P. Zenzerović (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Sučić (Tehnički Fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Remote Laboratory for Microcontroller Systems Design 
The concept and implementation of a remote laboratory for the design of microcontroller systems is proposed in this paper. Advantages and disadvantages of using remote laboratories in the field of digital electronics for educational and research purposes have been discussed. Different approaches to the problem of remotely modifying hardware interconnections between peripheral devices and the microcontroller are presented and possible solutions are given. All the solutions and considerations have been confirmed by computer simulations, as well as partial hardware implementation. Furthermore, in this paper, selected simulation results are presented and the recommended continued work has been outlined.
D. Kriskovic, P. Zenzerović (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Udaljeni laboratorij za razvoj mikrokontrolerskih sustava: klijentska aplikacija i komunikacijsko sučelje 
U ovom radu opisano je projektiranje web aplikacije koja krajnjem korisniku omogućava udaljeni pristup i rad s razvojnom okolinom sustava udaljenog laboratorija za razvoj mikrokontrolerskih sustava. Aplikacija podržava upravljanje resursima, registraciju korisnika, interaktivno upravljanje modulima udaljene razvojne okoline te vizualizaciju rada udaljenog sustava. Predloženo je više načina prikaza prikupljenih podataka u razvojnoj okolini, na primjer prikazom video sadržaja generiranog web kamerom te pomoću grafičkih elemenata. Nadalje, omogućeno je upravljanje programski podržanog prespajanja sklopovlja i razvoj korisnički moduliranih razvojnih okolina. Naposlijetku je predložen tijek daljnjeg razvoja aplikacije.
R. Grgurina (, , ), G. Brestovac, T. Galinac Grbac (Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia) Android application development 
Mobile platforms based on the open source software have increased the mobile applications development. In this paper, we present an approach to the mobile application development that is based on an open source platform and open source development environment. The work presented here is the outcome of a student project. We outline the experiences and lessons learned.
S. Martincic-Ipsic (University of Rijeka, Rijeka, ), S. Beliga, S. Martinčić-Ipšić (Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia) Text Normalization for Croatian Speech Synthesis 
This paper presents different methods of text normalization, which is an integral part of any system for speech synthesis. Common methods of normalization are given and taxonomy for the normalization of Croatian texts is proposed. Text normalization is a set of methods which task is to extend (write in full), non-standard forms in an expanded form of text (the abbreviation “itd.” has to be written with full words “i tako dalje”). In this article we propose algorithms for the transformation of non-standard forms in Croatian input text: numbers, dates, times, and abbreviations, acronyms and the most common symbols (chemical el., measurement units, currency, etc.). Proposed algorithms for the normalization of the Croatian text have been programmed in Perl language. The paper concludes with a discussion on the possible integration of the developed normalization procedures to the existing speech synthesis system.
J. Šurić (Učiteljski fakultet, Čakovec, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Utjecaj multimedijskog softvera na recepciju književnog djela 
Primjena multimedije omogućuje nove i zanimljive načine prezentiranja informacija i nastavnih sadržaja. Samim time, multimediji je uvelike mjesto u nastavnom procesu. No, kako se multimedija može iskazati u samom nastavnom procesu? Možemo pretpostaviti da će njen rezultat ovisiti o mnogim čimbenicima poput pojedinačnog nastavnog predmeta, nastavne jedinice, individualnosti djeteta, tehnološkog okruženja, a ponajviše osposobljenosti učitelja u korištenju istih. Danas bismo vrlo lako mogli navesti mnoštvo multimedijskih softvera čija je primjena u nastavi vrlo jednostavna (Alisa i Vivaldijeva četiri godišnja doba, Encyclopedia Britanica, Učilica, Sova i miš...). Multimedija također omogućuje zanimljiv prikaz adaptacije djela iz dječje književnosti koje je moguće primijeniti u nastavnom procesu. Kako bismo to potkrijepili, proveli smo kratko istraživanje u nekoliko razrednih odjela četvrtih razreda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se multimedijski CD sviđa učenicima, no još uvijek je veliki broj onih koji čvrsto stoje uz knjigu. Možemo zaključiti da multimedijske adaptacije pozitivno djeluju na čitanje i recepciju djela te da one nisu prijetnja knjizi i dječjoj ljubavi prema čitanju.
G. Vuković (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, , Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski Fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagrebu, Croatia) Uloga informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u radu budućih učitelja 
Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija bitna je odrednica razvoja društva danas. Obrazovni sustav mora se tome prilagoditi i osuvremeniti. Poučavanje uz pomoć informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije uvjetovana je samim razvojem tehnologije, kontinuiranom usavršavanju učitelja, obrazovanjem učenika, suradnjom roditelja i škole, potpora ravnatelja, te financijska mogućnost škole. Kako bi poučavanje bilo uspješno, svaka od ovih odrednica mora se aktivno uključiti. Istraživanje koje smo proveli na budućim učiteljima potvrdili su da novi studijski program za učitelje daje dovoljno informatičkog znanja i visoki značaj ulozi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u njihovom budućem radu. Kako bi izbjegli moguće probleme koje informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije donose, učitelji, učenici i roditelji trebaju dostići visoku razinu suradnje i povjerenja, a kvalitetna uporaba u nastavnom procesu posebno je vidljiva u učionici. Učionica je ogledalo razvoja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u školi u kojoj se događa prava mala revolucija.
D. Komlen, T. Lombarović, D. Petek, A. Petković, M. Ogrizek-Tomaš (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Text Independent Speaker Recognition Using LBG Vector Quantization 
There is great need for system that will, in the absence of other biometric data, be able to identify the person by voice. This paper describes system based on LBG vector quantization and k-NN classifier, while the features that were used are MFCC coefficients and energy of the sound signal. Based on the described approach developed system
was evaluated on two sets of speakers. The results obtained are encouraging with accuracy of more than 95%. The system was also evaluated for the case of interference in the
voice signal transmission and accuracy in this case ranges from 70% up to 85%.
P. Prentašić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Hrenek, N. Mikša, R. Perica, B. Trubić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Dance recognition system 
In this paper we describe a dance classification system for compositions written in MIDI format. The system recognises the following dances: tango, polka, mazurka, waltz, cha-cha-cha and march. The rhytmic structure of a dance is a finite sequence of notes of specified durations that repeats itself through the whole composition, so we can hypothesise that the probability of occurence of specified note duration depends on the duration of the note before it. Hence the implementation of the classifier is made using Hidden Markov Models. The models are used in two basic forms – the first assumes discrete note durations, and the other assumes that note durations conform to normal distribution. The system was tested using dance-prototype generated examples with added Gaussian noise, as well as with human-played examples. The results gathered using both kinds of examples are comparable. The system was implemented using the Matlab programming package.
J. Hucaljuk (, , ), A. Rakipović (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Predicting football scores using machine learning techniques 
Predicting the results of football matches poses an interesting challenge due to the fact that the sport is so popular and widespread. However, predicting the outcomes is also a difficult problem because of the number of factors which must be taken into account that cannot be quantitatively valued or modeled. As part of this work, a software solution has been developed in order to try and solve this problem. During the development of the system, a number of tests have been carried out in order to determine the optimal combination of features and classificators. In addition, the carried out tests provided valuable information on the influence of the size of the training, validation and testing sets on prediction precision. The results of the presented system show a satisfactory capability of prediction which is superior to the one of the reference method (most likely a priori outcome).
A. Divjak (Grafički fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Maričević, M. Jurinčić (Grafički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena sustava potpuno uronjenog tekućeg hlađenja u računalnom klasteru za 3D renderiranje 
Ovaj rad predstavlja dizajn i implementaciju sustava potpuno uronjenog tekućeg hlađenja za skalabilni višeprocesorski računalni sustav. Dizajnirani sustav predstavlja kompletni računalni klaster namijenjen 3D renderiranju unutar jednog kučišta, dok integrirani i optimizirani sustav hlađenja predstavlja evolucijski korak po pitanju preformansi i energetske efikasnosti naspram klasičnog i najčešće upotrebljavanog zračnog hlađenja, te također eliminira probleme poput kondenzacije i elektrostatičkog pražnjenja. Primjenom računalom potpomognutog inžinjerstva, primarno računalne simulacije fluida, dizajniran je virtualni prototip 24-procesorskog sustava teoretskih performansi 2.016 TFLOPS-a. Modeliranjem sustava u CAD okružju, stvorena je modularna konstrukcija kućišta pomoću koje je moguće ugraditi proizvoljan broj matičnih ploča bilo kojeg formata. Manipulacijom toka rashladnog fluida unutar kučišta postignuto je laminarno strujanje kroz optimalno dizajnirane pasivne procesorske hladnjake, što pridonosi iznimno učinkovitom hlađenju. Izmjena topline preko vanjskih radijatora simulirana je prirodnom konvekcijom zraka u otvorenom prostoru. Optimalnim dizajnom komponenata rashladnog sustava postignuta je prosječna temperatura od 45 oC na svim procesorima, sa vanjskom temperaturom 25 oC. Simulacije pokazuju kako je moguće jeftino i jednostavno napraviti računali klaster visokih performansi koji ne pati od nedostataka zračnog hlađenja u računalnim sustavima visoke procesorske gustoće.
D. Cihlar (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Džepno računalo mini386 
mini386 je višenamjensko džepno računalo temeljeno na 386SX procesoru s grafičkim LCD-om i potpunom "qwertz" tipkovnicom. Kao chipset koristi CPLD i mikrokontroler s 8051 jezgrom, a umjesto diska ima microSD memorijsku karticu s podržanim FAT32 datotečnim sustavom. Također ima i virtualni disk u flash memoriji u kojoj je i BIOS.
Sustav za napajanje omogućuje rad bez vanjskog izvora napajanja te punjenje baterije za vrijeme rada uređaja. Komunikacija je s drugim uređajima moguća preko serijskog sučelja RS232.
mini386 je trenutno u razvoju i ima BIOS koji može pokretati jednostavne aplikacije poput DOS-a.
Iako procesor 386 više nije aktualan, on podržava MMU i protected mode, što je temelj stabilnosti svih novih sustava.
P. Bosilj (, , ), P. Palašek, B. Popović, D. Štefić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Simulation of a Texas Hold'Em Poker Player 
Imperfect information environments are amongst common research subjects in the field of Artificial Intelligence. A game of poker is a good example of such an environment. As the popularity of the game grew, so did the interest in implementing a functioning automatized poker player. Approaches to this problem include various Machine Learning techniques like Bayesian decision networks, various Case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques and reinforcement learning.
For a player to play well it is not enough to know just the probability estimates of one's own hand. A player must adjust his strategy according to his estimate of the opponents strategy and an estimate of opponents' hand strength. This paper explores the usage of k - Nearest Neighbors technique, an example of CBR techniques, in implementing an automatized poker player. As a result, an average player able to cope with most in-game situations was developed. The main difference from a model based on optimal mathematical play is that the developed player seems more human, which makes its actions harder to predict. Numerous simulations on the developed testing model show that a small but stable profit is gained by the implemented automatized player.
D. Hendija (, , ) Wavelet match filtering and neural network based QRS detection 
This paper presents combination of wavelet match filtering and neural network approach in QRS detection. In developing, a particular emphasis is put on low signal-to-noise ratio and low computational complexity. Morlet wavelet is used for artifact removal and MLP is then used for QRS classification. Testing on MIT/BIH arrhythmia database with added artifacts shows above 90% accuracy in QRS detection in worst case scenario.
G. Čupić, R. Krpetić, M. Listeš (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Nosivi bežični sustav za mjerenje pokretljivosti i detekciju pada starijih osoba 
Napredak tehnologije omogućio je razvoj raznih telemetrijskih sustava za liječenje i praćenje zdravstvenog stanja rizičnih osoba te prevenciju opasnosti. Osobe starije od 65 godina spadaju u rizičnu skupinu, a po statistikama njihov broj se povećava. Svaka treća starija osoba pretrpi pad tijekom svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Pravovremenom detekcijom pada moguće je ublažiti posljedice i izbjeći smrt. Također, jedan od objektivnih pokazatelja zdravstvenog stanja starijih osoba jest pokretljivost čije dugoročno mjerenje osigurava objektivne podatke za liječnike. Razvijen je sustav za detekciju pada i mjerenje pokretljivosti. Sustav kontinuirano mjeri podatke o pokretljivost i alarmira u slučaju pada ili dužeg stanja mirovanja SMS porukom. Nosivi dio sustava je bežičan, malih dimenzija, namijenjen nošenju na remenu i komunicira s računalom Zigbee protokolom. Sastoji se od mikrokontrolera, tro-osnog akcelerometra i odašiljača. Računalo izvodi algoritme koji iz podataka o akceleraciji u tri smjera računaju razinu pokretljivosti, detektiraju pad, aktivnost i duža stanja mirovanja. Sustav je jeftin (do 300 kn), jednostavan za korištenje, malih dimenzija i lagan. Može se koristiti za osobe koje žive same u svom domu i za osobe koje žive u staračkim domovima. Osiguravajući više slobode u svakodnevnim aktivnostima, poboljšava kvalitetu života i smanjuje stres starijim osobama i onima koji se za njih brinu.
M. Čuljak (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Hadjić, K. Jež, B. Mikuš (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Klasifikacija likovne umjetnosti prema žanrovima 
Ovim radom opisan je pristup automatskoj klasifikaciji likovnih djela prema žanrovima. Razvojem algoritama strojnog učenja i povećanjem računalne moći izlučivanje značajki iz digitalnih slika postalo je brži i lakši posao, a samim time otvorena su nova vrata u klasificiranju vizualnih podataka poput likovne umjetnosti. Automatska klasifikacija korisna je u obradi velikih baza podataka, a može imati i komercijalnu primjenu u mobilnim uređajima.
Klasifikacija je provedena nad sljedećih šest žanrova: realizam, impresionizam, kubizam, fovizam, poentilizam te naivna umjetnost. Ovaj rad, prema našim saznanjima, po prvi put obrađuje problem klasifikacije za neke od navedenih žanrova. U radu su opisane korištene značajke te njihova korisnost u klasifikaciji. Dana je ocjena uspješnosti za razne metode klasifikacije te su postignuti rezultati sumjerljivi sa srodnim radovima.
G. Štimac, P. Krivić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Model BPSK modema optimiran za učinkovitu FPGA implementaciju telemetrijskih sustava u uvjetima visokih smetnji 
BPSK modulacijski postupak je često korištena metoda prijenosa digitalnih informacija komunikacijskim kanalima sa visokom razinom šuma. Karakteristika ovog modulacijskog postupka je velika robusnost i niski BER, što ga čini posebno atraktivnim u industrijskim primjenama. Najzahtjevniji element kod implementacije sustava BPSK komunikacije je demodulator. U ovom radu iznesena su dva funkcijski jednaka, ali implementacijski potpuno različita pristupa projektiranju BPSK demodulatora, koherentni i nekoherentni demodulacijski postupak.
Izneseni su rezultati simulacije za oba postupka. Nekoherentni demodulacijski postupak u stanju je ispravno detektirati poruku do SNR-a od 5 dB. Koherentni postupak uspješno je detektirao poruku uz SNR manji od 0 dB. Zaključak je da se koherentnim postupkom, uz primijenjeni algoritam, može se obrađivati signal uz razinu šuma čak i iznad razine korisnog signala. Prema očekivanjima, nekoherentni postupak primjereniji za sustave s manjom količinom šuma u kanalu, ali sa većim zahtjevima za jednostavnošću implementacije i električne potrošnje. S druge strane, koherentni postupak odlikuje se složenijom implementacijom, ali velikom robusnošću i ispravnošću prijenosa.
U sljedećem koraku implementirali smo elemente BPSK modema u FPGA sklopovlju, koristeći programski alat Xilinx ISE 9.2i.
T. Petković (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Boškovićeve apercepcije točaka (atoma) u Teoriji i moderna znanost i tehnologija. O 300toj obljetnici Boškovićeva rođenja 
Na tragu tisućljetnih spekulacija atomista o „konačnim sastojcima materije“, rođena je sredinom 18. stoljeća Theoria philosophiae naturalis (Beč, 1758. te Mletci, 1763.). Isusovac R. J. Bošković (1711 1787) rodonačelnik je ove teorije nastale u MaxwellEinsteinovoj pred-epohi fizike, koja bijaše uspon ('der Aufstieg' prema EinsteinInfeldovu izričaju) novih pogleda za jedan jedini zakon sila u prirodi: temeljan za njezinu građu i fenomenologiju. Predavanje u slavu 300te obljetnice Boškovićeva rođenja upućeno MIPRO junior grupi potencijalnih mladih znanstvenika, jest pokušaj za renesansom Boškovićeva mišljenja više nego li 'memorial lecture'. Razvrstali smo Boškovićeva sabrana djela (od fizike, astronomije, optike, matematike, ... do arheologije) u 8 razreda, dobivši ponešto drukčiju razdiobu i broj radova od onih kod drugih istraživača. Izabrali smo djelo ak. Željka Markovića (Ruđe Bošković, dva sveska: 1968. i 1969., JAZU, Zagreb), kao najbolji kronološki prikaz Boškovićeva života, djela i mišljenja na hrvatskome jeziku do sada. Najbolja tumačenja i komentare Boškovićeve Teorije na engleskome jeziku uopće, pronašli smo kod svjetski uglednog povjesničara znanosti M. Jammera (1915 2010) u Concepts of Force (1957, Harvard; 1999, Dover, s Predgovorom autora). Zbog prvih apercepcija o neprotežnim točkamaatomima kao najmanjim gradivnim (ontološkim) sastojcima materije (puncta ili pointlike particles), Bošković je tvorac najranije ali i najbliže predodžbe o elementarnim česticama rođenima u temeljnim pokusima i teoriji fizike u 20. stoljeću. Nobelovci Bohr, Heisenberg i Lederman, njegovu teoriju dinamizma smatrali su modelom mišljenja važnim u evoluciji moderne fizike čestica. Autentični je eros pokazivao R. P. Feynman, koji je Boškovićeve mentalne slike (Boškovićeva krivulja) prihvaćao kao filozofski svoj credo u fizici. Na crti efektivne povijesti znanosti, moguća je usporedba genijalnog Boškovića (apercepcije točaka i čestica) s 200 godina kasnije nadolazećim genijalnim Feynmanom, sa skladom njegovog partonskog modela i pokusa. Veliki Hadronski Sudarivač (VHS) se, danas, popularno smatra najsnažnijom uličnom svjetiljkom u povijesti do sada jer protonskim sudarima na najvećim energijama osvjetljava najmanje udaljenosti materije, oko 1018 m. Čestice i fiziči objekti pomoću velikih detektora (CMS i ATLAS) na VHS-u znače najveću tehnološku percepciju u povijesti do danas. Prikazat ćemo, tek, radi popularne usporedbe lukove (grane) Boškovićeve zorne krivulje iz 18. st. kada nije bilo eksperimenata (podataka), nasuprot jednostavnih rekonstruiranih događaja (objekata) na VHS-u naših dana. Boškovićeva teorija dobila je veličanstvenu afirmaciju i kroz Rutherfordov pokus 1911. u Manchesteru, čiju 100tu obljetnicu 2011. godine slavimo kao stoljeće rađanja nuklearne fizike. Rezultati raspršenja –čestica na zlatnoj foliji (meti), ovise o polju sila oko nekih tijela u meti koja su fenomenološki baš „točke“ odnosno „jezgre“, koje ne možemo protumačiti bez teorije Dubrovčanina Boškovića. U 2011. proglašenoj „godinom Ruđera Boškovića“, u Hrvatskoj se R. J. Bošković slavi kao jedan od najvećih hrvatskih filozofa i znanstvenika u povijesti znanosti i tehnologije. O 100. obljetnici čudesne Einsteinove 1905. godine, nastale su 2005. prosudbe da je Einstein imao nove percepcije prostor-vremena, fotoefekta te odnosa energije i mase. O 300. obljetnici Boškovićeva rođenja u Hrvatskoj, možemo reći da je Bošković imao apercepcije točaka (atoma) i njihove svekolike prirodne sile kao originalni atomist važan za prirodne znanosti. Tako je nastao i razvija se najveći znanstveni institut Ruđer Bošković u prirodoslovlju i srodnim tehnologijama u Hrvatskoj, u čemu je veliku ulogu imao njegov osnivač, teorijski fizičar, filozof i pisac Ivan Supek (1915 – 2007).
D. Lučanin (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Fabek (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) A visual programming language for drawing and executing flowcharts 
With recent advances in graphical user interfaces, more and more tasks on computers have became easier to perform. Out of the belief that creating computer programs can also be one of them, vIDE, a visual programming language based on Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) was built. The goal of vIDE is to shift a part of work from the programmer to the IDE so that the programmer can focus more on algorithm logic than the syntax of the implementation programming language.
To achieve this, the principles of visual programming languages had to be enforced - suitable visual presentation of information and guiding the user in the right direction using constraints.
In this article, the design of vIDE with respect to the Eclipse graphical modeling framework (lying in it’s basis) is described. The concept of a graphical notation is examined in contrast with the model it maps to, as well as the more specific problem of mapping a flowchart to an algorithm data structure. Finally, the disambiguity of the model representation of an algorithm is discussed and the possibility of transforming it to an actual implementation in a programming language such as Python.
M. Gulić, D. Lučanin, A. Šimić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) A noise-robust speech recognition system for the Croatian language 
Out of the need for an efficient speech recognition system for the Croatian language, a program was built using the open source CMU Sphinx toolkit.
To discern speech in real-life situations the first phase is eliminating the background noise and emphasizing the important information in an audio recording. To achieve this, signal processing methods are applied.
The second phase is actual speech recognition. Firstly, useful features are extracted out of a speech recording to form a feature vector. Secondly, they are compared to a language model - a mathematical description of the most common attributes of the spoken word, i.e. the most probable feature vector; from this comparison the most probable meaning is chosen. Speech processing techniques are applied for this procedure.
This article covers some specifics of building such a system to suit the needs of the Croatian language and analyses it’s performance measuring characteristics such as word error rate and speed.
M. Varga (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), T. Pozaić, S. Žulj, L. Celić, R. Magjarević (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Raspoznavanje i kvantifikacija tjelesne aktivnosti 
Tjelesna aktivnost važan je čimbenik zdravog života pojedinca, a često je i sastavni dio rehabilitacije nakon traume ili kod nekih kroničnih bolesti. Cilj ovoga rada je razviti i ispitati sklopove za mjerenje tjelesne aktivnosti zasnovane na pokretnoj mreži osjetila i odgovarajuće algoritme za kvantificiranje rezultata mjerenja. Bežična mreža osjetila sastoji se od osjetilnih čvorova pozicioniranih na tijelu ispitanika. Uz pomoć umreženih osjetila moguće je istovremeno detektirati i druge fiziološke parametre ispitanika kao što su QRS kompleks u EKG-u, repeticija disanja i prepoznati položaj tijela te vrstu tjelesne aktivnosti. Praćenje tjelesne aktivnosti realizirano je s jednim troosnim akcelerometrom, a podaci prikupljeni na osjetilnom čvoru šalju se na središnji čvor. U ovom radu razvijen je i ispitan algoritam za klasifikaciju različitih vrsta tjelovježbi . Algoritam se temelji na metodi najbližeg susjeda u n-dimenzionalnom prostoru svojstava signala. Algoritam pokazuje dobra svojstva za fizikalno različite vježbe. U radu su dani i prijedlozi rješenja za unaprjeđenje algoritma i poboljšanje metode mjerenja aktivnosti. Rezultati rada upućuju na to da je ovakav način istovremenog praćenja tjelesne aktivnosti i vitalnih parametara pogodan za primjenu pri rehabilitaciji oboljelih od dijabetesa.
M. Marčan (FER, , ), D. Pavliha (Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia), I. Fučkan (Clinical department for diagnostic and interventional radiology, Clinical Hospital "Dubrava", Zagreb, Croatia), H. Matovinović (Iceberg International Trading Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia) Accuracy assessment of method for 3D reconstruction of phantoms from MRI images 
As a part of treatment planning of solid, deep-seated tumors with electrochemotherapy an algorithm that reconstructs a 3D model based on MRI images has been developed. In order to verify accuracy of reconstructed model and assess the quality of the method it was necessary to use an object whose dimensions can be physically measured. To conduct this examination a commercial cylindrical phantom with constant diameter of 162 mm made of plastic material was chosen. The phantom is filled with special MRI sensitive liquid. Scanning of the phantom with MRI device gave a collection of 134 MRI images which have been used as an entry data set for algorithm for 3D model reconstruction. For each reconstructed slice number of pixels in that slice was calculated. Based on pixel size and known phantom diameter areas of each slice in 3D model were calculated expressed in mm2, along with actual referential area of the phantom. Results of the calculation were then statistically analyzed.
A. Tus, M. Marović, M. Mihoković, M. Mikša, S. Pribil (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Automatic movie ratings prediction using machine learning 
Recommendation systems that model users and their interests are often used for the improvement of various consumer services. Such systems are usually based on the automatic prediction of consumer's ratings of the items provided by the service. This work presents an overview of some of the methods for automatic prediction of ratings in the domain of movie ratings. Chosen methods are based on various approaches described in related work. While working, the methods use both users and the items features. For the purpose of this work, data was gathered from the publicly available movie database IMDb. Within is an implementation of the chosen methods and their evaluation using the gathered data. The results show an improvement in comparison to the chosen baseline methods.
Ž. Bešić (, , ), D. Zrno (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Zagreb, Croatia) Energy Efficient Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks in Body Area Networks 
This article investigates wireless sensor network energy efficiency through sensor power demands and optimization of sensor power efficiency with cognitive radio and smart routing for use in green communications. Increase of energy efficiency of a local wireless sensor network for a predefined residential area using a smart routing system simulator (EnVO) is shown for both lossy and lossless data transmission for continuous communication. Different network topologies are discussed along with the best solution for minimum energy loss.
A. Rosković, R. Grbić, D. Slišković (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Osijek, Croatia) Fault tolerant system in a process measurement system based on the PCA method 
Better process control is an important step towards increasing the efficiency of production facility. More complex control systems are introduced which require more complex process measuring systems. Efficient process control is based upon quality and reliable process variable measurement. Process equipment failure can significantly deteriorate the product quality and even cause production outage, resulting in high additional costs. This paper analyzes automatic fault detection and identification of process measurement equipment or sensors. PCA based statistical process monitoring algorithms are applied on selected examples. For the purpose of fault detection and identification, the PCA method is used to model the correlation among process variables in the input space. Hotelling's (T2) and Q (SPE) statistics are used for fault detection because they provide an indication of unusual variability within and outside normal workspace. Contribution plots are used for fault identification. This paper also presents the estimation (reconstruction) of the value of faulty sensor process variable, which allows the continuation of the process, although the fault might have occurred. Results of all considered examples are compared and discussed.
D. Osmankovic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Implementation of Q - Learning algorithm for solving maze problem 
Machine learning is very important in severeal fields ranging from control systems to data mining. This paper presents Q - Learning implementation for abstract graph models with maze solving (finding the trajectory out of the maze) taken as example of graph problem. The paper consists of conversion of maze matrix to Q - Learning reward matrix, and also the implementation of Q - Learning algorithm for the reward matrix (similar to minimizing criteria matrix in dynamic programming). This implementation is on higher level of abstraction, so other representations can be used (artificial neural networks, tree etc.). For the testing of Q - Learning algorithm, maze solving problem was visualized in MATLAB programming language with the found trajectory marked on the maze. The maze in this paper is defined with starting position in the top left corner and the exit in the bottom right corner. The performance of the algorithm is measured for different scales of the problem.
V. Vajnberger, T. Terzimehić, S. Silajdžić, N. Osmić (ETF Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Remote control of robot arm with five DOF 
This paper explains the whole process of making a system for remote control of a robot arm with five degrees of freedom (DOF). For this purpose a hardware structure was fully designed and implemented. The hardware structure is based on microcontroller PIC16F877A and surrounding architecture that controls movement of different axis of the arm. The arm has no sensors, so the visual information from the camera was used as feedback. Two communications were used to operate robot arm. The first one is realized by serial RS-232 protocol between PC and Microcontoller, and this communication is used to operate the arm. The second communication uses TCP/IP protocol for remote control. The TCP/IP protocol provides communication between server and client computers and sends information of position of robot arm. For interaction with user appropriate GUI is implemented in MATLAB. The main objective of this paper was to obtain fully and precise control of every degree of freedom.
S. Krivić (, , ), A. Mrzić (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Building Mobile Robot and Creating Applications for 2D Map Building and Trajectory Control 
This paper deals with a simple procedure for map building as well as planning mobile robot trajectories. This approach divides the above problem into three stages: first, a design and construction of simple differantial wheeled robot with ZigBee wireless communication; second, development of applications for mobile robot and PC which provide 2D map building of robot's environment using IR sensors; and third, development of applications for mobile robot and PC which provide trajectory planning and robot motion control for created maps. PC applications are implemented using Matlab GUI tool. Finaly, this paper also shows developed wireless communication protocol for data exchange between mobile robot and PC. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed system are demonstrated trought experimental results.
G. Džampo (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), H. Muminović, N. Osmić (Faculty of Electric Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Indoor temperature regulation on small scale model using Matlab-based regulators 
This paper describes indoor temperature regulation. Indoor environment temperature regulation is most frequent type of regulation. To achieve this goal a small scale model was built with software support as well. This system model is composed of the incubator, DC dimmer as actuator, ME – RedLab data aqusition module as AD/DA converter, a Matlab-based controller, GUI (grapchical user interface), and an NTC temperature sensor. System identification using step response was carried out to determine a mathematical model of the system which was implemented in Simulink program package. Within the Simulink model P, PI, PID and fuzzy controller were designed. Results acquired during simulation were successfully applied on the real system. Both simulation and experimental results are consistent. It is shown that system developed on simulation level can be translated to the real system which simplifies the regulator design.
M. Hujdur (, , ) Construction and control implementation of material cutting machine 
This paper deals with analysis of commercially available solutions for material cutting in textile industry, and design and construction of one such machine. By analyzing of available material cutting machines in textile industry, it was concluded that almost all of them include expensive tools for cutting (i.e. lasers, ultrasound) and algorithm implementation, mostly based on Programmable Logic Controllers which also add up to price of these machines. Machines with lower prices are manually operated and significantly influence the production rate.
Guided by this conclusion, the main aim of this paper was to offer a cost efficient solution, acceptable, mainly in textile industry, but also compatible for use in other areas (i.e. paper cutting). Design and implementation of such solution based on PIC 16F877A microcontroller, so therefore financially more acceptable and with same functionality is described. Even more “user friendly” environment and real time control and surveillance of machine was achieved through GUI made in Matlab and by using of RS 232 serial communication protocol. After integration of hardware, both electronic and mechanical, and software solutions, physical model, although only a prototype, was subjected to regular working conditions and demonstrated its effectiveness and functionality.
I. Druzhinin, I. Druzhinin, A. Mynzhasova, E. Sinelnikov (Saratov State University, Saratov, Russian Federation) Desing and implementation of hardware-software module for testing real-time systems. 
This paper describes results of development of the specialized hardware and software unit for testing real-time operating systems (RTOS) using the method of response.
Successful execution of any program in RTOS depends not only on its algorithmic correctnes, but also from the time during which the results received. Accordingly, any software developed for such systems should be tested with the following objectives:
1. confirm that the verifiable RTOS satisfies requirement of the predictable reaction time to external environment influences;
2. demonstrate with a high degree of accuracy existence of some errors that can lead to the situation of system failure or existence of conditions precluding possibility of further system usage.
Designed hardware-software module is based on the Freescale HCS12 microcontroller and enables obtaining of empirical data about the properties of the verifiable system when it's in different states. This is achieved by applying the method of response. It is recording the system reaction time to an event generated by the testing module.
The complex contains a set of tests for:
• identification of patterns of changing the system reaction time in different degrees of stress;
• analysis the access time to storage devices;
• exploration the response time for asynchronous events.
Implemented test procedure allows to make adequate and complete picture of the properties that have the verifiable RTOS and its applications on the basis of the experimental results.
Basic information:
Lea Ordanić (Croatia), Jelena Ulemek (Croatia)
International Program Committee Chairman:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
International Program Committe:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Radivoje S. Popović (Switzerland), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)
- Databases
- Distributed Systems
- Power Electronics
- Genetic Programming
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- Information Systems in Telecommunications
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- Microelectronics and Electronics
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- Multimedia Systems
- Programming and Specification Languages
- Information Systems Security
- Real-time Systems
- Internet
- Embedded Computers
- Artificial Intelligence
- Virtualization
- Web Technologies
- Wireless and Wireline Communications
Official languages are English and Croatian.
Opatija, often called the Nice of the Adriatic, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia and a place with the longest tourist tradition on the eastern part of Adriatic coast. Opatija is so attractive that at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries it was visited by the most prominent personalities: Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Mascagni, A. P. Čehov, James Joyce, Isidora Duncan, Beniamino Gigli, Primo Carnera, Emperor Franz Joseph, German Emperor Wilhelm II, Swedish Royal Couple Oscar and Sophia, King George of Greece.
The offer includes 20-odd hotels, a large number of catering establishments, sports and recreational facilities.
For more details please look at www.opatija.hr/ and www.opatija-tourism.hr/.
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