za objašnjavanje nekih svojstava programskog jezika Python te upoznavanje osnovnih elemenata računalne grafike. Osim toga, odabrani primjeri ukazuju na veliku važnost vizualizacije pri izučavanju nepoznatih složenih fenomena.
D. Jakšić (Prirodoslovna škola Karlovac, Karlovac, Croatia), I. Janković (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) INI- Dinamične prezentacije 
Integracijom tehnologije u školske učionice korjenito je promijenjen način
poučavanja i tehnika predavanja, a jedan od najčešće korištenih alata postale su PowerPoint prezentacije.
Nažalost, uz sve dobrobiti integracije tehnologije koje nam u poučavanju omogućuju digitalni
alati, česta pojava je nastavnik koji je samo tehničar koji mijenja unaprijed složene
prikaznice i čita prezentacije, a vrlo važne neformalne komunikacije gotovo da i nema.
Nadalje, interaktivnosti između nastavnika i učenika pri izvođenju prezentacija je
najčešće minimalna. Pokušaji ostvarenja interaktivnosti uvođenjem u nastavu tzv. ¨pametnih¨
tj. interaktivnih ploča nije donijelo veliki napredak zbog velike cijene tih uređaja.
Dodatan razlog neuspjeha su i komplicirani programi za rad s interaktivnim pločama te
fizička ograničenja vezana uz tehničku zahtjevnost.
U suradnji ravnatelja strukovne srednje škole i sveučilišnog prvostupnika računarstva
izrađen je i dorađen mobilni ekonomični interaktivni sustav prilagođen dinamičnim
prezentacijama. Navedeno tehničko rješenje INI-PEN temeljeno je na već poznatoj
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Break |
Chairs: Sandra Kučina Softić, Zdenko Prohaska, Ivan Uroda |
Invited Lecture
Zoran Bekić, Sandra Kučina Softić (Srce, University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Od sveučilišne strategije do uspješne primjene e-učenja - pogled iz Srca
Papers |
D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany) University Education in Robotics and Advanced Automation: a Certified Lectures Perspective and Strategy for Development of Didactical and Technical Course Model 
Robotics as the subject of study today, is a regular component of the curriculum of the most universities and advanced technical colleges in Germany and worldwide. The discussions like in the 80-s about whether the integration of the robotics in the curriculum at the universities and advanced technical colleges makes sense or not, exists nowadays no more, because the industry has indirectly set the standards also in the tertiary technical education. Consequently the curriculums in engineering studies in Germany are mostly developed in such way that they satisfy the knowledge and skills requirements of the industry. Within these considerations universities came to conceptual cognition and conclusion that the knowledge in the field of the robotics and especially of the very strong developed “industrial robotics” in Germany is enormously important for the later development of the professional career of the alumni. The paper examines the development of the so called certified university courses in robotics and advanced automation at German universities, based on cooperation between the industry and universities. It looks in detail at the conceptual development of the certified university course, offered by the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH – University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with FANUC Robotics Deutschland and gives an solution for the didactical-technical part of the concept. It states that the legal and didactical-technical part of the concept has been essential for the viability of the course. It concludes that the higher education politics and company politics are missing well designed joint concepts but that the future is bright for these certified courses so long as they are conceptually well designed to potential students and the industrial sector remain committed.
H. Bezić (Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Kažović (Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) NONFORMAL LEARNING AND COMPETITIVENESS 
The continuous economical growth with constant changes in society demands continuous learning and acquiring skills needed for better orientation, both in personal and in professional life. Due to the fact that position of national economy depends mainly on quality of available human resources, learning and training in general and especially informal education , is considered to be main requirement for survival and development of modern society and for development of human resources. The usage of such resources and investing in their quality are the main factors of development. In that process the lifelong learning increases the competitiveness of the economy by ensuring the necessary quality of human resources in which non-formal learning plays an important role. Non-formal learning as part of lifelong learning becomes an important factor in the development of human resources in a society that learns by acquiring many new knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that individuals need to achieve personal and professional development.
M. Čičin-Šain (Faculty of economics, Rijeka, Croatia) Strudentski stavovi o prepisivanju na ispitima 
U ovome radu prikazano je trogodišnje ispitivanje brucoša na temu varanja na ispitima.
Cilj rada je potaknuti nastavnike da svaki u svojoj sredini poradi na svijesti svojih učenika odnosno studenata, da varanje nazovu pravim imenom i da mladima objasne da se radi o štetnoj pojavi koja nema ništa pozitivnog u sebi.
J. Đurić, V. Jelkić (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Information technology in primary and secondary school 
Information technology is omnipresent nowadays. Rapid changes in science and technology require the knowledge of information and communication technology. Information technology offers an array of possibilities and it is one of the basic skills. Today there is no field that is not related to information technology. Computer-controlled machines and facilities demand collaboration of different technical and information technology experts. Within this field each student should acquire, in addition to digital literacy, the habit of team work and mutual collaboration. Competence in the field of information technology and computing offers the possibility of creating new products and services which can significantly improve the quality of life.
N. Mašić (ENERGOINVEST d.d., SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Use of IT technologies in informal teaching 
Purpose of this paper is to compare results of informal teaching (computer training, foreign language teaching) provided for individuals with different background and age, with or without use of IT technologies.
Training for children and adults, with or without use of IT technologies is also compared.
In summary, statistical overview with unambiguous results and conclusions are provided.
M. Balković (Visoka škola za primijeneno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Korać (Tehnička škola "Ruđera Boškovića", Zagreb, Croatia) Methodology used for qualification standard and curriculum; “Technician for computing” development based on the learning outcomes concept and labor market analysis 
Through the development and implementation of National Qualifications Framework (HKO), Republic of Croatia introduced paradigm of learning outcomes, labor market analysis and analysis of technological outlook as a base methodology used to prepare new qualifications standards. Until this end, no curriculum or qualification standard in Croatia was developed using all the aforesaid elements and methodologies, so this article will in detail present approach used in 2010 and 2011 in order to prepare new formal secondary education curriculum for qualification “Technician for computing” and its results. Special emphases will be drawn on complex labor market analysis approach and transposition of required skills and knowledge within specific occupations and work places to qualification standard, learning outcomes on the program level and finally new modular structure of the curriculum. Interrelation between elements of the program developed as a result of labor market needs and those introduced as a result of technology outlook and national development strategy will be also elaborated. Newly developed curriculum and its structure in relation to relevant EU and global technological guidelines and syllabuses will be demonstrated.
Z. Prohaska (Education and teacher training agency (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Rijeka, Croatia) Main Prerequisites for Introduction of ICT in Visual Arts Education in Croatian Primary Schools 
In this paper main prerequisites for introduction of ICT in visual arts education are presented. Research will be conducted on a sample of primary schools in Primorsko-goranska County by questionnaires for Visual Arts teachers. These questionnaires will contain vital questions regarding teachers, pupils, visual arts, ICT and will provide the author with valuable feedback for future research.
Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda, S. Suljić (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET RIJEKA, RIJEKA, Croatia) SP – A Computer Program for Fundamental Analysis of Stocks 
Fundamental analysis, a part of investment analysis, is long-term oriented and primarily focused on analyzing factors such as economic influences, industry factors, and especially company information such as product demand, earnings, dividends and management, in order to determine an intrinsic value for the company's stocks. Based on this analysis, security analysts, investors and also students can make prudent investment decisions by comparing this value with the current market price of the stock.
To analyze the pros and cons of fundamental analysis in this article an educational computer program called SP will be presented, which calculates on the basis of companies balance sheet and income statement data provided by Standard and Poor's several important ratios. Among these ratios, are up and down beta factor, price-earnings ratio, dividend yield, debt-equity ratio etc.
Taking into account a lot of data from the Standard and Poor's database the program enables users to calculate new and even different ratios which do not exist in the original database and are important for investment decisions.
The goal of such an approach for students is to simulate different investment strategies based on fundamental analysis, by picking specific stocks which meet their investment criteria, tracking their performance for a predefined investment period and analyzing the results. Doing so they are better prepared for "real life" investments in the mature stock markets and especially in the more volatile emerging stock markets.
J. Rugelj, M. Zapusek, Š. Cerar (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Serious computer games as instructional technology 
Serious computer games usually refer to games used for training, advertising, simulation, or education that are designed to run on personal computers. They allow learners to experience situations that are impossible in the real world for different reasons, such as safety, cost or time. They are supposed to have defined learning outcomes and are claimed to have positive impacts on the players’ development of new knowledge or different skills.
To design good serious games we need to be able to design and produce good software. But they are more than software. We also need to be able to design and produce good instruction. In many cases we still don't have a nice recipe for how to design good software, or good instruction.
On the other side, there remains resistance to the use of games in the classroom. The potential value of seriuos computer games for learning seems high. But most teachers want evidence of the effectiveness of games as instructional technology before adopting them in their classrooms. A reasonable way to convince more teachers to try games is through pedagogy; by connecting elements of existing games designs with accepted learning and instructional theories.
At the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana we have been developing, together with 5 partners from EU, in the framework of the Comenius programme project SELEAG (Serious LEArning Game) serious game TimeMesh. This game is intended to be used for learning history in primary and secondary schools. At the same time, with this game pupils learn about other cultures and social relations in different parts of Europe in different historical periods. They also find out many interesting things about encryption as the the famous Enigma encryption machine is the central object in the game.
Đ. Kukec (Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Kukec (Veleučilište u Varaždinu, Varaždin, Croatia) Primjena računala u izradi tehničko-tehnološke dokumentacije 
Važan dio dokumentacije u izvođenju praktične nastave, stručne prakse i radioničkih vježbi u području strojarstva i elektrotehnike je tehničko-tehnološka dokumentacija.
S obzirom na velike mogućnosti primjene računala u pri izradi tehničko-tehnološke dokumentacije, CAD alati potiskuju klasične metode ručne izrade dokumentacije. U ovom radu opisujemo i grafički prikazujemo mogućnosti izrade dokumentacije računalnim CAD softverskim alatom. Primjeri prikazani u ovom radu izrađeni su pomoću programskog alata za 3D modeliranje u stvrojarstvu pod nazivom Solid Edge. Na primjeru strojarskog elementa osovine prikazana je primjena računalnog alata u izradi tehničko-tehnološke dokumentacije i to: 3D model, radionički crtež i operacijska lista.
R. Ivanković (CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia) ICT Edu 
Kako CARNet sustavno prati i potiče primjenu ICT-a u nastavi, nakon nekoliko istraživačkih obrazovnih projekata manjeg obima, odlučili smo se za provedbu velikog projekta koji će obuhvatiti cjelokupno nastavno osoblje zaposleno u osnovnim i srednjim školama u RH. Uz potporu resornog ministarstva i AZOO, u studenom 2009.g. pokrenuli smo projekt Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija u obrazovanju-ICT Edu. Ciljna skupina ovoga projekta su svi učitelji, nastavnici, stručni suradnici i ravnatelji osnovnih i srednjih škola u RH. Ciljevi projekta vezani su uz poticanje primjene digitalnih nastavnih sadržaja, elektronske komunikacije te komunikacije web kolaboracijskim alatom koji omogućuje povezivanje i suradnju pojedinaca ili skupina neovisno o prostornoj udaljenosti. Nastavnike će se kroz projekt potaknuti na praćenje i objavu svojih digitalnih nastavnih materijala na Portalu za škole (www.skole.hr). Predviđena i obrada teme Interaktivna ploča za interaktivno učenje. Posebna pozornost posvećena je temi Sigurnost na Internetu kojom su obuhvaćeni svi potrebni detalji vezani uz sigurno korištenje toga medija, a koji se odnose na nastavnike, učenike i njihove roditelje.
Provedba projekta ICT Edu planirana je kroz osam faza, što je obuhvatilo informiranje svih savjetnika AZOO, edukaciju svih edukatora, izradu radnih materijala i Internet stranice projekta te edukaciju cijele ciljne skupine i završnu analizu provedbe projekta. Dosadašnja provedba daje izvrsne rezultate s terena.
Informacijski sustav zasnovan na računalnoj obradi podataka jedan je od preduvjeta uspješnog poslovnog sustava u obrazovnoj ustanovi. Specifična nastavna sredstva i način komunikacije neposredno utječu na kvalitetu nastavnog procesa i interakciju njegovih sudionika.
Racionalna implementacija dostupnih programskih rješenja u postojeći informacijski sustav zahtjeva od nastavnika dodatnu pripremu, istraživanja i usvajanje novih spoznaja s ciljem optimalne primjene informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije u poslovanju.
Ovim radom iznijet će se polazni problemi koje treba predvidjeti i koji će poslužiti kao osnova pri uvođenju sustava upravljanja nastavom (LMS) na razini manje organizacijske cjeline unutar obrazovne ustanove. Vježbovna nastava, rezultati provedene ankete i iskustva drugih na ovu temu predstavljaju podlogu za analizu komponenti informacijskog sustava s ciljem planskog uvođenja LMS sustava u postojeći nastavni proces.
M. Marinović (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) The analysis of enrollment at Polytechnic of Zagreb in academic year 2010/2011. 
Starting with the academic year 2010/2011. the prerequisite for the enrollment into a study program is taking and passing the state graduation exam. This paper presents the analysis of enrollment conducted for the first year of professional studies at Polytechnic of Zagreb. The analysis of success for the first time enrolled on Civil engineering professional studies was carried out on the course called Mathematics 1 and results are compared with corresponding result that were obtained for the same course by students enrolled on this program in previous academic year, but according to the other criteria. Also, we are processed the results of questionnaire about relevance of state graduation exam as a base precondition for the selected studies registration, conducted on new enrolled students of Civil engineering professional study.
Chairs: Katerina Agostino, Franc Vrbančić, Ivan Uroda
Invited Lecture
Katerina Agostino (Australia)
Social Networking Sites: Negotiating Social Relationships and Social Identity |
Papers |
D. Glusac (Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia), D. Glušac, I. Tasić, D. Karuović (Technical Faculty Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, Serbia), A. Radić (Viša elektrotehnička skola , Beograd, Serbia) Achievements Evaluation of Disciples in the Systems of Electronic Learning 
In the paper has been covered the segment of teaching work dealing with the evaluation of disciple achievement. We have given a psychologic – didactic theoretical frame for modern evaluation of the achieved intelectual and motivational results of the teachning work. We have presented the methodology of knowledge evaluation through the electronic platform in Moodle system for distance learning made by the students of the High Electrotechnical School.
G. Kartal (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey) Computers in Phonological Awareness Instruction in the Pre-school Classroom: A case for Turkish 
Proficiency in reading is a major indicator of success in school. While reading accuracy is a prerequisite to understanding, which itself is essential for learning, phonological awareness is one of the critical skills in reading acquisition. The use of computerized materials in building phonological awareness (PA) skills has been as effective as print materials used in face-to-face instruction. The main goal of this study is to develop a phonological awareness program based on the relevant research findings, complete with computerized and print materials, and a teacher training component. A two-episode game-like PA software was developed for use in early literacy instruction in Turkish, and was tried out with 32 children. Preliminary findings showed that children made the highest number of mistakes in rhyming and elision. Their motivation for the content and interaction was high. The findings from the needs analysis phase are consistent with the literature in that phonological awareness and rapid naming explain unique variance in word reading. However, rapid naming appears to have a stronger role in Turkish compared to that in English. Further development and testing will be carried out based on the current findings.
D. Fudurić (FAKULTET ELEKTROTEHNIKE I RAČUNARSTVA, ZAGREB, Croatia), D. Cmuk (KONČAR INEM, Zagreb, Croatia), P. Knežević, S. Mrvoš (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) Assimilation of Wireless Sensor Networks and remote microcomputer laboratories 
Remote microcomputer laboratories are emergent means supporting modern learning and researching processes. An overview with the purpose and important application fields of applied microcomputer laboratories founded on different microcontroller architectures are described. These architectures are or can be used for building nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. In order to accomplish this, we have to analyze aspects of compatibility with microcomputer laboratories and WSNs. With additional effort and adaptation, WSN nodes may serve remote clients as remote microcomputer laboratory equipment. Additionally, serving as resource limited microcomputers, there may be need to implement versatile mathematical or control algorithms on WSN nodes thus an analysis of this opportunity is discussed.
G. Bubaš (, , ), G. Bubaš, A. Ćorić, T. Orehovački (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) The integration of students' artifacts created with Web 2.0 tools in Moodle, blog, wiki, e-portfolio, and Ning 
The use of Web 2.0 tools and services is attracting considerable attention of the e-learning community at the level of secondary and higher education. The focus of this paper is on the creation of students’ artifacts for assessment purpose and peer-to-peer learning with Web 2.0 tools for the online creation of mind maps, block-diagrams, slideshow presentations, online comic strips, surveys, etc. Several Web 2.0 tools with educational potential (Bubbl.us, Gliffy, SlideSix, Bubblr, JotForm) were evaluated with a student survey in various courses at one Croatian university regarding usefulness in online teaching and learning. However, when numerous artifacts are created by the students a problem arises regarding the organization and presentation of those artifacts for peer-to-peer learning. Therefore, in our paper we present several solutions for the organization and presentation of students’ artifacts with the use of the features of the popular LMS Moodle, as well as with the use of a wiki (MediaWiki), blog (Wordpress), e-portfolio (Mahara), and community network (Ning). The student evaluation of those tools is also presented in the paper together with several examples of recommended online pedagogical activities.
M. Banek Zorica (Universtiy of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, , ), M. Banek Zorica (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb/Department of I, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Ogrizek Biskupic (Accredited College of Business and Management Baltazar Adam Krcelic, Zapresic, Croatia), T. Ivanjko (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb/Department of I, Zagreb, Croatia) Students and privacy in the networked environment 
The continuing adoption of new emerging technologies is changing not only the educational environment but also raises concerns in terms of students’ digital media literacy and their sense of privacy in online environments. Despite the widespread agreement in its importance, the lack of formal training in digital literacy across the curriculum forces students to acquire skills through informal learning, which potentially leads to differences in student competencies. In this study the students’ attitude towards information privacy was explored both in their private online environment (inside their chosen social network), as well as their professional environment (inside their e-learning system). The research was conducted in December of 2010 where a total of 397 students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) at the University of Zagreb and Accredited College of Business and Management "Baltazar Adam Krčelić" (VSPU) responded to an online survey. The results showed significant differences between the samples, where the students from FHSS were more aware of the importance of protecting their private data inside their social network, as well as inside their educational environment. The study confirmed the original assumption that the lack of formal guidance through student education resulted in significant differences between the students.
B. Kaučič (FACULTY OF EDUCATION, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia), T. Asič (Primary School Kolezija, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Improving Introductory Programming with Scratch 
Programming is known for its complexity and difficulty. It is believed to be hard to teach and to learn and many students in programming courses have difficulties to master all required competencies and skills. At introductory level of programming that problem is even more notable. There are different approaches to improve the dropout rate at programming courses and to populate programming. Recently, special visual environments for visual programming are being used. Early research results show that visual programming can be more efficient than classical textual programming, students can be more motivated, less bored and not burden with the syntax of programming languages.
This paper discusses the visual programming environment Scratch as one of the newer environments for teaching and learning introductory programming. Although it is primarily aimed for school children aged 8 to 16, it can be used also at faculty level. Scratch was experimentally used in primary school and at faculty, the results of which are presented in the paper.
A. Špernjak (Faculty of Natuarl Sciences and Mathematics University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) Computer-supported laboratory as an effective educational tool 
In science teaching, laboratory work is recognized as one of the cornerstones, where students would have to gain useful knowledge for everyday life. The article presents the results of biological laboratory exercise ˝Effect of chocolate on heart rate˝ and ˝The effect of energy drinks on heart rate˝. Measuring heart rate at the analogous way is not so learning and education effective as a using and learning with a computer-supported laboratory. The results of research suggest that students more like achievement of computer-supported laboratory than analogous way of laboratory work. The reason is the better clearness of contents.
The main theme of the paper is using of thermal camera to measure temperatures in electrical engineering. First are mentioned the physical principles of heat transfer. Then the thesis deals with methods of determining the correct emissivity of the measured object and in the next point with sensors designed for sensing infrared radiation. There is also part dedicated to evaluation software Report Sat Standard, which was used to evaluation of pictures taken with thermal camera SAT-HY 6800. Part of this work is the measurement of the EC motor thermal imager, which took place in the electric company ATAS Nachod. Attachment to this paper is animation of EC motor created in Autodesk Inventor.
F. Vrbancic (Franc Vrbančič, Ptuj, Slovenia), J. Halozan (Ptes, SC Ptuj, Ptuj, Slovenia) Gifted students – burden or challenge for a teacher 
The article presents the usage of the eProDas didactic tools and e-working material for gifted students. It is focused on gifted students with behavioural problems. As the basic working method with such students the method of trial and error was used – planning and execution of the research, also product, if necessary and participation on the competition of young researchers.
Influence of the research work on the gifted student is shown on the study case of three students from different social backgrounds and with various interests but with a strong will to succeed and be shown.
F. Vrbancic (Franc Vrbančič, Ptuj, Slovenia) Educational process optimization in the programme for computing technician 
The article presents the usage of the adjusted theory of regulation systems in education. By using theory the data (information) is gained in the first third of educational process and it is the base for the prediction about the success of the student at the end of the school year. By intervention into the educational process, the influence on the student`s success or promotion to the next school year, can be significant. The theory usage success can be shown on the two-year educational study of the students in the programme for computing technician.
E. Sokic, M. Ahic-Djokic, A. Salihbegovic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Understanding Signal Theory through Play 
Many undergraduate students find it difficult to learn, understand and conceptualize some of the the basic topics of signal processing and analysis theory such as: analog and digital signals, frequency domain, Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, aliasing etc. This paper presents an effective method to introduce some of the most important topics in an introductory Signal Theory course. A set of laboratory exercises is developed, where students experiment with several basic and advanced signal analysis and processing techniques, almost through game and play. The results of a poll show that students find considerable improvement in course organisation and greater usefulness of laboratory exercises in understanding course material.
S. Lukarić, A. Korin Lustig (Građevinski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Learning CAD by LMS and cloud computing implementation 
In the paper, experience from the blended course “Computer programs” at Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka is presented. In this course students are learning about CAD (Computer Aided Design) in general and how to design in AutoCAD. Since 2006, lectures and course exercises are carried out as face-to-face classes and lessons presented on LMS Moodle. With completion of individual exercises, students are expected to adopt and develop their technical drawing proficiency. Also, students are involved in group activities with requirement to integrate their acquired technical skills, organizational skills and presentation skills.
Furthermore, intention of group activities improvement by means of latest technologies implementation is presented: with usage of cloud-computing and real-time collaboration tool, students can recognise significant potential of those applications and utilise them in the future.
Chairs: Pamela Wilson, Hannu Jaakkola, Jaak Henno |
Invited Lecture
Pamela Wilson (Department of Communication, Reinhardt University, Waleska, Georgia, USA)
Collaborative Knowledge Bulding-Ethnographic Insights from Geni.com |
S. Maržić (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), I. Jugo, M. Radovan (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Development of dynamic web applications – „Exam evidence“ 
The paper presents and analyzes the methodology of the development of dynamic web applications, illustrated by the example of the web application for the exam evidence, which has been developed for the use at the University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics. The mean drawback of the previous application regarded the need for "manual" search of free exam terms, because it did not contain the possibility of automatic insight into the taken (already inserted) exam terms. The new application for the thorough evidence of exam terms has been created by using the script languages PHP and JavaScript, together with the relational database system MySQL and the language HTML, as the basic means for defining the structure of web pages. In the first part of the paper we describe the methodology of the development of web applications, while in the rest of the paper we illustrate the use of this methodology at the concrete example of the development of the dynamic web application for exam evidence.
H. Jaakkola, P. Linna (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland) (Social) networking is coming – are we ready? 
Social networking and media have become a part of everyday life. The phenomenon itself reflects people’s need people to be connected, to share, to be members of communities, and to collaborate. Current social media support social interaction and use scalable web-based technologies to implement interactive dialogues. The key role is played by Internet-based applications that provide access to the services needed. Although modern social media are strongly connected to Internet-based networking and virtual societies, the same networks have always operated on the physical level – it is only the tools, platforms, and communication channels that have changed. When analyzing the users’ scope of social networking, one important conclusion is easy to draw: the modern social communities operate in private life, whereas traditional networking is related to business. Undoubtedly the direction of adaption of new behavior in this case is from private life to business and working life. People that find the private life tools and methods competitive in their working life, simply adopt the tools in their work. The adaption speed is also accelerated by recruiting members of younger generation to responsible positions in organizations. The aim of our paper is to open up discussion on the use of new media and social networking in business. The paper includes a framework characterizing the differences between generations and the characteristics of modern enterprise. The behavioral patterns of the different generations are built up by viewpoints derived from public statistics and by questionnaires targeted at upper management. The purpose of the analysis is to find the best fit between enterprise culture and the behavioral patterns of the generations.
P. Linna (Tampere University of Technology – Pori, Pori, Finland), E. Karttunen, H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland) Software Engineering Companies' Multicultural Education 
Software Engineering (SE) industry is in the middle of the strong globalization effects. The world is changing rapidly in many areas such as financial, technological, economical, and political, but also SE companies’ structures are changing. This means that companies are closer to each other thus geographical distance and country borders are losing their meaning. Because of this globalization, companies meet more competition in their market area. Companies are in the middle of complex networks with many interest groups. The effect of globalization is that companies more often collide with multicultural issues on national and organizational level. In earlier studies, it has been shown that standards and guides, which are used in SE education concept, do not include much knowledge about educating multicultural factors in SE sector.
This paper examines how SE companies survive multicultural issues and how they educate themselves to overcome those problems. This paper recommends to the SE companies to include multicultural education for every employee, because of the significance of the issue. More often employees collide with cultural issues not depending on their work status. The paper gives one potential solution on how the SE companies can first achieve common understanding about culture and spread the cultural knowledge to its global sites. Finally, it is discussed which cultural areas companies should primarily focus on when educating their employees.
E. Karttunen, P. Linna, H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori Unit, Pori, Finland) Inter-organizational education in cultural differences in software services 
The status of services in the software industry is enhancing. Simultaneously, service production is spreading all over the world in the global environment. This creates international working teams where different cultures’ communication, decision making and working methods meet and diverse.
The focus of this paper is on software services globalization, and the need for inter-organizational education in cross-cultural environments it creates. The purpose is to point out the major areas of software service production where proper knowledge of the effects of cross-culturality is crucial for successful cooperation. The found critical areas are tested against the case experiences of three Finnish software companies. The findings suggest that cultural factors have a considerable effect in the service production in the studied companies due to the people-oriented nature of the service business. As a result, the critical cross-cultural factors found are presented and compared to the views of the case companies. The paper then discusses the needs and useful methods for cross-cultural education in companies based on these findings. The paper is a part of an ongoing research project STEP, jointly run by Tampere University of Technology Pori unit and University of Jyväskylä.
V. Wesslin (Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Pori, Finland), P. Linna, H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland) Learning at Distance in Global Software Development 
One of the trends in software development has been offshoring work to locations that exist geographically far from the parent company, known as global software development (GSD). This has led to new learning challenges because organizations and their people have to collaborate and learn from each other without having face-to-face contact. Learning at work is one of the key issues in a competitive company. Learning issues arise especially in knowledge-intensive software companies, where the employees are the main capital. As software development projects are distributed globally, competencies according to projects also need to be distributed. In situations of this kind, collaborative tools and new methods are needed.
This paper focuses on learning in the context of GSD between different sites that are located far from each other. The paper introduces the competence transfer model of a case company in a learning context. The paper discusses the key issues related to successful learning at distance. The research has been run by the Tampere University of Technology.
J. Henno (Tallinn Univerity of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola, P. Linna (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland) A Game programming Course 
Game programming is very attractive for students, since here the threshold to start your own independent business is very low - many students earn money as indie game developers. But to be successful in this very competitive area one should know very well the technology: how to make objects on screen move, bounce, rotate, how create 2D/2.5D/3D projecion of your intentions on screen, how to handle memory, netwoork etc.
In the presentation is given overview of design ideas and implementation of the Game Programming course in Tallinn University of Technology.
Students who have successfully completed the course will be familiar with tools and techniques for developing interactive games and virtual reality simulations. The course concentrates on the programming aspects of computer gaming. Some of the game design issues are also considered, thus the course is aimed first of all to students, who intend to start their own game programming business as indie game developers; popularity of this self-supporting business activity is rapidly encreasing.
Many Game Programming courses with real programming are based on one-two big examples, e.g. during the course is created a real 3D game engine. This demonstrates many computer issues - how the Operating System, Graphics Card etc function, but this top-down approach does not consider many small issues, which often occur in many games. Classical university-level courses e.g. in higher mathematics are based on opposite, bottom-up approach - gradual introduction of ideas and principles from simple ones to more difficult. This course is built on similar principle. The main idea is to use small exercises (gamelets) to introduce elements of game programming, which occur in nearly any game: movements, forces, projection to the screen, common game structures - User Inteface, time bars, level selection, score presentation etc screens. Particular topics of interest include: expression of movement (linear, angular, bodies consisting of several interconnected parts with different number of steps of freedom), forces (gravity, restriction), properties of bodies (elasticity etc), projections used to display game authors intentions on screen( 2D- top, side, 2.5D, isometric, variants of 3D projections), AI in gaming, collision detection, kinematics and elements of 3D modeling.
Quite often the introduction of a course gives impression, that after passing the course participants are able to create commercial-level 3D games, where cars rice, bullets fly and enemies fall. But when after a highly spirited introduction lecture participants start to tackle peculiarities of C#/C++ syntax, arrays and class system, they slowly understand, that they can not implement a racing car, but even implementing a car’s windshield wiper which can create an illusion of visibility in conditions which were in this winter common in Estonia, Finland and many other countries – even this is quite a problem. Game programmer should know, how to visualize movements, forces etc using mathematical notations: points, vectors, matrices and other data structures; how to calculate distances in 2D and 3D, how to measure angles between lines/vectors, how to transform coordinates from sub-object coordinate spaces to the game coordinate space etc. In the course these mathematical methods are introduced using the Gamemaker and Flash AS3 programming environments. Flash programming language AS3 (for Flash Player 10.+) has introduced many useful data classes and properties – Point, Vector3D, Matrix, PerspectiveProjection, affine transformations of objects in 3D space - translations, rotations etc. And programmer should also understand, how Operating System functions, how memory and processor are used, otherwise the game may become very slow. Often some indirect methods work better than straight attack. For instance, wiper wipes a snowflake not when they collide - for this should be calculated distance from the flake to wiper line, i.e. solved a system of linear equations; instead the slope of direct line from snowflake to wiper's upper end (the small red dot on picture) is calculated - if the slope is very close to wiper's slope, then wiper is close and the snowflake will disappear.
In the presentation if given overview of introduced in the course mathematical notations, methods and approximations, which are quicker and burden less the CPU than the traditional, exact calculations, which often become too slow for games. Also are described game elements, used in the presentation of the course. For instance, the final test (for students, who were late with their individual game project or who want to improve their final mark) was presented as a shooting game (gamelet) in 3D projection (mechanics of shooting in 3D is very similar to what is, used in currently popular game "Angry Birds"); the gamelet to implement appears only after succesful shooting of the target, but for this one should understand and explain, how the 3D projection actually works. We all want and need to learn, and game programming provides many possibilities to satisfy our built-in curiosity. This is the creative part of game development what students truly love: "Creating games is even more fun than playing them!" (from a student). Try out new ideas, learn and play, toy around with ideas; often you fail, but sometimes you find something new and interesting; in both ways you learn something new and valuable.
A. Babić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), P. Poščić, I. Jugo ( Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Bibloogle – sustav za upravljanje i pretragu podataka 
Bibloogle je internetska tražilica koja pretražuje bibliografije unesene u vlastitu bazu podataka. Bibloogle je prvenstveno zamišljen kao sustav koji će osim pregledno popisane bibliografije brojeva lokalnih i manje poznatih zbornika i časopisa društveno-humanističkog karaktera nuditi i mogućnost njihova pretraživanja, a isključivo radi učinkovitije i brže valorizacije spoznaja sadržanih u tim publikacijama. Iako je sustav u u potpunosti rađen za potrebe popisa i pretrage publikacijske grade, njegova se funkcija može prilagoditi ili izmjeniti kako bi sustav odgovarao prirodi nekoga drugoga projekta.
U radu se opisuje način izrade tražilice, te njen konačni izgled i funkcionalnost.
K. Pavlina, J. Lasić-Lazić, K. Pavlina, A. Pongrac (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Software simulation as educational tool 
One of main aims of computer science education is to train students to perform certain tasks by computers. Traditionally this is carried out by demonstration method, where teacher demonstrates to students how to use certain application. It is very difficult to achieve individualization of teaching when using this teaching method, because teacher has limited time for demonstration and students usually have very heterogeneous knowledge.
Software simulation can provide significant help in training students to use computer applications, because they can be used to demonstrate to students how to perform certain tasks in software, students can then practice that tasks in software simulator and, finally, software simulation can be used to assess student's knowledge. Software simulation allows great level of individualization, because students can progress at pace that suits them, they can repeat demonstration several times and they can practice task until they are confident that they have mastered it. This paper presents model for integration of software simulation as teaching method into computer science curriculum.
D. Ridjanovic (Université Laval, Québec, Canada) Modelibra Education 
Modelibra Education
Dzenan Ridjanovic
Université Laval
2325 rue de la terrasse
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 CANADA
Education in computer science and information systems requires at least an exploration of alternatives in teaching software design and development. The following phrase is from the Free Software Foundation: To use free software is to make a political and ethical choice asserting the right to learn, and share what we learn with others. The key part is the right to learn and share what we learn with others. At first, it is not obvious how this freedom could be applied to higher education. In software, services around free software provide an added value that customers are ready to pay for. In education, free course material has a potential of free software. Free course material supports the right to learn and share what we learn with others. However, educational services, such as teaching courses, may provide that added value worth of paying for.
What are advantages of providing course material for free on the Web? The main advantage is in improving quality of the material, in the same way that quality of free software is improved by both using and developing software by many interested people. As it is not easy to become an active developer of a free software, the same may be applied to the development of course material. A software developer does not need a high degree to become a useful member of a team. If he is active in helping software to become better, a team may promote him in a regular member. There are so many knowledgeable and skillful professionals in computer science and information systems that may potentially contribute to production of shareable course material.
In order to provide some examples, we will focus in this paper on using free software in education of students in information systems. We will start with the issue of providing some basic development skills to new Web generations of students. In order to break from old ways of educating, the free course material is spread over the Web with a base at the Assembla development environment.
M. Čupić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Building an integrated platform for teaching and learning of Digital logic 
In this paper we will discuss the usage of various computer-based tools for teaching and learning at the university level course Digital logic. We will describe the organization of course and usage of web-based tools for self-paced laboratory exercises, homework assignments, knowledge assessment and the usage of wiki-based subsystem which enables teachers to prepare learning materials and provide students with additional individualized problems which can be used for student's knowledge self-assessment.
M. Lamza - Maronić, J. Glavaš (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) The role of University in Regional development 
Universities play a very important role in regional development as they contribute to regional economies and regional development.
It is a generally accepted fact around the world that human capital is a major tool for achieving competitive advantages in the global market.
An efficient society, which builds its competitive advantages on knowledge, must have a flexible labour market, adequate levels of employee security and protection, but also a system that continuously fosters and rewards investment into knowledge. People, their needs, motivation and satisfaction have therefore come into the focus of human resource management. Autonomous university, which is willing to adapt to changes and fulfill the requirements of the community, is a driving force behind overall development.
I. Kastelan, M. Katona, D. Majstorovic, E. Neborovski (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) Students Perspective of the Embedded Engineering Learning Platform - a Case Study in Digital Design 
This paper presents a case study on students' perspective of the cross-curriculum embedded engineering learning platform in the Digital design principles course. The platform used is based on FPGA device which is programmed by students.
As a measure of applicability of the platform, students’ feedback is used. At the end of each semester, students were asked to give feedback in the following: (1) understanding of the theoretical principles in digital design, (2) correlation of auditory and laboratory exercises with lectures, (3) organization and difficulty of laboratory exercises, (4) software environment used to design digital systems, (5) usability of the embedded engineering learning platform, (6) the influence platform left in making the course more comprehensible, less frustrating and easier to pass, (7) the amount of information given in the course literature, (8) the amount of time the course took in the students’ learning schedule, (9) course staff and (10) significance of the course in their future engineering work.
The students’ feedback showed that the platform has met its goals and made the digital design principles course easier to understand, more interesting to students and increased the percentage of students who passed the course without lowering the difficulty of the tasks.
The aim of this paper is statistical analysis of foreign indebtedness in the selected transition countries using appropriate software support. The paper stress out the benefit of using SPSS and Decision Lab in the process od education and research.
There is a constant evidence of the growth of the foreign indebtedness in all the countries in transition, both EU member states and (pre)accession countries. The status and trends of external debt are important indicators of potential macroeconomic problems, determining that the management of foreign debt should be a task for all governments.
After appropriate testing, classification of selected countries in transition (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Latvia, Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia) is done using multivariate cluster analysis (SPSS) according to the key indicators of the state and trends of foreign indebtedness. In addition, ranking (Decision Lab) of those countries will be done in relation to the indebtedness indicators by the multicriteria analysis method. Comparative analysis of the results will be also done. The additional advantage of such analysis is that classification and ranking can be done for all countries, based on all indicators of external indebtedness at the same time using SPSS and Decision Lab software.
J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Physics and Biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia) Enhancing laboratory teaching in higher education environment using web-based formative colloquiums 
The web application Pitalica has been developed in order to improve the science laboratory teaching process. The idea was to develop a teaching tool which would enable to perform colloquiums for all students during each practical of the physics course at biomedical university study programs. It is the attempt to motivate students to prepare better for each practical which would hopefully lead to a better final exam performance. Also, the colloquium results provide the immediate feedback to the teacher and to the student of the level of understanding, possible pitfalls and show the direction for further study. The paper will discuss this project of formative assessment using the web-based application in laboratory teaching.
The results of the final practical exam collected during the two-year period without performing web-based colloquiums have been compared to the final exam results during the two-year period with performing web-based colloquium at the end of each practical.
Also, a survey has been conducted, questioning self perceived satisfaction, colloquium preferences, motivation for better preparation, the adequacy of time available for performing the practice and colloquium, competences acquired and ICT literacy.
S. Tomaš (Filozofski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia), R. Marinković (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Formation of teaching content in E-learning 
The greatest contribution of the introduction of E-learning into education is the stimulation of active learning. E-learning with the appropriate programme support in specific phases of the educational process contributes to the individualization of education and stimulates the pupils’ activity. The attention of this paper is focused on the formation of educational content in the E-learning systems. Entering the activities of the subject they have enrolled, the third-grade elementary school pupils analyzed the educational materials, solved tasks and used educational tools for mutual cooperation and communication in the MOODLE and CoLaB Tutor systems. By quality application of the mentioned systems in education results were achieved that pointed to the interest and excellent dispositions of this age group for specific forms of learning.
R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Use of ICT by students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia 
Application of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has been a case for decades and it has become an obligatory part of educational process on all levels of education in Croatia. Results of rapid development of ICT have become an inspiration for innovative use of ICT in education by teaching staff and by students. Teaching staff use the technology for preparation of educational material, communication with students, implementation of courses, evaluation of students' achievements etc. Students use the technology to collect information, organize and synthesize it, and to evaluate it for use for different purposes such as: discovery and retrieval of educational material, communication with the teaching staff, writing term papers, writing graduate theses, access to the internet, drawing, access to electronic journals and books, watching videos, using internet telephony etc. With the greater availability of ICT to students, their habits and modes of use of computers, software applications and internet services also change. To some of them, ICT has been introduced at a very young age before they entered formal education system, making them competent users of ICT very early in their lives. Regardless of their previous experience in use of ICT, students must be constantly exposed to new technology and knowledge about its use to remain competent ICT users. Newly acquired knowledge will help them in use of ICT during years of their formal education and later at work after graduation. This paper will present results from the research of students at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in Zagreb, Croatia about their actual use of ICT, methods they employ to acquire new knowledge about ICT and about their attitudes towards use of ICT in education process in which they actively participate.
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Chairs: Jadranka Šunde, Ivan Pogačić, Željka Požgaj
Invited Lecture
Jadranka Sunde (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, University of South Australia, Australia), N. Urlić, L. Urlić (Geni Curators for croatia, Podgora, Croatia), M. Borić (Faculty of Medicine, University of Split, Croatia)
History Lessons- Can We Make Them Interesting
I. Pogarčić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), I. Hitrec, S. Šuman (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) eLearning: A Social Software in Higher Education Learning 
eLearning, as one of the organised form of learning and teaching, frequently moves centre of attention towards one of its constitutional elements. Though the central line, teacher – student that practically constitutes learning basically doesn’t change the importance of neither, it still creates different relationships in the realisation. Learning contents can also appear in centre of consideration, both on organisational and execution level. Determination of content depends not solely of teacher - student relationship, but also of goals which learning tries to accomplish. Regardless to the use of traditional learning or more modern forms of eLearning and mLearning, the holders of information, like books and similar gradually tend to be replaced by electronic media and virtual bookshops. Communication dimension of eLearning provides a possibility of forming the eClass and creating the adequate groups of students which traditional learning cannot generate. Paper considers the level of changing the learning content’s role through analysing the relationship between students and teachers and social networks and social software. Special attention has been concentrated on confidence towards such forms of learning contents in comparison to their mode of creation and preservation.
Ž. Požgaj (, , ), V. Bosilj Vukšić (Ekonomski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Personal Knowledge Management: the Implication of Web 2.0 Services on Learning Process 
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the implications of Web 2.0 services on learning process in the context of personal knowledge management. Paper exhibits: changes on learning process according to implementation of Web 2.0; main characteristics of some Web 2.0 services relevant for knowledge collecting; knowledge managing based on the personal knowledge management.
Process of learning is changed over the years. The domination of particular forms of learning as well as the way of learning are changing through the people’s life: from mostly formal mode of learning in childhood to less formal modes like non-formal or informal learning in the later years of living; from face-to-to face learning to e-learning. As the mode of learning is shifting, the problem of knowledge managing is growing up. Individuals become more and more self responsible for mastering of new knowledge and skills; the number of assessable information is growing up; the usage of information and internet technologies becomes more and more sophisticate; and knowledge managing becomes necessity. Using new technologies, especially Web 2.0 tools, individuals become active participants in the process of learning and they create their personal knowledge and they developed their personal skills. They collect, classify, store, search, retrieve information, share knowledge; communicate, cooperate and discuss with other individuals of the same interests. Personal knowledge management as a conceptual framework for knowledge managing, has to help individuals to recognize, organize and integrate accessible information in their own personal knowledge bases. From the other point of view, personal knowledge management is a theoretical frame that brings together technology, personal skills, practice and methods. As information is fundamental part of knowledge, the main aim of personal knowledge management in the context of this paper is to help individuals to select proper web 2.0 tools and apply it on the best way developing new knowledge and skills.
This paper presents some of the results of a survey carried out at Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb about students’ inclination for Web 2.0 services and personal knowledge management.
M. Pavlić (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Ratkliff (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, United States), M. Pavlić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Jovanović (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, United States) Validation and Verification without Normalization 
In this paper, we analyze the usefulness of a simplified variant of the Sharp’s methods in the process of validating logical data models without use of normalization. This paper argues that Sharp’s method provides an appealing, precise approach to logical data models evaluation well-suited for validating by expert users. This paper will compare Sharp’s approach with normal forms and contrast their respective suitability in practical model validation. One of the papers contributions is also a clear rejection of practicality of normalization use for either validation or verification of data models during relational database design. The paper concludes by illustrating the continued relevance of the Sharp’s approach by noting similar, developments in the area of developing methods for teaching modeling, as well as validating models.
P. Bago, T. Lauc, P. Bago, S. Kišiček (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Using quantitative methods for a student study activity analysis in a virtual learning environment concerning different students’ backgrounds 
This research deals with an application of quantitative methods to analyze student study activities in Moodle, an open source virtual learning environment (VLE). The aim is to determine how students' backgrounds influence their knowledge achievements. The research was performed using student activities’ log analysis in an Information Sciences course at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. The course is conducted as a fully online course on a graduate level. The data analysis is based on log analysis considering number of (re)accessed resources and number of (re)accessed assignments. Also, two indicators, time of assignment submission and number of (re)submitted assignments are used to calculate final results for every course participant. In order to gather information about students’ knowledge backgrounds, they were asked to answer survey questions. Research data reveals that, with respect to different knowledge backgrounds, there is no significant difference regarding students’ achievements.
M. Tot (Filozofski Fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Živković (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) The role of e-learning in LIS education: students expectations 
With the introduction of the Bologna process to create the European Higher Education Area the application of e-learning at the Croatian universities has increased rapidly. The application of digital media for teaching and learning provides distance education for LIS professionals at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Scienses, University of Zagreb. E-learning and traditional classroom learning have been combined to deliver library and information science (LIS) education. The aim of our research was to obtain a general view of LIS graduates’ expectations and experiences using a specific learning management system Omega.
key words: e-learning, LIS education
V. Mateljan (FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET, ZAGREB, Croatia), K. Peter (Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Juričić (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Storing Use Case Descriptions in the Relational Database 
Many authors perceive the use case description as a structured text consisting of several mandatory elements. We can store every use case description in a separate file, but there are problems with searching and organizing these files into categories. The elements of the use case description can be stored in the relational database and later efficiently retrieved or categorized just in time. This paper proposes relational database schema for the relational database of use case descriptions and provides some database queries.
M. Pavlić (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Jovanović (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, United States), M. Pavlić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Data Modeling Patterns –Taxonomy 
The paper presents the development and meaning of patterns for data modeling. Patterns are also used in the process of learning to design and in data modeling design itself. The purpose of this paper is to present the two faceted taxonomy; other specific contributions are:
a)Operational definition of a data model pattern
b)Defined practice for minimal data model pattern specification at the M2 MOF abstraction level
c)Definitions of data model pattern measures of size and McCabe like complexity
V. Mateljan, V. Juričić (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia), K. Peter (Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, Zagreb, Croatia) Analysis of programming code similarity by using intermediate language 
The paper shows the possibility of analysing programming code similarity by using intermediate language. Intermediate language is insensitive to variable names, modificiations of some language constructs and loops, therefore the changes of original source code result in lesser changes of intermediate language code. Paper proposes a method for determining the similarity of programming code and shows its advantages and disadvantages.
R. Repnik (Faculty on Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), V. Grubelnik (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krasna (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia) The importance of different types of review of physics materials in electronic exercise book 
A close cooperation between editor (publisher), authors and reviewers is very important for preparation of electronic learning materials (e-materials) with high quality. Learning materials require content review and evaluation of didactic suitability. E-learning materials need also technical review which is less necessary in printed learning materials. Important advantages of e-learning in contrast to printed materials are: web links, applets, active index, films, etc. These possibilities make the development process technically more complex. Experiences in planning the high-quality materials for electronic exercise book, for instance in the field of physics topics, have revealed that cyclic review is more efficient than final one, when the work of authors is over. High-quality physics e-materials increase the success of development of students' natural science and digital competences.
M. Krašna (FACULTY OF EDUCATION, MARIBOR, Slovenia), T. Bratina (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia) The perception of digital security among digital natives 
It becomes truth that students cannot imagine living without computers. Computers were present during major part of their life and during their whole education. Many of today’s students are better typists then hand writer and they acquire information from the internet almost immediately. In their life Google and Wikipedia are primary source of information. Despite their apparent computer literacy and knowledge we still need to teach them digital competences. Their waste knowledge is just superficial and limited to the first few hits on Google. Sadly their stamina in the research activities is low. These students are aware of digital security because they hear about it everywhere; they will become teachers; and they will teach kids and teenagers how to behave in the internet. We conduct a research to verify the level of comprehension of digital security among two generations of students (freshmen and third year). In our research we focus on data security; fraud recognition; and identity theft. Students show great knowledge in the area of fraud recognition less knowledge in identity theft and great ignorance about data security. Detailed results of the research will be presented in the article.
D. Palova (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Slovakia, Kosice, Slovakia) ICT supported education – one of steps to achieving european knowledge economy 
Given the extreme and dynamic growth of ICT and their significant impact on all fields of human life, it is necessary to modernize educational institutions continuously in way of producing graduates able to satisfy knowledge-based economy labor market requirements. This modernization process includes innovation of content and methodology of education. They must be adapted in way to provide best conditions and training of graduates for their successful entry into labor market. At our faculty we realized these needs of transformation. Therefore we are trying to mediate not only theoretical knowledge in banking, finance, investment and regional development areas, but also to show the possibilities where they can successfully use ICT tools effectively. To achieving the best quality of provided education we are also interested in students view on our trying of ICT implementation into education process. During years 2009 – 2010 we realized questionnaire survey, where students were asked to express their opinion on education and its´ ICT support at the faculty. The proposed paper will describe the results of the mentioned survey and a brief summary of the current status of ICT that we use in education at our faculty and also outline the possible further development.
L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia) Creation of projects as a tool of modern education 
An education of a young people and their training is the very important role of the universities. Their future positions within the enterprises and organizations have inquired the best qualification, the skills and the experiences with the modern technology and information systems. The information aspects of the management have very important function in increasing management quality of economical systems. Companies and organizations yearly invest huge sums of money to develop functional information systems which helps to manage personal, financial, material sources and flows in better way. Because of that the requirements of the informational competences of the users, as well as the requirements of their creativity, their ability to solve problems are increasing. Recent advances in information and communication technologies, the requirements of the informational competences, abilities of using modelling tools by the young graduate managers call for a reform in their education. The paper deals with experiences in teaching of the subjects Informatics I and Informatics II on The Faculty of economics, Technical university of Košice. We are focused on innovation and improving the quality of education creating and using modern learning materials and methods.
L. Zekanović-Korona (, , ), V. Bakija, G. Vidić (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia) THE ROLE OF COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE IN CREATION OF SOCIALY ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR IN EDUCATION 
During the last couple of decades we can witness to numerous civilizational and socioeconomic changes. The boundaries of socially acceptable behaviour, values and interests are blurring and shifting. What was unconceivable yesterday, today is accepted as a way of life.
In this paper, we focus on the presentation of the scientific hypothesis that the uses of computers and specifically Internet and Moodle can educate students on the basic principles of socially acceptable behaviour.
The research was taken at the University of Zadar. We have divided our research in two parts. The first part of this research referred to education of students through Moodle. The second part of the research referred to question students on their personal behaviour in accordance with the rules of socially acceptable behaviour. We have also questioned students on their social behaviour in private life as well as in their professional surroundings. The analysis of collected data consisted of various statistical methods for the purpose of establishing of valid correlation between computer uses and adoption of socially acceptable behaviour in education.
Predsjedatelji: Marina Čičin-Šain, Snježana Babić, Ivan Uroda
J. Lasic lazic (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Open source software in education 
The paper presents different approaches to distribution of software: open VS closed
source and free VS non-free. The differences are presented from the Croatian user
perspective showing their positive and negative aspects. Additional analysis of
curriculum regarding computer literacy is done in the light of decreased funding for
schools by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. User survey was
conducted at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb to
investigate usage of different software packages. Different approaches to computer
literacy education are compared in the light of ongoing financial crisis in Croatia
taking into account open and closed source software.
S. Mohorovičić (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Webinars in higher education 
The usage of information technologies in higher education has the unquestionable potential to increase the quality of teaching and efficiency of learning. This paper researches different aspects and possibilities of webinars, which could be used in higher education as one of many online tools in blended learning. The innovative aspects of webinars are elaborated, as opposed to classical classroom teaching. Webinar preparation and conduction aspects are investigated and technical requirements are stressed, along with possible problems during implementation. A brief overview of current webinar systems is provided. The research results are presented, obtained by questionnaires, comprising of student opinions and their readiness for webinar usage.
S. Ristov (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematic, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Stolikj, N. Ackovska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia) Awakening curiosity - Hardware education for Computer science students 
This paper describes a new systematic approach and methodology for teaching hardware based courses to computer science (CS) students. It is a combination of various approaches with a profound goal to provoke deeper comprehension in various topics in microprocessors and microcontrollers details. The computer student programming skills and knowledge (generally high level programming languages and algorithms) is used to program and control processes with microcontrollers. The methodology evolutes around three steps: using visual simulators, incrementally weighted exercises, from easiest to hardest, including supplemental points, and finally working on real hardware controllers. The proposed teaching approaches were developed for the course “Microcomputers and Microcontrollers”, but can be applied to every hardware based course on computer science students.
I. Mioković (Klinički centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), A. Akšamović, M. Hebibović (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Education system as an adaptive system of control with reference model 
One of the main components that defines status of one country in the world is its education system. High quality of educational system is a guarantee for new working force and energy of young people who are then qualified to work in the field they educated for.
As many other, educational system can be placed within borders of Electrical Engineering. In this article, analysis of educational system (high level of education) from the aspect of Adaptive Control with reference model is conduced.
For better understanding, educational system is also analyzed from the point of view of social-cognitive career development theory.
R. Vukobratović (Gimnazija " Isidora Sekulić", Novi Sad, Serbia) Contemporary Methodological Approach to Teaching of Mathematics 
This paper presents a modern methodical approach to teaching mathematics that can be applied to other subjects, which is related to the rapid scientific and technological development. There are many requirements for education, with the most important being the improvement of educational process which will provide optimal results. Drawing on ICT and its methodological basis, teaching in general is considered as a system with implemented management. Management in education is related to the existence of direct and feedback loop that we apply when using didactic triangle, which due to the development of technology transformed into the quadrilateral. We use a method of modern science, the Cartesian method, to help students learn how to solve problems easily, as they need to learn how to divide a problem into simpler parts. In 1962, Paul Haimman has applied the Cartesian method to educational space and labelled it as a point with six components. Our contribution in this paper is to establish direct and feedback loop between the indicated six components.
I. Milanovic (Gimnazija "Isidora Sekulić", Novi Sad, Serbia) Establishing Order of Chemical Reaction using Mathematical Modelling 
The paper presents how we can apply mathematics in teaching of chemistry and chemical kinetics in the classroom. We describe here how chemical reaction order depends on the concentration of the reactants, using differential and integral calculus. Subsequently, we look into solving the problem of determining the order of chemical reaction and the problem is solved by mathematical models, using properties of linear functions.We have used a software package GeoGebra, especially the use of tables, forming a list of points, their graphical representation, fitting curves for modelling of our examples.
T. Marušić (FAKULTET PRIRODOSLOVNO-MATEMATIČKIH I ODGOJNIH ZNANOSTI, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), D. Radosav (Tehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, , Zrenjanin, Serbia), V. Radosav (Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Serbia) IDENTITY IN THE CYBERSPACE WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 
Društvo u kojem danas živimo se naziva informacijsko-komunikacijsko društvo. Istovremeno smo i društvo koje se sve više nalazi u kiberprostoru (Cyberspace), koje predstavlja vještačku, virtualnu realnost koju stvaraju i reproduciraju računalni sustavi.
Kiberprostor (Cyberspace) nudi ljudima da stvaraju nove identitete koji trebaju prevazići ograničenja klase, spola, vjere, nacionalnosti, uzrasta, obrazovanja. Prema mnogim suvremenim teorijama, Internet pruža mogućnost korisnicima da budu ono što su oduvijek željeli, da preko kiber-univerzuma vizualiziraju i iskuse alternativne identitete, čime se odbacuje pojam „limitiranog selfa“. Ključna stvar u svim postojećim bazama podataka (data mining, data warehousing), jeste privilegija ljudi – administratora da korisniku na bazi njegovog identiteta, dozvoli ili ne dozvoli pristup resursima (pohranjenim u računarskim sustavima, koji su umreženi). Sistemsko upravljanje ovim podacima predstavlja najjednostavniji menadžment identiteta (Identity Management –IdM). S obzirom da u visokom obrazovanju sve više počinje dominirati učenje na daljinu tj.studiranje, s naglaskom na mobilnost studenta, neophodno je uspostaviti i podići kvalitetu menadžmenta identiteta. U radu će se posebno elaborirati elektronski menadžment identiteta i njegova primjena u visokom obrazovanju.
S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) E-learning environment compared to traditional classroom 
Throughout history, the educational process used different educational technologies which did not significantly alter the manner of learning in the classroom. By implementing e-learning technology to the educational process, new and completely different innovative learning scenarios are made possible, including more active student involvement outside the traditional classroom. The quality of the realization of the educational objective in any learning environment depends primarily on the teacher who creates the educational process, mentors and acts as a moderator in the communication within the educational process, but also relies on the student who acquires the educational content. The traditional classroom learning and e-learning environment enable different manners of adopting educational content, and this paper reveals their key characteristics with the purpose of better use of e-learning technology in the educational process.
R. Pinter, S. Maravić Čisar (Subotica Tech, Subotica, Serbia) Learning Objects for C++ 
Programming is a difficult cognitive skill to learn. It requires knowledge and skills in many areas, such as the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of programming languages, creative problem solving, development environment and a multitude of software tools (e.g. IDE, compiler), algorithms and data structures, programming concepts and paradigms (e.g. object-orientation, functions, variables), program design and programming patterns. Novice students are likely to be afraid of anything new such as programming languages and weak students find this a burden and try to memorize the processes without understanding them.
This paper describes a set of learning objects which are used to give students visual representations of how some parts of programming code affect the working memory. The represented parts are those parts of the curriculum which are “problematic to learn” for many students, and requires additional explanation and time for understanding. With the ability to visually explore programs and see what is going behind the code in the memory, teachers expect that those students who have lower programming skills for learning C++ programming language, will be able to better make sense of program executions and programming concepts.
V. Okanović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Design and code generation of dynamic web applications 
This paper describes design and code generation of dynamic web application. A web application is developed by using open source frameworks. The developed application is based on the data model. The model is created by design and code generation tool. The framework transforms the model into a default web application. So, the framework makes a model alive as a web application, and that model data may be displayed as web pages and updated through forms. The model is transformed into a web application with the help of its XML configuration. In fact, this configuration is used to generate code that corresponds to the model.
V. Okanović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Designing a Web Application Framework 
This paper provides a brief overview of designing a web application framework. The aim of the web application framework should be the ability of rapid and quality development of a dynamic web application. The paper analyzes several existing web frameworks and determines their positive and negative features. Then the paper describes an approach to design a new web framework. The approach integrates and applies the positive characteristics of the analyzed web frameworks.
K. Bedi (Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), N. Žajdela Hrustek, A. Ćorić (Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia) Intuitive sound perception in Media Technician and Web Designer courses 
It is hard to speak about "bad" and "good" sound. It is as well hard to speak about one-dimensional values of measuring sound and/or sound environment. The attributions of the sound environment vary – it can be expressed as good, live, natural, loud, pleasant etc and the psychological moments of an individual are thus important in determining and describing sound surroundings.
A prerequisite for students to enroll the four-year Media Technician and Web Designer secondary school courses is to pass art abilities testing whereas the sound perception is not an enrollment prerequisite. This research was aimed at checking the homogeneous quality of hearing abilities in students that comply with the art abilities requirements for the courses. The focus of the research was the multidimensional evaluation of the intuitive sound perception.
K. Bedi (Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), N. Žajdela Hrustek, A. Ćorić (Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia) Teaching vs. 3D gaming in secondary school 
Learning through games is fun. However, it is demanding for secondary school students to learn by means of developing their own game in 3D environment. One can believe that developing a 3D computer game is to be labelled as "state-of-the-art" activity considering the use of nowadays technologies – programming, graphic design, visual communication, e-learning, 3D modelling, rendering, animating etc. This paper describes the development of the game named "Legend of the Dragon" by means of a wide scope of software. The purpose of the process is that students – via the clearly defined and challenging goal of developing a game of their own - develop and hone their skills of programming, graphic designing, planning, cooperating in the project, organizing, critical evaluating and problem-solving, interpreting and visualizing the historical content and events in a creative and innovative way. Consequently, the purpose of the final product is educative by its nature as well. It was an attempt to present a part of the history of the town of Čakovec in a new, different and attractive way, i.e. an attempt to revive the legend of the town through an interactive 3D computer game.
D. Krpan, I. Bilobrk (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Split, Croatia) Introductory Programming Languages in Higher Education 
A growing number of students enrolled in introductory programming courses is experiencing difficulties grasping the basic concepts and algorithms, which in turn manifest themselves in their poor exam results. While determining the cause of these difficulties, we found that they are not unique to Croatian universities, but rather a worldwide phenomenon. Focusing on, in our findings the leading cause: the choice of the introductory programming language, we have perceived that today’s students require constant motivation which tends to be absent in languages having a complex syntax. In this paper we describe our experiences in using the C, QBasic and Python programming languages in introductory programming courses. In order to better examine the problems, we conducted a two part research with the students. The first part was focused on group work with programming assignments using the three aforementioned languages, and the second part was a follow up research where we examined students’ experiences and knowledge retainment after a relatively short period of time.
D. Pešut (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Živković (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) E-book for IT Experts Learning English 
E-book for IT Experts Learning English
Living in this age of technology, where knowledge and information are just a click away, the authors wish to present an e-book which would be used for teaching English for specific purposes at the College for Information Technology in Zagreb, Croatia. The article gives a detailed explanation of the idea and purpose of such a book. The contents and a possible software solution are also given. The function of the book in education of IT professionals is commented and a firm conclusion, based on practical work with IT students, is made.
D. Ćika, T. Alajbeg (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), T. Ražov (Siemens d.d., Zagreb, Croatia) Using Moodle to automatically grade laboratory exercises 
Moodle is well known, widely used open source e-learning application. Its role is to provide framework for delivering educational content, and to enable better communication between students and lecturers. Moodle capabilities also extend far beyond this basic role due to many extensions written by the community.
There are many types of Moodle resources available that can be used to deliver lectures. Various types of tests and quizzes can pool questions from custom created databases. Students results can be analyzed identifying questions that were either are too difficult, or to easy to answer. Such questions can be removed from databases without recreating existing tests.
In order to improve lecturer productivity, automatic grading is preferred. Typical questions that can be included in tests with automatic grading are multiple choice, short answer, matching pairs, and similar questions types where there are one or more predictable correct answers.
However, some student tasks are not so easy to grade automatically. In such situations lecturer must show more creativity when using Moodle, and creating tests. In this paper some examples of laboratory exercises will be shown where goal was to test the student understanding of measuring equipment usage, software application usage, or simulation environment.
D. Pupavac (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Using Excel Spreadsheet for Inventory Analysis 
This paper discusses how inventory items can be classified in different classes (called ABC analysis) using Excel spreadsheet. The working hypothesis connects efficacy of estimated spreadsheet to how students understand difference between classes of inventory proved on a practical example. In this way the given model can be applied to all ABC inventory analysis of similar problem capacity. Applied scientific research for recognition of the set hypothesis is based on analysis and synthesis method, abstraction method and information modelling method.
N. Zeqiri, N. Zeqiri (SEE University, Tetovo, Macedonia), B. Zeqiri (SEEU, Tetovo, Macedonia), L. Mehmedi (SEE University-Business and Economics , Tetovo, Macedonia) Applications and use of computers to manage resources in schools and relevant institutions 
The need for better management of resources such as interconnecting applications in the software sense, and hardware aspects of a digital system offers a good opportunity for collecting data through the input-output units. The collection of data can be deposited on a database that can not only collect data, but at the same time, we can compare the data for further analysis and future use. On this basis we have created a suitable system, which operates on the basis of data collection, managing and implementing, and managing the resources of the system. This method facilitates access and use of total resources available for specific task, in terms of increasing system performance.
S. Čerkezović (J.U. Mješovita srednja škola, Banovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina), H. Šišić (JU MSŠ , Banovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina), J. Brčaninović (Agencija za istrage i zaštitu , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) NEGATIVAN UTICAJ RAČUNARA NA ZDRAVLJE KOD UČENIKA ZA VRIJEME I POSLIJE RADA NA RAČUNARU U KABINETU INFORMATIKE 
Izvršiti analizu stanja kabineta informatike i postaviti pravila koja će omogućiti ugodniji rad na računaru, preventivno djelovati na smanjenje oštećenja zdravlja učenika pri radu u nastavi informatike, kao i radu na računaru na bilo kom mjestu. Dati određene smjernice i propise prilikom izgradnje i opremanja novih kabineta informatike.
M. Nadrljanski (Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia), R. Božić (Split Ship Management, Split, Croatia), L. Djula ("ALDI" , Split, Croatia) ORGANISATION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE TRAINING CENTRE SERVING LIFELONG SEAFARERS’ EDUCATION 
Developed world societies are based on knowledge. They are based on the concept of lifelong education which differs completely from traditional education, not only in quality but also in quantity. Formal education in childhood and youth now becomes a synergy of initial and continuous education, as formal and informal competence education, in terms of various opportunities of society which is based on lifelong learning. In this context, the European Union also proclaimed lifelong learning based on Europe of knowledge as the key development guideline in the first decade of the 21st century. The goal of this paper is to present and analyse the phenomenon of lifelong education of maritime officials in 'Split Ship Management', Split, to be precise, in its Nautical training centre, known as 'Training Centre'. The mariner education project arose from cooperation with world education centres which use the most recent aspects of maritime theory and practice, both in the domestic and wider world expertise context adjusted to the latest European Union criteria. It is worth emphasising the growing popularity of additional maritime trainings in the world as a necessity of the development of new knowledges and skills in various areas in maritime economy, which are becoming a basis for further development both with individuals and companies. Trainings are conducted in computerised laboratories and on a simulator. This formal framework used for shaping and performing trainings at the Nautical training centre is based on the current knowledge and experience of trainers and their constant strive for modernisation and professional knowledge quality improvement, as well as for knowledge in general as a basic principle of development.
S. Vukmirović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Vukmirović (Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Primorska banka, Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Koturović (Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Analysis of the ranking and rating assessments with object oriented VBA for Excel 
The paper considers the possibilities of object oriented programming in VBA for Excel in the analysis of the ranking and rating assessments. Key issues (classification criteria) of ranking and rating assesments are: preliminary exams seminars, projects, working in teams, discussion topics, class, attendance and activity in class and final exam.
VBA considers in the context of the simple and inovative creating of different scanarios for calculating percentage points.
A. Prskalo Maček (CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia) Nacionalni informacijski sustav prijava i upisa u srednje škole 
Učenicima koji upisuju srednju školu u Hrvatskoj se želi omogućiti jednostavan, transparentan i brz on-line upis u željenu školu.
Izgradnjom Nacionalnog informacijskog sustava prijave i upisa u srednje škole koji će biti centralno mjesto za prijave i upise na programe obrazovanja u srednje škole u Hrvatskoj informatizirat će se proces upisa i ostvariti brojne prednosti za učenike, škole i Ministarstvo.
Učenicima će biti omogućeno:
• kandidiranje na više programa obrazovanja u više srednjih škola
• prilagoditi želje njihovim mogućnostima upisa,
• uspoređivanje ranga s onima koji su prijavili isti program obrazovanja.
Proces odabira programa obrazovanja učenici će moći napraviti preko korisničkog sučelja iz vlastitog doma. Uvjet će biti pristup internetu, posjedovanje valjanog elektroničkog identiteta te PIN-a.
Škole će korištenjem ovog informacijskog sustava imati manje administrativnog posla, jer će svi podaci o učenicima biti u centralnoj bazi podataka te će se samo prenijeti u školske baze podataka, a Ministarstvo će imati jednostavan i transparentan sustav za upise u srednje škole te iskoristiti potencijal podataka koji se vode u postojećoj bazi podataka o svim učenicima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Također, biti će olakšano praćenje učenika kroz školovanje sve do upisa na visoka učilišta te uspješnost i atraktivnost škola.
Basic information:
Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia)
Steering Committee:
Michael E. Auer (Austria), Charles E.M. Pearce (Australia), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia)
International Program Committee Chairman:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
International Program Committe:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Radivoje S. Popović (Switzerland), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)
Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija
- Education and Computer Science
- Methods for Teaching Computer Science
- The Implementation of Computer Technologies in Schools
- Distance Learning
- e-Learning and m-Learning
- CAL and CAE
- Schools and Internet
- Schools and Hypermedia
- Continuous Education of Computer Science Teachers
- Education of All Teachers in Use of Computing
- Computer Science, Information Technology and Other Related Curriculum
- Researching about Students and Computer
- Researching about School and Preschool Children and Computer
- Practical and Tutorial Experience in the Field of ICT
- Programming, Teaching and Training
- Researching about Users with Special Needs and Computer
- Open Source and Freeware
- Professions Related to ICT
Official languages are English and Croatian.
Opatija, often called the Nice of the Adriatic, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia and a place with the longest tourist tradition on the eastern part of Adriatic coast. Opatija is so attractive that at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries it was visited by the most prominent personalities: Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Mascagni, A. P. Čehov, James Joyce, Isidora Duncan, Beniamino Gigli, Primo Carnera, Emperor Franz Joseph, German Emperor Wilhelm II, Swedish Royal Couple Oscar and Sophia, King George of Greece.
The offer includes 20-odd hotels, a large number of catering establishments, sports and recreational facilities.
For more details please look at www.opatija.hr/ and www.opatija-tourism.hr/.
Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 09, 2011
After May 09, 2011
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Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750
E-mail: marina.cicinsain@gmail.com
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