Hybrid Event

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Papers
Chairs: Marjan Krasna and Robert Repnik
R. Repnik, P. Bernad (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) Teaching Physics Using Programming of Simulations 
It has long been agreed that the best physics teaching is by observing the experiment. But in some cases, experiments are not feasible for different reasons (time of the experiment is too short or too long to observe, experiment can be dangerous, extremely expensive or too complex). For counted reasons we use simulations which are computer programs that simulate real environment with various degree of reality. Simulations are used to hide the underground complex physics from the less skilled physics students who can observe and analyse the natural phenomena even without knowing all physics background. However, we wanted to try something else – teach physics through gradual building of more and more complex simulation – hence teaching physics through programming. In our article we are going to present the scenario how to use such approach, and the analysis of two programming languages Python and Visual Basic to see which is more appropriate for developing visual simulations for students.
D. Paľová, M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia) Improving the Quality of Entrepreneurial Education by ICT Education of HEI Pedagogical Staff 
In spite fact, that current unemployment rates reach historical minimum since the last world economic crisis, the numbers connected to the unemployment of young people are still not encouraging. The rates of young people’s unemployment are almost double in comparison with the unemployment of other groups of EU citizens. The Erasmus+ is EU funding scheme, which aims to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Within this scheme the project ReStart was designed. It aims to reinforce entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to enhance the modernization of higher education in Moldova. Its’ main objective is to innovate the education in the field of entrepreneurship in connection with European Union best practices, local market expectations with a better understanding of relevant entrepreneurship and digital learning needs of students, teachers and local businesses. The paper will describe the education innovation process including the implementation of new pedagogical approaches based on using ICT. Also results of the ReStart project will be presented.
L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia) How to Educate Students for the Future? 
Technologies, especially Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the most pervasive force influencing human lives today. It is common to think of technologies/ICT in terms such as machines, computers, or highly advanced electronic gadgets. However, technologies embrace a lot more than just machines. Any technology consists of four interdependent, co-determining and equally important components: hardware, software, brainware and know – how. The efficiency of investments into technologies depends strongly on users, their motivation, interest and education.
We are educating students for their future career opportunities that require the kind of knowledge and skills, which we as teachers may only predict nowadays. There is a question to be answered: “What should every educator extract from wisdom of the past and knowledge of the present for education needed in the future?”
The article summarizes the results of research of students’ informatics knowledge and ICT competences (via questionnaire and problem solving), presents experience in teaching and also discusses the body of knowledge and methods which have been implemented into the subject Informatics II in the first year of Bachelor study at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University, Košice.
M. Bevčič, J. Rugelj (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Game Design Based Learning of Programming for Girls 
We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools. Students in the introductory computer programming course design and program games. This represents a typical active learning approach which has proven to be the most effective way of learning programming. The act of building a game is itself a path to learning, regardless of whether or not the game turns out to be interesting to other people.
The described methodology and all corresponding learning materials for students and supporting materials for teachers are developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ Coding4Girls project, which addresses equal opportunities for girls and boys in the highly rewarding computer science careers by demonstrating connections between programming and real-life and by highlighting the fact that such careers are rewarding independently of gender or background. The results of the project will help to build the necessary background among school learners that will enable them to succeed in their future endeavours either academic or professional. It will also address the development of teacher competencies and the profile of the teaching profession by empowering educators to effectively build desirable computer science skills among their learners.
D. Paľová, M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Slovakia, Košice, Slovakia) Gamification Tools Improving University Students’ Involvement on Education Process 
Information and Communication Technologies influence the field of education in a significant way. Technology makes education more efficient, scalable, accessible and interactive. Current students’ generation, the Millenials, ask for different innovative pedagogical approaches. They like technology and it is the natural part of their everyday life like breathing. From the conducted surveys follows, that they are group-oriented and practised users of digital technology. In order to impress and motivate them to learn, it is necessary to employ ICTs in a different and interactive way and it doesn’t matter the age. The gamification of learning is a kind of educational approach, which uses game elements in the learning environment. The main aim is to enhance students’ interest in learned topics and to inspire them to continue learning. At our faculty, education innovation is one part of the internal development project. The paper will present the short review of tools and methods used for the gamification of the education process, followed by its implementation to the particular course Informatics II provided by LMS Moodle.
G. Durovic (University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) Continuous Summative Assessment Sessions as a Motivational Tool for STEM students: a Case Study 
While using a classical approach to summative assessment that was based on mid-term exams, it was observed that overall results for each consecutive generation of STEM students at the end of the semester failed to improve. To promote a deep learning approach among STEM students, that can be achieved through a continuous approach to learning, activities for continuous summative assessment were introduced. Students have been given the opportunity to take the test for each of the parts of the course twice in two week period with the best of the two results used for grading. A comparison of the obtained results and results of the previous generations of students was made and it showed that students that participated in the experiment achieved significantly better overall results and understanding of the course materials at the end of the semester. In order to expand the experiment into the online environment, a model for an Education Recommender System with assessment capabilities for STEM education was proposed. Based on the proposed model of the system, the prototype of the system was built, and online summative assessment sessions based on the offline experiment were designed for the next cycle of the research.
M. Krašna, I. Pesek (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) Influence of Moodle and MS Teams on Teaching-Learning-Studying (TLS) Processes 
In two decades the Moodle establish itself as favorable LMS. It is used on all levels of education and many lecturers have gained skills to use it effectively. Moodle becomes mature and many lecturers have found it to be their first choice LMS according to many parameters. Educational systems around the world have always problems with money and Moodle is free; it has good multi-language support; and it implements many functionalities covering most lecturers' needs. But in the recent years some new alternatives emerge. They do not want to copy Moodle and this makes them interesting enough to try them in practice. In recent time Microsoft Teams incorporating Microsoft OneNote becomes a new rising star that gained users in many fields of work. Could we use Microsoft Teams at least comparable effective to Moodle in education is still unanswered questions. Only usage in the real environment can gives us insight. We are going to compare the educational processes in Moodle and in Microsoft Teams. The findings present in the article are based on one year of using MS Teams on many courses.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Papers in Croatian
Chair: Saida Deljac
B. Fulanović, A. Lacković, D. Bele (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Implementacija sustava za automatsko praćenje prisutnosti na Visokom učilištu Algebra 
Ovaj rad opisuje implementaciju automatskog praćenja prisutnosti na nastavu unutar Visokog učilišta Algebra. Pojedinačno prozivanje velikog broja studenata oduzima puno vremena zbog čega se gubi efektivno vrijeme trajanja nastave. Kako bi izbjegli navedene probleme uveli smo automatsku prijavu studenata i profesora putem NFC čitača i pripadajućih kartica. Sinergiju postojećeg sustava za evidentiranje studenata povezali smo sa sustavom čitača kartica putem web servisa.
T. Ređep, T. Pavičić Zajec (I. osnovna škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), B. Marčinković (Osnovna šola Bistrica ob Sotli, Bistrica ob Sotli, Slovenia) Nauči me igrati - igrifikacijom do boljih rezultata 
Aktivna uloga učenika jedna je od glavnih smjernica suvremene nastave pa se zbog toga u nastavi potiče upotreba različitih vrsta igara. Primjena mehanizama, dizajna i elemenata igre u nastavi naziva se igrifikacija. Cilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je ispitati utječe li korištenje edukativne društvene igre potpomognute IKT elementima „Angles and the Dragon“ na motivaciju za učenje predmeta geografije i povijesti kod učenika sedmih i osmih razreda I. osnovne škole Varaždin. Igra je proizašla kao rezultat Erasmus KA2 projekta „Teach me how to play“. Iako nisu potvrđene sve tri postavljene hipoteze, dobiveni rezultati u ovome istraživanju jasan su pokazatelj pozitivnog utjecaja primjene igrifikacije u nastavi kao jedne od mogućih metoda poučavanja koja pridonosi motivaciji učenika i osuvremenjivanju nastavnog procesa.
P. Dobrić (OŠ Julija Klovića, Zagreb , Croatia), M. Mačinko (OŠ Ivana Cankara, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Kager (OŠ Eugena Kvaternika, Velika Gorica, Croatia) Implementacija različitih robotskih modela u nastavi tehničke kulture i informatike 
Današnji način obrazovanja novih generacija od učitelja sve više zahtijeva da budu inovativni i kreativni te da prate nove trendove i tehnologije. Sama nastava predmeta informatike i tehničke kulture je isprepletena i međusobno povezana. Ovim radom želimo prikazati tri konkretna primjera poučavanja sadržaja kroz različite robotske modele u nastavi. Ti modeli prate aktualne kurikulume, međupredmetne teme te procese učenja koji stavljaju učenika u fokus. Primjerima korištenja Arduino platforme, Fischertehnik setova te Boson setova prikazat ćemo kako je djeci na zabavan način moguće prikazati situacije i primjere iz stvarnog života.
D. Vrbanc (Željeznička tehnička škola Moravice, Moravice, Croatia) Raspberry PI mini računalo kroz nastavnu cjelinu 
U radu je pokazano računalo Raspberry Pi (RPi) koje svojim odlikama i funkcionalnošću omogućava uporabu za različite namjene: od obrazovnog alata, minijaturne verzije stolnog računala, uporabe u industrijskim postrojenjima gdje se koristi sam ili integriran s PLC uređajima, pa do sve više prisutne IoT (Internet of Things) uporabe. Računalo u ovom radu predstavljeno je kroz nastavnu cjelinu koja se bavi njegovim glavnim odlikama. Predočena je nastavna cjelina kojom se obrađuje RPi, zamišljena na način da se rabe neki Microsoftovi alati sadržani u paketu Office 365. Pokazan je prezentacijski alat Sway za prezentaciju računala. Za bilješke na satu predavanja rabi se OneNote Class Notebook bilježnica (OneNote). Pokazana je njena uporaba kroz različite platforme: stolnih PC računala, hibridnih uređaja, tableta ili varijanti na pametnom telefonu. Za provjeru znanja tj. za provjeru očekivanih ishoda učenja prezentiran je Microsoft Forms, koji je namijenjen za uporabu na bilo kojoj od platformi prije spomenutih, a najspretnija uporaba pokazana je kroz korištenje pametnog telefona učitavanjem QR koda prikazanog na zaslonu projektora. U radu je pokazana bezpapirna (paper less) varijanta obrade nastavne teme, uz nužnu uporabu pomoćnih papirnatih materijala kod onih učenika i studenata koji nemaju uređaj s aktivnom olovkom (stylus).
T. Adamović (Veleučilište u Bjelovaru, Bjelovar, Croatia) Sustav upravljanja zadacima iz područja micro:bit 
U ovom radu govori se o karakteristikama sustava za prikupljanje zadataka iz područja micro:bit korištenjem edukacijske platforme Microsoft makecode te njihova analiza pomoću alata za procjenu kompleksnosti koda. Opisani su načini kategorizacije zadataka na temelju upotrijebljenih ključnih riječi u programima iz čega proizlaze ishodi učenja. Zaključno, prikazana je procjena kvalitete zadataka za svaku kategoriju.
H. Kovač, I. Nađ (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Aplikacije za fotografsko prepoznavanje i rješavanje matematičkih zadataka 
Ovaj rad opisuje funkcionalnosti, prednosti i ograničenja aplikacija za fotografsko prepoznavanje i rješavanje matematičkih zadataka. Posebno se analizira metodičnost rješavanja zadataka i mogućnost odabira metoda rješavanja. U radu je veliki naglasak stavljen na primjenjivost opisanih aplikacija u nastavi matematike u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi.
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Papers
Chair: Jan Guncaga
J. Mezak, P. Pejić Papak (University of Rijeka, Faculty of teacher education, Rijeka, Croatia) Project Based Teaching with Digital Tools in Primary Education 
The aim of the project based teaching as a form of integrated classroom teaching is to direct students to research a particular topic so that they can gain new insights through interactive learning. It implies a constructivist approach by which the process of learning is based on the student's activity, interaction, sharing previous knowledge and taking responsibility for research work. The contemporary approach to project based teaching involves the use of various digital tools in the research process. Within the GLAT project, a focus group of primary school teachers used some digital tools to carry out a project activity with their students. This paper analyses project activities and teachers' views on the use of digital tools, methods and forms of work in the preparation and implementation of project activities, as well as their students' assessments of the level of fun and learning using these tools in classroom.
I. Shishenko, V. Shamonia, V. Loboda, V. Punko, Y. Khvorostina, A. Voitenko (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine) Studying Dynamic Mathematics Software in the Professional Computer Science Teachers’, Mathematics Teachers’ and IT Specialists’ Preparation 
The article deals with the need to study dynamic mathematics software by future mathematics teachers, informatics teachers and IT-specialists. Emphasis is placed on the ability to organize an effective learning process using dynamic mathematics software. The authors raise the issue of practical training of mathematics teachers, students of specialty 014 Secondary education (Mathematics, Informatics) and 122 Information’s Technology of Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University (Ukraine), an integral part of which is the formation of skills of mathematical objects cognitive modeling. Examples of tasks aimed at developing knowledge and ability to use the tools of dynamic mathematics software in the future professional activity are given. It is noted that the formation of such skills occurs, in particular, when writing a text of a lesson fragment using dynamic mathematics software, with its subsequent presentation and discussion. The dynamic of qualitative changes in the content of the laboratory work is shown.
M. Drushlyak, O. Semenikhina, S. Kondratiuk (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine), T. Kryvosheya (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine), A. Vertel, N. Pavlushchenko (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine) The Automated Control of Students Achievements by Using Paper Clicker Plickers 
The article deals with the problem of organizing student achievement control using an online testing based on the Plickers software. It is established that schools’ teachers in Sumy region (Ukraine) and future mathematics teachers (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine) are mostly unfamiliar with such technology. The usefulness of modernizing the content of educational curricular and master classes for working teachers to integrate the testing technology by using the mobile application Plickers into the educational process is confirmed. The article describes the process of preparation and experience of organizing an online testing of future mathematics teachers by using Plickers based on the study of the discipline "Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms". The advantages and disadvantages of using such a tool in the educational process are noted. The results of the effectiveness of the use of Plickers in the educational process are given.
O. Udovychenko , M. Ostroha (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine), A. Chernysh, O. Kudrina, Y. Bondarenko, A. Kurienkova (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy , Ukraine) The Use of Electronic Textbooks in the Learning Process: a Statistical Analysis 
With the active introduction of information technology in the educational sphere, approaches to the textbook as the main means of presenting educational material have changed. Along with printed publications, electronic ones began to be actively used, which in their development have already gone from a simple text document to a complexly structured system that includes various ways of presenting educational material (text, audio, video, graphics). Their use today requires detailed study and reasonable implementation in professional training of specialists. The purpose of the article is to describe a pedagogical experiment on the effectiveness of using an electronic textbook in the training of computer science teachers. To achieve this goal, the methods of mathematical statistics for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment (hi^2 Pearson, Student) were used. The corresponding results for the author's ET "Information Systems" by criteria hi^2 Pearson, Student are given. Calculations for the positions are described: 1) availability (clarity) of the author's ET; 2) evaluation of the results of independent work based on the author's ET.
M. Sokele, T. Alajbeg, F. Brkić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) The Impact of Distance Learning on Student Success for Electrical Engineering Professional Courses 
Electrical Engineering undergraduate study at Zagreb University of Applied Sciences for professional courses is performed in blended learning environment combining the advantages of both face-to-face teaching and computer-assisted learning. Usually, teaching process of a professional course consists of lectures, exercises and laboratory exercises. The data sets related to attendance and overall exam success were analyzed to validate the impact of blending learning components on the learning success with the focus on distance learning one. Distance learning proves to be a useful method as a complement to face-to-face teaching. In addition, it can serve as the main learning method for the late exams preparation, but with lower achievement success.
T. Hryhorova (Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine), V. Lyashenko (Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University , Kremenchuk, Ukraine), I. Hvozdeva (National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Odessa, Ukraine), I. Getman (Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine) Use of Open Training Portals to Host Developed STEM Courses 
One of the topical areas of innovative development of education is STEM education. It involves the formation of a future specialist spatial understanding of the logical connections between events or processes with approaches to their solution. Such formation can be realized through interdisciplinary communication, considering how some fundamental knowledge is put into practice.
As a rule, basic and professional courses are taught separately, so most students do not form a holistic picture of knowledge. In this way, students slowly learn their professional skills.
Therefore, a training course was created that combines two disciplines "Probability Theory" and "Information Theory and Coding" between which there is a strong link. Open training portals allow you to use similar courses. The course is being tested in groups of students of the specialty "Secondary education" Informatics ""
P. Cuculić, T. Babić, M. Pavlica (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Internationalization and Student Mobility: Case Study of STEAM Students 
Higher education institutions have been increasingly shifting their focus towards various internationalization strategies in order to boost the numbers of international students studying abroad both as full time students and exchange students. As a result of their efforts, there has been a growing number of students who see mobility as an excellent opportunity to experience living and studying in another country. Students who undertake short and long-term mobility programmes profit from student mobility not only regarding knowledge gained but also from experiencing living abroad, being independent, exploring new cultures. However, mobility trends among STEAM students show different results. In other words, there is a negative tendency in outgoing mobility among STEAM students who are reluctant towards joining mobility programmes. At the same time, professionals who work in international office think that STEAM students would immensely profit from short and long-term mobility programmes. This paper thus addresses key challenges experienced by international office staff when trying to motivate students to undertake mobility programmes. It also explores reasons behind negative trends in outgoing mobility of STEAM students by evaluating the results of a survey among these students.
A. Jaklič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Educating the Educators for Introducing Internet of Things to Primary and Secondary Schools' Curriculum 
We describe an approach to continuous education course at the University of Ljubljana for training of computer science and technology teachers in primary and secondary schools. These teachers face numerous challenges how to present computer science and engineering as a dynamic and interesting field to their students. Our approach is based on idea to introduce computer science and engineering by building Internet of things devices. A low-cost open source NodeMCU hardware and firmware platform based on ESP8266 is used, that provides WiFi connectivity and Lua interpreter as programming language. The paper presents various code fragments and a design pattern that enables to simplify multitasking on a single core ESP8266. Raspberry Pie is used as a central hub for IoT devices. Teachers build an IoT system for monitoring indoor and outdoor temperature and controlling an air-conditioner device. Finally, we present the course evaluation by the teachers.
D. Keremedchiev (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria), D. Borissova (Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria), G. Tuparov (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria) An Algorithm for Assessment of Students Using Gamification 
The use of game design and elements in non-gaming context, named Gamification presents one of the newest ways to improve traditional assessment. There are various tools for self and final assessment of the students in modern e-learning systems. In this paper we propose a grading algorithm composed by two parts: self assessment and final exam. In the self assessment phase, students must solve tests and collect badges/cover scores according to their results. The tests are generated using the “Intelligent system for generation and evaluation of e-learning tests using integer programming”. Using this approach students can choose between different levels of question scores and different number of questions in the generated test. The required badges/scores for successful self assessment can be collected either with a small number of questions with higher score or a large number with a lower score. Only after passing successfully all self assessments tests students are allowed to do final exam.
M. Pavlica, T. Babic, P. Cuculic (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Effective Decision Making: the Added Value of Including Humanities in STEM Studies 
The rapid ascension of STEM programs in education came accordingly with the needs of the labour market. Although technology made its way into our everyday lives, it is difficult to find a balance between the empowerment it brought by making our everyday tasks easier and our dependency on it that came with it. In search of that balance, there is a vast need in the contemporary digital revolution for computer engineers to be able to make responsible political, ethical and social decisions while contributing to the global economy and the future of the world. Besides the technical skills they learn as a part of their curriculum, STEM students and experts in the field need decision making skills for their personal and professional development. The importance of implementing courses from the field of humanities in education has been recognized by educators and employers. The challenge is to determine whether the students themselves are aware of the added value such courses could bring to them which will be presented in this paper on the example of Algebra University College students.
P. Voštinár, J. Knežník (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia) Using BBC micro:bit in Primary and Secondary Schools for Creating Simple Smart Home 
The concept of a smart home is getting more and more popular for people of all ages. You can meet the term smart home not only on the web, but also in schools. Students can solve their seminar works on smart home topics such as “ Is my home smart ” or “ how will the future home looks like” , etc. With very popular educational board BBC micro:bit students can create their own simple smart home concept and practice programming thinking. This contribution deals with using BBC micro:bit in primary and secondary schools to create a simple smart home concept, which will use BBC micro:bit, micro:bit car - AlphaBot2, LAMP:bit - street light for BBC micro:bit, crowtail STEAM edu kit for micro:bit, STOP:bit - traffic light for BBC micro:bit, 1.8 inch colorful display, smart home kit and gamepad module for micro:bit.
P. Voštinár (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia) Using mBot Robots for the Motivation of Studying Computer Science 
Students in primary and secondary schools in Slovak republic are not very interested in studying computer science, especially programming. At our department, we are trying to motivate primary and secondary school students to learn programming through multiple activities such as computer science extracurricular activity and doing workshops on primary and secondary schools. This contribution deals with using Makeblock mBot robots for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools.
M. Lončar, D. Kermek (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia) Analysis of Social Networks Usage among Students 
This paper gives an insight into the implementation and results of the research on the habits and reasons for using social networks among students of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin. For the purpose of conducting the research, a survey questionnaire was created to examine the habits and reasons for using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Among other things, the use of social networks for academic purposes is examined. Data obtained through the survey over 14 days was meticulously analyzed and a comparison of habits and reasons for the use was made between Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. An analysis of 217 survey responses showed which the most popular social network among college students was, which social network students used the most for academic use and for entertainment purposes. The analysis covered dependences on the number of friends and followers for three social networks.
J. Guncaga, E. Severini, B. Kozik Lehotayova, P. Ostradicky (Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Education, Bratislava, Slovakia) Digital Technologies in Education of Preschool Children – Preparing for Future 
This contribution presents research findings about possibilities of using digital technologies in education in pre-primary level in Slovakia. Many discussions are devoted to the impact of digital technologies on the quality of pre-primary education, but also to the use of these technologies in kindergartens. The implementation of digital technologies and electronic digital aids in pre-primary education is one of the alternatives to developing complex literacy for preschool children. Observation aided research brings research findings that primarily support the promotion of the learning process of pre-school children manifested by increased internal motivation and selfreliance in the learning process. Research findings create the basis of the subsequent research direction oriented to the learning outcomes of children during the period of several years.
N. Kadoić, B. Šlibar (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia) Increasing the Learning Efficiency in Decision-Making Field Using the Workshop Activity in Moodle 
The decision-making field is one of the most critical fields in education for entrepreneurs. Students must adopt different concepts, methods, and tools that improve both - their analytic and intuitive decision making. One of the most used decision-making methods is the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Students must know how to recognize that a specific problem requires AHP analysis and to apply it correctly. This study presents the implementation of AHP education using the Workshop activity supported by the learning management system Moodle. In the first part of this activity, the students have to make a paper of AHP analysis of one real strategic or tactical problem related to any organization they choose: they have to structure the problem using the structuring methods, collect pairwise comparisons from decision-makers, calculate the group priorities and make the sensitivity analysis. In the second part of the activity, the students do peer assessment – they evaluate other students’ projects using the rubrics and qualitative assessment. The analysis reveals better results in understanding the AHP when compared to traditional ways of learning (direct assessment of papers by teachers without peer assessment). The different ways of learning are evaluated by comparing the points achieved for the AHP papers, points achieved for the AHP test, and using a short survey – all of them are implemented in Moodle as well.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Papers
Chair: Ivan Kastelan
I. Kaštelan, B. Pavković (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Vranješ (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), M. Popović (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) Modernized Courses in Automotive Software Engineering 
In order to respond to the rapid expansion of the information-communication technology sector and the ever-increasing demands of the automotive industry, universities need to adapt and take active part in creating healthy business environment and provide education to the young generation which will be ready for challenging tasks in this rapidly developed field. The Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology in Osijek have participated in the common project DRIVE as part of the IPA Cross-Border Programme, with the goal of equipping the laboratories and developing the course materials in the field of automotive software engineering. Four laboratories have been set up and four new courses have been developed to support the project goals. This paper describes the newly developed courses covering the most important knowledge and skills for the automotive engineer of the future: functionally safe software design, software verification, machine learning, image and video processing in automotive systems. The developed courses are targeting the upper years of undergraduate studies and graduate studies.
M. Schatten (Srednja škola Dugo Selo, Dugo Selo, Croatia), M. Schatten (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia) A Comparative Study of Gamification in Progamming Education in a Croatian High School 
During the European Code Week event in 2019. a comparative study on using a gamification platform (namely CodeCombat) for programming education was conducted in 4 distinct 1st and 2nd grade classes (8 groups of students). The groups were from three distinct study programmes: computer technician, economist and car mechanic. With each group two surveys have been conducted one on self-assessment (before using a gamification platform) and one on self-evaluation (after using the gamification platform) in order to answer three simple questions: (1) what is the perception of students on the importance of programming knowledge and skills in everyday life (before and after using the platform), (2) did the students perceive that their knowledge and skills have been improved during the lesson (if yes, how much), and (3) did their motivation to learn programming increase due to using gamification? A total of 80 responses has been collected and the analysis of the results show that there is an increase in motivation for learning programming for the economist study programme, a decrease of motivation for the car mechanic study programme and an indifference in motivation for the computer technician study programme.
A. Borodzhieva, I. Stoev, I. Tsvetkova, S. Zaharieva, V. Mutkov (University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria) Computer-Based Education in the Course “Digital Electronics” Teaching the Topic “Adders-Subtractors” 
During the last years, computers have changed the way people live and work. There is no field in which computers do not play a very important role. Education also has grown beyond learning from textbooks.
Computer-Based Education refers to teaching methodologies using computers as a key component of information transmission. For example, computers can be used to present the content of the lesson to students in more interesting way or used in test-taking to simplify grading and evaluation.
The paper presents different computer-based tools for teaching the topic “Adders-Subtractors” in the courses “Synthesis and Analysis of Logic Devices”, “Digital Circuits”, “Pulse and Digital Circuits” and “Pulse and Digital Devices” introduce the students-bachelors of the specialties “Computer Systems and Technologies”, “Electronics”, “Internet and Mobile Communications”, “Computer Control and Automation”, and “Information and Communication Technologies” in the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”. These courses introduce the students-bachelors to the main issues of digital electronics. The aim of these courses is connecting the functional capabilities of the digital components with their microelectronic base and their applications in constructing pulse and digital devices.
For the purposes of the courses, students use different software tools for studying the topic, for example MS Excel, Logisim, ISE Project Navigator, etc.
During the classes students develop an application in MS-Excel illustrating the principle of operations of 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit adders-subtractors, built on the basis of full adders and additional XOR logic gates. Then the students implement these devices using Logisim, an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits and they can see the operation of the real device changing the input signals. In the end, the students use FPGA implementation of these devices, built on the basis of full adders and additional XOR logic gates on a laboratory board, based on Spartan-6 FPGA Family and developed at the University of Ruse.
The paper presents a way of presenting the topic of arithmetic circuits to the students making the classes more attractive using active learning methods. The applications described in the paper are applied in the educational process in the courses mentioned above.
W. Werth, L. Faller, H. Liechtenecker, C. Ungermanns (CUAS, Villach, Austria) Low Cost Rapid Control Prototyping – a Useful Method in Control Engineering Education 
Control Engineering is included as an important topic in engineering education in various domains (study programs) and at different levels. On the theoretical side, control systems engineering requires advanced mathematical knowledge and a profound understanding of system theory. On the practical side, a certain ‘feeling’ for dynamic real-world devices is necessary. This combination makes control systems a challenging topic for many students. Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) as a tool for control systems engineering is one of the most powerful technologies for speeding up product development time in industry and for increasing the learning progress in study programs. Therefore, students’ ability to master this method is an indispensable outcome of a practice-oriented education.
In this paper, we will report about the adaption of our control education by implementation of Rapid-Control-Prototyping methods in our study program. The first step in this adaption process was a detailed analysis of the main difficulties for students with respect to the implementation of a control task. It turned out that the continuous usage of the proposed software tool chain (Matlab/Simulink) in class presents a goal-oriented approach when finally implementing a control task also in the lab. We point the students to use Matlab/Simulink for controller design, simulation and plant identification (data acquisition task) and likewise to also deploy the controller on the specified hardware. Thus, Rapid-Control-Prototyping is a process that allows students to develop, modify and test control strategies on a real-word system.
As a main result, we re-designed a specific lab exercise related to digital control in the Bachelor program: we introduced a low-cost rapid prototyping system based on Arduino Uno for position control of a DC-motor. The paper also includes the adaption of a course “Embedded Control Systems” in the consecutive Master program following the idea of integrating lectures with exercises and lab tasks in one course using also industry relevant hardware. The paper concludes with a student’s feedback to the proposed course including the increased learning outcomes.
R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Digital Literacy as a Part of Continuing Education Library Efforts 
As the information technology (IT) continues becoming a part of everyone life, or, at least, of everyone being in position to use any device connected to some type of a communication network including mobile networks, it has become extremely critical for a person to become digitally literate. “Digital literacy involves critically engaging with technology and developing a social awareness of how a number of factors including commercial agendas and cultural understandings can shape the ways in which technology is used to convey information and meaning” (Digital literacy across the curriculum). Being digitally literate does not mean only to be fluent in use of IT but also to be able to keep up “with the certain ways to interact with others, whether that be through images, videos, blogs, instant messaging, or emails” (Simpson, 2018.). Younger generations of citizens are exposed to different programs of digital literacy education during their schooling, while adults are frequently lacking such competences once they leave formal education and find employment. During that time, they can ask other people for help in use of IT and in understanding how it underlines the everyday life or access educational material on the internet if they possess elementary knowledge about its use. Finally, there are public libraries. Public libraries aim to bridge the digital divide and provide access to critical information and activities to anyone interested in acquisition of knowledge and skills in use of IT and use of digital information resources as well as for active participation in life of the community they belong to “as digital technologies become ever more essential to all aspects of living – communication, learning, use of government services and work (as well as looking for work)” and as the digital divide deepens existing fractures in society (IFLA, 2017). This paper will present the results of the current state of digital literacy training programs and resources in public libraries in Croatia as an important place for continuing education regardless of age, gender, political interest etc.
G. Zlodi, T. Ivanjko, P. Štefičar, M. Marochini (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) The Model of Collaborative Terminology Contribution to the Art & Architecture Thesaurus: Application and Improvement of Crowdsourcing Methods in an Educational Context 
The paper elaborates the model of collaborative terminology contribution to the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) through cooperation of university teachers, students and museum professionals. The elaborated model can accelerate the otherwise time-consuming process of developing multilingual thesauri through greater student engagement while achieving multiple educational goals on real-world tasks. This model includes a statistical selection of the most frequent Croatian art and heritage domain terms and their links to relevant AAT concepts (accompanied with references to relevant literature and lexicographical sources). This process is conducted by students. Subsequent quality control methods include peer-checking and teacher supervision. Mapping of Croatian and English terms for specific concepts was further implemented through semantic technologies (SPARQL queries). Concepts that are particularly demanding are examined by scholars and museum professionals in the corresponding field. After the quality check, the terms would be included in the AAT and made available to open access as Linked Open Data (LOD), provided by the Getty Research Institute. The methods of quality control and student engagement are applied from crowdsourcing projects methodologies, but they were revised and improved concerning the specific needs and requirements of the educational context.
I. Mikšić (Osnovna škola Popovača, Sisak, Croatia), L. Bakić-Tomić (Baltazar Zaprešić University of Applied Sciences, Zaprešić, Croatia), T. Babić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Intuitive and Rational Information Management 
Intuition is a term that can have different meanings. It can refer to intuitive knowledge as well as creative acts. Intuition belongs to the creative act and depends on unconscious resources, unburdened by rules of logic, contradictions, and dogmas of common sense. In formal education, cognitive processes are used more, and racio is tied to logic, rules, and frames of thought, all of which must be justified, backed by reasons and arguments that serve to persuade about the truth or the delusion of the matter under consideration.
Creativity and an exploratory spirit often involve intuitive processes. The aim of this research is to determine whether students of computing, digital marketing and market communications (Algebra University College) as well as students of economics (Baltazar Zaprešić University of Applied Sciences) rely more on racio or intuition during different learning situations and are they thereat different for each other? Although most of the students give priority to racio, it has been shown that in reality they most often use a combination of intuition and racio regardless of the field of study they are studying.
T. Hynninen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland), A. Knutas, M. Hujala (LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland) Sentiment Analysis of Open-ended Student Feedback 
In this paper, we perform a sentiment analysis on a large set of open-ended course feedback from university courses collected between 2016 and 2019. We used the R programming language and environment for statistical computing to categorize feedback texts by their sentiment values (positive, negative, neutral). Additionally we calculate the NRC Emotion values, which categorise the feedback according to eight basic emotions and demonstrate how sentiment analysis and LDA topic modelling approaches can be combined. We present analysis on the trends of how the feedback evolved through the years. Finally we compare the findings from our data to existing literature.
3:00 PM - 5:45 PM Papers in Croatian
Chair: Kristinka Blazeka
M. Mirković (Tehnička škola, Požega, Croatia) Vrednovanje digitalnih kompetencija putem CRISS projekta 
Tehnička škola u Požegi u školskoj godini 2018./19. bila je uključena u međunarodni CRISS projekt (Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools). Škola je u projekt uključena posredstvom CARNET-a koji je partner na projektu CRISS zadužen za pilotiranje CRISS modela digitalnih kompetencija i platforme na razini Hrvatske. Svrha je projekta razvoj i implementacija digitalne platforme za stjecanje, vrednovanje i certificiranje digitalnih kompetencija učenika u osnovnim i srednjim školama. Testiranje CRISS platforme provodilo se je kroz masovni pilot u nekoliko europskih zemalja. U Hrvatskoj je sudjelovala 21 škola s preko 1000 učenika i 92 nastavnika. Rješavanjem zadataka iz različitih scenarija učenja, učenici postižu određene podkompetencije. CRISS-ov okvir za vrednovanje digitalnih kompetencija detaljno je razrađen i na jednostavan način pomaže nastavnicima u analizi i procjeni učeničkih kompetencija. Projekt je olakšao nastavni proces i učenje, kao i vrednovanje. Uz primjenu multimedije i vanjskih resursa potaknut je interes učenika, pojednostavljeno učenje i razvijeni suradnički odnosi.
B. Raičković, B. Musović (IV. osnovna škola Bjelovar, Bjelovar, Croatia) Micro:bit-na biometrija 
Ovaj stručni rad se temelji na korištenju mikroračunala "micro:bit", kao mjernog instrumenta za mjerenje visine stabla (objekta).
Za indirektno mjerenje visine objekta korist se uređaj klinometar. Za izračun visine je potrebno izmjeriti inklinaciju. Zatim izračunati visinu pomoću udaljenosti od objekta i tangensa izmjerenog kuta.
Micro:bit je malo računalo veličine kutije šibica. U sebi sadrži mnogobrojne senzore koji se mogu iskoristiti na različite načine, serijsku i radio komunikaciju te displej za prikaz rezultata. Kako micro:bit u sebi sadrži senzor kuta elevacije, mogućnost izračuna tangensa kuta kao i ostalih izračuna i prikaza istih na displeju, možemo ga u potpunosti iskoristiti za ovakav način mjerenja. Naravno treba napisati softversku aplikaciju te prilagoditi mjerne jedinice.
Elektronički klinometar je izrađen za potrebe već poznatog projekta DRVOKOD. Ondje ga koriste učenici za određivanje visine drveta.
I. Britvić, F. Meštrović (VSITE, Zagreb, Croatia) Glazba2Go, mobilna aplikacija za promoviranje glazbene kulture 
Kako bi učenje o glazbi bilo jednostavno, moderno i prilagođeno novim generacijama učenika, na temelju iskustava iz nastavnog procesa, autori su razvili mobilnu aplikaciju Glazba2Go koja promovira kvalitetne glazbene sadržaje. Ova besplatna mobilna glazbena enciklopedija za Android mobilne sustave nudi učenicima ali i korisnicima svih dobnih skupina mogućnost educiranja o glazbi i upoznavanje sa glazbenim uradcima koji ne pripadaju prevladavajućoj popularnoj kulturi. U radu je opisan nastanak ideje, postupak izrade i distribucije aplikacije te praćenje prihvaćenosti iste među ciljanom skupinom.
J. Pažanin (Ekonomska i upravna škola, Split, Croatia), M. Rosić (Prirodoslovno - matematički fakultet , Split, Croatia) Mobilne aplikacije u obrazovnom okruženju 
Suvremeno obrazovanje potpomognuto tehnologijom postavlja učenika u središte nastavnog procesa u kojem on modificira edukacijski proces i prilagođava ga svojim potrebama. Integracija mobilnih tehnologija u obrazovno okruženje pruža nove poboljšane mogućnosti učenja kao što su personalizacija, interaktivnost, prilagodljivost.
Istraživanja pokazuju da upotreba aplikacija u nastavnom procesu pospješuje ostvarivanje obrazovnih ciljeva te povećava motivaciju i zainteresiranost učenika za učenjem. Nove tehnologije poput proširene stvarnosti predstavljaju izvrsnu platformu za prikazivanje nastavnih sadržaja, čineći sadržaj učenja zanimljivijim a učenike pažljivijim prilikom učenja. Osim za prikazivanje nastavnih sadržaja, aplikacije se koriste za ponavljanje te provjeravanje ostvarenosti ishoda učenja. U ovom radu razmatra se uloga mobilnih tehnologija u suvremenom obrazovanju, značajke implementiranih aplikacija u nastavnom procesu koji prikazuju ostvarene rezultate aplikativnog učenja ili ocjenjivanja te se ispituje utjecaj upotrebe aplikacija na učinak učenja, motivaciju i stavove učenika.
M. Verdonik (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Učiteljski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), V. Vitas (DV "Sušak" , Rijeka, Croatia) Intermedijalnost autorskih slikovnica Ivane Guljašević Kuman 
Suvremena hrvatska ilustratorica Ivana Guljašević Kuman autorica je tekstova i ilustracija više slikovnica kao i animiranih filmova objavljenih na multimedijskim DVD izdanjima. U radu se propituje intermedijalna povezanost Autoričinih tiskanih slikovnica s digitalnim interaktivnim sadržajima uključenim u DVD izdanja koja prate ove slikovnice, te mogućnosti njihove primjene radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi kao i u nastavnom procesu s učenicima mlađe školske dobi. Provedene analize pokazuju očitovanje intermedijalnosti autorskih slikovnica Ivane Guljašević Kuman u primjeni izražajnih sredstava prisutnih u filmskoj kao i u likovnim umjetnostima. Ujedno, s obzirom na mogućnosti multimedijskih DVD izdanja, pridodane tiskanim slikovnicama, kao što su: slušanje teksta i popratne glazbe, pjevanje uz instrumentalno izvođenje glazbe, doživljavanje animiranih filmova kao svojevrsnih oživljenih ilustracija itd. – dijete čitatelj/ slušatelj/ gledatelj/ izvođač, potaknuto intermedijalnošču slikovnica Ivane Guljašević Kuman, ima mogućnost cjelovitog razvoja putem uporabe kvalitetnih medijskih ostvarenja.
I. Franković, M. Ivašić-Kos (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Modifikacija arkadnih igara Space Invaders i Super Mario u edukativne inačice za učenje matematike i hrvatskog jezika 
Novi trendovi obrazovanja nastoje iskoristiti naviku učenika da se redovito igraju na različitim platformama i primijeniti motivacijske elemente digitalnih igara u obrazovanju kako bi se povećala motivacija, zainteresiranost i usredotočenost učenika kod učenja i utvrđivanja nastavnih sadržaja. Računalne igre koje se koriste u obrazovnom kontekstu nazivaju se edukativne igre i dizajnirane su u skladu s ishodima učenja kako bi pomogle učenicima da nauče određeno gradivo, da prošire znanje o određenim konceptima ili da im olakšaju usvajanje. Visok stupanj angažiranosti učenika koji se javlja tijekom igranja igara smatra se poželjnim za stvaranje plodnog okruženja za učenje, međutim pokazalo se da edukativne igre učenicima nisu jednako zanimljive niti zabavne kao i komercijalne igre, ne osiguravanju jednaku emociju, adrenalin, uključenost, interakciju i motivaciju za igranjem. Kako bi se prevladala razlika između edukativnih i komercijalnih igara, predlaže se prilagodba poznatih igara, s kojima su se učenici navikli igrati, u njihove edukativne inačice. U ovom radu će se predstaviti prototipovi edukativnih verzija poznatih igara Super Mario i Space Invaders, koji su namijenjeni učenicima mlađih razreda osnovne škole za vježbanje jednostavnih zadataka iz matematike ili hrvatskog jezika.
K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Tehnička škola Ruđera Boškovića Zagreb, Čakovec, Croatia) Izazovi poučavanja o računalnim mrežama 
Računalne mreže su jedan od najvažnijih stručnih predmeta u području obrazovanja za zanimanje Tehničar za računalstvo. Kao i mnogi drugi stručni predmeti zahtjeva svladavanje (čak i na osnovnoj razini) opsežnih teoretskih i praktičnih znanja. Učenje o usmjeravanju, adresiranju, mrežnim protokolima i mnogim drugim konceptima računalnih mreža često je teško i apstraktno. Tradicionalne metode poučavanju nisu osobito prilagođene i za posljedicu imaju nedostatak razumijevanja kod učenika što može voditi prema gubitku interesa i motivacije učenika za učenje. Poželjno je novo oblikovanje sadržaja i novi pristupi i alternativne metode učenja i poučavanja osnovnih koncepata umrežavanja računala. Problemski bazirano učenje kao preporučen pedagoški alat omogućuje učenicima razvoj vještina dizajniranja, tradicionalne metode učenja omogućuju razvoj razumijevanja ključnih mrežnih sastavnica i njihove arhitekture. Učinkovitost i utjecaj na učenje, interes i razumijevanje u procesu stjecanja kompetencija vrednovani su formalno upitnicima i neformalno u diskusijama sa učenicima koji predmet uče u okviru novog (3 razredna odjela) i starog (5 razrednih odjela) kurikuluma, ali i nastavnicima. Cilj je povećanje interesa i poboljšanje rezultata učenja, kao i promocija razvoja kurikuluma.
K. Kacapor, Z. Lagumdzija (University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Rudarenje edukacijskih podataka: korištenje klasteriranja za predikciju studentskog uspjeha 
Ovaj rad istražuje cjelokupni postupak korištenja rudarjenja podataka (K-means klasteriranjem) za ekstrahiranje i pronalaženje korisnog znanja i zanimljivih uvida iz velike količine podataka o studentima prikupljenih tijekom online učenja, zabilježenih u datotekama dnevnika događaja (log files) poslužitelja Moodle LMS-a koji se koristi u programima učenja na daljinu na Ekonomskom fakultetu. Kao nesupervizirana tehnika, algoritam grupiranja K-means algoritam nema „učitelja“, moguće je da ti odvojivi lasteri zajedničke distribucije tih četiriju varijabli ne slijede jasno razdvajanje pri prvom pokušaju studentskog ispita. Stoga su rezultati algoritma grupiranja potvrđeni slijedećim kriterijem - uspješnost na prvom pokušaju studentskog ispita. Dakle, na kraju je provjereno da pronađeni klasteri studenata koji koriste četiri varijable također odgovaraju razlici uspjeha na prvom ispitnom pokušaju, tj. da li i ti klasteri "razdvajaju" studente u svojoj procjeni kao na prvom ispitu. Takvi uvidi predstavljaju korisne informacije nastavnicima i menadžmentu visokih učilišta pri donošenju informiranih odluka o tome kako unaprijediti nastavu ili podržati manje uspješne studente da ispune zahtjeve nastavnog plana i programa.
M. Božurić, R. Bogut, M. Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia) Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija (ICT) – ključna karika između različitih oblika obrazovanja 
Sažetak – Na 39. međunarodnom skupu MIPRO 2016 održanom u Opatiji autori ovog rada objavili su članak pod nazivom „E-obrazovanjem do fleksibilnog modela učenja“, u kojem su prikazali konkretne učinke uvođenja e-obrazovanja u obrazovni sustav kako bi se održao i razvio fleksibilni model učenja i poučavanja u srednjim strukovnim školama. Nakon provedenog istraživanja nad različitim dobnim skupinama nastavnika, te nastavnicima struke i nastavnicima općeobrazovnih predmeta autori su došli do zaključka da će škole s iskustvom u implementaciji ICT tehnologije u provedbi, praćenju i vrednovanju obrazovnih postignuća puno lakše implementirati nove oblike nastave u budućnosti. Suočeni s izazovima provedbe nastave na daljinu kao posljedicu pandemije COVID-19 autori u ovom radu prikazuju korelaciju između različitih oblika izvođenja klasične nastave u učionici i prelaska na potpuni model nastave na daljinu uz pomoć ICT tehnologije. Autori su uvjereni da iskustva opisana u ovom radu mogu pomoći prilikom planiranja i provedbe različitih metoda i oblika izvođenja nastave, kako bi se nastavnicima i učenicima uz korištenje ICT tehnologije omogućio što lakši i fleksibilniji prelazak iz jednog obrazovnog modela u drugi
R. Soldo (Strojarska tehnička škola Fausta Vrančića, Zagreb, Croatia), J. Domac (Osnovna škola Stjepana Antolovića, Privlaka, Croatia), I. Olujić (Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, Zagreb, Croatia) Samoregulacija učenika u virtualnoj učionici nastave matematike 
Ovim istraživanjem pokazalo se kako rad u virtualnoj učionici uz inovativnu pedagošku metodu WTL (“Write To Learn“, odnosno “Pisanjem učiti“) utječe na samoregulaciju učenja u nastavi matematike. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 156 učenika iz dvije srednje strukovne škola u Gradu Zagrebu, primjenio se eksperimentalni nacrt istraživanja na dvije skupine ispitanika. Kontrolnu skupinu čini 73 učenika, koji koriste IKT u virtualnoj učionici bez digitalno socijalne interakcije i formativne procjene kroz rad na virtualnoj ploči. Eksperimentalnu skupinu čine 83 učenika koji koriste IKT uz formativno vrednovanje i društvene interakcije ističući interakciju učenik-učenik i vršnjačko vrednovanje kroz rad na virtualnoj ploči. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako korištenje IKT-a u kombinaciji s pedagoškom metodom koja uključuje formativno vrednovanje kao digitalnu socijalnu interakciju među vršnjacima kroz korištenje virtualne ploče povećava samoregulaciju učenika u virtualnoj učionici nastave matematike.
I. Krpan, I. Capan, M. Davidović (VSITE, Zagreb, Croatia) Primjena alata Xmpl za brzo pokretanje naredbi u podučavanju Linuxa 
Podučavanje alata otvorenog koda i Linux operacijskog sustava prate razni problemi. Rad u Linux ljusci bazira se na unošenju naredbi s više parametara i opcija. Njihova sintaksa je stroga i ne tolerira pogreške a od korisnika se očekuje da te opcije znaju napamet. Iako postoji dokumentacija za svaku naredbu, to nisu kratke upute već treba potrošiti neko vrijeme za stjecanje početnih znanja. Upravo iz tih razloga pojavila se potreba da se razvije alat za nastavu. Njime bi se po upitu pronašla potrebna naredba, a i kratko objašnjenje s osnovnim opcijama i nužnim parametrima za pomoć u sistemskom programiranju.Tako je nastao slobodni edukacijski alat nazvan Xmpl koji kroz primjere naredbi i njihovo pronalaženje u bazi provjerenih primjera korisnicima rješava probleme različitog stupnja složenosti.
U radu su opisane funkcionalnosti tog alata i način kako se instalira i koristi, te o kojim alatima i platformi ovisi. Web izvedba omogućuje interaktivnu nastavu i cjeloživotno učenje.
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Papers
Chair: Snjezana Babic
F. Urem (Polytechnic of Šibenik, Šibenik, Croatia), D. Jureković (Oracle Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), E. Ban (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia) Online and In-class Computer Science Teacher Training - Oracle Academy Program Experiences 
Computer science teachers need to constantly improve their competencies as information technology evolves rapidly. Today, most such trainings are held online because of the obvious advantages over in-classroom trainings such as lower costs and comfortable environment. Therefore, it is important to investigate the results achieved by computer science teachers in online training in relation to in-class educations when the trainings have the same learning outcomes and are maintained by the same instructor. As part of this research, computer science teacher’s trainings conducted within the Oracle Academy program in the Central and Eastern Europe region are analyzed as they are held online and in-class, with the same teaching materials, with equal knowledge tests and maintained by the same instructors. The analysis found that teachers enrolled in traditional education received the similar grades as those who participated in online trainings. However, the dropout rate for midterm and final exams was higher with online trainings. Teachers' feedback on the advantages and disadvantages of both types of training was also recorded, with the major conclusion that they prefer online learning for their own training.
M. Fabijanić, G. Đambić, B. Fulanović (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) A Novel System for Automatic, Configurable and Partial Assessment of Student SQL Queries 
At some universities, students are required to write SQL queries in order to pass database-related courses. When it comes to assessing students’ queries, three options are available: manual assessment (all work is done by teachers), semi-automated assessment (computer system provides parts of the final score, teachers give final mark) and fully-automated assessment (all work is done by computer system). There are many currently available computer system that can be used for both semi-automated and fully-automated assessment. While evaluating them, it became clear that their focus was not primarily on providing partial marks for substandard students’ solutions and also not primarily on teachers’ influence on assessment process. Since these two requirements are very important for some universities, this paper proposes a novel fully-automated assessment system that is focused on satisfying these requirements. The early version of system is built and evaluated against manual assessments of student work, resulting in a conclusion that the system is indeed very promising. Furthermore, the system discovered some inconsistencies in marks awarded manually by teachers, giving another perspective on the usefulness of proposed system.
M. Kuzelj, K. Šamija (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Distance Learning Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Croatia: What do Newspaper Portals Actually Deliver to Readers? 
Distance learning has been introduced to all students in Croatia to ensure uninterrupted education delivery during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Digital platforms, online applications, and communication tools bridge the gap to traditional education. The forced transition to virtual classrooms is a huge challenge for all parties involved and the way media reports can both, inform and calm, but also add fuel to the overall stressful times. This research paper aims to underline the power of mass media and the potential influence on public perception of distance learning, as well as the responsibility to contribute to a stable education system once the pandemic is over. The conducted quantitative content analysis of three newspaper portals arrived at the conclusion that the majority of newspaper portals reported about distance learning poorly and one-sided. A neutral and negative interpretive framework dominates mostly due to portals’ unfamiliarity with the topic. None of the analyzed newspaper portals published complete information lacking the drive for a solution-oriented way of reporting. At the end of this research paper, recommendations are given on how newspaper portals might improve their way of reporting about educational issues during a crisis thus contribute to the development of a better informed public debate.
L. Abazi-Bexheti, A. Kadriu, M. Apostolova (SEEU, Tetovo, Macedonia) Word Cloud Analytics of the Computer Science Research Publications’ Titles over the Past Half Century 
The field of computer science is becoming increasingly important as almost every aspect of our lives is more and more dependent on computers and the Internet. As a result, computer hardware and software technology are rapidly increasing in power and sophistication. Consequently, the data and the research topics and publications in this field are also evolving rapidly.
In this study we used the data form the DBLP database for the research publications in the field of Computer Science the past 50 years. Further on, we analyze the articles (journal publications) and proceedings as categories with larger number of entries and that provide more significant outcome. The overall dataset is split in decades and for better demonstration of the information and the evolving topics, text visualization tool was applied.
The results generated by using world clouds provide a much faster and easier way to detect the topics and other changing details about the publications in each decade of the past half century.
V. Omelyanenko (Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine), O. Kudrina ( Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine), H. Shevtsova (Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine), O. Prokopenko (Teadmus OÜ, Tallinn, Estonia), V. Petrenko (Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine) ICT for Innovative Education and Science: Smart Environment for Networked Strategies 
This research addresses the issues of information and communications technologies (ICT) support of cooperative marketing of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in innovation networks by indicating some strategies and approaches for ICT infrastructure management. The main issues and cases of ICT application in HEIs for technology transfer management thought the creation of smart environment of HEIs researches programs for business were considered. Empirically examining of these cases produced a more complete understanding of ICT-based HEI cooperative marketing networked strategies.
N. Boj, A. Tonković (III. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), E. Glavaš (Županijska bolnica Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Suvremen pristup učenju putem projektne nastave 
Projektna nastava omogućuje učeniku da postane aktivan sudionik u odgojno–obrazovnom procesu. Takvu ulogu učenika omogućava, između ostalog, i primjena informacijskokomunikacijske tehnologije. Projektna nastava uključuje iskustvenu, istraživačku i interdisciplinarnu nastavu usmjerenu na učenika. Učenika se stavlja u prvi plan prema njegovim interesima i sposobnostima. Projektna nastava kao iskustvena nastava, omogućuje učenicima usvajanje trajnih znanja. Učitelj dobiva novu ulogu savjetnika, medijatora, koordinatora i mentora. Njeguje se timski rad i partnerski odnos učenika i učitelja kao i ostalih sudionika nastavnog procesa. Cilj ovog rada bio je istaknuti važnost projektne nastave u suvremenom konceptu obrazovanja. Ispitani su stavovi učenika o projektnoj nastavi; o zanimljivosti projektne nastave u odnosu na tradicionalnu, o zastupljenost projektne nastave u redovnoj i izbornoj nastavi, o motiviranosti učenika za projektnu nastavu. U tu svrhu je provedeno istraživanje u jednoj gradskoj školi u Čakovcu. Istraživanje je provedeno 2019. godine. Uzorak je obuhvatio 90 % učenika sedmog i osmog razreda. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je projektna nastava učenicima zanimljivija u odnosu na tradicionalnu. Nadalje, da je projektna nastava više zastupljena u izbornoj nastavi, da postoji razlika u motiviranosti za projektnu nastavu s obzirom na spol, ali i s obzirom na postignuti uspjeh učenika u prethodnoj školskoj godini.
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Papers
Chairs: Hannu Jaakkola and Jaak Henno
H. Jaakkola (Tampere University, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), A. Lahti, J. Järvinen (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland) Artificial Intelligence and Education 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the emerging technologies of today. It provides applications in addition to the traditional computing environments, and is also in affordable smart devices, making AI available everywhere. These affordable devices have built-in capabilities to handle complex computing tasks (edge computing), flexible access to fast network resources, access to cloud-based services to solve complex problems on a collaborative basis, and access to an enormous amount of open and closed data resources. In education, AI contributes in at least two ways: (1) the scope and content of education - what kind of education is needed; and (2) the process of education – support and changes to education and the teacher’s work. In the scope of education, we must consider that AI (and related technologies) will replace some jobs (education will no longer be needed), some jobs will change dramatically (education content must be modified), and a lot of new jobs will be generated (new education must be established). In the process of education – the work itself - AI will have and has the role of reformer and enabler, which also changes the characteristics and division of duties. In this paper we analyze the opportunities and challenges caused by AI in education. Although the focus is on the role of AI, it is difficult to separate it from other technology-driven changes, especially in the discussion about work life.
I. Radoš, T. Babić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Digital Transformation as a Process of Using Digital Technologies for Monitoring and Designing the User Experience 
Digitization made possible businesses to monitor consumer habits in order to adjust their business activities to increase sales and competitiveness of their company. The focus of this research is the influence of age and gender on the transfer of personal vehicle ownership in the Republic of Croatia in 2019 and the representation of brands in these transfers. The first part of the paper discusses the theoretical aspects of digital business transformation and the possibility of using digital technologies in monitoring consumer behavior and improving customer experience. The central part of the paper presents the results of the research. The results show that the transfer of personal vehicles is mostly made by men and by age group 30 to 39 years. In total, the most represented brand in the transfer is Volkswagen, both for men and women. In the concluding part of the paper, the key research results are summarized, which companies dealing with motor vehicle transfer can use to improve the digital transformation of their companies by designing improved customer experience of their users.
H. Bezić, D. Balaž, B. Buljat (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia) Harmonization of Curriculum with Needs and Requests of Fourth Industrial Revolution: Case of Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka 
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its disruptive technologies shape everyday life and future of society. They have and will have significant impact not only on the economy, but on each area of human life. Higher education that prepares students for modern life and careers represents a vital part of each economy. It is impacted by new technologies and Fourth Industrial Revolution. The objective of this research is to determine level of curriculum harmonization Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka with needs and requests of Fourth Industrial Revolution and predictions for future of jobs. The research data has been collected through questionnaires filled by students and the teaching staff at Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka. The results will reveal obstacles and possibilities to increase the level of harmonization.
K. Pavlina, A. Pongrac Pavlina, V. Juričić (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Comparative Analysis of Students' Attitudes on Teaching Quality and Its Assessment in Higher Education 
This paper presents the results of a study of students' attitudes about characteristics of teaching quality in higher education. The research was conducted using a survey method on graduate students who were asked to rank according to the importance certain aspects of quality that are checked during the teaching quality assurance procedures conducted by the University of Zagreb. Teachers' qualifications, teaching competences and personal qualities were listed as teaching qualities, while course content and course organizational characters were used for course assessment. The paper will present a comparative analysis of collected results with the results of a survey conducted in year 2009. The paper will also present students' attitudes about procedure of conducting the teaching quality assessment, with special emphasis on the application of information and communication technologies for implementation of teaching quality assessment and the dissemination of the results.
A. Jadanec, T. Babić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Students' Attitudes Toward Value-driven Digital Marketing 
Value-driven marketing has a goal to create a deep and meaningful value, not only in customers' business but also in customers' lives by appealing to their personal values and ethics. With the rise of a new wave of technology that enables interaction between individuals and groups, customers have become well informed about brands and their products, as well as their social responsibility. Socially aware brands develop programs that go beyond the products and services they provide, directly affecting the personal lives of customers and the community. The aim of the research conducted among Millennials and Generation Z students on the Algebra University College was to examine how unprecedented access to information, social media and the rise of Marketing 3.0 has changed their minds and expectations about brands and whether they choose companies that care about the same causes they care about. In this paper, their views on the value-based advertising and efficacy of digital marketing efforts will be presented.
O. Fomichova (State Budget Professional Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills”, Moscow, Russian Federation), V. Fomichov (Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation) The Web-based Lectures as Leverage for Developing the Sense of Belonging in the All-Russian Creative School-Contests 
In modern Russia, the most gifted and motivated students of high schools enter the leading universities in biggest cities of the country, receive excellent education and usually never return to their native towns. A part of them finds jobs in abroad. As a consequence, the population of middle and small towns has been diminishing. In 2017, the authors launched an All-Russian Web-based creative school-contest for school children "Portrait of your town". It is a delicate opportunity for the child or an adolescent to tell about the beauty and originality of her/his town, to find her/his sophisticated look at the outstanding or usually not noticed facets of her/his town. In 2019, the track "Say thank you" was included into this school-contest. Its participants are to realize what persons from their native towns have made a difference in their life. The analysis of the sketches submitted to this track shows that it supports and improves emotional intelligence of the participant, analytical and critical thinking, creativity, figurative thinking, the ability to think and act in terms of public good. It may be conjectured that a new way of contributing to diminishing the acuteness of the mentioned social problem has been found.
Y. Borysiuk, T. Babić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) STEAM Students and Their Expectations from Future Business Life: a Values-driven Workplace 
In the last few decades, the global economy has been witnessing a shift from manufacturing to a service economy. Affected by that structural transformation, the service component of products and goods is rising. Companies are highly in need of young talents who can provide high-quality service for their customers. While providing new services and experiences for their customers, employees rise up their own expectations and demand, an encouraging place to work, better working conditions, equality and engagement, thereby to get satisfaction and have a sense of meaning in everyday life. The world of technologies no longer allows organizations to neglect these employee's needs and requirements. People no longer come to work just because they have to, but because they want to make an impact and be useful while proceeding with personal development. This paper's purpose was to investigate the values and conditions that STEAM students expect in their workplaces in the future and identify the differences in regards to workplace demands that previous generations had sought.
A. Knežević, T. Babić, Z. Musa (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Cryptocurrency as the Currency of the Future: a Case Study among Algebra University College Students 
The cryptocurrencies were designed to be a medium of exchange. The blockchain technology on which cryptocurrencies are based on offers many possibilities for computer science and all future businesses. For the past decade experts as well as laypeople have been experiencing cryptocurrencies in extremes. They either have a very positive attitude or a very negative attitude towards them. Experts who have very positive attitudes towards them believe that cryptocurrencies create new ways of conducting business and new ways of trust relationships are managed. Experts who have very negative attitudes towards them often emphasize the fact that they are often linked to negative connotations such as being a tool for criminal activities or skipping social responsibilities such as tax avoidance and corruption. They also emphasize the fact that it is a new, unexplored technology and an unstable market. The purpose of research conducted among students of Algebra University College was to explore their opinions and ways of using blockchain technologies in the present and their attitudes toward using cryptocurrencies in the future.
K. Aleksić-Maslać, P. Vranešić, B. Debić (Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia) New Teaching Methods in Higher Education - Management of Information Systems Course 
This paper presents the usage of modern teaching methods such as e-learning, gamification, case studies, teamwork and projects on the Management of Information Systems (MIS) course. As the course is held in the 7th semester of the undergraduate program on Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM), it is necessary to provide interesting and engaging materials and lectures for students that are soon entering the labor market. An important part of the course is covered by student projects which focus on information system (IS) or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning system) implementation in companies. This aspect of the course develops positive competitive motivation, teamwork and presentational skills. Other examples of engaging elements implemented in this course are gamification, where students learn through playing, and e-learning component for distance learning, very useful for students that are on an exchange program abroad, athletes, students that work, etc. All course elements (project, discussion, cases, gamification, e-learning, etc.) present their own goals and learning outcomes. The aim is to present a course with important engaging elements in today’s education sector with a combination of powerful learning methods and tools. The research will focus on the result analysis of the last 4 years of course practice.
J. Henno (Taltech, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland) Non-determinism in Now-adays Computing and IT Education 
Once-upon-a time computers and computations they delivered were considered ultimately deterministic; most of IT specialty students have heard the remark of Claude Shannon, ‘the father of the field’ who claimed that anyone who considers creating randomness with computer is “living in a state of sin”. But currently we encounter non-determinism in many areas of computation theory and practice: non-determinism introduced by network latency, inherently non-deterministic computations with ‘big data’ and ‘deep learning’ where the results are probability distributions with errors, which also are probability distributions and both depend on initial selection of samples etc. For IT education one of the most disturbing sources of non-determinism and non-repeatability of previous examples comes from tremendous speed of IT technology development. This has nearly eliminated significance of classical source of knowledge: printed hard-cover books – by the time the books are out of print there are already new versions of programs, new protocols, new technologies and libraries, and these new versions often do not work with old ones. Thus the most relevant source of information has become Internet. But ‘Internet never forgets’ – together with sources describing latest program versions, libraries, technologies etc. there are still around tens of publications which use some by now already outdated program versions, libraries, technologies. Students, who are eager to perform well in the next recruiting interview (but also IT teachers who want to produce well-informed classes) are spending many evenings trying to clear this non-deterministic mess, where most of presented examples are not repeatable. And the situation is becoming worse, since many of authors e.g. YouTube videos do not want to teach, but to earn using Google AdSense.
N. Caporusso (Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, United States) An Experiential Learning Approach to Research Methods in Computer Science Based on SMART Goals 
Research is perceived among the most challenging activity by students and faculty: in addition to theories, foundations, and technical aspects, it involves applying high-level critical-thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Indeed, research methods courses play a significant and holistic role in contributing to the personal and professional development of students. Therefore, designing engaging and meaningful learning experiences is especially important, as courses focusing on research methods touch every dimension of student success. To this end, experiential learning (EL) approaches are among the most successful strategies adopted by faculty: in the last decade, the benefits of incorporating components, such as, simulations, internships, service learning, and field work, have been demonstrated in multiple domains. Indeed, sharing diverse examples of EL approaches in research methods classes in specific domains is beneficial for contributing to the discourse, generating new strategies, and identifying best practices.
In this paper, we present a course in Research Methods in Computer Science that is entirely based on experiential learning. Specifically, it was designed to match the key steps of the scholarly publishing process: throughout the semester, students had to generate and refine applied research projects that could eventually be published in actual academic conferences or scientific journals. Particularly, we utilized a method based on Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Oriented, Time Bound (SMART) goals to align progress with course timeline. Also, we present the findings from three years of data about the effectiveness of our approach.
M. Konecki (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Adaptive Drum Kit Learning System: Impact on Students' Motivation 
The use of computer technology in the process of learning to play musical instruments is still a relatively unexplored area. In this paper, a conceptual model of an adaptive system for learning to play musical instruments is presented, on the basis of which a prototype for learning to play the drum kit has been created. The results of a study in which the developed prototype has been compared with the alternative methods of self-learning to play a drum kit is also presented and elaborated. The results of conducted study have shown that the students who learned to play a drum kit using a developed system based on the created conceptual model were more motivated during the process of learning compared to the two control groups of the students who have been provided with video tutorial lessons or with an alternative computer system for learning to play a drum kit.
M. Konecki (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Impact of Distance Learning on Motivation and Success Rate of Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
COVID-19 pandemic has created a whole new set of challenges in all aspects and fields of education. Teachers and professors had to quickly implement online teaching procedures and use various tools for online communication and collaboration. Although this kind of teaching has been used at some universities, for many professors and teaching professionals this kind of approach was something completely new. But, it was not only new for the teachers, it was also new for the students. In this paper, an overview of challenges that are related to online education process is presented and elaborated. The research results about the impact of distance learning on motivation and success rate of students are also given and discussed.
I. Lucić, S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Vučkov (Judge at County court in Rijeka, Croatian football federation – head of VAR education, Rijeka, Croatia) Perception of Using VAR Technology in Football After Completion of Training and Education and Experiences of Croatian Video Assistant Referees (VARs) and Assistant VARs (AVARs) 
By introducing VAR technology in football the process of making calls during the game has been made easier for referees on the field, where they coordinate with the team of experts that is inside the VAR room. Additional education and experiences of all participants involved in this process are required for the application of VAR technology in football in order to ensure the accuracy and adequate speed of the decision-making process. This paper shows the results of the research on the perception of using VAR technology in football of Croatian video assistant referees (VARs) and assistant VARs (AVARs) that received training and education regarding the use of VAR technology on the football field. The results and findings in this paper can help all those who want to contribute to the advancement of application and functionality of VAR technology in football.
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Papers
Chair: Snjezana Babic
V. Vidaček-Hainš (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Kućar, R. Kovačić (Electromechanical school, Varaždin, Croatia) Students’ Social Media Usage and Its Relation to Free-recall Memory Task 
Some studies reported that higher usage of social media is connected with lower performance in memory or other cognitive abilities tests or with lower academic achievement. The purpose of this research was providing descriptive data regarding students’ social media usage and examining the relationship between the amount of time, frequency of checking a certain platform with performance in memory task. The participants were high school and university students, aged 16-20. They took part in a free-recall memory task and after that completed Social media questionnaire (SMQ). Using regression analysis, it was found that Facebook/Instagram usage could not predict the task result and neither could frequency of checking. Models tested separately for high school and university found that frequent Instagram checking was a positive predictor of free-recall task for university students. Also, Facebook usage is related to Instagram usage and frequency of Facebook checking is related to Instagram checking. The results did not provide evidence to support the idea that social media is damaging to cognitive abilities, quite the opposite in case of Instagram checking for university students. A consensus on this topic is yet to be made and there is more research to be done.
Z. Tkáčová, Ľ. Šnajder, J. Guniš (Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice, Slovakia) Artificial Intelligence – a New Topic in Computer Science Curriculum at Primary and Secondary Schools: Challenges, Opportunities, Tools and Approaches 
Within the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the issue of Artificial Intelligence is becoming an important challenge throughout society. School plays an important role in preparing the young generation for emerging labor market changes. This paper presents opportunities for Computer Science curriculum innovations at primary and secondary schools that are currently being addressed in Slovakia. We present main ideas how to implement new available tools and approaches to teaching the topic of Artificial Intelligence. Based on the new educational materials we have developed, we have gained valuable experience from teacher training, pupil workshops as well as the pilot phase of testing directly in schools confirming that this topic can also be taught in an attractive and age-appropriate way.
J. Gunis, L. Snajder, Z. Tkacova (PJS University, Kosice, Slovakia), V. Gunisova (Secondary Grammar School of J. A. Rayman, Presov, Slovakia) Inquiry-Based Python Programming at Secondary Schools 
Programming is a traditional part of informatics education from Primary to Upper Secondary Education in Slovakia. We have seen a growing interest of using Python in programming at our secondary schools during the past six years. However, the transition from using the still prevalent Pascal to Python is often only formal, regardless of the language specifics of Python. In addition, teaching programming is oriented primarily to mastering language constructions.
In the frame of the National project IT Academy we have focused on inquiry-based programming teaching. In our teaching materials we exploit the 5E learning cycle. Firstly pupils are engaged in a topic, then they explore a topic and give explanation for their findings, then elaborate on their learning and finally are evaluated. Their learning is not focused just on acquiring skills and experience using suitable Python commands and data structures, but also on using various problem solving strategies. The paper presents examples of teaching materials and interesting findings and comments from pilot teachers.
F. Köfler, M. Edlinger, N. Jausz, W. Egger, W. Werth, L. Faller (CUAS, Villach, Austria) Analysis and Development of a Robotic Disk Mounting Stand 
Industry 4.0 and process automation are prospering engineering fields with increasing importance. A recent trend is towards automation of dull, dirty and dangerous tasks in the context of industrial fabrication processes. Consequently, robotic systems are more and more employed in such applications where a human operator is in danger, has to carry out monotonic processes or is subject to excessive contamination.
Consequently, the application of robotic concepts to tedious industrial processes is an important part in engineering education. We consequently foster the work of students on such important issues. In this context, a student project has been carried out in which a disc mounting process at an industry cooperation partner has been analyzed and implemented.
At the industry partner, gearing parts are assembled manually by gluing 215 carbide blades into a steel disk. To setup a suitable automation concept, this process is first broken down into distinct tasks which can be addressed step-by-step. First, the blades have to be picked up at a magazine using a 6 DOF robot arm and moved below a dispensing station to apply the proper amount of glue. Then the blades are inserted into cavities which are distributed equally spaced on the circumference of the steel disk. After inserting one such blade, the steel disk has to be rotated by a certain amount of radians in order to expose the subsequent cavity.
For the implementation, the ABB IRB-120 robot arm has been employed together with a Siemens PLC System. Both components have been connected using the Profinet bus. To enable the rotation of the steel disk with sufficient accuracy, a servo drive has been employed in combination with an indexing head.
Major challenges in this project were the robotic gripper which was built to accurately pick of the blades. Here, sufficient gripping capability and grip stability were considered in order to fabricate suitable components.
As a result, a functional prototype of this automatic assembly system has been built and the feasibility has been demonstrated.
R. Fatoohi, S. Ehrman, L. Francesca, C. Chong, J. Khoury, A. Minaise, D. Pham, M. Abhyankar, J. Chen, R. Chen, A. Corona-Sanchez (San Jose State University, San jose, United States) SJSU GO 
The Davidson College of Engineering at San Jose State University (SJSU), San Jose, California, offers a rewards program for students to get points for attending professional and academic events called GO. Currently students submit events for the program through a Google form with many limitations. In this project we have developed mobile applications (for both iOS and Android systems) and a website to submit events, to view points and prizes, and to navigate the system. The goal is to increase student participation in these events and ease of use of the system.
M. Pokorny (Trnava University, Faculty of Education, Trnava, Slovakia) Experience with e-learning in Teaching Combinatorics and Data Processing 
Young people widely use their mobile phones, tablets and notebooks. So it is natural to use modern technologies also in teaching mathematics. Blended learning represents a combination of e-learning and face-to-face instruction. In the ISET 2019 conference in Hradec Králové, we presented that blended learning had improved the results of our students in Combinatorics and Data Processing. In this paper, we continue the research and compare the results of students from three academic years. Moreover, we compare the results of external students who have to be taught only by e-learning due to restrictions caused by COVID-19.
E. Gürbüzer (Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus), G. Dağlı (University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia, Cyprus), F. Altinay, Z. Altinay (Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus) Assessment of The Role of Technology in the Process of Tolerance 
Technology is the most important communication tool that enables people to reach agreement, show tolerance and get closer to each other. Tolerance is the process of individuals' empathizing with the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of the people around them, and at the same time, respecting and trusting them in an unrequited way. The aim of the present study is to assess the role of technology in the process of tolerance according to computer science teachers. In the study, qualitative research approach was used. The aim was to obtain significant and detailed data regarding the role of technology in the process of tolerance by using case study. The research was carried out with 20 computer science teachers chosen with maximum variation sampling method. In the research, semi-structured interview was used as a type of data collection technique. The data of the research were analyzed through content analysis. In conclusion, technology use helps to establish healthy communication between teachers. Also, technology helps to close communicative gaps in the process of tolerance. At the same time, technology plays a major role in communicating to increase tolerance because technology is a factor that helps bring teachers closer.
M. Mačinko (OŠ Ivana Cankara, Zagreb, Croatia), d. Sović-Kržić (Hrvatski robotički savez , Zagreb, Croatia), I. Mudri (OŠ Ivana Cankara, Zagreb, Croatia) Distance Learning: Examples of Good Practice, Analysis and Experience 
In this year, after closing schools, teachers had to develope some new ways of teaching/learning. We will show how subjects od STEM can be learned and what do students think about it. Also, we will show you iniciative of online comeptiton named ROSIL and goals that we achived doing it.
S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Križan Sučić, G. Sinković (Faculty of Informatics, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia) Understanding the Factors that Influence Secondary School Teachers’ Intention to Use e-Learning Technologies for Teaching After the COVID-19 Pandemic 
The development and efficacy of use of e-learning in secondary schools after the COVID-19 pandemic depends on the teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies for teaching and should not be generalized since understanding of said intention depends on the educational contexts. This study investigates the factors that predict Croatian secondary school teachers’ intention to use e-learning technologies in their future classrooms after the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of our study show that attitudes and educational values, computer anxiety, self-efficacy, course characteristic, prior experience with e-learning technologies, education for pedagogical use of ICT are related to perceived Croatian secondary teachers’ intention to use e-learning technologies in their teaching after the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings reported in this paper can be a foundation for future research in the field and help explain the barrier to acceptance of e-learning technologies, as well as a framework for the development of e-learning strategy in secondary schools after the COVID-19 pandemic
A. Hartikainen (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), M. Ahola (LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lahti, Finland), M. Apiola, E. Sutinen (University of Turku, Turku, Finland) The Immigrant Integration Online Training Program in Finland 
Finnish integration training for immigrants aims to improve social inclusion into Finnish society and to promote employment. The first fully online integration training and the still ongoing program has conducted since 2015. During the training activities, the education provider has collected varieties of data from 2015 to 2019. Utilizing design science theory, authors demonstrate that integration training succeeds online at least as well as in the classroom when the design is implemented in a customer-oriented way lingually, pedagogically, and technically accessible. When teachers and the group learn collaboratively, and with ensured interaction, the training supports integration and finding career pathways. This study describes frugal and inclusive educational innovation. One main finding is that the teacher’s ability to facilitate learning situations in distance-based synchronous e-learning differs from classroom instruction and requires detailed planning in advance. The training needs to prepare immigrants for the requirement of Finnish society. The desires of the students shape the training from the beginning.
M. Fetaji, E. Kajtazi (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), B. Fetaji (Mother Teresa University/Computer Science, Skopje, Macedonia), H. Snopce, M. Apostolova (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia) Assessing the Impact of Mobile Educational Games on Student’s Success within Mathematics Subject in Primary Schools 
The research focus is set in investigating the impact of educational games as instructional strategy in student’s success within the course of Mathematics in High School. In order to assess the impact we have developed a mathematical mobile Game for Android Devices, to be used as a case study, and assessed the students’ achievements. We have used quantitative research methodology and as research method used a questionnaire to collect the data. We collected the data before and after playing the game, so we can assess the difference of the time spent on educational games and the level of transferred knowledge. The system is expected to help high school students to easily orient and engage during lecture classes and easily find and use the learning content. The system has been evaluated on its functionalities and the usability, on two groups of users, one group with computer science background and the second group of users as novices with different field background. Afterwards we used regression analyses to determine the impact. The research study tries to contribute with identified impacting factors for such systems, analyses of the improvement in user friendliness, and usability. Insights and recommendations are provided.
G. Atanasova, P. Hristova (University of Ruse, Rousse, Bulgaria) The Teacher’s Role in Discovery, Preparation, and Development of Gifted Students in the Field of Informatics 
The national development strategies of many countries prioritize the stronger orientation to an economy based on the knowledge, on the development of research work, and technological development and innovation. Bulgaria is one of the few countries in the world that offers young students the opportunity to study computer science from a very early age in extracurricular classes and also organizes contests in computer science for students of secondary school classes. As a result, Bulgarian students can be recognized on average as the priorities of international information competitions. The role of teachers in discovering and preparing gifted children for such competitions is an irrevocable and challenging task. Teachers need to use focused and well-planned approaches. The general didactic principles for creating a learning process are presented. Essential for the successful preparation of future medalists is the early start of learning the basic principles of programming. Some of the fundamental practical situations that show the significant role of the teacher are presented. Proof of the applicability of the proposed approach is the performance by years of students from the school in Rousse.
M. Mesihović, V. Ljubović, I. Muharemović (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Using WebIDE as a Distance Learning Tool for High School Programming 
During COVID-19 pandemics, a need emerged to support continued education from home for high-school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In particular, students of several schools were scheduled to learn basic C++ programming during this period. This plan was jeopardized, as many students do not possess adequate hardware or software, and the in-person support from teachers is invaluable during these early stages of learning. A web-based integrated development environment (WebIDE) was deployed, and a number of sample assignments were created. Altogether, over 130 students from 5 schools actively participated, solving a total of 65 assignments (as of June 1st). Based on questionnaire results, overall the experiment was deemed successful, and the continued use of WebIDE after life returns to normal was justified.
J. Žufić (Faculty of Educational Sciences - Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia), A. Žufić (Elementary school Veli Vrh Pula, Pula, Croatia) Ability of the Information Science Teachers to Teach Programing in the Lower Grades of Primary School 
In anticipation of the introduction of the elective subject of Informatics in the lower grades of primary school, the issue of the competence of students - future teachers and current teachers for teaching Computer Science, with an emphasis on programming, comes into the focus. The paper discusses their ability from professional (knowledge of programming) and pedagogical (methodological-psychological-pedagogical) aspect. The results of a research conducted among students of teacher education with a computer science module and computer science teachers are presented. Respondents, through self-evaluation and self-assessment of their knowledge and competencies in the field of programming, gave answers from which it can be concluded whether teachers are ready to teach programming. A case study was also presented in which the students of the final year of Teacher Training with a module of informatics as a methodical exercise made video lectures of introducing new content for a programming class. The programming languages used are Scratch, Python and the micro:bit simulator. The program tasks are correlated with the Croatian language, Physical and Health Culture, Music Culture, Mathematics and Informatics. The results of the research show that the respondents are generally ready, but they would need additional education either in programming or in methodological-didactic domain.
G. Kirinić (Elementary School "Ivo Andrić", Zagreb, Croatia), L. Bakic-Tomic (University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić, Zaprešić, Croatia) Impact of Education on Communication Etiquette 
In the context of learning there is a strong consensus that the perception of pupils/students about their interaction with teachers affects their motivation, outcomes and achievements. Although the communication process is embedded in all other common processes, a few studies focus on the quality of communication, especially in education. Communication etiquette requires a greater number of communication skills due to the constant adaptation of situations in the environment. The survey was conducted on a sample of 258 teachers of primary education of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. Conducted research showed that primary education teachers have a noticeable higher level of communication culture (71.8%) then managers of social areas dominated by lawyers and economists (43.21%). The reasons can be found in two communication aspects: the content-related and the respective, whereby in initial education, the respective aspect is often omitted without which there is no quality communication. It can be assumed that the student-professor relationship is more or less the same at all higher education institutions in Croatia. However, the social differ from technical to the contents of the course that more contribute to the development of the culture of communication.
Keywords: Communication culture; Communication etiquette; Teachers; Managers
9:00 PM - 10:00 AM Papers
Chairs: Snjezana Babic and Saida Deljac
M. Pejić Bach, J. Zoroja, I. Strugar (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia) Investment of European Enterprises in ICT Education of Their Employees: Relationship with Country Competitiveness and Digital Economy Development 
Rapid growth and usage of different information and communication (ICT) tools influence of private and business activities. In order to sustain their position on the market, companies invest in their employees, especially in their lifelong education in the area of developing information skills. In this paper, the authors investigate the importance of ICT education in companies. The goal of the paper is to examine to what extent enterprises in European countries provide training in order to develop or upgrade the ICT skills of their employees. Data about enterprises that provide training regarding the development of ICT skills were collected from Eurostat for the period from 2012 to 2018. Data about Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)and its subindexes and data about the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) index have also been collected for the year 2018 in order to conduct comparative analysis. Results indicate that there is a positive trend regarding training for developing ICT skills, however, mostly in developed European countries. Although enterprises in developing countries do not substantially lag behind, their investment in this area is evidently lower.
N. Špur, E. Kranjec, M. Puhek, K. Breznik, L. Klasinc, S. Frumen (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) University Teachers’ Needs for the Efficient Use of ICT in the Pedagogical Process 
The appropriate use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) along with Modern Teaching Practices (MTPs), such as flipped and project-based learning, can increase the efficiency of teaching and learning in the higher education (HE) process. To ensure effective implementation of ICT and MTPs, the University of Maribor (UM) has established institutional support in the form of a Centre for Teaching Support (CTSUM) available to university teachers of all 17 UM faculties. The CTSUM provides support for the use of ICT and implementation of MTPs through individual consultations and workshops. This study set out to evaluate university teachers' interests and needs in the field of ICT and MTPs along with their self-evaluation of current ICT skills. It was conducted as an online survey, receiving responses from 154 university teachers (approx. 26% response rate). The results show that a significant majority of university teachers is interested in the provided support and needs training on the use of ICT for preparing interactive assignments, voting and providing feedback, performing project-based learning, designing graphically rich study material and organizing course material online. This information helps the CTSUM to prepare customized workshops and consultations to strengthen the digital literacy and didactical skills among university teachers.
T. Babić, Z. Musa (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) The Significance of Transformational Team Members 
Transformation is a new reality in the global economic system and thus every organization. Companies and consequently educational institutions face the challenges of constant knowledge sharing and continuous improvement of competences, skills, and expertise whilst trying to achieve performance levels that just a few decades ago would have been unimaginable. A need for learning while doing and accepting new knowledge from our team members has become indispensable. Only when a team has a shared belief in 'psychological safety', team members can create, increase efficiency, and make a transformational positive culture. Performing at the highest level seeks transformational positive team members who possess a transformational characteristic. Transformational characteristics provide their owners not only the ability to make data-driven decisions but to work through challenges in a way that they make others better in the process. Because of their qualities to increase morale, to promote cooperation and harmony, which directly and indirectly increases job performance, they not only do their job excellently, they help other team members do their jobs better.
A. Papić, I. Ćosić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osijek, Croatia) Parents' Attitudes toward Programming in Elementary Schools in City of Osijek 
Programming is the process which enables a production of software, applications and web sites. Programming develops skills for logic and critical thinking and problem solving necessary for living in today information society. In the theoretical part is pointed out a lot of positive aspects of Micro:bit technology, the suitable programming tools for elementary school pupils such as Scratch are described as well as numerous projects of programming in city of Osijek oriented toward this particular population. In the empirical part the parents' attitudes toward programming in elementary schools in city of Osijek are explored. The results of the research show parents’ familiarity with elementary concepts in regard to programming, the possible connections between parents' workplaces and their perceptions and support of programming within school or out of school activities.
10:00 PM - 1:00 PM Papers in Croatian
Chairs: Snjezana Babic and Saida Deljac
D. Šimić, J. Gusić (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia) Predikcija uspjeha u studiranju primjenom Bayesovih mreža 
Analizirani su podaci o uspješnosti studiranja i prolasku ispita na prvoj godini preddiplomskog studija za 8 generacija studenata. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su: napraviti prediktivni model koji će omogućiti identifikaciju studenata za koje postoji velika vjerojatnost da neće ostvariti 30 ECTS bodova tijekom akademske godine i pružiti studentima informaciju o vjerojatnosti prolaza na pojedinom ispitu, odnosno postizanja ciljanog broja ECTS-a na kraju akademske godine. Za modeliranje združene distribucije korištena je Bayesova mreža. Struktura mreže sadržavala je kao čvorove rezultate ispita pojedinih predmeta (nije upisan, nije položen, položen), a ishod akademske godine reprezentiran je kvalitativnom varijablom s vrijednostima „manje od 30 ECTS-a“, „od 30 do 54 ECTS-a“ i „55 i više ECTS-a“. Za učenje strukture i parametara korišten je paket bnlearn u R-u. Provedena je 20-struka unakrsna validacija. Rezultati su pokazali da su mjera F1 i odaziv najbolji za najuspješnije studente (F1 između 0,81 i 0,91; odaziv između 0,91 i 1,0). Specifičnost je bila najbolja za dvije grupe studenata koji su ostvarili manje od 55 ECTS a (0,81 do 0,98). Točnost predikcije u unakrsnoj validaciji bila je između 69% i 87%. Za najuspješniju grupu studenata točnost predikcije bila je između 0,79 i 0,92.
I. Ružić (I. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia) Robotika u funkciji razvoja vještina 21. stoljeća 
Rad predstavlja primjer dobre prakse uvođenja i primjene robotike u obrazovanju sa ciljem pružanja prilike djeci da prošire svoje vidike istraživanjem robota i robotskih sustava, poticanja i pružanja podrške da budu naši budući znanstvenici, inženjeri, stvaratelji i izumitelji. Robotika učenicima omogućuje razvoj vještina 21. stoljeća poput razvoja kreativnog razmišljanja, rješavanja problema, razvoja suradnje i komunikacije. Rad prikazuje primjer i iskustva uvođenja moderne znanosti u obrazovne aktivnosti nastave informatike i izvannastavnih aktivnosti te promicanja robotike u STEM obrazovanju.
M. Lučan, I. Vlašić, G. Malčić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Laboratorijski 3-osni model realiziran pomoću servo sustava 
U okviru ovog rada opisana je implementacija servo sustava kao dijela sustava industrijske automatizacije na laboratorijskoj maketi sa tri osi. Na osnovi mehaničkih zahtjeva konstrukcije makete dano je tehničko rješenje koje obuhvaća odabir sklopne opreme, kontrolera, senzora i praktičnu implementaciju tri servo sustava na način da odrađuju posao sličan primjeru iz industrije. Odabrani primjer je sličan stroju za slaganje paleta gdje se proizvodi slažu na paletu za transport. Prema danom tehničkom rješenju izrađena je mehanička konstrukcija i električna shema po kojoj je napravljena upravljačka ploča sa sklopnom opremom i kontrolerom. Prema zahtjevima tehničkog rješenja napravljen je upravljački i nadzorni program ladder tehnikom programiranja. Opisana je logika upravljanja i posebnosti koje nam pruža odabrana opreme prilikom izrade programa.
A. Omrčen, M. Lučan, G. Malčić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Laboratorijska maketa redundantnog sustava upravljanja 
Sadržaj rada opisuje opći pristup sustavima redundancije u industrijskim postrojenjima i problematiku koja je usko povezana sa ispravnim radom sustava te tehničko rješenje prikazano na stvarnom modelu laboratorijske makete. Dano tehničko rješenje je primjer pozicioniranja realizirano pomoću industrijske opreme pritom koristeći industrijsku računalnu mrežu kao komunikacijski kanal između upravljačkih jedinica sustava. Za praktičnu izvedbu tehničkog rješenja također je bilo nužno izraditi pasivne elemente u vidu nosača pojedinih elemenata te element za vizualnu prezentaciju trenutne pozicije. Radi se o jedinstvenom riješenu te je elemente bilo potrebno dizajnirati i izraditi u skladu potrebama tehničkog rješenja. Prilikom izrade tehničkog rješenja korišteni su razni programski alati te u konačnici i 3D printer za izradu elemenata.
J. Domac (Osnovna škola Stjepana Antolovića, Privlaka, Croatia) Održivi razvoj ruralnog područja – Croduino setovi i dronovi 
Razvoj ruralnih područja danas je značajan pa su tako su i projektni jedan segment njihova razvoja. Održivi razvoj ruralnog područja je projekt u kojem je obuhvaćeno 14 škola s područja LAG – a Bosutski niz (mjesta kojima protječe rijeka Bosut). Ovim projektom se želio potaknuti razvoj tehnološkog dijela informatike kod djece u osnovnim školama te buđenje interesa za tehnološki napredak ruralnih područja. U projektu je osigurano 14dronova (po jedan za svaku školu) i 70 Croduino (Arduino) setova (po 5 za svaku školu) te je po planu projekta predviđena edukacija 140 djece (po 10 iz svake škole) za rad s dronovima i Croduino (Arduino) setovima. Cilj projekta je bio upoznati učenike ruralnih područja (koji nemaju mogućnost pristupiti nekom od programerskih klubova) i educirati ih s najnovijom tehnologijama te time potaknuti njihov razvoj i potencijal te usmjeriti ih na programiranje, razvoj njihovih digitalnih kompetencija za daljnjem školovanju i povećanju konkurentnosti pri odabiru zanimanja i zapošljavanju. Po završetku projekta pokazalo se kako su djeca zainteresirana za daljnji rad s Croduino (Arduino) setovima i rukovanju s dronovima te kako vide da im je tehnologija saveznik za svoj daljnji razvoj i razvitak. Ovaj projekt LAG-a sufinanciran je iz Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova za učinkovitost i ljudski potencijal, zajedno za 14 općina koje pripadaju Bosutskom nisu i Hrvatskim zavodom za zapošljavanje.
N. Tatkovic (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia), P. Radulovic (Ekonomska škola Pula, Pula, Croatia), S. Tatkovic (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia) Stavovi studenata o računalnom načinu razmišljanja i vještine rješavanja testa računalnog načina razmišljanja 
Računalni način razmišljanja jedna je od temeljnih računalnih vještina, ali i važan aspekt pismenosti 21. stoljeća, potreban u svim područjima ljudskog života i rada. Cilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike u stavovima o računalnom načinu razmišljanja između studenata informatike i predškolskog odgoja. U istraživanju je korištena deskriptivna i kauzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda. Rezultati su pokazali da studenti informatike imaju statistički značajno pozitivniji stav o računalnom načinu razmišljanja od studenata predškolskog odgoja. S aspekta računalnih vještina, zanimala nas je uspješnost rješavanja testa računalnog razmišljanja. Dobiveni rezultati računalnih vještina nisu zadovoljavajući, a studenti predškolskog odgoja postigli nešto bolje rezultate. Istraživanje upućuje na važnost i potrebu razvoja računalnog načina razmišljanja tijekom cijelog procesa obrazovanja i potrebu daljnjeg istraživanja ovog problema.
T. Orehovački (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Fakultet informatike, Pula, Croatia), S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Etinger (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Fakultet informatike, Pula, Croatia) Percipirana kvaliteta sustava za upravljanje verzijama programskog koda od strane studenata informatike 
Programiranje je značajno područje informatike u kojem se uvijek iznova traže načini kojima se mogu ubrzati i olakšati procesi usvajanja novih znanja i vještina. Jedan od načina je i primjena sustava za upravljanje verzijama programskog koda koji omogućuje korisniku podršku u svim fazama razvoja softvera kroz suradnju sa drugima iz cijelog svijeta uz pristup skladištu izvornog koda. Prihvaćanje i veća primjena ovog sustava je jednim dijelom ovisno o percipiranoj kvaliteti u korištenju ovog sustava od strane krajnjih korisnika, posebno budućih programera(ki). U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja percepcije kvalitete u korištenju ovog sustava od strane studenata informatike na dva hrvatska fakulteta, nakon upotrebe sustava GitHub prema zadanim koracima. Rezultati mogu biti od pomoći nastavnicima pri korištenju sustava za upravljanje verzijama programskog koda u nastavnim procesima, kao i svima onima koji imaju za cilj razvoj i korištenje sustava za upravljanje verzijama programskog koda te za daljnje istraživanje u navedenom području.
S. Deljac (V. gimnazija Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Berović (Prometna tehnička škola u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia) Usporedba nastave na daljinu i učioničke nastave iz predmeta Informatika i Računalstvo 
V. gimnazija Zagreb je prirodoslovno - matematička gimnazija koja upisuje učenike u tri različita programa:
• Program A – 2 strana jezika
• Program B – 1 strani jezik i povećani broj sati matematike (za 2) tjedno kroz sve četiri godine
• Program C – 1 strani jezik, povećani broj sati matematike (za 1) i povećani broj sati informatike (za 1) kroz sve četiri godine
Svi programi provode se kroz 4 godine učenja informatike po 2 sata tjedno, odnosno 3 za program s pojačanom informatikom. Provođenje nastave realizirano je na način da se jedan sat izvodi u klasičnoj učionici opremljenom nastavničkim računalom i projektorom i jedan sat, odnosno dva za program s pojačanom informatikom, u specijaliziranoj informatičkoj učionici opremljenoj s 15 učeničkih računala prema standardu jedan učenik za jednim računalom.
Ovaj rad će dati pregled korištenja Moodle-a (Loomen-a) u nastavi informatike u V. gimnaziji Zagreb (od 2014. godine pa do danas). U tom periodu napravljen je pomak od klasične nastave koja se ostvarivala samo u učionici do potpuno udaljenog učenja koje je uslijedilo u vrijeme pandemije virusa Covid 19. Tijekom višegodišnjeg primjene Loomena u nastavi, nastajale su različite vrste digitalnih sadržaja, primjenjivale se različite aktivnosti za učenike i metode poučavanja. Tijekom vremena nastala je baza digitalnih sadržaja za cjelovito učenje, podučavanje i vrednovanje za pojedine razrede (prvi, drugi, treći i četvrti razred).
U okviru rada bit će prikazani rezultati evaluacije učenika o provođenju nastave na daljinu iz nastavnog predmeta Informatika u V, gimnaziji Zagreb i predmeta Računalstvo u Prometno tehničkoj školi u Šibeniku.
Basic information:
Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Snježana Babić (Croatia)
Steering Committee:
Michael E. Auer (Austria), Marjan Krašna (Slovenia), Dusko Lukac (Germany), Robert Repnik (Slovenia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia)
Program Committee:
Lejla Abazi-Bexheti (Macedonia), Nikola Kadoić (Croatia), Ivan Kaštelan (Serbia), Mario Konecki (Croatia), Božidar Kovačić (Croatia), Gorana Mudronja (Croatia), Dana Paľová (Slovakia), Libuša Révészová (Slovakia), Frano Škopljanac-Mačina (Croatia), Andreja Špernjak (Slovenia)
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Price in EUR
Up to 14 September 2020
From 15 September 2020
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The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.
Marina Cicin-Sain
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovica 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
GSM: +385 91 735 9423
E-mail: marinacs@efri.hr
The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (and exclusively not presented papers with the justified reason for not being able to be presented).
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).

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