Opening of the conference CE |
Chairs: Kristina Blažeka and Skočir Vesna
V. Skočir (X. gimnazija Ivan Supek, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjer projektiranja logičkoga sklopa
Veliki napredak koji iz godine u godinu bilježi računalna znanost teško je pratiti. Računala su sve brža, preciznija, njihovo je sučelje bliže i pristupačnije čovjeku. Pa ipak, logika koja je u njihovoj pozadini ista je kao i kod prvih računala ranih pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Računalni stoj je zapravo logički stroj. Njegova je binarna logika opisana pomoću Booleove algebre. Istu je logiku moguće primijeniti i na druge probleme čije se rješenje da zapisati u obliku odgovora DA ili NE. Upravo je ova činjenica iskorištena kako bi se projektiranjem jednostavnijih sklopova učenicima približila apstraktna logika računala. U radu je pokazano na koji se način poznate igre: papir-škare-dijamant i par-nepar mogu ostvariti kao logički sklopovi. Pored sklopovske pokazana je i softverska realizacija danih igara.
L. Mariani, N. Hoić-Božić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Izrada coursewarea pomoću Microsoft Expression Blend programa
U posljednjih dvadesetak godina World Wide Web postao je najveći medij za razmjenu informacija. Osim informacija zabavnog sadržaja, novina, glazbe, filmova… u velikoj mjeri se nude edukacijski sadržaji i tečajevi. Teži se tome da edukacijski sadržaji, baš kao i zabavni, budu prikazani na korisnicima zanimljiv način te da to budu bogate multimedijske i interaktivne web aplikacije. U tome uvelike mogu pomoći nove tehnologije poput Silverlighta i Microsoft Expression Blend alata. Može li se i kako uz pomoć ove tehnologije napraviti programska potpora za učenje (courseware), pokušalo se pokazati kroz izradu coursewarea „Stožac“ namijenjenog učenicima osnovne škole.
Kako se izrada programske potpore za učenje uvelike razlikuje od izrade „klasičnih“ web sjedišta, autori trebaju biti upućeni ne samo u pravila dobrog web dizajna, već i u dizajniranje specifičnih elementa coursewarea. U ovome radu će biti riječi i o ADDIE modelu dizajna, koji se koristio u izradi web coursewarea „Stožac“.
M. Klaić (Osnovna Škola Brestje - Sesvete, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Suvremeni pristupi koji doprinose uspješnijoj nastave fizike u osnovnoj školi (primjeri iz nastavne prakse)
Razvoj informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT-a) i njena primjena u nastavnom procesu iz temelja mijenjaju bit današnjeg procesa obrazovanja. Informatičke učionice i računala s različitim multimedijskim sadržajima kao i internetska mreža danas su stvarnost naših škola. U učionicama sve se više koristi odgovarajuća standardna informatičku oprema (računala ili tableti s fiksnim LCD projektorom, interaktivne ploče i sl.). Uz takav standard i opremu u školama neophodni su sustavno pripremljeni, objedinjeni i primjereni multimedijski interaktivni sadržaji. Već danas je na tržištu dostupno mnoštvo elektroničkih nastavnih sadržaja (koji uglavnom prateći školski udžbenik) ili elektroničkih materijala dostupni putem Interneta. Međutim, još uvijek je mali broj sustavnog i metodički primjerenog materijala za samostalni rad i interaktivnu vježbu kao i za provjeru znanja učenika iz svih predmeta a posebice iz predmeta fizike u osnovnoj školi. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati moguće pristupe nastavi fizike uz pomoć IKT-a.
S. Vuk (OŠ A.Šenoe, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Petković (OŠ Fažana, Pula, Croatia) Edukacija učitelja u korištenju web 2.0 alata
Sažetak - Web 2.0 alati su pojmovi koji se susreću redovito u današnjem obrazovnom sustavu, ali primjena u praksi hrvatskih učitelja je nedovoljna. Potaknuti tom činjenicom krenule smo u istraživanje načina na koji bismo mogli pomoći kolegama, upoznati ih s web2.0 alatima i njihovom primjenom. Kako smo i mi same geografski udaljene i u svom zajedničkom radu svakodnevno koristimo web 2.0 alate za međusobnu suradnju i društvene mreže za komunikaciju, tako nam nije bilo teško osmisliti način edukacije. Ovaj rad obuhvaća prezentaciju rezultata našeg rada u edukaciji učitelja. Svoje iskustvo i znanje podijelile smo s ostalim učiiteljima organizirajući online edukaciju putem društvenih mreža, web stranica i sustava Moodle. Edukacija obuhvaća upoznavanje s web2.0 alatima, valorizaciju alata i primjenu alata u konkretnim nastavnim situacija i nastavnim temama.Takav pristup doveo je do pojačanog interesa hrvatskih učitelja koji i sami počinju koristiti neke od web 2.0 alata, te ih dijeliti s ostalom učiteljskom zajednicom. Cijeli rad je „živ“ i stalno se nadopunjuje i istražuju novih besplatnih web 2.0 alati.
N. Mesaroš Grgurić (Osnovna škola "Centar" Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) Implementacija softverskog paketa Adobe Authorware u dodatnoj nastavi matematike
Implementacija softverskog paketa Adobe Authorware u dodatnoj nastavi matematike
Nataša Mesaroš Grgurić
Osnovna škola „Centar“ Rijeka, Hrvatska
Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija potiče dječju kreativnost, a kod darovite djece osim kreativnosti, potiče razvoj logičkog mišljenja, omogućuje aktivno i brzo učenje, eksperimentiranje, uživljavanje u zamišljene situacije – sve ono što je bitno za darovitu djecu. Djeca nevjerojatnom brzinom stječu samostalnost, kompetenciju i osjećaj kontrole nad računalom. U dugogodišnjem radu s djecom posebice onom koja pokazuju interes za matematiku u osnovnoj školi došla sam do saznanja da korištenjem računala postižem bolju motivaciju kod učenika za rješavanje tehnički zahtjevnijih zadataka. Bilo da se radi o zadatcima geometrijskog tipa ili zadatcima kojima se razvija logičko mišljenje, učenici trebaju uložiti mnogo truda i vremena da bi postigli vještinu rješavanja takvih zadataka.
Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako implementirati softverski paket Adobe Authorware u dodatnoj nastavi matematike kod učenika koji pokazuju interes za nju i koja su uključena u dodatnu nastavu matematike.
K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Dobri primjeri – uspješnije početno učenje objektno-orijentiranog programiranja
Uz od prije uobičajenu proceduralnu paradigmu u nastavi podučavanja vještina programiranja računala posljednjih se godina sve češće kao dio nastavnih sadržaja prilikom podučavanja informatike odnosno računalstva u srednjim školama javlja i učenje osnova objektno-orijentiranog programiranja. Kako bi učenici što uspješnije savladali ove sadržaje u najčešće satnicom dosta limitiranom vremenu važno je podučavanju pristupiti uvažavajući poznata saznanja i postignuća vezana uz metodiku izvođenja ove nastave. Jedan od načina ostvarivanja veće motivacije učenika i uspješnijeg savladavanja ovih sadržaja je odabir kvalitetnih primjera prilagođenih početnom učenju. Ovaj rad nakon kratkog prikaza osnovnih značajki, prednosti i koncepata objektno-orijentiranog programiranja daje pregled i uvodi u proces podučavanja OOP-a naglašavajući uočene kognitivne aspekte učenja te najčešće poteškoće i zablude koje se kod početnika javljaju, a koje se bar djelomično mogu prevladati uvođenjem i korištenjem odgovarajućih početnih primjera.
L. Cvitaš, T. Horvat (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena računalom vođenog demonstracijskog stola u nastavi
Struka inženjera elektrotehnike obuhvaća rad na procesima uz upotrebu sofisticirane opreme te potrebu za temeljnim i stručnim znanjima iz tog tehničkog područja. Pojedini segmenti tehničkih procesa izvode se i u laboratorijskim uvjetima izradom odgovarajućih modela procesa. U obrazovanju budućih inženjera elektrotehnike struke, uz svladavanje temeljnih znanja vrlo je bitno i utvrđivanje naučenog na praktičnim primjerima pomoću laboratorijskih ili auditornih vježbi. Za izvođenje nastave prema Bolonjskom procesu na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu na raspolaganju je zadani vremensko – prostorni okvir koji treba što bolje iskoristiti. Tako i za kolegije temeljnog dijela studija postoji potreba da se za veće grupe studenata organiziraju auditorne vježbe koje će obuhvatiti izvođenje praktičnih pokusa „u živo“.
Zahvaljujući sve pristupačnijoj digitalnoj i računalnoj tehnologiji moguće je u nastavi primijeniti nove metode i tehnologije koje će omogućiti navedene zahtjeve. U radu je opisano realizirano rješenje za odvijanje nastave auditornih vježbi uz pomoć računalom vođenog demonstracijskog stola. Stol sa instaliranom opremom omogućava izvođenje pokusa i demonstracija u živo koje odjednom vizualno i auditivno može pratiti velik broj studenata sa zadovoljavajućom vidljivošću svih detalja na stolu i oko stola tijekom odvijanja pokusa. Oprema stola (mjerni instrumenti i vizualni podsustav i dijelovi modela) vođeni su računalom uz upotrebu odgovarajućih besplatnih programskih paketa. Izabrana konstrukcija stola omogućuje montažu kamera, te fleksibilni postav instrumenata, osciloskopa i izvora napajanja, a posebna značajka stola je njegova kompaktnost i mobilnost. Stol je primijenjen prvi puta na kolegiju „Materijali u elektrotehnici“, a provedena anketa među studentima pokazala je opravdanost uložene investicije i uspješnost metode.
Break |
Chairs: Kristina Blažeka and Skočir Vesna
D. Petković (Osnovna škola Fažana, Fažana, Croatia) Razvijanje informatičke pismenosti učenika razredne nastave korištenjem web 2.0 alata u poučavanju
Web 2.0 alati mogu se koristiti u radu s djecom od najranije dobi. Kao učiteljica u nižim razredima osnovne škole svakodnevno se koristim ICT tehnologijom u radu s učenicima. Već od prvog razreda uvodim alate primjerene njihovim vještinama i poučavam ih svrhovitom korištenju ICT tehnologije u različitim aktivnostima i situacijama.
Ovaj rad govori o tome kako učenici 3. i 4. razreda osnovne škole (uzrasta 9-10 godina) uspješno koriste i primjenjuju neke od web 2.0 alate, kako u redovnoj nastavi, pri svladavanju nastavnih sadržaja, tako i za izradu individualnih zadataka, suradničkom radu na zadacima, projektnim aktivnostima, pisanju domaćih radova itd. Rad prikazuje primjere alata te kako i u kojim područjima su ih učenici koristili.
M. Mirković (TEHNIČKA ŠKOLA POŽEGA, POŽEGA, Croatia) Digitalna ovisnost učenika
Uporaba mobitela i interneta sve je veća, a najveći dio njihovih korisnika su mladi u dobi od 15 do 24 godine. Njihova uporaba digitalne tehnologije u svakodnevnom životu pretvara se u digitalnu ovisnost koja zaokuplja pažnju psihologa, nastavnika i roditelja. Nervoza zbog nemogućnosti pristupa internetu, želja da su što duže dostupni online, često provjeravanje elektroničke pošte i odgovaranje na poruke, nastojanje da se prijeđe razina određene akcijske online igre, ometa njihovo koncentriranje na učenje i rad. Ovisnost o virtualnim prijateljima spriječava ih u razvijanju komunikacije u stvarnom svijetu.
U Tehničkoj školi Požega provela sam anketu među učenicima u okviru istraživanja o digitalnoj ovisnosti mladih vezanoj uz korištenje interneta i mobitela. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati koliko vremena učenici provode uz internet i mobitele, kao i sadržaje koji ih zanimaju. Ono će pomoći u edukaciji učenika i roditelja kako bi učenici osvijestili svoju naviku dugog provođenja vremena uz računalo, internet i mobitele i promijenili svoje takvo ponašanje. Time bi njihova uspješnost u učenju bila bolja, kao i odnos prema društvenim, sportskim i drugim aktivnostima u široj društvenoj zajednici. Nužna je briga i pomoć mladim ljudima uhvaćenim u ovu zamku ovisnosti, kako bi pravilno upravljali svojim vremenom uz digitalnu tehnologiju.
J. Đurić, V. Jelkić (Visoka škola za inform, Zagreb, Croatia) Predškolska djeca i računala
Prvom pojavom računala nitko nije mogao niti zamisliti koliko će ona kasnije biti zastupljena. Prva računala su bila zamišljena kao pomoć oko računanja jednostavnih matematičkih operacija kojima su se služili samo odabrani matematičari i razni znanstvenici. U posljednje vrijeme dobna granica osoba, koje koriste računala je vrlo raznolika. Prvi koji su prihvatili računala su mlađi ljudi dok su starije generacije i one mlađe (djeca) postepeno prihvaćale računala. Svakom novom generacijom dobna granica se smanjuje. Sve više djece želi koristiti računala.
Ovim istraživanjem bit će odgovoreno na neka od pitanja koja se postavljaju u radu predškolske djece s računalima. Koliko djeca provode vremena za računalom, kada, s kim? Koliko i u kojoj mjeri računala mogu pomoći djeci kako bi se brže i kvalitetnije razvijala? Imaju li računala budućnost u predškolskim ustanovama?
Također bit će prikazani rezultati istraživanja koji su provedeni u nekoliko predškolskih ustanova.
S. Koprivnjak (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu (studentica), Zagreb, Croatia), B. Stojaković (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Kako mi je profesorica Engleskog jezika mentorirala u izradbi računalnih animacija...
Na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu provodi se projekt izradbe mutimedijske interaktivne aplikacije za učenje engleskog jezika putem weba (LEO). Nositelji projekta su studenti različitih usmjerenja studija Informatike i nekolicina nastavnika. Sastavni dio aplikacije LEO čine računalne animacije. Ovaj rad objašnjava način na koji su izrađene animacije u dijelu aplikacije koji objašnjava značenje i uporabu engleskih glagolskih vremena.
S. Tomašević, I. Jurić (Tehničaka škola Ruđera Boškovića, Zagreb, Croatia) Razvoj kurikuluma Tehničar za računalstvo
Tijekom rada na kurikulumu Tehničara za računalstvo u okviru IPA programa susreli smo se velikim brojem nepoznanica prvenstveno vezanim za način praćenja intenzivnog razvoja informatičke tehnologije u sektoru srednjeg školstva. U radu ćemo prikazati dileme koje smo susretali kao i prijedloge mogućih rješenja. Pri razradi ideja u pojedine predmete bili su uključeni i stručnjaci iz privatnih informatičkih poduzeća. Dodatnu vrijednost rada na ovom IPA projektu predstavlja mogućnost njegovog prihvaćanja od strane Agencije za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih kao redovnog programa u strukovnim srednjim školama.
P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), L. Budin (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), Z. Markučič (XV. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Perić (II. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia) Suvremeniji pristup poučavanju programiranja - rješavanje problema programiranjem nasuprot upoznavanja programskog jezika
Sadašnjim planovima i programima u osnovnim i srednjim školama iz područja informatike predviđa se usvajanje znanja i vještina iz tri područja: osnove uporabe i primjenski programi, građa i načela djelovanja računala te rješavanje problema programiranjem. U području programiranja uočava se opterećenost tradicionalnim načinom učenja programskih jezika (njihove sintakse i semantike). Pritom, algoritmi, razrada i rješavanje problema programiranjem ostaje sekundarni cilj i zadaće.
Cilj ovoga rada je potaknuti nastavnike informatike, kao i sve sudionike u procesu oblikovanja nastave na drugačija promišljanja u smislu modernizacije predmeta našega doba, informatike.
Poznavanje osnovnih pravila nekoga programskoga jezika nužno je, te za savladavanje njegove sintakse treba planirati vrijeme. Uvođenjem novog suvremenoga programskoga jezika Python moguće je to vrijeme svesti na najmanju moguću mjeru te time dati prostora za usvajanje misaonih procesa iz područja primjene programiranja.
Nove i suvremenije metode podučavanja trebale bi u prvi plan staviti rješavanje problema kao osnovu učenja programiranja, a programski jezik bi u tom smislu trebao biti samo alat a ne svrha samome sebi. Kako bismo to ostvarili potrebno je dodatno osuvremeniti nastavu kao i podlogu za realizaciju nastave. To su nastavni programi koji bi bili dobra podloga na kojoj bi se kod učenika razvijale sposobnosti koje će mu pomoći u daljnjem cjeloživotnom obrazovanju i pripremiti ga za tržište rada, u kojima se svakodnevno zahtijeva sagledavanje, raščlamba i rješavanje različitih problema (od korištenja novih tehnologija do rješavanja problema konkurentnosti i održivoga razvoja).
S. Tomaš (Filozofski fakultet, Split, Croatia), F. Zoranić, A. Papić (Osnovna škola Spinut, Split, Croatia) Istraživanje zainteresiranosti učenika šestog razreda za e-učenje
Ovim radom prikazana je sinergija društvene mreže Google+ i sustava Moodle u procesu učenja učenika šestog razreda osnovne škole. Autorice rada bave se istraživanjem mogućnosti uvođenja e-učenja u nastavu informatike, odnosno zadovoljstvom učenika ovakvim načinom učenja. Učenicima šestih razreda ponuđeni su nastavi sadržaji koje su u sustavu Moodle oblikovale studentice Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu, Odsjeka za učiteljski studij. Dio sadržaja učenici će imati prigodu proći na satovima informatike u školi a ostali samostalno, kod kuće. Nakon određenog perioda učenici će putem ankete na društvenoj mreži Google+ vrednovati način na koji su sadržaji ponuđeni i oblikovani te izraziti svoje mišljenje i zadovoljstvo ovakvim načinu učenja.
S. Šutalo (Tehnička škola, Karlovac, Croatia), D. Grundler, T. Rolich (Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Praktična iskustva primjene e-učenja u srednjoškolskoj i visokoškolskoj nastavi
U radu su opisana višegodišnja praktična iskustva primjene e-učenja u srednjoškolskoj i visokoškolskoj nastavi. Opisani su različiti oblici primijenjenih nastavnih materijala prikladnih za e-učenje, te uočene prednosti i nedostaci. Navedene su i ukratko analizirane značajke pojedinih web CMS i LMS sustava i njihova prikladnost s gledišta nastavnika i korisnika. Prikazana je uporaba javno dostupnih i privatnih LMS sustava. Opisana su višegodišnja iskustava primjene računalne provjere znanja. Navedene su razlike primjene e-učenja u srednjoškolskoj i visokoškolskoj nastavi. Posebno je težište rada na odzivu korisnika (učenika i studenata) ne primijenjene postupke e-učenja te prednostima i nedostacima s gledišta nastavnika. Opisani su i formalni okviri za primjenu e-učenja u nastavnoj instituciji. U zaključku se uz ostalo navode razlozi relativno maloj zastupljenosti e-učenja u nastavi unatoč raspoloživoj tehnologiji i besplatnim alatima za e-učenje.
M. Sertić (PDS informacijskih znanosti u Zagrebu (student), Slavonski Brod-Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena interaktivnih sadržaja u nastavi filozofije i logike
U posljednjih petnaestak godina došlo je do svojevrsnog "booma" u razvoju tehnologije koja na ovaj ili onaj način ima poveznicu s obrazovanjem (nastavom, popularnom znanošću). U širem smislu, svako novo saznanje nečega novog ili pak nadopunjavanje znanja onoga staroga, jeste svojevrstan oblik obrazovanja.
U današnjem obrazovanju postalo je nezamislivo ne koristiti računalo i informatičke tehnologije. Internet je postao neizostavni segment obrazovanja i sve više dobiva na značenju. Internet je mladima omogući brži pristup informacijama kroz razne online edukativne sadržaje i interaktivne alate.
Interaktivni sadržaji bi trebali biti veza između profesora i učenika, te omogućiti kvalitetniji rad u školi i kod kuće, a ujedno bi potaknuli mlade ljude na daljnje istraživanje i bavljenje ovim i nekim drugim sadržajima. Interaktivni sadržaji u nastavi filozofije i logike trebali bi biti spona između nastavnog gradiva i praktične primjene.
Moji učenici već neko vrijeme koriste interaktivne alate u nastavi ponajviše filozofije, ali i logike. U ovome radu navela sam par primjera interaktivnih alata koje koristim u nastavi zajedno sa svojim učenicima.
Na kraju rada nalazi se i anketni listić koji je sastavljen iz razloga provjere zadovoljstva učenika interaktivnim alatima u nastavi filozofije i logike. Zatim slijedi analiza anketnog listića i prikaz podataka.
Chairs: Darko Grundler and Lara Hadžić
V. Bušelić, Z. Jančić (Visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia) „Moja karijera“ – informatički sustav ne psihologijskih upitnika Hrvatske zajednice pučkih otvorenih učilišta
Hrvatska zajednica pučkih otvorenih učilišta je IPA projektom „Karijera i obrazovanje u skladu – za sve“, sufinanciranim od strane Europske unije, pokrenula uvođenje modernog pristupa karijernom savjetovanju ili profesionalnom usmjeravanju u svoju strukovnu zajednicu. Tijekom projekta pokrenuto je osnivanje karijernih savjetovališta u većini od 15 pučkih otvorenih učilišta sudionika projekta. Osim inicijalnog osposobljavanja budućih karijernih savjetnika dio projekta posvećen je i radu na informatičkoj podršci cijelog sustava.
U okviru Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Algebra, a pod vodstvom stručnjaka Visoke škole za primijenjeno računarstvo i njenog Centra karijera, razvijena je inicijalna verzija informatičkog sustava Hrvatske zajednice pučkih otvorenih učilišta „Moja karijera“ koja će biti prikazana u ovom radu. Uz računalni program „Moj izbor“, Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje, namijenjen prvenstveno profesionalnom usmjeravanju; sustavom „Moja karijera“ karijerni savjetnici dobivaju jedan o rijetkih informatičkih sustava primarno usmjeren na ne psihologijska testiranja kandidata kojima se značajno olakšava i ubrzava prikupljanje i procjena različitih tipova informacija o polazniku. Time je proces procjene osobina polaznika gotovo u potpunosti automatiziran, polaznici i ne moraju dolaziti u ustanovu radi testiranja, nego sve vrijeme s karijernim savjetnikom mogu posvetiti planiranju svoje budućnosti
K. Đokić (Veleučilište u Požegi, Požega, Croatia) Utjecaj jednosmjernog komunikacijskog kanala između obrazovne ustanove i roditelja/staratelja baziranog na SMS porukama na poznavanje ocjena i termina testiranja od strane roditelja/staratelja
Mobilna telefonija, odnosno njena SMS usluga bi se mogla intenzivnije koristiti za ostvarivanje još jednog komunikacijskog kanala između obrazovnih ustanova i roditelja/staratelja učenika. U radu su prezentirani rezultati istraživanja u kojem su tokom dva mjeseca slane SMS poruke sa ocjenama i najavama testova učenika na mobilne telefone roditelja/staratelja, te se nakon tog perioda istražio utjecaj na poznavanje ocjena i termina testiranja od strane roditelja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 3 osnovne škole u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji, a u istraživanju su učestvovali roditelji/staratelji osmih razreda tih škola.
Đ. Kukec (Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Kukec (Veleučilište u Varaždinu, Varaždin, Croatia), B. Hršak (Visoka tehnička škola Bjelovar, Bjelovar, Croatia) Konstruiranje 3D modeliranjem
U današnje vrijeme često se spominju mala poduzeća i obrtnici kao oni koji se najlakše prilagođavaju tržištu. Tržište svakim danom postavlja sve složenije zahtjeve proizvodnji, a zbog velike konkurencije rokovi za izradu proizvoda i za isporuku sve su kraći. Traže se novi ili poboljšani proizvodi.Za novi proizvod ili promjene na proizvodu treba promijeniti tehničku dokumentaciju. Obrtnicima i malim poduzećima važno je u kratkom vremenu u malim konstrukcijskim uredima pripremiti dokumentaciju za proizvodnju. U ovom radu je pokazano kako se u kratkom vremenu može izraditi tehnički crtež 3D modeliranjem programskim alatom Solid Edge. Izrađen je crtež za postolje ležaja.
B. Hedzic (Prosvjetno pedagoški zavod, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), L. Hedzic (Filozofski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Ispitivanje svrhe, učestalosti i oblika korištenja rječnika i procjena online rječnika u Bosni i Hercegovini
Globalizacija danas zahtjeva primjenu učinkovitijih jezičnih tehnologija i alata u postupku podučavanja jezika, prevođenja ili komunikacije. Uporaba rječnika ovdje igra važnu ulogu. U Bosni i Hercegovini trenutno postoji malo znanstvenih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti pa se stoga u prvom dijelu rada želi prikazati svrha, učestalost i oblici korištenja rječnika, dok drugi dio rada ima za cilj predstaviti rezultate procjene online rječnika dostupnih u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Istraživanje treba da posluži kao temelj za modernizaciju i razvijanje jezičnih tehnologija i alata kao i pokretanje uporabe službenih jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini u sustav globalne višejezične komunikacije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 107 ispitanika.
D. Maršić (Tehničko Veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Potroško (Obrtnička škola Koprivnica, Koprivnica, Croatia), G. Malčić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Didaktičko pomagalo za izvođenje nastave iz područja industrijskih računala
Sve veći napredak automatizacije zahtijeva i sve bolju edukaciju učenika koji će biti osposobljeni nositi se s modernim zahtjevima i ciljevima koje nameću današnje industrijske aplikacije. Veća točnost kod izvođenja procesa, kompleksnost, zahtjevi za brzim prilagodbama parametara procesa i pouzdanost uvjetuje primjenu programirljivih logičkih kontrolera (PLC) u industriji. Zbog toga je potrebno čim ranije tijekom školovanja upoznati buduće tehničare s novim trendovima u industrijskim tehnologijama.
Osim teoretskih znanja važno je omogućiti učenicima da samostalno rješavaju praktične problemske zadatke što je moguće izvesti jedino u specijaliziranim laboratorijima opremljenim namjenskim didaktičkim pomagalima. Učenici na takvom pomagalu mogu samostalno sudjelovati u rješavanju problemskih zadataka, te povezati teorijska znanja s ponašanjem pravih industrijskih procesa. U radu je prikazana izvedba i primjena didaktičkog računalnog laboratorijskog modela za izvođenje vježbi iz područja industrijskih računala u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju.
N. Rundek (Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje "Vinko Bek", Zagreb, Croatia) Poučavanje slijepih učenika u online okruženju
Sve se više važnosti pridaje osposobljavanju slijepih u porabi računala. Jedan je od tih načina i novčana pomoć države u nabavi pomoćnih tehnologija (čitač ekrana, računalo).
Slijepi moraju poznavati tipkovnicu kako bi izveli i najjednostavniju računalnu operaciju.
Poučavanje slijepih još nije sustavno, a i nedostaje njima prilagođena literatura.
U ovome radu opisujem svoja iskustva u radu s učenicima koji poznaju tipkovnicu. Za poučavanje rabim komunikacijske alate, tekstove koje pišem iz perspektive korisnika čitača ekrana i tipkovnih naredbi. Rabim i web 2.0 alate koje ocijenim pristupačnima.
Moj pokušaj poučavanja nije službeno definiran. Rad se zasniva na mojoj i učenikovoj dobrovoljnosti.
D. Možnik (MORH, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena LMS sustava ILIAS u vojnom obrazovanju
Ovaj rad opisuje i objašnjava primjenu LMS sustava ILIAS (njem. Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und Arbeitskooperations System) za e-učenje odnosno ADL (eng. Advanced Distributed Learning) i JADL (eng. Joint Advanced Distributed Learning) u NATO savezu: u institucijama i u sustavima vojnog obrazovanja u zemljama članicama NATO saveza. LMS sustav MOODLE (primjenjuje se u akademskim zajednicama) i LMS sustav ILIAS su međusobno kompatibilni. LMS sustav ILIAS je u primjeni u NATO savezu, i to u: a) NATO institucijama NDU (eng. NATO Defence University), ACT-u (eng. Allied Command Transformation), NATO-voj školi u Oberammergau u Njemačkoj i u NDC (eng. NATO Defence College-u) u Rimu u Italiji i b) sustavima vojnog obrazovanja u zemljama članicama NATO saveza.
Prikazano je stanje primjene LMS sustava ILIAS (kao platforme i skupa alata) u vojnom obrazovanju odnosno e-obrazovanju u MORH-u i OS RH kroz projekt „Uvođenje novih načina usvajanja i održavanja znanja“.
Navedeni su primjeri razvijenih ADL tj. online tečajeva, modula i kolegija u NATO savezu, kao i u području vojnog obrazovanja u MORH-u i OS RH.
Ž. Tutek (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Geodetski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Biblioteke slobodnog i otvorenog koda za metode konačnih elemenata
Iako su se metode konačnih elemenata počele koristiti još prije pedesetak godina, u posljednjem desetljeću pobuđuju podjednako intenzivan interes inženjera i znanstvenika. To je ponajprije zbog njihove jednostavnosti i uniformne primjenjivosti na širok raspona problema koji vode na rješavanje raznih tipova parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi. U primijenjenoj matematici klasične analitičke metode gube premoć pred sve moćnijim digitalnim alatima za simulaciju. Tome je važan poticaj dao razvoj više općih biblioteka slobodnog i otvorenog koda. Neke od njih svojom razinom apstrakcije konačno ostvaruju i želju za automatiziranim rješavanjem. One su novi moćni alat modernog matematičkog obrazovanja inženjera.
U uvodu ovog članka ilustriran je formalizam metode konačnih elemenata na primjeru Poissonove jednadžbe. Slijedi kratak pregled mogućnosti trenutno vodećih biblioteka konačnih elemenata slobodnog i otvorenog koda: deal.II, FEniCS, FreeFem++, GetFEM++ i libMesh. Napravljena je usporedna analiza prema značajkama njihovih osnovnih komponenti. Ona je popraćena primjerima.
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Chairs: Darko Grundler and Lara Hadžić
P. Jesenek Bračko (Osnovna šola Franca Rozmana Staneta Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) The Model of ICT Use in Geography Lessons
Purpose of this paper is to present a model of ICT use in Geography lessons, which is based on educational goals of modern Geography lessons, new curricula for Geography and educational guidelines of the 21st century.
The model's basis is presented by groups of students, teachers and parents who participate in individual education segments in the field of Geography. These groups are accompanied by purposes of use of individual technology which are dissected according to curricula guidelines and educational goals of Geography.
The paper introduces the criteria for creating the model, as well as the equipment, media and geographical contents that teachers in Slovenia (according to a research in 2010) include in their educational process in Geography lessons.
The presented model is an important research contribution in the field of Geography didactics. It is also important from the view of possibilities offered by the ICT in Geography lessons, as well as from the view of needed methods' adaptation, teaching forms and self-education.
M. Mačinko Kovač (OŠ Eugen Kvaternik, Velika Gorica, Croatia), L. Eret (OŠ Eugena Kvaternika, Velika Gorica, Croatia) Correlation Educational Model in Primary Education Curriculum of Mathematics and Computer Science
This article gives insight into methodical correlation model of teaching mathematics and computer science. The model shows the way in which the related areas of computer science and mathematics can be supplemented, if it transforms the way of teaching and creates a "joint" lessons. Various didactic materials are designed, in which all instructional content is available to students on the internet in Moodle system, using multimedia and didactic games.
M. Draženović (OŠ bana Josipa Jelačića, ZAGREB, Croatia) The Role of Facebook in Elementary School Education
In National Curriculum Framework for pre-school education and general compulsory and secondary education (November, 2011) it has been suggested the usage of social networks with parent/teacher control in the first cycle ( from the first until the fourth grade of the elementary school). Since informatics is optional in elemetary school and it is most commonly held from fifth to eight grade, there are certain problems in the execution: should the first four grades primary school teacher actually teach informatics ( in that case, they should be prequalified) or will it be held by the certified informatics teacher who is already teaching higher grades in elemetary school, forced exposure of students from the age of 7 towards social networks, books which didn't cover security of social networks, the ethical question in the teacher – student relationship and finally the law concerning children using social networks. We live in the time where employers partly rely on the profiles from social networks durring employment process and we give away personal information online without us knowing when and where it will be used against us which lead us to raise our awareness about the Internet in general starting from elementary school.
R. Ramčić (Osnovna škola Kraljevica, Kraljevica, Croatia) Mjerenje fizikalnih veličina pomoću računala
Sa računalom je spojen digitalni instrument koji može mjeriti fizikalne veličine koje se najčešće mjere i uče iz fizike: U-napon; I-struja; R-električni otpor vodiča; T-temperatura; f-frekvencija. . .
Na računalu se može istodobno prikazati analogni i digitalni prikaz-instrument, kao i tablični i grafički prikaz ovisnosti promjene vrijednosti pojedinih veličina o vremenu. Istovremeno se može prikazati i srednja vrijednost mjerenja te ispisati rezultate na pisač, a ispisani rezultati se ulažu u školsku bilježnicu.
Na ovaj način učenici zorno i praktično usvajaju složeno gradivo i znaju ga primijeniti.
S. Beliga, M. Holenko Dlab (Sveučilište u Rijeci - Odjel za informatiku, Rijeka, Croatia) Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija u obrazovanju: projekti i usluge u Hrvatskoj
U proteklih nekoliko godina je hrvatsko informatičko društvo napredovalo, kako generalno, tako i u obrazovnoj domeni. Kako bi se u današnje digitalno doba ostvario napredak, javlja se potreba za uvođenjem tehnologije u procese učenja i poučavanja. Digitalna, tj. e-infrastruktura predstavlja temeljnu komponentu koja je svim učenicima, studentima, profesorima i znanstvenicima bazična podloga u njihovom radu. U tom procesu veliku ulogu imaju MZOŠ i CARNet kao nosioci brojnih projekata u okviru kojih se koriste informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije s ciljem unaprjeđenja hrvatskog školstva.
U radu je dan detaljni pregled i klasifikacija pokrenutih projekata koji su potencijalno korisni za učenike, studente, nastavnike i roditelje. Rad sadrži i osvrt na stanje u hrvatskom školstvu po pitanju dostupnih projekata, usluga i proizvoda u usporedbi s drugim europskim državama, ali i potrebama života u informacijskom društvu općenito.
Chairs: Sanja Mohorovičić and Ivica Pogarčić
E. Krelja Kurelović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Kukuljan (OŠ Vazmoslav Gržalja, Buzet, Croatia), M. Turk (Sveučilište J. Dobrle u Puli, Pula, Croatia) Upbringing Children for Responsible Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies
In the past, the upbringing was primarily function of parents and family. School, with its primary educational function, also has an important role in upbringing of children. However, from those aspects, 21st century brings new challenges and demands. The all-presence of ICT considerably affects social contacts and ways of communication, it changes how certain activities are done, how we inform, learn and entertain ourselves. Children grow up surrounded by ICTs and often they quickly and uncritically accept them. For that reason, parents and information science teachers have the obligation to develop forms of conducts, attitudes and system of values for children's (co)existence in digital world, so the ICT can be used for personal development without violation of established and newly-developed codes of conducts, without vitiation to others or themselves. This paper researches exactly those parents' and information science teachers' upbringing impacts from the aspects of ICT. Our research confirmed that there is a significant difference between parents' and information science teachers' upbringing impacts on children, from the ICT point of view.
A. Papić, A. Hefer, T. Krstanović (Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Information anxiety: research among students about impact of different media on them
Students are confronted with a great amount of information to handle and filter and that's why they must be information literate to cope with the problem of information overload. Information overload could cause stress and confusion and even anxiety in human behavior. Anxiety is known from psychological literature as disorder in human's behavior that manifests through phobia. In relation with that people with information anxiety often feel that they could not filter all relevant information and that during information retrieval they would not be able to evaluate information which creates anxiety. People with information anxiety live in constant fear that information that come to them could be dangerous and that they must protect themselves. Besides information anxiety there are different kinds of anxiety that are in connection with that for example computer anxiety, Internet anxiety, social anxiety, technological anxiety known also as technophobia or technophilia. For the purpose of exploring information anxiety among students of Faculty of philosophy in Osijek the survey was conducted and the results of the survey will be presented in this paper.
K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), I. Štedul (Community College of Karlovac, Karlovac, Croatia), M. Zahtila (Mellinia d.o.o., Pula, Croatia) Information Society and E-learning
In the late 1970s and the early 1980s, the term and the idea of the information society emerged. Since then, we all have witnessed the substantial changes in society as a whole, the changes that stemmed from the development of the new information and communication technologies. The Internet has been changing the world we live in and its popularity has been shaping up the need for education. E-learning, a segment of the information society, is today transforming from the basic utilization of ICT as means of learning into new forms of education and training that emphasize creativity and team work as the new requirements imposed by the society of knowledge. This fact in turn requires a substantial shift of stress from technology, network links and the Internet to an enhanced study of the context of learning and the need for cooperation and communication.
M. Zokić (Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Boras, N. Lazić (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Computer-aided Aviation English Testing on Example of RELTA Test
Air safety depends on good communication. Aviation English testing is considered to be of vital importance for pilots and air traffic controllers. Several tests have been developed and used to test English language proficiency in aviation context and they all have similar way of testing. Testing, as well as preparation for testing, is partly computer-aided and partly face-to-face interaction between trainer/tester and candidate/test taker. This paper gives an overview of English language training and testing in aviation context, providing an insight into the current situation in Croatia and challenges that teachers, trainers, examiners and evaluators have been facing in Aviation English training and testing.
I. Pogarčić, M. Braut (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Pogarčić (Pravni fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) Electronic mail as the possibility of improper or criminal communication
Electronic mail can be observed from several aspects. Within conditions of wide computer application and general network, it can be analysed as evolutionary form of traditional mail. However, electronic mail should basically be regarded as form of human communication regardless to the form of its realisation. Every communication of human nature connotes certain forms of human behaviour. Accordingly, every deformation of such behaviour can be observed through a prism of generally accepted social norms. Thereby the participants of communication process can be put in a situation that should be isolated, removed or sanction. Paper demonstrates a summary approach and treatment of different attempts of deceptions through electronic mail belonging to one author with author’s classification of severity of possible felony and possible protection. Paper also tries to define disadvantages and/or lack of contents in education, within field of communication and post traffic in new conditions.
D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany), M. Čičin-Šain (Faculty of economics, Rijeka, Croatia) Cultural Influence on the Intellectual Honesty and Fairness of the German and Croatian Students
Looking back for the last months it can be noted that the cases of the intellectual fraud become a sad truth in Germany as well as in Croatia. If one compares the trend of the named countries to the trend towards the intellectual deception or to the level of the intellectual honesty and fairness at the universities of the anglo-saxon countries, so one can find out that in particular in the university area, a difference is recognizably in the favour of intellectual honesty and fairness of the anglo-saxon countries. This work investigates the cultural differences or similarities of Germany and Croatia in the comparing to one anglo-saxon country as for example Australia and examines the necessity of the use of the plagiarism software at the colleges or universities. Further, the basic function of the plagiarism software as well as possible potential improvement possibilities by such are explained. In addition, the applications of further possible means against intellectual deception cases are discussed.
R. Pinter (Subotica Tech, Department of Informatics, Subotica, Serbia), T. Marušić (FAKULTET PRIRODOSLOVNO-MATEMATIČKIH I ODGOJNIH ZNANOSTI, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), D. Radosav (Tehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, , Zrenjanin, Serbia), S. Maravić Čisar (Subotica Tech, Department of Informatics, Subotica, Serbia) Recommender System in E-student web-based adaptive educational hypermedia system
The recommender system becomes an aiding tool which could be a solution for handling the huge stream of information from the Internet. These systems collect information from the users, process it and provide it to those who are interested in them. By filtering the information from hyperspace and presenting these in some sorted format, navigation becomes controlled. This paper presents a recommender system which is implemented in the E-student web-based educational hypermedia system used at Subotica Tech. The presented system has two goals. Firstly, to help students in the learning process by suggesting effective learning paths. Secondly, it aims to provide feedback about the students’ satisfaction regarding the structure of the e-learning system, the e-learning content, the quality of examples, and further aspects. Based on the given feedback, the e-learning system and curricula developers can build a system which is easy to use and ensures more effective knowledge transfer.
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Chairs: Sanja Mohorovičić and Ivica Pogarčić
M. Orlić (Polytechnic of Zagreb, Department of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Marinović (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) The Role of Information Technology for the Teaching of Civil Engineering in Polytechnic of Zagreb
The development of information and computer technology has influenced changes in various science, economy and education fields as well as in the society in general. The objective of this paper is to point out the importance of implementation of information and computer technology in teaching at Department of Civil Engineering of Polytechnic of Zagreb and specialist civil engineering studies at the same school. The paper presents exploration results performed with students of the first year of expert and specialist study of civil engineering at Polytechnic of Zagreb on importance of implementation of information and computer technology in teaching as a considerable and a basic precondition for overcoming current problems in future practical business operation.
S. Librenjak, K. Vučković, Z. Dovedan (FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET, ZAGREB, Croatia) Multimedia Assisted Learning of Japanese Writing System
This research presents guidelines for usage of multimedia in learning Japanese writing system for international learners. The writing system in question, the Sino-Japanese script called kanji, consists of at least 2000 commonly used ideograms. Such system presents a great obstacle in acquiring Japanese language for a great number of international learners.
The research consists of three parts. Firstly, we provide an overview of existing multimedia tools for learning and teaching the Sino-Japanese script. Secondly, we present the results of survey among 47 international students. They have been surveyed about their methods of learning kanji in classroom and self-study, as well as their perceived difficulties and problems.
Lastly, the experiment about using multimedia in teaching and learning kanji was conducted. The group of 6 students spent one semester learning kanji using modern multimedia method, such as websites, videos and smartphones. The group was successful in acquiring a large number (300-400) of characters with greater retention and reported enjoyment in the process, which had been the biggest issues in the acquisition process.
N. Majstorović, Ž. Širanović, K. Kavran (TVZ, Zagreb, Croatia) Tools for Grading Students Exercises for Microsoft Access Applications
This paper describes teacher’s tools for automated grading of students exercises in Microsoft Access skill and knowledge. The method requires teachers to build etalon sample of Microsoft Access database witch satisfies all the requirements expected to be done by students. This etalon is processed by Distiller Utility to extract information about database objects and its properties into decision support database. Property Browser allows teacher to assign score points for correct value settings of arbitrary property for each database table, form, report or their fields, sections or controls. Finally Grader Utility is to perform inspection of collected student’s databases and report their results. Flexible parameterised exercise description is also generated with RTF memos included. Some degree of robustness is accomplished in grading accuracy for text and numeric values. Development is in direction to port decision support database from Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL server, Property Browser as ASP.NET application and includes Queries and Entity Relationship support.
S. Mohorovičić (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia) Creation and Use of Screencasts in Higher Education
This paper researches potential uses of screencasts in higher education. Screencasts can be applied in various courses, not only in informatics. Several examples from teaching practice are mentioned. Two aspects of producing screencasts in higher education are elaborated: when screencast is produced by the teacher and by the student. Step by step procedure of screencast creation is explained – from preparation to publishing and sharing. Most popular (free) screencasting tools are described and compared.
Z. Stančić, L. Femec, N. Čačko (Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) ICT as a Function of the Curriculum and Quality Teaching of Students with Disabilities
The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities of applying information and communication technology (ICT), which has changed lives of many people with disabilities. It identified many positive features that could affect the development of "educational system for all." The goal of inclusive education implies active participation in the process of teaching of parents, teachers and directed students with disabilities included in the quality of teaching program, along with diverse use of available technology. ICT helps finding, developing and analyzing information, such as a model for dealing with particular situations and problems. It is also a powerful factor in social transformation and social environment, in which every member should contribute as well as understand the social, ethical, legal and economic components and its’ safe and responsible use. That way the use of ICT increases the overall efficiency of the independent and individual teaching, and makes a proper assessment of their quality in certain situations. Because the world marketing is very strong, we should look at the situation realistically as well as the use of ICT, which can sometimes affect the socialization and neglect a personal development and social relationships based on direct contact. Either way, association of ICT, educational standards and curriculum (the variety of communication, adequacy of services, courses, interests, competencies, learning outcomes, etc.) should provide a new opportunity for students who have complex communication needs, who had been isolated and misunderstood for a long period of time, and all with a pursuit of changing social attitudes and allowing them to be equal members of the community that could contribute to its improvement.
S. Vukmirović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Primorska banka, Rijeka, Croatia), I. Mežnarić (Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia) The Algorithm Design by using programming language Visual Basic for Application on the example of Crithical Path Method (CPM)
Algorithms are the single most important toolbox for anyone who must solve problems by writing computer programs. Design and analysis of algorithms are a fundamental topic in computer science and education. The paper considers designing of alghoritms by using programming language Visual Basic for Application on the example of Crithical Path Method. There are suggested the framework of algorithm design, which include and links the programming of matrix and recursive formulas and may be used as the model in solving of network problems.
S. Vukmirović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), L. Crljenko Perković, D. Kovač (Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Discussion groups in interactive online education
The paper considers usage and effects of discussion groups in interactive online education. Using asynchronous discussion groups in a process of learning, students evaluate their knowledge and skills in the context of teaching program. There are suggested framework of usage of discussion groups in Solving problems in cooperation with other students, members of their group, and receive feedback information, regarding results of their seminar and application activities. Discussion groups are used in seminar discussion and evaluation and in solving problems within computational exercises A survey about using discussion groups in education was conducted. The results of survey shown that combination of online and direct learning, makes teaching more interesting, and motivates students to learn and research.
M. Gligora Marković (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Rauker Koch (Željeznička tehnička škola Moravice, Vrbovsko, Croatia), M. Frančić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Teaching
Using information and communication technology (ICT) is inescapable in today’s learning and teaching process at all levels of education, and using Web 2.0 tools is the evidence of it. What makes Web 2.0 tools the very appropriate for this purpose is availability on any computer with an Internet connection, simplicity of use, ease of communication and participant’s interaction in education. The ease of communication drives the students to use the tools even in their free time and stimulate teamwork and creativity. Additionally, the tools are free of charge and may need only user registration and, in many cases, single computer per classroom is enough. To find out in what extent are those tolls used in our educational institutions the research was carried out among teachers in Republic of Croatia (RH) through an online survey.
Research results show that majority of teachers use ICT in teaching, but mainly using Power Point presentations. The teachers use Web 2.0 tools several times a week, primarily for exchange of audio and video learning materials. In the future, a lot of them plan to use Web 2.0 tools with aim to encourage the students to augment the participation in educational process through interaction and exchange of educational materials.
Chairs: Jaak Henno and Violeta Vidaček Hainš
C. Madritsch, C. Ungermanns, W. Werth, T. Klinger (FH Kärnten, Villach, Austria) An Innovative Industrial Automation System Showcase for Quality Management and Statistical Process Control
This paper describes the project FlexZell, which combines various disciplines of industrial automation, like robotics, image processing and analysis, and CNC-based manufacturing. The FlexZell is organized into different modules, which can be used independently or integrated into an automated industrial manufacturing process. The first stage of the manufacturing process will determine the kind and orientation of the raw material and communicate the results to an industrial robot. The industrial robot will handle the part into the CNC-based milling-machine. After the milling process is complete, the robot will handle the part into an optical inspection system. There, the Serial Number as well as the dimensions of the part will be measured and transmitted into a database system. Finally, the robot will sort the part into the corresponding output tray of FlexZell, according to the Quality results. The collected measurement data, together with different process related data will be used as the basis for Quality Management and Statistical Process Control. The FlexZell can be used stand-alone in the class-room as well as together with the milling machine in the lab. Students will be able to test the influence of different setups on the resulting quality of the parts manufactured.
D. Plantak Vukovac (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia) Students and Teachers’ Usage of E-Learning Artifacts in Tertiary Education in Croatia
E-learning is perceived as an important aspect of current educational processes and has been receiving an increasing interest from Croatian educational institutions. In spite of a plethora of studies on that topic in Croatia, empirical research on the actual usage of different e-learning artifacts is still missing.
This paper presents the findings of an exploratory survey conducted as part of a large-scale study on e-learning systems usability. The survey was conducted among students from three tertiary educational institutions and teachers from four universities and two polytechnics. The research results provide insights into the profiles of e-learning users and identify experiences and usage preferences/patterns concerning different e-learning artifacts such as e-learning tools and technologies.
L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia) Education via Modeling and Simulation
In this paper we present our approach to establishing modeling and simulation as an important part of the managers’ education at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice. The paper deals with experience in teaching and it also discusses the body of knowledge and methods which have been implemented into the subjects – Informatics II and Economic Information System.
J. Lovrincevic, D. Kovacevic, M. Erl Safar (Sveuciliste J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Osijek, Croatia) Role of ICT in learning and knowledge acquisition How much students know about their research skills?
Purpose: The paper analyses self-study processes, with the emphasis on the assistance provided to students by ICT. In Republic of Croatia the availability of ICT for study assistance is comprehensive at all relevant levels (at the universities: lecture theatres, ICT booths, libraries, dormitories, but also at home) which should facilitate high learning standards. That very fact sets the expectation that for the information acquisition students utilise all resources that are (can be) made available to them through the ICT. It is important to find out if that is really the case and if the learning process employed by the students is most effective possible.
The method: The paper is oriented towards the research into some of the ways of student's self-study. Their learning process is analysed in the context of the universal access to information, and correlations established between effectiveness, quality and competencies.
Results: The survey conducted is based on student interviews regarding the methods of self-study used, the role of ICT and the ways it is employed. The research will lessen the ambiguities about the ways students nowadays acquire the necessary knowledge for the chosen curriculum. It is hoped that the results will demonstrate a significant improvement compared with the pre-ICT era. On the other hand, it just might happen that student interviews will evidence poor utilisation of ICT capabilities.
Practical application: ascertaining if the use of ICT for self-study is optimal. If that is not the case, it is necessary to recommend and/or devise additional training in ICT literacy as to fully utilise6 ICT capabilities for increased study effectiveness.
D. Palova (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Slovakia, Kosice, Slovakia) E-Learning as a Tool for Improving ICT Knowledge of University Teachers
It is indisputable, that Information and communication technologies (ICT) have influenced all areas of our lives. In recent years, to the universities come the students from a generation of "digital natives", who surpass their teachers in the knowledge of ICT in many ways. The main objective of any education institution is to provide that kind and quality of study that could prepare the best graduates for the work market. These institutions (including universities) have to face many important changes – stay competitive in providing the study by implementation the newest information for the students by ICT supported and more eye-catching ways. Trends in education indicate ongoing changes of learning styles to learner-centered education, which currently means for the teacher a change not only in the traditional methods of teaching, but also the usage of new technologies to increasing student involvement in the learning process. This process of transformation is very intensive and covers several areas of life teacher.
Within the proposed paper there will be shortly described the fundamental aspects of this transformation process and demands on today’s teacher as well as activities that we already done and currently do at our faculty to support our teachers.
V. Mahnič, I. Rožanc (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Students’ Perceptions of Scrum Practices
In order to prepare students for increasing use of agile methods in industry, teaching these methods is becoming an important part of the Software Engineering curricula. At the University of Ljubljana Scrum has been systematically taught since 2009 in the framework of the software engineering capstone course. Our paper will analyze results of the survey among students with the aim of identifying those practices that students perceive most important for the success of Scrum-based software projects. After a short description of the course, students’ opinions on 12 typical practices will be presented and discussed.
M. Lamza-Maronić, J. Glavaš, T. Horvatin (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Promoting Knowledge Society through Quality Assurance Model
The unstoppable growth of market demand for good knowledge workers is an imperative for educational institutions to continuosly improve their programmes and equip young people with skills that will give them the best possible access to the business world.
As higher education institutions strive to provide the best possible educational programmes, the importance of the logistic pillar of IT and its continuous development is self-evident.
Advantages resulting from the application of e-learning are indisputable. E-learning system initiates the interactive approach within modern teaching. Improved communication can also be observed at the level teacher–student or student–student. As students are an indispensable part of this process, it is necessary to constantly monitor (by means of questionnaires, surveys, discussion...) their requests, praises, criticism and other impressions that will greatly contribute to improved teaching and learning outcomes.
Our research is to be based on the web site used as a communication tool. It will focus on students' perceptions regarding the development of e-learning system, as well as its benefits and limitations in teaching. Only full participation of all stakeholders can result in a modern teaching process with a satisfactory level of quality.
J. Lisek, D. Vrkić, I. Jelić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Community management in informal e-learning environment - analysis and vision of Facebook in Central library of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
At the beginning of the academic year 2011-2012 the Central Library Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing set foot in the world of Web 2.0 expanding to the social networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+. The necessity to integrate social networks into library managament due to the presence of the large number of patrons on the Web. Also, it turned out that the essential concept of the modern library as an active participant of teaching and center of learning and resource centre. For the purpose of this study we isolated the Central Library Facebook page which is the most significant in social networking. This paper will preview and analyze the reactions of users/patrons of the Central Library FER offered content and interaction in a certain period of time. As expected, long-term, Facebook page will allow a form of maintaining users/patrons database, close communication, development of interactive services, demolition of conventional stereotypes about libraries and librarians, in other words opening, on the door to the „living-room library“ concept.
A. Delić, K. Pažur, V. Vidaček-Hainš (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics , Varaždin, Croatia) Students’ Perception of Institutional Affection towards Minorities: Case-Study of European, American and Australian Universities
As we are facing many differences between education systems around the world, as well as high mobility among university students, it is of particular importance to examine how students perceive institution affection on their education regarding minorities.
The purpose of our research was to observe how students from different countries perceive the above mentioned.
In order to execute the research project, an online questionnaire was designed and administrated among students from three countries (Croatia, Australia and USA).
Our results showed differences between respondents from Croatia, Australia and USA. Statistically significant differences were found between answers to questions regarding support programs, financial support and faculty members’ attitudes towards students and minorities.
Our research results and conclusions can be used for planning student mobility activities, as well as organizing minority students support programs. Questionnaire can also be implemented in other researches, especially those that will be conducted in more countries than in this research.
M. Krašna (University of Marivor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia), R. Repnik (University of Marivor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia), T. Bratina (University of Marivor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia), B. Kaučič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Advanced Types of Electronic Testing of Student's Performance
Introduction of any new technology in education is hard job. It takes years to embed LCMS to study processes. At present we have lectures from different scientific disciplines that use LCMS. LCMS have far more functions than general lecturer actually use. In the beginning they start to use LCMS as data warehouse for learning material and communication. A question arises about the next phase. Naturally one would think about improving and enhancing learning materials. But the feedback from lecturers are different and the next phase should be achieving efficient (self)-testing and (self)-assessment, commonly jointly named as e-testing. Limitations of existing tools are well known; usually question types like true/false, single/multi-choice correct answer, matching, and limited open texts are used. In the paper we present principles that must be considered while preparing, implementing and conducting e-tests. In the second part we are going to present good practice and principles of advanced types of e-testing that overcomes some of existing e-testing limitations.
A. Pavić, F. Škopljanac.Mačina (FER Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Computer in Testing the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
The main characteristics of computer system, developed for support of teaching the Fundamentals of electrical engineering, are described, with emphasis on computer use in knowledge evaluation. The ways of actual computer use in knowledge testing are presented, and the possibilities of development of distance testing are discussed, regarding distance learning, as well as data security issues. At the end, the possibilities to apply the developed system in teaching at other universities and secondary schools are considered.
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Chairs: Jaak Henno and Violeta Vidaček Hainš
J. Halozan, F. Vrbancic (High school of Electrotechnics and Computing, School Centre Ptuj , Ptuj, Slovenia) Does a Gifted Student Need a Mentor?
The article presents the development of the gifted student in the period of 7 years, from the early primary school years till the finished technical school, including the final exam called Matura.
Analysed time period has been divided into three parts: before, during and after teenage period. Student`s knowledge achievement, his professional independence, attitude towards schoolmates and teachers, student`s satisfaction with the mentor and his satisfaction of the choice and additional topics lectures given, has been analysed.
Another analysis refers to the influence of each criteria on student`s professional development as well as personal growth.
Achieved results has led to the defined characteristics, which should be the part of the mentor`s work with the gifted students with their own described merits
B. Misnevs, N. Fila, A. Dunjashkins (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia) Simulation Model of Distance Learning Planning and Implementation on the Basis of ECTS Credits
The purpose of the report is to present the methodology and its implementation results in the research of Distance Learning process trends by using simulation model for a Higher Educational Institution (HEI).
The article discusses the planning and implementation of distance learning in HEI teaching process in connection with their human, informational, and financial resources. The relevance of this study is determined not only by the need to have a tool for making decisions on the implementation of specific training programs, but also allows you to make transparent the core business process of the university and show interest in the mechanism of academic staff in implementing the customer-oriented strategy of the university.
A proposed model is based on the calculation of payment for teaching, work on the creation of training materials, on payment of tutors in distance education and on some most significant parameters of the program implementation process. These parameters can be either: the number of students enrolled in the program; the number of ECTS credit points to students for a semester, and other. All of them are calculated using the actual curricula of individual programs. The model allows calculating both projected revenues and expenses for individual items. This allows us to assess administrative decisions to optimize the structure of the program and implement training plans.
Model was successfully validated on four real academic programs at Transport and Telecommunication Institute. The model and the proposed method of its use fully comply with the principles of the Bologna process and can be easily transformed for use at any European HEI.
Keywords: payment for teaching, customer-oriented strategy, revenues and expenses, program implementation.
M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia) Introduction to Electronic Banking by eLearning Methods
With advances in the use of ICT in education, the education areas extend. With the introduction of electronic banking, there was a need to include theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this area into the educational process. At our faculty we provide obligatory course of Electronic Services in Banking to our students. Students can try the operation of electronic banking on virtual Electronic Online Bank. This course is based on eLearning methods (using LMS, use of virtual bank by students, training videos etc.). Students have the opportunity to come into contact with various forms of electronic services in banking (from already technologically obsolete to new emerging ones). This course increases the awareness of electronic banking among the young generation, which usually just opens its first current accounts in banks. The emphasis is on safety and security of electronic banking services, including the principles of electronic signature. Our course also provides to students the experience of electronic signature usage in other areas, besides of banking services. This supports the use of e-Identity in the e-Government among the future users of these services. During the year 2011 we conducted electronic questionnaire survey on students' awareness of electronic banking services before and after the completion of course. The results serve us as feedback, which provides important suggestions for changes in the educational process.
Y. Grigoriadis, L. Fickert, M. Schön, M. Ebner, W. Nagler (University of Graz, Graz, Austria) Podcasting for Electrical Power Systems
Podcasts revolutionized modern music market latest since Apple had conquered it by introducing its iPod and iTunes platform to the audience as well as YouTube had turned video publishing to be mere child´s play. It is ignorant to think that podcasts will stop at school´s or university´s doors. It has become usual that students privately record lectures which they are often not allowed to. It is evident for a schooling institution to offer a recording service. At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) this service started for the entire university and as a centralised task in autumn 2006 with the formation of the Department of Social Learning (DSL) as a part of the Information Technology Services (ITS). Early adopters of implementing this service has been and the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of the TU Graz (IFEA). From the very first day IFEA was a professional partner to cooperate with DSL. Since 2006 over 400 hours of recordings of lectures of IFEA could have been offered to the students and constantly growing.
This paper reflects six years of managing (lecture) recording activities at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) with a very special eye on the broad experiences of IFEA´s activities according to podcasting as well as their advantages of using this service. Furthermore the paper analyses the history, development and management, its increase, aspects of evaluation and didactics as well as its future trends facing the challenges of an university wide automated recording system and speech to text functionality. The paper presents too the latest development of an integrated search functionality offered for each single recording serviced by the Department of Social Learning (DSL) of TU Graz. This is made possible on base of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) recognition of indexed video frames. Podcasting has become an integrated part of teaching acitivites at IFEA and at TU Graz in general and is further enlarged to an automated system providing high quality multimedial lecture recordings.
J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland) Quo vadis, IT Education?
Well-educated, knowledgeable population is the most important recourse of every country, especially for a country like Estonia, whose main resource is its geographical position between (still) raw materials rich East and technological West. Human society is rapidly growing into knowledge society, more and more using Information Technology (IT), for trade this is the basis.
But the IT-education is facing several challenges: rapid, all-increasing flood of new information (half of this what IT student learns in his/her first year of study is already obsolete after three years, and estimates show that we are only in the middle of the information age), very heterogeneous population of students – different ages, from different countries, from EU and from Far East, who nearly all are already working (full-time), thus having very different background knowledge, who record lectures (if they are present) with their iPhone/iPad images and videos, who communicate with their mentors sending links to their video clips in YouTube; changing nature of Universities, which are transforming into commercial enterprises (partly based on profit) and are forced to act correspondingly. The whole value of higher IT education is sometimes questioned – Bill Gates and Steve Jobbs both dropped out from college.
In the paper are discussed current challenges of IT education and considered methods of overcoming some issues – use of local and international e-materials and e-projects and involvement of students in creation of these materials, changes in course curricula, increased accountability of universities’ performance and educational results, new forms of education (in Estonia, in addition to The Estonian Information Technology College the next autumn will start an IT academy); discussion is based on authors long-term practice and changes, what the IT education is currently having in our countries in the general context of EU efforts for lifelong learning.
Invited Paper
Chairs: Željka Požgaj and Marjan Krašna
Pero Lučin (University of Rijeka)
Kako IT tehnologije mijenjaju proces učenja |
Round table: Quo Vadis IT Education? |
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Chairs: Željka Požgaj and Marjan Krašna
I. Kastelan, D. Majstorovic, M. Nikolic, J. Eremic, M. Katona (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) Laboratory Exercises for Embedded Engineering Learning Platform
This paper presents the set of laboratory exercises developed for the embedded engineering learning platform. The platform used is based on FPGA device which is programmed by students. The laboratory exercises cover the fundamental topics in digital design: (1) design of combinational circuits, (2) design of sequential circuits, (3) design of finite state machines, (4) design of complex digital systems, (5) processor design – components, arithmetic logic unit and control unit and (6) programming of the designed processor. The designed set of laboratory exercises was used in Digital Systems Design Principles course. At the end of the semester the students were asked to fill the survey about the laboratory exercises and they gave positive feedback. The new laboratory exercises demand more effort than the previous version, but the end result was increased percentage of students who passed the course, even though the exercises are more challenging.
M. Duh (Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), B. Bedrač (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathem, Maribor, Slovenia) Assessment of e-Learning Materials Aestetic Design
In the past years we have discovered that aesthetic principles need to be one of priority topic for successful e-learning material design projects. Aesthetic items can be identified but since it is subjective term no absolute measure can be applied to produce undisputable values that would grade e-learning materials. Aesthetic is influenced by users' age, social preference, previous knowledge and technical development. We have also discovered that assessment of aesthetic can be influenced by reposition of materials in the assessment process. In the article we propose the optimal evaluation method for aesthetic assessment to eliminate the external influences and achieve better results. Results of different testing methods are also presented in the article.
G. Molnar, V. Omrčen (Asseco SEE d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), M. Čupić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Automating the Formal Logic Course
Formal logic topics are typical parts of the introductory faculty level artificial intelligence courses. An important part of each faculty course are student quizzes and exams. Despite the fact that both propositional logic and first order predicate logic are formal systems, in many institutions exams are prepared and graded manually. This process is labour intensive and error prone. In this paper, we present two tools for automating a part of this process: random logical formula generator and logical formula parser. The random logical formula generator is used to create logical formulas with desired content and complexity and the formula parser can be used to automatically evaluate the well formedness of formulas entered by students. Together, they are used as a part of the integrated artificial intelligence course management system at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Computer aided quiz assembly enables teaching staff to easily assign each student their own, unique questions in order to discourage cheating. Aside from the aforementioned purposes, they are used as a support for the mutual development of both components, using test driven development paradigm.
M. Banek Zorica, T. Ivanjko, M. Benčec (Universtiy of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Croatian libraries on Facebook: wall activity and content analysis
There is little doubt that social networking today plays an important role in online communication. Between the different existing social networking services, the most popular one with more than 500 million users worldwide is Facebook. As the Facebook platform attracted more and more users, Croatian libraries started to perceive the benefits they can get from creating their presence: from reaching existing and potential users to using it as a marketing tool.
This research focused on examining the library wall activity and the content Croatian libraries made available through their Facebook presences.
First part of research analyzed the wall activity of library presences during a period of 14 days in May/June 2011. In the second phase a detailed content analysis was undertaken on library presences that had at least one post in the observed period. The total sample consisted of 64 libraries with 402 posts.
The results of wall activity analysis showed that a small number of libraries are responsible for generating a large portion of content, and most of the libraries are not very active, which can implicate a lack of strategy. The content analysis has shown that libraries mostly use their Facebook presences as a tool for announcements and marketing, and that a significant number of library post falls into the “spam” category, which can show the lack of knowledge on potential threats when using the Facebook platform.
Ž. Požgaj, V. Bosilj Vukšić (Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Personal Learning Environments: The Implications on Process of e-Learning
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the impact of personal learning environments (PLEs) on the process of e-learning. PLEs bring the radical shift on e-learning process not only how the educational technology is used but also on the organization of the learning process. Paper exhibits: the background of personal learning environments; the impact of PLEs on learning process especially when informal learning is in question; changes on learning process according to the implementation of Web 2.0 services; changes on accessing ways to Internet services and Web 2.0 services involved in social connecting, information sharing, discussing, knowledge collecting etc.; implication of PLEs on personal knowledge management.
PLEs help individuals to take a control of the learning and manage their own way of learning. That include support in determine individuals’ own learning goals, in managing their learning processes and contents, in organizing ways of communication between individuals involved in learning process. The term PLE describes the tools, community and services that presents individual learning platform. Permanent necessity of new skills and knowledge brings changes on individuals’ perception of learning and on the whole educational system. Individuals become more and more oriented on lifelong learning and at the same time a role of informal learning arises. In the context of new learning orientation, PLEs present a useful system or platform that should help people to organize their own learning process. Using new technologies, especially Web 2.0 tools, individuals become active participants in the process of learning and they create their personal knowledge and they develop their personal skills. They collect, classify, store, search, retrieve information, share knowledge; communicate, cooperate and discuss with other individuals of the same interests. New possibilities of mobile communication systems and mobile software applications allow individuals a simple communication with members of learning community whenever they want as well as a simple collection of information wherever they are. Personal knowledge management as a conceptual framework for knowledge managing, has to help individuals to recognize, organize and integrate accessible information in their own personal knowledge bases.. As information is fundamental part of knowledge, the main aim of personal knowledge management together with PLEs is to help individuals to select proper web 2.0 tools and apply it on the best way developing new knowledge and skills.
This paper presents some of the results of a survey carried out at the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb about students’ inclination for PLEs services.
P. Poščić, D. Subotić, M. Ivašić-Kos (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Developing the Course Database Systems to Respond to Market Requirements
With a development of the information technology companies worldwide have been using database systems to store and retreive data about their customers, employees, business partners or products. This paper describes content and implementation of a Database systems course developed for undergraduate students at the Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka. Research was conducted on complexity and innovation of student projects (their own databases) and students' ability to recognize and respond to potential market requirements. Results will be presented in the paper.
I. Reif, T. Orehovački (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) ViSA: Visualization of Sorting Algorithms
Analysis and design of algorithms is a great challenge for both computer and information science students. Fear of programming, lack of interest, and the abstract nature of the programming concepts are the main cause of the the high drop out and failure rates in introductory programming courses. With an aim to motivate and help students, many researches have proposed different kinds of tools. Although it has been reported that some of these tools have a positive impact on gaining programming skills, the problem still remains mostly unsolved. This paper describes a tool for the visualization of sorting algorithms (ViSA). ViSA is an easy-to-setup and fully automatic visualization system with step-by-step explanations and comparison of sorting algorithms. Design principles and technical structure of the visualization system as well as its practical implications and educational benefits are presented and discussed.
Chairs: Elena Krelja Kurelović and Radovan Vrana
M. Jurinovic (Tehnička škola Pula, Pula, Croatia) Base of Short Answers
Base of short answer is a system in which short answers are collected together with the issues in the form of (usually) a single word.
The system is then uses for the free telephone number, crosswords and bases for CAT.
Currently there is a free number (available in Croatia) 015501347
Web sites that confirm the authenticity of the contents:
www.catwebcloud.com / crossw
I. Hebrang Grgić, P. Miočić (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Searching for Information Sources: Students’ Behaviour in Electronic Environment
ICT is an important catalyst in transition from traditional to 21st century education. In the centre of our interests are students and their search for reliable information sources. The paper presents results of an online survey of all the students of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (FHSS). Analysis will show how they search for information in electronic environment while preparing exams and writing theses. Students’ usage of library catalogue, commercial databases, open access repositories, open access journals, e-learning system, social networks, social bookmarking services, scientific blogs and forums will be analysed. Nine variables will be tested by chi-square test to show whether there are statistically significant differences in information searching behaviour between students of the Department of Information and Communication Sciences (DICS) and students of other departments at the faculty. All the results will show how important is formal education for using, evaluating and retrieving reliable information sources. The results will also accent some guidelines that will help educators and librarians at the faculty in planning education of their students/users.
V. Juričić, V. Štefanec, S. Bosanac (Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Multilingual plagiarism detection corpus
The paper presents a system for generating multilingual corpora that can be used to determine performance of plagiarism detection systems. Implemented method uses parallel language corpora and because of its scalability, can be applied to any language. Authors have collected data from five parallel corpora and enabled corpus generation for Croatian, French, German, Spanish and Italian language.
A. Skendžić (Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću, Gospić, Croatia), M. Mačinko Kovač (OŠ Eugena Kvaternika, Velika Gorica, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Sveučilište u Rijeci-Odjel za informatiku, Rijeka, Croatia) The Influence of Social Networks on Communication in the Classroom
The paper gives an overview of the popularity of using Social Networks in Croatia, and their increasing impact on the quality of life and lifestyle of young people. In a survey on the frequency of Social Networks usage, specially Facebook, in particular classes in elementary schools we identify different scholar behaviors, and show a similar behavior pattern of young people who use Social Networks every day.
J. Divić, M. Debeljuh (VSITE, Zagreb, Croatia) Model of 8-bit Microprocessor Intended for Lecturing
Study of architecture and basics of digital computers is part of IT studies performed today. In order to present high quality lectures and learning materials to students for such abstract subject, model of 8-bit processor was created that is simple enough to allow detail realization study during scheduled lecturing units.
In this paper such model is presented with microprogrammed control unit, implementing also stack and interrupts belonging to more advanced topics.
Internal implementation of the model contains registry addressing, ALU, microprogrammed control unit and communication with memory.
K. Pavlina, A. Pongrac, B. Latas (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Hardware Equipment of Computer Classrooms in Croatian Elementary Schools
With development of information and communication technology computer literacy has become one of basic type of literacy necessary for modern living. Croatian educational strategy acknowledged this necessity and plans to introduce obligatory computer science education from first grade of elementary school. Hardware equipment of computer classrooms presents basic prerequisite for good computer science education. This paper presents research about hardware equipment of computer classrooms in Croatian elementary schools.
D. Purković, Z. Kolumbić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Croatia) A Concept of the Web-Based E-Testing System
The paper is devoted to the development of a general web-based e-testing system (WbeTS) solution with optimally use of communication possibilities offered by the Internet. Developed conceptual solution: (a) enable frequent testing of many students with small teaching stuff, (b) allows each student the significant freedom of choosing the time, place and manner to do the test, and (c) provides the method for uniform evaluation criteria achievement.
Introduction of the paper reviews and elaborates advantages and disadvantages of actual practice in testing and e-testing as well as written and oral part of final exam. Here it can be concluded that contemporary practice of the student examination is far more intensive than the former so it is necessary to increase the number of teaching staff or develop more appropriate examination systems.
The second part considers different testing methods and possibilities of their application in the case of WbeTS. Further it is analyzed the possibilities of the online and offline supervision of the students work.
In the third part is the developed WbeTS described. There are also presented the diagram of the test routing – each student starts with the same block of question and which is the next block depends on the first bloc results: time spent, quantity, and quality of answers.
E. Krelja Kurelović, J. Tomljanović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Ružić Baf (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, Pula, Croatia) The Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Education from the Point of View of Future Teachers
The main characteristics of Web 2.0 technologies, such as openness, interactivity, collaboration, social networking and collective intelligence are consistent with the contemporary considerations in the teaching practice (constructivism and connectivism). Web 2.0 tools have thus found their application in education, resulting in what is today called e-education 2.0. New Web 2.0 technologies provide students at all levels with a different way of communicating and cooperating, simple creating, exchanging and commenting on their contents, learning in a more interesting way and the independent publishing of projects and other papers. Web 2.0 tools make students change from receivers of information to persons that can actively generate information and it allows them to learn through experience. However, the question is, how much have Web 2.0 tools penetrated into our reality of education and whether the students of teaching studies, the future teachers, have recognized the pedagogical value of Web 2.0 tools. This is the crucial research question dealt with in this paper, which presents the results of research conducted on a sample of students of junior and senior elementary school teaching studies at the Universities of Rijeka and Pula.
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Chairs: Elena Krelja Kurelović and Radovan Vrana
V. Matic (Vocational School Vukovar, Vukovar, Croatia) Enviromental Education of Students in Vocational Schools in a Multimedia Surrounding
This is a multidisciplinary paper presenting a synthesis of IT, educational and environmental factors. The author in the paper explores interfunctional connection between above mentioned factors, elaborating a comprehensive model of IT support for environmental education of students in vocational schools in a multimedia surrounding.
Multimedia education, in essence, involves a multimedia information system which ,in interactive communication with the user, simultaneously uses various forms of information (text, graphics, animation, music, speech).
Multimedia technologies in teaching ecology of vocational schools include input / output units that allow access to desired information,as well as the automated data acquisition from the environment for purposes of the enviromental education .These units are: TV camera, microphone, scanner, etc. They generate multimedia entities such as video or audio recording, etc.
R. Vrana (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Teaching Scientific Literacy by the Help of ICT
"Scientific literacy is the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity." (National Science Education Standards, 1996.). Scientifically literate person is able to "(...) describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena. Scientific literacy entails being able to read with understanding articles about science in the popular press and to engage in social conversation about the validity of the conclusions." (National Science Education Standards, 1996.) Scientific literacy is considered to be one of the basic digital age literacies in group with basic, economic, technical, visual, information and multicultural literacy and it answers the question: "Do students have the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making and participation in social systems?" (enGauge 21st Century Skills: Helping Students Thrive in the Digital Age, 2003, p. 3). Scientific literacy is not limited to students, instead, all "(...) citizens need to be scientifically literate to: appreciate the world around them and make informed personal choices" (Hazen, 2002). Griffin and Ramachandran (2010, p. 326) enumerated reasons why science literacy is important for all citizens : science and technology permeate all aspects of daily life; it is a prerequisite for citizens to make informed decisions and be informed consumers; globalization of society and economies requires one to understand science and technology. Science news and discoveries are available in traditional media and on the internet which are used in education as information resources. Scientific literacy should be taught as early as possible even at pre-school age when children are systematically exposed to knowledge about the world that surrounds them (adapted for their age), and this transfer of knowledge should continue throughout one's life both in formal and informal channels of education. By being scientifically literate, students and other members of society will become able not only to critically approach science and scientific discovery but they will also be better citizens who will contribute to the development of society with implementation of their knowledge. This paper will give an overview of science literacy and its role in education and society and it will also explain its spreading by use of traditional media and information and communication technology.
R. Vrana (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Enriching the Learning Experience: Use of Scientific Information Resources and Participation in Scientific Research in Higher Education: Case of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb
In last few years, higher education system in Croatia has undergone changes induced by political, social, technological and other factors. During each phase of changes, generations of students are introduced to alterations in curricula and/or alterations in curricula implementation, but some aspects of these changes remain inadequately researched and evaluated. This paper puts focus on two such aspects: use of scientific information resources among students population at Faculty of humanities and social sciences Zagreb (FHSS) in their learning process and their involvement in scientific research as a part of their curricular activities. To find out more about these two aspects, a research project was designed. The results of the research indicate strong orientation of students towards use of library at FHSS for access to scientific books, scientific journals in printed and digital format. Use of FHSS library is complemented by use of digital scientific information resources on the internet for resources that are not available in library. Students who participated in research expressed their satisfaction with availability of scientific information resources at FHSS and with their quality. They were also offered a list of characteristics of scientific information resources such as publication topic structure, publication topic layout, author reputation, publisher reputation, price etc. to select characteristics from the list that are most relevant to them in their earning process. Regarding the second aspect, only half of students carried out scientific research independently and about one third of them participated in scientific research together with their professors. However, students demonstrated strong motivation to learn methods of scientific research by enrollment in courses that would help them to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for them to become independent researchers. Students hardly ever publish journal articles or conference proceedings papers which makes them users rather than producers of scientific knowledge. As a conclusion, the research showed that students have well defined criteria for selection and use of scientific information resources which will enrich their learning experience. Unfortunately, the second part of the research also showed less than satisfactory participation of students in scientific research, which must be improved. Since both topics have great impact on success of the learning process in higher education institutions, they should be given more attention in academic community when considering development of better university curricula.
I. Tasic, D. Karuovic, D. Glusac (Tehnicki fakultet "MIhajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia) The Impact of the Professional Development of Teachers on the Process of Teaching and Learning
Seven key fields are valued in the schoolwork. In this paper will be treated the key field of valuation – teaching and learning. It is directly connected to the professional advanced teachers’ training. The process of teaching and learning is another key field in the project “Valuation and self – valuation of school work“. In consists of four fields which are further divided on subfields of self – valuation. They relate to the valuation of teaching planning and preparing as well other form of pedagogical – educational work, teaching realisation, i.e. its rationality and organisation; different forms of communications, cooperation and stimulation of pupils. They relate also to correlation and use of the achieved knowledges, as well the activities of pupils, manner of learning, marking, controlling and informing.
D. Pavlić (RIS d.o.o, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Pavlić (University of Rijeka/Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Jovanović (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro GA, United States) Future of Internet Technologies
The Paper provides an analitical overview of the current state of IT technologies for the development of business applications. The benefits and issues of these technologies, mostly caused by the companies that own them, are shown. A possible solution of these issues through a Rich Internet Application approach has been given. Rich Internet Applications would make it easier for developers to develop business applications for the Internet. A few major RIA platforms have been pointed out as well as their incompatibility witha number of devices and OS platforms. In the end, a possible solution has been proposed in the form of new client-side software development which would enable the transition of legacy server-side business application to the Internet.
Z. Buzasi (Fakultet za menadzment, Novi Sad, Serbia) New Media as a Factor of Learning Efficiency in Dyslexic Persons
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of adapting
the design of new media for the education of persons with dyslexia.
Through examples of visual communication the author wants to make a
contribution in recognition of the applicability of image and visual
thinking. Pictures are important for the communication of information
in the form of visual arguments and go beyond an illustrative role.
Research shows that new media can greatly contribute to inclusion and
integration of people with various disabilities. Combining text, audio
and visual stimuli results in significant advances.
L. Zekanović-Korona (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia), V. Mateljan (University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Krce Miočić (University of Zadar , Zadar , Croatia) Evaluation System for e-Learning
Education is essential part of each society and by studying e-learning systems, without which any contemporary society is unimaginable, We wanted to create an evaluative model of e-learning systems. The purpose of this model is to direct and help the authors of educative contents to create the most qualitative teaching materials. The advantage of e-learning is the possibility of learning from one’s own home comfort and when it mostly suits an individual. E-learning puts emphasis on adjusting lecturing contents to individuals and their educative motivations.
With empirical research used in this work, I have proved that there are statistically significant connections between all elements of e-learning system; education materials structure, teaching methods, accessibility, interest and availability of education materials, motivation and users' activity, development of creativity, research approach, back up information, illustrated examples, education materials design, communication within e-learning system, users’ role, support to users and implementation of knowledge evaluation. The most important proved connections are between the methods of education and the structure of educational contents, research approach and the development of creativity in system users, their role, communication within e-learning system and motivation of its users.
L. Kazi, Z. Kazi, B. Radulovic (University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, Serbia) Data Warehouse Based Evaluation of Students' Achievements in Information Systems Education
Evaluation of students work during educational process depends on strategic decisions regarding continual monitoring or sequential knowledge and skills assessment. Sequential assessment often include projects and tests. In the field of information systems education projects are used very often as a method for students knowledge and practical skills assessment. In this paper we present data analysis and evaluation of results of students knowledge and skills assessment in the field of information systems education. As assigment methods we practiced that students are assigned to projects or they do practical partial exam at laboratory tests. This way they fullfill their pre-exam requirements. We analyse assessment results data from the period of fifteen years by using data warehouse technology. We recognize trends in students' achievements data that show us their preferences regarding assessment methods.
J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine,Department of physics and biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia) The application of web-based formative quizzes in laboratory teaching in higher education environment
In this paper we have presented the results of the application of web-based formative quizzes in physics laboratory teaching at biomedical university study programs. The web application Pitalica has been developed in order to enable quizzes for all students at the beginning of each laboratory class. The web-based quizzes are questioning the underlying theory of the specific practical assignment that the student is about to work off. The web-based quizzes have been performed during academic years 2010 and 2011. During the year 2010, quizzes were strictly formative i.e. the principal characteristic of the examination was to provide the appropriate feedback for constructing knowledge. During the 2011, students were informed that aside from the formative role, the total result achieved through quizzes would also bring 20% of the final exam grade.
This paper is investigating the influence of formative web-based quizzes on the final practical exam results, when the two described approaches were applied.
At the end of the course a survey has been conducted, questioning self perceived ease of use, motivation for better preparation, competences acquired, quizzes preferences, ICT literacy and gender.
Z. Prohaska (Education and teacher training agency (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Rijeka, Croatia) Pupils’ Attitude towards the Introduction of ICT in Visual Arts Education in Croatian Primary Schools
Author’s two previous papers i.e. Teaching and Learning Visual Arts by Using a Computer Program (on MIPRO 2009) and Main Prerequisites for Introduction of ICT in Visual Arts Education in Croatian Primary Schools (on MIPRO 2010) both presented excellent frameworks for and comprehensive researches on two essential groups of factors for the introduction of ICT in Visual arts education in Croatian primary schools. However, because today’s modern educational systems on all levels, including the primary school level, are already or are, as the repercussion of worldwide changes, becoming increasingly pupil-oriented there is yet another group of factors that should be taken into account. This group of factors can be defined as the pupils’ attitude. Because, in the final line, the whole effort i.e. introduction of ICT in Visual Arts education is primarily done for pupils, their opinions, motivations and expectations should also be researched and evaluated. Consequently, for this year’s MIPRO a representative number pupils from the higher grades (grades 5 through 8) of Croatian primary schools will be included in the research that will be conducted with an aim to gather the helpful feedback from them on previously mentioned crucial issues.
Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda, S. Suljić (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET RIJEKA, RIJEKA, Croatia) American Investor – Simulation of Investments in Stocks and Options
American Investor, the former official simulation of the American Stock Exchange, was designed to teach market participants, i.e. investors but also students the basics of fundamental and technical analysis of stocks and the use of options in their investment strategy. It allowed participants to refine their analytical and investment skills in a no-risk environment.
The trading environment in this simulation consisted of 47 companies with stocks and options as well as the AMEX Major Market Index. Based on daily data in the time period of 190 days the students could trade stocks and options in real life conditions with transactions costs included. If the students did “made money” in the simulation they would have made it in the real world.
To test the knowledge and investment skills of students in transitional countries non-graduate and graduate students of finance in Slovenia and Croatia tested their investment strategies on the American stock exchange with this simulation during their courses of finance in the time period 1995-2010.
It was found out that as time proceeded the results of the students were better because parallel with the evolution of the financial markets in their home countries special finance and investment courses were taught at their faculties what enabled them to be better prepared for investments in the secondary stock markets and options markets.
Basic information:
Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Nina Lipljin (Croatia), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia)
Steering Committee:
Michael E. Auer (Austria), Charles E.M. Pearce (Australia), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia)
International Program Committee Chairman:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
International Program Committe:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Radivoje S. Popović (Switzerland), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)
Primorsko-goranska županija, Grad Rijeka
Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 7, 2012
After May 7, 2012
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Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750
E-mail: marina.cicinsain@gmail.com
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