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Openning and Welcome by the Conference Chairs |
14:05-14:45 Pozvano predavanje |
Elhadj Benkhelifa (Staffordshire University, United Kingdom)
Context Aware Cloud Based Collaborative Software Development Lifecycle |
14:50-16:05 Software Engineering and Quality Aspects |
T. Heričko, B. Šumak (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia) Analyzing Linter Usage and Warnings through Mining Software Repositories: A Longitudinal Case Study of JavaScript Packages
Linters are static analysis tools supporting developers by automatically detecting possible code errors, bad coding practices, violations of coding conventions, and styling issues while offering actionable advice on how to resolve these concerns to prevent inconsistencies in the codebase, errors, and degrading software quality. They are especially beneficial for software projects based on dynamically-typed languages, e.g., JavaScript, which are more prone to development errors and inconsistencies due to languages’ dynamic nature. However, little is known about how their usage and generated warnings evolve throughout the entire development histories of real-world software projects. This paper performs source code-based commit history analysis on 15 JavaScript npm packages. The empirical analysis of 16,562 commits revealed that the choice of linter and their configurations are rarely subjected to change once introduced to a package. When configurations do change, most modifications are minor. Unresolved violations of rules, which produce warnings, generally increase. Though, the density of warnings was found to be slightly decreasing with the maturity of a package – overall and for each distinct group of warnings.
A. Kokinović, O. Bošković (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), D. Kenjić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia), I. Kaštelan (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) A Proposal for Translation between Franca and Android Interface Definition Language
Great advancements in the automotive industry increased demands for variety of services. Android has become the operating system of choice for different infotainment applications. Nonetheless, infotainment domain is not explicitly based solely on Android. In various systems, such as Linux and QNX, inter-process communication (IPC) is done via Franca framework, unlike the Android system which implements the IPC mechanisms via Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL). From this reason, switching from one standard to another requires a large amount of effort. This paper proposes the generator whose purpose is to translate Franca Interface Definition Language (FIDL) and Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) models between each other. By creating the proposed generator, we can speed up the process of migration from one standard to another in either automotive system or any other heterogenous system which contains Franca and Android.
M. Velickovska, M. Gusev (Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia) Comparing AWS Streaming Services: A Use Case on ECG Data Streams
The goal of this research paper is to compare Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and SQS via practical use case. Both services are tested on large stream of data and the performance is measured. In both cases the producer is programmed data generator which supplies the data to the services. The motivation of the paper is streaming of ECG integers with 125-500 samples per second for medical aim.
The pros and cons are listed for each of the Amazon services taking into account the price, use cases when each of the services will be more applicable and the scalability.
The concluding results from this experiment is that both of the services provide great performance but they will mainly provide better results if each of them are applied to a specific use case.
J. Virmajoki, A. Knutas, J. Kasurinen (LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland) Detecting Code Smells with AI: A Prototype study
Artificial intelligence is one of the major subtleties of our time. AI is said to improve the quality of software, support software development tools, and provide smartness to the systems we develop. In this paper, we study the adaptability of AI in a simple software engineering-related problem, a code smell analysis. Code smells are characteristics in the source code that indicate that there is a deeper problem, and they are a long-term nuisance for the developers. The code smells are not syntax or semantics errors, they simply are a product of too many fixes, changes and additions grinding down the code coherence. While it might be easy to refactor to get rid of code smells, but first they need to be discovered. In this paper, our research group demonstrates a prototype for detecting these code smells. The prototype was implemented in Python, using machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning as a basis. Training and testing data were taken from external data storages. As a result, the prototype was able to detect two different code smells successfully, with a relatively small amount of training data. In addition, we identified issues, which might become major obstacles with a more refined prototype.
S. Marinkov, R. Mihajlović (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), D. Kenjić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Antić (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) One Solution of a Communication Manager for Connecting Advanced Driver Assistance Systems with In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems.
The evolution of automotive software solutions resulted in the decoupling of the automotive system into several domains. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) domain delivers high processing power and safety by providing robust and reliable hardware and software solutions responsible for vehicle behavior. On the other side, In-Vehicle Infotainment systems (IVI) are responsible for the interaction with the driver, and provide a variety of information and entertainment programs. Typically, these domains are separate and do not share resources. However, communication between IVI and ADAS domains could significantly reduce IVI's resource demands, and safely promote driver-vehicle interaction. This paper presents a communication manager software component (SWC), which is defined and implemented on the ADAS side, in order to connect existing SWCs on ADAS with Android applications on IVI. A code generator for communication manager SWC is proposed, in order to enable the dynamic generation of the code based on the system model, and ensure that the implemented communication manager SWC is easily adaptable to different scenarios.
16:05-16:15 Pauza |
16:15-17:30 Modelling System Communication Interfaces |
F. Huber, G. Hagel (Kempten University of Applied Sciences, Kempten, Germany) Tool-Supported Teaching of UML Diagrams in Software Engineering Education - A Systematic Literature Review
There is hardly a university that does not offer a course in software engineering for computer scientists. Due to the expanding complexity of software systems and rapidly changing requirements, it has become increasingly difficult to teach students all the content they need for their professional careers in the industry or academia. Additionally, teaching modelling with modelling languages like UML is a sophisticated task for educators. Student-generated solutions may be visually different from a sample solution and still be correct. Regarding large software engineering courses, individual feedback for students is usually not possible or comes with a time delay. However, it would contribute to their learning success. Therefore, a rising number of software tools can be found to support this area of teaching. In this paper, a systematic literature review is presented. It follows the methodology of Kitchenham and provides an overview about the tools, that are used to support teaching of modelling in higher software engineering education. Alongside the functionalities and their differences, this literature review summarizes the difficulties, that motivated educators to develop these tools.
R. Zlatković, V. Čabrilo (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), B. Kovačević (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Antić (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) An Approach Towards Model-To-Model Mapping Between Adaptive AUTOSAR and Android Systems
Every new generation of modern vehicles aims to provide the customers with the higher level of comfort and entertainment services. Consequently, the burden is placed upon the manufacturers to incorporate ever more complex electronic systems in their products, and introduce service-based technologies. To meet these demands, service-oriented architecture (SOA) has become the integral part of the Adaptive AUTOSAR as the industry standard. Also, mobile services and applications are natively supported in the new in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVI) which usually run on Android operating system. As these fundamentally different technologies are incorporated inside the vehicle, the developers are facing the challenge of connecting them and exchanging the information between the services running in different domains. Service-oriented architectures usually rely on model driven engineering approach to facilitate the development of applications. However, as the complexity of the system grows, the mapping of various metamodels becomes a challenge, as no single standard is used across all of the domains in the vehicle. This paper provides a possible solution for mapping the already existing AUTOSAR metamodel to an Android IDL (AIDL) metamodel. By applying the proposed mapping, it is possible to build the applications that require the cooperation of various domains within the vehicle.
N. Trifunović, M. Vujanić (Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia), D. Kenjić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems Novi Sad, Serbia , Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Antić (Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia) Data Exchange Interfaces in Automotive SOA
Consumer demands in the automotive industry drive the development of complex In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems, which need to be fully aware of the entire vehicle and its surrounding. The implementation of such advanced scenarios requires enabling data exchange between different host contexts, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and IVI for example. This paper presents an analysis of different communication mechanisms in service-oriented architectures which are used in automotive software development, both for intra-domain and cross-domain communication. Possible approaches for connecting ADAS and IVI hosts are presented, and analyzed in terms of performance and use cases they support.
L. Bilač, D. Stanišić (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), D. Kenjić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based System, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Antić (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) One Solution of an Android In-Vehicle Infotainment Service for Communication with Advanced Driver Assistance System
Today, modern vehicles are equipped with computers that can provide advanced driving assistance functionalities (ADAS), as well as with infotainment systems (IVI) that provide users with the relevant information about the vehicle and offer various entertainment features. To satisfy the growing user expectations from the IVI systems, Android is often used as the operating system in this domain. Users are already familiar with it, and it enables them to run the entertainment applications they normally use on their phones. Various IVI applications would benefit from the possibility to have access to ADAS data and resources. However, current applications do not provide the mechanism for resource sharing between the two domains. In this paper, we propose a solution that allows triggering actions in the IVI system, based on the data collected from the ADAS domain. On the IVI system side, Android Native Service is developed and extended with a comprehensive set of permissions to meet safety demands. The solution is implemented using the service-oriented architecture mechanism provided by COVESA CommonAPI and mapping it to the Android paradigm, evaluated in terms of safety demands required in the automotive industry.
M. Vujanić, N. Trifunović (Department of Computing and Control Engineering Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), B. Kovačević (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems Novi Sad, Serbia , Novi Sad, Serbia), I. Kaštelan (Department of Computing and Control Engineering Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia) Bitroute SOME/IP: Implementation of a Scalable and Service Oriented Communication Middleware
SOME/IP is a communication protocol introduced in automotive industry to enable Service Oriented Architecture which is not possible using traditional automotive protocols such as CAN or FlexRay. A trend emerging in the last years in the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is that SOME/IP become one of main communication protocols used for communication between safety and performances ECU devices. Currently in the market, including the open source solutions, there is a set of different SOME/IP implementations that have different audience and combination of characteristics like high royalty costs, available feature set and software solution maturity This paper presents the Bitroute SOME/IP, a new implementation of the SOME/IP communication protocol with focus on performance and deployment platform independency and compares it with the open source solution from The Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA).
17:30-17:45 Pauza |
Algorithms for Software and System Engineering |
K. Karahodžič, S. Ribić, R. Turčinhodžć (Elektrotehnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Implementing Balas Additive Algorithm Using SIMD Instructions
A special type of integer programming, called binary or 0/1 programming, has a wide area of application, primarily in the field of scheduling. Two main approaches to this problem are simplex algorithm based branch and cut methods and optimized Boolean enumeration. Given the time complexity of the enumerative algorithm, it is useful to find ways to speed up the process. Intel x86 processors have registers and instructions that allow simultaneous operations on 16 or 32 data items. The paper describes experiences with the transformation of an algorithm into an assembly language in order to use these instructions to increase the algorithm speed.
R. Mihajlović, S. Marinkov (Department of Computing and Control Engineering Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sa, Novi Sad, Serbia), B. Kovačević (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia), I. Kaštelan (Department of Computing and Control Engineering Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sa, Novi Sad, Serbia) Challenges of Integrating Machine Vision Algorithms Based on Franca IDL into Adaptive AUTOSAR Environment
The heterogeneous and distributed nature of automotive software systems demands flexible software components which can operate in different environments. Because of heterogeneous automotive development environments, the domain experts must cope with an exorbitant quantity of diversities, adaption layers, and incompatibilities to design applications for the current generation of autonomous driving vehicles. Franca Interface Definition Language (FIDL) is an interface description language, commonly used in the automotive infotainment industry to define the interfaces of software components in a language-independent way. Code generators for the language are available, which convert FIDL interface files to server stub and proxy code in an implementation language. The goal of this paper is to give an overview and a proposal on how existing machine vision algorithms that are basing their communication on the FIDL can be integrated into an Adaptive AUTOSAR environment that is basing its communication on a different communication interfaces definition language. This way of integration of software components, enables system resource planning at the design time, thus contributing to security and avoiding unwanted errors. This will enhance future interoperability and decrease incompatibility among different platforms.
A. Lacković, D. Ružak (Visoko Učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Korištenje umjetne inteligencije u poboljšanju poslovnih procesa automatskim procesuiranjem dokumenta
U današnje vrijeme svjedoci smo sve većeg broja uključivanja umjetne inteligencije u procese poslovanja radi poboljšanja poslovnih procesa kako za povećavanje produktivnosti tako i za smanjenje količine grešaka kod obrade dokumenata. Power Automation je Microsoftova usluga koja ljudima olakšava život pružajući funkcionalnost za pretvaranje bilo kojeg ponavljajućeg i dugotrajnog zadatka u automatizirani proces pomoću tijeka rada. Moguće je stvoriti tijekove rada za slanje obavijesti e-poštom, prikupljanje podataka, izvlačenje podataka iz različitih ulaza poput e-pošte ili dokumenata. AI Builder je alat koji omogućuje dodavanje umjetne inteligencije i pruža mogućnost stvaranja prilagođenih modela ili obuku modela prema našim poslovnim potrebama u naše poslovanje pomoću programa Power Automate. U samom radu funkcionalnosti alata Power Automation i AI Builder biti će opisane kroz primjer automatizirane analize dokumenata poput računa i pohranu podataka s istih u bazu podataka ili SharePointov popis.
Digital Technologies: Applications and Education |
D. Čeke, S. Kunosić (University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Buzađija (University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Smart Contract Execution Costs Optimisation on Blockchain Network
Blockchain is a type of decentralized database where all data are kept in one large chain of interconnected blocks of data stored on a large number of servers around the world. Besides decentralization, an additional advantage of this technology is the absence of intermediaries in communication between participants in the process. With the advent of the Ethereum network which is based on blockchain technology, in addition to performing financial transactions, now it is possible to create programs that could be executed on this network. However, execution of these programs, known as Smart Contract, costs money that is billed on this network in the form of gas which is directly proportional to the complexity of the computer operations performed within these contracts. Optimizing the structure and content of smart contracts directly implies reducing the cost/gas for their execution. In this paper we propose the structure of smart contracts in the context of gas optimization for their execution.
E. Leka (Polytechnic University of Tirana, TIRANE, Albania), E. Kordha (University of Tirana, Tirane, Albania), K. Hamzallari (Polytechnic University of Tirana, TIRANE, Albania) Towards an IPFS-Blockchain Based Authentication/Management System of Academic Certification in Western Balkans
This paper presents an implementation which uses decentralized technologies such as blockchain and IPFS on the issuance and management of the academic certificates. The focus is on improving the actual process, as well as increasing integrity and trustworthiness of ownership of those certificates. The prototype we have developed is called BCert and its purpose is to add the certificates to blockchain network and to offer the possibility to verify them and make accessible to the potential stakeholders. It will also be used to verify that it is possible to upload a minimum of 32 certificates at one time and to evaluate speed of upload. BCert will aim to make the deployment and verification of those certificates quick, fast, secure, and efficient. It uses IPFS (Interplanetary File System) to have private logs and to increase efficiency. Additionally, based on the Technology Transfer concept, we predicted a model related to the launch of the technology to the market. The study was conducted online with 421 responses chosen randomly from several public and private universities in Albania and in Western Balkans.
S. Sovilj, D. Fonović, M. Hager, M. Kovaček (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia) “Food Computer” – A Demo Platform for Internet of Things Education
The aim of the study was to develop a computer system for plant replication in a controlled environment. The technology was based on the Internet of Things platform which includes: an automated system for remote monitoring and controlling climate, energy, and plant growth within specialized, isolated growth chamber.
The remotely monitored and controlled climate variables were: air temperature, humidity, potential of hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity, root zone temperature, carbon dioxide level, dissolved oxygen in the substrate, and many other variables that could be digitally monitored and/or controlled within the growth chamber, in order to obtain different plant phenotype expressions.
Records of cultivated plants are stored in the form of so-called “climate recipes” for future replication and the computer system got the popular name “food computer”.
We hypothesized that the system could be used in elementary and high schools as an engaging demonstration platform for STEM popularization and IoT education and research.
J. Babić, K. Josić, S. Papić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Upravljanje rasvjetom putem detekcije snage WiFi signala mobilnih uređaja
Danas postoje brojna rješenja upravljanja rasvjetom temeljena na senzorima pokreta ili upravljana pomoću neke od bežičnih tehnologija koristeći pritom mobilne aplikacije i pristupnu točku. Glavni nedostatci senzora pokreta su pokrivanje male površine prostora i nedostatak dodatnih funkcionalnosti poput uključivanja rasvjete za predefinirane korisnike ili uređaje. Upravljanje rasvjetom putem bežičnih tehnologija temelji se na mobilnim aplikacijama i pristupnim točkama za kontrolu rasvjetnih tijela. Nedostatci ovakvih rješenja su cijena i ovisnost o ljudskoj interakciji kao i o žičnoj infrastrukturi i pristupu Internetu kako bi mobilna aplikacija putem kontrolera mogla upravljati rasvjetom, što nije pogodno za prostore u kojima ne postoji takva infrastruktura poput stubišta zgrada, garaža, podruma i slično. U ovome radu prikazano je rješenje upravljanja rasvjetom temeljeno na detekciji snage WiFi signala mobilnih uređaja koje ne zahtjeva ljudsku interakciju te pokriva veće prostorne površine u odnosu na senzore pokreta. Prikazani koncept upravljanja rasvjetom pogodan je kako za integraciju s kućnom ili poslovnom WiFi mrežom, tako i za prostore u kojima ne postoji žična ili bežična računalna infrastruktura.
Osnovni podaci:
Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Darko Huljenić (Croatia)
Programski odbor:
Stipo Čelar (Croatia), Andrej Grgurić (Croatia), Igor Ljubi (Croatia), Mladen Sokele (Croatia), Nikola Tanković (Croatia), Mladen Tomić (Croatia), Linda Vicković (Croatia)
Do 9.5.2022.
Od 10.5.2022.
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