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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

Technical co-sponsorship

Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO

Presented papers written in English and published in the Conference proceedings will be submitted for posting to IEEE Xplore.

Event program
Tuesday, 5/31/2016 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 11:00 AMPapers
Chairs: Darko Možnik and Martina Sertić 
1.S. Bulešić Milić (Ekonomska škola Pula, Pula, Croatia)
Međukurikularni projekti u nastavi informatike u Ekonomskoj školi – primjeri dobre prakse 
U planu i programu informatike u srednjoj ekonomskoj školi postoji veliki raspon mogućnosti međukurikularne suradnje i provođenja projektne nastave. U članku će biti navedeni primjeri dobre prakse te poveznice (ako postoje) na aktivnosti koje su potaknule suradnju. Suradnja je ostvarena na sljedećim projektima (naveden je i nastavni predmet s kojim je ostvarena suradnja): Eratostenov eksperiment (geografija), World Education Game - UNICEF (matematika, engleski), This is Our Time – UNICEF (povijest, geografija, engleski, sociologija), Intersteno (kompjutorska daktilografija), E-građani (pravna i ekonomska grupa predmeta), Festival znanosti – Sunce (biologija, geografija), Znanstveni rad – kako i zašto? (školski i knjižničar u Sveučilišnoj knjižnici (ProQuest baza), hrvatski, povijest), Web stranica Vježbeničke tvrtke (ekonomska grupa predmeta). Za svaki od projekata bit će naveden broj i uzrast učenika (razred), opis i cilj projekta, organizator (ako je internetski organiziran) i internetska veza na projekt, vrednovanje rezulata projekta. Zajedničko je svim projektima veća angažiranost učenika, kreativnost i veći interes za sve nastavne predmete obuhvaćene međukurikularnim projektom
2.M. Sertić (Industrijsko-obrtnička škola , Slavonski Brod, Croatia), K. Šolić (Medicinski fakultet, Osijek, Croatia)
Tradicionalni ili hibridni model nastave računalstva 
Kroz rad bi se trebalo dokazati da primjena elektroničkog učenja u obrazovanju omogućava veću povezanost teoretskog znanja i praktične primjene naučenog. Pretpostavilo se da bi hibridni model učenja trebao biti učinkovit kao i tradicionalni model učenja. Provedeni eksperiment dokazao je održivost hipoteze po kojoj elektroničko učenje poboljšava praktičnu primjenu naučenog i povećava razinu znanja. Iz same analize podataka istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da korištenje hibridnog modela učenja u nastavi informatike povećava i pospješuje znanje učenika te povećava razinu znanja i zadovoljava učenikove obrazovne mogućnosti.
3.D. Možnik (MORH, OS RH, HVU "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjena e-učenja u hrvatskom vojnom obrazovanju 
Rad opisuje i objašnjava teorijski koncept i praktične primjene odnosno primjere e-učenja u obrambenim i vojnim sustavima u području vojnog obrazovanja koji se u RH organizira, priprema i provodi na Hrvatskom vojnom učilištu „Dr. Franjo Tuđman“. Navode se motivi, prednosti i nedostaci, razlozi i mogućnosti tj. sposobnosti e-učenja od teorijskog koncepta (kroz planiranje, organiziranje i nadzor procesa e-učenja) do konkretnih primjera primjene uspješnih procesa e-učenja u području vojnog obrazovanja. Navedene su definicije, oblici, elementi i tehnologije e-učenja jer je to jedan od najbržih i najjednostavnijih načina stjecanja novih znanja, vještina i sposobnosti odnosno učenja bilo kada i bilo gdje. Za e-učenje se u NATO savezu koriste pojmovi ADL (engl. Advanced Distributed Learning) i JADL (engl. Joint Advanced Distributed Learning). Navedeni su primjeri nekih od razvijenih ADL tj. online tečajeva, modula i kolegija u području vojnog obrazovanja za potrebe MORH-a i OS RH. Navedeni su LMS sustavi za upravljanje učenjem: ILIAS koji se koristi u zemljama članicama NATO saveza, te MOODLE i MERLIN koji se koriste u akademskoj zajednici RH. Navedeni su programi ERASMUS (engl. European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) , kao i inicijativa i program ERASMUS militaire poznat po kratici EMILYO (engl. Exchange of Military Young Officers) - razmjena kadeta i mladih časnika među vojnim akademijama zemalja članica EU. U tijeku je proces transformacije HVU „Dr. Franjo Tuđman“ u visoko obrazovnu i znanstveno-istraživačku ustanovu MORH-a i OS RH, kao i sastavnicu akademske zajednice RH i punopravnu aktivnu članicu europskog vojnog obrazovanja. Tijekom navedenog procesa implementiraju se sadašnje i buduće mogućnosti i sposobnosti primjene e-učenja u području vojnog obrazovanja kroz projekt „Uvođenje novih načina usvajanja i održavanja znanja“. Na kraju su navedena zaključna razmatranja.
4.M. Štefan Trubić (Tehnički fakultet , Rijeka, Croatia), I. Radošević (Odjel za matematiku, Rijeka, Croatia)
Prezentacijski alati za prikaz matematičkih sadržaja 
Učinkovito predstavljanje rezultata svoga rada u javnosti zahtijeva pripremu odgovarajuće prezentacije prilagođene određenoj publici. I sat moderne nastave matematike se može znatno unaprijediti i obogatiti uvođenjem prezentacija za pojedine teme čime obrazovni program dobiva novu kvalitetniju dimenziju. Pored sadržaja i načina na koji se isti prikazuje, ključni elementi prezentiranja su i odabir prikladnih prezentacijskih programa i alata koji su usklađeni i prilagođeni sadržaju. Danas postoje različiti alati koji olakšavaju stvaranje prezentacija. Posebno će nas zanimati alati pogodni za predstavljanje matematičkih sadržaja koji uključuju prikaz složenih matematičkih izraza. U radu će biti opisani poznati i često korišteni prezentacijski alati: Beamer Latex, PowerPoint i Prezi, pri čemu će se istaknuti njihove najvažnije prednosti i nedostaci, te napraviti međusobna usporedba. Posebno će biti istaknuta uloga Iguana Texa kao poveznice između Beamer Latex i PowerPoint alata. Uvid u osnovne elemente svakog pojedinog alata dobit će se primjenom istih na prezentaciju jedne odabrane matematičke teme, konkretno numeričke integracije.
5.D. Šokac, I. Biuklija (OŠ Matije Petra Katančića, Valpovo, Croatia)
Siguran put do škole 
Besplatne komercijalne geografske karte na Internetu ne pokrivaju sve dijelove svijeta jednako detaljno, ne omogućuju jednostavno ažuriranje i ograničene su po tome kako se smiju koristiti, zbog čega smo učenicima predstavili OpenStreetMap (, otvorenu kartu svijeta, odnosno „Wikipediju“ kartografije koju svatko može jednostavno dopuniti i ažurirati. Učenike smo upoznali prednostima ovog projekta, pravima korištenja i načinima ispravnog prikupljanja podataka za unos u kartu. Kod prikupljanja podataka učenici su koristili svoje mobilne uređaje s GPS prijemnikom i odgovarajuće besplatne aplikacije, dok je za unos podataka bilo dovoljno osobno računalo s pristupom internetu. Učenici su snimili GPS tragove svoje ulice, kućne brojeve i točke od interesa, te su prikupljene podatke unijeli u OpenStreetMap. Projekt nije ograničen na ucrtavanje ulica i kuća učenika koji su trenutno uključeni u projekt, već će se kontinuirano provoditi kako bi podaci za naš grad u svakome trenutku bili ažurni i potpuni jer predstavljaju osnovni preduvjet za ostvarivanje planiranog povezanog programa obrazovanja za sigurno sudjelovanje u prometu u sklopu UN-ova Desetljeća sigurnosti cestovnog prometa. Ovakvim projektima nastavu informatike u osnovnim školama učinit ćemo atraktivnijom, a sami učenici ponijet će više korisnih znanja i vještina koje će moći primijeniti tijekom nastavka školovanja i kasnije u životu.
6.S. Krajačić, L. Topolčić, F. Urem (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia)
Informacijski sustav visokih učilišta - analiza slučaja za Veleučilište u Šibeniku 
Projekt uvođenja ISVU-a je započet sredinom 2000. godine od strane Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta u sklopu programa informatizacije visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kao potpuno integriran informacijski sustav znatno je utjecao na poslovne procese svih dionika u visokog obrazovanju. U ovom radu su posebno opisana iskustva Veleučilišta u Šibeniku koje je uvođenje sustava završilo tijekom akademske godine 2014/2015.
7.T. Babić, S. Grgić, E. Rajković (Visoko učilište Algebra - visoka škola za primijenjeno , Zagreb, Croatia)
Istraživanje stavova i očekivanja studenata prilikom upisa na studij kao metoda povećanja kvalitete usluge u visokom obrazovanju 
Globalizacija ima velik utjecaj na suvremeno poslovno okruženje i u takvom okruženju obrazovanje sve više postaje usluga. Visoka učilišta moraju kontinuirano podizati kvalitetu usluge, kako bi mogle privući i zadržati što veći broj studenata. Kvaliteta usluge jedan je od glavnih faktora konkurentnosti, a svaki pružatelj usluga treba poznavati svoje korisnike kako bi mogao pružiti uslugu po mjeri korisnika. Kroz rad su prikazani stavovi i očekivanja studenata prilikom upisa na studij, a podaci su prikupljeni metodom anketiranja. Anketa je bila dobrovoljna, a odvijala se u sklopu i tijekom nastave. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 137 novoupisanih studenata na 1. godinu preddiplomskih studija Visokog učilišta Algebra u školskoj godini 2015./2016., kao budućih korisnika usluge. Svrha ovog istraživanja jest identificirati motive upisanih studenata za upis studija na Visokom učilištu Algebra te stavove i očekivanja studenata vezanih uz njihovu uključenost u nastavne procese, izvannastavne aktivnosti, nastavak obrazovanja i razvoj karijere. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja imat će utjecaj na planiranje budućih aktivnosti koje će izravno i neizravno doprinijeti zadovoljstvu studenata i povećanju kvalitete obrazovnog procesa.
8.Ž. Tutek (Geodetski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Nastava matematike na SageMathCloud platformi 
Jedan od temelja inženjerskog znanja je matematika. Matematički softver omogućuje prijelaz od malog broja zadataka koji se mogu riješiti analitičkim metodama na daleko veći broj složenijih problema čije rješavanje uključuje i numeričke metode. Za razliku od MATLAB, Mathematica i Maple, SageMath je slobodan softver otvorenog koda koji koristi poznate programske biblioteke: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R,… Iza mojih studenata i mene je iskustvo rada sa SageMath na odnedavno dostupnoj SageMathCloud platformi kao alatu za nastavu; i iz te perspektive daje nekoliko odgovora na pitanje: koliko i kako uvođenje matematičkog softvera u nastavi matematike prve godine za inženjere uistinu olakšava učenje i poučavanje?
11:00 AM - 11:30 AMInvited Lecture  
L. Kralj (OŠ Veliki Bukovec, Udruga "Suradnici u učenju", Veliki Bukovec, Croatia)
New Informatics curriculum - Croatian tradition with world trends 
Croatian curriculum reform started in February 2015 as one of measures in Strategy for education, science and technology. During first phase of curriculum reform 55 documents were created - for all levels of pre-tertiary education, all subjects, cross curricular topics and frameworks for assessment, special education and gifted education. One of subject curriculum document is for subject Informatics whose authors are: Predrag Brođanac, Nikolina Bubica, Lidija Kralj, Zlatka Markučič, Marina Mirković, Maristela Rubić and Darka Sudarević with support: Antonela Czwyk Marić, Viktorija Hržica and Branka Vuk. Aims of subject Informatics are to enable students to become digitally literate, to develop computational thinking, digital wisdom, critical thinking and use technology effectively, responsibly and respectfully. In order to reach that aims curriculum of Informatics is organized in four domains: Information and digital technologies, Computational thinking and programming, Digital literacy and communication and E-society.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chair:  Marina Mirković 
1.M. Čičin-Šain (Drustvo kibernetičara, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), L. Kralj (Osnovna škola Veliki Bukovec, Veliki Bukovec, Croatia)
Ilustracija primjene novog Kurikuluma iz predmeta Informatika i to domene - Računalno razmišljanje i programiranje na primjeru metode Početnica Mema za prvi razred osnovne škole  
U radu je dana ilustracija primjene novog kurikuluma iz predmeta Informatika domene- Računalno razmišljanje i programiranje na primjeru metode Početnica Mema.
Digitalni scenariji učenja 
Scenariji učenja pružaju učenicima mogućnost da primijenjuju znanje i praktične vještine bitne za situaciju koju nalaze pri rješavanju određenih zadataka. Pri tome analiziraju, prepoznaju i rješavaju probleme uz vještine kritičkog razmišljanja. Uče uporabom strukturiranih aktivnosti učenja koje nalikuju na izazove slične onima s kojima će se suočiti u stvarnom svijetu. Nastava uz primjenu scenarija učenja pomaže učenicima da postanu svjesni propusta u učenju, lakše prebrode teškoće u učenju te promijene svoje ponašanje u određenim situacijama. Scenarij učenja pretvara podatke u praktičnu primjenu, predstavlja zadatke u vezi s ishodima učenja.Da bi nastavnci izgradili učinkovit i zanimljiv scenarij, potrebno je integrirati sadržaj, metodiku i razne digitalne alate. Oni omogućuju stvaranje privlačnog interaktivnog scenarija koji će biti zanimljiv učenicima u njihovu radu na nastavi uz suradnju sa svojim vršnjacima, te ujedno omogućiti razvoj njihovih digitalnih kompetencija. Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža – CARNet u sklopu projekta Inspiring Science Education, kojemu je cilj popularizacija znanosti uz korištenje tehnologije i dostupnih e-resursa, pokrenula je ISE MOOC. U ovom masovnom otvorenom online tečaju polaznici osmišljavaju nastavni sat uz primjenu inormacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. ISE scenariji učenja su strukturirani prema metodi istraživačkog učenja. Primijenjivi su u različitim kontekstima te pogodni za razmjenu među nastavnicima na školskoj, državnoj i međunarodnoj razini.
3.M. Blašković, M. Fumić, F. Urem (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia)
Mobilne aplikacije u visokom obrazovanju 
Moderno visoko obrazovanje danas podrazumijeva potpunu informatizaciju, a mobilne aplikacije u tome postaju bitan čimbenik. Pri tome svakodnevno nastaju mobilne aplikacije koje postaju učinkoviti obrazovni alati te zadovoljavaju različite obrazovne i akademske potrebe studenata. U ovom radu je prikazano stanje primjene takvih aplikacija u visokom obrazovanju Republike Hrvatske.
4.I. Vunarić, S. Grgić, T. Babić (Visoko učilište Algebra - visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia)
Metodologija izrade E – learning sadržaja za edukaciju o izradi Standarda zanimanja 
Zakonom o Hrvatskom kvalifikacijskom okviru Standard zanimanja definira se kao popis svih poslova koje pojedinac obavlja u određenom zanimanju i popis kompetencija potrebnih za uspješno obavljanje tih poslova. Zahtjev za upis u podregistar može podnijeti bilo koja pravna ili fizička osoba predajom ispunjenog propisanog obrasca. Zbog nacionalne važnosti da zapisi u podregistru budu što kvalitetnije zapisani ministarstvo nadležno za rad izradilo je smjernice za izradu standarda zanimanja. Smjernice propisuju postupke i načine procjene utemeljenosti prijedloga. Propisani postupci zahtijevaju određene vještine analiziranja i pisanja, a kako ne postoji sustavna edukacija kao odlično rješenje nameće se e-learning. Izradom e-learning sadržaja koji će biti dostupan svim dionicima znatno se približuje cijela metodologija izrade standarda zanimanja, a kroz mogućnosti koje e-learning alati omogućuju može se postići i provjeriti potrebna vještina. Cilj rada je pokazati kako se pisane smjernice za izradu standarda zanimanja mogu pretočiti u e-learning sadržaj. Ujedno ovaj rad pokazuje i kako se prikladnom metodologijom i alatima može olakšati razumijevanje i ponavljanje složenih analiza te stjecati vještina koja se kasnije može primijeniti u konkretnoj situaciji izrade standarda zanimanja. U završnom dijelu rada dani su važni dijelovi i ilustracije stvarnog e-learning sadržaja za izradu standarda zanimanja s naglaskom na prednosti i važnosti odabranog pristupa.
5.T. Babić, A. Ogrin (Visoko učilište Algebra - visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Babić (Knjižnice grada zagreba, Zagreb, Croatia)
Informacijsko-komunikacijske znanosti u nastavi - digitalizirani materijali za učenje 
U suvremenom multimedijalnom vremenu događa se pomak od učenja kroz klasične tiskane izvore kao što su knjige i članci, prema novim oblicima učenja putem digitalnih materijala. Digitalni nastavni materijali definiraju se kao informacije potrebne za učenje i poučavanje, a koje su dostupne u digitalnom obliku i koriste se na računalu ili nekom sličnom uređaju. Studenti Visokog učilišta Algebra na kolegijima imaju obveznu literaturu u klasičnoj tiskanoj formi priručnika ili knjiga koje posuđuju iz knjižnice. Također, studentima su dostupni nastavni materijali preko sustava Digitalne referade – Infoeduke, kao što su prezentacije s predavanja, zadaci za vježbu, upute za uspješno svladavanje gradiva te dodatna literatura. Očekuje se još veći pomak od klasičnih oblika učenja prema različitim oblicima e-učenja, pa je istraživanje imalo za svrhu istražiti stavove studenata o korisnosti digitalnih materijala za učenje u usporedbi s klasičnom, fizičkom literaturom. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen uzorak od 52 studenata upisanih na preddiplomski Digitalnog marketinga i diplomski studij Primijenjenog računarstva u akademskoj godini 2015./2016. Cilj rada je prikazati prikupljene podatke istraživanja, a kao zaključak rada prikazane su prednosti i nedostaci klasičnih oblika učenja korištenjem tradicionalnih izvora, kao i prednosti i nedostaci e-učenja korištenjem digitaliziranih izvora informacija i znanja.
Tuesday, 5/31/2016 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 5:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Kristina Blažeka and Martina Filipović 
1.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Detekcija najčešćih sintaktičkih i logičkih grešaka učenika kod stvaranja programa u početnim godinama učenja programiranja 
Ovaj se članak referira na istraživanje najčešćih grešaka koje prilikom učenja vještine programiranja rješavajući jednostavne zadatke manifestiraju učenici početnici u programiranju. U tu se svrhu analiziraju podaci dobiveni prevođenjem (compilation log data) programskih uradaka programera početnika istražujući koje su najveće poteškoće učenika početnika u programiranju kod usvajanja uvodnih, osnovnih koncepata. Zato se istražuju prikazane poruke o greškama različitih vrsta i zaključci izvode temeljem uočenih sličnosti i razlika u poteškoćama na koje učenici početnici nailaze, kao i učinkovitost učenika u postupku otklanjanja grešaka. Uočava se koje programske greške početnici rade najčešće. Pokazuje se kako početnici nailaze na slične probleme koje rješavaju sukladno razvijenosti vlastitih kognitivnih sposobnosti viših razina (sposobnost analize, prosuđivanja, stvaranja) što izravno utječe na brzinu i kvalitetu usvajanja same vještine programiranja. Također, rad sadrži i osvrt na pojavnost čestih logičkih grešaka učenika početnika analizom njihovih rješenja za najjednostavnije zadatake poslanih na evaluator u okviru Hrvatskog otvorenog natjecanja iz informatike (HONI) sa preporukama kako učenicima odgovarajućom promjenom načina poučavanja pomagati da takve greške uspješnije izbjegavaju. Rezultati vode do korisnih preporuka za poboljšanje poučavanja i učenja programiranja, od koncepcije nastavnih sadržaja, odgovarajućeg priručnika do sugestije za stvaranja alata koji bi bili usmjereni pomaganju u izbjegavanju, odnosno otklanjanju najčešćih (ili najvećih) grešaka.
2.D. Junaković, I. Paćelat, F. Urem (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia)
Preporuke i primjeri dobre prakse e-učenja u hrvatskom visokom školstvu 
Danas postoje brojni programski sustavi za podršku e-učenju. Posebno su korisni LMS sustavi za upravljanje učenjem kao što su npr. Moodle, WebCT, Claroline i ostali. U ovom radu dan je pregled rješenja koja su zastupljena u hrvatskom visokom obrazovanju.
3.A. Lacković, B. Fulanović (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Uvod u robotiku - Arduino platforma i web aplikacija 
Arduino je jednostavna razvojna platforma zasnovana na univerzalnom mikrokotroleru. Idealna je za razvoj upravljačke elektronike i robotike kako kod učenika tako i kod studenta. Od više raznih mogućih načina upravljanja Arduino platformom jedan od mogućih je i putem mreže, odnosno putem web aplikacije. Web aplikacije su programska rješenja kojima se pristupa putem Internet preglednika na računalu ili mobilnom uređaju i danas su neminovnost koja se ne može izbjeći. Rad opisuje izradu web aplikacije za upravljanje robotskog autića zasnovanog na Arduino platformi.
4.N. Boj (III. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Primjena obrazovne društvene mreže Edmodo u nastavi III. osnovne škole Čakovec 
Obrazovna društvena mreža Edmodo stvorena je još 2008. godine kako bi obrazovanje dovela u okruženje 21. stoljeća. Danas je sa svojih preko 60 milijuna članova broj 1 u svijetu obrazovnih društvenih mreža i predstavlja mjesto gdje se susreću edukacija i inovacija. Riječ je o sigurnom online okruženju za učenike jer su korisnici Edmoda učitelji, učenici i roditelji. Edmodo je u primjeni u III. OŠ Čakovec drugu školsku godinu za redom i danas se koristi za potrebe nastave matematike, informatike, hrvatskog jezika, engleskog jezika, njemačkog jezika, povijesti, geografije, likovne lukture, glazbene kulture i fizike. III. osnovna škola Čakovec informatički je dobro opremljena, a uz to većina učenika ima računalo i pristup internetu od kuće što je preduvjet da bi mogli maksimalno iskoristiti Edmodo. Edmodo se u školi koristi i za rad Vijeća učenika. Naime, za te potrebe je otvorena posebna grupa nazvana Vijeće učenika. Njezini članovi su uz predstavnike učenika i zainteresirani učitelji, psihologinja i ravnateljica škole. Korisničko sučelje Edmoda je vrlo slično sučelju planetarno popularne društvene mreže Facebook, jedina velika razlika je ta što je ovo za razliku od Facebooka 100 % sigurno okruženje. Edmodo se najviše koristi za komunikaciju između učitelja i učenika u smislu slanja različitih poruka i obavijesti od strane učitelja ili obrnuto – učenici postavljaju upite učiteljima ili članovima svoje grupe tj. članovima razreda. To su sve pitanja koja imaju veze isključivo s nastavom i aktivnostima koje se odnose na školu. Naime, učenicima je na početku korištenja mreže naglašeno da se ista koristi samo za potrebe škole i to zaista funkcionira dobro. Nadalje, učitelji koriste kvizove znanja za ponavljanje gradiva i za provjeru znanja, postavljaju ankete, daju zadatke za rad u školi ili od kuće. Učenici zadatke rješavaju na računalu i predaju ovdje na Edmodo, dakle, učitelj ima sve na jednom mjestu i to u digitalnom obliku. Učenici su dodatno motivirani nagrađivanjem dodjelom znački za što su korištene Moje učeničke značke (npr. najviše bodova u kvizu, najbolji učenički rad) i značke od Edmoda. Osim osnovnih mogućnosti, Edmodo nudi i naprednije opcije od kojih je na nastavi informatike korišten rad s aplikacijama. Provedena anketa među učenicima i učiteljima korisnicima Edmoda je pokazala da su svi mrežom izuzetno zadovoljni i vole ju koristiti jer im nudi velike prednosti i znatno olakšava komunikaciju vezanu za potrebe nastave i škole općenito. Zaključujem da uz ovakav način rada usmjeravamo svoje učenike da tehnologiju koriste ne samo za zabavu već i za učenje, međusobnu suradnju, dijeljenje određenih obrazovnih sadržaja. Primjenom tehnologije i određenih alata učenika stavljamo u središte nastavnog procesa, dostupni smo mu u svakom trenutku i učenik zna da može računati na nas.
Provjere znanja pomoću Classroom Managera u učionicama budućnosti 
Dio škola u Republici Hrvatskoj je opremljen učionicama budućnosti. Opremljene su tabletima uz programsku potporu HP Classroom Managera. Učionice se ne koriste u svim dostupnim mogućnostima zbog nepoznavanja mogućnosti CMC sustava od strane nastavnika. Jedna od vrlo praktičnih primjena navedenog sustava je široka lepeza provjera znanja učenika u svim oblicima, od izrade i provedbe različitih testova do interaktivne provjere nastavnikovim pitanjima i odgovorima učenika u različitim oblicima pomoću tableta. Također je dostupno i anketiranje učenika. Rad sadrži detaljan popis svih mogućnosti provjera znanja učenika pomoću CMS-a kao i opis postupaka izrade i provedbe ispita. U radu su opisana i iskustva iz Tehničke škole Ruđera Boškovića na strukovnim računalnim predmetima.
6.T. Pavičić (I. osnovna škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), J. Šurić (Osnovna škola "Braće Radić", Koprivnica, Croatia)
Izloženost i navike korištenja medija i računala kod djece u razrednoj nastavi 
U ovom se radu istražuju izloženost i navike korištenja računala i medijskih sadržaja učenika razredne nastave u jednoj osnovnoj školi u Varaždinu i jednoj u Koprivnici. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju odnos djece u dobi od 8 do 10 godina prema digitalnoj tehnologiji i njihovu empatiju prilikom korištenja računala. Istraživanje potvrđuje postavljene hipoteze. Učenici razredne nastave posjeduju računala i tablete, koriste ih, ali vrlo malo u obrazovne svrhe. Većina anketiranih učenika uviđa važnost informatičke pismenosti. Korištenje računala u spomenutoj životnoj dobi donosi mnoge rizike te nužno zahtjeva vodstvo i usmjeravanje. Naši rezultati pokazuju da većina roditelja tek ponekad razgovara o načinima korištenja računala i provjerava što njihova djeca rade na računalu. Računalo može pružiti brojne prednosti u razvoju i obrazovanju učenika, ali i brojne opasnosti koje valja osvijestiti.
7.M. Filipović Tretinjak (School of Electrical Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Anđelić (Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digital Competences for Teachers: Classroom Practice 
Digital competence is the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that should be acquired by all people in order to ensure critical and creative use of ICT and digital media for the purpose of achieving goals related to work, learning and/or leisure. In order to make learning and teaching effective, all teachers should become familiar with the following digital competence areas: information (e.g. identify, locate, retrieve, store, organize and analyze digital information), communication (e.g. communicate through online tools, taking into account privacy, safety and netiquette), safety on the internet (e.g. properly manage personal protection, data protection, digital identity protection), problem solving (e.g. identify digital needs and resources, solve conceptual problems through digital means, creatively use technologies, solve technical problems) and content creation (e.g. create and edit new content (from word processing to images and video), integrate and re-elaborate previous knowledge and content, apply intellectual property rights and licenses). This paper describes various methods for the implementation of digital competences in the classroom learned through the DIGICOMP portal. The DIGICOMP portal is an e-learning portal created under the project entitled Digital Competences for Teachers (DIGICOMP).
8.M. Božurić, R. Bogut, M. Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia)
E-obrazovanjem do fleksibilnog modela učenja  
E-obrazovanjem do fleksibilnog modela učenja U školskoj godini 2010/2011 Elektrotehnička škola Zagreb i Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin sudjelovale su u realizaciji i implementaciji IPA projekta pod nazivom With Flexible Learning Approach and Curricula Innovations towards the Labour Market podržanog od Hrvatske agencije za strukovno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje odraslih. Prvi članak koji sam napisao zajedno s grupom autora pod nazivom „Flexible Learning Approach and Curricula Education towards the Labour Market in Secondary Technical Education: A Case Study” (prihvaćen za objavljivanje na „Central European Conference on Information and Intelligence Systems – IIS 2011 -”) istraživao je izazove provedbe fleksibilnog učenja u Elektrotehničkoj školi Zagreb, s osvrtom na osposobljavanje i prilagodbu nastavnika, kao i prihvaćanje drugačijeg pristupa u nastavi od strane učenika. Pet godina nakon završetka projekta autori ovog rada žele ukazati na prednosti i slabosti uvođenja fleksibilnog modela učenja u strukovne škole, a za čiju provedbu su neophodne e-learning i m-learning metode učenja. Ovaj rad prikazuje konkretne učinke uvođenja e- obrazovanja u obrazovni sustav kako bi se održao i razvio fleksibilni model učenja u strukovnim školama. Autori su uvjereni da iskustva opisana u ovom radu mogu pomoći pri planiranju i provođenju sličnih e- learning i m-learning projekata u drugim strukovnim školama.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PMChair: Božidar Kovačić 
1.K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
L2L – Learn to Learn: Teach to Learn: CARTOON ENGLISH (A constructivist approach to teaching and learning)  
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how constructivist teaching / learning can be applied to secondary-school teaching. The assumption that constructivism is a state-of-the-art approach of modern and quality education is the starting point. A pilot project called "Cartoon English" was designed and conducted in accordance with theoretical and practical guidances of constructivist approach. Constructivist teaching was applied organizationally as a part of secondary-school subject "Multimedia Technologies" attended by students of respective ages. At the level of content adoption students were given the task of designing an interactive-educational multimedia CD / DVD about the English language including drawings made by pre-school children in their English classes. The research results confirm the applicability of constructivist teaching in the classroom as well as complementarity with other subjects who have participated in the project.
2.M. Janjić, S. Librenjak, K. Kocijan (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Croatian Students' Attitudes Towards Technology Usage in Teaching Asian Languages – a Field Research 
Pedagogy of foreign language learning in the past 70 years tends to favor the acquisition of communication and pragmatic knowledge and skills for practical application in life situations. In order to practically apply a language, it is necessary to learn and train both grammatical language units and vocabulary. Today’s technology enables the usage of different applications in order to achieve the objectives of teaching foreign languages. Thus pupils and students have the opportunity to use different applications either (or both) in the classroom in the presence of a teacher, or alone at home as a supplement to the classroom work. In this paper we present the views of students studding at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and also students of several Croatian language schools on the application of modern technology in teaching languages such as Japanese (N = 104), Korean (N = 46), Hindi (N = 32) and Sanskrit (N = 21) . Respondents from all over Croatia (N = 203) gave their views on questions related to the specific difficulties in learning a particular language regarding the writing, vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics, teaching materials, general attitudes about technology in learning and specific views on the existing written materials specific for the language of their interest. Subjects’ feedbacks were used in the development of e-learning materials to support the Croatian learners of particular Asian language (Japanese, Korean, Hindi and Sanskrit).
3.V. Slavuj, B. Kovačić, I. Jugo (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Adaptive e-Learning System for Language Learning: Architecture Overview 
Computer–based language learning involves employing computer technology for the purpose of teaching and learning natural languages. In such educational setups, instructional software becomes a tutor responsible for the construction of learners’ linguistic knowledge and development of their language competences and skills. This is possible if the software has the ability to deliver appropriate pedagogical and expert competences a language teacher possesses, such as presenting learning materials at an appropriate level, setting up and adapting tasks and learning activities, identifying deficiencies in learners’ knowledge or offering constructive feedback on their work and achievements. Introducing adaptive and intelligent features to a system is thus inevitable. The paper at hand describes the architecture of one such e-learning system currently being developed at our institution. The system follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and has a twofold purpose: a) identifying the CEFR level of language competence by employing an adaptive knowledge validation procedure, and b) systematically supporting learning by guiding learners through the learning domain towards higher proficiency levels of the CEFR. In addition, its design is based on the socio-cognitive theory of second language acquisition and the notions of activity and communicativeness.
4.N. Kaevikj, A. Kostadinovska, M. Mihova, K. Trivodaliev, B. Risteska Stojkoska (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Toby the Explorer – an Interactive Educational Game for Primary School Pupils 
Technology enhanced education has been recently established as a new approach for all stages of education. However, among these new IT media, computer games are playing the central role in delivering education to children and teenagers. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of “Toby the Explorer”, an interactive educational game for primary school pupils. The aim of this game is to easier the learning of different subjects, like geography, biology and society. Game evaluation was made in elementary school environment. Results of the evaluation showed that kids that played the game have shown interest in learning math with this educational game. Their experience was positive; they liked the learning through game playing, which made the learning process more competitive and fun.
5.A. Žižić (Primary school Petra Kružića Klis, Klis, Croatia), A. Granić (University of Split, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science, Split, Croatia), I. Šitin (Primary school prof.Filip Lukas, Kaštel Stari, Croatia)
Fostering Creativity in Technology Enhanced Learning 
As today's students are ‘digital natives’ and ready to use any kind of technology in the classroom, we are due to focus on choosing the right tools to help them develop competences - basic skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for personal fulfillment and employability in a knowledge society. Critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem solving are playing big role in achieving 8 key competences defined by European Reference Framework 2006. Focus of this work will be on research in the field of creativity – starting with definition and continuing with examples of using computers to foster creativity in education. Thinking ‘outside the box’ and generating new original ideas are what we have to encourage in student’s minds and in order to succeed in those attentions we have to teach them that creativity can be thought. New theories, studies and achievements in the field of creativity will be presented with the emphasis on technology enhanced learning.
6.Z. Prohaska (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia), Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda (Ekonomski Fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Use of Computer Programs in Teaching Photography Courses at Schools of Applied Arts and Design in Croatia 
By going digital photography becomes very popular in general and more and more special photography courses are introduced at Croatian schools of applied arts and design. In this article different computer programs for optimizing photographs, which are actually used in class, will be presented and their advantages and eventual disadvantages will be discussed and statistically evaluated.
Wednesday, 6/1/2016 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 7:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Hannu Jaakkola and Jaak Henno 
1.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland), K. Ahonen (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland)
Researcher Measured - Towards a Measurement-driven Academia 
In many countries, higher education is financed mainly through state grants. Traditionally, universities have autonomous status and the right to carry out their self-chosen policy. The autonomy and independence of universities have formed the cornerstone of their existence. In recent years there is a rising interest in monitoring the effectiveness of academic institutions. On the one hand, this interest comes from the external desire to control the efficient use of financing and, on the other hand, from the internal desire of the university administration to direct their scant financing in a productive way. In this model, university funding is seen as an investment to implement both government and university strategies. The significance of free external financing has increased simultaneously, but even this funding is based on heavy competition between institutions. To summarize, a transition towards the entrepreneurship model has also begun in universities. Alongside academic freedom, a culture of the evaluation and measurement of quality has been created; in this process, academic values may be consigned to the background. The paper addresses the changes in universities caused by the measurement directed culture. Digitalization supports this process by providing automated tools for collecting data and using it for measurement. The handling of the topic is partially general, and partially draws on the experiences (context) of the authors. The transition towards openness and networked activities has begun. It remains to be seen what will happen to traditional academic values.
2.H. Jaakkola, H. Aramo-Immonen (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Talinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
The Digitalization Push in Universities 
Digitalization is spreading across our current society and is a major source of the changes - incremental and also radical - encountered in daily life. It changes the content of jobs: some jobs are no longer needed, and new jobs are also needed. Digitalization in universities has several implications - in teaching, research, and in administration. The opportunities provided by digitalization are manifold. In our paper, we separate two digitalization related topic areas - i.e., networking and digitalization itself. Our paper focuses on academic publishing and we will analyze its role in the current academic world. The approach selected emphasizes the role of an individual researcher and, in particular, publishing the results of their work in academic forums. Digitalization provides a wide variety of new forums but also the means to recognize the impact of the forums and affect it. Networking as a phenomenon is also based on digitalization - physical networks and social networking related applications can be beneficial for researchers. Because teaching is the most visible work of universities, the role of digitalization in this sector is also addressed briefly in this paper.
3.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
Use of ‘Learning Analytics’ 
Because of various reasons: cuts in financing, students massive participation in full-time work, rapidly improving technological possibilities etc. the university education is massively moving online and direct classroom contact of teachers with students is replaced with computer network mediated communication, where features of educational processes should be extracted by analyzing data created in this network-assisted education. In the following are presented some experiences and results from such analyze. Because of rather small samples we did not calculate numerical statistics, results are presented visually – this form of presentation is for humans much more understandable than tables with lot of numbers.
4.M. Soliman, A. Elsaadany (Pharos University in Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt)
Smart Immersive Education for Smart Cities with Support via Intelligent Pedagogical Agents 
The continued development of traditional education environments into smart ones is gaining tremendous speed with the rapid advances in technology. This paper explores the importance of immersive learning environment as an educational infrastructure for smart cities. It discusses the requirements for the smart city and suggests a bi-directional link between the physical environment and the immersive virtual environment. It gives example scenarios based on linking location services to a virtual world. Based on prior work on intelligent pedagogical agents, it suggests a non-conventional smart interface for smart-city services and in particular for educational needs. The proposed architecture enables the integration of various new application scenarios and potential new services such as contextual navigation support, augmented attendance, locating collaborating peers, and serving learners with special needs.
5.M. Novak (University of Zagreb - Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Review of Source-Code Plagiarism Detection in Academia 
Plagiarism is a big concern in academia and it can be a problem in every course. Plagiarism occurs when someone present others work as their own. Students plagiarize in different areas: homework assignments, essays, projects, etc. In this work focus is on programming courses and plagiarism in programming assignments. While source-code plagiarism detection, is in some way very similar to text plagiarism detection, it is very different in other ways. So, a lot of research is done focusing on source-code plagiarism. Some questions that are researched in this field are: what is considered plagiarism in programming assignments, how to perform plagiarism detection in programming assignments, how to do it automatically, what tool(s) to use, how students cheat in programming courses, how they try to obfuscate cheating, and many other questions. This work is a review of important research papers in the field of source-code plagiarism detection in academia. This paper tries to answer some of the mentioned research questions and give indication to future work.
6.P. Esztelecki, G. Kőrösi (Bolyai Secondary Grammar School and Dormitory for Gifted Students, Senta, Serbia), Z. Namestovski, L. Major (University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica, Serbia)
The Comparison of Impact Offline and Online Presentation on Student Achievements: A Case Study 
Nowadays online presentations and educational videos are frequently integrated into various-learning environments and applications, such as MOOCs, global sets of conferences or video-sharing websites. This paper presents the findings of a comparison of online presentations (educational videos) and offline presentations. The total number of student participants in this research was 191, mostly primary and secondary school students from Serbia as well as Hungary, studying both online and offline learning environments within the framework of the course Conscious and safe internet usage. The impact of offline and online presentations was investigated using both pre- and post-presentation questionnaires. Statistical analysis was used to measure the impact of offline and online presentations, in addition to other factors determining student achievements.
7.M. Ašenbrener Katić, S. Čandrlić, M. Holenko Dlab (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Introducing Collaborative e-Learning Activities to the e-Course “Information Systems” 
Progress in the development of information and communication technology and its wide availability offers many new possibilities to teachers designing e-courses. Besides blending face-to-face with online learning, trends in design assume blending various technologies (tools) as well as individual with collaborative learning. This paper presents changes in the design of undergraduate e-course “Information systems” that will be conducted in accordance with these trends, previous experience on the e-course and students’ attitudes. By introducing additional e-learning activities, that will be used for formative and summative assessment, this research aims to increase students’ motivation for learning the subject matter as well as to improve their final results (grades).
8.P. Pürcher, M. Höfler (University of Graz, Graz, Austria), J. Pirker, L. Tomes (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria), A. Ischebeck (University of Graz, Graz, Austria), C. Gütl (Graz University of Technology; Curtin University Perth, Western Australia, Graz, Perth, Austria)
Individual versus Collaborative Learning in a Virtual World 
E-Learning in general and, specifically, learning in virtual worlds has become more and more popular in recent years. In the present study we investigated whether learning is more successful if students learn in a virtual world individually or collaboratively. We also assessed the motivation of the participants and the usability of the virtual environment used. The findings showed a tendency that learning was more successful when participants learned collaboratively than individually. Furthermore, their interest (current motivation) decreased during the learning session when they learned individually and increased when they learned in a group. This experiment shows that, in virtual worlds, collaborative learning seems to be more effective and more engaging than individual learning.
9.D. Kermek, D. Strmečki, M. Novak, M. Kaniški (University of Zagreb - Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Preparation of a Hybrid e-Learning Course for Gamification 
Usage of game mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics and game thinking in a non-game systems is called gamification and recently becomes very popular in academia. In e-learning systems gamification is mainly used to increase user’s motivation, experience and engagement. When using gamified design elements in e-learning, we must consider various types of learners and learning objectives that have to be set for a course. For a successful implementation, the cooperation of experts in fields of education, technology, pedagogy and design is required. The paper presents our first attempt to convert an e-learning course and its grading systems into gamified version using various gamification design elements (e.g. points, badges, leader boards, levels, progress tracking, feedback, and social engagement). Some of them are supported by popular LMSs, usually through some plugin that must be installed. One of the issues many teachers encounter is the limitation of gamified elements in official LMS that they use and how to get the most out of it.
10.P. Linna, T. Mäkinen, H. Keto (Tampere University of Technology – Pori, Pori, Finland)
Utilizing MOOCs in the Development of Education and Training Programs 
Open education and distance learning are not new pedagogical innovations. However, through the introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), they have recently gained a big attention among educational establishments. MOOCs can even be considered a threat to small universities, but, on the other hand, they can also be found means giving opportunities to develop their core activities. The challenge is, how universities will see the phenomenon and take advantage of the new chances. This paper examines the utilization of MOOCs from several points of view. The focus is on the courses leading to the degree, and continuing education offered by universities alike, but also in-house personnel training in companies is discussed. The problem is to find proper ways to utilize third party MOOCs on these three domains. Based on the examinations, the paper introduces a preliminary model for exploiting MOOCs in the development of education and training programs.
11.K. Marasović, B. Mihaljević, I. Bačić (RIT Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia)
Distance Delivery and Technology-Enhanced Learning in Information Technology and Programming Courses at RIT Croatia 
In today’s modern education, distance learning methods and tools provide an effective way to offer instructions remotely, particularly when instructions in person cannot be provided. Delivering technology-rich courses that engage students in different group activities such as working on group projects, as well as laboratory and in-class exercises, create new challenges that need to be addressed. This paper discusses the authors' experiences with distance delivery and technology-enhanced learning in several information technology and programming related courses in the Information Technology program of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), at the Croatian campuses in Dubrovnik and Zagreb. The learning environment and the remote course delivery platform includes a video conferencing system, a course management system, a remote desktop, and different online services and tools. Various usage scenarios and their impact on classroom learning experience are described. An analysis of the students’ feedback is also provided and forms a basis for improving the remote course delivery as explained in the conclusion.
12.E. Gjorgjevska, P. Tonkovikj, M. Gusev (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Overview of IT Solutions for Career Services and Quality Assurance at Higher Education 
Education is a key component of society and is directly tied to its prosperity. In recent years we have seen changes in the labor market as a consequence of the development of information technology and globalization. This implied a major transformation in the structures of career and work. Therefore, the educational and careers services faced the challenge of responding to a wide range of different institutional agendas. In this paper we will give an overview of solutions that fall into several different categories by analyzing their advantages and the benefits they provide, but also state their shortcomings and highlight the areas of possible improvement. The hypothesis is that these kinds of solutions are mutually beneficial for students, higher education institutions and employers. However, we will also show that there is still a lot of space for improvements and innovation. The research shows that these solutions offer value to all the parties concerned: the students get higher quality education and training, the companies get high quality staff and the academic institutions get more tools to assess their quality, keep track of the student satisfaction with their work and discover new ways to improve.
13.D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany)
Using Robot Simulation Applications at the University – Experiences with the KUKA Sim 
In order to work with robots and in order to test differed application conditions, are in the meanwhile, real robot systems not necessary any more. At the current market, all name-like robot manufacturers offer suitable simulation software. This concerns simulations referred to the industrial robot systems as well as to the mobile robot systems. In this work important robot-simulation applications are introduced. A focus is directed upon the simulation software KUKA Sim and its suitability for the education practice at Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbh, an university of applied sciences in Germany. Based on experiences with the students it is discussed, how such an application can be used in the daily educational tasks.
14.V. Jovanovic, J. Harris (Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, United States)
Systems and Software Assurance - A Model Cyber Security Course 
In this paper we present a model Cyber Security course primarily designed to address the educational and training needs for developing secure software intensive systems. The course is designed, within a Computer Science curriculum, to satisfy the national requirements of the Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program (per DoD8570.01-Mfrom 11.10.2015), for Tiers II and III jobs, primarily in the Systems Architecture and Engineering (IASAE) specialty areas. The course maps to the knowledge bases of two approved Certifications for IASAE, namely the Certified Security Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) and the Certified Information Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP). The course content is focused on four key elements: Security Architecture Analysis with Treat Modeling, Risk Assessment based on the Cyber Security Framework (and the NIST SP 800 series of guidelines), Secure Development Life Cycle under a process improvement framework CMMI, and a standardized set of Secure Coding best practices. At the graduate level, this course also addresses the making of formal Assurance Cases for Security and Safety of Software Intensive Systems, as well as Software Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA).
Thursday, 6/2/2016 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Mario Konecki and Tomaž Bratina 
1.M. Konecki, S. Lovrenčić, M. Kaniški (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Using Real Projects as Motivators in Programming Education 
It is very hard to properly motivate students to learn abstract programming concepts and programming is generally considered as hard. Students tend to fear programming courses and they develop skeptic attitude towards this kind of courses. One of the key factors that contribute to this kind of attitude is abstract nature of programming and the fact that students do not realize why exactly they should gain such knowledge. In this paper an approach that incorporates using real projects to show students the practical outcomes of their learning process in order to motivate them to learn programming is discussed and initial results of its usage are presented and elaborated.
2.M. Konecki, N. Ivković, M. Kaniški (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Making Programming Education More Accessible for Visually Impaired 
Modern programming paradigms have brought many different challenges for visually impaired programmers. Graphical interfaces have become one of the biggest obstacles for visually impaired programming professionals. The same problems that relate to visually impaired programmers also apply to programming education in which it is very challenging to make educational interfaces accessible for visually impaired and for other students with disabilities. In order to make programming more suitable for students with visual impairment an educational system that enables voice-based control of its elements has been developed for the purpose of their programming education. The results of using this kind of system and its impact on visually impaired students are presented and discussed in this paper.
3.Ž. Knok, M. Marčec (Medjimursko veleuciliste u Cakovcu, Cakovec, Croatia)
Universtiy Search Engine 
Abstract – On university’s web portals are available data about the study program, but it is really hard and time wasting for a high school student to find the data that is need. For easier choosing of a study program, there is a need for a dynamic web application. This application is implemented in open source technologies such as (HTML5, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL). They support installation on Windows and Linux environments. XAMPP is required for the development. This application gives information to a future collegian about the study programs and university’s in one place. Information like requirements for admission, terms for admission, location of the university shown on map, and workflow for admission which was barely available. The application could be used on all devices that have access to the internet, no matter which operating system or screen size they have.
4.Z. Dovedan Han, K. Kocijan, V. Lopina (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
PYTHON as Pseudo Language for Formal Language Theory 
In this paper we use selected topics from formal language theory to show that programming language Python, with its syntax and semantics of primitive and structured statements (strings, tuples, lists and dictionaries) and functions, is suitable for use as a pseudo language and description of structures and algorithms in the formal language theory.
5.M. Lamza Maronić (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), I. Ivančić (Economic and Trade School Ivan Domac, Vinkovci, Croatia)
Work-based Learning: New Skills for New Technologies 
Vocational education and training is designed to enable participants to develop practical skills and understanding needed to find employment in a particular occupation. Learning at the workplace is a powerful tool for integrating young people into the labour market because work-based learning (WBL) is directly linked to the mission of vocational education to help learners acquire knowledge, skills and competencies which are essential in working life. There are three main WBL models in Europe: (i) apprenticeships, (ii) on-the-job training periods in companies and (iii) WBL integrated in a school-based programme. The European countries with attractive and well-established apprenticeship systems tend overall to perform better in terms of youth employment. This paper provides a discussion about the role of work-based learning in the youth employability in the EU. The compliance of vocational education outcomes and the demands of labour market were researched in the empirical study by means of the method of a semi-structured interview with an employer from the Republic of Croatia. The employer confirms that no matter what model of vocational education dominates in the national area the supply and demand in the job market can be adjusted through close cooperation of educational and economic sector.
6.M. Čupić, K. Brkić, Ž. Mihajlović (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
A platform independent tool for programming, visualization and simulation of simplified FPGAs 
During the last few decades complex programmable circuits have seen a widespread usage in various digital circuit applications. One prominent example are Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Teaching FPGA technology has become an integral part of introductory digital logic courses. However, implementing Boolean functions in this technology requires understanding of several steps that are not trivial, including Boolean function decomposition, mapping the design into physical programmable units and routing. We have developed a portable Java-based tool which allows students to experiment with the required steps for arbitrary Boolean functions and to simulate the obtained implementation. In this paper, we give an overview of the developed tool and discuss its usage in class.
7.A. Elsaadany, K. Abbas (Pharos University in Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt)
Development and Implementation of E-Learning System in Smart Educational Environment 
E-learning is an integral part of smart education. There are many e-learning systems that are widely available to educational institutions. The challenge is to easily integrate the e-learning system into a smart educational environment based on the requirements of the users. The e-learning services rely on a software system that allows access to all the materials for the educational process and makes them electronically available to all the students on the Internet whenever they need and wherever they are. The design and development of e-learning system is a critical part of the educational process as it reflects on the usage of the system. In this work, the design and implementation of e-learning systems is described where different techniques are explored and compared. The proposed e-learning system is designed using off-the-shelf and open-source software engineering model and programming tools and database models. The system is tested to prove the new design concepts and features. The method used in the back-end and front-end design and implementation allows flexible usage and integration of the e-learning systems by the educational institutions in smart cities.
8.N. Hoić-Božić (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Laanpere, K. Pata (University of Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia), I. Franković (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Teder (BCS Koolitus, Tallinn, Estonia)
Introducing Inquiry-Based Learning to Estonian Teachers: Experiences from the Creative Classroom Project 
The project “Creative Classroom” was launched in September 2014 with the main goal of assisting Estonian schools in their digital turn. The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program and will continue until the end of August 2016. Partners from Estonia, Finland, Slovenia and Croatia work together to design and deliver innovative training for Estonian teachers in order to enable them to use tools and methods for e-learning. Under the guidance of European educational technology experts, the group of Estonian teachers participate in four workshops on topics concerning ICT and teaching methodologies such as trialogical learning, flipped classroom, project-based learning, game-based learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning. They are expected to develop innovative lesson scenarios which are going to be published as an electronic lesson guide book and shared with other teachers in Estonia and across Europe. This paper describes experiences in delivering the workshop about inquiry-based learning (IBL) and e-tivites. The IBL is introduced as question-driven or problem-driven approach to learning based on seeking new knowledge and understanding. It involves students’ performing investigations on complex ill-structured problems. As an example of IBL problem teachers perform e-tivity WebQuest using Web 2.0 tools.
9.W. Werth, C. Ungermanns (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria)
Mobile Robots Approach for Teaching Programming Skills in Schools 
Teaching programming skills in schools having nontechnical background is seen as a challenging task. In this paper an approach is described where mobile robots are used to get students of nontechnical schools interested in programming tasks. The proposed method tries to combine pupils play instinct with the intrinsic motivation to win a challenge. Thereby physical and mathematical motivated questions lead directly to vital necessity in using software. The concept which has been performed in a class of 14 year old students is presented and the maid experiences are discussed.
10.Z. Godó, D. Kocsis (University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary), G. Kiss (University of Óbuda, Budapest, Hungary), G. Stóka (Eszterházy Károly College, Sárospatak, Hungary)
Age Independent Examination of Algorithm Creating Abilities 
In the practice of IT higher education, we can see big differences in algorithmisation ability of the students. It affects the acquisition of programming and the successful education as well. Just like in every skill, genetic, social, and learning progressions all play part, but in different rates. The algorithm component skill can be discovered even in little childhood, mostly because of inherited things, which is modified by various other skills by the time later. Our aim is making a test system, software and hardware, which can measure the algorithm component skill before the literacy, and which can be used right until university level. The universality of the system makes statistical comparability completely possible in different ages as well. The system is built on the theory of light-programming (defined by us), which we are developing aim oriented software and hardware to.
11.T. Bratina (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia)
Digital Risks and Experiences of Future Teachers 
Suitable level of knowledge about digital risks is a vital part of the teacher's responsibility for safe manipulation with web contents. The teacher often presents the first barrier and safe haven for the children against the potential digital risks and the demand for these knowledge rapidly increases. The appropriate attitude toward digital risks is developing from the early beginning of individual's web exploration. It is desirable that the future teachers should enhance their knowledge and responsibility concerning digital risks during their study; before entering the classroom. The paper presents the analysis of contemporary knowledge and experiences of future teachers about the digital risks. Facts about basic technical knowledge providing more autonomous usage of ICT is briefly presented in the final part.
12.S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), G. Bubaš (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
A Study of Factors Influencing Higher Education Teachers' Intention to Use e-Learning in Hybrid Environments 
The development of e-learning in higher education institutions depends on teachers' adoption and their levels of acceptance of e-learning technologies in the teaching process. Understanding the factors that influence teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies may help explain the barriers to their adoption of e-learning in hybrid environments. This paper investigates the relationship between the factors related to (1) online teachers' competence and (2) educational environment with the intention to apply e-learning technologies in hybrid environments by teachers who are non-users of e-learning. The results of our study showed that attitudes and educational values, computer anxiety, self-efficacy, course characteristics and social influence are related to perceived higher education teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies in hybrid environments. We also compared users and non-users of e-learning in terms of predictors of perceived intention to use e-learning. Our results may instigate further research in the field of adoption of e-learning as well as the development of e-learning strategy in higher education institutions.
13.V. Jesenek (OŠ Sladki Vrh, Sladki Vrh, Slovenia)
The Use of Contemporary e-Services and e-Contents at Mother Tongue Classes 
In a modern world more and more activities take place on the web and social networks and therefore our education methods should follow and adjust. It is a high importance that the children are taught in their early age how to use e-contents and e-services in a proper way as well as having a critical eye. Primary school Sladki Vrh was participating in a project Implementation and Usage of e-contents and e-services in a project e-Schoolbag, where we developed digital literacy and a proper use of ICT with the help of tablets at mother tongue classes. The pupils were using tablets with different e-contents and e-services, such as Socrative, Nearpod, Skitch, Padlet and were reasonably integrating these tools and contents into the classes and homework assignments and therefore giving them a significant value in education. The development and progress at learning in the class which was using the tablets was compared to the class which was not and was proven that the usage of ICT additionally motivated pupils to learn and as such influenced on work and their progress. By the same time they were upgrading their knowledge in digital literacy, which is something they will definitely need in the future.
Thursday, 6/2/2016 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 7:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Marjan Krašna and Robert Repnik
1.M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia)
Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Teachers’ Education 
It is easy to assess knowledge and skills in the education but todays education is more about the competences. Competences are much more aligned with the concept of learning for life. In the 2012 we started the course Information support for didactical strategies for 2nd year of postgraduate study program of general pedagogy. We have gathered students reports their didactical feedbacks; and interviews to assess the students’ abilities to cope with real working environments. All students’ assignments have common goals: good design, development and implementation of students’ projects. Topics of collaboration, communication, project managements, and assessment strategies are though and used in practical students’ work. Students are required to provide their own view where and how specific topics can or could be applied in known didactical strategies. Four years provide the following insight into our students’ characteristics. We discovered some: • known facts (good knowledge of their study discipline, campaign learning), • surprising facts (simple e-learning materials PDF or Word), • alarming facts (no self-initiative, cannot comply with time constraints, do not understand the concept of the quality), and • interesting facts (cannot work in school, hate to talk in front of the audience, they do not “know” their schoolmates).
2.R. Repnik, M. Sovič (Faculty on Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Didactical Suitability of e-Generated Drill Tests for Physics 
Contemporary education of physics in primary and secondary schools are very well organized but still not perfect. Learning materials, multimedia learning objects, knowledge testing and grading is driven to the details in Slovenia but the drill seems to be forgotten. Knowledge retention positively correspond with the amount and duration of the drills. Drill should not increase costs of education for students. In Slovenia a project E-va (electronic drill book) produced publically available e-drills for primary and secondary schools. Article present the test of efficiency of e-drills on the population of 1st year students of undergraduate study program of elementary education. Those students are interdisciplinary in nature and knows physics from secondary schools. Two random groups were formed to be tested with the paper drill questions and e-drill questions. We do not expect the difference between groups since both groups are going to have three drills of each type. Differences are going to be influenced only by the type of drill (e-drill or paper drill). Results highlight the motivation factors of ICT and enables us to identify benefits and drawbacks of e-drills. The results will be the part of the requirement specification of the new development of e-drills.
3.I. Salopek Čubrić, G. Čubrić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, Croatia)
Creativity, Communication and Collaboration: Grading with Open Badges 
An important and relatively new technology for teaching and assessing soft skills is the use of digital badges, and more specifically - open badges (OBs). Such badge is a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments. The paper describes the use of open badges to grade soft skills in higher education. The process starts with pilot study that was conducted in order to define the skills that are most important for the future employment of students. It continues with the development of pedagogical approach and badging environment. The paper also gives the critical overview of the results of the survey conducted with students that were involved into the badging process. Based on the reported experiences, it is to be concluded that that the concept and technology of OBs, coupled with appropriate pedagogical approaches, could be a viable solution for teaching, assessing, grading and recognizing soft skills.
4.J. Brozek, D. Hamernik, Z. Kopecky (University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Creating Assets as a Part of Tertiary Education of Technical Domains 
Game engines are becoming the forefront interest of modern-game developers. Budget savings caused by simplification of work with 3D graphics, physics, and event oriented scripting are benefits that may provide game studios with a competitive advantage. It is because university education should reflect technological advances in the IT field, a concept was created on how to include Asset creation into the curriculum of tertiary education. The introductory part is given over to Assets; it sums their principle, base benefits and practical use. The article focuses on the specifics of implementation of Asset education into the education process of key subjects, and monitors the results of these changes.
5.J. Brozek, J. Marek, V. Svoboda (University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Software Solution Incorporating the Steganographic Principle for Hiding Pictures within Pictures 
Although steganography has been known since the 15th century, its bloom as a scientific branch came as late as the second half of the 20th century. Contemporary information technology allows for use of steganographic principles to place hidden content in both visual and audio media. The article covers application of mathematical methods and software engineering methods for hiding pictures within pictures, and their subsequent recovery. Following are the techniques described and applied for concealing pictures a) LSB modulation, b) Y-channel addition, c) pixel-set addition, d) frequency method and e) addition for jpg compression. Apart from introducing the methods and describing them, the software solution allowing for demonstration is also described. The following part of the article covers the problematic of concealing audio content, with the help of the following methods: a) LSB modulation, b) parity encoding, c) phase shift, d) tone addition.
6.V. Grubelnik (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), L. Grubelnik (Osnovna šola Sladki Vrh, Sladki Vrh, Slovenia)
Teaching Physics in Primary Schools with Tablet Computers: Key Advantages 
In the past two years the project "introduction and application of e-learning and e-services, e-schoolbag" aimed to equip schools with ICT infrastructure and tablet computers in Slovenia. The article presents the key advantages of using tablet computers in primary school physics teaching and learning. Tablets promoted the internet information source and changed the role of teacher who becomes more like a coach who leads and steer learning process. Using the example of falling bodies we show how tablet computers with suitable software were able to substitute the experimental equipment and enables better individualization and differentiations of the experimental school work. Tablet computers and LMS is also perfect didactical tool for acquiring the didactical feedback on students' experimental performance. It proved to be good background for the synchronization of teaching content and schedule. The key advantages of the tablet computers were recognized in the possibility of studying the effects of every individual parameter in the dynamic experiment which is almost impossible in the real experiment.
7.M. Fetaji, B. Fetaji (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Ebibi (Internatioanl Balkans University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Case Study Analyses of Semantic Security Using SQL Injection in Web Enabled ORACLE Database 
The focus of the research study was to investigate the semantics security and possibilities of accessing and facilitating information within a database. Because the information in a data base is semantically related, it is possible to determine the value of an attribute without accessing it directly so this could be a start for a concern about the databases security especially in the near future. The aim of the research was to analyse security issues concerning databases, especially inference problems that are most serious in statistical databases where users can trace back information on individual entities from the statistical aggregated data. In order to analyze this, a case study experiment was realized and insights as well as recommendations are presented.
8.L. Abazi Bexheti, A. Kadriu (SEE University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Apostolova Trpkovska (SEE University, Tetova, Macedonia)
Migration from in-House LMS to Google Classroom: Case of SEEU 
As a result of the rapid development of the information and communication technologies and their increasing relevance in all aspects of our living, the role of e-learning systems increases too. Learning Management Systems represent a platform for the realization of new study forms (especially the distance mode). Although primarily determined for the support of the pure set of e-learning activities, LMS support not only study activities, but also managing activities and governing of study courses. However, the appearance of GAFE has shifted teaching and learning into a completely new era of opportunities. Although the initial believe was that the Google Classroom will be used by individual teacher only and will not affect the LMS market, we are facing a complete migration towards Google classroom as a Learning Management System Solution. We can even say we are going towards Google Drive Management. The paper presents the experience and the challenges of this LMS migration at SEE University.
9.B. Fetaji, M. Fetaji, R. Azemi (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Ebibi (International Balkan University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Survey Analyses of Impacting Factors in ICT Usage in School Management: Case Study 
Today, teaching and ICT are two strongly interrelated concepts, at all levels of education and in all subjects. Dependence created by ICT teaching can hardly be compensated in another form. Data from numerous global research proved that using ICT can help students to learn and teachers to manage information more effectively. However, this does not mean that ICT will make a difference, simply being used. Different findings have suggested that although ICT can improve learning, there are a number of issues that need to be considered if such technology will eventually make the difference. Therefore, care should be taken in this broad level, in where and how and what the impact level will be. There are several issues and impacting factors that need to be taken under consideration. First is the effect of "interrelated integration" of ICT compared with other interventions, the second is the effect of the provision and use of ICT at a general level. In order to analyze this, Case study analysis of high schools in city of Mitrovica in Kosovo is realized. Insights and recommendations are provided.
10.G. Paić (OŠ Dr. Ivan Merz, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Tepeš (Učiteljski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia), K. Pavlina (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Markov Model of Mathematical Competences in Elementary Education 
In this paper, the authors defined mathematical competences for 7th grade of elementary school. The basic objective was to measure the mathematical competences or mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematical education. Mathematical competences were grouped in following areas: Algebra and functions, Space and shapes and Measurements and Data. Statistical set for the research consisted of 48 children from the Elementary school Dr. Ivan Merz in Zagreb, Croatia. Authors measured 15 variables together with the evaluated results of described tasks. Using statistical set of variables which measured mathematical competences the authors created representation of distribution by the Markov network (undirected graph with information about conditional independences between mathematical competences). Statistical analysis were conducted using software Tetrad and Statistica. In the results authors describe Markov model between the mathematical competences for 7th grade elementary school children. This paper is result of our previous research on causal modelling of mathematical competences in kindergarten and in elementary school.
11.R. Vrana (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
A Study of Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Digital Scientific Information Landscape 
This paper presents results of the research of students at the Faculty of humanities and social sciences in Zagreb, Croatia about their attitudes and perceptions of digital scientific information landscape. The results of the research show that use of digital scientific information resources including use of open access information resources has become a constant activity among students in their daily academic activities. The students who participated in the research demonstrated their familiarity with the key characteristics of digital information resources which suggests their increased competence for selection and use of digital scientific information resources in their education. The increase in use of scientific digital content on mobile devices has also become a steady trend which calls for adapting digital content used in student’s education. Unfortunately, students are still mostly self-taught about use of digital scientific information resources which should be changed.
Friday, 6/3/2016 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Camelia 1, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Ivan Kaštelan and Ivana Ružić 
1.I. Kastelan, M. Temerinac (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia)
A Curriculum for Unified Embedded Engineering Education 
Tremendous progress in semiconductor technology enabled broad proliferation of computer-based solutions in almost all fields, from medical instrumentation up to spacecraft technology. This development opened the question about a new engineering profile being able to act in research and development of embedded systems. In this paper a contribution to the structuring of undergraduate embedded engineering education is given. The curriculum is largely based on the results of the FP7 project "Embedded Engineering Learning Platform" (E2LP) and proposes a unified approach to undergraduate education in which most courses covering the field of embedded engineering use the same platform for laboratory exercises. The paper concludes with the case study where this concept is partially applied, at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.
2.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Facilitating Mobile Learning by Use of Open Access Information Resources 
M-learning or mobile learning is a form of e-learning distance education during which m-learners can use mobile device educational technology in many locations at their time convenience (Crescente and Lee, 2011). Access to a mobile device is a prerequisite for participation in mobile learning as it enables students to participate in one of the largest paradigm shifts in world of education. Government in some countries decided to equip their students (and teaching staff) with tablets or smartphones and some are relying on students themselves to buy such a device this creating inequality between them. Learning in general is not possible without access to different type of information resources. In addition to the problem of not having a mobile device to use it in personal education, there is a problem of accessing fee based information resources which are by definition out of reach for any person or education institution not being able to pay for the access to these information resources. Because of that, open access information resources on the internet and in university libraries are of great importance to students. By open access information resources, we mean not only open educational resources but also all other types of professional and scientific literature used in higher education usually available in libraries. Libraries are being digitized and information formatted for access using mobile technology (Ally and Prieto-Blázquez, 2013, 143) more frequent than ever transforming their holdings and services into more easily accessible ones. Mobile devices and open access are already changing education and higher education must plan to deliver education to meet the demands of new generations of students as they are mobile and is at the center of the learning, and the technology allows them to learn in any context (Ally and Prieto-Blázquez, 2013, 144-145). Due to the wide availability of mobile devices the issue of easily accessible information resources remains an issue. This paper will discuss this issue with focus on open access information resources available in selected libraries and digital repositories.
3.H. Jerković, P. Vranešić, A. Radan (Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia)
Analysis of Learning Management Systems Features and Future Development Challenges in Modern Cloud Environment 
Learning Management Systems (LMS) are commonly used for management of course, student information and learning activities inside single or many courses. Usually they are rich with different tools and options in order to enable modern interactive learning environment. But from their early beginnings, before migration on web, LMS are designed as closed systems in order to serve single institution learning content. Such development hindered LMS for proper integrations with other systems and brought many challenges which are present up to this date in many LMS solutions. This research explains why some of the most used LMS in the world today are not able to properly integrate in modern cloud environment. Analysis of core functionalities of most used LMS are explained with propositions for improvement and future development.
4.M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Virtual Firms as Education Tool in the Field of eCommerce 
The use of information and communication technologies brings many opportunities to innovate educational process. In the case of education of potential future entrepreneurs, it might be suitable for them to try out firm establishment and operation in virtual environment. Usage of virtual companies is supported by ICT means. The aim of this paper is to present how virtual companies serve for educational purposes at our faculty. At our faculty, we have started several years ago with such a subject of study that allows students to experience setting up and running their own small virtual business in the first period of its existence. Students set up small trade firms in form of limited liability companies, which operate e-shops. Virtual bank of our faculty provides services of electronic payments in e-shops. Also electronic communication with different virtual institutions supported by use of digital signature is used. Our results show virtual firms as very good mean to allow students to gather experience with the establishing and operating firms and develop practical entrepreneurial skills.
5.H. Jerković, P. Vranešić, G. Slamić (Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i menadžmenta, Zagreb, Croatia)
Implementation and Analysis of Open Source Information Systems in Electronic Business Course for Economy Students 
Electronic business course at Zagreb School of Economics and Managements (higher education economy faculty) is highly practical course with aim to educate students how to use variety of open source information systems for online business purposes. As final project students have to use open source content management system and implement their own business idea using principles taught in theoretical part of class. Limited versions of various content management systems are offered online but they are not sufficient to fully feature various important business activities. This paper presents testing, analysis and implementation of hosting environment, applications and class activities for course purposes in own private cloud environment.
6.D. Palova (Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia)
Experience with Usage of LMS Moodle not Only for the Educational Purposes at the Educational Institution 
In general, definition describes the learning management system (LMS) as a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of e-learning courses or programs. At the market with LMS can be found a wide range of LMSs from systems for managing educational records to software for distributing online or blended/hybrid courses over the Internet with features for online collaboration. The use of LMS at the educational institution can help teacher to concentrate on students’ needs. The on-line access to all data needed for learning is immense benefit not only for students but for teachers too. Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice (FoE) use LMS Moodle with success by full-time students as supplementary educational tool and by part-time students as main system for distance learning for about 10 years. FoE staff actively participate on different kind of projects and need to share data, cooperate on design of new products via on-line tools, mostly because of its short reaction time. Familiarity with the LMS Moodle acquired through education lead to decision use LMS Moodle also for not only above mentioned educational purposes. Within the paper will be shortly presented our experience with using LMS Moodle for education and also for different non-educational purposes.
7.L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia)
Implementation of Fundamental Ideas into the Future Managers’ Informatics Education 
Informatics is a relatively young discipline which is very dynamically developing at present. Since its implementation and applications are important in all areas it has become a regular school subject. Probably because of unpredictable development and impact in the future, there are many questions concerning the content and methods of informatics education. The paper intends to find the way how to prepare proper informatics education for future non-professionals in Informatics, so that it isn´t just about “clicking the correct buttons” in the current packets of programs/applications - and therefore not getting obsolete just after a few months/years. Being aware of the increasing pedagogical challenges posed by using and teaching ICT, we at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice started to improve our Informatics courses. The education we propose is practical and real-life oriented. Our aim is also to capture successful experiences of learning and teaching from both academic and practice areas.
8.I. Ružić (I. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Uloga IKT u razvoju financijske pismenosti djece 
Ključne kompetencije za cjeloživotno učenje su kombinacija znanja, vještina i stavova koji odgovara kontekstu. Oni su posebno potrebni za osobno ispunjenje, razvoj i socijalnu uključenost aktivnog građanina. Ključne kompetencije su neophodne u društvu znanja, one jamče veću fleksibilnost omogućujući pojedincu da se brže prilagoditi stalnim promjenama u sve povezanom svijetu. One su također glavni čimbenik u inovacijama, produktivnosti i konkurentnosti, a doprinose motivaciji i zadovoljstvu pojedinca i kvaliteti rada. Ključne kompetencije trebaju steći mladi ljudi tijekom njihovog obveznog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja, pripremanju za život odraslih, a odrasli ljudi tijekom svog života, kroz proces izrade i ažuriranje vještina. Ovaj rad prikazuje razvoj digitalnih kompetencija i financijske pismenosti učenika u osnovnom obrazovanju, njihovih roditelja i učitelja kao dio međunarodnog projekta Erasmus+.
9.A. Babić, S. Vukmirović, Z. Čapko (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia)
Using Web Applications in Education 
Given that today's communication both in business and education takes place largely with the help of the Internet, the aim of this paper is to investigate how much we use the available web applications, tools, platforms and other technologies for an efficient and technologically enhanced communication. In fact, our aim is to investigate changes in the development of information and communication technology, and adaptation of teaching methods and techniques in education. While doing research, we often browse through forums and accessible web content to make sure that we are on the right track, whether it's about everyday practical tasks or demanding scientific research. Exactly for this purpose we use free tools and applications to improve teaching techniques and to master other tools for an authentic presentation of research. We have investigated the extent to which web tools are applied in everyday activities such as survey tools (FormSite, Survey Monkey), tools for creating and managing a website (WordPress, Typo3), tools for online collaboration (OneDrive, Dropbox), tools for creating newsletters and campaign tracking (Mailchimp and Google Adwords), e-learning tools or webinar tools, communication via social networks (Facebook, Google Talk), presentation creation tools (Freeze, Reptivity), image editing tools (GIMP, Fotor, PicMonkey), tools for creating infographics (Infogram, Piktochart) and others. All teachers and students filled out the questionnaire to assess availability for web applications, their use and purpose. They were also asked to indicate whether the web tools are sufficiently used in teaching, whether their application has resulted in the expected efficiency, and what are the expectations when it comes to upgrading these tools. In conclusion, there is the emphasis on the importance of monitoring progress in the development of technology, the need to master new and modern methods and techniques of teaching and learning.
10.T. Orehovački (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia), S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Qualitative Approach to Determining the Relevant Facets of Mobile Quality of Educational Social Web Applications 
Being a convenient replacement for their desktop counterparts, social web applications are nowadays widely employed in diverse aspects of human endeavor, including education. Current body of knowledge on assessment of social web applications is composed of studies that were mainly focused on quantitative measurement of their quality when they were used in their primary setting. On the other hand, there is a lack of studies related to the evaluation of social web applications when they are employed on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. This paper presents findings of the empirical study that was carried out with an objective to evaluate the mobile quality of social web applications from qualitative perspective. For that purpose, the retrospective thinking aloud method was applied. Participants in the study were students from two different higher education institutions who completed predefined scenario of interaction with two social web applications for collaborative writing: Google Docs and Zoho Docs. The most relevant facets of mobile quality in the context of social web applications are uncovered and discussed.
11.I. Škorić, B. Pein, T. Orehovački (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia)
Selecting the Most Appropriate Web IDE for Learning Programming Using AHP 
The focus in computing today has shifted from the desktop environment to the Web. Tasks that were previously performed exclusively on desktop can now be done in Web ecosystem. Web tools have same features as their desktop counterparts and offer additional specific benefits. These tools do not need to be installed or updated. Accordingly, they are not restricted to individual computer or operating system yet available anytime and from any location. Work can be done in collaboration and result can be easily shared. The same applies to programming and consequently the complete process of software development can now be done without use of traditional desktop tools. The basic tool used in software development is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which allows writing, translating and testing the source code. IDE is also frequently applied as a powerful utility during the process of learning programming. Replacing desktop IDE with its Web equivalent in learning programming has potential to improve that process, and bring some advantages related to new environment. This paper presents findings of the employment of AHP method for the purpose of selecting the most appropriate Web IDE for learning programming and first results of its use in introductory programming course.

Basic information:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Marko Čupić (Croatia), Snježana Babić (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Michael E. Auer (Austria), Snježana Babić (Croatia), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia)

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committee:

Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Almir Badnjevic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bartosz Bebel (Poland), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Paolo Garza (Italy), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Tomislav Pokrajcic (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)


Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 16, 2016
After May 16, 2016
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers


Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750


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Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities on the Mediterranean, particularly important for its international ICT conventions MIPRO that have been held in Opatija since 1979 gathering more than a thousand participants from more than forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific center in Southeast Europe and the European Union in general.

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