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inovativno promotivno partnerstvoUsusret budućnosti s pametnim i inteligentnim IKT-om

Tehničko kosponzorstvo

Svečano otvaranje

Program događaja
srijeda, 22.5.2013 15:00 - 19:00,
Bellavista, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
15:00 - 15:15D. Damjanovic, V. Kirincic, S. Skok (Tehnički fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Upravljanje vozilom na električni pogon 
U radu je opisana regulacija električnog motora u sprezi s baterijom, koja je provedena za potrebe studentskog projekta razvoja vozila na električni pogon pri Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Za kontrolu momenta sinkronog motora SPM132 - 01 s permanentnim magnetima upotrijebljena je metoda vektorske regulacije statorskim tokom. Provedena je simulacija rada motora reguliranog korištenjem navedene metode. Korištenjem programskog paketa Matlab Simulink modelirani su upravljački krugovi za regulaciju brzine vrtnje i krugovi regulacije preko metode slabljenja polja, te je prikazana ovisnost brzine vrtnje o poprečnoj komponenti statorske struje. Promatrane su prijelazne pojave te je objašnjena njihova dinamika. Izvršen je odabir metode koja rezultira boljim karakteristikama te je objašnjena njena učinkovitost i veza s odabranim mikrokontrolerom, ugrađenim u vozilo na električni pogon u cilju praćenja parametara i lakšeg otkrivanja kvarova.
15:15 - 15:30I. Grdić, V. Kirinčić, S. Skok (Faculty of engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Development of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles: A Solution or a Problem? 
Trends in automotive industry support global goals of reducing greenhouse gasses and increasing overall energy efficiency. Increased use of electric vehicles (EVs) has to be supported with adequate charging infrastructure. This paper presents a plan of technical solutions and design approach of charging stations, with some particular solutions of existing public charging stations, as well as the description of the situation in Croatia, compared with other countries. A special attention is paid to the development of a charging system as a distributed source of electrical energy. Simultaneous recharging of the large number of EVs will have a significant impact on power system operation, such as generation capacity, transformer loading levels, and load profiles. There is a growing need for widely distributed publicly accessible charging stations, some of which support faster charging at higher voltages and currents. The optimization of the time and the place of charging are also investigated. Using a combination of standardized protocols and wide-area communication technologies, all the charging points can be connected in an intelligent network that provides valuable real-time information about the charging station, which results in higher reliability and stability of the power system.
15:30 - 15:45D. Bulić, R. Jančić, V. Kirinčić, S. Skok (Faculty of engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Monitoring of Low Voltage Facilities Using Synchronized Phasor Measurements 
Modern power systems are facing with increase of overall energy consumption and aging of the main infrastructure. On the other hand, integration of intermittent renewable energy sources and development of the energy market, are introducing uncertainties and strains to the power system operation, which is closer to stability limits. As a consequence, large power system blackouts occur. Synchronized phasor measurements have already been recognized as one of key technologies for developing Smart Grid applications. In recent years power utilities all over the world are focusing their attention to deployment of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and development of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) system, which operate in real-time. This paper describes the student project of establishing a laboratory model of the Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) system at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka. The developed model will be used for testing of various applications based on the synchronized phasor measurements, developed as a part of student projects and final thesis. Lessons learned from the low voltage laboratory model will be used to simulate larger scale power systems, which will be used for educational purpose of future generations of students.
15:45 - 16:00P. Šaša, V. Kirinčić, S. Skok (Tehnički fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Studentski projekt razvoja vozila na električni pogon kao dijela elektroenergetskog sustava budućnosti 
U radu je opisan studentski projekt, koji obuhvaća izradu vozila na električni pogon, konverzijom postojećeg vozila pogonjenog motorom s unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem. Primjena obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE), u konkretnom slučaju fotonaponskih ćelija na krovu vozila, omogućuje dopunu punjenju baterija. U projektu sudjeluju studenti završnih godina elektrotehničkog usmjerenja, koji na taj način imaju priliku primijeniti znanja stečena dosadašnjom fakultetskom izobrazbom. Obzirom na blisku suradnju studenata i nastavnog osoblja na Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, stečena se znanja i iskustva mogu učinkovito prenijeti budućim generacijama kroz nastavni proces. Time će se motivirati mlađe generacije studenata za nastavak rada na tematici električnih vozila, čime će se stečeno znanje akumulirati. Bavljenje problematikom električnih vozila omogućuje studentima uključenim u projekt rad na području koje je aktualno na svjetskoj razini, obzirom da se sve više poznatih proizvođača odlučuje na slična rješenja. S druge strane, otvara se prostor za razvoj rješenja punionice takvih vozila, odnosno distribuiranih izvora električne energije, kao dio naprednih elektroenergetskih mreža budućnosti.
16:00 - 16:15I. Sterpin, V. Kirincic, S. Skok (Faculty of engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Educational Model of the System Integrity Protection Scheme 
Lifestyle of modern society results in rising need for electric energy. On the other hand, reduction of pollution and increase of energy efficiency leads to integration of renewable energy sources. Furthermore, dynamic and unpredictable loads make the power system operation a challenging task, which results in lower security margins and large power system blackouts. Therefore, power utilities are collaborating with expert from industry and researchers from academia on development of technical solutions and concepts that support more secure and economical power system operation. Regarding the power system protection, instead of focusing on only the faulted element, the power system is considered as a whole, which brings us to variety of System Integrity Protection Schemes (SPIS). The paper investigates application of the synchronized measurement technology for development of the SIPS, which is compared to a classical solution. Simulation of the test power system is performed in the Siemens PSS/E. Among further improvement of the proposed solution and development of new schemes, the model has educational value, as it will be used as part of laboratory exercises at The University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, in order to educate future generations of engineers about emerging technologies.
16:15 - 16:30B. Morvaj, B. Jurišić, N. Holjevac (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Stochastic Simulation of the Smart Grid and Demand Response Implementations on a City-wide Scale 
The paper focuses on modeling and simulation of the stochastic nature of a city that has implemented the smart grid and demand response paradigm. A stochastic model has been developed in Anylogic using agent based and system dynamics modeling. The city model consists of over 1000 smart buildings with controllable loads, local energy storage and local renewable energy source (photovoltaic). After elaboration of modeling principles, two simulations were carried out. In the first one, the effect of the demand response implementation on a city-wide level from an energy perspective is examined. In the second one it is analyzed whether the demand response increases security in the power supply. Also, terms demand response, smart grid and smart building are defined and explained.
16:30 - 16:45B. Jurisic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing , Zagreb, Croatia), N. Holjevac (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Morvaj (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing , Zagreb, Croatia)
Framework for Designing a Smart Grid Testbed 
Traditional centralized electrical system is changing to the more distribution based system - so called smart grid system. Current SCADA system for the smart grid is not satisfactory and a new supervisory system is needed. The new system, a smart grid testbed, will take into account all of the smart grid components. In the paper a framework for the smart grid testbed is proposed. The framework comprises design of the testbed for testing power system requirements in a smart grid environment, as well as a platform for further research and development of the grid. Also, initial implementations steps are defined. These steps contain possible simulation tools that can be interconnected, development of the basic simulation of the smart grid and the integration of the data acquired from the physical components installed such as hybrid system, PV system and measurements from the smart meters into the simulation.
16:45 - 17:00L. Majić, I. Krželj, M. Delimar (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Optimal Scheduling of a CHP System with Energy Storage 
Microgrid concept has been proven to have a positive impact on the operation of the power system. Distributed generation and energy storage enable control of microgrid power flow which can be optimized for participation in the electricity markets. This paper presents an optimization model for economical scheduling of a microgrid using linear programming. Two microgrid models are taken into account. The microgrid proposed in the first model consists of thermal and electrical loads and a CHP unit. The second model consists of the units considered in the first model with addition of thermal and electrical storage. Optimization results for the two cases are compared to determine the impact of energy storage on an optimal scheduling. Operational costs are calculated for both cases and compared to the benchmark case where thermal energy is supplied from a gas fired boiler and all electricity is acquired from the grid. Additionally, the savings in several cases of energy storage size are compared.
Pozvano predavanje
17:00 - 17:45J. Filipaj (Znanstveni eduaktivno-zabavni centar, Zagreb, Hrvatska)
Projekt Znanstvenog edukativno-zabavnog centra – ZEZ, Zagreb


17:45 - 18:00A. Caplić, Ž. Ilić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Poboljšanje performansi bežičnih mreža korištenjem relejnih postaja 
Tijekom posljednjih desetak godina veliki interes je usmjeren na uređaje koji za komunikaciju koriste bežični medij. Problem koji proizlazi iz te činjenice je omogućavanje pristupa bežičnoj mreži (tj. baznoj postaji) što većem broju korisnika. Bežični uređaji, tj. pokretna korisnička oprema u mnogočemu je ograničena, tj. ta ograničenja uključuju: prijenosnu brzinu (kapacitet), domet prijenosa, kapacitet baterije, itd. U situacijama kada komunikacija između bazne postaje i pokretne korisničke opreme nije moguća signal se šalje preko niza relejnih postaja. Takva telekomunikacijska mreža naziva se višeskočna relejna mreža (engl. Multihop Relay Network) i predstavlja jedno od rješenja povećanja dometa prijenosa signala u bežičnim mrežama četvrte generacije (4G). Gledano na način na koji se signal procesuira unutar pojedinog releja dana mreža uključuje dva principa rada, i to: pojačaj i proslijedi (engl. Amplify and Forward, AF) te dekodiraj i proslijedi (engl. Decode and Forward, DF). U ovome članku istaknute su karakteristike navedenih tehnika procesuiranja signala te je opisan model kanala na temelju kojeg je napravljena usporedba navedenih tehnika u pogledu prijenosnog kapaciteta uzimajući pri tome u razmatranje broj relejnih postaja. Također, autori iznose vlastitu formulu ovisnosti promjene kapaciteta AF mreže o broju skokova. Proračunski rezultati pokazuju da tehnika DF pruža veću spektralnu iskoristivost, odnosno veći prijenosni kapacitet ali uz unos dodatnog kašnjenja što predstavlja kritičan faktor kod usluga u realnom vremenu.
18:00 - 18:15G. Macut, N. Drljević (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Integration of Advanced Additional Capabilites to a Modern IPTV Platform: a Technical Study 
The paper explores efforts to create 3rd party add-on components for a modern IPTV platform. Two scenarios are studied: creation of an IPTV component with a two way communication to a 3rd party service and creation of natural (motion) interaction interface for the IPTV platform. The study explores the extensibility offered by the modern IPTV platforms, as well as the challenges faced.
18:15 - 18:30M. Gabrić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), J. Novak (Nomen d.o.o., Rijeka, Croatia)
Upravljanje rehabilitacijskim okruženjem koristeći M2M tehnologiju 
Maša Gabrić, Jadranko F. Novak Controlling Environment with sensors using M2M technology Extended Abstract The paper presents a basic idea of using M2M technologies for controlling the environments mainly focused on rehabilitation facilities. In every rehabilitation facility, there are several rooms or halls that need to be checked for basic environmental factors on regular basis throughout the day. Those factors, like noise, temperature and humidity, make the rehabilitation more or less successful, depending which of the factors prevails. Dynamic environment data gathering is managed thru sensors which are scattered thru-out the room. The sensors communicate via M2M technology and the collected data is sent wirelessly to a computer or a mobile phone of the person in charge. Devices, like air-condition are connected to the network and can be managed remotely for adjusting the right conditions. By using this technology increases the time spent with patients and reduces the time for setting the right conditions for the right therapy. Note: This paper is a extension of work managed in SenZations summer school that took place in Mećavnik, Serbia last year. The main topic was using wireless sensor communicating to M2M and IoT. Authors’ provenience: Maša Gabrić, student, Polytechnics of Rijeka. E-mail address: Jadranko F. Novak, Nomen d.o.o. Rijeka, former lecturer on Polytechnics of Rijeka. E-mail address:
18:30 - 18:45Š. Brtan, D. Perić, B. Hemar, D. Tomić, H. Novak, Ž. Kompes, T. Vodopijak, M. Vukovic, B. Zagajsek, Ž. Car (Sveučilište u Zagrebu; Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Sustav za podršku razvoju edukacijskih aplikacija zasnovanih na potpomognutoj komunikaciji 
Potpomognuta komunikacija omogućuje dopunu ili potpunu zamjenu govora i/ili pisanja primjenom simbola, pri čemu se komunikacija ostvaruje kombiniranjem simbola, odnosno grafičkih entiteta koji predstavljaju stvari i pojave iz svakodnevnog života. Edukacijske usluge zasnovane na potpomognutoj komunikaciji mogu djelomično zamijeniti ili nadopuniti postupke podučavanja osoba sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama. Za prevladavanje problema raznovrsnosti tehnoloških platformi za razvoj i implementaciju usluga te nehomogenosti korisnika, ove usluge trebaju biti interoperabilne i dinamički prilagođene korisnikovim mogućnostima. Rad opisuje sustav za podršku razvoju edukacijskih aplikacija zasnovanih na potpomognutoj komunikaciji. Cilj sustava je razvoj višestruko iskoristivih programskih komponenti za kreiranje i upravljanje edukacijskim sadržajem, nagradama i personaliziranom galerijom simbola. Primarni logički fokus sustava stavljen je na podatke o pojedinom korisniku, odnosno mogućnost kreiranja korisničkih profila koji bi se odnosili na pojedinog korisnika edukacijske aplikacije. Kako bi se omogućio razvoj novih edukacijskih aplikacija koje bi koristile podatke o pojedinom korisniku, implementiran je sustav s dva klijenta (web i android) te pozadinskom komponentom predstavljenom kroz web servise i bazu podataka. Pozadinska jezgra sustava za podršku personaliziranoj uporabi koristi univerzalni način komunikacije s klijentima razvijanim na bilo kojoj platformi. Ovim konceptom omogućeno je da svaka sljedeća edukacijska aplikacija (klijent) može koristiti već prikupljene podatke o pojedinom korisniku te će time sam razvoj aplikacije biti znatno ubrzan. U radu je predstavljena aplikacija edukacijska aplikacija za učenje riječi po Applied Behaviour Analysis metodi podučavanja i njezina integracija sa sustavom .
18:45 - 19:00E. Mujagic, A. Demir, N. Omerbegovic, E. Mujalo, M. Kozar, N. Nosović (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Benchmarking of Parallel Ray Tracing Using Different Load Granularity 
This paper examines the efficiency of different load granularity in ray tracing. Benchmarking of image rendering using raytracing algorithm with different load balancing scenarios is presented. Open source Monte Carlo raytracer was modified in order to enable measurement of individual thread execution time. It is showed that, with specific load balancing scenarios, specific threads' idle time can be reduced and thus overall program execution time improved. The presented results are analyzed and future work suggested.
četvrtak, 23.5.2013 10:00 - 13:30,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
10:00 - 10:15K. Ban, I. Ivakić, A. Meštrović (Odjel za informatiku, Rijeka, Croatia)
A Preliminary Study of Croatian Language Syllable Networks 
Abstract This paper presents preliminary results of Croatian language networks analysis. The two different networks that have been analyzed are Syllables network and Word co-occurrence network generated from texts collected from the Croatian Wikipedia. Syllables network is constructed in a way that each node in this network is a syllable, and links are established between two syllables if they appear as neighbours in a word. In word co-occurrence networks the nodes are the words and two words are linked if they are neighbours in a sentence. As a main tool we use network analysis methods which provide mechanisms that can reveal new patterns in a complex language structure. We aim to show that language networks differ from Erdös-Renyi random networks, which may indicate that language has its own rules and self-organization structure. Furthermore, our results have been compared with other studies on Syllables network (Portuguese, Chinese) and Word co-occurrence network (English, German, Hindi, etc.). The results indicate that Croatian Syllables networks and Word co-occurrence network exhibit certain properties of a small world network.
10:15 - 10:30M. Božičević (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Radovan (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
A HTTP-Enabled Cryptographically Secure Hardware Random Number Generator 
A cryptographically secure hardware HTTP-Enabled random number generator based on a nondeterministic entropy source has been implemented using open source hardware development kit. Internally, randomness is distilled from the entropy source using Algorithm M where modified-RC4-based and BLAKE-512-as-counter-mode pseudo-random number stream generators are combined. Users access the device via HTTP on a TCP/IP network and platform specific device drivers are not required. The random number files were tested using stringent statistical tests including DIEHARD, STS 2.1.1, dieharder 3.31.1, TestU01 1.2.3 SmallCrush and ENT. Emphasis was put on low cost of hardware.
10:30 - 10:45M. Arnautović, M. Curić, E. Dolamić (ETF , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Parallelization of the Ant Colony Optimization for the Shortest Path Problem using OpenMP and CUDA 
Finding efficient vehicle routes is an important logistics problem which has been studied for several decades. Metaheuristic algorithms offer some solutions for that problem. This paper deals with GPU implementation of the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO), which can be used to find the best vehicle route between designated points. The algorithm is applied on finding the shortest path in several oriented graphs. It is embarrassingly parallel, since each ant constructs a possible problem solution independently. Results of sequential and parallelized implementation of the algorithm are presented. A discussion focused on implementing ACO using OpenMP and CUDA provides a basis for analysis of different results achieved on those two platforms.
10:45 - 11:00D. Pavlović, R. Vaser, M. Korpar, M. Šikić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Protein Database Search Optimization Based on CUDA and MPI 
Protein database search is an important method in the field of computational biology. There are a large number of sequences in an average database which makes such searches rather time and resource consuming. With the rapid growth in size of these databases in the past years, there came a need to speed up the search and consequently, any alignments performed on such databases. This paper presents an acceleration of the database search tool swSharpDB which is based on a CUDA implementation of Smith-Waterman algorithm. We achieved speed up by reducing database size. The whole database was divided into seeds of a fixed length. The positions of these seeds and the corresponding sequence indexes from the database are then stored in a hash container. This allows for a constant time lookup of all the positions of a seed in every sequence of a database. Potential alignment candidate sequences for a query are filtered using this method, forwarding only those which contain at least one seed from the query to the swSharpDB. This reduces the number of alignments performed. Overall, it brings a speedup of around three times compared to the basic swSharpDB tool, with almost no loss of accuracy. The implementation is written in CUDA and C programming languages. For large queries, MPI implementation with multiple CUDA cards is used.
11:00 - 11:15D. Bajgorić, A. Porović, T. Handanović (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Parallel Implementation of the Ant Colony System Algorithm for Automated Combinational Logic Circuits Design Using CUDA Architecture 
This paper propose parallel implementation of Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm for automated combinational circuit design. Ant Colony System is one of the most popular and widely used Ant Colony Optimization algorithm and heuristic algorithm in general. As digital logic circuits become more complex, efficient circuit design is priority and use of heuristic methods are unavoidable. Unfortunately, the optimization problems became so complex in sense of their size, even the most powerful heuristic algorithms can't solve them on single CPU. In order to be able to tackle the problem, parallel version of ACS is needed and this paper presents CUDA C language implementation.
11:15 - 11:30M. Delić, E. Omerović, A. Sokolović (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Performance Analysis of the Parallelized Matrix Multiplication Using C# Threading 
This paper presents parallel matrix multiplication in C#. Threaded computation was distributed to all available cores in the shared memory system. Number of threads created to parallelize for-loops is equal to the number of cores in the system. The main aim of this work was to acomplish parallelization similar to what Microsoft .NET V4.o provided in their parallel extensions library and make it easy to use.
11:30 - 12:00

Pozvano predavanje

N. Obrenović (DSP studio, Zagreb, Hrvatska), K. Mršić (Momentum studio, Zagreb, Hrvatska)
Proširena stvarnost


12:00 - 12:15M. Lalić, E. Memić, F. Kešan, E. Gondžić, N. Smajić (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Comparison of a Sequential and a MapReduce Approach to Joining Large Datasets 
MapReduce as a programming model is considered one of the biggest improvements in massive data processing which utilizes parallelization. The increasing amount of data being processed and stored has caused a need to investigate more efficient solutions to common problems, one of which is performing a join operation on two interconnected datasets. In this paper, a classic sequential solution to this problem is compared with a MapReduce approach, with the intent of discovering the relative advantages of the two. The sequential application runtime for datasets of negligible sizes in today's terms is proven prohibitively slow. Furthermore, a MapReduce cluster of five Amazon EC2 nodes is shown to process, in the same time period, ten times larger data than the sequential application.
12:15 - 12:30N. Frid, H. Mlinarić, J. Knezović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Acceleration of DCT Transformation in JPEG Image Conversion 
JPEG image format is one of the most commonly used image formats because of the high level of compression it provides and the fact that almost every web browser has a support for it. The algorithm that is based on CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E) poses no computational challenge when it is to be implemented on middle to large-scaled computer system but when considering small built-in computers, the traditional way of implementation has a very negative impact on performance. The major setback in this algorithm is the DCT frequency transformation of image data, the calculation of which is extremely CPU demanding and in case of low frequency cores, which are found in built-in systems, can take too much time to be carried out. This paper explores the alternatives to a standard software implementation of DCT transformation algorithm, an IEEE standard 1180 definition, and compares the obtained results on FPGA development boards such as Spartan-3E and Virtex-5 with 32-bit MicroBlaze™ soft-core processor. Three cases of implementation are presented: a software implementation of AAN algorithm, a special FPGA ip-core that accelerates the standard DCT algorithm and a special FPGA ip-core that implements the AAN algorithm. Both of the ip-cores work as coprocessor to a standard MicroBlaze processor.
12:30 - 12:45E. Fejzagić, A. Oputić (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Performance Comparison of Sequential and Parallel Execution of the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem 
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic alghorithm which uses ideas from nature to find solutions to instances of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and other combinatorial optimisation problems. ACO is taken as one of the high performance computing methods for TSP. In this paper, the impact of parallelizing an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm for the traveling salesman problem in increasing performances is studied, using the task parallel library. One of the main reasons for parallelizing this alghoritm is to reduce the time needed to find a solution while the quality of solution is the same as in the algorithm which is not parallelized.
12:45 - 13:00L. Bećirspahić, A. Đulović (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Parallelization and Performance Analysis of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Graph Coloring Problem 
Vertex coloring is a subset of the graph coloring problem. It is of great importance in many applications. Vertex coloring implies a coloring of the vertices of the graph with minimal number of colors (k), so that adjacent vertices have different color. The paper presents a hybrid implementation of Simulated Annealing algorithm for k-coloring of the vertices of the graph. The programming has been done with the use of CUDA toolkit. In order to find out how the achieved by parallelization, a sequential implementation for the problem has been used as a starting point. The results of CUDA based program and sequential implementation are analyzed. This hybrid implementation shows significant improvement and can be used as base for future work.
13:00 - 13:15A. Milanović, M. Duranović (ETF, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Nosović (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Performance Analysis of the Traveling Salesman Problem Optimization Using Ant Colony Algorithm and OpenMP 
Optimization using ant colony (ACO) is one of algorithms which is used for distributed control and optimization. Beside static methods these methods and algorithms are more flexible and robust in dynamical environments such as traffic on Internet and standard telephony. These problems belong to class of hard problems because of huge space of possible solutions which need to be found in reasonable time. Traveling salesman problem (TSP) belongs to hard problems. Since solving these problems need a lot of time for execution this paper presents an attempt to decrees execution time using parallelization on multicore processors. OpenMP was used as a main parallelization tool. Certain acceleration was achieved.
13:15 - 13:30T. Pozaić, M. Varga, D. Džaja, S. Žulj (FER, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Closed-Loop System for Assisted Strength Exercising 
Accurate assessment of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of physical activity is considered very important in order to achieve better results in rehabilitation or training. We have developed Wireless Body Area Network for continuous and personalized health monitoring of basic physiological parameters (ECG, breathing rate and body temperature) and added the functionality of mobility measurement and closed loop assisted strength exercising. The results has shown that assisted exercising using on line feedback is performed closer to prescribed instructions in time and intensity while self assessment and exercising without on line feedback vary much more showing a higher deviation from the prescribed instructions. Our system enables sophisticated tracking of the rehabilitation/exercise performances of patients with closed loop quantitative and qualitative results in real time.

Osnovni podaci:

Ines Bombek (Croatia), Goran Cetušić (Croatia)

Predsjednik Međunarodnog programskog odbora:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

Međunarodni programski odbor:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Nikola Bogunović (Croatia), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Bernhard Katzy (Germany), Christian Kittl (Austria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Ivan Petrović (Croatia), Joško Radej (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vanja Smokvina (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Goran Škvarč (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Walter Ukovich (Italy), Ivan Uroda (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)

Prije 6.5.2013.
Poslije 6.5.2013.
Članovi MIPRO i IEEE
Studenti (diplomski) te nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola


Ines Bombek
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska

GSM: +385 98 975 2500

Mjesto održavanja:

Opatija, često nazivana “jadranskom ljepoticom”, jedno je od najpopularnijih turističkih mjesta u Hrvatskoj s najdužom turističkom tradicijom na sjevero-istočnoj jadranskoj obali. Njezina ponuda uključuje dvadesetak hotela, velik broj restorana, te brojne sportske i rekreacijske sadržaje. Detaljnije informacije se mogu potražiti na i


Novosti o događaju
Trenutno nema novosti
Medijski pokrovitelji













Suorganizatori - nasumično
Tehnički fakultet RijekaFOI VaraždinIRB ZagrebHAKOMKončar Elektroindustrija Zagreb