Papers |
T. Djurickovic (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica, Montenegro), V. Lazovic, T. Djurickovic (Faculty of economics, Podgorica, Montenegro) Democracy in the Electronic Government Era – challenges and opportunities for development in Montenegro 
Internet and ICTs are increasingly becoming key tools that enable not only access to information but multiply communication channels that extend the capabilities of Internet far beyond all recently realized performance. Internet today has a huge impact on all aspects of life including the area which is within the broader context of democracy, politics and politicians. If democracy is a free choice, there is a number of conditions which enable that in practice this freedom can be realized. These prerequisites must be met regardless of the method of voting by ballot or by pressing keys on the computer, mobile phone or "voting machines." The key contribution of ICT to achieve freedom of choice is that the technology enables the correlation of citizens and elected representatives in more qualitative way than it was possible before the Internet. In that sense, we can say that the Internet and ICT significantly change and potentially improve the environment in which democratic processes are taking place. The aim of this paper is to analyse the state of eDemocracy development in Montenegro, as well as to identify opportunities and challenges of its development.
T. Djurickovic (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica, Montenegro), T. Djurickovic, D. Kovacevic (Faculty of Economics, Podgorica, Montenegro) eGovernment in the Context Of Developing Countries 
eGovernment can be described as a permanent commitment of the Government to improve relations between citizens and public sector through enhanced, cost-effective, and efficient delivery of services, information and knowledge. Broadly defined, eGovernment includes the use of all information and communication technologies, from fax machines to wireless pilot in order to facilitate the daily administration of government, solely as an Internet-oriented activity that improves public access to government information, services and expertise to ensure citizen participation, and satisfaction with government processes. Narrower definition, eGovernment is the production and delivery of government services through IT application, it is used to rationalize and improve transactions between governments and constituents, businesses and other government agencies. Having in mind the economic aspects of development of eGovernment, it is necessary to make the difference between the implementation of eGovernment in the developed and developing countries. In this paper we analyze the challenges and opportunities of eGovernment development in developing countries, as well as the achieved level of development, with special reference to Montenegro.
D. Kovacevic (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica, Montenegro), D. Kovacevic, T. Djurickovic (Faculty of Economy, Podgorica, Montenegro) Web based economy – new approach to customer 
Internet as a new phenomenon has a crucial impact on the development of the new economy. It is pointed out on new forms of organization of society and economy, network society, and clarified the social and economic implications of the Internet. This paper give the concept of a new approach to customer who become the main reason of business activity. Generating value for clients, across systems and with the support of the Internet, information and knowledge are built into all processes in order to further improve relations with the clients.The focus is shifting from products to consumers who becomes the beginning and end of all company activities. The whole process is viewed as a synergistic effect possibilities, methodologies and technologies aimed at a satisfied customer, as a priority for modern company. It is given an overview of the process of change in the basic concepts of economic indicators, with emphasis on value chain management, customer relationship and redefining the objectives of the company in the electronic environment.
The paper also focus on knowledge management and business intelligence, as new tools of management in didgital environment. All these processes change the performance of companies keeping continuity in maintaining relationships with the consumer.
D. Kovacevic (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica, Montenegro), V. Lazovic, D. Kovacevic (Faculty of Economics, Podgorica, Montenegro) Changes in the understanding and management of value chain in the information era 
IT era is changing the way business and market perception, the whole business system becomes more complex. Holistic approach to business requires a comprehensive understanding of the process aimed at a new approach to managing the value chain. The development of electronic commerce creates new conditions for the installation of information in value chain, increasing the ultimate value for individual consumers. The company is increasingly shifting from ’product oriented’ to ’client oriented’. All these changes affect employees, management and influence the creation and application of new knowledge and its incorporation into the final value of the product or process of service delivery.
Proactive action requires a continuous, conscious and organized collection of data and information about markets, suppliers, customers, competitors, distribution channels, industry and technology; that further analysis into a new or previously unused knowledge to support strategic management. In fact, successful companies in electronic commerce are changing the entire value chain, they 'reverse' it, because they have to consider the value from the consumer perspective. This trend imposes continuity in maintaining relationships with customers and all network elements with the constant need for flexible work and adaptation to market changes.
A. Skendžić (Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću, Gospić, Croatia), B. Kovačić, I. Jugo (Odjela za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Decreasing Information Technology expenses by using emulators on Windows and Linux platforms 
The two most popular operating systems (continues: OS) nowadays are Windows (wide range of products) and Linux (various distributions). Every OS has different development history, aimed application and different hardware implementation. The popularity of Windows operating systems is on a very high level but, today, Linux has proved that high quality software doesn’t necessarily have to be commercial software. Linux and Windows operating systems and their applications are not compatible because of kernel and file systems differences and program code execution. That means that the users have to decide which OS they will use depending on economical and financial possibilities. The problem of using applications under different operating systems can be solved by emulator programs on both of Windows and Linux platforms. Most widely used emulators today are Wine (on Linux platforms) and VMware (on both platforms). Emulators offer the possibility to execute different applications (even installation of operating systems) on a platform that they were not previously written for. By choosing less expensive (or free) operating systems and appropriate emulators the overall information technology expenses can be significantly decreased.
E. Tijan (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Aksentijević (Saipem , Rijeka, Croatia), A. Agatić (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Information security as utilization tool of enterprise information capital 
In developed countries, especially in large enterprises and public sectors, information capital as a separate capital form within structural capital is preserved by technical measures aimed towards negating or mitigating risks imposed upon controlled set of information assets. All other forms of capital are usually protected by legislative branch through legal system. Information security is therefore a decisive factor behind successful information capital management based on implementation of best practice standards and adherence to legal requirements. Successful model of information security management and, consequently, preservation and adequate reproduction of information capital, can be put in place only if true commitment of the highest levels of management exists, towards achieving goals of excellence and also if financial and human resources exist which are needed to execute necessary steps to achieve those goals.
m. vidas-bubanja (Beogradska poslovna skola-visoka skola strukovnih studija, Beograd, Serbia), B. Knezevic (Beogradska poslovna skola, Beograd, Serbia) THE IMPORTANCE OF ICT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR INNOVATIVE e BUSINESS APPLICATION AND INFORMATION SOCIETY 
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly critical role in our economies and society and are proven to be a powerful driver of innovation, growth and productivity globally. Broad access to telecommunications/ICTs provides significant opportunities for improving government public services, healthcare, education and the environment. ICTs also open new channels for the sharing of global knowledge resources and the free flow of ideas and opinions.
The key role in meeting all the challenges and risks connected with e Business implementation and information society development has new knowledge and applications created in continual ICT research and development activities (R&D). There is no branch of research more associated with the aim to enable sustainable society and economy in the future than ICT research. It is research that develops technologies for better networks, it is research to new uses for the internet, new ways of travelling, new medical technologies, more efficient way of doing business.
In this paper world and European trends in ICT R&D will be analyzed in order to indicate the key elements for creation National R&D policy and for identification ICT R&D priorities for SEE region and Serbian national economy.
Following ICT R&D trends are indicated: the global distribution of R&D is changing in favor of some non-OECD locations like Shanghai, Haifa and Bangalore, and to a lesser extent Chinese Taipei, Malaysia and Singapore, the pace of business R&D growth has slowed, the internationalization of R&D is spreading, patents and scientific publications have surged, the demand for human resources is accelerating. In the same time it is well noticed that publicly funded research, globalised research networks and inter-firm R&D partnerships and alliances are important factors driving ICT innovation. ICT R&D partnerships and alliances have spread across new geographical and interdisciplinary domains.
Accepting the fact that Europe`s future depends on ICT innovation, Digital Agenda for Europe has called for the development of research infrastructure and e-infrastructure, including scientific data. Currently, EU target is to realize 3% of GDP investment in R&D by 2020, focusing attention on the need for both private and public sector to invest.
Serbia is still lagging in ICT R&D funding and activities. Most of the research and development performance in Serbia, about 90%, is concentrated in the higher education sector and the government sector. Researchers in the Republic of Serbia are mainly allocated in higher education sector, independent R&D institutes, R&D units in the industry and Science and technology (S&T) infrastructure. Almost 50% of researchers are allocated in the natural and technical sciences while the majority of the projects are funded by the Ministry of Science, or even more often educational (TEMPUS, DAAD, WUS) or research (SEE_NET, FP projects) EU sponsored projects. Serbia needs to continue its efforts to develop and adopt actions to facilitate its integration into the European Research Area.
In research and development sector in Serbia there are still lots of opportunities for making tighter connections and mutual collaboration between different WBC and SEE countries. Some of them are smaller, bilateral and inter-regional projects and encouraging signs of EU research funds and foreign firms that are ready to support and collaborate in realization of different projects in a range of ICT fields. Regarding universities and research institutes the main challenge is to develop research centers focusing on external collaborations and making better connections with leading local companies.
Performed analysis try to prove that Serbia has to consider the facts of increased globalization of production and R&D activities and more open and networked forms of innovation as important challenges for national S&T policies. Country must build national research and innovation capacity to attract foreign investment in R&D and innovation and must foster participation in regional and European research networks and global value chains.
P. Galović (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Čišić (Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Ogrizović (Faculty of Maritime Studies / Center for advanced computing and modelling, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) THE APPLICATION OF SIMULATION IN LOGISTICS 
It is an indisputable fact that logistics has been developing over the last 150 years, along with science, technology, production forces etc. As a notion, logistics is mostly associated with activities necessary to efficiently organize the delivery of products, half-products, raw materials, equipment, reproductive materials and all other goods from the supplier to the end user. Simulation is the process of creating a model of a real system and experimenting with that model with the aim of understanding the behaviour of that system and/or developing various strategies of its functioning. Nowadays, simulations are used in all serious projects. Simulation modeling is one of the leading modern methods of computer modeling. It enables us to describe, understand and quantitatively analyse complex dynamic systems in different areas, from production and transport, economics and IT. After we develop a simulation model, we have to translate it into a computer model. To create a simulation model we require the appropriate tools, such as a simulation language or a package to create a simulation program. With the development of computer science the area of modeling and simulation has been given a jumping-off point for a lightning fast development and the popularization of world proportions.
M. Karimi Dardashti (Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran), M. Razzazi (Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran), M. Karimi Dardashti (Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran) An approach to supplier selection in dynamic environment 
One of the most important supply chain processes is purchasing, that its improvement affects on the whole supply chain’s performance. The best supplier selection which spend time and cost, is the most critical stages of purchasing process, and the incidence of probable changes in candidates’ specifications during the time, increase the time and computational costs of selection.
In this paper, we propose a context aware system via data clustering algorithms for dynamic supplier selection. Our proposed model only considers the changed candidates instead of all candidates , runs the selection algorithm on the best set of suppliers which is derived from the previous decision period and eventually, reduces the time and additional costs. However, due to periodic environmental changes, we need re-clustering suppliers after some decision intervals to maintain accuracy and speed of algorithm.
In this practical study, we design an e-shopping website for Internet_based trading citrus product from the north of Iran. While orchardist introduce themselves in some properties like Quality, Price and Capacity of Products through this website, buyers can also order their needs by features determination.
Implementing such system which provide direct communication between supplier and consumer, will save time and cost, and provide profitability for the entire supply chain.
M. Jurišić, D. Kermek (University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Taxonomy of Digital Economy Business Models 
Availability of high speed Internet connections, micropayment and credit
card infrastructure has introduced new business models for vendors and
enabled average consumers to use the Internet for shopping. Today it is
possible to buy anything on the web with just a few clicks of a mouse,
from groceries and gadgets to music and software. Penetration of
smartphones and similar devices such as internet tablets and e-book readers
has greatly increased the percentage of general population which shops
This paper systematically describes business to consumer (B2C) business
models, from traditional off-the-shelf selling in stores, online ordering
and subscription models to pay-what-you want model, open source business
models and cloud computing with hardware and software as a service
approach. This paper assesses current business models' potential and
rates them according to recent trends.
G. Bubaš (, , ), N. Bosilj (HT - Hrvatski Telekom d.d., Varaždin, Croatia), G. Bubaš (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Jadrić (University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Split, Croatia) The influence of users' attitudes regarding trust, privacy and control on the adoption of mobile advertising 
The mobile device (cellular phone, smartphone, PDA phone) is a considered as a primary personal channel of mass media that is, from a marketing perspective, considerably different from traditional media like television and the press. For most users, the mobile device is an interactive channel that is always open to receive messages, it is carried almost everywhere with the user, and it receives their considerable attention regarding incoming messages. The main research goal of this paper was to investigate the potential of the mobile medium as a marketing channel with a focus on the use of the Short Message Service (SMS). A synthesis of recent research on the adoption of mobile and SMS marketing was performed to develop a theoretical model that is presented in the paper, as well as the results of an empirical evaluation of this model on a group of 129 college students. The theoretical model was used to create a comprehensive survey that was applied before and after two weeks of SMS marketing campaign with the subjects in our study. The data that was collected with the survey were analyzed with factor analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Finally, the empirically tested model is presented on the influence of users' attitudes regarding trust, privacy and control on the adoption of SMS/mobile advertising.
D. Radovanović (Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Serbia), D. Lučić (Ernst & Young Belgrade d.o.o., Beograd, Serbia), T. Radojević, M. Šarac (Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Serbia) Information technology governance - COBIT model 
This paper explains the concept of information technology audit, shows relationship between audit and IT Management. Information systems provide both the means for organizations to transact business and the ability to report the financial results of their operations. Information technology auditing is an integral part of corporate governance. However, information technology auditing is often looked upon as a “necessary evil” or is overlooked entirely by IT management. IT governance and information technology audit is imposed as an imperative for successful business. To improve the management of IT in accordance with regulatory requirements, organizations are using best practice frameworks to facilitate the work.
D. Radovanović, M. Šarac, S. Adamović (Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Serbia), D. Lučić (Ernst & Young Belgrade d.o.o., Beograd, Serbia) Necessity of IT Service Management and IT Governance 
This article explain terms of IT Service management and IT Governance. The information technology as an industry is steadily maturing thus becoming standardized and integrated in all aspects of business operations. Different standards, methodologies and best practice enable standardization of information technology. One of the most common methodologies of IT management in organizations is ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). ITIL is changing the traditional role and a concept of IT, which is no longer limited only to software and hardware, but nowadays also comprehends a business value. More precisely, in this article we will present and explain why it is necessary to know the IT Governance and IT Service Management.
E. Tijan (Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), H. Bezić (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia), P. Karanikić (University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) The Role of University in Efficient Transfer of Scientific Knowledge 
It is well known that the creation of new knowledge is one of the most important factors which can have large impact on economic growth. Universities can be an important source of new knowledge, especially in the area of science and technology. It is very important to identify mechanisms by which results of University researchers can be transferred into economy.
Knowledge transferred through the formal technology transfer channel, patenting, can be quite significant. In this process the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) has an important role. TTO should present a link between University researchers and entrepreneurship, or, in one word, economy. This collaboration should result in economic growth.
University of Rijeka has established its Technology Transfer Office about a year ago, while Universities in Europe and especially Universities in the USA have had their own TTOs for a long period. Their results show that TTOs play an important role in protection and commercialization of their research.
B. Biočić (Hewlett-Packard Croatia d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), D. Ogrizović (Center for advanced computing and modelling / Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Tomić (Hewlett-Packard Croatia d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia) Economics of the Cloud Computing 
Cloud computing has its root deep into ground and in the market. The evolution of cloud computing is one of the major advances in the computing area as well as in economics of using computing. There are three major technologies which represent cloud computing: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service(Iaas). In our example we discuss pros and cons of implementing PaaS or SaaS. While there are quite a few papers covering technical aspects of cloud computing technologies, this paper will have focus on economics of the cloud. In this paper we will try to explain which criteria should be considered when deciding to move or not to move to cloud. There is also general Return on Investment shown which takes into account various intangible impacts of cloud computing, apart from cost. These impacts include better flexibility, scalability and faster time to market.
B. Biočić, D. Tomić (Hewlett-Packard Croatia d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), O. Muftić (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia) A Novel Scheduling Approach of E-learning Content on Cloud Computing Infrastructure 
E-learning ecosystem based on cloud computing infrastructure constantly gains a popularity in a wide research and consumer popularity. There are multiple reasons for this, including the dynamic adaptability of clouds to the changing demands, their ability to provide resources per need basis and the support for virtualization. By additionally bringing the robust security and chargebacking model in it, the cloud becomes a real next generation engine for all e-learning aspects, including database, application and web layers.
However, and especially in a hybrid public cloud environments, the right allocation scheme of an e-learning content is critical if the given service level agreement has to be fulfilled. It is by far not enough to distribute content accordingly to the provided amount of processing power of computational nodes and corresponding storage systems. If the content scheduler does not take into account the throughput of the network communication links, the whole system become saturated with waiting times and the response of the cloud based e-learning system degrades.
Our approach is to consider both processing power of computational nodes and communication links. The idea is to minimize SLEM, the magnitude of the second largest eigenvalue of the positive symmetric square matrix with elements representing time activities of computational nodes and communication links in parallel processing environment. It shows that this minimization problem can be recast as a semidefinite optimization problem, with ability to find an optimal load distribution of e-learning content
Basic information:
Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), Dario Ogrizović (Croatia), Ana Perić Hadžić (Croatia)
Steering Committee:
Andras Gabor (Hungary), Jože Gričar (Slovenia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Christian Kittl (Austria), Anton Lavrin (Slovakia), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)
International Program Committee Chairman:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
International Program Committe:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Radivoje S. Popović (Switzerland), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)
- Innovative eBusiness Applications
- New and emerging eCommerce/eBusiness strategies and models
- Competitive innovation in Electronic Commerce
- Intra organisational communications
- Internet-based Electronic Commerce
- Advances in eBusiness ontologies
- Mobile Commerce
- eBusiness Software Agents
- Electronic Payment Systems
- Technological Progress in Electronic Commerce
- Security or Privacy Issues for Electronic Commerce
- Requirements Engineering Approaches for Electronic Commerce
- eGovernment
- eEducation
- eMethodologies for Web-based systems
- eGeomatics
- eMedicine
- eLogistics
- eLearning
Official languages are English and Croatian.
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For more details please look at www.opatija.hr/ and www.opatija-tourism.hr/.
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Dragan Čišić
Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Phone: +385 51 338 411
Fax: +385 51 336 755
E-mail: dragan@pfri.hr
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