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Event program
Thursday, 5/23/2024 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMPapers 
1.I. Bestijanić (Lynvest d.o.o., Varaždin, Croatia), T. Šmaguc, R. Kudelić (Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Osobe s invaliditetom u poduzetništvu: motivi, prepreke i uloga digitalne tehnologije 
Populaciju osoba s invaliditetom u prosjeku obilježava slabija obrazovna struktura što u kombinaciji s diskriminacijom na tržištu rada rezultira visokim stopama nezaposlenosti ovih osoba. Vrlo ranjiva skupina pritom su mlade osobe s invaliditetom kojima najčešće nedostaje radnog iskustva, što dodatno otežava pronalazak zaposlenja. Zahvaljujući fleksibilnosti i neovisnosti, poduzetništvo je za osobe s invaliditetom karijerni smjer koji može olakšati prevladavanje poteškoća vezanih za invaliditet te osigurati izlazak iz statusa nezaposlenosti. U ovom radu istražuje se poduzetništvo osoba s invaliditetom iz aspekta motiva odabira poduzetničke karijere i prepreka s kojima se na karijernom putu susreću takve osobe, te uloga digitalne tehnologije u prevladavanju prepreka. Nakon teorijskog pregleda, prezentiraju se rezultati istraživanja u kojem su podatci prikupljeni metodom dubinskog intervjua. Sudionici istraživanja su osobe s invaliditetom mlađe životne dobi, a koje su u vrijeme provođenja istraživanja bile vlasnici tržišno aktivnih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, bogat kulturni kapital pojedinca s invaliditetom u kombinaciji s preprekama vezanim za invaliditet glavni su stimulansi ulaska u poduzetničku aktivnost. Također, identificirane su ključne prepreke ispitanika u poduzetništvu, a koje je moguće ukloniti ili ublažiti primjenom digitalne tehnologije. Oslanjajući se na rezultate istraživanja izvedene su preporuke povezane s ulogom digitalne tehnologije i procesima digitalizacije u ovom području.
2.A. Matak (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Umag, Croatia), D. Ogrizović (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia), O. Rafajac (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
What is Preventing Wider Use of Digital Currencies? 
The aim of this paper is to expand the discussion on the main obstacles to the use of digital currencies. The main problem of the conducted research arises from the fact that trust in digital currencies is highly dependent on public opinion, legal regulations and understanding of the technical aspects. Although they offer significant advantages such as transparency, traceability and low transaction costs, cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and therefore too risky for wider broad social acceptance. In this paper, topological data analysis (TDA) is used to investigate multiple currencies. TDA is primarily used to gain more insight into market activity, volatility and the connection between coins or tokens, as well as information about the market itself. Given the growing interest in cryptocurrencies and investing in recent years, the paper addresses the need for informed decision making in an evolving market. Vulnerabilities in exchanges, private wallets and trading wallets are examined and analyzed.
3.G. Mudronja, D. Aksentijević (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia)
Framework for Planning the Implementation of Innovations in Seaport Operations 
The importance of planning the implementation of innovations in seaport operations is increasingly significant for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage and adapting to the dynamic challenges of global trade in modern maritime transport. This scientific paper aims to present the framework for the process of planning the implementation of innovations in the seaport’s operations. The paper reviews the relevant literature on innovation planning in seaports and uses strategic analyses as well as strategic management performance metrics on the example of the seaport of Rijeka. The research results point out that the successful implementation of innovations requires a strategic approach to planning. The planning phases include identifying goals related to innovation, analyzing current resources and technological capabilities, and defining steps for implementation. Special attention is paid to the importance of aligning innovation planning with the seaports’ long-term business goals, which results in increased operational efficiency, competitive advantages, and sustainable solutions. A systematic approach to innovation implementation planning is necessary for seaports to be able to respond to the dynamic challenges of the maritime sector and maintain long-term competitiveness.
4.R. Dimitrova (University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria), K. Rasheva-Yordanova, I. Iliev (University of Library Studies and Information Technologies , Sofia, Bulgaria)
Marketing 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges of Extended Reality Marketing 
In the modern era of rapid technological changes, marketing is undergoing a revolutionary transformation. These dynamic changes not only reshape traditional marketing approaches but also lead to the integration of impactful technologies such as mixed reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality. As a result, innovative methods for interacting with consumers, advertising, sales, and personalized experiences emerge, creating a closer and more engaging connection between business organizations and consumers. We are witnessing a transition to Marketing 4.0, revealing new perspectives and challenges. One key focus in this evolutionary process is the application of Extended Reality (XR) technologies in marketing strategies. This paper aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges ahead in the realm of Extended Reality marketing. By combining virtual with real, XR marketing not only provides unique and exciting experiences but also opens new possibilities for effective communication and interaction. The paper highlights three main categories of challenges: technological, ethical, and legal. Clarifying these challenges is crucial for the successful execution of marketing campaigns based on virtual and augmented reality technologies. This will enable companies to extract maximum value from this innovative approach and create conditions for a sustainable competitive advantage.
5.P. Buljat, L. Zekanović-Korona, J. Grzunov (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)
The Role of Visual Communication in Consumer Decision-Making in a Digital Environment 
The packaging of a product serves as a primary source of information, creates a certain aesthetic impression, and stimulates emotional responses, thereby fostering a connection and loyalty to a specific brand. In the context of online platforms, the design of a product’s packaging is the first visual contact with consumers, making it a key marketing element. The visual impression of a product is crucial in shaping consumer expectations and, consequently, purchasing decisions. Therefore, this study explores the role of visual communication in shaping consumer decisions in a digital environment, specifically, consumer reactions to visual representations of cheese packaging. Previous research indicates that the shape and color of packaging can influence consumer decisions. However, this study investigated how a product displayed without packaging compares to one with packaging or a label. The aim of the study was to examine how different packaging affects product choice, specifically cheese, in online shopping. It delved into the preferences of consumers when they were presented with three distinct presentations of cheese: gift-packaged cheese, labeled cheese, and unlabeled cheese. Additionally, the study explored the product’s appeal by determining whether consumers have a preference for cheese with a label or without a label. The research utilized an online survey methodology, employing both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data collected. The results of the research provide a better understanding of how visual communication, specifically product packaging, interacts with consumer decision-making in a digital context. The findings have the potential to serve as a roadmap for optimizing product presentation on various online platforms.
6.J. Lozić, G. Vojković, K. Fotova Čiković (University North, Croatia, Koprivnica, Croatia)
Business Analysis of the Netflix Platform in the Post-COVID-19 Time 
This paper aims to analyse the business result and the trend of the number of users of the streaming platform Netflix in the time after the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper investigates financial indicators and the trend of the number of users to analyse business trends before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the research on the trend of financial parameters indicate a slowdown in revenue growth, which is a clear indicator of market saturation. The overall costs of the platform are growing faster than the revenue growth due to the increase in the production of original content. The number of users is still growing, which is more a result of the expansion of the platform to new markets than an increase in the number of users in existing markets. The results of the business analysis of the Netflix platform indicate the approach of saturation in the existing revenue generation model and the increasingly significant activity of competitors in the industry of streaming platforms for the distribution of video content.
7.N. Drašković, P. Tomić (Veleučilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Digital Runway: Exploring Consumer Perceptions of NFTs in Fashion 
Over the last few years, blockchain technology and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention among professionals and scholars. NFTs are unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology, representing ownership or proof of authenticity. The fashion industry's adoption of NFTs marks a significant shift towards digital innovation and consumer engagement. This study explores the impact of NFTs on the fashion industry, focusing on consumer awareness and perceptions of blockchain technology and its applications. An online survey on a convenient sample reveals a general awareness of blockchain technology yet a limited understanding of its full implications. While most respondents are familiar with NFTs, their actual engagement, particularly in purchasing fashion NFTs, is minimal, indicating diverse spending tendencies and an emerging adoption trend. The survey results highlight a gap in consumer knowledge and engagement with NFTs in fashion, suggesting a need for increased education and awareness in this evolving domain. As NFTs continue to emerge as a novel aspect of fashion, understanding consumer perspectives becomes crucial for brands trying to increase their competitiveness through technological innovation. The study emphasizes the potential of NFTs in reshaping consumer behavior and the fashion industry's approach to digital assets.
8.A. Ćerimagić Hasibović (Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Hasić (Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Need for Transforming Business Models in Insurance Using AI – Case Study 
We have already embraced the fact that digital transformation is happening in all sectors, including the financial sector such as insurance, but the fact that software is taking over some key processes in organizations has led us to consider the use of AI. The insurance industry is facing similar issues as other industries, but it has its own peculiarities, as insurance is a highly regulated sector, governed by supervisory authorities and operating outside the framework of home countries. In this post, we will highlight the fact that we need new capabilities, especially for the use of specialized AI tools, to transform any business model. We will use the case of an insurance company from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9.M. Hasić (Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Ćerimagić Hasibović (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Prijevare u osiguranju – detekcija prijevara 
Cilj ovog rada je ustvrditi koji su najčešći oblici prijevara u osiguranju. Sama djelatnost osiguranja postoji još od razdoblja prije nove ere, a sa pojavom djelatnosti počeli su i pokušaji prijevara u osiguranju. Ovaj rad analizira problem prijevare u osiguranju, ističući da prijevarne radnje povećavaju troškove osiguranja i smanjuju povjerenje u osiguravajuće kuće. U radu je analizirana studija slučaja u Bosni i Hercegovini, gdje je implementirana metoda strojnog učenja u otkrivanju prijevara. Temelj za istraživanje je dostupna literatura u relevantnim izvorima i istraživanje iskustava na primjeru osiguravajuće kuće u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tradicionalne metode otkrivanja prijevara oslanjaju se na iskustvo zaposlenika, dok strojno učenje pruža mogućnost kreiranja specijaliziranih algoritama za detekciju prijevara. Istražen je utjecaj zajedničke metodologije osiguravajućih kuća i postojanja statističkih baza podataka o prijevarama, na detekciju prijevara.
10.M. Jović (Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics, Bremen, Germany), S. Aksentijević, E. Tijan (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia), N. Kapidani (Administration for Maritime Safety and Port Management, Bar, Montenegro)
Measuring the Efficiency of Innovative Logistics Projects’ Resilience: ePIcenter Project Experience 
This paper explores the role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in measuring the efficiency of resilience efforts in ensuring operations of Horizon 2020 ePIcenter demonstrators and showcases. Resilience, the ability to withstand and recover from disruptions, is crucial for the functioning of large project-based systems. However, assessing the effectiveness of resilience initiatives remains a challenge. By reviewing literature, case studies, and best practices, this paper identifies and proposes a set of KPIs that capture key dimensions of resilience. The research aims to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the strengths and weaknesses of current resilience strategies, enabling better resource allocation and targeted improvements. The findings contribute to the development of robust and adaptive innovative logistics projects, promoting sustainable economic growth.
11.M. Alić, I. Dumančić (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Gaming Economics: Unlocking the Relevance of Microtransactions on Player Engagement in CS:GO 
Microtransactions are small financial transactions that involve the purchase of virtual goods or services within a digital platform, such as mobile and online games, social media apps or digital content marketplaces. In today's digital economy they have become a prevalent revenue model in gaming industry, allowing developers and publishers to generate income from their products beyond the initial purchase price. In free-to-play games and apps microtransactions have become a primary source of revenue for many developers. For players they can be used as an option to customize their experience or progress faster in a game, enhancing engagement by offering a more personalized and rewarding gaming experience. And in some games, spending money on microtransactions can provide a significant advantage over non-paying players, creating a "pay-to-win" environment. This is often criticized as unfair and can lead to frustration among those who prefer not to spend money on in-game items. The research seeks to examine the impact of microtransactions on player success. By analyzing 800 profiles of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players on the Steam platform, the study examines the correlation between playtime and the value of players' inventories as independent variables in relation to the rank that a player has achieved throughout their gaming lifecycle.
12.O. Omelianenko, V. Omelyanenko, O. Kudrina (Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine), V. Lytvynenko, V. Voronenko (Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine), N. Rudenko ( Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Digital Infrastructure Business Model: Innovation Ecosystem Framework 
The research delves into the intricacies of contemporary business models that underpin digital innovation infrastructure. The research encompasses a comprehensive review of existing digital innovation infrastructure business models across various industries and sectors. It scrutinizes the strategies employed by organizations to leverage digital technologies for innovation, examining the role of platforms, ecosystems, and collaborative networks. Furthermore, the study investigates the impact of digital innovation infrastructure on traditional business models and explores the transformative potential of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. Additionally, the research explores the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing digital innovation infrastructure business models, considering factors such as regulatory frameworks, data privacy, and cybersecurity. It also examines the implications for stakeholders, including businesses, governments, and society at large. By providing a nuanced understanding of digital innovation infrastructure business models, this research contributes valuable insights to academia, industry practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital innovation. It serves as a foundational resource for strategic decision-making, fostering a deeper comprehension of the multifaceted dimensions of digital innovation in the contemporary business environment.
13.V. Rushiti, A. Kulakov, B. Risteska Stojkoska (Ss.Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia)
An Overview of Drone Regulations in Europe and Balkan Region 
The presence and the number of commercial drones is continually growing. This is an outcome of the wide usage of drones in many fields, such as photography, transportation, construction etc. Besides the great use of drones in a positive aspect, there are a lot of incidents where the privacy and safety of people and property are threatened. In this paper, we aim to investigate how the laws and the regulations of drones play an essential role regarding these concerns. We provide information about the number of registered drones in the Europe and the EU, with focus on the countries from the Balkan Region. We analyze the existing rules and standards that set out the framework for the safe operations of drones, including the regulations, drone management systems, guidelines for operation, registration, and classification of drones. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that compares the regulations for drones in countries in the Balkan region.
14.V. Vinšalek Stipić , Z. Ćesić, M. Vičić (University of Applied Science "Nikola Tesla" in Gospic, Gospic, Croatia)
Analysis of the Perceptions of Managers of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Business Contracts and Smart Contracts 
In the modern environment of information and communication technologies, the basic mechanisms of business and exchange of goods are based on electronic business and electronic business transactions. It is precisely with the development of new technologies that a new modern form of business opens as an alternative to traditional transactions: contracts in electronic form and smart contracts. Small and medium-sized companies in Croatia have found themselves at a turning point in the modern business environment and the transition from traditional contracts to electronic and smart contracts. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship between smart contracts and existing legal standards, as well as to the question of which law is applicable to this type of contract. Therefore, in this paper, an analysis of the perception of managers of small and medium-sized Croatian companies about electronic and smart contracts, as well as their application in contractual business relations, was made through empirical research.
15.J. Pivar, D. Suša Vugec (Sveučilište u Zagrebu Ekonomski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Patent Analysis – Systematic Literature Review on Methodology and Technological Fields 
Patent analysis is the process of analyzing patent documents and other information throughout the patent lifecycle to uncover innovation insights and patterns in a particular area or technology field. It provides data-driven, evidence-based insights that allow organizations to make better strategic decisions in areas such as research and development, innovation policies, licensing, and research collaboration. Patent analysis is often carried out in several steps, such as data collection and extraction, analysis and finding patterns, and reporting results. Various methods have been used to analyze patent data in many technological fields. The goal of this paper is twofold: (i) to describe basic concepts and terminology of patent analysis, and (ii) to perform a systematic literature analysis to detect the most common methodology used for conducting patent analysis and to identify the technological fields that have been the focus of patent analyses in the last twenty years. The research is carried out in three steps: first, querying scientific databases; second, analyzing relevant articles within the patent analysis research area; and third, summarizing and reporting the state-of-the-art methodology and technological fields prevalent in patent analysis for the last twenty years.
Thursday, 5/23/2024 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 7:00 PMPapers 
1.M. Ileana (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Pitești University Center, Pitești, Romania), M. Oproiu, C. Marian (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, FILS, Bucharest, Romania)
E-commerce Solutions Using Distributed Web Systems with Microservices-Based Architecture for High-Performance Online Stores 
This paper addresses the need for innovative strategies in the e-commerce industry to meet rising customer expectations. With a focus on improving scalability and performance, the paper advocates microservices-based architectures in distributed web systems. This study examines the literature on e-commerce and microservices in detail. Microservices provide agility, fast development cycles, and fault isolation, ensuring that e-commerce companies can effectively adapt to market changes. The proposed microservices-based architecture consists of small, independent services that can work together to create a single, robust e commerce application. However, implementing this type of architecture presents several technical challenges. One of these is the robustness of the microservices implementation. This article proposes a series of practical steps to successfully build an e commerce store, emphasizing the importance of microservices and focusing on reliability and robustness without sacrificing the scalable approach. It also provides a concrete example of implementing a backend application using the virtualization provided by containers and technologies such as Python programming language, Django framework, PostgreSQL database. Finally, this article not only provides a detailed analysis of the advantages of microservice-based architectures in distributed web systems, but also serves as a practical guide and analysis of the current e-commerce context.
2.P. Karanikić (Sveučilište u Rijeci Fakultet biotehnologije i razvoja lijekova, Rijeka, Croatia)
Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Economy: Intellectual Property Protection Challenges 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the emerging technologies that accelerate innovation and have a positive impact on economic growth. Digital technology development enabled the implementation of AI across companies and in various industries and the question is in what way the AI technologies lead to economic growth. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are one of the key drivers of innovation while the IP systems are designed to promote innovation creation. The development of AI innovations consequently changes the human element of innovation which presents a challenge in the protection of AI inventions. This paper aims to investigate and analyze the current state of the art of the impact of AI on economic growth and the legal aspect of IP protection for AI generated inventions.
3.N. Žajdela Hrustek, N. Perši, J. Dumenčić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
The Role of Open Data and Simulation in Building Smart Cities 
In today's world, technology plays a important role in all spheres of life. Smart initiatives and smart city projects facilitate modern urban life and bring solutions to everyday problems that arise due to changes in people's lifestyles. The basis of the application of smart technologies is data that should be publicly and widely available. The key factor is open data. We define open data as a set of digital data that is available, with technical and legal characteristics necessary for free use, reuse and redistribution by anyone, anytime and anywhere, and as such fully fits into the foundations of the application of smart technologies. Sets of such data should be harmonized on a technical and semantic level in order to be useful and usable. Smart technologies and open data sets as a whole enable the application of various methods and techniques of modeling real systems with the aim of increasing the quality of modern life. A special emphasis in this paper is placed on the simulation modeling method as an experimental method that enables the construction of behavioral scenarios in ordinary everyday as well as extraordinary situations. By using this method, smart solutions gain adaptability during planned or unplanned changes in the systems in which they are applied, and the decision-making process about changes is facilitated by the application of designed and pre-verified scenarios. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of smart solutions based on the use of open data and modeling and simulation methods, which will make life easier for current and especially future generations, i.e. solutions of the future as well as possible ways of their implementation on a real example of one of the cities in the Republic of Croatia.
4.T. Jagačić, N. Begičević Ređep, N. Kadoić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Towards Business Idea Maturity Measuring: Literature Review 
Incubators are the creators of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and an indispensable driving force in supporting the development of start-ups. The business ideas (BI) should be objectively assessed, leading to the need for defining criteria that describe the maturity of a BI. Currently, there is a lack of a systematic list of such criteria. So, we deal with identifying criteria for choosing potential BI. Meeting these criteria signifies the transition of an idea into a venture, moving a project from the pre-incubation phase to the incubation phase. When the criteria are systematized and defined, it will be possible to establish a measuring system for BI maturity evaluation. The starting point in criteria systematization is making a comprehensive list of criteria. Consequently, we implemented the literature review by analyzing papers from Scopus and Web of Science following the PRISMA guidelines. The literature review process included papers published from 2019 to 2023 focusing on our research objectives. Based on the literature review results, 95 criteria for measuring business idea maturity were recognized. After analyzing the list of criteria, we categorized them into six clusters presented in the paper: business model, team, product, technology, finance, and market. We plan to validate the clusters and defined criteria in our future research.
5.A. Skendžić (Aspira University of Applied Sciences, Split, Croatia), L. Ljubičić (Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Sretenović (MI&DA d.o.o., Karlovac, Croatia)
Digital Transformation of Croatian Pension Insurance Institute 
The concept of digital transformation does not only include digitalization of the existing business model, but also necesarily includes many other activities such as integration and optimization of IT system, strengthening of digital competence of employees and development of a new digital business model to safeguard a high quality digital transformation. Digital transformation of Croatian Pension Insurance Institute (Croatian acronym: HZMO, hereafter HZMO) in present article is considered as a part of digitalization of public administration in Croatia, which still has room for advance. By modernization carried out so far together with the Strategy for information and communication technologies of HZMO from 2017, projects were implemented that advanced and digitalized business processes. The present paper will review the course of change and results of the digital transformation of HZMO with an emphasis on the adopted development strategy.
6.D. Dujmović, L. Načinović Prskalo, M. Brkić Bakarić (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia)
Istraživanje učinkovitosti različitih tehnika vizualizacije podataka za komunikaciju prema nestručnoj publici 
This research paper examines the impact of data visualization on communicating with non-expert audiences. The paper provides an overview of the relevant literature on this topic and the theoretical frameworks that apply to data visualizations. It then describes the empirical testing phase, which involves the implementation of a structured questionnaire to collect data on selected visualizations by a non-expert audience. The questionnaire was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the data visualization, find weaknesses and identify possible improvements. An in-depth analysis of the results obtained was then conducted to better understand the impact of the visualization for data communication on the understanding of the data.
7.J. Glavaš, B. Mandić (Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek, Croatia), M. Horniš Dmitrović (Edutedium AB, Stockholm, Sweden)
The Importance of Communication in the Sustainable Development of Local Self-Government 
Internal communication with employees affects the quality implementation of changes, efficiency, satisfaction and trust of employees, so local self-government units should establish internal communication, which through two-way communication will provide employees with access to current information about local self-government units and provide feedback on work processes and results. The aim of the paper is to assess, based on the research results, the perception of employees of local self-government units about the importance of communication in increasing the reputation and efficiency of local self-government units towards citizens, as well as the sustainability of local self-government units in the context of communication. The empirical research was conducted on a purposive sample of 2 local self-government units in the Republic of Croatia (the city of Osijek) and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the city of Mostar). Descriptive numerical indicators were calculated using descriptive methods, while correlation and multivariate regression analysis were used to investigate the relationship between observed variables in order to predict future events. The research results provide insight into the current state of internal communication in these units, identifying key factors that contribute to or hinder its effectiveness. Based on the findings, recommendations were formulated to improve the practice of internal communication, which should lead to an increase in organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction. The paper also provides directions for future research in this area.
8.T. Car (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija, Croatia)
Model procjene korisničkog iskustva AI funkcionalnosti u online putničkim agencijama  
Online putničke agencije (engl: Online Travel Agencies, OTA) dobivaju sve veći značaj u turizmu i hotelskoj industriji. OTA platforme stavljaju veliki naglasak na kontinuirano poboljšavanje značajki i drugih funkcionalnosti koje olakšavaju proces rezervacije i pružaju najbolje moguće korisničko iskustvo. U eri umjetne inteligencije postoje mnoge mogućnosti implementacije za integraciju pametnih značajki koje utječu na uporabljivost i cjelokupno korisničko iskustvo. Stoga postoji potreba za kreiranjem evaluacijskog modela za procjenu i praćenje trenutnog stanja kvalitete usluge i performansi OTA-a u kontekstu korisničkog iskustva uvođenjem kategorije pametnih značajki. Glavni cilj ovog rada je razviti OTA kriterijski model za procjenu korisničkog iskustva koristeći Kanov model te metodu procjene eksperata. Istraživanje se provodi u tri faze. Prva faza sastoji se od sveobuhvatne analize pametnih značajki (iz korisničke perspektive) koje su se identificirale u promatranim online putničkim agencijama. Druga faza sastoji se u odabiru samo onih relevantnih pametnih značajki temeljem metode procjene eksperata. Treća faza istraživanja sastojala se od izrade upitnika temeljem Kanovog modela, pilot testiranja od strane eksperata te njegove validacije i provjere pouzdanosti na odabranom uzorku ispitanika.
9.S. Vojvodić, K. Vidović, D. Ljeljak, A. Najev (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia)
Conceptual Design of IT Solution for Multimodality and Traffic Flow Optimization in Catchment Area of the Airport: Case Study of Zagreb Airport 
Multimodality and traffic flow optimization IT solution (platform) is a software-based decision support system intended to be used by relevant stakeholders responsible for strategic and comprehensive mobility management. The platform provides environment for design and an implementation of transport policies that tackle urban mobility problems by encouraging a shift towards more sustainable transport modes, which is in line with generally accepted transport related environmental, social, and economic objectives. This paper will propose conceptual design of IT solution that will be applied in the catchment area of Zagreb Airport. The proposed architecture includes a three-layer approach (data sources, data aggregation, application). Following the definition of mobility management analytical use cases identified and set by relevant stakeholders, this paper will define requirements and propose solution for distinct layers (primary data sources and data alternatives, data aggregation layer and application layer requirements) together with definition of integration and validation points within the system and process. Since the effect of the proposed and implemented transport policies should be measurable, this paper will also provide a definition of related key performance indicators as well as the methodology of their calculations within the defined processes.
10.V. Stanisavljević, A. Bernik (University North, Varaždin, Croatia)
On Word-Processing Literacy in Publicly Available Documents 
Word-processing (WP) was and still is one of the ubiquitous applications for many computer users. After about a half of century of its existence, it is considered stable, and is widely taught on all educational levels. Many users find themselves quite proficient in creating documents. However, after examining a number of publicly available documents and document templates (mostly from public sector, universities and scientific publishing) we found that many template creators and users just grasp basic knowledge of WP concepts while some of not so advanced concepts are mostly not used at all. In some cases when users were forced to use some of these features, they reverted to manual and forcible (overriding style) formatting and insertion of a numbering manually. Here we present our findings in WP literacy and give some recommendations for creating document templates, for teaching WP, and propose some modifications of WP applications for better acceptance of the more advanced concepts. The development of WP applications is mostly stagnant and recent additions only address collaboration features while other WP concepts that are considered widely known are not changed at all but obviously not well emphasizes in WP applications.
11.P. Gajica, H. Sarajlić, M. Jularić (Algebra University, Zagreb, Croatia)
Blockchain in Football Fandom: Understanding the Shifts in Awareness, Adoption, and Investment Willingness in Fan Tokens and NFTs among Croatian Fans 
Football is the most important of the less important things in the world. To sustain their passion for their beloved club, fans should experience a sense of unity and belonging. With the emergence of digital-savvy generations, clubs ought to adopt innovative digital marketing technologies to enhance connections with their fans. Blockchain technology, via fan tokens and NFTs, empowers football clubs to establish loyalty programs, craft authentic memorabilia, and involve fans in decision-making. This introduces entirely new fan experiences, while also generating new revenue streams. Although football has a significant standing in Croatia, the awareness and adoption of blockchain technology are in an early stage of development. This study aims to investigate the levels of awareness, adoption, and investment willingness in fan tokens and NFTs, before and after the FIFA World Cup Qatar among football fans in Croatia. Data were obtained from 75 respondents in the first wave and 50 respondents in the second wave through online surveys. The Chi-Squared test was used for analysis. The findings suggest an increase in awareness of blockchain technology and fan tokens, while there was no notable difference in awareness regarding NFTs. The low level of adoption remained consistent, as did the willingness towards investing.
12.I. Konecki (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Varaždin, Croatia)
What Social Networks Say About Social Entrepreneurship in Croatia? 
Social entrepreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship whose primary goal is to achieve a social impact by solving or alleviating a social problem. While focusing on a social purpose, making profit is essential to ensure the financial sustainability of the ventures. In the last 20 years social entrepreneurship is gaining importance in Croatia, although the concept is still rather unfamiliar. The aim of the paper is three-fold: to identify the presence of Croatian social entrepreneurs in the most popular social networks and analyzing types of their activities and their reach, to identify social network profiles which promote the concept of social entrepreneurship and to identify the topics that dominate the published content. The results will provide useful information to the promotors of social entrepreneurship in private, public and civil sector.
13.M. Matić Šošić, I. Pavlić, B. Puh (University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Understanding Users' Intention to Use Mobile Apps in Tourism Industry  
Travel mobile apps are becoming a significant tool in the up-to-date tourism destination’ marketing. On the other side, the use of mobile apps has become a noticeable tendency within the travellers. While travellers can gather all necessary information about travel, tourism destination, facilities; stakeholders can offer a wide range of mobile apps and improve the experience of tourism destination. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to analyse the features that influence the intention to use travel mobile apps. The empirical research was conducted in the period from July 22 to September 1, 2023 on a purposive sample of 319 respondents who visited Dubrovnik as a tourism destination. Explorative and confirmatory factor analysis have been used with four factor determinates. Structural equation modelling has been applied to test the proposed relationships between variables. The results indicate the existence of statistically significant relationships between interactivity, effort expectancy and social influence on intention to use travel mobile apps. Regarding sociodemographic, only age has been found statistically significant, e.g. younger respondents tend to use travel mobile apps more than older ones. The results provide implications that would benefit stakeholders in tourism destination as well as mobile app developers to confirm the effectiveness of their marketing and communication strategies and adapt their activities to the needs of a modern tourist.
14.B. Debelić (Pomorski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Participacija dionika u integralnom upravljanju obalnim područjem i uloga informacijsko-komunikacijskih rješenja 
Rad se bavi istraživanjem utjecaja informacijsko-komunikacijskih rješenja na stimulaciju i poticanje participacije dionika u sustavu integralnog upravljanja obalnim područjem, s naglaskom na prostorno planiranje i geoinformacijske sustave te digitalno komunikacijska rješenja e-upravljanja. U radu su prikazane osobitosti različitih sustava e-upravljanja i geoinformacijskih rješenja, te mogući pravci integracije u cilju stimulacije integralnog upravljanja obalnim područjem te aktivne participacije dionika u proaktivnom sustavu participativnog odlučivanja o ključnim alokativnim, kao i ostalim upravljačkim, odlukama. Također se istražuju mogući multiplikativni ekonomski, ekološki i društveni učinci takvog sustava integralnog upravljanja pomorskim dobrom i obalnim područjem.
15.A. Nikić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Topalović (AISMA S.R.L, Milan, Italy), M. Pejić Bach (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia)
From Data to Decision: Machine Learning in Football Team Management 
Sports and digital technologies have become increasingly intertwined, transforming how athletes train, how teams are managed, and how fans engage with their favourite sports. Data science in sports has emerged as a game changer, offering insights that enable coaches to make informed decisions, improve player performance, and identify strategies that can tilt the field in their favour, effectively revolutionising traditional approaches to sports analytics and strategy development. This paper explores the integration of technology and football, both on and off the field, to unveil how machine learning and complex data analysis enhance team management and competitive edge. The research provides a case study using machine learning methodology that identifies patterns and strategies among the leading European football teams. Research is based on a dataset from the top five European football leagues during the 2021-2022 season, encompassing metrics such as goals scored, cards received, and possession statistics. Employing cluster analysis, more specifically K-means, the research has been conducted with the conclusion that top teams play with high intensity, an offensive mindset, and a focus on maintaining possession. This study demonstrates the pivotal role of machine learning in extracting actionable insights from European football data, thereby influencing strategic decisions in team management.
16.M. Pejic-Bach (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economic and Business, Department of Informatics, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Ivec ( Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Jaković (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economic and Business, Department of Informatics, Zagreb, Croatia)
Mapping Start-up Research Trends: A Literature Review from 2004 to 2023  
Start-ups are innovative and fast-growing companies that aim to address market needs by developing unique products or services, often disrupting traditional industries with fresh perspectives and technologies. The goal of the paper is to present the findings from a literature review conducted using VosViewer on Scopus data covering the period 2004-2023, focusing on scholarly articles with "start up" or "start-ups" in the abstract, the title of keywords in the areas of Business, Management and Accounting and Economics, Econometrics and Finance. The analysis reveals a significant increase in research output over the past two decades, highlighting diverse perspectives across disciplines. Employing bibliometric techniques, influential authors, seminal works, and research communities within the start-up domain are identified. The thematic analysis uncovers key research themes such as entrepreneurial ecosystems, financing strategies, innovation dynamics, and organisational behaviours. The paper contributes to understanding the start ups as the focus of scientific research, identifying gaps, and suggesting future research directions.
17.M. Filipović, E. Tijan, S. Aksentijević (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Filipović (CargoX, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Blockchain for Secure and Transparent Maritime Supply Chains 
Blockchain technology offers new solutions for improving transparency, data integrity, and operational efficiency in maritime logistics. Integration of blockchain technology enables detailed tracking and verification of data related to the transportation of goods, reducing the risk of loss, theft, and unwanted manipulations. Smart contracts based on blockchain technology automate and facilitate payment processes, resulting in faster and more reliable exchange of value among trade participants. The maritime industry has attracted attention to blockchain technology and is gradually implementing it into the global maritime transportation system. Despite logistics resistance to adopting new technologies, they are rapidly finding their way to full commercial application. Considering the potential of blockchain technology to enhance maritime logistics, many entities within the industry are dedicated to researching and implementing innovative solutions to improve their operations. Continuous technological development allows further advancement and ensures the competitiveness of the maritime industry globally, providing users with more reliable and efficient transportation services worldwide. This article describes the application of blockchain technology in maritime supply chains with a detailed overview of development, implementation, and the significant aspects of security and transparency. The goal is to present conceptual solutions of existing and future applications of blockchain in maritime logistics.
18.M. Boban (Sveučilište u Splitu Pravni fakultet, Split, Croatia), V. Uroš (Veleučilšte "Marko Marulić" u Kninu, Knin, Croatia)
Energy Efficiency Improvement of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Digital Age 
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain spatially distributed sensor nodes that can sense, record, and distribute physical and environmental parameters and are involved in daily life with a large number of applications, such as disaster relief, target tracking, environmental control, smart cities, medicine and health care. A typical wireless sensor network consists of a large number of low-cost, multifunctional sensor nodes that typically run on a limited battery and are deployed to monitor a desired area of interest. Such sensor nodes are usually small in size with built-in microcontrollers and radio transceivers. Because of these characteristics and integration in everyday life, wireless sensor networks have become an area of active research. Different approaches are used to distribute the obtained data. With direct transmission, each sensor node directly transmits its read data to a remote receiver. Thus, sensor nodes do not require any kind of mutual communication. With multi-hop routing, each sensor node transmits its data to a remote receiver via other sensor nodes in the network. On the other hand, by clustering, the sensor nodes form clusters, and one of the sensors in the cluster is chosen as the cluster head (Cluster head - CH) for collecting and distributing the collected data in its own cluster. Clustering allows the use of energy to be distributed as evenly as possible among the sensor nodes. One of the main challenges in WSN implementation is the lifetime of the network. The limited energy supply of sensor nodes directly affects the lifetime of the network. As a consequence, energy-efficient modes of operation of WSNs are extremely important to extend the network lifetime, in order to achieve this goal, energy-efficient protocols and algorithms are intensively studied. An insight into previous research related to the security of wireless networks and improving the energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks reveals problems related to the lifetime of individual nodes, network reliability and data transmission security, and optimal distribution of the network into clusters. Each of the mentioned protocols brought an improvement in energy conservation, but also opened up additional possibilities for improvement by combining already existing solutions but also by implementing new parameters for sustainable business model and energy efficiency improvement of wireless sensor networks in the digital age that the authors will explore and present in this paper.

Basic information:

Edvard Tijan (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Adrijana Agatić (Croatia), David Brčić (Croatia), Đani Juričić (Slovenia), Anđelko Milardović (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Ana Perić Hadžić (Croatia), Davor Salamon (Croatia), Vjeran Strahonja (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)

Program Committee:

Saša Aksentijević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)

Registration / Fees:

Price in EUR
Up to 6 May 2024
From 7 May 2024
Members of MIPRO and IEEE 243 270
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers 130 150
Others 270 300

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.

NOTE FOR AUTHORS: In order to have your paper published, it is required that you pay at least one registration fee for each paper. Authors of 2 or more papers are entitled to a 10% discount.


Edvard Tijan
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Phone: +385 51 338 411


The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Papers in English presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the following journals: Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)MDPI Applied ScienceMDPI Information JournalFrontiers and EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information Systems.


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The tourist offer in Opatija includes a vast number of hotels, excellent restaurants, entertainment venues, art festivals, superb modern and classical music concerts, beaches and swimming pools – this city satisfies all wishes and demands.

Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities in the Mediterranean, particularly important for its ICT conventions, one of which is MIPRO, which has been held in Opatija since 1979, and attracts more than a thousand participants from over forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as one of the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific centers in South-eastern Europe and the European Union in general.

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