Radovi |
D. Margan, A. Meštrović, S. Martinčić-Ipšić (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia) Complex Networks Measures for Differentiation between Normal and Shuffled Croatian Texts
This paper studies the properties of the Croatian texts via complex networks. We present network properties of normal and shuffled Croatian texts for different shuffling principles: on the sentence level and on the text level. In both experiments we preserved the vocabulary size, word and sentence frequency distributions. Additionally, in the first shuffling approach we preserved the sentence structure of the text and the number of words per sentence. Obtained results showed that degree rank distributions exhibit no substantial deviation in shuffled networks, and strength rank distributions are preserved due to the same word frequencies. Therefore, standard approach to study the structure of linguistic co-occurrence networks showed no clear difference among the topologies of normal and shuffled texts. Finally, we showed that the in- and out- selectivity values from shuffled texts are constantly below selectivity values calculated from normal texts. Our results corroborate that the node selectivity measure can capture structural differences between original and shuffled Croatian texts.
S. Šišović, S. Martinčić-Ipšić, A. Meštrović (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Comparison of the Language Networks from Literature and Blogs
In this paper we present the comparison of the linguistic
networks from literature and blog texts. The linguistic network is
constructed from text as a co-occurrence network in a way that words are
nodes and links are established between two nodes if they represent two
words that are direct neighbours within the sentence. The comparison of
the networks structure is performed in terms of: average node degree,
average path length, diameter, clustering coefficient, density, modularity
and node selectivity. The results point out that there are differences
between the structure of the networks constructed from literature and
D. Zubanović, A. Hidić, A. Hajdarević, N. Nosovic, S. Konjicija (ETF - Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Performance Analysis of Parallel Master-Slave Evolutionary Strategies (μ,λ) Model Python Implementation for CPU and GPGPU
Evolutionary strategies is a heuristic, guided-search based evolutionary algorithm, widely used as optimization technique for computationally intensive problems. Python is a high-level programming language known for code readability, reusability and the ease of use, making it preferable choice for quick and robust software development, although it is lacking in performance and concurrency area. Emerging technologies such as Anaconda Accelerate Python compiler attempt to combine Python's ease of use with both declarative and explicit parallelization and high performance in computationally intensive problems. In this paper an example of master – slave parallel Evolutionary strategy ES(μ,λ) implementation in Python is given, and its performance on CPU and GPU are analyzed.
K. Besedin, P. Kostenetskiy (South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation) Simulating of Query Processing on Multiprocessor Database Systems with Modern Coprocessors
The modern manycore coprocessors and GPUs demonstrate very high performance on certain problems. Recent research has shown that these coprocessors can be used to accelerate database operations. But, to the best of our knowledge, there is only a little prior work on using coprocessors in multiprocessor database systems. This paper focuses on evaluation of database multiprocessor architectures with manycore coprocessors and GPUs. We implemented the emulator of parallel DBMS that uses computing cluster with NVIDIA GPUs or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors for relational query processing. It allows to simulate simple SELECT and JOIN queries. A number of experiments have been done using this emulator. These experiments have shown that coprocessors are less efficient than CPUs for processing modeled SELECT queries, but more efficient than CPUs for processing INNER JOIN queries.
S. Bošnjak, E. Sutlović (FESB, Spli, Croatia) Simulacija dotoka autoregresivnim modelom prvog reda
U elektroenergetskim sustavima sa znatnim udjelom hidroenergije planiranje rada hidroelektrana je od izuzetnog značaja. Nepoznavanje i stohastički karakter budućih dotoka je glavni problem. Cilj planiranja je naći „optimalan“ način korištenja raspoložive količine vode nastojeći zadovoljiti brojna ograničenja. U optimizacijskom proračunu prirodni dotoci na određenoj lokaciji mogu se predstaviti deterministički, u kojem se dotoci tretiraju kao poznate veličine ili stohastički, u kojem se već u modelu ulaznih podataka u proračun nastoje ugraditi stohastičke karakteristike.
Cilj rada je vrednovanje prikladnog stohastičkog modela za generiranje dotoka na nekom mjestu. Testirana su dva stohastička modela koji dotoke u različitim vremenskim periodima tretiraju kao međusobno ovisne slučajne varijable opisane autoregresivnim Markovljevim modelom prvog reda. Jedan model se koristi ako se dosadašnji dotoci na tom mjestu podvrgavaju normalnoj, a drugi ako se dosadašnji dotoci na tom mjestu podvrgavaju log-normalnoj razdiobi.
Nakon izrade programa i simuliranja niza dotoka po oba modela, generiranim dotocima ispitivana su razna statistička obilježja: srednja vrijednost, standardna devijacija, faktori korelacije dotoka u uzastopnim vremenskim periodima itd. Generirani dotoci zadržali su sva ispitivana obilježja kao stvarni dotoci mjereni na tom mjestu u nizu godina. Oba ispitivana modela podataka su ocjenjeni kao pogodni za potrebe srednjoročnih i dugoročnih simuliranja i optimiranja rada hidroelektrana.
K. Zoričić, E. Sutlović (FESB, Split, Croatia) Korelacijska analiza dotoka
Optimalno planiranje i korištenje voda na nekom hidroenergetskom slivu temelji se na sustavnom prikupljanju hidroloških podataka te njihovoj analizi i obradi. Međusobne veze u pojavi određenih dotoka značajno utječu na modeliranje dotoka u proračunima i složenost proračuna. U okviru regresijske analize istražuje se uzročno-posljedični karakter veze i koriste metoda kojima se analitički definira statistička veza između promatranih pojava.
Cilj rada je na osnovu relevantnih hidroloških podataka mjerenih u nizu godina napraviti regresijsku analizu prirodnih dotoka. Treba istražiti i statistički definirati korelacijske veze među dotocima grupiranih u manje vremenske periode. Prema jakosti veze ocijeniti da li je opravdano zanemariti neke korelacijske veze u određenom tipu proračuna.
Izračunate su simetrične matrice Pearsonovih koeficijenata korelacije za srednje mjesečne dotoke i srednje tjedne dotoke. Analizirane su prosječne vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije srednjih mjesečnih i srednjih tjednih dotoka za uzastopne periode, ali i za veće vremenske korake. Posebno su računati koeficijenti parcijalne korelacije između dotoka u uzastopnim mjesecima kako bi isključili utjecaj ostalih korelacijskih veza. Na kraju su računate korelacije među prirodnim logaritmima srednjih mjesečnih i srednjih tjednih protoka potrebne pri modeliranju dotoka koji se podvrgavaju log-normalnoj razdiobi. Uočene su razlike u prosječnoj jakosti veza obzirom na tip korelacijske veze i period promatranja.
I. Perišić, E. Sutlović (FESB, Split, Croatia) Statistička analiza funkcije vjerojatnosti prirodnih dotoka
Za srednjoročno i dugoročno planiranje rada hidroelektrana obično se period promatranja od nekolko mjeseci do godine dana dijeli u manje vremenske intervale, dugačke jedan tjedan ili jedan mjesec. U radu ćemo analizirati višegodišnje rezultate mjerenja dotoka na jednom mjernom mjestu.
U radu je ispitano da li teoretske funkcije vjerojatnosti kontinuiranih razdioba, koje se uobičajeno koriste u hidrologiji za modeliranje dotoka (normalna, logaritamsko-normalna, gama, logaritamsko-Pearson tip 3, Weibull, Gumbel Max, …) dobro aproksimiraju empirijske podatke dotoka koje smo imali na raspolaganju. Ispitivanje kompatibilnosti serija srednjih mjesečnih i serija srednjih tjednih empirijskih podataka s teorijskim vjerojatnosti raspodjele funkcija je provedena sa χ2 (hi-kvadrat) testom. Prema veličini χ2 testa rangirali smo distribucije u svakom periodu promatranja.
Cilj rada je naći tip distribucije koja se dobro prilagođava mjerenim podacima u velikom broju promatranih osnovnih vremenskih perioda, a također je relativno jednostavna za korištenje - po mogućnosti dvoparametarska distribucija i da se parametri distribucije određuju jednostavnim analitičkim postupkom. Na osnovu tog tipa distribucije koji najbolje opisuje učestalost pojavljivanja protoka po mjesecima ili tjednima kasnije želimo graditi „univerzalni“ model dotoka u nekom osnovnom vremenskom periodu.
Ispitivanja smo proveli koristeći vlastita programska rješenja i jedan dostupan računalni program sa s gotovim algoritmima obrade.
R. Petrunić, I. Orović, V. Bušelić (Algebra visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia) Cloud Dilemma
Cloud is changing the way IT thinks and works, it’s changing the way administrators do their job, the way business offer their services, how consultants create new offerings and solutions, and how management divide capital and operational expenses.
Most of the administrators are reluctant to use cloud services because of the fear that the Cloud will make them obsolete. The rest of them, including the management have a dilemma whether to use it or not, and most important whether they are allowed to do it, based on local and global laws and regulatory compliances.
This paper will deal with dilemmas administrators, consultants and management may encounter during the transition to the cloud solution, from the technical, through business, to the regulatory and legal perspective. It will give an overview on Croatian laws and rules created by Croatian regulatory bodies, which will help to solve this dilemma and make the transition to the cloud solution easier and smoother for most of the businesses that are having abovementioned dilemma.
B. Raić (Tehničko veleučilište Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Radovan (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia) Microcontroller Managed Module for Automatic Ventilation of Vehicle Interior
In order to mitigate overheated interior of a vehicle parked in the hot summer sun and thereby to make the entering into the vehicle more comfortable, microcontroller managed module for automatic ventilation of vehicle interior is made. The module is implemented using a microcontroller as a central logic unit and a series of sensors which provide sufficient data to ensure functional, but also efficient, reliable and safe ventilation. The ventilation process is performed by opening vehicle windows slightly, which enables air to circulate. Microcontroller controls the position of the windows autonomously and independently of the driver’s presence, following predefined algorithm that uses sensors data obtained from the vehicle’s surroundings. Besides temperature, the most important factors to ensure quality implementation of ventilation are detected movements around the vehicle, the presence of precipitation and other. This paper shows the components, their purpose and capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, as well as potential implementations and upgrades. The test results give insight into utilization options of this module and its usefulness.
Radovi |
H. Benić, M. Fruk, G. Vujisić (Tehničko Veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Acquisition Card NI USB-6009 in Automatic Control Laboratory Exercises
This paper presents methods for collecting and processing data using the acquisition card NI USB-6009 and MATLAB's Data Acquisition Toolbox. It also enables analysis of control system elements and responses of closed loop systems. Results obtained by series of experiments are used as examples for further use in Automatic Control Laboratory Exercises. A detailed explanation of procedures can be used as a base for the preparation of further laboratory exercises. The paper covers topics of initial installation and various use of the acquisition card.
J. Begovac, L. Celić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Udaljeno praćenje ljudske aktivnosti prikupljanjem podataka s ugrađenih senzora pametnog mobitela
Zahvaljujući inženjerskim rješenjima danas je moguće pratiti zdravstveno stanje osobe oboljele od kronične bolesti izvan zdravstvene ustanove. Ovisno o situaciji (bolesti, ozljedi itd.), osobe oboljele od kroničnih bolesti kroz dnevni život, terapiju i rehabilitaciju uz pomoć informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije vodi stručni tim koji im svojim prijedlozima i savjetima pomaže što djelotvornije provoditi predviđene mjere potrebne za oporavak. U mjere prevencije pogoršanja bolesti, uz edukaciju i promociju zdravog načina življenja, uključuje se fizička aktivnost putem vježbanja, rehabilitacija u izvan-zdravstvenim ustanovama te udaljeno praćenje osobe oboljele od kronične bolesti.
U današnje vrijeme rašireno je korištenje pametnih mobitela (smartphone) koji sadrže veliki broj senzora, kao što su žiroskop, magnetometar, akcelerometar i sl. pogodnih za praćenje fizičke aktivnosti oboljelih osoba i njihovu rehabilitaciju.
Cilj ovog rada je ispitati vjerodostojnost automatiziranog prikupljanja podataka s navedenih senzora pametnog mobitela. Za potrebe istraživanja izrađena je aplikacija za operacijski sustav Android. Funkcionalnosti aplikacije su prikupljanje podataka sa senzora pametnog mobitela, njihovo slanje na centralni poslužitelj (server) te slanje informacije korisnika aplikacije o fizičkoj aktivnosti koju trenutno izvršava (korisnikov feedback o njegovoj fizičkoj aktivnosti) na centralni poslužitelj.
Istraživanje je provedeno na ispitanicima koji redovito i rutinski koriste pametni mobitel. Svaki ispitanik je prije određene fizičke (ne)aktivnosti (npr. sjedenje, hodanje, trčanje, vježbanje) u aplikaciju unosio podatak o predstojećoj planiranoj aktivnosti. Prethodno navedeni podaci o fizičkoj aktivnosti i vremenu početka iste su poslani na centralni poslužitelj i koriste se kao referentni. Istovremeno je mobilnom aplikacijom omogućeno automatizirano slanje podataka, prikupljenih sa senzora pametnog mobitela, na centralni poslužitelj. Kao dodatni kontrolni parametri o fizičkoj aktivnosti ispitanika korišteni su izmjereni podaci o položaju i/ili gibanju trupa ili udova dobiveni s bežičnog senzorskog čvora, razvijenog na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva, kojeg je svaki ispitanik nosio za vrijeme obavljanja određene fizičke aktivnosti.
Konačno, na računalu je provedena usporedba referentnih (ručno unesenih) podataka o fizičkoj aktivnosti korisnika, kontrolnih podataka prikupljenih sa senzora bežične senzorske mreže i podataka prikupljenih sa senzora pametnog mobitela. Usporedbom navedenih podataka dobiva se podatak o upotrebljivosti i točnosti automatiziranog udaljenog praćenja fizičke aktivnosti ispitanika pomoću pametnog mobitela za pojedine modele različitih proizvođača.
D. Osmanovic, E. Meskovic (University of Tuzla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Visualisation of Streaming Trajectories
One of the basic requirements when managing moving objects in DSMS is visualization of continuous query results on the map. In most cases, the result of a continuous query is data stream whose elements contains information about locations of moving objects so that we are talking about visualization of streaming trajectories. Such visualization involves redrawing the location of moving objects for each new arriving element of data stream that represents the result of a continuous query. In this paper we present an application that allows you to pose continuous queries and visualize their results in OCEANUS DSMS prototype for managing spatio-temporal data streams. The application is based on the Java programming language, swingx-ws library for interacting with web services and OpenStreetMap web service that provides free maps of the world. The application allows users familiar with CSQL to pose queries directly using this query language, while beginners can pose a query through creating the conditions by selecting one or more operations from a set of basic operations on moving objects. In addition to presenting current positions of each moving object which satisfies the condition of continuous query it is also enabled to view the entire trajectory of a moving object.
I. Pavleković, V. Gašparević (University College Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) SPAM trends and techniques used on Exchange Online system used for racunarstvo.hr domain
This paper gives an overview of the technologies and techniques employed in SPAM protection on University College Algebra (UCA). UCA uses Exchange Online system included in Office 365 service that is free of charge for every educational institution covering majority of countries around the world. In today’s world of electronic communication, e-mail is still primary system for exchanging messages and data. Globally, average mail user daily sends and receive around 115 e-mail messages and from that number around 19% or 13 of received e-mail messages are considered as SPAM.
Exchange Online system is based on the Microsoft Exchange 2013 server and it’s located in the multi-tenancy datacentres around the world, serving corporate, governmental and educational users. That system has built in anti-SPAM protection and reporting services that were used for conducting results in this paper. Those results have been compared with other publicly available researches to achieve comparison reports that have than been presented in this paper.
H. Kozačinski, P. Knezevic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) An Approach Using Simulation Techniques to Estimate Quality of Service Parameters in Communication Networks
Quality of Service in communication networks is a request for minimal required performance needed for transferring IP packets in a network. The performance can be ensured with a set of mechanisms that guarantee required performance through shaping and policing of packet traffic. Their goal is to prevent congestion, packet delays and packet loss. The goal of this paper is to introduce some of the commonly used Quality of Service mechanisms and analyze their impact on network traffic in order to improve its performance, mainly packet delay and buffer congestion. The mechanisms are analyzed trough a simple packet transfer simulator that offers different combinations of mechanisms to be used in the simulation, allowing different packet transfer scenario setups. After a simulation is complete, the simulator offers results along with relevant packet transfer graphs. The impact of Quality of Service mechanisms is analyzed and interpreted trough those results. It is shown that combining Quality of Service mechanisms in packet transfer generally gives better results. Also, different combinations of mechanisms give different results, allowing more flexibility in improving packet transfer in a desired way, but also making it more predictable and controllable.
M. Sraga , N. Momčilović (University College Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Tekovic (Vipnet d.o.o, Zagreb, Croatia) Mobile data WIFI offloading
The predicted exponential growth of mobile data traffic demands suitable solutions for coping with the high amount of data. Increasing number of Wi-Fi enabled smartphones and Wi-Fi access becoming more widely available is opening the possibility of offloading a large chunk of data traffic from 3G/ 4G mobile networks to Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11. However, the quality of experience must be preserved no matter which network layer is currently engaged. Therefore, the scope of this paper was to determine the quality in everyday usages of the WIFI technology and to compare it with the legacy 3G/ LTE network performance.
I. Žuti, A. Komparić (University College Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Testing optical splitters
This paper gives an overview of bidirectional optical splitter characteristics. It outlines the basics of passive optical network infrastructure, describes the most common attenuation mechanisms in optical fibers and the testing methodology for measuring optical splitter performance. The paper compares two types of Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitters and provides measurement results for samples of both.
N. Baćac, V. Slukić, M. Puškarić, B. Štih, E. Kamenar, S. Zelenika (Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia) Comparison of different DC motor positioning control algorithms
In this work a comparison between DC motor positioning control algorithms is performed. A comparison of the transient responses while employing a PID controller and a state-space controller is given. LabVIEW programming environment with a suitable acquisition card and a miniature DC motor with an integrated encoder are used for experimental testing. Calculations and control system simulations are conducted using Matlab. The PID controller is implemented via the predefined PID block in LabVIEW. In turn, the state-space controller is estimated by using Matlab while the accuracy of the results is then confirmed experimentally using LabVIEW. The obtained results allow establishing that positioning control via the state-space controller has better response and settling times with respect to the PID controller. The positioning accuracy of the state-space controller is further improved with an additional compensation gain.
Osnovni podaci:
Goran Cetušić (Croatia), Andrej Sokolić (Croatia)
Predsjednik Međunarodnog programskog odbora:
Petar Biljanović (Croatia)
Međunarodni programski odbor:
Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)
Prije 12.5.2014.
Poslije 12.5.2014.
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Opatija - 170 godina turizma:
Opatija, često nazivana i biser Jadrana, jedna je od najpoznatijih destinacija u Hrvatskoj s turističkom tradicijom koja ove godine slavi 170 godina. Smještena uz rub Mediterana, na obali Kvarnerskog zaljeva i padinama planine Učke koje se blago spuštaju prema moru, Opatija svojim klimatskim karakteristikama, prekrasnom arhitekturom, kvalitetnim hotelima, prekrasnim njegovanim parkovima i šetnicama pruža mogućnosti za ugodan boravak tijekom cijele godine.
Prvi je čari Opatije otkrio riječki patricij Iginio Scarpa, sagradivši ovdje 1844. godine svoj ljetnikovac koji je nazvao Villa Angiolina po svojoj preminuloj supruzi, čime je otvoren put razvoju turizma. To je bio tek početak.
Hotel je otvoren 27. ožujka 1884. godine. Nazvan je Hotel Quarnero, a gosti su na raspolaganju imali 60 soba. U to vrijeme nastaju i brojne luksuzne vile, ljetnikovci, hoteli, pansioni, sanatoriji, paviljoni, kupališta, šetališta i parkovi. U Opatiju dolaze najpoznatiji liječnici Monarhije i otvaraju sanatorije, grade se šetališta i kupališta. Opatija je tako uz Nicu, Karlove Vare, Cannes i Biarritz postala jedno od najznačajnijih europskih mondenih lječilišta devetnaestog i prve polovice dvadesetog stoljeća.
Ovdje su boravili kraljevi i carevi, književnici, filozofi, pisci, pjesnici i glazbenici. Spomenimo cara Franju Josipa, cara Vilima II, rumunjsku kraljicu Elizabetu, poznatu kao pjesnikinju koja je svoje pjesme objavljivala pod pseudonimom Carmen Sylva, zatim caricu Sissi, pisce A. P. Čehova i Jamesa Joycea, plesačicu Isadoru Duncan, skladatelje Gustava Mahlera i Giacoma Puccinija. Vidjeti i biti viđen - za to je trebalo doći u Opatiju.
Nakon II. svjetskog rata, turizam u Opatiji orijentira se na ljetnu sezonu i na razvoj kongresne ponude. Kroz svo to vrijeme, Opatija je svoju važnost destinacije koja pruža nešto posebno zadržala do danas.
Osvojit će vas mnogočime - prvorazrednim kongresnim sadržajima, odličnim smještajem, wellness centrima za odmor i opuštanje, te ljubaznim i uslužnim osobljem koje će izaći ususret svim vašim željama. Ne zaboravimo ni gastronomiju kroz koju ćete upoznati naše autohtone namirnice, jela i prvoklasna vina.
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