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innovative promotional partnershipArtificial Intelligence towards EU Multilingualism

Technical co-sponsorship


Presenters: Leo Mršić, Maja Brkljačić

Title: COVID-19 and Learning Analytics: The Case of Distance-Learning in Croatia

Duration: 20 min.


Abstract: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, like almost all of the EU countries, Croatia had to close its K-12 schools; as a replacement, distance-learning was implemented in 1.300 Croatian schools. Transfer to distance-learning model, involves some 460.000 students and 50.000 teachers in more than 49.000 virtual classrooms and teachers’ rooms. Such high intensity of using online and related tools created ideal laboratory preconditions for applying learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM) in exploring the paradigm of distance-learning in the Croatian K-12 system. The goal of this research is to investigate the mechanics and dynamics of distance-learning in Croatian primary and secondary schools during the period of self-isolation caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Using big data analysis, this project strives to provide sound evidence for advancing teaching and form grounds for informed, strategic decision-making in education. Using the case of the Republic of Croatia, presenters aim to understand the behaviour patterns of students and teachers when switched to the distance-learning paradigm, and their interaction with tools and learning objects. They will link analysis and pattern recognition in the environment where technology (platform), teacher, student, content (type) and distance-learning dynamics are combined into a learning experience and powered by additional external resources. They believe their investigation of a possible application of research insights will contribute to creating practice-oriented frameworks for hybrid educational environments in the future.



Leo Mršić has a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. At Oracle Academy, he further developed in information systems design, database administration and BI solutions. He is a professor, Head of the Department of Data Analysis at the Algebra University College and a lecturer at several other colleges. He is also a court expert in finance, accounting and information technology. He has participated in many domestic and international conferences, with publications related to various fields of business. With colleagues in data science, he is also a co-author of several books, as well as several scientific and professional papers from the field of business intelligence. Leo is a member of the Management Board of HrOUG (Croatian Association of Oracle Users), YES (Young Executives Society), Croatia, and Croatian Association of Judicial Expertise (HDSV).

Maja Brkljačić, Ph.D., graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb and received her doctorate at the Central European University in Budapest. She worked as a researcher at the Institute for the Wisenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna and as a project coordinator for the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. She is a winner of Erich Maria Remarque's scholarship at New York University and the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation for Freie Universitat Berlin. She worked as a project manager at Central European University and as a guest lecturer at Northwestern University in the United States. She has published about a dozen scientific papers. She is a textbook author and has held numerous professional lectures and workshops.



Assist. Prof. Leo Mršić, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Research and Development
AlgebraLAB Director
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia
gsm: +385 989806 370


Maja Brkljačić, Ph.D.
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia

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