Chairs: A. Kontošić, B. Kontošić |
A. Jakupović, E. Pirić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Poslovni odjel, Rijeka, Croatia) Laboratorij za emulaciju računalnih mreža i primjena u praktičnoj nastavi 
Osnovni problem u praktičnoj nastavi iz područja računalnih mreža leži u činjenici da ju je teško organizirati za veću skupinu studenata. Ona zahtjeva veći broj različitih mrežnih uređaja, prostor za njihovo odlaganje, prostor za fizičku realizaciju topologija, organizaciju vremena tako da svaki student stigne izraditi vježbu itd. Rješenje ove problematike je u pretvaranju jedne radne stanice računalnoga kabineta u laboratorij za emulaciju računalnih mreža. Članak ukratko opisuje način izvedbe navedenoga laboratorija. Detaljnije se prikazuju neki nastavni sadržaji s odgovarajućim ishodima učenja, a koji se realiziraju kroz uspostavljeni laboratorij. Opisan je postupak provjere ishoda učenja primjenom laboratorija. Prikazana je primjena laboratorija u izradi studentskih projekata. U zaključku se navode moguća poboljšanja uspostavljenoga laboratorija, te se opisuje proširenje njegove primjene na neka druga područja.
R. Pekorari, T. Horvat (HIDRA - Hrvatska informacijsko-dokumentacijska referalna agencija, Zagreb, Croatia) Otvoreni edukacijski online program u funkciji kvalitetnije dostupnosti službenih informacija 
Jedna od osnovnih zadaća Hrvatske informacijsko-dokumentacijske referalne agencije (u daljnjem tekstu Hidra), stručne službe Vlade Republike Hrvatske, je osiguranje dostupnosti javnih službenih informacija svim zainteresiranim korisnicima pod jednakim uvjetima, nepristrano, besplatno i u otvorenom pristupu. Kako bi ostvarila tu zadaću, Hidra u svoj rad uključuje i različite edukacijske programe. Procjena potreba i analiza korisnika dovela je do zaključka da je nužan novi pristup korisnicima Hidrinih usluga te se krenulo u izradu programa za e-učenje. Osim toga, budući da je većina Hidrinih proizvoda i usluga dostupna online, nametnuo se zaključak da su primjerene i upute za njihovo korištenje u e-obliku. U radu će se opisati projektni plan prvog Hidrinog programa za e-učenje pod nazivom «Naučite kako, brzo i lako, do pravnih propisa!». Prikazat će se opis projekta i nastavnog problema, karakteristike mogućih korisnika, ishodi učenja i nastavni materijali te će se evaluirati tehnologija koja će se koristiti za realizaciju projekta kao i potrebni resursi. Posebno će se razmotriti mogući problemi i rizici tijekom rada na projektu.
M. Mirković (TEHNIČKA ŠKOLA POŽEGA, POŽEGA, Croatia) Primjena računalnih igara u obrazovanju 
Računalo u obrazovanju zadržava djetetovu koncentraciju učenja, omogućuje interaktivno učenje, pruža mogućnost otkrivanja i potiče aktivno učenje. Unaprijeđen je proces učenja i poučavanja uz uporabu kognitivnih alata za izgradnju znanja, pri čemu učenici postaju kreatori, kroz vlastito interpretiranje i organiziranje znanja. Edukativne računalne igre motivirati će i aktivirati današnje generacije učenika te postati most između sadašnjeg načina učenja i poučavanja i budućih pristupa učenju.
Edukativne igre koriste se za poučavanje, vježbanje, učenje, mjerenje znanja te razvijanje vještina. Njihovom uporabom razvija se u djeteta interaktivan rad (pojačava znatiželju, razvija međusobnu pomoć, kontrolu ispravnosti i pohvale za točnost) te navika individualnog ali i grupnog rada.
Veliki broj internetskih portala omogućuje pristup računalnim igrama prema različitim nastavnim područjima, čime je učenicima pružena mogućnost razvijanja vještina i znanja iz većine nastavnih predmeta. Kvalitetne računalne igre moraju biti koncipirane tako da simuliraju školske situacije (vježbanje, ispitivanje, rješavanje zadataka). One kod učenika moraju poticati aktivnost, razmišljanje, pamćenje i brzinu.
Djeca kroz igre razvijaju svoje perceptivne, mentalne i psihomotorne sposobnosti. Igre pozitivno utječu na sposobnost mišljenja, zaključivanja, rješavanja problema te kreativnost i inteligenciju, odnosno sposobnost snalaženja u novim situacijama. Dijete se uči nositi sa stresom te posebno vlastitim neuspjehom i tako postaje emocionalno inteligentnije i kompetentnije.
B. Kontošić (Osnovna škola Centar u Puli, Pula, Croatia), A. Kontošić (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia) Istraživanje o učestalosti korištenja računala i Interneta kod učenika Osnovne škole Centar u Puli 
Sažetak - Koliko vremena učenici provedu na računalu? Koliko vremena provedu koristeći usluge Interneta? Koriste li računalo za zabavu ili stjecanje znanja? Na provedenom istraživanju među učenicima Osnovne škole Centar u Puli utvrditi će se tko više koristi računalo i usluge Interneta, učenici razredne ili učenici predmetne nastave, koriste li ga više učenici ili učenice, odnosno utječe li dob i spol na učestalost korištenja računala i u koje svrhe.
Do podataka se došlo anketnim upitnikom kojim su bili anonimno ispitani svi učenici nižih i viših razreda. Istraživanjem se također htjelo uvidjeti postoji li poveznica između općeg uspjeha učenika i učestalosti korištenja računala i Interneta. Analizom prikupljenih podataka došlo se do rezultata koji pokazuju da učenici uglavnom računalo koriste u svrhu zabave i virtualnog druženja, učenici viših razreda služe se uslugama Interneta za rješavanje školskih zadataka više od učenika razredne nastave koji računalo najčešće upotrebljavaju za zabavu kroz igrice i videozapise.
J. Đurić, V. Jelkić, A. Nikitović (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Elektronski udžbenik u osnovnim i srednjim školama 
Učenje preko elektroniskih udžbenika. Anketiranjem učenika iz osnovih i srednjih škola želimo proći kroz par pitanja na koje su učenici odgovorili. Postavlja se par pitanja uvođenjem u školstvo elektroničkih udžbenika, olakšavanje učenja ili otežavanje. Koliko je to jednostavno za korištenje, jednostavno za nabaviti, kako pratiti nastavu. Koliko je školstvu jednostavnije preko elektroničkih udžbenika predavati?
Laganim uvođenjem elektronskih udžbenika u školstvo, trebalo bi se olakšati i pojednostaviti nabavljanje udženika za školarce i omogućiti im jednostavniji rad. Sve što je potrebno za učenje je računalo, koje danas svako kućanstvo ima i dobra volja.
B. Kontošić, dipl. učiteljica (Osnovna škola Centar u Puli, Pula, Croatia), A. Kontošić, mag.oec. (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia) Istraživanje utjecaja rada za računalom na zdravlje učenika Osnovne škole Centar u Puli 
Prilikom rada na računalu potrebno je voditi računa i o zdravlju korisnika odnosno učenika. U tu svrhu u Osnovnoj školi Centar u Puli provedeno je istraživanje anonimnim ispitivanjem učenika. Analizom prikupljenih podataka došlo se do rezultata u kojoj mjeri rad na računalu utječe na zdravstveno stanje učenika. Rad na računalu, osobito dugotrajni, izaziva probleme s vidom, glavobolju, bolove u leđima te je važno voditi brigu o ergonomskim uvjetima za rad.
D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia), D. Kažović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), A. Radovan (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia) OpenProj - Open Source softverski alat za upravljanje IT projektima 
OpenProj je open-source softverski alat namijenjen vođenju projekata i alternativa komercijalnom softveru MS Project.
U ovom članku su prikazane osnovne karakteristike OpenProj softvera, dana je usporedba s MS Project softverom i analizirane mogućnosti primjene OpenProj softvera u praktičnom dijelu edukacije iz područja upravljanja projektima na visokoškolskom IT stručnom studiju.
M. Kosovec (Osnovna škola „Remete“, Remete 99a, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Zaštita i sigurnost djece na internetu 
Internet, kao jedan od najrasprostranjenijih medija, postao je dio svakodnevice i djece i odraslih. Njegove brojne mogućnosti čine ga zanimljivim, ali i potencijalno opasnim. Budući da je riječ o mediju gdje je dopuštena potpuna anonimnost, prostora za nezakonite radnje je mnogo. Neprestana edukacija odraslih, djece i mladih preduvjet su za sigurno odrastanje djece u svijetu informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, u kojem mediji postaju dio svakodnevnice u obrazovanju i odrastanju. Ovim radom se željelo ustanoviti koliko su djeca osnovnoškolske dobi sigurna i zaštićena na internetu. Pritom su kao čimbenici narušavanja sigurnosti uzeta određena rizična ponašanja djece te izloženost rizicima pri najučestalijim aktivnostima na internetu. Prilikom procjene rizičnog ponašanja djece naglasak je stavljen na društvenu mrežu Facebook. U radu je prikazano istraživanje na učenicima osnovnih škola u Zagrebu i izvan njega, koji pohađaju 5. i 8. razred.
Predsjedatelji: D. Drenjanac, K. Blažeka |
M. Lukić (1 Osnovna Škola "Pušća", Zagorska 2, Zaprešić, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Mogućnosti primjene informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u primarnom obrazovanju 
Utjecaj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije na cjelokupan ljudski život i rad postaje svakim danom sve veći. U današnje vrijeme upotreba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavom procesu je nezaobilazna, stoga je važno da učitelji shvate važnost stalne edukacije za njenu primjenu. U ovom radu prikazane su mogućnosti primjene informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u primarnom obrazovanju. Korištenje informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije konkretizirano je kroz nekoliko čimbenika - stručna osposobljenost učitelja za njenu primjenu, mogućnost i učestalost upotrebe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi te njena važnost za kvalitetu nastavnog procesa. Na uzorku od 117 učitelja koji rade u Zagrebu i ruralnim sredinama ispitivali su se stavovi učitelja o korištenju tehnologije u nastavi te učestalost korištenja određenih elemenata informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi s obzirom na dob, radni staž ispitanika te sredinu u kojoj se nalazi škola.
D. Drenjanac (Osnovna Škola Vugrovec-Kašina, Ivana Mažuranića 43, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Facebook u obrazovanju 
Posljednjih nekoliko godina društvene mreže su sve popularnije među učenicima te kao takve u velikoj mjeri utječu na njihov osobni razvoj. Zbog svoje popularnosti među učeničkom populacijom učitelji su uvidjeli mogućnost njihove implementacije u obrazovni proces. U ovom radu je istražena implementacija Facebooka, kao najraširenije mreže među mladima, u obrazovnom procesu. Ukoliko se Facebook želi implementirati u obrazovni sustav, prije svega potrebno je educirati učitelje o mogućnostima društvenih mreža kao nastavnih metoda i sredstava te roditelje čija će djeca biti aktivni sudionici istih. Cilj je istražiti i prikazati u kojoj se mjeri društvena mreža Facebook koristi u osnovnim školama s obzirom na mjesto stanovanja, te koristi li se u obrazovne svrhe i na koji način.
M. Sertić (Industrijsko-obrtnička škola Slavonski Brod, Slavonski Brod, Croatia) Primjena web sadržaja i web alata na području filozofije znanosti 
Ovaj rad daje osnovni uvid u sadašnje društvo znanja i napretka informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, te iznosi neke od principa i organizacije upravljanja informacijama i znanjem i to ponajprije kroz Internet i mrežne tehnologije. U radu sam navela nekoliko web sadržaja i web alata. Područje istraživanja i primjeri u radu vezani su uz filozofiju znanosti. Posebno sam istaknula važnost prenošenja, prikupljanja i obrade informacija kroz sustave za upravljanjem sadržajem. Tom prilikom navela sam dva najpoznatija i najkorištenija CMS alate Joomlu i Drupal.
U sadašnjem društvu znanja razvojem informacijske tehnologije pristup podacima postao je lakši i jednostavniji, te efikasniji. Društvene mreže i sam CMS sustav dali su današnjem svijetu priliku da se globalno poveže i organizira, ali kultura organizacije informacija i kvaliteta informacija putem modernih tehnologija još uvijek ostaje upitna. Za pretpostaviti je da će budućnost donijeti nešto novo, neki organiziraniji sustav upravljanja sadržajem na globalnoj razini koji neće biti tako lako podvrgnuti manipulacijama i nedorčenošću sadržaja.
K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Interaktivnost u učionicama u kontekstu novih obrazovnih tehnologija i alata 
Posljednje godine obilježene su sve većim učešćem obrazovnih tehnologija koje ohrabruju online i hibridno iskustvo učenja izvan granica određenih zidovima učionice (adaptivne platforme učenja, interaktivni i video-materijali za učenje, online stvaranje obrazovnih sadržaja, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) itd.). Takva okolina učenja navodi nas na potrebu razmatranja ostvarene interaktivosti između učenika i nastavnika kad se oni fizički nalaze u učionici kao i učenika međusobno. Primjetno je da većina računalno baziranih simulacija u stvari limitira vršnjačku konverzaciju. S druge strane, nastavnici koji potiču uvođenje novih digitalnih uređaja kao što su tableti i “pametni” telefoni uz pomoć odgovarajućih usluga i aplikacija kroz tako realizirane virtualne aktivnosti i simulacije, veći podstrek daju učeničkoj interakciji kroz popratnu diskusiju, upite, debate i vršnjačku konverzaciju čime povećavaju njihovo razumijevanje koje je najučinkovitije upravo tada kad su zajedno u učionici. Određene nove tehnologije (3D projektori, Xbox Kinect...) također ohrabruju učenike sklone taktilnom i vizualnom učenju, a digitalni udžbenici omogućuju im dijeljenje bilježaka i oznaka koje vode ka diskusijama u skupinama. U radu se navode, razmatraju i uspoređuju neke mogućnosti suvremenih digitalnih tehnologija, uređaja ili alata koje pridonose povećanju interaktivnosti u učionicama, a uz kvalitetnog nastavnika vidno poboljšavaju rezultate obrazovnog procesa.
S. Šimundić, D. Barbarić (Pravni fakultet Split, Split, Croatia) Zaštita podataka od plagiranja 
U današnje vrijeme neophodno je posebnu pažnju posvetiti tehnologiji pomoću koje se možemo boriti protiv varanja i zaštiti od plagiranja. Novim tehnologijama se možemo boriti od plagiranja na razne načine. S obzirom da je podatak kojeg smo samostalno „napravili“ zaštićen kaznenim zakonom kao naše autorsko djelo s jedne strana, isti bi trebalo zaštiti i kriptozaštitom s druge strane.
Sigurno je da se opasnosti koje prijete od varanja i plagiranja, kao i težina njihovih posljedica, mijenjaju od slučaja do slučaja i od vremena do vremena, jer se i okolnosti vremenom mijenjaju. S obzirom na veoma mali postotak diverzija u odnosu na sve druge elemente, nije potrebno znatnije razvijati postojeće fizičke i organizacione mjere zaštite, već pažnju treba posvetiti grješkama i neovlaštenom pristupu podatcima. Na samom početku važno je ustvrditi gdje je nastao problem, a potom koji je najbolji način za rješavanje istog. Istraživanje valja usmjeriti na hardware/software i na komunikacijsku zaštitu, a posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti uspješnosti te zaštite.
P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), L. Budin (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), Z. Markučič (XV. gimnazija, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Perić (II. gimnazija, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjer uporabe dinamičkih struktura podataka u programskom jeziku Python 
Ostvarenja apstraktnih struktura podataka kao što su: liste, redovi, stogovi, stabla i grafovi određuju efikasnost algoritama. Iako načini ostvarenja struktura ne određuju vremensku složenost, trajanje izvođenja algoritama jednake složenosti bitno je određeno trajanjem osnovnih operacija nad strukturama. Isto tako, način ostvarenja apstraktnih struktura može utjecati na prostornu složenost algoritama. U radu se pokazuje kako se može primijeniti ugrađena struktura rječnika (engl. Dictionary), programskoga jezika Python, za ostvarenje vrlo djelotvornih apstraktnih struktura. Ugrađena struktura Dictionary ostvarena je vrlo efikasnim raspršenim adresiranjem (engl. hashing). Ovakav način implementacije struktura nije proširen jer u većini ostalih programskih jezika uporaba raspršenog adresiranja zahtijeva vrlo temeljito poznavanje navedene tehnike programiranja. Struktura Dictionary u programskom jeziku Python s prikladnim operacijama i metodama čini dobro okruženje za pripremu klasa kojima se ostvaruju spomenute strukture podataka.
M. Menciger (Gimnazija Vladimira Nazora, Zadar, Croatia) Programiranje u općoj, jezičnoj i klasičnog gimnaziji 
Sažetak - Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija omogućila je da računala postanu pomagala pri rješavanju brojnih problema u različitim strukama. U školama se ostvaruju preduvjeti za uspješno učenje na svim razinama i u svim tipovima obrazovanja. Informatička pismenost je dio opće kulture i treba postati sastavni dio nastavnih sadržaja. Računala u nastavi informatike trebala bi omogućiti učenicima da savladaju osnovna znanja o programiranju za lakše usvajanje gradiva iz informatike i ostalih predmeta koji se izučavaju u školi. Suvremena tehnologija zahtijeva nova znanja i vještine. S gledišta obrazovanja to znači da je potrebno prilagoditi i sadržaje obrazovnih programa i obrazovnu tehnologiju učenicima novog doba.
U ovom radu razmatraju se mogućnosti postupnog uvođenja programiranja u općoj, jezičnoj i klasičnoj gimnaziji. U radu se obrađuje: opis nastavnog plana i programa, potreba za programiranjem, odabir informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije i programskog jezika. Rad se temelji na osobnom iskustvu autora.
T. Horvat, L. Cvitaš (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Poboljšanja u primjeni računalom vođenog demonstracijskog stola u nastavi 
U radu je opisano poboljšano rješenje za odvijanje nastave auditornih vježbi uz pomoć računalom vođenog demonstracijskog stola. Demonstracijski stol je primijenjen prvi puta u akademskoj godini 2011/12 na kolegiju "Materijali u elektrotehnici", a u akademskoj godini 2012/13 provedena su poboljšanja opisana u ovom radu. Poboljšanja u opremi stola uključuju bolje mjerne instrumente i novu programsku podršku što omogućava kvalitetnije izvođenje pokusa i demonstracija uživo koje istovremeno prati velik broj studenata. Kako bi praćenje ovog oblika nastave bilo temeljitije, uvedene su i skripte u koje studenti zapisuju rezultate pokusa i svoje zaključke. U obje akademske godine provedene su ankete među studentima koje pokazuju opravdanost uložene investicije i uspješnost metode.
Chairs: A. Czwyk Marić, S. Grgić |
S. Grgić, A. Lacković (Visoko učilište Algebra - Visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia) Metodologija izrade E – learning sadržaja u svrhu osposobljavanja za polaganje ECDL certifikata 
ECDL (engl. European Computer Driving Licence) predstavlja međunarodno priznat certifikat računalne pismenosti koji jamči vlasniku osnovna informatička znanja i vještine. Za polaganje certifikata osoba se može pripremati pohađanjem prilagođenih seminara ili samostalnim učenjem uz pomoć E-learning sadržaja. Rad opisuje metodologiju izrade E – learning sadržaja koji će na kvalitetan način pripremiti osobu za polaganje ECDL certifikata. Cilj rada je pokazati posebnosti različitih metodologija izrade E – learning sadržaja te razloge zašto je određena metodologija prikladna za izradu ove vrste sadržaja. Ujedno, ovaj rad daje pregled i organizaciju stvarnog E – learning sadržaja koji se koristi za osposobljavanje za polaganje ECDL certifikata. U završnom dijelu rada daje se osvrt na alate koji su korišteni za izradu ovog tipa E – learning sadržaja s naglaskom na njihovu kompatibilnost sa odabranom metodologijom izrade sadržaja.
V. Galešev (Udžbenik.hr, Zagreb, Croatia) Usporedba stavova dvije generacije budućih učitelja prema odgoju i obrazovanju u budućnosti 
U sklopu praćenja promjena stavova novih generacija studenata prema promjenama školskog sustava i pedagoških vrijednosti u budućnosti kao posljedice uvođenja informatičke tehnologije u odgoj i obrazovanje kao i društvo u cjelini, ispitano je 200 studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Analizirani su dobiveni rezultati i uspoređeni s rezultatima istraživanja provedenog na studentima prijašnjih generacija (prije dvije godine). Pomoću komponentne analize istražene su kvalitativne i kvantitativne promjene između dva istraživanja.
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati je li kod nove generacije studenata došlo do značajnijih kvalitativnih i/ili kvantitativnih promjena u stavovima prema odgoju i obrazovanju u budućnosti, što može ukazati na potrebu prilagodbe određenih nastavnih sadržaja tijekom studija.
B. Nožica, Ž. Širanović, M. Čarapina (TEHNIČKO VELEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU, ZAGREB, Croatia) Primjena testova s bodovanjem zasnovanim na sigurnosti ispitanika u ispravnost odgovora 
Provjere znanja putem računalno podržanih testova postale su uobičajen način provođenja završnih pismenih ispita, na temelju kojih se sve češće, bez dodatnih ispitivanja, zaključuje i konačna ocjena. Znajući da se u takvim testovima uglavnom nude gotovi odgovori, mnogi studenti oslanjaju se na površno znanje birajući među najvjerojatnijim odgovorima i uzdajući se u dobru sreću. Nastojeći pridobiti studente na temeljitost u procesu učenja, uveli smo na vježbama iz kolegija „Osnove programiranja“ redovite provjere znanja na početku i na kraju svake vježbe, koristeći u testovima opciju CBM (Certainty Based Marking). Uključivanjem te opcije bodovi za odabrani odgovor izračunavaju se obzirom na ispravnost i razinu sigurnosti koju je pri tome student deklarirao (nisku, srednju ili visoku), pri čemu bodovi za točan odgovor rastu sa stupnjem sigurnosti u pozitivnom, dok za netočan rastu u negativnom smjeru. U radu se analiziraju prednosti i nedostaci primijenjene metode, te se predlažu i neke od mogućih modifikacija.
V. Matić (Strukovna škola Vukovar, Vukovar, Croatia) Informacijske tehnologije u funkciji ekološkog obrazovanja učenika strukovnih škola 
Ekološko obrazovanje mladih, naročito učenika strukovnih škola na razini srednjeg obrazovanja, uporabom računala i ostalih informacijskih tehnologija (IT), relativno je novo i još dovoljno neistraženo područje. Istraživanje koje je proveo autor ovoga rada pokazalo je da je uporabom upravo tih tehnologija moguće otkloniti cijeli niz slabosti koje karakteriziraju tradicionalno ekološko obrazovanje učenika strukovnih škola. Tradicionalno obrazovanje podrazumijeva oblik poučavanja koji se zasniva na klasičnom predavanju. Osnovni je cilj takvog obrazovanja prenošenje znanja od nastavnika do učenika, pri čemu je nastavnik izvor znanja, a učenik pasivan primatelj znanja. Suvremeno ekološko obrazovanje, međutim, ne podrazumijeva samo jednostavnu reprodukciju znanja, već stvara pretpostavke za aktivno uključivanje učenika u proces stjecanja i usvajanja znanja, za što se koriste različiti izvori. Uporabom suvremenih IT učenicima se omogućuje da sami izaberu izvor znanja, ali i da prilagode dinamiku usvajanja znanja vlastitim intelektualnim mogućnostima.
D. Možnik (MORH, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena e-učenja u NATO okružju (e-NATO) 
Rad opisuje i objašnjava e-NATO odnosno koncept e-učenja u NATO okružju. Navode se motivi, prednosti, razlozi i mogućnosti obrazovanja i obuke primjenom e-učenja. Elementi i modeli e-učenja (učenje usredotočeno na studenta, SCORM, sustavi za upravljanje učenjem tj. LMS-ovi MOODLE i ILIAS, razine interaktivnosti, „dubine“ znanja, razvojni timovi, resursi i modeli: SAT/ADDIE i sections), standardi i osiguranje kvalitete. Strategije implementacije. Tehnologije primjene e-učenja (JADL - združeno napredno distribuirano učenje i ADL - napredno distribuirano učenje, CBT - Computer Based Training, immersive learning tj. virtualno učenje, m-learning tj. mobilno učenje, blending learning tj. hibridno učenje i kolaborativno učenje i alati (chat soba, forumi, wiki, webinar - web based seminar i webcast).
Primjena e-obrazovanja na Hrvatskom vojnom učilištu tj. HVU „Petar Zrinski“ (vizija, misija, ciljevi), podizanje kvalitete vojnog obrazovanja, uloga nastavnika i studenata u obrazovnom procesu, povećanje konkurentnosti i dostupnosti učilišta i učilišnih studijskih programa, osposobljavanje studenata za uporabu tehnologija cieloživotnog obrazovanja i učenja.
Pogled u budućnost - transformacija HVU-a u visoko obrazovanu i znanstveno-istraživačku vojnu ustanovu odnosno instituciju tj. sastavnice sveučilišne zajednice.
Sadašnje i buduće sposobnosti e-učenja. Zajednica obrazovanja i obuke primjenom e-učenja.
Zaključna razmatranja.
I. Ružić (I. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Sigurnost i mobilnost za sve 
Sigurnost i mobilnost za sve je međunarodni projekt kojeg su provodili učenici različitih dobnih skupina u I. osnovnoj školi Čakovec.
Sigurnost i mobilnost za sve je jedinstven obrazovni program koji su zajednički razvili Renault i obrazovni stručnjaci, provodi se u 45 zemalja širom svijet posljednjih 10 godina, a ciljano je osmišljen za učenike osnovnih i srednjih škola. Program ima cilj poticati, razvijati i jačati podučavanje i učenje o sigurnosti u prometu i održive mobilnosti. Jedan od načina realizacije cilja je program pod nazivom "VAŠE ideje VAŠE inicijative" koji učenike usmjerava prema promatranju različitih situacija u prometu, razumijevanju svijeta oko sebe i razmišljanju o značenju i utjecaju njihovog kretanja.
Podizanje svijesti na taj način omogućuje mladim ljudima da osmisle, predlažu i provode kampanju podizanja svijesti u svojoj školi, susjedstvu i široj zajednici, koristeći crteže, plakate, video i druge sadržaje i aktivnosti kroz koje će prenijeti snažne poruke na temu sigurnosti na cestama i održivu mobilnost za sve. Ovaj program prate i obrazovni materijali prilagođeni za djecu i mlade prema dobnim skupinama koje su izradili obrazovni stručnjaci.
Program Sigurnost i mobilnost za sve provodio se kao četveromjesečni projekt u osnovnoj školi sa ciljem osmišljavanja i provođenja različitih aktivnosti učenika svih dobnih skupina, izrade edukativnih elektroničkih i tiskanih sadržaja kako bi učenici prepoznali vlastita rizična i neodgovorna ponašanja, opasnosti na koje nailaze u svakodnevnom kretanju do škole, prijatelja i sl., ohrabrili odgovorna i poželjna ponašanja te podigli svijesti o važnosti vlastitog ponašanja u prometu u svom razredu, školi, u obitelji, među prijateljima i široj lokalnoj zajednici.
Aktivnosti u sklopu projekta podržane su IKT pa su učenici upoznali i u radu primjenjivali različite programske alate za praćenje projektnih aktivnosti, izradu digitalnih i interaktivnih obrazovnih sadržaja, izradu 2D i 3D obrazovnih računalnih igara, izradu 3D modela, izradu i objavu web stranica te stolno izdavaštvo.
Sve aktivnosti, materijali i vijesti vezane uz provođenje ovog projekta dostupne su na: http://www.os-prva-ck.skole.hr/skola/projekti/sigurnost_i_mobilnost_za_sve i http://www.wix.com/niklakic97/1.
A. Czwyk Marić (ZDRAVSTVENA ŠKOLA SPLIT, SPLIT, Croatia) Motivacija učenika za e-učenje 
Rad je rezultat istraživanja čiji je cilj procijeniti motiviranost i primjerenost e-učenja za učenika strukovne škole. Učenici su imali priliku po slobodnom izboru učiti putem online tečaja kako bi postigli bolji uspjeh iz predmeta Informatika na kraju školske godine. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem dobiveni su stavovi učenika te je nastavniku omogućeno izraditi nove smjernice korištenja e-učenja u nastavi u cilju postizanja veće motivacije, lakšeg usvajanja znanja kao i osposobljavanje učenika za cjeloživotno učenje. Prikupljeni su statistički podaci i transkripti razgovora ( intervju) korištenjem metode fokus grupe. Pokazalo se zanimljivim ispitati dvije fokus grupe: grupa učenika koja je uspješno riješila većinu zadataka i ostvarila svoj cilj i druga grupa učenika koji su se prijavili u sustav, pokazali interes za rad, ali nisu do kraja ostvarili zadani cilj.
Zaključak učenika je da e-učenje potrebno što više koristiti u redovnoj nastavi, ali kao dodatni sadržaj, za učenike koji su voljni samostalno učiti. Potrebno ga je provoditi češće, za manje nastavne jedinice i u zadanom vremenskom razdoblju. Važan je za usvajanje informatičke pismenosti i osposobljavanja učenika za cjeloživotno učenje.
Učenici rado, sa zadovoljstvom prihvaćaju nove tehnologije i e-učenje i potrebno im je to omogućiti i osvijestiti prednosti takvog učenja kod što većeg broja učenika.
I. Ivančić (Ekonomska i trgovačka škola Ivana Domca Vinkovci, Vinkovci, Croatia) Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo pomoću računalne tehnologije u nastavi vježbeničke tvrtke 
Globalno okruženje ukazuje na sve značajniju potrebu obrazovanja za poduzetništvo kako bi se omogućilo razvijanje poduzetničkih kompetencija potrebnih suvremenom tržištu rada i povećanju konkurentnosti nacionalnog gospodarstva. Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo, koje je jedna od temeljnih europskih kompetencija, postalo je dio nacionalnog kurikuluma Republike Hrvatske i provodi se u ekonomskim školama kroz modularnu nastavu predmeta vježbenička tvrtka. Vježbenička tvrtka je simulacija poslovanja poslovne organizacije u kojoj učenici obavljaju radne zadatke u simuliranom uredu. Poslovanje vježbeničkih tvrtki omogućava učenicima i nastavnicima rad bez vremenskih i prostornih ograničenja te pruža veću fleksibilnost i primjenu različitih strategija i metoda učenja. Vježbenička tvrtka povezuje teorijsku nastavu sa stvarnom poslovnom praksom, a korištenje informatičkih aplikacija za stjecanje poduzetničkih kompetencija sastavni je dio njenog kurikuluma. Cilj rada je analizirati i prezentirati korištenje računalne tehnologije u nastavi vježbeničke tvrtke pomoću informacijskog modula SUVT kao on-line potpore u radu učenika strukovnih škola.
Chairs: M. Krašna, M. Jovanov |
M. Draženović (OŠ bana Josipa Jelačića, ZAGREB, Croatia) Incorporating social network workshops in elementary school curriculum 
The main purpose of school is to prepare students to be educated critical thinking individuals who can provide and help their community. Community is now elevated on the virtual level and specific rules of conduct apply. School can influence student's behavior while online. Every informatics teacher can help their community by making workshops for students, their parents and colleagues about social networks. The goal is to raise awareness, educate and prevent online deviant behavior in our community. Those workshops can make a difference not only for our students, but also for their parents and colleagues as well. This paper describes how to make a good workshop for every group in question, what is to be expected and how to improve.
A. Skendžić (Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću, Gospić, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Department of informatics University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia) The Influence of Social Networks on Student’s Evaluation and Results 
Utjecaj društvenih mreža, a posebno Facebook-a na studentsku populaciju često je predmet različitih istraživanja. Analizom međuovisnost između vrijednosti koji određuju trendove u korištenju društvenih mreža u studentskoj populaciji moguće je odrediti utjecaj društvenih mreža na uspješnost studenata. Polazna pretpostavka implicira bolju uspješnost studenata koji koriste društvene mreže za povremene kontakte sa drugim korisnicima u odnosu na studente koji imaju aktivne statuse na društvenim mrežama. Istraživanje se bavi provjerom ispravnosti postavljene pretpostavke analizom međuovisnosti relevantnih vrijednosti. Za očekivati je da bi međuovisnost vremena provedenog u društvenoj mreži ciljem objavljivanja trenutnog statusa i postignutih rezultata (uspjeha) na ispitima imala negativan koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati provedenog istraživanje usmjeriti će buduća istraživanja utjecaja društvenih mreža na studentsku populaciju zasnovana na izračunavanju i analizi međuovisnosti relevantnih parametara korištenja društvenih mreža.
The influence of social networks, especially Facebook and on student population are often subject to various investigations. The analysis of the interdependence between the values that determine trends in the use of social networks in the student population is possible to determine the impact of social networks on students evaluation and results. The starting assumption implies better performance of students who use social networks for occasional contacts with other users in relation to the students who have active status on social networks. The research deals with the validation and analysis of the interdependence of the assumptions set of relevant values. It is expected that the interdependence of time spent on the social network to publish the current status and results achieved (success) exams had a negative correlation coefficient. The results of the research will focus future research on the impact of social student population based on the calculation and analysis of the interdependence of the relevant parameters using social networks.
M. Jovanov, M. Gusev, D. Martinovikj (Faculty for Computer Science and Education, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univerisity, Skopje, Macedonia) COB: Online Educational Tool for Collaborative Ontology Building 
The Semantic Web technologies can really contribute in a better and more effective education. Building a collaborative ontology tool, which can encourage students to learn and improve their knowledge in a specific area, is not an easy task. There are some existing tools for collaborative ontology building, like Collaborative Protégé, Hozo, OntoWiki, which offer user collaboration, but their focus is not in education environment, which can affect and lead to harder and more complicated usage in educational purposes. In this paper, we present a new tool, called COB (Collaborative Ontology Building) tool, built on our proposed model. It matches the requirements for collaborative ontology development and management using the learning content management system Moodle. The lack of grading and rating of user ontology participation in other existing tools is also a reason why COB tool is closer to the educational domain. The presented tool was used at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Macedonia and very high students participation was achieved. Also, a rich ontology on the domain of Compilers was developed.
M. Krašna, B. Bedrač (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia) ICT Didactics: The New Study Discipline is Needed 
The educational technology is used at all levels of education. In the USA educational technology studies are already established. In German speaking countries term "didactics of informatics" is used to cover ICT topics. Other countries rather use "didactics of computer science" to describe special didactics discipline. It is evident that teachers of informatics or teachers of computer science require different study courses than other teachers despite the fact that all teachers require ICT knowledge. We have analyzed different approaches to the increased demand of required teachers' ICT knowledge. Results reveal the conclusion that ICT in education should become new discipline since it cannot be covered with the traditional special didactics disciplines any more. Habilitation committee at the University of Maribor agreed that didactics of ICT should become special didactics discipline and should be integral part of LLL (Life-long learning). At the Faculty of Arts in The Department of Pedagogy a Center for Information, Communication and Interactive Technologies (CICIT) was established to formally recognize the importance of the discipline. CICIT is to prepare courses for didactics of ICT. The article shows the results of comparative study for the new discipline and the proposed objectives, scope and constraints of ICT didactics discipline.
T. Bratina, M. Duh (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia) E-learning Controversy in Practical Application 
In last few years we witnessed huge growth in e-learning materials production. Hardware development and its availability managed to shatter the computer world. Last year more tablet computers were sold than all others computers combined. Smart phones are in the reach of children. Huge market was created for software application and e-learning materials. Groups of experts cooperate in the production effort. On the other hand we see that advancement is mostly evident in the technical perfection and much preferred aesthetic view still lag behind. It is good that the amount of text is reduced and multimedia elements grow in lower levels of education. But animations, video clips, graphs and drawings are still below desired aesthetical quality. In the natural sciences quality of technical drawings and visualization achieved desired aesthetical level but the same is not true in social sciences. Research conducted between digitally literate users confirms the desire to enhance aesthetical quality of e-learning materials and review the gap between generations. Students generally have mixed opinions about lecturers' presentations' aesthetical value.
K. Pavlina, B. Petrović (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Students’ Attitudes to the Use of Open Source Technology in Education 
The use of computers in modern life is almost unavoidable since computers are used in business and private life. Most users today use proprietary software, but with the arrival of the financial crisis forced savings raised the question of whether free Open Source technologies provide a good replacement for proprietary software. This paper presents the results of research about students' attitudes towards the use of Open Source technologies in education. Research was conducted by survey on primarily students of information and computer science since they are advanced users of information technologies they are competent to express their opinions whether Open Source technologies can provide good alternative to proprietary software and when Open Source technologies should be implemented in educational process.
Chair: J. Glavaš |
J. Petrović, B. Jeren, P. Pale (FER, Zagreb, Croatia) Concept Maps in Computer-Assisted Knowledge Assessment 
Concept maps are a learning tool that has been successfully applied in the educational process for more than three decades now. Their original aim was to serve as a learning aid, offering a more efficient overview of the learning content and more successful integration of new knowledge to the learner’s schemata. Later, thanks to the popularization and increase in availability and applications of computers in learning and assessment they emerged into an efficient knowledge assessment tool as well. Concept maps are therefore today widely perceived and used not just as an e-learning but also e-assessment tool enabling assessment of knowledge as they explicitly unveil domain concepts and their relationships. It is the aim of this paper to provide an overview of most important aspects, practices and achievements in using of concept maps in computer-assisted knowledge assessment.
D. Lukač (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany), M. Čičin-Šain (University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia) Tracking the Roots of Plagiarism - Results of the Initial International Survey 
In already published joint papers written by the Rheinischen Fachhochschule Köln - University of to Applied Sciences and the University of Rijeka the reasons for the intellectual honesty were analyzed. This study about the intellectual honesty becomes extended by inclusion of other international partners which are contributing to the study by including the own national and organizational view to the subject. In this paper new results, which give an overview to the national legislation regarding the intellectual fraud policy in Austria, Serbia, Croatia and Germany are presented, as well as the institutional (university's) position to the subject of the intellectual fraud. Additionally, the institutions of the project partners with regard to the university’s plagiarism policy, Honor Code regulations as well as the national law regulations are explored.
M. Zaharia, D. Enachescu (Petrol-Gaze, University, Ploiesti, Romania) Considerations on the Evolution of Attention Paid to Education in Romania Compared to EU, in the 1998-2010 Period 
Economic development and social progress in the European Union, and not only, depend on the training and education of all citizens. In this direction, attention to education at all levels has an essential role. Based on these considerations, this paper analyzes the evolution of attention paid to education in Romania, in the period after 1998. It shows the evolution of indicators such as net investments in education, education expenditure / Romanian budget ratio, pupil / teacher ration, school expectancy. To highlight the evolution of educational activities in Romania, in the analyzed period, during the paper are presented comparisons with the analyzed indicators evolution in other EU countries.
The paper also examines the impact of technology investments in IT in recent years both by European programs and with public and / or private funds in Romanian educational system, in terms of specific indicators
C. Ungermanns, W. Werth (CUAS, Villach, Austria) Future-Oriented Education with a Modern Flexible Production Unit 
This paper describes the realization of a modern flexible production unit – as output of the international SIAT project “Koop Flexible Automation”, which combines various disciplines of process automation, e.g. robotics, process control for CNC-based manufacturing, image processing and analysis. It will be also shown how this production unit is used in education for trainees with different levels of previous knowledge. For this purpose a modular program was developed and a startup with pupils, students and employees of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) has been performed. The concept of the educational training and first experiences will be discussed.
M. Fruk, G. Vujisić, T. Špoljarić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Parameter Identification of Transfer Functions Using MATLAB 
This paper describes a procedure for identifying the transfer function parameters by using Matlab System Identification Toolbox (SIT). The procedure is explained for obtaining numerical data using a digital oscilloscope in a format suitable for loading the data into Matlab and processing within the SIT.
The measured data series connected RLC circuits were analyzed. Also, using the velocity response of separately excited DC motor with and without smoothing reactor was measured, and transfer functions were obtained.
M. Lamza - Maronić, J. Glavaš (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Web Interactive Learning: Case Study: Faculty of Economics of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek 
Interactive learning as a method can definitely contribute to the quality of higher education by using advanced technologies. It has been proven that interactive learning outperforms traditional ways of teaching. In addition, the time required for participants to adapt to new methods is minimal. Interactive teaching generates skills that are equally important for academic, social and business success. To achieve better connection of academic community with its business environment, it is necessary to continuously, actively and intensively confront the competition and the challenges of the growing national and global market of education. Harmonious use of ICT in tertiary education provides possibilities for efficient communication of the entire university virtual environment for learning and closer cooperation between universities and the business world.
The paper will elaborate on possibilities of applying modern web technologies in tertiary education using the example of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, specifically in the course Urban Economics. The aim of this novel approach is to improve interactive communication, and to make broader use of web technologies in the process of higher education.
Chairs: J. Gamulin, O. Gamulin
H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), B. Brumen (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland) Are We Trendy? 
A trend - the general course or prevailing tendency, a move in a certain direction over time, the general direction – is an expected continuum of the current state. The trend is based on the history and provides us a view to the future. Understanding the trends helps us to be prepared for the future – to be proactive instead of being reactive. So – life would be easy: just recognize the trend and be prepared for the future. There is, unfortunately, a minor problem. Sometimes the trends do not coincide the future reality. Reasons for this are manifold: we have followed a wrong trend, the conditions behind the trend are changed, “trend makers” have changed the trend, etc. Independently on the uncertainty there is not much really new that is not recognizable already today, if we talk about the near future, 5-10 years from now. We are seeking the answer to the question of the title by analyzing the messages of reports of most commonly known trend analysts. The focus of our paper is in the phenomena related to information society. The main trend enabler is technology, especially information technology. The paper provides a classified synthesis of most important trends affecting in our future.
D. Vincek (Osnovna škola Ante Kovačića, Zlatar, Croatia) The role of Computerisation and Automation of School Libraries Management in Teaching Information Literacy on the Example of Curriculum Unit Online Library Catalogues 
Croatian seventh grade elementary students should be completely qualified to independently browse their school library collection using its online library catalogue. Online library catalogues are an excellent example for a pupil to gradually and consciously use a computer in class to acquire information literacy skills, as described by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz in their BIG 6 model. The results of a research conducted among elementary school librarians in the Krapina-Zagorje County in December 2012 indicate that only 14 out of 27 libraries (23 of which use Metelwin library automation software and are connected to the Internet) have their own online library catalogues, and only five librarians refresh their online databases every day. Forty-four percent of elementary school libraries do not own a computer intended for students, or have them but they are not connected to the Internet. Seven out of 27 elementary school librarians in Krapina-Zagorje County do not cover the curriculum unit of Online library catalogues. The research shows a positive correlation between having an online school library catalogue and a computer for students in the school library (and its Internet connection) and teaching information literacy on the example of curriculum unit Online library catalogues.
A. Vladimirou, A. Kokkinaki (Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus) Design and Development of School Assets Management System 
This paper presents the design and development of a web enabled system supporting materials flows and relevant operations in educational settings. Unlike other organizational settings, where warehouses are organized with specific input and output procedures, in educational environments, resources are allocated in various locations (offices, warehouses, laboratories, gym rooms) are not uniquely defined and inappropriate ways of monitoring theιr usage/consumption are followed commonly. These conditions create challenges and inefficiencies. The proposed system supports a new way of handling the resources in educational settings and managing assets and consumables. It consists of a handheld/smartphone application with which the school materials can be counted, receipt of goods from suppliers can be added, loan/return of items and also consumption/disposal of materials can be recorded; a back-end system and a central database repository complement the architecture of the system. Pilot testing of the developed prototype took place in five primary schools in Cyprus and assessment have led to positive comments and recommendations for further improvements. The evaluation of the system was completed by the Web enabled tools checking aspects of usability, efficiency and accessibility resulting to above the average rankings.
J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Physics and Biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Kermek (cUniversity of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Data Mining in Hybrid Learning: Possibility to Predict the Final Exam Result 
The hybrid learning environment that uses traditional lectures and examinations in conjunction with online learning resources and online assessment tools provides numerous data on students’ activities and assessment scores which could be used for constructing a final exam result prediction model. In this paper the data on activities and assessments supported by information and communication technology (ICT) of 302 students enrolled in the first year Physics course of a biomedical university study program have been used to establish the correlations between scores on written midterm exams, scores on web-based formative assessment during seminar teaching, scores on web-based formative assessment during laboratory teaching, scores and time used for online self-assessment test, number of Moodle logins, number of approaches to specific Moodle resources and final exam result. As prediction methods the Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Partial Least Square regression (PLS) have been used, especially due to assumed multi-colinearity of predictive variables and dimension reduction requirement. The model could be useful for students and for teachers who would have the possibility to react and remedy the predicted final exam result if necessary.
E. Ban (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Rijeka, Croatia), T. Bronzin (CITUS, Zagreb, Croatia) More Efficient Training of Teachers of Informatics Using Modern Information-Communication Technology in Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency 
Abstract - Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency is a public institution, based in Zagreb. Its activity is regulated by the Statute, and applies to professional and consulting activities in education, in which an important role has the organization and implementation of professional training of educational staff and school principals. Due to the complexity and specificity of content, teaching methods and means, special place has professional training for teachers of informatics and computer science. Implementation of new ICT raises the challenging task of its proper use, and in particular in the domain of acquisition of digital competences for which is per se responsible educational system and its employees, who need the best possible support for their professional development.
This paper presents an overview of current IS which is currently used in the work of the Agency, in particular the detailed use of ICT in the system of vocational training. The question was raised will the introduction of modern ICT improve the system of professional development and make it more efficient, and how could that be accomplished. Finally, there are given possible solutions in response to this question.
A. Ivanković (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), S. Špiranec (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Miljko (X, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Student's level of ICT literacy by study groups on Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar 
The past decade has brought an increasing rate of ICT use for learning, teaching, research and communication and has led to significant changes in student characteristics, needs and expectations. Development in these areas changes student profile everyday, which have prompted many universities to reconsider the quality of ICT literacy they provide to students. For this purpose, a study was conducted among students, which was used to determine level of ICT literacy of some study groups. The study involved 807 students. Since there are great combinations of two-subject study groups we considered only those that include more than 80% of students attended some type of ICT courses, groups that include 40% to 60%, and groups with less than 20% of students attended such courses. Respondents anonymously accessed the questionnaire, which consisted of 15 questions. Correct answers on a test were treated as total score, i.e. simple linear combination. Therefore, the differences among the 7 analysed groups were tested according to their overall result on the test. The results are interpreted in the context of the level of presence of ICT courses during the education. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of ICT literacy among the different study groups.
K. Bedi (School of Building and Crafts, Čakovec, Croatia), N. Žajdela Hrustek (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), T. Vrbanec (The Faculty of Teacher Education, Čakovec, Croatia) E_learning vs. Multimedia (Ivica & Marica – Hansel & Gretel) 
IVICA I MARICA (HANSEL AND GRETEL) is a project of designing an interactive-educational multimedia DVD for children. The very idea of designing the DVD stemmed from personal experience and suggestions from both teachers and students. Namely, the title of the DVD hides the education of children in the field of environment protection, litter and waste problems, the harmful agents that surround us and the polluters of today. From the very beginning, the efforts were aimed at motivating children to acquire knowledge of the pollutants of today. On the other hand, children get to know about the possibilities of sorting the garbage, i.e. of waste packages management as well as about the optimistic views of the future in this realm. Besides the educational part, the DVD as well contains the attractive funny contents via which the knowledge acquired through the use of the DVD and play can be checked.
The paper shows the parts and the process of creating of the multimedia DVD that were based on the previous own experience of students.
The purpose of the paper was to test the successfulness of the project-based out-of-classroom education environment of the secondary school students. The content was based on the project-based learning and new skills development through team work and honing of the vocational skills by means of multimedia.
Invited Paper
Chairs: J. Henno, H. Jaakkola
V. Nikolić, L. Zima Krnelić, D. Kolarić, M. Nikolić (Primary school Vežica, Rijeka, Croatia)
Tablet Learning Environment in iSchool Vežica |
J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Porichnology, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland), B. Brumen (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) Will Universities and University Teachers Become Extinct in Our Bright Online Future? 
Mankind has developed a complicated networks of services to satisfy our needs in food and goods, lodging and education. These services are based on Information: trade is moving goods from where they can be obtained cheaper to where they can be sold profitably; education is collecting, classifying knowledge obtained by members of society and then arranging this knowledge to nice mouthfuls for transferring to our student.
The rapidly developing IT technology has changed almost every aspect of our daily lives. Brick and mortar shops are closed and replaced by on-line Amazons, where smart software helps you quickly find what you are looking for and gives you lot of information, what you cannot obtain in ordinary shop; salespersons are evolving into marketing and public relations professionals, networking with clients, customers, prospects, suppliers.
In education, especially in IT education, changes are even more rapid. Old-fashioned Colleges and Universities with large campus, staff and high costs are getting more and more competition from numerous educational entrepreneurs, who establish new on-line universities where costs of obtaining a degree are marginal compared to 'brick-and-mortal' universities.
But in spite of cheap on-line alternatives number of applications to IT departments in best universities are soaring. But the mass of students is different - it is very heterogeneous, with different backgrounds, from different countries. Most IT students (ca 80% in Tallinn University of Technology) work already on bachelor level and have quite different previous knowledge, different needs and interests. Many students are actively participating in on-line professional networks.
This all makes teaching very different compared to classical lecturing, which has been described as "the best way to ensure the transfer of information from the notes of the teacher to the notes of the students—without touching the students’ mind". The modern educational paradigms are extensive use of virtual, interactive knowledge networks, collaboration and gamification, search (googling), just-in-time and just-when-needed "thrivable education".
In the presentation is described some experience obtained from use of these paradigms.
O. Tasić (Mechanical and electro thenical school , Bor, Serbia), V. Tasić (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor, Serbia), D. Brodić, V. Despotović (University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Bor, Serbia), M. Pavlov, D. Milivojević (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor, Serbia) PC and Microcontrollers Applications in the Laboratory Exercises of the Electrical Engineering 
Development of the new technologies in telecommunications, electronics and electrical engineering is very dynamic. It creates the need to constantly correct teaching programs in Technical High Schools in the field of electrical engineering. That includes exercise-related items like computers in automatic control systems, microcontroller and fundamentals of automatic control. Hence, the shown examples of laboratory exercises can significantly contribute to a better understanding of the planned curriculums.
D. Paľová, M. Vejačka (Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics Faculty of Economics, Technical universit, Košice, Slovakia) On-line e-Learning Platform Supporting Education and Practice of Accountants in EU Space 
Accountancy presents very important part of the economy/economic strategies of the states, enterprises or ordinary people, because it allows monitoring and also more effective planning of spending available sources or searching for possibilities how to cover present operations but also further development of mentioned entities. At our country, but also in all EU, the accountancy is educated not only at specialized high schools, universities, but also at institutions providing lifelong learning for adults. The common and long-term lack of provided education is concentrated mostly on theoretical background of the students, but less emphasis on achieving practical skills. Missing practical skills (together with many other factors) lead to high unemployment rates of young people, mostly of new graduates. This problem has lead us to an idea to propose and develop tool, which helps people at risk to achieve skills needed already during their study and ease the entering to labor market to them. Mentioned tool is developed by European universities from five states (Greece, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia) and thank to this international cooperation it could be said, that final tool will present support tool not only for students from Slovakia, but also for students across the European Union at all.
Within the proposed paper we will shortly describe the EU labor market demands, shortages of provided education connecting to possibilities of its use in practical accountancy and expected FASTER platform user requirement analysis as well as description of developed on-line education and job-seeking platform.
L. Révészová (Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia) Development of Information Competencies via Process Modelling and ICT Integration 
Today it is very important to prepare students for challenges of knowledge economy. It is necessary for all graduates to understand functions, possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of the information and communication technology, modelling and simulation. However informatics, modelling and the use of ICT is a very extensive field for studying. How we can integrate all of said into the education? The article summarizes results of the research of information competencies of secondary school graduates who entered the first grade at the Faculty of economics, Technical University in Košice. The main question we are dealing with is how to develop information competencies of our graduates - the future advanced users - via integration many aspects of the ICT use and process modelling into the education. We developed an innovative manner of education based on modelling, simulation and on a well known opinion that “no kind of teaching can replace the personal experience". In the proposed innovative way of teaching we are trying to transform problem solving process into an active process of cognition. The paper deals with the experience in teaching and it also discusses the body of knowledge and methods which have been implemented into the subject Informatics II.
J. Žufić, D. Kiralj (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia) Gaming in the Adolescent’s Population - Pilot Research 
This article describes which games are played by pupils of the 7th and 8th grade of the Elementary schools and 1st and 2nd grade of the High schools in Istria. Games have been grouped in ten most popular genres: Action, adventures, arcades, horror, life simulation, driving and flying simulation games, sport, RTS, RPG and mmo ie. mmorpg games. For each genre there are listed examples of the most popular games. In this research the participants remained anonymous and they provided data for each genre - which games they play most often, how long they play daily. The research also went into direction to study behavior of the surveyed persons and whether some of them developed symptoms of "addiction". Over 180 pupils from 10 schools in Istria participated in this research. Received data indicates the following: Over 53,6% of pupils polled play computer games more than 120 minutes a day and 5.6% of them have developed symptoms of "addiction".
Chair: Ž. Požgaj |
T. Szepe, S. Toth, Z. Gingl (University of Szeged Department of Technical Informatics, Szeged, Hungary) Compact Flexible Router Based Remote Experimenting System 
The rapidly changing needs of modern education can be effectively supported by today’s small, intelligent devices including tablet PCs, smart phones programmable routers and credit-card sized computers like the Raspberry PI. Since there are many available sensors on the market, it is rather easy to connect real world signal to these devices like temperature, light intensity, acceleration and many more. This way an exciting, cheap, transparent and very efficient software-based real experimentation can be carried out at different levels of education.
Our solution is based on a flexible, easily programmable popular router and a universal sensor-to-USB interface with open source software and hardware plus well documented educational applications. The router provides a computer platform for data acquisition and control while also serves as a remotely accessible device through its wired and wireless ports. In our presentation we shall briefly introduce the system setup and the connection of sensors and actuators. We have developed and tested a simple but efficient temperature control example educational application that can be remotely monitored and controlled via the internet. The transparent hardware and software can be used to attract students’ attention, also supports the development of creativity by allowing modifications of the software and hardware configuration.
Z. Stančić, J. Škrinjar (Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia), Ž. Car (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računalstva, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Vlahović Štetić (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia), J. Pibernik (Grafički fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia) Systems of Suport for Persons with Complex Communication Needs 
The aim of this paper is to present the final results of multidisciplinary cooperation of university scientists in the field of electronic engineering and computer science, education and rehabilitation science, psychology and graphic technology, focused on developing assistive technology for persons with complex communication needs. Based on needs of participants with complex communication needs and final result of project, several services were deloped: Catalog of knowledge and three aplications for ipad such as „Communicator“ for users to establish communication, „Mathematical carousel“ for learning basic mathematical operations and „eGalerie“ to improve the development of communication skills and skills for sentence ordering and short story telling.
I. Rozanc (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Framework for Web Application Domain Knowledge Extraction 
A decade ago a web application e-Študent was built to provide electronic support for student enrolment and examination/alumni records management at the University of Ljubljana. Due to issues emerging from the Bologna reform a new e-Študent will be build using a modern technology in the near future.
The old e-Študent encapsulates a huge amount of domain knowledge. Unfortunately, it was developed using agile approach resulting in poor technical documentation, thus an alternative approach for the domain knowledge extraction has to be defined.
In the article a framework for an effective web application domain knowledge extraction consisting of five elements is defined. The main principles (1) of extraction are defined to be effective reengineering of different application views at a defined abstract level. A proper knowledge representation using diverse models (2) has to be determined next. The Model Driven Architecture using UML models is considered a suitable choice. The procedure (3) for extraction has to be defined using suitable (often custom made) tools (4) and performed by skilled staff (5), possibly members of the old development team.
The use of framework is demonstrated on the web application e-Študent outlining several custom made tools, the results and the most valuable lessons learnt.
E. Krelja Kurelović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Rako (Sveučilušni računski centar (Srce), Zagreb, Croatia), J. Tomljanović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Cloud Computing in Education and Student's Needs 
Računarstvo u oblaku nije samo trenutni hir, već je to smjer kojim snažno kroči razvoj IT industrije. Govoreći o računarstvu u oblaku treba naglasiti da se radi o tri različita modela usluga: infrastruktura kao usluga (IaaS), platforma kao usluga (PaaS) te softver kao usluga (SaaS). U fokusu interesa ovog rada je model softvera kao usluge. Primjena računarstva u oblaku je vrlo široka i raste iz dana u dan zbog mnogih prednosti koje donosi korisnicima, a potaknuta je sve većom uporabom različitih mobilnih uređaja i pristupom mobilnom Internetu. Računarstvo u „oblaku“ primjenjivo je i u obrazovanju, što pokazuju dostupne studije slučaja, ali to podrazumijeva prihvaćanje navedenih usluga od strane svih sudionika obrazovnog procesa. Stoga je cilj ovog rada istražiti postoji li kod studenata potreba za aplikacijama i uslugama u „oblaku“ (SaaS), te koji faktori utječu na stupanj prihvaćanja usluga u „oblaku“. U radu se analiziraju i interpretiraju rezultati provedenog istraživanja i daju zaključna razmatranja o spremnosti studenata za „seobu u oblak“.
Ž. Požgaj, V. Bosilj Vukšić ( Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Mobile Phone in the Classroom 
Students like to be permanently „in touch“. Very often, more or less openly, their mobiles are switched on and they use them for fun during the lectures. Using mobile, students cannot be concentrated on the lecture, at the same time, they frustrate colleagues and disable them to participate in lecture as they would like to, and they also hinder teacher in presenting teaching materials he/she prepared.
This paper is based on research related to the phenomenon of students’ behavior in situations when they use mobiles during lectures, when such behavior is neither appropriate nor desirable from other students’ and teachers’ point of view. Questionnaire was conducted to determine the reasons for such behavior of students, students’ dependence on mobile, activities that develop in students the need to be constantly “in touch”, etc.
On the other hand, Smartphone is a device that is characterized with a wide range of basic services that should be use in collecting information about learning process. This device also has the possibility of installing additional applications which could be successfully implemented in the process of learning.
This research is based on the examination of students’ attitudes about the current utilization of their Smartphones in obtaining information related to the process of learning, students’ preferences regarding the application of mobiles or personal computers (PCs) in obtaining teaching materials (like Power Point slides and abstract), and students’ attitudes about the idea of possibility that the smart phones could replace the PCs in the very near future.
The results of this research presented in the paper are well aligned to the study conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb.
T. Orehovački, N. Žajdela Hrustek (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Towards a Framework for Usability Evaluation of Educational Artifacts Created with Web 2.0 Applications: A Pilot Study 
Web 2.0 refers to the second generation of web applications which encourage different kinds of interaction among users and enable them to create various artifacts. Although Web 2.0 applications are widely used in educational settings, researches on usability of artifacts created by their means are fairly modest. This paper explores attributes which contribute to the usability of educational artifacts. With an aim to develop a comprehensive framework, we conducted a pilot study during which data was collected with the use of an online questionnaire. Participants in the study were students of Information and Communication Sciences. Empirical findings are presented and discussed.
I. Kaštelan (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Barak (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel), V. Sruk (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Anastassova (CEA LIST, Saclay, France), M. Temerinac (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) An Approach to the Evaluation of Embedded Engineering Study Programs 
This paper presents an approach to the evaluation of study programs in the field of embedded computer engineering. The study programs cover the following subject categories: 1) digital system design, 2) computer system design, 3) digital signal processing, 4) computer networking and 5) system integration. The results of the evaluation of hardware, software and instructional materials in embedded engineering learning are presented. Student assignments are evaluated using the proposed tasks taxonomy which consists of three levels: 1) exercises, 2) problems, 3) projects. Students and teachers were asked to analyze the difficulty, lab material, level of student understanding and the amount of individual and team work in the subjects. First research results suggest that there is a large overhead in the number of platforms used in the mentioned courses. It was shown that in learning embedded computer engineering, the students deal merely with doing basic exercises and solving simple problems, while additional work is required in shifting the learning process towards enhancing students' higher-order cognitive skills such as problem solving and creativity, and fostering teamwork. The research also showed that it would be helpful to develop a unified embedded engineering learning platform for multiple courses in the curriculum.
Chairs: I. Pogarčić, V. Jovanović
T. Sekulić (Technical College of Applied Studies, Zrenjanin, Serbia), Đ. Takači (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Novi Sad, Serbia) Mathematical Modelling, Computers and GeoGebra in University and College Mathematics Education 
In this paper we present a way of introducing innovation in the teaching process by applying new teaching methods that are based on the principles of active learning and mathematical modelling, empowered by computers and mathematical software GeoGebra.
The paper deals with experiences from teaching process, concerning both aspects: teachers and students point of view. Step by step procedure of making mathematical modell is explained – from starting preparation, to implementing GeoGebra in mathematics education.
Direct application of new teaching methods based on principles of active learning, and mathematical modelling are ilustrated in the paper by examples processed by using mathematical modeling as teaching method and GeoGebra as software tool.
A. Papić (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Information Literacy Instruction: Self-Education through e-Tutorials 
This paper gives theoretical insight into importance of information literacy in formal and informal education and self-education of individual in information society. Libraries traditionally have great role in rising information literacy and one way of rising information literacy could be through their e-tutorials about information literacy. Working hypothesis in this paper is that level of presence of e-tutorials about information literacy in Croatian language is not satisfying. This hypothesis is confirmed namely unsatisfying level of presence of e-tutorials about information literacy in Croatian language is determined. Since mentioned hypothesis is confirmed five e-tutorials about information literacy in English were chosen according to Primo (Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online) criteria for identification and comparing of their elements with method of qualitative content analysis with main purpose to give directions for development of e-tutorials about information literacy in Croatian language.
T. Čonč (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, Library, Zagreb, Croatia) Choosing Free Library Software: Experiences of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Zagreb 
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Library relocated in 2009. The new way of conducting business meant the change of software used, as the application CDS/ISIS no longer suited the Library needs. The library needed a modern intergrated program solution and had no time to wait for the implementation of both Voyager and later Aleph which was organised by National and University Library. At that point it was decided to implement the free integrated library software, Koha.
The paper brings a brief overview of the most used library programs in Croatian libraries, analyses the free software concept and discusses the possibilities of using the free software solutions in libraries. The surveys show that free software solutions are, in terms of quality and comprihensivness, no longer behind their commercial counterparts. And as such, among the available free library software, Koha seems to be the most competent one.
The operation of The Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies Library confirms this statement. Koha provides quality support in the everyday work of the Library and enables further development of its services.
M. Čarapina, D. Bjelobrk, S. Duk (The Polytechnic of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Web 2.0 Tools in Croatian Higher Education: an Overview 
This paper provides an overview of Web 2.0 tools usage in higher education among students and teachers in Croatia. The survey is based upon the research papers in the period from year 2008 to 2013 and represents alterations in usage quantity through referred time period, demographic correspondences, students' and teachers' preferences in usage of Web 2.0 tools, impact of their use in education and other statistical data important for general understanding of past and present situation of Web 2.0 education in Croatia.
D. Kažović (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia) Implementing MS Project for project managament in NGOs 
With the implementation and realization of the projects financed from European Union funds, project management in NGOs becomes more complex and demanding process. Managing projects according to European Union standards is a challenge and such projects require new control concepts of project management. Project management is the continuous process of planning, organizing, managing and monitoring all aspects of the project in order to achieve the project objectives in accordance with the planned time, cost and quality.
The successful realization of the project depends on the project management, which requires a complex use of different knowledge, skills and methods.
This age of constant development of science and technology opens up new possibilities and therefore there are many softwares that are used for project management support. This work will describe the realization of project management implementing MS Project program which is software for project management. Based on the results of the implementation it can be concluded that MS Project enables high-quality and successful project management.
D. Boskovic, N. Borovina (University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Heuristic Evaluation in the Human Computer Interaction Course 
This paper presents a model for teaching heuristic evaluation in the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) course. The course objective is to teach students to design HCI as approach to develop usable software. The students are involved in the process of the heuristic evaluation to learn to address usability problems as a part of an iterative design process. The evaluation supports other course objectives: combine theoretical knowledge as usability principles, interaction design patterns and practical experience obtained through project work. Student achievements and course assessment are presented indicating the course results.
I. Jelić (Knjižnice grada Zagreba, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Vrkić (University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia) QR Codes in Library - Does Anyone Use Them? 
Although they were initially intended exclusively for use in shipping industry, Quick Response code is gaining popularity with widespread use of smartphones and has began to be used and implemented in various types of libraries for engaging and assisting patrons. Absolutely free, allow access to more data than standard bar-codes, can be read with almost all types of smartphones and with great potential to bridge the gap between digital and physical objects. Sounds good, but is it? In this paper we will overview current usability and future applications of QR codes in libraries.
I. Pogarčić, M. Gligora Marković, V. Davidović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) BYOD: a Challenge for the Future Digital Generation 
Recently trends in methodology and technology of development of information systems strictly indicate the frames known as cloud computing. Information system located in cloud provides his user with certain advantages, but is also represents a certain challenge. It also requires an increased attention and additional care about the system’s safety. Problems are of the general character, meaning they are equal regardless to the business function which information system is being developed. Though several decades have passed from the original efforts of implementing the ICT in educational frames, the real treatment of activities known as eLearning require additional considerations in education. eLearning should be treated as information system with all its features and additional specificities. Independence of place and time of realisation provides an additional possibility. This refers to the possibility of integrating the personal user’s equipment in eLearning. Trend in practical information science, referred as BYOD trend, presumes that final users approach to business resources with help of their personal devices: smart phones, tablets and laptops. This paper examines the readiness of student and teachers to adopt such teaching modes.
V. Jovanovic (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, United States) Computer Science Curriculum 2013 - An Example 
The paper presents an example of a Computer Science Curriculum- redesigned in 2013 to, among other requirements, reflect important expectations of the IEEE/ACM CS Curriculum 2013 Recommendations. Among the advantages of the proposed are professional orientation, balance of fundamentals with integrated core and advanced elective coursework, integration of design and evaluation aspects across the curriculum, a team based capstone project experience, and the longest chain of courses (including all pre-requisites) of only six semesters. Furthermore the elective CS coursework reflects three general options (possibly overlapping): a) electives grouped for three distinct professional certificates in the CS major (Security, Software Engineering, and Games Programming), b) Internship of up to a year of professional practice, and c) free choice of contemporary CS electives.
R. Buinac, V. Tomljenović (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Determination of the Torque-Speed Characteristic of Induction Motor in Electric Machinery Education 
The paper describes the measuring method for determination of the torque-speed characteristic of an induction machine used in electric machinery classes performed at the Polytechnic of Zagreb. The torque-speed characteristic is determine by recording and differentiating the starting speed signal. Data is gathered using a measuring system based on a simple digital acquistion card, and processed in custom software, built with LabVIEW, on a personal computer. Advantages and shortages of this sort of measurement compared with other measuring methods are given, and measuring equipment deployment and software development are described.
M. Rotim (Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Relevance and Realization of Communication between Information and Communication Technology Employers and Educational Sector 
Education enables the realization of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that each individual requires to fulfill their work and social goals. It increases economical competitiveness by ensuring the necessary qualities of human resources. One of the priorities of the educational system in the upcoming period should be the assessment of skills and abilities the economy needs as well as their long term developmental trends.
The speeding rhythm of technological growth deepens the gap between technological requirements and education and it cannot be simply resolved by altering the length of the educational process. Namely, many skills are outdated even before they are realized nowadays. Therefore it is crucial to maintain a continuing and open communication between employers and educational institutions, which is still an exception in Croatia. Considering the fact that educational results and therefore the competences required for employment in a specific area (the focus is on education and employment in ICT sector) derive from (sub) standard education programs, which highly depend on the communication between these two, a research on the realization of communication was conducted. The research examined the extent to which ICT companies communicate with educational institutions that produce the necessary human resources and who should encourage the cooperation.
S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) The Influence of Situational Factors on Accepting e-Learning Technology by University Teachers 
Complex educational environment is one of the key components in considering teacher's acceptance of e-education and can be observed in different scopes in relation to the teacher. This paper deals with an immediate educational environment as a group of situational factors consisting of student characteristics and content/course characteristics and their influence on accepting the technology by university teachers.
B. Misnevs, N. Fila (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia) The Next Generation of University Information Systems – TTI Version for XXI Century 
The purpose of the paper is to review the evolution of the University Information Systems in the XXI century and to present the future vision and current implementation of TTI University Information System (TTI UIS). TTI UIS supports a large number of information processes and includes a set of subsystems for solving a particular type of university tasks: “Students and alumni”, “Time Schedule and Academic Staff Load”, “Human Resources”, “Accounting”, “ Hardware and Software Register”, and “Library” TTI UIS also provides communication, collaboration and end user support services to system administrative units. The paper discusses existing solutions and problems of TTI UIS and provides a vision of the modern UIS for XXI century.
J. Žufić, H. Cvilinder (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia) ICT Learning Experience in the Multilingual and Multicultural Environment of ERASMUS IP TAARLoG Project 
This article describes the ICT learning experience during intensive TAARLoG (Traditional in the Alpe Adria Region – Local for the global) Erasmus project. Project was implemented intensively in Pula in October 2012 with the participation of 54 students from the universities of Pula, Trieste and Maribor. In the multilingual environment (Slovenian, Italian, Croatian and English languages) students were tasked to learn, among other matters: a) to record with a video camera; b) to process and edit recorded audio and video material with the program application Adobe Premier CS4.
Feedback received from students, in the end of the project, reflected their satisfaction (on the scale from 1 to 5 where 1 stands for ‘not satisfied’ and 5 stands for ‘very satisfied’)as following: academic achievement: 4,47; personal achievement: 4,71; utilization of equipment: 4,34; abilities and experience of professors: 4,49; total quality of tutoring: 4,36; results of the adopted knowledge: 4,09; total mark for the project: 4,57.
A. Bednjanec, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Filipović Tretinjak (School of Electrical Engineering (Elektrotehnička škola), Zagreb, Croatia) Application of Gantt Charts in the Educational Process 
Gantt charts, a project management tool for planning and scheduling projects, can be used in educational processes. With the increasing duties, individuals are responsible to effectively manage time and complete tasks. An advantage of Gantt charts is their graphical overview. They visualize beginning dates, ending dates and the important duration parameters helping to track various projects over specific time periods. In the educational process there are many tasks which need to be planned such as school activities, school curriculum, competitions, school projects, intern´s activities, internship worksheets, teaching process, introducing curriculum fields, allocating time of the certain curriculum fields and subjects, defining efficient class strategies showing how many time will be spent doing various activities, guidance for lesson development, self-evaluation, etc... Gantt chart's graphical representation is also very useful in the field of the teacher preparation. There are three components important in teacher preparation: teacher knowledge of the subject to be taught, knowledge and skill in how to teach and determining the time educational content will be introduced. Experience from the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb shows that use Gantt chart's in self-evaluation, intern´s activities planning, lesson planning and teacher preparing make teaching more effective.
B. Marijanović, S. Šimara, J. Lisek (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Research Assistance Library Service - in Between Formal and Informal Learning 
The purpose of this article is to present the development of a research assistance library service – online assistance in finding resources on a given topic - in the period between 2006 and 2012. With the implementation of the Bologna Process in Croatia, there was a need for a more proactive involvement of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Central Library in the Faculty teaching procedure. With its resources available, the FER Central Library sought to contribute to the quality of the way students conduct research for their papers, and therefore launched the research support service, which, over the years, developed into a successful virtual link between given research topics, mentors, students and the Library itself. Furthermore, the virtual Library support proved to be a useful non-formal learning tool. Results of an online questionnaire the service users completed are presented, and the future plans for further improvement of the service are set forth.
M. Čičin-Šain (Primorska banka, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Vukmirović (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Ecomomy, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain ( University of Rijeka, Faculty of Ecomomyy, Rijeka, Croatia) The Strategic Oriented Information Science Education in the Function of Gaining Strategic Knowledge 
This work presents an analysis of the meaning of strategically oriented information science education and the possibilities of using modern information technology in gaining strategic knowledge. The framework of methodology used in information science education is defined. Variety of knowledge levels are analysed from the viewpoint of the transfer of strategic knowledge. The contents of information science education are grouped according to the levels of complexity which are defined by the degree of the variety of knowledge. The activities of strategically oriented information science education are defined and analysed from the standpoint of creating the guidelines for the development of informatization of education on the principles of creativity and innovation.This work presents an analysis of the meaning of strategically oriented information science education and the possibilities of using modern information technology in gaining strategic knowledge. The framework of methodology used in information science education is defined. Variety of knowledge levels are analysed from the viewpoint of the transfer of strategic knowledge. The contents of information science education are grouped according to the levels of complexity which are defined by the degree of the variety of knowledge. The activities of strategically oriented information science education are defined and analysed from the standpoint of creating the guidelines for the development of informatization of education on the principles of creativity and innovation.
S. Vukmirović, D. Kovač, I. Mežnarić (Economics Faculty, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) Object-oriented programming for graphical modeling on the example of logistics network design 
In this paper, we discuss methods and concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) for graphical modeling. We illustrate through a set of examples how geometrical models are built, and visualized solutions to logistics network design problems are obtained. We develop a methodological framework for visual programming and linking of graphical models concepts, and introduce the basic concepts of graphical models: lines, arrows, nodes and coordinates. We use block diagrams and object-oriented programming to program and link the concepts of graphical models using Visual Basic for Excel.
N. Lazić, J. Klindžić (FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET, ZAGREB, Croatia), M. Odak (FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET, MOSTAR, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Preparedness of teachers and learning materials for e-learning 
The time has shown that technology has always had a big role and a great impact in education. Advancements in technology made a greater contributions to education. Looking back one can see the impact on development and reaches of education caused by film, radio and television. Second half of 20th century is marked by research and results of using computers and information and communication technology in education especially Internet. Rapid and intensive development of e-education technologies also initiated the process of contextual meaning transfer through media. This paper will analyse and determine the state of e-education in Croatia, examine if the teachers are prepared for this kind of teaching, examine the model and life cycle of education materials and what types of education materials are used.
J. Tomljanović, T. Turina, E. Krelja Kurelović (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) Motherboard and User Experience 
The motherboard is the heart of the computer and also the most neglected part of the hardware. The main purpose of the motherboard is to connect all parts of a computer such as: memory, processor, disks and other devices in a better and faster way. Unlike other hardware devices development of motherboard is very unique and has a great impact on the market. While other devices developed independently of each other, it depends on the development of the motherboard whether these devices will work together. The objectives of this study were to describe the most important sections of the motherboard and its development starting from chipsets, through memory, processor, which is one of the parts that are selected first when designing a computer, to the bus and the other slots. In addition, there will be a describtion of the motherboard models and their development. An online survey was conducted and that gave the answers to the questions like: how much computer users are familiar with their motherboards, have they ever had motherboard failures and what were they. The study required two surveys: one aimed at the students and the other intended for a wider circle of people.
Z. Prohaska, B. Olgić Draženović (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET RIJEKA, RIJEKA, Croatia), V. Šarić (Zagrebačka banka, PULA, Croatia) Calculating Duration and Convexity of Bonds Using Excel 
To analyse interest rate risk of coupon bearing bonds and to immunize bond portfolios against this risk excel spreadsheets are developed using only plain vanilla excel, i.e. its basic functions and some addiotional functions from the Excel Analysis Toolpak Add-In.
The reason for not using complicated macros nor Visual Basic for Application is that especially students at the University level have already all the necessary skills to use Excel efficiently and VBA applications of different MS Excel versions are not always compatible and have to be reprogrammed to run smoothly on newer versions of Excel.
Z. Prohaska (Education and teacher training agency (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Rijeka, Croatia), I. Uroda (Faculty of Economics (Ekonomski fakultet), Rijeka, Croatia) PaintArt - An Interactive Computer Software for Education of Visual Arts 
In this article a computer software consisting of a paint program and a database of specially prepared forms in bitmap format for education of visual arts on the elementary school level is presented.
By using such computer software, a paint program (in graphic format) and forms in bitmap format, where it is possible not only to write text but also to draw lines, circles etc. interactive learning gets a new dimension,. From now on it is possible not only to ask questions in the form of yes or no, multiple choice or demand answers in full-text, but really to apply the solutions.
If the lesson is about perspective in painting, You could show a painting of a well known artist and not only ask which form of perspective is predominant in the painting, but to demand that the pupil draws the chosen perspective (e.g. horizontal, vertical,etc.) as a line in the painting itself. By presenting this software in the class and by sharing it, pupils can use it at home and by comparing own answers with the provided solutions in the software they can verify their knowledge of the topics discussed at school.
R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Synergy of e-Science and Libraries as a Support to Higher Education Institutions in Croatia 
Without science there wouldn't be any learning. Science has always been a basis for the learning process at all levels of education. It provided fundamental truths about the world and supplied critical knowledge in a highly organized and structured manner necessary for development of education systems. Today, scientific research has become very complex, networked based, collaborative, information resources intensive and it has become very challenging to integrate vast amounts scientific knowledge (results of scientific endeavor) into the teaching process. To succeed in this task, scientists and educational institution needed help of intermediaries to organize that knowledge and to enable its transfer to student thus helping students to acquire top quality knowledge and to have authentic learning experience. These intermediaries are libraries which have been scientific knowledge managers for centuries, but, now, their tasks is even more difficult because they have to build bridge between e-science, latest phase of development of science on one side, and teacher and students on the other side. Cooperation of e-science and libraries has resulted in collaborative use of digital information resources and cooperation in virtual environments supported by scientific knowledge available in digital collections in libraries. This paper aims to provide overview of the current and prospective roles of libraries and possible outcomes of collaboration between e-science and libraries for the benefit of learning process at Croatian universities.
R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Modes of Use and Preservation of Digital Information Resources as a Support to the Learning Process at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb 
The aim of this paper is to present results of the research among students at the Faculty of humanities and social sciences in Zagreb (FHSS) on two important topics: students' use of digital information resources and preservation of these digital information resources. To find out more about these two topics, a research study was designed. The results confirmed that digital information resources have become very popular among students in their education. The results also indicated the need of students to have constant access to digital information resources and to be able to store a selection of resources on their computers. The results also showed that students want digital information resources used in education to be available indefinitely and that their teachers should be responsible for care for digital information resources used in education, which is rather peculiar. Students still think that digital information resources cannot replace printed information resources. The results indicate lack of information about students’ needs and attitudes about access and use of digital information resources in education for the purpose of development of university policies on organization and preservation of digital information resources for use in higher education.
Basic information:
Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia)
Steering Committee:
Michael E. Auer (Austria), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia)
International Program Committee General Chair:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
International Program Committee:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Joško Radej (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Goran Škvarč (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)
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Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750
E-mail: marina.cicinsain@gmail.com
Opatija, often called the Nice of the Adriatic, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia and a place with the longest tourist tradition on the eastern part of Adriatic coast. Opatija is so attractive that at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20thcenturies it was visited by the most prominent personalities: Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Mascagni, A. P. Čehov, James Joyce, Isidora Duncan, Beniamino Gigli, Primo Carnera, Emperor Franz Joseph, German Emperor Wilhelm II, Swedish Royal Couple Oscar and Sophia, King George of Greece.
The offer includes 20-odd hotels, a large number of catering establishments, sports and recreational facilities.
For more details please look at www.opatija.hr/ and www.opatija-tourism.hr/.
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