Hybrid Event

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Papers |
L. Lažeta, V. Šimović, I. Marković (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) IIR filters designed for comparison and minimum-order design exploration using Matlab 
Digital signaling has become more and more applied in the field of electronics including radio, audio, and TV. It offers better accuracy, greater flexibility, increased storage capabilities and high-speed transmission of data of all kinds (including audio and video data) over long distances. The basic types of digital filters are finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. In this paper we model three different lowpass IIR filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic using Matlab to compare their response and to explore minimum-order designs to specify the passband and the stopband in terms of the amount of tolerable ripple and frequencies.
K. Salamun, I. Pavić, H. Džapo (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) Dynamic Priority Assignment in FreeRTOS Kernel for Improving Performance Metrics 
Real-time operating systems typically have support for static task scheduling algorithms only. However, real-time applications often require dynamic scheduling algorithms in order to meet their timing constraints. Furthermore, in the case of overloaded conditions, i.e., scenarios when there is no feasible schedule, the total tardiness of real-time tasks can be significantly decreased by using a custom dynamic priority assignment. This paper presents a method for integrating custom scheduling heuristics to an open source real-time operating system (FreeRTOS). The FreeRTOS task management subsystem was modified in order to support dynamic task priority assignment. The method was evaluated by simulating the execution of periodic preemptable task sets and the results were compared with the default FreeRTOS scheduler with respect to the total weighted tardiness and weighted number of late jobs measure. The system performance in both underloaded and overloaded conditions was improved by using custom dynamic scheduling policies.
I. Pavić, H. Džapo (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) Framework for evaluation of schedulability tests for mixed-criticality systems 
Mixed-criticality real-time system models proved to be useful in the processes of system verification, systems validation, and safety assessment in safety-critical embedded systems. In recent years, a great number of various mixed-criticality models were investigated. These models are usually accompanied with corresponding schedulability tests. In the literature, schedulability tests are typically compared following the results of evaluation on synthetically generated task sets. Due to the large number of possible test scenarios and a significant effort that needs to be undertaken to implement a certain test, it is not an easy task to reproduce these results. Furthermore, as schedulability tests are used in safety-critical systems it is crucial that tests and results are reproducible. In this paper, we present a framework for evaluation of schedulability tests and show how it can be used to reproduce the most common results.
J. Zidar, T. Matić, F. Sušac, I. Aleksi (Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Ultra-Low Power Microcontroller Selection for Smart Sticker Design 
Smart Sticker concept describes a device for products environmental condition data-logging in the supply chain. The device must operate in different conditions, monitor different parameters, and have long battery life. In this paper we present an analysis and selection of the low-power microcontrollers considered for developing Smart Sticker prototype. The key task in designing the Smart Sticker is to implement low-power, cost-effective and small-footprint components. To choose the appropriate microcontroller several parameters are considered, such as energy consumption in normal operation and deep sleep mode, required features, operating temperature range, price, and dimensions. Larger sized, higher-priced, higher in energy consumption, and feature richer microcontrollers are excluded from our selection. The result of the conducted testing and analysis are discussed, and recommendations are given for the selection of microcontrollers based on the specific Smart Sticker design.
A. Smrke, I. Smrke, T. Smrke (MSX d.o.o., Domžale, Slovenia) Infrared Sensor - Based Temperature Control for E.G.O. Induction Cooktop 
In this paper, a precise real-time temperature control system based on infrared (IR) thermometry for domestic induction cooking is presented. The system is a part of the MSX E/2 network; the system exists in our patented solution, which is based on two IR sensors with filters and one emissivity measurement optical part. A real product is implemented in an EGO induction cooker with universal LIN interface with aim of testing cooking processes. A proportional-integral controller is applied to establish the output power level and a signal conditioning circuit has been implemented. A simple and necessary calibration procedure with a wireless MSX sensor is presented. Tests and their results are obtained through real cooking processes in range between 60°C and 250°C with a maximum temperature error of 5 °C (including tests for cooking soup, pasta, deep fry, roast etc.).
K. Blašković (TEMA automatizacija u industriji d.o.o., Pula, Croatia) Power Management System for Electric and Hybrid Marine Vessels 
The marine industry is increasingly turning to environment friendly fully electric or hybrid solutions. Here propulsion system implementations can vary from simple to very complex, encompassing different components (consumers and energy sources) connected to a common DC bus. In these cases, it is necessary to take care of the requested and available system power ratio, controlling and monitoring each system component status, messages and alarms, for the purpose of the system optimal functionality. In this paper software solution for the overall power management is presented. This real-time closed-loop control system, based on fieldbus, is specifically designed and adaptable to the needs of complex modern marine electric or hybrid propulsion based on premium efficiency permanent magnet electrical motors and variable speed generators.
D. Miljković (Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d., Zagreb, Croatia) Fault Detection Using Limit Checking: A Brief Introductory Review 
Limit checking is very simple and intuitive method that can be applied for fault detection. Concept and variants of limit checking are briefly reviewed in this paper. This includes limit checking of absolute value, trend checking, analog and algorithmic implementations, fixed and adaptive thresholds, hysteresis and change detection. Temporal filtering of decision output, limit checking of model residuals and spectral band limits are also presented.
D. Miljković (Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d., Zagreb, Croatia) Cymatics for Visual Representation of Aircraft Engine Noise 
Cymatics is a visual representation of sound in form of geometric patterns. It is accomplished by a tonoscope device. In most implementations, dispersed fine particulate matter is placed on a horizontal metal plate (Chladni plate) that is excited by frequencies present in the sound under analysis. Sound, resonances, standing waves and nodes appear as interesting symmetric geometric patterns. Instead of physical implementation, software implementation of the tonoscope can also be used. In this paper noise of various aircraft engines is analyzed. Developed patterns could be potentially used for early detection of impending faults.
K. Taniguchi (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Suita-shi, Japan), Y. Watashiba (Department of Information Science, University of Fukui, Fukui-shi, Japan), S. Date, S. Shimojo (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, Suita-shi, Japan) Architecture of Connectivity-aware Redundancy Control Module for Distributed Resource Management in InfaaS-AP 
Information-as-a-Service (InfaaS) is a key concept for collaborative disaster management applications. For developing a collaborative disaster management application based on InfaaS concept, the control in infrastructure-layer is required. We have been developing InfaaS-adaptive Disaster Management Application Platform (InfaaS-AP) to support the construction and operation of collaborative disaster management applications that satisfy InfaaS concept. InfaaS-AP leverages multiple existing software-defined technologies, each of which has a dedicated controller. All controllers are centrally managed by Resource Management System (RMS) in InfaaS-AP. Though availability is critical for InfaaS-AP, RMS in current InfaaS-AP is a single point of failure. It is due to the connectivity between RMS and the controllers. RMS with redundant configuration requires maintaining connectivity after fail-over. In addition, since each controller has its own redundancy mechanism, the behavior of the redundancy mechanism makes it difficult to maintain the connectivity. From such situation, we propose a connectivity-aware redundancy control module. The proposed module not only handles the fail-over of RMS, but also monitors and interrupts the behavior of the redundancy mechanism of each controller. In the evaluation, we conducted experiments in which one of the controllers or RMS was stopped and checked the behavior of the proposed module.
D. Mileski, V. Zdraveski, M. Kostoska, M. Gusev (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University/Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia) Framework for Real-time Parallel and Distributed Natural Language Processing 
In this paper, we present a new framework for parallel and distributed processing of real-time text streams capable for executing NLP-Natural Language Processing algorithms. The focus is set on acceleration based on attention for building the topology, and not on the individual NLP algorithms. We elaborate the configuration of our specific use case and discuss the reduction of the time required for system configuration in order to use the benefits of virtualization and containers. Research hypothesis: We can process more text tuples per unit time using the newly developed framework for an algorithm that divides the sequential algorithm into smaller jobs and tasks including tokenization, part of speech tagging, stopwords, sentiment analysis, where each of these individual jobs are specific nodes in the Apache Storm-based topology. We have conducted an experimental proof-of-concept and found the optimal configuration confirming the validity of the hypothesis.
D. Todorov, V. Zdraveski, M. Kostoska, M. Gushev (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, N, Skopje, Macedonia) Parallelization of a Neural Network Algorithm for Handwriting Recognition: Can we Increase the Speed, Keeping the Same Accuracy 
This paper examines the problem of parallelizing neural network training. For our solution we use the back-propagation neural network, as a breakthrough example in the field of deep learning. The challenge of our solution is to twist the algorithm in such a way so it can be executed in parallel, rather than sequentially. In this paper we would like to test validity of a research hypothesis if we can increase the speed by parallelizing the back-propagation algorithm and keep the same accuracy. For this purpose we will develop a use-case of a handwriting recognition algorithm and run several experiments to test the performance, both in execution speed and accuracy. At the end we are going to examine just how much it benefits us to try and write a parallel program for a neural network, with regards to the time it takes to train the neural network and the accuracy of the predictions. Our handwriting problem is that of classification, and in order to implement any sort of solution, we must have data. The MNIST dataset of handwritten digits will provide our necessary data to solve the problem.
J. Mitrovski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia), L. Djinevski (Synapse Aviation, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Gusev (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia), S. Arsenovski (UTMS University, Skopje, Macedonia) TPC-H Benchmark Q3, Q6 and Q12 sequential, OpenMP parallel and CUDA parallel implementation 
In the last decade or two, parallel computing has solved a myriad of problems when it comes to speeding up the problem-solving process. To deliver the necessary acceleration of their product, application developers have turned to CUDA-powered GPU parallel processing. One of the many uses of the well known NVIDIA parallel computing platform CUDA is to enhance the performance of problems whose root comes from speeding up database queries. The fundamental focus of this paper is evaluating the performance of different parallelizing techniques using the TPC-H benchmark. This is achieved by parallelizing the 'SELECT' queries that the benchmark offers using the Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) API (Q3, Q6, and Q12 in particular), then parallel on the GPU using the previously mentioned CUDA platform. Lastly, comparing the GPU's performance with both sequential instruction execution and parallel instruction execution on a CPU. This implementation resulted in speedup ratios ranging from 2 to 4 when analyzing the CPU-parallel code and ranging from 10 up to 558 when analyzing the GPU-parallel code
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Papers |
M. Šabić, E. Šimić, M. Begović (University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Airport Modeling Software as a Tool for Assessing Airport Complexity and Decision Making 
The airport environment is an extremely complex system with a large number of interdependent factors. A large number of airports have limited infrastructure capacity. One of the solutions to increase the capacity and efficiency of the airport is spatial infrastructure expansion. However, a large number of airports are close to populated areas, and further expansion is not possible. When implementing operational infrastructure solutions, it is necessary to establish a correlation between the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the existing limiting factors of the airport and the airspace in the vicinity of the airport. This paper will describe the basic performance indicators important for single-runway airports. Moreover, it will present the scalable and modular aviation software solution. It is used for simulation, allocation, and optimization systems for airport airside. The possibilities of using the output of the software tool and the quality of the datasets thus collected for the application of different prediction algorithms will be investigated. In this way, an attempt would be made to achieve a synergy of simulation tools and advanced algorithms. It will help decision-makers to determine the actual complexity and limitations during the planning and future investments.
M. Ullah (LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland), A. Narayanan (LUT University , Lappeenranta, Finland), A. Wolff (LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland), P. Nardelli (LUT University , Lappeenranta, Finland) Unified Framework to Select an IoT Platform for Industrial Energy Management Systems 
The world population is increasing at a rapid speed and so are the requirements for everyday life like energy, technology, and industries. In the past few years, there has been a huge increase and development in the industrial sector and new technology like the Internet of Things (IoT) has played a major role in it. The industrial sector is consuming a large portion of the energy worldwide and is contributing a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, they face significant economic, social and environmental pressures to create energy-efficient processes and systems of production and directly manage their energy consumption, looking at aspects beyond direct costs. One of the effective ways to reduce energy consumption, cost, and greenhouse gas emissions is to use an industrial energy management system (IEnMS). The IEnMS uses IoT for (big) data collection, processing, storing, and visualization. In this case, one key challenge the industries face is the selection of an IoT platform among the hundreds of IoT platforms in the market. In this paper, we adapt our previously proposed general framework to choose an IoT platform focusing here on the requirements of IEnMS. The proposed framework provides an objective methodology that can be used to select the most suitable IoT platform for different IEnMS based on their particular requirements.
M. Ullah (LUT University Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta, Finland), A. Narayanan, A. Wolff (LUT UniversityLappeenranta, Lappeenranta, Finland), P. Nardelli (LUT University Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta, Finland) Smart Grid Information Processes Using IoT and Big Data with Cloud and Edge Computing 
Smart grid applications typically use cloud computing to address the computational requirements for efficient electricity delivery. Recently, the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in increased number of devices connected to the smart grid, including consumer gadgets, measurement equipment, and electrical and electronic devices such as smart power converters, phasor measurement units, and smart meters. These heterogeneous devices that are present in all the four stages of a smart grid—generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption—generate huge amount of structured, semi structured and unstructured data. Gathering, storing, and processing such huge data volumes using cloud computing creates problems of bandwidth, latency, disaster recovery, and cost. To overcome these problems, we present a theoretical discussion on the usage of IoT, edge computing and big data to collect the data from smart grid, process the data using edge computing and big-data analytics, and use the data for smart grid maintenance, energy information and future decisions. Further, we highlight how edge computing and big-data approaches have mitigated the above mentioned problems by shifting the control, intelligence, and trust to the edge of the network.
L. Jelenković (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) Three-Layer IoT Node Model for Simpler Custom IoT Deployments 
This paper presents a node model designed for simpler deployment of custom Internet of Things systems. Proposed node model consists of three layers: sensor, logic, and cloud layer. Sensor layer abstract communication with attached sensors and actuators. Similarly, cloud layer abstract communication with servers, usually in cloud. Sensor and cloud layers use configuration files with definitions of its interfaces. Logic layer execute end-user made program that represent node’s behavior. Simple syntax is proposed for program so it can be created or adapted by some end-users, not just professional programmers but also automation enthusiasts. Program uses abstractions defined in sensor's and cloud's layers to perform required operations. Proposed node model is compared to other solutions in the IoT field. Advantages of proposed model include simpler design of custom IoT node and system, flexibility in network design, not relaying on Internet connection, while its downsides include complexity of middleware, capabilities when compared to implementation in a programming language, simplicity of creation when compared to solutions with graphical user interface.
M. Nurminen, A. Lindstedt, M. Saari, P. Rantanen (Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Pori, Finland) The Requirements and Challenges of Visualizing Building Data 
Nowadays, energy consumption and especially energy saving are important issues. The news of global warming has increased the need to save energy in many areas of our living community. Visualization is an import trend in energy consumption research. Typical commercial buildings include only a building automation and special User Interfaces are for automation professionals. There is lack of ordinal customer user interfaces for information sharing. It has been proven that increasing consumer awareness can result in reduced energy consumption. Building automation systems, as well as other sensors installed in buildings collect huge variety of data related to heating, ventilation and air conditioning. This paper presents a user interface for providing relevant data for the users, managers and owners of buildings. Furthermore, requirements for visualizing building data are described. Finally, challenges faced in developing the visualization methods are discussed.
M. Nurminen, M. Saari, P. Rantanen (Tampere University, Pori, Finland) DataSites: a Simple Solution for Providing Building Data to Client Applications 
Nowadays, energy consumption and especially energy saving are important issues. The news of global warming has increased the need to save energy in many areas of our living community. One way of slowing global warming is reducing energy consumption and the related emissions. IoT systems can be utilized to monitor living conditions in residential and commercial buildings. These IoT systems continuously produce huge amounts of data. Similarly, various vendor-specific building automation systems generate data on an equal scale. Combining these data sources can be challenging, as protocols and data are seldom in a unified and interoperable format. In this paper, we present the DataSites service which integrates backend systems and client-oriented REST API. The high-level view of DataSites’ architecture, how to relay building data to client devices, and the required interfaces, are described in this paper. Use of the service is illustrated using two real-life use cases.
A. Ivanovski, V. Zdraveski, M. Gusev, M. Kostoska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia) Leveraging Smartphones for Distributed Global Navigation Satellite System Post-Processing 
Smartphones play an important role in today's society. Although their performance increases rapidly, we are witnesses of their small average daily usage.
In this paper, we focus on executing post-processing tasks required for the growing amount of daily generated GNSS data.
The research hypothesis is to check whether we can take an advantage to use smartphones while they are idle for such kind of post-processing.
We have realized a prototype model and measured the performance as a proof of concept use-case to provide evidence if such an implementation is effective.
I. Zovak (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Osijek, Croatia), R. Grbić (Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), B. Jelić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Osijek, Croatia), D. Samardžija (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) Vehicle mirror replacement system 
Nowadays, there is a trend to replace the physical vehicle mirrors with camera system. Camera systems bring several benefits to modern vehicles such as clear image in bad weather conditions, optimized brightness and contrast and no blind-spots. In this paper one such system is proposed which is based on the processing of signals received from five different cameras, using three wide and two narrow-angle cameras. The solution is developed by using the Texas Instruments VISION SDK 2 software framework and implemented on Advanced Driving Assistant System (ADAS) board with Texas Instruments TDA2xx System on Chip. Four different use cases are developed. In use cases with two and three cameras, different views of the vehicle environment are presented to a driver. Such displays allow an overview of both blind spots around the vehicle and a clear overview of the rest of the surroundings. The use case with zooming of the desired part of the image allows the driver to select the part of the screen he wants to enlarge. The last use case detects the vehicle behind ego-vehicle, estimate the distance and speed of the vehicle and if necessary, warns driver about incoming vehicle. Verification of the proposed solution was performed by measuring the implementation processing speed and by comparing the obtained results with the actual ones in case of speed and distance estimation.
P. Stanojevic, S. Usorac, N. Stanojev (RT-RK, Novi Sad, Serbia) Container manager for multiple container runtimes 
Container technology has been around for a couple of decades now; however, it is only recently that containers got more attention from the tech world. As one of the first tools for managing containers, Docker played one of the major roles in popularity of containers, providing an easy and meaningful way to use them, by utilizing its advantages over traditional virtualization tools as virtual machines. As containers gained in popularity, more developers took interest in creating container runtimes and managers to facilitate the process of containerization. Today, more than a few container managers exist on the market, each aiming at a single container runtime, which makes switching to another runtime time-consuming and unintuitive, having to use a different container manager. The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative implementation of container manager, that will enable presence of multiple container runtimes, by creating a common interface and combining it with existing runtime APIs. Ideally, this container manager can be used for starting different containers using container runtime which suits the current environment better than the rest and can easily follow the development of new container runtimes.
A. Obradov, S. Usorac, M. Antić (RT-RK, Novi Sad, Serbia) Android runtime service optimization for execution inside LXC 
The immense popularity of Android applications has created the demand to make these applications available on various devices we use on a daily basis. Consequently, with the emergence of autonomous driving solutions, Android has become the operating system of choice for different infotainment applications. The execution of the Android operating system inside LXC (Linux container) provides an environment that is suitable for car infotainment systems. When executing Android in the containerized environment within the embedded system, optimizations are essential for decreasing the memory usage. In this paper, we propose a solution for effectively reducing resource consumption and improving application performance. By analyzing the permissions needed by Android applications, we can determine which Android services are not required in certain scenarios, and disable them. We show that by using the proposed optimization, a significant decrease in memory consumption is achieved for a set of applications typically available in car infotainment systems.
D. Ivošević (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Pattern Search Algorithm in FPGA Implementation View 
Pattern search problem in various fields of research is easily converted or viewed as string matching algorithm abstraction as well-defined problem with many solution approaches developed during years depending on ease of implementation and characteristics of pattern and text searched. In this work, design of several string matching algorithms for logic synthesis implementation is presented. Based on abstraction of algorithmic state machine (ASM), the design is converted to VHDL finite state machine and synthesized for FPGA logic. The final implementations are evaluated in design speed and resource utilization metrics, and against pure software implementation for the same algorithms using higher level language.
M. Martin (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Osijek, Croatia), R. Grbić (Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), M. Subotić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia), I. Kaštelan (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) FPGA Design and Implementation of Driving Lane Detection on Zynq-7000 SoC 
Number of different Advanced Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) are implemented in modern vehicles. One of the important ADAS is lane departure warning system which warns driver when lane switching is occurring unintentionally. Integral part of such system is a lane detection algorithm based on front-view camera images. In this paper, an algorithm for detecting lane markings from images is designed and implemented in FPGA technology on Zynq-7000 System-on-Chip (SoC) using VHDL. The algorithm is based on traditional computer vision techniques to obtain lane markings and detect driving lane. The algorithm evaluation was performed on images of different resolution in various conditions. The high performance has been achieved in terms of lane detection, but improvements are needed in terms of algorithm execution speed.
7:00 PM - 7:20 PM Professional paper in Croatian |
I. Karin (Plovput d.o.o., Split, Croatia), N. Račić (Sveučilište u Splitu, Pomorski fakultet Split, Split, Croatia), I. Torlak (Jadroagent d.d., Rijeka, Croatia), T. Peša (Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Croatia) Podizanje razine sigurnosti plovidbe upotrebom sustava daljinskog nadzora na objektima pomorske signalizacije 
Pogledom na kartu hrvatskog dijela Jadrana, zemljopisno istočno orijentiranog, evidentna je potreba za velikim brojem objekata pomorske signalizacije na navedenom morskom području. Istočna obala Jadrana pogodnija je za plovidbu od zapadne iz niza razloga, no njena razvijenost ipak predstavlja veliki izazov za pomorce, kojima opasnost predstavljaju skriveni grebeni, hridi, nepoznate pličine i ine stvari koje plovidbu mogu učiniti nesigurnom, kako za posadu, tako i za brodove. Objekti pomorske signalizacije se postavljaju sukladno Pravilniku o oznakama i načinu označavanja na plovnim putovima u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnom moru Republiku Hrvatske, koji je usklađen s preporukama Međunarodne organizacije za pomorsku signalizaciju – IALA i dijele se na svjetionike, obalna svjetla, lučka svjetla, signalne postaje, svjetleće i signalne oznake i plutače te oznake pokrivnog smjera. Kako bi objekti pomorske signalizacije ispravno funkcionirali, opremljeni su velikim brojem uređaja i opreme, a sam rad potrebno je neprekidno nadzirati, posebice u noćnom periodu. Ovim radom prikazan je sva elektro-elektornička oprema nužna za ispravan rad obalnog svjetla Rt Višnjica, koji se nalazi na samom ulazu u luku Ploče. U navedenu opremu spadaju LED izvor svjetla, solarni uređaji za napajanje te akumulatorske baterije, a posebno je obrađena i oprema za daljinski nadzor objekta pomorske signalizacije, koji uključuje veliki broj senzora, PLC uređaja i uređaja za komunikaciju, a sve sa ciljem pravovremene dojave o greškama u radu objekta te u konačnici podizanja razine sigurnosti plovidbe.
Basic information:
Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia)
Program Committee:
Željko Hocenski (Croatia), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Hrvoje Mlinarić (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia)
Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 13 September 2021
From 14 September 2021
Members of MIPRO and IEEE |
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers |
Others |
The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.
Vlado Sruk
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 612 99 45
Fax: +385 1 612 96 53
E-mail: vlado.sruk@fer.hr
The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).

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