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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

Technical co-sponsorship

Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO
MIPRO 2025 - 48th Convention

I - MIPRO Exhibition

About exhibition MIPRO 2025:
The Exhibition of Technology, Equipment & Services, as one of the integral parts of MIPRO conventions, gives an opportunity to exhibitors to present their products and services and to illustrate their implementation in economy, education, science and society in general. An exhibition is a very significant promoter of new technologies, products and services.

MIPRO conventions are regularly visited by more than one thousand participants from forty countries.
Possibilities of participating at exhibition MIPRO 2025:
  • Exhibition of equipment, services, technical and technological solutions
  • Professional‐commercial presentation within the conference and/or tutorial (sa-sem)
  • Video presentation on MIPRO convention promotion screens (promo)
  • Exhibition of books, journals and similar publications with possible promotion of some editions
  • Organization of electronic or computer workshop (in accordance with the organizer)
More information about possibilities of participating at exhibition can be found in the Application form for the exhibition space and presentation.

Applying for exhibition MIPRO 2025:

We kindly invite you to apply for the Exhibition by March 25, 2025.

Send us your completed and signed application form as soon as possible, because all spaces will then be allocated based on reservations received, on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Bookings after March 25 will be accepted only if there is an exhibition space left.

More information:

For further information contact office MIPRO at or call 00 385 51 423 984. 


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