MIPRO Croatian Society
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Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO
MIPRO 2024 - 47th Convention

DC-CPS - Distributed Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems

Wednesday, 5/22/2024 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM, Bellavista, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija

Hybrid Event
Event program
Wednesday, 5/22/2024 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM,
Bellavista, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:15 PMInvited Presentation 
Iva Papeš (Chiron Croatia, Zadar)
Chiron Croatia - company presentation 
3:15 PM - 7:30 PMPapers 
Machine Learning 
1.S. Požgaj, A. Kurdija, M. Šilić, G. Delač, K. Vladimir (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
An Overview of the State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Methods for Traveling Salesman Problem 
2.L. Čutura, K. Vladimir, G. Delač, M. Šilić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Fairness in Graph-Based Recommendation: Methods Overview 
Distributed Computing 
1.D. Mileski, M. Gusev (Sts Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Architecture of a Distributed Infrastructureless System 
2.B. Besimi, J. Ajdari, X. Zenuni (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Metadata-Driven Cloud-Agnostic Data Integration Framework 
3.T. Petrovski, M. Gusev (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia)
Container vs Function as a Service: Impact on Cloud Deployment for Real-World Applications 
4.K. Bajalcaliev (Innovation Dooel, Skopje, Macedonia), D. Mileski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University/Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia), P. Gushev (Innovation Dooel, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Gusev, B. Jakimovski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University/Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Optimal Scalable Real-Time ECG Monitoring of Thousands of Concurrent Patients 
5.J. Grönman (Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland), P. Rantanen, P. Sillberg (Tampere University, Pori, Finland), T. Pohjola (University of Turku, School of Economics, Pori Unit, Pori, Finland), T. Jönkkäri (Tampere University, Pori, Finland)
Towards Improving Public Outdoor Sports Facilities by Gamification for Well-Being 
6.P. Sillberg (Tampere University, Pori, Finland), J. Grönman (Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland), M. Saari, M. Nurminen, T. Jönkkäri, P. Rantanen, P. Abrahamsson (Tampere University, Pori, Finland)
Digital Twin Coffee Room Application - Kahvibotti 
High-Performance Computing 
1.J. Rybicki, C. Böttcher (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany)
Data Logistics Service in eFlows4HPC 
2.Z. Krpić, L. Loina, F. Sušac (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Optimizing HPL Performance on big.LITTLE Architectures: A Case Study with Odroid-MC1 Using ATLAS and OpenBLAS 
Embedded Systems, Control and Automation 
1.M. Davidović (College for Information Technologies, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Vojnović (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia)
An Approach to System Effectiveness Determination 
2.T. Špoljarić (University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Šešok, I. Pavić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Vuletić Komljen (University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Salp Swarm Algorithm Application in Simultaneous Parameter Selection of Generators’ Excitation Controllers for Power System Rotor Angle Stability Enhancement - WSCC Case Study 
3.D. Miljković (Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Brief Introduction to Active Noise Control in Cars 

Basic information:

Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia)

Program Committee:

Goran Delač (Croatia), Željko Hocenski (Croatia), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Hrvoje Mlinarić (Croatia), Adrian Satja Kurdija (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Marin Šilić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Klemo Vladimir (Croatia)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 6 May 2024
From 7 May 2024
Members of MIPRO and IEEE 243 270
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers 130 150
Others 270 300

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.

NOTE FOR AUTHORS: In order to have your paper published, it is required that you pay at least one registration fee for each paper. Authors of 2 or more papers are entitled to a 10% discount.


Vlado Sruk
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing 
Unska 3 
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 612 99 45 
Fax: +385 1 612 96 53
E-mail: vlado.sruk@fer.hr

Dejan Škvorc

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing 
Unska 3 
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 612 99 43
Fax: +385 1 612 96 53
E-mail: dejan.skvorc@fer.hr

The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Papers in English presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the following journals: Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)MDPI Applied ScienceMDPI Information JournalFrontiers and EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information Systems.



Opatija is the leading seaside resort of the Eastern Adriatic and one of the most famous tourist destinations on the Mediterranean. With its aristocratic architecture and style, Opatija has been attracting artists, kings, politicians, scientists, sportsmen, as well as business people, bankers and managers for more than 170 years.

The tourist offer in Opatija includes a vast number of hotels, excellent restaurants, entertainment venues, art festivals, superb modern and classical music concerts, beaches and swimming pools – this city satisfies all wishes and demands.

Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities in the Mediterranean, particularly important for its ICT conventions, one of which is MIPRO, which has been held in Opatija since 1979, and attracts more than a thousand participants from over forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as one of the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific centers in South-eastern Europe and the European Union in general.

For more details, please visit www.opatija.hr and visitopatija.com.

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FOI VaraždinIRB ZagrebHAKOMKončar Elektroindustrija ZagrebENT Zagreb