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G. Vojković (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia) Electronic Office Management of Public Administration in Croatia
In July 2021, a new Decree on Office Operations was adopted in the Republic of Croatia, which regulates the rules and measures of office operations in the performance of state administration, other state bodies, local and regional self-government units and legal entities with public authority. The Regulation represents one of the largest reforms of state and public administration so far. All public bodies are obliged to establish an information system of office operations. Furthermore, public law bodies conduct official correspondence with each other and with natural and legal persons primarily electronically. According to the new Regulation, records of cases of administrative proceedings of both first instance and second instance and records of cases of non-administrative proceedings are kept in the information system, also letters received in physical form are being converted into electronic form. This significantly changes the work of state and public administration in Croatia, but the new Regulation also introduces new technological and legal challenges.
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S. Roksandic (Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia), N. Protrka (Police College, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Engelhart (Goethe University, Faculty of Law, Frankfurt am Mein, Germany) Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Its Use by Law Enforcement Authorities: Where Do We Stand?
From all kinds of industry, communication, education, banking, government, service, manufacturing, medical, and more, artificial intelligence (hereinafter: AI) applications may be found in many sectors of our life. Public safety and criminal justice are gaining advantages thanks to artificial intelligence. For example, traffic safety systems detect infractions and alert authorities. AI is also assisting in the identification of criminals. AI is being studied in a variety of ways as a public safety resource. Face recognition is becoming a popular AI application that may be found in both the public and private sectors. For law enforcement authorities, AI applications boost efficiency, promote data-driven processes, and extend capabilities. AI technology can help law enforcement agencies make judgments and complete tasks in general. They can strengthen data-driven procedures, increase efficiency, or extend capabilities for specific activities or choices. However, recognized human rights as adjudicated by European Convention of Human Rights are calling for caution in the development and usage of AI within the European Union. Fair Trials and 114 civil society organizations have launched a collective statement to call for an Artificial Intelligence Act which foregrounds fundamental rights in November 2021. Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI from 2019 are underlining how it is necessary to develop, deploy and use AI systems in a way that adheres to the ethical principles of: respect for human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness and explicability. European Parliament Resolution of 6 October 2021 on artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters has been passed. In this article the authors will analyze this Resoluting taking into accounts principles set in Ethical Guidelines and human rights concerns.
D. Krivokapic, I. Živković, A. Nikolić (Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia) Artificial Intelligence Regulation in the Areas of Data Protection, Information Security, and Anti-discrimination in Western Balkan Economies
In order to improve trust related to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), European Union (EU) institutions are in the final stages of developing an ethical and legal framework. In the meantime, Western Balkan (WB) economies are pushing for the implementation of advanced information technologies and artificial intelligence, particularly in the public sector. This paper aims to provide an overview of regulatory approaches toward AI in WB economies, which are in process of EU integration but usually do lack institutional capacities and need further strengthening of rule of law. The paper will firstly introduce the concept of regulation and challenges of regulability of IT and AI. Secondly, the paper will map key actors and stakeholders in WB and analyze the development of strategic documents, ethical frameworks, and legal regulation in the area of AI. Thirdly the paper will briefly compare the existing regulatory framework of WB economies in the areas of Data Protection, Information Security, and Anti-discrimination and its applicability to the implementation of AI technologies. Lastly, by presenting key principles of the EU approach to the regulation of AI the paper will provide recommendations for Western Balkan economies.
N. Mike (Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest`, Hungary) Observations on the Regulatory Effectiveness of Article 25 GDPR
Article 25 of GDPR is relatively novel to Europe in terms of being a legal stipulation. This article refers to the well-known data protection principles. Yet, its role should be more than just a reiteration of the sacred chalices provided by Article 5 of GDPR. This applied research paper is meant to discover the role that EU data protection authorities are giving to the concept of data protection by design and by default. The analysis applies machine learning on the fortynine cases in which this article has been referred to as a reason for a fine. Machine learning is used to find the potential correlation between the severity of infringements and the number of fines within the presence of Article 25. The argument is that while there is not yet a single case in which the monetary fine was issued because of a sole infringement of Article 25, as time progresses, the authorities are developing a more detail-oriented approach in the investigation and fining practices. Hence, the hypothesis is constructed around the statement that data protection by design and by default is for now only a complementary article, where the controller infringed other ones. As we know, “all models are wrong, but some of them are useful.” Therefore, the result might be subject to criticism due to the relative data-poor environment in which the model is generated. However, future work is potentially promising with growing case-count that fuels such modelling efforts. This will support researchers to become not only data-rich but also information-smart.
L. Grisales Rendón (Georg-August-University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany) An Introduction to the Principle of Transparency in Automated Decision-Making Systems
Under current European data protection law and the approach of the European Commission regarding artificial intelligence (AI) development, the principle of transparency and explainability by design are essential to protect the data subject's rights and generate confidence in AI systems. However, a closer look reveals that the legal approach ignores limitations of the transparency principle in the practical application of automated-decision making systems. Current transparency rules also require a high standard of transparency in automated decisions due to its potential risks.
This paper seeks to analyze the scope of the principle of transparency and its limitations in the practical field, suggesting a division of data subjects to provide automated decision-making explanations according to their level of expertise to reach the transparency principle's goal: user understanding. The paper will address the semantic discussion of whether this objective is achieved through interpretability, explainability, accountability or, transparency in the broad sense. It also maps out the analysis about guidance to address transparency through a certification mechanism, contestability by design, or supplementary post hoc explanations in AI systems.
J. Klasinc (ALES, Zagreb, Croatia) Legal Framework for Autonomous Vehicles in EU and Croatia
Current legal framework for autonomous vehicles is based on Vienna convention in 1968 that authorises the uses of "self-driving" technology under certain conditions, but requires the presence of human driver that can take control of the vehicle at any time. In the meantime, the AI technology has become so developed, that the best chess programs are practically unbeatable for human players. Those programs are based on neural networks and training methods that largely depend on the quality of data. The approach to collecting data can be varied. The concept of criminal responsibility is dependent on the awareness of the criminal responsibility, that is usually assumed for humans. In the case of AI, it can not be aware in the human sense, and it evaluates situations in its own terms. It could be licensed as a European product, however, it AI can not really be classified just as a 'product', which means that commercial law should also be improved. The aim of this paper is to assess the suitability of Croatian legal system to be the first to regulate AI for completely autonomous vehicles in the EU, in order to establish a model for this regulation on the EU level. Such a role for Croatia has been proposed, as the Croatian company Rimac Automobili should be the first to produce such a vehicle, and therefore Croatia should be able to provide legal framework for this.
M. Milenković (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Rašić (EFFECTUS - Enterpreneurial Studies - University College , Zagreb, Croatia), R. Jovančević (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia) Public Procurement of Innovative and Technological Solutions in the EU
Smart cities should identify and procure the best technical solutions for their communities and companies while at the same time demonstrating the local economic benefits of public procurement. Whenever possible, the procurement process should increase innovation in sustainability. Public procurement of innovative solutions can contribute to the economic recovery of the Republic of Croatia and the EU, especially after the crisis caused by COVID-19 with the help of better and more technologically accessible public investments. It is a means by which the transformation of the Croatian economy into a digital economy can be encouraged. This paper seeks to explain the use and advantages of public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI). The contracting authority acts as the first customer (launch customer) of innovative goods or services that are not yet widely available commercially and are technologically acceptable. Instead of buying a finished product, service or process, the contracting authority acts as the first user and buys a product, service or process that is new to the market and has significant new features in terms of innovation and technological achievements. Therefore, this paper will try to identify how various stakeholders can use innovative and technology-aware public procurement systems procedures and contribute to the accelerated development of digitalization mandated by the European Commission.
H. Lisičar, T. Katulić, M. Jurić (Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia) Implementation of GDPR Transparency Principle in Personal Data Processing by Croatian Online News Sites
Nearly all of the online news media outlets are in whole or partially funded by revenue from advertising or other marketing activities. Such online marketing activities involve gathering of large amounts of personal data from their users. Furthermore, gathered data is shared with various third parties for ad personalization and targeted advertising, products and services development, tracking, audience measurement, content recommendation and other purposes. To be competitive in the digital media market Croatian online news sites operate their websites in the same way. The main goal of this paper is to analyze practices of most popular Croatian news sites in gathering personal data from their audience using cookies and their implementation of the principle of transparency about such practices prescribed by Article 13 and 14 of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
L. Vejmelka (University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia), R. Matković (Institute for public Health of Split-Dalmatia County, Split, Croatia), J. Škorić (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of social work, Novi Sad, Serbia), T. Ramljak (Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Osijek, Croatia), J. Jurinić (Community service center Zagreb - Dugave/Accommodation department, Zagreb, Croatia) Child participation in research preparation: Experience of deShame Croatia and deShame Serbia
Children by the Convention on the Rights of the Child have the right to express their opinion on all matters concerning them. The participation of children in research is in the focus of experts and policymakers, and implies. Involvement of children in all phases of the research, from planning and preparation to the implementation, and finally interpretation and dissemination of its results. Children from Croatia (N = 12) and Serbia (N = 12) participated in the planning and preparation of the research as part of the DeShame research (the international comparative research on sexual harassment and risky activities of children online). The individual and group interviews with high school children (14-18 Years) were conducted with the main goal of improving the research instrument. Specific objectives were (1) supplementing the questionnaire (2) checking language and understanding (3) determining the time for completion of the questionnaire. Paper will present child contribution that resulted with final version of questionnaire used in a nationally representative, internationally comparative survey. Participation of children in early phases of research is important, especially in topics regarding modern technologies, considering their extensive use and specific way of utilization at this age, allowing more appropriate measurement of these phenomena.
S. Filipčić (Be Human(e), Zagreb, Croatia) Web3 & DAOs: An Overview of the Development and Possibilities for the Implementation in Research and Education
Web3 brings an enabling set of technologies that has the potential to completely reshape many different fields, including research and education. Today we are faced with challenges around regulation, data safety and privacy, as well as governance and bureaucracy - to name just a few. As Web3 gains more traction globally it activates new paradigms to engage, govern, create, iterate, and implement around research results in ways that were previously complex and arduous. The Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) is one such empowering Web3 utility, and within this framework researchers and experts have the opportunity to implement and test their research results promptly on a small or large scale as required. In this paper, we provide an overview of Web3 technologies and their implications for education and research. Our aim is to introduce researchers, educators, and decision-makers to the potential of using Web3.
K. Pagar (Pravni fakultet, Studijski centar socijalnog rada, Split, Croatia) Usporedba obilježja partnerskih odnosa koji su započeti i razvijaju se u online okruženju i/ili uživo
Kada je riječ o suvremenim partnerskim odnosima, nužno je prepoznati sve veću ulogu koju digitalne tehnologije imaju u upoznavanju partnera i razvoju partnerskih veza, te akceptirati neke specifičnosti partnerskih odnosa ovisno o tome održavaju li se u potpunosti ili djelomice online ili uživo.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je usporediti obilježja partnerskih odnosa kod mladih odraslih osoba koji su svoju vezu započeli uživo ili online te koji održavaju svoju vezu većinski uživo ili online. Istraživanje se bazira na neeksperimentalnom korelacijskom nacrtu. Provedeno je online anketnim upitnikom na prigodnom uzorku od 226 mladih odraslih osoba koje su u ljubavnoj vezi (69% žena i 31% muškaraca od 18 do 30 godina) te koje koriste različite Facebook grupe namijenjene mladim odraslim osobama. U istraživanju su primijenjeni sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Couple Communication Satisfaction Scale (Jones i Morris, 2019), Couples Satisfaction Index (Funk i Rogge, 2007) te Relationship Assessment Scale (Hendrick, 1988., prema Hendrick, Hendrick i Adler, 1988).
Rezultati su pokazali da osobe koje su svoje ljubavne veze započele uživo te koje većinu komunikacije u vezi održavaju online (osobe u vezama na daljinu) imaju lošiju razinu zadovoljstva komunikacijom od osoba u klasičnim vezama.
Zaključno, u radu je istaknuta važnost provođenja različitih oblika psihosocijalne podrške i usluga u online okruženju, posebice za parove koji su primorani održavati svoju vezu na daljinu. Predstavljene su prednosti i nedostaci ovakvih oblika profesionalnog rada u online okuženju.
Osnovni podaci:
Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Lucija Vejmelka (Croatia)
Dražen Dragičević (Croatia), Nina Gumzej (Croatia), Marko Jurić (Croatia), Romana Matanovac Vučković (Croatia), Hrvoje Stančić (Croatia), Goran Vojković (Croatia)
Programski odbor:
Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Marko Jurić (Croatia)
Do 9.5.2022.
Od 10.5.2022.
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Tihomir Katulić
Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
E-mail: tkatulic@gmail.com
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