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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

Technical co-sponsorship

Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO
MIPRO 2021 - 44th International Convention

WS1 - Digital Transformation of Educational Institutions

Wednesday, 9/29/2021 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM, Collegium, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija

[ Physical Event


MIPRO and Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin

Workshop chairs:

Nina Begičević Ređep and Katarina Tomičić-Pupek (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia)

Project chair:

Nina Begičević Ređep (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia)


Katarina Tomičić (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia)


Digital technologies are among the main change accelerators that can drastically transform educational systems. Today educational institutions (EIs) must be innovative and strategically managed to be able to fulfill their mission in the ever-changing landscape of digital transformation. The implementation of evidence-based decision making is an issue of the highest priority needed for digital transformation. Strong leadership and strategic planning, as well as the systematic implementation of digital technologies, are prerequisites for the digital transformation of educational systems and institutions.
Digital technologies in EIs promise to empower transformation of business, learning and teaching processes, to enhance competencies and skills of students and teachers in digital literacy and beyond, to boost readiness for facing challenges in the labor market. It enables EIs to implement transformation by using group learning, project-based learning, hybrid learning, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), the global delivery of materials, student interactions, transforming learning communities with digital pedagogy. The use of digital technologies and open educational resources enables self-directed and choice-based learning. In the case of treating digital technologies as an instrument for supporting educational learning and teaching, strategic planning of transforming these processes plays a crucial role – becoming digital is a necessity more than a commodity.

Expected outcomes:
  1. present trends and challenges of educational systems and its influence on strategic planning and decision-making on the digital transformation of EIs
  2. explore and present aspects of the digital transformation of educational systems and EIs
  3. illustrate the implementation of the digital technologies as a part of digital transformation of educational systems and EIs on case studies.
Target audience:

The workshop is intended for representatives o education institutions (EIs) policy and strategic decision makers, heads of departments, teachers and researchers as well as administrative staff and students. All stakeholders in the educational systems who want to improve their strategic decision-making can participate in the workshop.


This workshop will be held in Croatian.

Registration / Fee:

Access to the workshop is free.


Mjesto održavanja:

Opatija, sa 170 godina dugom turističkom tradicijom, vodeće je ljetovalište na istočnoj strani Jadrana i jedno od najpoznatijih na Mediteranu. Ovaj grad aristokratske arhitekture i stila već 170 godina privlači svjetski poznate umjetnike, političare, kraljeve, znanstvenike, sportaše, ali i poslovne ljude, bankare, menadžere i sve kojima Opatija nudi svoje brojne sadržaje. 

Opatija svojim gostima nudi brojne komforne hotele, odlične restorane, zabavne sadržaje, umjetničke festivale, vrhunske koncerte ozbiljne i zabavne glazbe, uređene plaže i brojne bazene i sve što je potrebno za ugodan boravak gostiju različitih afiniteta. 

U novije doba Opatija je jedan od najpoznatijih kongresnih gradova na Mediteranu, posebno prepoznatljiva po međunarodnim ICT skupovima MIPRO koji se u njoj održavaju od 1979. godine i koji redovito okupljaju preko tisuću sudionika iz četrdesetak zemalja. Ovi skupovi Opatiju promoviraju u nezaobilazan tehnološki, poslovni, obrazovni i znanstveni centar jugoistočne Europe i Europske unije općenito.

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