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MIPRO 2024 - 47. međunarodni skup

ICTLAW - Pravo informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija

četvrtak, 23.5.2024 9:00 - 13:00, Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
četvrtak, 23.5.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija

Hibridni događaj
Program događaja
četvrtak, 23.5.2024 9:00 - 13:00,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 - 13:00Radovi 
1.I. Kunda (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Rijeka, Croatia)
Artificial Intelligence as a Challenge or European Patent Law  
Although technological developments falling under the umbrella of artificial intelligence have been developing since the 1950s, only in recent times have the unique issues associated with patenting these technologies received adequate attention. The cause for this lies in an unparalleled upswing in investment, fostering a massive expansion of technological (and business) innovations. Determining which among them qualify as inventions and meet the requirements for patent protection gives rise to inquiries that frequently necessitate a scrutiny of fundamental concepts of patent law in patent registration procedures. In this paper special emphasis is placed on European patent regulations, particularly the European Patent Convention and the practices of the European Patent Office. Assessment of the impact of artificial intelligence on existing patent law entails examination of legal concepts of the inventor and a person skilled in the art, along with the essential requirements for patentability of inventions. This analysis serves as basis for further evaluation of whether the current patent law can be adapted to the newly emerging and dynamic technological environment of artificial intelligence through interpretation, or whether it is necessary to devise a new legal framework to protect the interests of participants in the creation and use of the respective category of intellectual creations.
2.G. Riccio (Università di Salerno, Fisciano (Salerno), Italy)
AI, Data Mining and Copyright Law: Remarks about Lawfulness and Efficient Choices 
In the last years, many scholars have investigated the legal issues concerning copyright law and artificial intelligence, with specific reference to the training of these technologies. One of the main questions is related to the possibility that machine-learning processes infringe intellectual property rights and notably copyright-owners’ rights. According to some commentators, the upcoming AI Act, the European regulation that should regulate artificial intelligence, could be the panacea for every problem, including those affecting copyright law. Yet, reviewing the 85 articles of the legislative text, not yet definitively approved, there is not a single provision on copyright. In its latest version, the AI Act provides for the obligation for those who use these technologies to reveal the ways in which the system has been trained: therefore, the sources should be made transparent, revealing texts, images, sounds, etc. through which the artificial intelligence system has been educated, making it capable of generating new contents. However, this provision seems an unsatisfactory answer considering that we are dealing with a simple use of content and not - in legal terms - a reproduction, protected by copyright rules. In fact, article 3 and (above all) article 4 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 (CDSM Directive) allow the use of legally accessible contents: this is the exception of text and data mining, which should allow artificial intelligence systems to be “fed”, during the phase of their design, with thousands of contents obtained by scanning and scraping contents available on internet and taking up from the copyrighted works of the past. However, paragraph 3 of article 4 excludes works whose use has not been expressly reserved through tools that allow automated reading, but, at present, there is no certainty on the scope of application of this rule. The purpose of this paper is multiple: a) Examining the boundaries of the exception of article 4 of the CDSM Directive, reviewing the different positions of the legal scholars, also in the light of the AI Act; b) Comparing the EU legal solutions with the application of the US fair use doctrine to this specific issue; c) Considering the legal instruments (those existing and those which could be adopted) in the EU in the global economic and political context, taking into account also the US and Chinese approach to the relation between AI and copyright.
3.H. Lisičar (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Obligations of Audiovisual Media Service Providers in Funding Independent Production in Croatia 
Since the adoption of the new law on electronic media and related regulations in the Republic of Croatia, there have been many criticisms of the legal regulation of financing the independent production by the media already operating on the market. This paper examines the relevant provisions of laws and regulations governing the financing of independent production, and provides a comparative analysis of the legal arrangements in other EU member states.The paper also considers and examines the constitutionality of certain provisions of the law on electronic media related to the topic in question. Finally, authors proposals of de lege ferenda legislation is presented.
4.I. Harkai (University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged, Hungary)
The neighbouring rights of press publishers in practice – Hungarian Experiences 
Digital platforms created the possibility of personalized news consumption, which collects and indexes news produced by press publishers according to the consumption habits of end users. Press publishers, who are also active in the online space are at a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis platforms that act as news aggregators since the advertising revenue from the sale of online space goes to the platform provider rather than the press publisher. To redress this imbalance, protection for press publishers aims to promote the interests of publishers in a competitive market where competitors' objectives intersect at several points. In the online space, the advertising leg of the business has faltered because news consumers do not seek out the news content produced directly on the online interface of the press publication, but through third-party news aggregator sites independent of the publisher. However, news aggregators also have a positive spin-off for publishers, as they make it easier to reach audiences that they could not reach before. The new neighboring right has also been implemented in Hungary. This fact, together with the difficulties of independent journalism in Hungary, justifies the monitoring of the challenges faced by press publishers through a questionnaire survey. The survey results and Hungarian publishers' status after implementing the press publishers’ rights will be presented at the conference. At the end of 2023, the collective rights management organization Repropress is expected to publish its royalty notice on licensing the press publishers’ rights. The first license agreements between platform providers and press publishers are expected to be signed in 2024, which will further feed into the results of the survey.
5.R. Polcak (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Predictive and Generative Systems in the Judiciary 
Existing automated generative and predictive systems based on processing of natural language are already fit for the use in the judiciary. The paper will discuss particular issues related to recent or possible implementation of generative technologies in assisting and supporting of the judiciary. In addition, the paper aims at discussing risks of the implementation of predictive technologies in analytical tasks related to decision-making practice and dissemination of case-law.
6.Đ. Krivokapić , A. Nikolic, I. Živković (Univeristy of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
AI in the Workplace: Navigating Legal and Ethical Dilemmas 
Approximately 40% of the worldwide labor force faces exposure to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Historically, automation and information technology primarily impacted routine tasks, but AI stands out for its capacity to influence high-skilled jobs. Consequently, advanced economies would confront increased risks from AI, yet simultaneously using the increased opportunities to harness its advantages when compared to emerging markets and developing economies that would generally face the negative effects. As the usage of AI technologies in the workplace becomes increasingly prevalent, it is crucial to analyze the potential challenges and implications associated with their use. The legal aspects delve into issues such as employees and employers rights and obligations, adequate level of employers’ control and surveillance over employees, privacy and data protection, while the ethical dimension explores concerns related to fairness, accountability, and the impact on human employment. The risk assessment principles prescribed in the AI Act would be presented, as well as the classification of risks related to the use of AI in the workplace. Finally, the paper would offer insights into developing responsible policies and practices for its ethical and legal deployment.
7.T. Szadeczky (Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary)
Recent technical and legal requirements of AI compliance  
The EU AI Act, introduced in April 2021, aims to regulate AI to ensure its safe, transparent, non-discriminatory, and environmentally friendly use in the EU. It categorizes AI systems based on risk, ranging from unacceptable and high-risk systems facing stringent regulations or bans to limited-risk systems with minimal transparency requirements. General purpose and generative AI, like ChatGPT, must comply with transparency requirements, such as disclosing AI-generated content and preventing illegal content generation. The recently published ISO/IEC 42001:2023, on the other hand, specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) within organizations. It provides a framework for managing AI risks and opportunities while supporting responsible AI use. This international standard guides organizations in developing robust AI governance frameworks, potentially assisting in managing high-risk AI systems and supporting compliance with regulations. The presentation analyzes the requirements of both normative documents. It shows how the standard can be used for legal compliance with the EU AI Act, proposing a model for the compliance of different organizations.
8.A. Gonçalves (University of Minho, Braga, Portugal)
Artificial intelligence and liability for defective products 
Artificial Intelligence poses ethical, social and legal challenges, which the European Union has tried to respond to with a series of legislative proposals. One important issue, and that we intend to focus on, is liability, which means rules that define what happens if some harm or damage is caused by artificial intelligence. The answer has been variable, depending on the different contexts, but one possibility is the application of the institute of objective civil liability of the producer arising from defective products. The current system is laid down in Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products, which has been transposed into the national law of the Member States. The challenge we face is precisely how to establish the producer's liability for damage caused by AI systems. To this end, we will try to apply the current legal regime to damage caused by artificial intelligence systems, reflecting on some of the challenges posed by technological advances and exploring the responses to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on liability for defective products, of 28 September 2022. Amongst other things, questions will be debated about how to adapt the AI system to the concept of product; how to adapt the concept of producer to encompass the agents involved; how to adapt the concept of defects...
9.V. Stupka, P. Loutocký (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Services Providers' Compliance with European Production Orders for Electronic Evidence 
This article examines the profound implications of EU Regulation (EU) 2023/1543, enacted on 12 July 2023, which introduces a cohesive framework for European Production Orders (EPOC) and European Preservation Orders (EPOC-PR) in criminal proceedings. With extraterritorial reach, the regulation mandates service providers, regardless of location, to cooperate promptly with court-issued requests for data freezing or disclosure. We explore the multifaceted responsibilities placed on service providers, emphasizing the need for technical preparedness, swift response mechanisms, and a nuanced understanding of orders' contents. Analyzing the impact on data privacy and security, this study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the evolving dynamics between law enforcement and service providers, striking a balance between criminal justice imperatives and digital rights protection within the EU.
10.M. Bonačić (University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia)
Addressing the Dissemination of Terrorist Content Online: Croatian Experiences 
The European union has recognized dissemination of terrorist content online, due to its effects on radicalization and the recruitment of new terrorists, as one of the problems it has to deal with. To address the misuse of hosting services for terrorist purposes, European union has adopted the Regulation (EU) 2021/784 of 29 April 2021 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online. The main concept of the Regulation is to strengthen the existing mechanism of voluntary collaboration by introducing removal orders to hosting service providers, requiring them to remove or disable access to terrorist content, which should be done within one hour of the receipt (Art. 3 of the Regulation). Along with the presentation of the basic concepts of the Regulation, some criticism of the scope of the terrorist content and of the protection of fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data will be presented. Even though regulations are directly applicable, Regulation 2021/784 required implementation in Members States. In this regard, Croatia adopted the Law on the implementation of Regulation in 2022. The main features of the Croatian implementation law, on competent authorities, legal remedies and misdemeanor provisions, as well as current practice will be presented.
11.A. Besiekierska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland)
Cooperation of business entities in the face of cyberthreats. Legal aspects. 
Cooperation is an important element of preventing and effectively responding to cyberthreats. Cooperation may be more or less formalized, in particular take place within a ISAC - Information Sharing and Analysis Center – or within initiatives under public-private partnerships. The scope of cooperation will vary and may include exchange and analysis of information, development of good practices in the field of organizational and technical measures, or even shared services that the cooperation platform provides to its members. The cooperation has many advantages: it allows saving financial and human resources or gives access to valuable, hard-to-find information and expert knowledge. Each form of cooperation should be preceded by a legal analysis, including in particular questions arising from competition law, personal data protection, protection of trade secrets and other legally protected secrets. The results of analysis should be reflected in contractual terms defining of the principles of cooperation. In Poland there are no laws or reputable guidelines which would shed more light on the legal aspects of the cooperation.
12.I. Kanceljak (Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Electronic Goods and Circular Economy – Can Empowering Consumers in the Green Transition Provide a Better Outcome for the Environment? 
The European Green Deal from 2019 is the starting point for the development of policies that inter alia include strengthening the position of consumers in the green transition. Several studies have shown that one of the crucial problems represents e-waste (electric and electronical equipment waste). Available data shows that the total collected electrical and electronic equipment increased from 3.0 million tonnes in 2012 to 4.9 million tonnes in 2021. In 2020 European Commission published “A New Circular Economy Action Plan” which includes the legal position and role of consumers but also changes in one of the sectors that is the main pillar of the changes - Electronics and ICT. Several regulatory measures for electronics and ICT including mobile phones, tablets and laptops have been proposed. Recent research has shown that consumers in general are motivated to contribute to a better environment and to participate in a circular economy but they are also motivated by the prices of electronic goods and the prices of the repair of faulty goods. This presentation aims to show how consumers' position will be changed. This research involves legal solutions that will strengthen the consumer role in the green transition and change future consumers' behavior regarding electronic goods. In general, proposed novelties include the right to repair, the right to update obsolete software, achieving durability of electronic goods, dealing with the problem of premature obsolescence, protection of consumers concerning “greenwashing”, determining requirements for labeling electronic goods and so on. So far, only one act has come into force - Directive (EU) 2024/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2024 amending Directives 2005/29/EC and 2011/83/EU as regards empowering consumers for the green transition through better protection against unfair practices and through better information. Other legal acts are still in legislative procedures but are worth mentioning: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules promoting the repair of goods and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2394, Directives (EU) 2019/771 and (EU) 2020/1828; Proposal for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and Proposal for a Directive on Green Claims.
13.K. Południak-Gierz (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
UCPD against greenwashing: is the new Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition a game changer? 
We are waiting for the new Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (ECGT) to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Directive aims to curtail unfair company tactics, preventing consumers from making sustainable choices, introducing various amendments to – inter alia – directive 2005/25. However, despite the efforts of EU legislator to increase UCPD’s sensitivity to commercial practices that have negative environmental effects, the actual impact the act may have on the market remains limited. This is due to the dissonance between the traditional aim of UCPD and the new environmentally-oriented application. This becomes notably evident in the consumer's individual remedies in the case of greenwashing practices. The issue is that in the case of greenwashing, it is problematic to find a sanction that, at the same time: has a dissuasive effect on the entrepreneur, grants sufficient protection for consumer interests, and leads to an effect that corresponds with the values that are the cornerstone of the discussion on the green claims in general. The purpose of this presentation is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current model of consumer individual remedies from the environmental perspective. Additionally, more ecologically efficient solutions will be proposed.
14.G. Vojković ( University North, Koprivnica, Croatia), M. Milenković (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Legal Relationship between Smart Airport and Smart City 
The paper underscores the potential enhancement of the smart city paradigm through the integration of smart airports, which serve as pivotal hubs for traffic and logistics. This integration promises synergistic benefits and optimized transportation services for citizens and visitors. However, the varying management models of smart cities and airports across different countries pose challenges. While smart cities typically operate under local self-government models, smart airports within the EU often adopt concessionaire or public-private partnership structures. Consequently, there is a critical need to harmonize these distinct management approaches to facilitate smart airport development within the European context, thereby bolstering the advancement of smart cities and surrounding regions. Additionally, the establishment of an appropriate legal framework is crucial to enable effective cooperation between these entities. This paper aims to analyze the requisite legal framework, focusing particularly on European regulations concerning concessions and personal data protection. Furthermore, it will present examples of best practices that could be implemented within both smart city and smart airport systems.
četvrtak, 23.5.2024 14:00 - 16:00,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
14:00 - 16:00Radovi 
1.T. Puskás dr. (Doctoral School of the Law, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary)
The applicability of personal rights in case of the data of the deceased 
Nowadays, in the modern, digital age the amount of personal data we are generating about ourselves is rapidly growing. Unlike previous ages, where a couple of letters would be left to the heirs, today countless online profiles, digitalized “property” could ne potentially lost due to lack of awareness. My research is about if the deceased could have some personal rights, whether some aspects of data protection law should be applied after the death of a person. The main focus of the research is on the perspective of the Hungarian law, both in literature and in practice, with looking at some European examples as well. In my results I have found that there are numerous examples of legislations on the matter. The Hungarian (and European) solution does not explicitly exclude the deceased to be the subject of personal data. Although the Hungarian law literature mainly states that the deceased people do not have personal rights, the global trend in law sciences urges the possible revision of this stances, and even the Constitutional Court of Hungary does not rule out the possibility of claims pressed by heirs in defense of the human dignity of the deceased.
2.A. Brechelmacher (University North, Koprivnica, Croatia)
Influencers and the Privacy of Minors: Respondents' Views on the Impact on the Personal Data Protection 
This paper explores the issue of influencer impact on the privacy and protection of personal data of children and young people in the contemporary digital environment. Considering the ubiquity of online media, the question of shaping children's reality through influencer actions arises, while simultaneously examining the potential reach of the influence and impact of that interaction on the privacy and security of youth in the digital space. The subject of this research is the influencer impact on minors. The aim of the paper is to investigate respondents' perspectives on the potential influence of influencer interactions on the privacy and protection of personal data of children and young people. Another goal is to consider the extent to which parents of children and minors are critical of the influencer impact on minors, compared to respondents who do not have underage children. The research on this topic involves both qualitative and quantitative data collection, with an emphasis on critical analysis and a review of relevant literature, as well as survey research. The analysis of the results enables the identification of potential challenges, opportunities and solutions arising from influencer impact on the privacy of minors in the complex digital dynamics, aiming for the further development of guidelines to enhance the protection of personal data in the digital environment.
3.A. Ignjatić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), G. Vojković (University North, Koprivnica, Croatia)
Collecting (Personal) Passenger Data in Public Transport or Do Carriers Really Need Our (Personal) Data? - An Overview of the Situation in the Republic of Croatia 
This paper investigates the volume, or the amount of (personal) data that a user (passenger) must give to the public transport carriers. The goal of the research is to structure and present, using the example of the largest cities in the Republic of Croatia, which (personal) data public transport carriers can access on their mobile devices, and to answer the research question: What (personal) data do public transport carriers collect within the Republic of Croatia? During the research, the Google Store was accessed, applications used for fare collection were checked, and data that the user must accept in order to use the transport service within public transport, and to be able to pay for that service with a mobile device, were structured (in table). Based on this data, a model proposal was made that shows the data collected and processed, used for fare collection.
4.L. Petrovčić (Veleučilište "Nikola Tesla" u Gospiću, Gospić, Croatia)
Sloboda izražavanja i pravo na privatnost u digitalnom okruženju. Praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava 
Tema izlaganja je praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava u pogledu zaštite i ograničenja slobode izražavanja i prava na privatnost u digitalnom okruženju. Sud je najvažniji tumač mjerila ljudskih prava u Europi, a njegov utjecaj seže i izvan granica njegove teritorijalne nadležnosti. Posljednjih 15 godina Sud je bio suočen s novim izazovima koji proizlaze iz ostvarivanja slobode izražavanja i prava na privatnost u digitalno doba, te je nastojao oblikovati vodeća i obvezujuća načela s obzirom na zaštitu i ograničenja tih prava. Njegova praksa predmet je i analize publikacije Human rights challenges in the digital age: Judicial perspectives, Vijeće Europe, 2022., na koju se u izlaganju osvrćemo.
5.M. Klarić (Faculty of Law University of Split, Split, Croatia)
Regulation of AI Technology Implementation in Public Administration 
Implementation of AI technology is one of the most important questions in development of information and communication technologies. It represents next step in develop of digital society, with main specific application areas such as digital economy, digital government, digital networks, digital institutions and digital administration. AI technology generally open new challenges in digital development which necessitates the creation of a regulatory framework. Public discussion in European public institutions, scientific and professional community additionally contributes to this request. According to the areas of AI Technology application, the regulation of AI solutions should be focused on specific problems related to the implementation in certain parts of digital society. A special part of implementation is regulation of AI technology in public administration. The focus of this work will be on the implementation ability the general principles regulation of AI technology to specific solutions in public administration, according to EU AI Act and EU Digital Strategy. The first part is implementation of AI in central government services, the second part is implementation to local government services, and the third one is implementation on interactive communication between government authorities and citizens.
6.M. Smoljić (University of North, Koprivnica, Croatia)
European Union Directives, National Regulations, and Zero Trust Network Architecture 
This paper addresses the challenges associated with the rapid increase in regulations and guidelines in the field of cybersecurity, with a focus on the legislative framework within the European Union. It explores the issue of an excessive number of regulations affecting the area of cybersecurity, and special attention is given to how such regulatory "inflation" can negatively impact the establishment and implementation of network structures among EU member states, as well as achieving a high level of security in cyberspace. The paper also discusses whether an oversupply of regulations can actually lead to adverse effects, reducing instead of increasing the level of cybersecurity and connectivity within the EU. Through the study of specific examples and thorough consideration of the impact of too many regulations, the author provides insight into the challenges faced by policy makers and cybersecurity experts in attempting to achieve an optimal balance between legal requirements and their practical application.
7.N. Protrka (Ministry of the Interior, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Abazi (UBT - University for Business and Technology, Pristina, Kosovo)
Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Various Applications 
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a rapidly growing field with the potential to revolutionize many industries, including healthcare. Integrating AI into healthcare has the potential to transform patient care and disease management, leading to improved outcomes and reduced costs. Our research explores the various applications of AI in healthcare, including predictive analytics, medical image analysis, drug discovery, and clinical decision making, caregiver or virtual assistant via AI chatbot. It also explores the challenges and limitations associated with the use of AI in healthcare, such as ethical concerns, data privacy issues, and algorithmic bias. Finally, this research paper concludes by highlighting the potential of AI to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency in healthcare delivery and ultimately transform the future of healthcare.
8.A. Kumar (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)
Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) on the EU Roads, Regulatory Heterogeneity, and Way Forward: An Analysis of the Laws of Belgium, France, Spain, and Sweden 
The introduction of innovative tools and technology-driven decision-making systems in motor vehicles has been seen as revolutionary, both for developers and regulators. As the motor vehicle industry is tremendously competitive, the race is ongoing to ease human-controlled driving, equip conventional motor vehicles with highly autonomous systems, and transform traffic management mechanisms. Bringing in such novelties on roads involves different stages, from testing with and experimenting on Unmanned Ground Vehicles to finally operationalizing them on public roads. However, leveraging the testing and trials of UGVs on public roads has been a challenge for the regulators. The EU tried to harmonize the laws relevant to the approval of motor vehicles, their systems, components, and separate technical units intended for such vehicles. However, as the testing and trials of autonomous vehicles on public roads fall under the purview of member states, laws and rules relevant to the manufacturers, developers, and operators of UGVs are different. The different legal standards for the testing and trials of autonomous vehicles have created further problems for the stockholders. This paper will present the result of the EU-funded project ‘INTREPID’ that analyzed the laws and legal requirements applicable for the testing and trial with UGVs.

Osnovni podaci:

Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Lucija Vejmelka (Croatia)


Agnieszka Besiekierska (Poland), Nina Gumzej (Croatia), Marko Jurić (Croatia), Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Đorđe Krivokapić (Serbia), Ivana Kunda (Croatia), Romana Matanovac Vučković (Croatia), Nimród Mike (Hungary), Hrvoje Stančić (Croatia), Goran Vojković (Croatia), Aleš Završnik (Slovenia) 

Programski odbor:

Marko Jurić (Croatia), Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Lucija Vejmelka (Croatia)


Do 6.5.2024.
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