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innovative promotional partnershipArtificial Intelligence towards EU Multilingualism

Technical co-sponsorship


Presenter: Franjo Vragolović

Title: SmartAngel (Smart Student Guardian) - Modular ELECTRONIC SCHOOL BAG for Future Generations

Duration: 15 min.


Abstract: SmartAngel is world first single product concept which solves most of  the problems and needs of today's and future generations  of students at school for all activities, on the way from home to school and vice versa and at home to solve homework. From a technical point of view, SmartAngel is a device that can work as a standalone device for many operations and functions, as a powerful desktop computer and as an embedded version in the form of a school bag when used on the way to school and increase student safety and as a mobile measuring station for useful data collection. This concept assists students at all phases of  their life and work, improves the working conditions and efficiency of learning process, the interaction and communication of students, teachers and parents, and increases a safety in traffic. The product also improves social equality because the main goal of the concept: 'one computer for each student for school and at home' has been achieved. All these advantages are especially pronounced in crisis working conditions since the product have everything you need to work from home as opposed to  mobile devices and especially in families with more children because each student has their own teaching aid. SmartAngel is a product whose winners are primarily students but also the society because we get a new, happier, healthier and more educated generation. SmartAngel saves the health and lives of students and prepares them "For Life"!


Biography: Franjo Vragolovć is a product designer, information systems designer and programmer with professional career and work experience since 1995. As founder and manager of a private company since 1996 he participated and gained work experience in different fields of designing and programming. Since 1996, he has won a number of awards and recognitions for innovations and new products at local and international exhibitions and innovation salons "Inova", "Arca", "Inventum", the County Plaque for outstanding achievements and contributions. Work-reference: author in all stages of product creation from idea to final product of a range of products: fieldwork handheld computers, access control equipment, parking machines and systems, interactive info kiosks, intelligent urban equipment, product group for schools and education, etc.



Franjo Vragolović
EDUIT j.d.o.o. Osijek, Croatia
gsm: +385 0955172337

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