Smart islands, villages, regions post-pandemic recovery - Smart Tourism, Green Transport and Energy: partnerships, digital platforms, social innovation, science island as a Lab (SILA 2021) - hybrid conference
8 - 9 October 2021, Saplunara, island of Mljet, Croatia

This international event is organized by MIPRO, Infodom and LAG5.
The conference aims to discuss smart islands and COVID-19 post-pandemic recovery of coastal smart regions, islands and rural areas of Croatian Adriatic and Central Baltic Sea regions. It’s intended to islands’ and rural communities, NGOs, tourist boards and agencies, operators, innovation organizations and centers, digital innovations hubs, regional, national and local authorities, SMEs and companies and all interested in establishing (international) cooperation, partnerships and new projects on these topics.
The conference is divided into 6 tracks:
- Green Energy for Islands
- From Smart Product to Health Tourism
- New Forms of Tourism
- Science/Technology - society dialog; Smart Rural Island Living Lab
- Projects Development Co-creation Sessions/Discussion
- Inter-Regional Croatian, Adriatic – Finnish, Central Baltic Cooperation, and Exchange of Experiences
Detailed PROGRAM 
More details about the conference can be found at