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Opening ceremony
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Event program
Tuesday, 5/23/2017 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMChairs: Ivana Ružić, Loredana Zima Krnelić & Kristinka Blažeka
1.L. Šverko, M. Martinović (Srednja škola za elektrotehniku i računalstvo, Rijeka, Croatia)
Implementacija G Suite alata u nastavu stručnih predmeta iz područja računalstva 
U ovom radu predstavit će se pilot projekt „Implementacija Google Suite alata u nastavu stručnih predmeta iz područja računalstva“ Srednje škole za elektrotehniku i računalstvo Rijeka, problemi prilikom implementacije i načini na koje se ti problemi mogu izbjeći ili riješiti, prednosti i nedostatci korištenja G Suite za obrazovanje te rezultati istraživanja provedenog među učenicima i nastavnicima koji sudjeluju u projektu. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za svrhu istražiti stavove učenika i nastavnika o utjecaju G Suite alata za obrazovanje na kvalitetu nastave, rad na zadatcima, komunikaciju između učenika i nastavnika te mogućnost dijeljenja nastavnih materijala u digitalnom obliku. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen uzorak od 105 učenika upisanih u smjer tehničar za računalstvo – novi kurikulum i 8 nastavnika stručnih predmeta iz područja računalstva. Cilj rada je opisati proces implementacije G Suite alata u rad škole te prikazati prikupljene podatke istraživanja, a kao zaključak rada prikazane su prednosti i nedostatci uvođenja G Suite alata u nastavu.
2.V. Jurković (Tehnička škola Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Raptor - interpreter dijagrama tijeka 
Poučavanje programiranja zahtjevan je posao pogotovo kada ga treba prezentirati apsolutnim početnicima. Edukator mora imati puno umješnosti kako približiti, vizualizirati logiku upravljanja radom računala. Tada se najčešće kreće sa crtanjem dijagrama tijeka, posve isto kao u vrijeme kada se programiranje poučavalo i bez računala u učionici – na papiru. Iako postoji cijeli niz alata za crtanje dijagrama tijeka računalnog programa, postoji jedan koji je mnogo više od toga. Iza ikone izumrlog reptila i naziva Raptor skriva se razvojno okruženje za programiranje bazirano na dijagramu tijeka. Radi se o besplatnom softveru razvijenom na US Air Force Academy, Department od Computer Science. Raptor doista može pomoći u počecima učenja programiranja kada pažnju učenika želimo usmjeriti prema analizi problema, razlučivanju zadatka na manje segmente, razvoju logike i ispravne semantike, a pri tome se što manje opterećivati sintaksom. Dijagram tijeka koji se crta olovkom oduvijek je bio na tom tragu, ali sada, zahvaljujući Raptoru, on može postati i pravo programersko razvojno okruženje. To je okruženje idealno i za samostalni rad učenika kod kuće, jer se u njemu svaka ideja vrlo jednostavno može i „oživjeti“ i testirati.
3.N. Boj (III. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Virtualno putovanje Europom – primjena Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u nastavi 
Određeni fond sati u nastavi informatike za 8. razred odnosi se na realizaciju projekata. Učenicima osmih razreda ponuđena je tema za razredni projekt pod nazivom „Virtualno putovanje Europom“. Formirani su razredni timovi. Zadatak svakog tima bio je osmisliti putovanje Europom u određenom zamišljenom vremenu – najviše tjedan dana - te u okviru toga posjetiti pet gradova po svome izboru u jednoj ili više država. Cilj je bio gradovima posjetiti povijesna i kulturna odredišta po izboru te u tu svrhu prethodno napraviti detaljan plan puta u vidu organizacije prijevoza, pronalaženja smještaja, načina prehrane, ulaznica za muzeje i galerije. Ukupni maksimalni mogući troškovi putovanja bili su unaprijed određeni. Eventualni su ostatak novca učenici trebali donirati udruzi po izboru. Po završetku rada na projektu učenici su svoje putovanje izlagali pred razredom i osvrnuli se na svoje dojmove stečene radom. U ovome zadatku učenici su pokazali različita znanja i vještine, i to iz slijedećih predmeta: geografije, povijesti, likovne i glazbene kulture, stranog jezika, hrvatskog jezika, matematike i informatike. Informatička znanja i vještine koje su ostvarene kroz rad na projektu odnosile su se na različita područja koja su učenici savladali tijekom dosadašnjega obrazovanja. Ta područja su slijedeća: pretraživanje interneta, procjena kvalitete web stranica, uporaba različitih web alata (Google Karte, Google Prevoditelj, Interaktivna karta Hrvatske, Avio karte, BlaBlaCar, Airbnb i dr.), korištenje programa za pisanje i uređivanje teksta, izradu tabličnih proračuna, izradu prezentacija, dijeljenje dokumenata, obrazovne društvene mreže Edmodo i drugi. Nakon izlaganja rezultata rada na projektu, doznaje se da su učenici zadatak ocijenili kao prilično zahtjevan, ali jednako zanimljiv i koristan za život.
Aktivnosti transnacionalne suradnje u jačanju digitalne kompetencije u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju 
Posljednjih godina, koncept ključnih kompetencija postao je važan u europskim obrazovnim sustavima. Digitalna kompetencija je jedna od osam temeljnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje. Uključuje samouvjereno, kritičko i kreativno korištenje digitalnih tehnologija na poslu, u slobodno vrijeme i komunikaciji. Aktivnosti transnacionalne suradnje (Transnational Cooperation Activities - TCA) uključuju niz aktivnosti poput radionica, treninga, seminara, aktivnosti jačanja partnerstva u okviru tema relevantnih za Erasmus+ program. Sudjelovanje u TCA-u znači stvaranje i širenje mreže kontakata i suradnju s organizacijama iz sličnog ili različitog područja djelovanja iz cijele Europe kao i stjecanje znanja i praktičnih vještina u temama relevantnima za program Erasmus+ te stjecanje podrške za projektne ideje. Autorica rada sudjelovala je na dva TCA kontakna seminara – u Estoniji i Malti. Na seminarima je uspostavljena suradnja s europskim kolegama kroz komunikaciju i razmjenu ideja u stvaranju projektnih ideja. Slijedeći trendove novih tehnologija, nastavnici trebaju u skladu sa stvarnošću prilagoditi se promjenama kako bi stvorili učinkovite modele nastavnog procesa koji će poboljšati sudjelovanje učenika u aktivnostima nastave kao i procesu učenja. Putem TCA seminara edukatori u strukovnom obrazovanju i osposobljavanju uče kako osigurati učenicima dinamično i praktično iskustvo učenja u struci s naglaskom na praćenje razvoja tehnologije u danom polju.
5.V. Galešev (Udž, Zagreb, Croatia)
Programski paket Poskok - metodička prilagodba Pythona 
Programski jezik Python već je neko vrijeme zastupljen u obrazovnim programima srednjih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj, a počeo se uvoditi i u osnovne škole, zasad u sklopu predmetne nastave informatike. Pored nesumnjivih prednosti, programski jezik Python ima i svojih nedostatka, posebice u segmentu jezične sintakse koja početnicima, odnosno mlađim učenicima može stvarati poteškoće u svladavanju zahtjevne vještine programiranja. Kako bi se učenicima olakšalo svladavanje sintaktičkih pravila i omogućila veća usmjerenost na primjenu programiranja u rješavanju problema, razvili smo programski paket Poskok. Sastoji se od osam metodički progresivnih modula. Osnovne značaje modula su grafičko sučelje, prikaz trenutnih vrijednosti varijabli, precizan i učenicima razumljiv ukazivač pogrešaka, izvođenje programa korak po korak te automatsko iscrtavanje dijagrama toka. U početnim modulima naglasak je na zadavanju naredaba pomoću programski vođenog grafičkog sučelja, dočim se u završnim modulima postupno sve više zahtijeva samostalno pisanje i izvršavanje programskog koda. Programski paket Poskok dostupan je mrežno (online), za njegovo izvršavanje nisu potrebni dodaci, a izvodi se u bilo kojem mrežnom pregledniku koji podržava standard HTML5.
6.D. Kapović (Srednja škola za elektrotehniku i računalstvo, Rijeka, Croatia)
3D za sve 
Sve što postoji u stvarnom životu nastojimo digitalizirati. Možemo li obrnuti postupak, nečem digitalnom dati fizički oblik? Odgovor je DA. Upravo 3D printerom i njegovom tehnologijom možemo premostiti jaz između digitalne i fizičke stvarnosti. Uz eLearning podučavanja počinje i era eMaking stvaranja. Uvođenje 3d Print tehnologije čini nastavu dinamičnijom, ohrabruje učenike da pronalaze kreativna rješenja, da opipom istraže i dožive stvarnost i da na kraju svoga obrazovanja spremniji uđu na tržište rada. Godine nisu ograničavajući faktor. Čak i djeca mogu početi s izradom 3D likova iz omiljenih crtanih filmova. Učenici mogu izraditi objekte za potrebe nastave. 3D printom koriste se ljudi iz struke, inženjeri, znanstvenici, dizajneri, arhitekti, doktori, hobisti, robotičari pa čak i oni kojima to predstavlja čistu zabavu. Isprintani predmeti mogu služiti kao pomagala u radionicama ili domaćinstvima, ukrašavati predmet ili prostor, predstavljati prototipove zupčanika i još puno toga što mašta može zamisliti. Iako ima različitih tipova printera, najzastupljeniji su printeri koji koriste FDM tehnologiju s PLA ili ABS plastičnim materijalima. Cijena takvih printera kreće se od 3000 kn pa na više. Što je izrada objekata sofisticiranija to je i cijena viša. Oni vičniji tehničkim znanjima uz kupnju elektroničkih dijelova i slaganjem konstrukcije čiji elementi mogu biti metalni ili plastični (pri tom se misli na isprintane dijelove na 3D printeru) mogu složiti i printer vlastite kreacije. Razvoj 3D print tehnologije napreduje brzo i širi se u svim segmentima ljudskog djelovanja. Ograničavajući faktori su materijačli, brzina i veličina nastajanja objekta.
7.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Nastavnici u ICT području o mogućnostima za svoje stručno usavršavanje  
Poboljšanje nastavne prakse i obrazovnih postignuća učenika dokazano se ostvaruje kroz rast stručnih kompetencija (znanja i vještina) nastavnika. Zbog toga obrazovni sustav treba potpomagati i učiniti dosuptnim stručno usavršavanje nastavnika koje je sustavno, kontinuirano i kvalitetno te usmjereno na važan sadržaj, ali i prilagođeno zahtjevima uzrokovanim intenzivnim promjenama karakterističnim za škole 21. stoljeća (razvoj razmišljanja viših razina, izraženije i složenije analitičke vještine, pripreme za daljnje kontinuirano cjeloživotno obrazovanje i rad). Nastavnici trebaju usvajati nova znanja u područjima koja predaju i nove načine poučavanja, trebaju razumjeti proces učenja i pedagogiju, odgovarati na potrebe učenika i na potrebe područja predmeta koje poučavaju, te moraju biti sposobni razviti jaku povezanost između očekivanja učenika i ciljeva kurikuluma. Ovaj tekst u glavnim crtama opisuje postojeći i neke moguće koncepte stručnog usavršavanja te identificira skup principa učinkovitog sustava stručnog usavršavanja. Upotrebom informacija prikupljenih od nastavnika osnovnih i srednjih škola istraženo je kako nastavnici podrazumijevaju koncept stručnog usavršavanja, kako mu pristupaju i sa kojim se osnovnim preprekama i ograničenjima sučeljavaju. Prepreke mogu biti nedostatak sredstava, nedostatak motivacije ili potpore nadređenih. Rezultati pokazuju da se ICT nastavnici suočavaju s poteškoćama vezanim uz sudjelovanje i ukazuju na njihove poglede vezano uz potporu ustrajnosti provedbe svog stručnog usavršavanja.
8.I. Ružić (I. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Primjena novih informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija u projektnoj nastavi 
U obrazovanju gotovo svakodnevno spominjemo projektnu nastavu kao oblik nastave pogodan za usvajanje novih znanja i vještina, razvoja stavova učenika, ostvarivanje različitih oblika suradnje i osobnog i profesionalnog rasta pojedinca kao pripremi za buduća zanimanja i razvoj kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje. Ovakav oblik nastave omogućuje potpunu usmjerenost učitelja prema učeniku, razvija i osnažuje timski rad i suradnički odnos svih sudionika projekta, omogućuju razvoj istraživačkih, organizacijskih, komunikacijskih i kritičkih vještina učenika, te usvajanje metodologije znanstveno istraživačkog rada. Projektna je nastava važan način učenja u suvremenim obrazovnim sustavima, jer je primjenjiva u svim vrstama nastave, osobito pri učenju interdisciplinarnih tema i sadržaja, u izvannastavnim aktivnostima, a neizostavna je u radu s nadarenim učenicima. Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija u ovom kontekstu je alat koji doprinosi ostvarivanju projektnih ciljeva, omogućuje ostvarivanje uspješnije komunikacije i suradnje, a prije svega podiže razinu motivacije svih sudionika u projektu.
9.L. Zima Krnelić (OŠ Vežica, Rijeka, Croatia)
Robotika - učenje stvaranjem 
U šk.godini 2014./2015. prijavom škole za sudjelovanje u Croatian Makers projektu , udruge za razvoj i inovativnost maldih (IRIM) školi su donirani mBot roboti. Uvođenjem Robotike kao izvannastavne aktivnosti za učenike od 5. do 8. razreda rodila se ideja o slaganju robota. Za početak robot "igračaka", a kasnije robota koji se baziraju na Arduino pločici, zahvaljujući kojoj možemo programirati hardver. Ovo je izvrstan način kako potaknuti učenike na programiranje, ali i na poduzetnost, istraživanje, timski rad te inovativnost i kreativnost. Dostupnost hardvera danas, potrebno je iskoristiti za rad na projektima u kojima učenici iskustveno uče i tako stječu ključne kompetencije za programiranje svijeta oko sebe.
10.T. Babić, A. Lacković (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Babić (Knjižnice grada zagreba, Zagreb, Croatia)
Upravljanje znanjem kao ključna tržišna prednost intelektualnih radnika 
Upravljanje znanjem počelo je davno i nije suvremena inovacija informacijske tehnologije, ali s evolucijom ekonomije iz upravljane prema poduzetničkoj ekonomiji, nazivanoj i ekonomija temeljena na znanju, upravljanje znanjem postaje jedan od temeljnih resursa na kojima se temelji efikasnost i efektivnost modernoga poduzeća te čini okosnicu njegovih sržnih kompetencija. Znanje postaje najvažniji izvor konkurentne prednosti na tržištu, te uz informaciju i informacijsku infrastrukturu postaje glavna pretpostavka koja intelektualni kapital stavlja u poziciju da stvara vrijednost. Stoga, društvene vještine postaju ključne za upravljanje znanjem pojedinca, a ne sama tehnologija. Rad obuhvaća istraživanje provedeno na studenskoj populaciji Visokog učilišta Alegbra, te analizu podataka o informiranosti studenata o očekivanjima poslodavaca iz IT sektora, te koliko smatraju bitnim svoje društvene vještine, samoedukaciju i samopromociju u odnosu na tehnička znanja stečena na fakultetu.
11.T. Babić, I. Vunarić, A. Lokas Ćošković (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Interakcija i komunikacija studenata prilikom učenja – primjer studenata Visokog učilišta Algebra  
Razvoj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija snažno je utjecao na razvoj obrazovanja na svim razinama pa se uz tradicionalne oblike učenja pojavilo online učenje. Osnovne prednosti tradicionalne nastave kao konvencionalnog načina poučavanja i učenja licem u lice sadržane su u socijalnom i interaktivnom elementu (face-to-face interakcije), dok je online učenje na daljinu, nazivano još i e-učenje ili učenje temeljeno na webu koncipirano kao nastava u kojoj su skupine studenata razdvojene, a poučavanje i učenje odvija se uz pomoć računala kao medija za komuniciranje. Online učenje često je asinkrono odnosno ne odvija se u stvarnom vremenu, ali može biti i sinkrono, pri čemu nastavnik i studenti imaju međusobnu interakciju uživo, u stvarnom vremenu, kao što je slučaj na Visokom učilištu Algebra na kojem studenti mogu predavanja pratiti putem videokonferencijskog sustava. Cilj rada bio je na primjeru studentske populacije Visokog učilišta Algebra istražiti koji oblik nastave, učenja i poučavanja studenti preferiraju: tradicionalnu (licem u lice) ili online nastavu, kao i koju vrstu interakcije studenti preferiraju prilikom svladavanja novih znanja i vještina: uživo ili na daljinu te postoji li povezanost između preferiranog oblika nastave, poučavanja i učenja u odnosu na to preferiraju li komunikaciju licem u lice ili računalno posredovanu komunikaciju.
12.T. Babić, I. Vunarić, A. Lokas Ćošković (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Netspeak kao obilježje računalno posredovane komunikacije - primjer studenata Visokog učilišta Algebra 
Pojava i korištenje interneta promijenili su cjelokupan život suvremenog čovjeka, a bez interneta komunikacija i u privatnom i u poslovnom svijetu postaje gotovo nezamisliva. Shodno tome, nije zanemariv niti utjecaj interneta na promjenu jezika odnosno na stvaranje tzv. mrežnog jezika ili netspeaka. Netspeak je usko povezan s engleskim kao globalnim jezikom, ali ima vlastita razlikovna obilježja u svojim pojavnostima. U ovom radu prikazana su osnovna obilježja netspeaka, kao posebnog jezika, kratica i izraza koje ljudi koriste u komunikaciji putem interneta, te su prikazani rezultati istraživanja provedenog na studentskoj populaciji Visokog učilišta Algebra o utjecaju interneta na vokabular mladih i u kojoj mjeri studenti koriste „kodirani domaći jezik“ odnosno mješavinu engleskog i hrvatskog jezika, uzimajući u obzir neke od glavnih načina na koje internet mijenja jezik, kao što su uvođenje novih internetskih naziva, a koji su najčešće anglizmi ili izvorne engleske riječi, širenje anglizama i kratica u općemu jeziku, uporaba emotikona te nepoštivanje pravopisnih pravila. Analizom podataka dobivenih iz odgovora studenata u provedenoj anketi pokazalo se da korištenje netspeaka dominira u neformalnoj online komunikaciji, ali da se u formalnoj online komunikaciji i dalje radije koriste riječi iz hrvatskog standardnog jezika.
13.D. Možnik (MORH, Hrvatsko vojno učilište "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Zagreb, Croatia)
Suvremene metode poučavanja u vojnom obrazovanju 
Rad opisuje i objašnjava suvremene metode poučavanja u obrambenim i vojnim sustavima u području vojnog obrazovanja koje se u RH organiziraju, pripremaju i provode na Hrvatskom vojnom učilištu „Dr. Franjo Tuđman“. Cilj je poboljšati i unaprijediti kvalitetu i nastavna umijeća tijekom provedbe nastave od strane nastavnika na HVU. U nastavi u vojnim školama koristi se: e-učenje, LMS sustavi MOODLE i ILIAS, kreativni modeli nastave, problemsko-istraživački modeli, recepcijsko-estetički modeli, egzemplarno-paradigmatski modeli, vođenje razreda te fleksibilno rješavanje nastalih izazova u provedbi nastave. Održane su odgovarajuće radionice u cilju implementacije suvremenih metoda poučavanja. Nastavno osoblje je upoznato i provodi program DEEP (engl. Defence Education Enhanced Program) u cilju podizanja kvalitete nastave i izrade kurikuluma za provedbu novih nastavnih metoda u vojnim školama. Nastavlja se proces umrežavanja sa NATO i EU organizacijama koje provode vojno obrazovanje. Izrađen je nastavni plan i program tečaja za pripremu nastavnika na HVU o suvremenim metodama poučavanja. Cilj tečaja je osposobljavanje nastavnika na HVU za konkretna stvaralačka rješenja u praksi i unapređenje provedbe nastave na HVU. Definirani su ishodi učenja i sadržaj tečaja je detaljno razrađen. Navedena je korištena literatura (osnovna i dopunska) kao i načini praćenja kvalitete koji osiguravaju stjecanje izlaznih kompetencija. Na kraju su navedena zaključna razmatranja.
14.A. Čižmešija, V. Vidaček-Hainš (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varazdin, Croatia)
Case Study of Online Resources and Searching for Information on Students’ Academic Needs 
Abstract The rapid development of digital technology and the constantly increasing number of online information sources have meant that students’ skills related to information seeking are crucial for academic success. This Paper presents the selected findings of a case study with an emphasis on identifying differences and similarities between international and Croatian students’ information seeking skills in an online environment. Internet search engines, E-books, online databases and research networks are the online resources which were analysed in this study in order to discover information on the literacy of two groups of students. Quantitative research was conducted in March of 2015 via an online survey and the sample consisted of 70 international and 69 Croatian students. The following research fields were identified in line with the literature review and the expected research outcomes: (1) discover similarities and differences in usage of online information for academic purposes between international and Croatian students, (2) compare the frequency of usage of different online sources between international and Croatian students, and (3) describe the most common online sources of information used by the two groups of students. The results of the study could be used to raise awareness of the need to develop students’ online information skills and to improve courses within the Croatian higher education system by harmonizing them with those from European Union.
15.P. Brođanac (V. gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia)
Recursions and How to Teach Them 
Summary – Learning programming is difficult. This refers to primary and secondary school students, but to university student beginners at programming too. These particular reasons stand as a challenge to teachers, as well. Most of the authors agree that recursion presents one of the most difficult concepts at programming, whereas some authors think it is the most difficult concept in programming. On the other hand, it is no longer only an important mathematical concept, but a programming technique, a way of algorithm thinking, and a tool to problem solving. There have been many attempts how to teach recursions. Hereinafter, one can find certain approaches for which authors claim to bring a better understanding of this important concept.
16.M. Filipović Tretinjak, M. Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia)
Learning Management System (LMS) Software Comparison: Edmodo vs Schoology 
Abstract - Learning Management Systems such as Schoology and Edmodo promote a learning environment that leads to achieving the expected learning outcomes through encouraging student participation. Although most teachers use Learning Management Systems as a part of implementing the Flipped Classroom, these tools can be used as a platform for student-teacher communication and provide online environment for engaging in interactive classroom activities and sharing various learning materials. This paper will explore the advantages and the disadvantages of Schoology and Edmodo platform.
Tuesday, 5/23/2017 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:30 PMChairs: Leo Budin & Snježana Babić
Invited Lecture
N. Begičević Ređep, I. Balaban (Faculty of Organization and Information, Varaždin, Croatia)
Okvir za digitalnu zrelost i procjena digitalne zrelosti škola u Hrvatskoj 
3:30 PM - 4:00 PMPapers
1.L. Budin (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Mladenović (Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia), Z. Markučić ( XV. Gimnazija, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Rosić (Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia), D. Škvorc (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Stavovi strukovnih udruga i visokoškolskih institucija o preobrazbi predmeta Informatika u hrvatskom školstvu 
Nastavni predmet Informatika uveden je u hrvatski školski sustav prije nekoliko desetljeća kada je središnja tema bila izučavanje svojstava računalnih sustava. Međutim, danas se naglasak stavlja na računalne postupke i algoritme koji su primjenljivi u svim granama ljudske djelatnosti uključujući sva područja znanosti i obrazovanja. Zbog toga su strukovne udruge koje djeluju u području računarstva i informacijske tehnologije pokrenule niz rasprava u koje su se uključile i visokoškolske ustanove. Zaključeno je da se pod nazivom Informatika u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu uobičajeno podrazumijevaju tri vrste aktivnosti: stjecanje vještina za uporabu informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (digitalna pismenost); uporaba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije u obrazovnom procesu (edukacijska tehnologija, e-učenje); rješavanje problema računalom uz uporabu nekog programskog jezika. Nadalje, utvrđeno je da težište obrazovnog procesa u predmetu Informatika u osnovnim i srednjim škola mora biti na rješavanju problema jer upravo ta aktivnost kod učenika potiče razvoj algoritamskog odnosno računalnog načina razmišljanja (engl. computational thinking) koje omogućuje razumijevanje, analizu i rješavanje problema odabirom odgovarajućih strategija i programskih rješenja. Za očekivati je da bi ovakav pristup oblikovanja nastave informatike, posebice u osnovnoj školi, pridonio poboljšanju rezultata hrvatskih učenika u PISA istraživanjima. Jedan od osnovnih preduvjeta preobrazbe nastave informatike je organiziranje dodatne izobrazbe postojećih učitelja i nastavnika.
2.S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), J. Mezak (Učiteljski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Društvo kibernetičara, Rijeka, Croatia)
Stavovi studenata prema uvođenju računalnog razmišljanja i programiranja pomoću metode Mema za djecu predškolskog i ranog školskog uzrasta 
Pod utjecajem različitih aspekata javila se potreba za razvojem računalnog razmišljanja i programiranja kod šire populacije te navedeno postaje sastavni dio novih kurikuluma informatičkih i drugih nastavnih predmeta na svim obrazovnim razinama. Za uspješno uvođenje računalnog razmišljanja i programiranja u nastavni proces potrebne su i odgovarajuće pedagoške metode. Kroz ovaj rad razmatra se uvođenje računalnog razmišljanja i programiranja za djecu predškolskog i ranog školskog uzrasta pomoću metode koja koristi igračku Memu za rano učenje programiranja, kao jedne od metoda poučavanja programiranja bez upotrebe računala. Posebnost spomenute metode je u tome što je razvijana tako da je mogu koristiti odgajatelji odnosno učitelji koji su jedini osposobljeni za rad sa djecom tako malog uzrasta. U ovome radu dani su rezultati istraživanja u kojem su ispitani stavovi studenata – budućih odgajatelja i učitelja prema uvođenju programiranja pomoću metode Mema za djecu predškolskog i ranog školskog uzrasta te o tome koliko su prije upisa na studij slušali školskih sati informatičkih nastavnih predmeta te od toga sati programiranja. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja mogu doprinijeti praktičarima i znanstvenicima u daljnjem radu u razmatranom području.
4:00 PM - 6:00 PMPanel
Preobrazba nastave informatike u hrvatskim osnovnim školama 
Tuesday, 5/23/2017 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM,
Camelia 2, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
6:00 PM - 8:00 PMWorkshop 
Rješavanje problema uporabom programskog jezika Python u završnim razredima osnovne škole 
Wednesday, 5/24/2017 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 7:00 PMChairs: Marijan Krašna & Robert Repnik
1.M. Höfler, G. Wesiak, P. Pürcher (University of Graz, Graz, Austria), C. Gütl (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria)
Modern Education and Its Background in Cognitive Psychology: Automated Question Creation and Eye Movements 
In modern education the automatic generation of test items out of texts becomes more and more important. We have recently presented an enhanced automatic question creator (EAQC) that extracts the most relevant concepts out of a text and creates test items based on these concepts. From eye-movement research it is known that learners fixate potentially relevant information longer and more often. In the present study we investigated whether the rele-vance of EAQC-concepts is related to the frequency and lengths of fixations from learners who read the text, learn it and manually extract concepts from it. To this end we asked partic-ipants also for a personal rating of the concepts. Overall, results showed a tendency that par-ticipants needed more fixations when learning as compared to when reading or extracting concepts. Saccadic amplitudes were longer when participants extracted concepts than when they read them, no other differences were found. How long and how often a concept was fixated did not vary with the concept’s relevance according to participant’s ratings. Future research is therefore necessary to investigate a possible relationship between eye movement behavior and automated concept extraction.
2.A. McGowan, P. Hanna, D. Greer, J. Busch, N. Anderson (Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom)
Learning to Program – Does it Matter Where You Sit in the Lecture Theatre?  
Seating position in university lectures is commonly linked with student grade performance. Sitting at the front of lecture theatre is generally reported to have a positive effect on final grade. This study investigates and analyses the seating positions, course engagement, prior programming experiences and academic abilities of students throughout a 12 week Java programming university lecture programme and relates these themes to the students’ final grade performances. Unlike other studies in this area it did not control the students’ seating arrangements enabling an unrestricted study of the effects of lecture theatre seating on assessment performance. It finds that the best assessment results were achieved by the students in the front row and that assessment score degraded the further students sat from the front. While the most engaged were found to regularly sit at the front the same was not true for the most academically able or those with the greatest prior programming experience.
3.M. Radovan (University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia)
Knowledge and Skills: A Critical View 
The paper puts forward a critical view on knowledge and education in the present techno-economic culture. This culture stresses the importance of knowledge and education, but it promotes only the instrumental knowledge that the present techno-economy directly needs. Such practice displaces other dimensions of the human knowledge and cognitive abilities, which are needed for the progress of people and humanity. Business forces are raising the means to the level of the end, and shape education in the way that serves business aim, rather than the promotion of knowledge. Information technology has brought many excellent means and services to education , but it should not be used in the way that reduces people to automatons that perform prescribed procedures, without understanding or asking anything beyond that.
4.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland), B. Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Kiel, Germany)
Today is the Future of Yesterday; What is the Future of Today? 
In the educational context, understanding the future is important for two reasons. First, we are educating people for future tasks, which need skills that are useful in the future. Secondly, educators have to be able to select the most promising tools and technologies to apply in their work. The problem is that there is no clear way to weigh the importance of the alternatives – what the real importance of a certain technology will be in the near future and especially in the long term. In our paper, we focus on analyzing selected technologies. Our approach applies the framework developed by the authors. The promising technologies are reviewed by a systematic literature study, focusing on and restricted to the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The findings are classified according to their importance and the time span of their effectiveness. The question we answer is “What should every educator know about changes in technology?”
5.S. Neradová, S. Zitta (University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Interdisciplinary Utilization of IT 
This article describes a project realised in laboratory seminars. The project involved observing and monitoring breathing of chosen plants. The recorded data were subsequently analysed into several conclusions. The goal was to devise a solution which would enable to record the collected data from the sensors. The designed system contained wireless module and sensors for temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration. The collected data were transferred to the web server ThingSpeak. Data values could be studied through an internet browser and also downloaded for further analysis. The major founding is that interdisciplinary skills led to successful creation of financially undemanding functional unit, which enabled automation of the data collection. The students were given the opportunity to design an IT platform, to implement and to analyse collected data. Individual components of the project required combination of the skills from informatics, physics, biology and mathematics.
6.C. Fulford, S. Paek (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States)
Maximizing Quality Class Time Using Computers for a Flipped Classroom Approach 
This study presents a two-course sequence of graduate instructional design courses that were developed and implemented using a flipped classroom model for both online and face-to-face contexts. This model is an instructional strategy that reverses what is traditionally done at home and what is done at school, such as watching video lectures at home and working authentic problems in class. The presentation will 1) demonstrate how the two courses were designed and developed, 2) share findings from 50 student response surveys regarding perceptions and satisfaction with the new model, and 3) discuss the successes and challenges of implementing these courses.
7.L. Abazi-Bexheti, A. Kadriu, M. Apostolova (SEE University, University/Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Quantitative Structured Literature Review of Research on e-Learning 
In this study is explored the changing path of eLearning discipline since its appearance to nowadays. ELearning has evolved in different ways in different sectors therefore it might have different implications in certain periods of time in certain sector. A small number of things have changed in the last half century as much as the way we learn. Consequently, a significant research is going on throughout these periods in identifying cases of success in the application of e-learning. In this context, the study presented in this paper is about the analysis of the evolution on research papers related to e-learning and any form of computer assisted education published in the last five decades. We show the methodology for gathering these papers from the DBLP database, including their authors and conferences where they are published. We present the results from this study showing how published work regarding e-Learning is distributed through years, which are the conferences where these papers show up mostly and what is the collaboration community in this framework
8.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), B. Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Kiel, Germany), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
The Educators’ Telescope to the Future of Technology 
We live in a world of accelerating changes, where technology plays an important role as an enabler. Looking ahead means being prepared for these changes. Preparedness may be reactive – reacting to the situation at the moment something happens; proactive – being prepared in advance for a situation that may happen; or preactive – being able in advance to affect something that may happen and how it happens. Forecasting the future helps us to be prepared for new situations. It is based on making predictions that are derived from understanding past and present data. Known data is organized in the form of trends and further extrapolated to cover the future. From the technical point of view, there are a variety of approaches for forecasting: algorithmic, simulation, statistical analysis etc. The methods used may be quantitative (future data is seen as a function of past data) or qualitative (subjective, based on the opinion or judgment of the target group used in the analysis). Technology is an essential part of education, both in supporting effective learning and as a content of teaching itself. As a result, every educator needs skills to analyze the future of relevant technologies. In this paper, we introduce a framework that can be used in analysis of the importance of technological changes. The approach is based on trend analysis and classification of the relevant technologies to take into account the time span of their effects in society. The application of the framework in ICT-related technologies is given in another paper by the same authors. The question we answer in this paper is “How can an educator analyze the consequences of technological changes in their work?”
9.A. Žiško (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia), A. Šorgo (University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia)
ICT Support for Promotion of Nature Park 
Around the World and particularly in the Europe the conservation of the habitats becomes more important. For that reason, the project of connecting nature and people in Europe promotes the European Green Belt that stretch across 12500 km. A part of that European Green Belt is also the three state nature park (Goričko-Raab-Örség) spanning Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. Inhabitants the Goričko nature park are important factor for the park's the long time survival and preservation. But living in the park also presents multiple limitations and young people see them as hampering constraints of their life. Therefore, the activities for constant promotion and value of the park needs to become the daily routine. The old fashion promotional activities are not effective for the youngsters which are accustomed to the fast life style and daily use of ICT. The study was made how to incorporate ICT into the promotion and daily life of the nature park and empower the activities to create visitors own footprint in the park and park's cyber space. The promotional activities, educational activities and competition between youngsters are covered in the article. The ICT is the backbone for the team work; individual's curiosity; and professionals.
10.M. Holenko Dlab (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Odjel za informatiku, Rijeka, Croatia)
Experiences in Using Educational Recommender System ELARS to Support e-Learning 
Educational recommender systems have the potential to support e-learning by personalizing learning process to the individual characteristics of students. To achieve this, such systems can recommend e-courses, learning materials, learning paths, collaborators and similar. This paper describes experiences in using educational recommender system ELARS for the e-course “Hypermedia Supported Education”. The system provides personalization in the context of e-learning activities (e-tivities) by recommending optional e-tivities, possible collaborators, Web 2.0 tools and offering advice. Analysis of students’ academic achievements and results of conducted survey are presented together with teacher's observations and guidlines for further development of the ELARS system.
11.R. Repnik, G. Nemec (Faculty on Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krasna (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Influence of Accuracy of Simulations to the Physics Education 
It is a common believe that the best learning of physics can be achieved in the real world environment with the observation of the natural physics phenomena. However, this is just partially true. Using simulation environments as supplement to real laboratory experiments increase the understanding of students. In addition, in many cases the physical processes (too fast or too slow, dangerous, too small…) are beyond the capability of humans to observe them, at least in schools. We have seen that adequate understanding is difficult even in the simplest phenomena - (the ball rolls down a slope) where students could not grasp the concept of the physics background of the phenomena entirely unless previously instructed with the theory. In our article, we have used simulations, which allow students to fully customize the experiment to their "speed" of understanding. We compared the accuracy of three different freeware simulations to the highly accurate proprietary one. We have also analyzed the background of the 2D simulated presentation of the 3D phenomena (e.g. the sphere and the cylinder look alike in the 2D cross-section but the physics background of rolling down the slope is different) and abilities to customize the simulations to the desired situations.
12.O. Ivanova, N. Silkina (South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)
Competence-Oriented Model of Representation of Educational Content 
The paper is devoted to a competence-oriented model of representation of educational content. The model is based on the requirements to results of educational programs in higher education and illustrates the approach to developing e-learning courses as structured sets of didactical units containing evaluation funds. Didactical units of training material are the content elements of e-learning encyclopedias. Evaluation funds of didactical units allow determining the level of graduates’ competence. The multi-variant presentation of the training material helps to build individual learning trajectories for persons with disabilities, for students with different backgrounds and with different individual characteristics of personal and cognitive spheres.
13.J. Lasić-Lazić, T. Ivanjko (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb / Department of Information and Comm, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Grubješić (University North / Department of Civil Engineering, Varaždin, Croatia)
Using Moodle in English for Professional Purposes (EPP) Teaching at the University North 
Rapid advances in technology and computer aided teaching have offered new opportunities and enforced the application of new tools, methodologies, approaches and frameworks to promote active foreign language teaching and learning. English, as a global language, is probably the most commonly spoken language in the world when combining the native and non-native speakers and currently the language most often taught as a foreign language in the Croatian higher education. In order to fulfill its mission of educating competent professional personnel for the needs of the real economy, University North implemented Moodle, an open source Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle has been receiving more and more popularity in higher education in the recent years, especially in the learning-teaching process applied in the English courses, offering a wide range of courses covering English for Professional Purposes. Teaching foreign languages for professional purposes is considered to be a priority in the updating of engineering education, and the ability to communicate in other languages is becoming an integral part of the professional competence of any specialist. This paper discusses the advantages of employing the process of the blended learning of professional English through the Moodle platform. Furthermore, the paper focuses on new methodological teaching approaches that are based on individualization or autonomy, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, thus creating the optimal conditions for revealing their individual potential. Finally, the paper can serve as a framework for the possible applications of different Moodle elements in the teaching of English for Professional Purposes.
14.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
Developing Curiosity and Multimedia Skills with Programming Experiments 
Browsers have become the most common communication channel. We spend hours using them to get news and communicate with friends, far more time than communicating face-to face. WWW-based communication and content-creation for www will be the most common job in future work life for students specializing in software engineering. We expect our screens to be colorful and animated, thus students should understand technologies, which are used for e.g. for painting jumping Mario to screen. But massive flow of new software engineering ideas, technologies and frameworks which appear in all-increasing temp tend to make students passive receivers of descriptions of new menus and commands without giving them any possibility to investigate and understand, what is behind these menus and commands, killing their natural curiosity. There should be time to experiment, compare formats, technologies and investigate their relations. In the presentation are described experiments used for investigating, how different formats for describing animation in HTML5 document influence animation rendering speed.
15.A. Papić (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Informetrics: the Development, Conditions and Perspectives 
The paper gives an insight into the development of informetrics from its beginnings. Informetrics is a part of information sciences dedicated to measuring of information phenomenon. Informetrics can be defined as the discipline which studies quantitative aspects of information in any form not only within scientific community but also within any other social community. The term informetrics is an umbrella term for several similar but different disciplines such as bibliometrics, scientometrics, webometrics, altmetrics etc. Therefor the paper firstly explains the terminological issues related to different metric disciplines. Also, the paper aims to explore global and local conditions of informetrics and its position across other disciplines. According to the obtained research results the possible directions for the development of informetrics in Croatia are suggested.
16.N. Kadoić, N. Begičević Ređep, B. Divjak (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Structuring e-Learning Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems 
Problem structuring is one of the most critical phases of decision making process. A well-posed problem has direct impact on effective decision making, especially when we use the multi-criteria decision making methods. There are different decision making methods that have been used for decision making on e-learning issues in higher education, but the most suitable method for this kind of problems is the Analytic Network Process (ANP). ANP meets all the theoretical requirements of decision making in higher education, but policy makers use it very rarely in practice because of its implementation weaknesses. One of the weaknesses is a lack of support in structuring problem in the form of a network. This paper brings an overview of several problem structuring methods and approaches, such as simple top-down and bottom-up approaches, the PrOACT approach, ISM (Interpretative Structural Modelling), DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) and the PAPRIKA structuring method. It also brings analysis of how those structuring methods and approaches help overcome some of the ANP weaknesses. Finally, we provide some recommendations of how to design a new problem structuring method that fits the ANP needs.
17.A. Bernik, D. Radošević, G. Bubaš (FOI, Varaždin, Croatia)
Introducing Gamification into e-learning University courses 
Research of educational e-courses that contain only a series of motivating elements of computer games but don't include playing computer games dates from 2010. [2][5]. The field of this research is called gamification and represents the use of game elements (mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics) in a field which is not a computer game [2][6]. A review of the literature in the field of online information technology courses shows that the aforementioned topic is inadequately explored, with the lack of theoretical and empirical research which would involve important aspects of gamification. Previous studies have shown that gamification has a positive impact on the pedagogical and psychological aspects of e-learning and therefore this paper will place the emphasis on considering gamification in online teaching of information technology content. Through theoretical and empirical research, this dissertation will: 1) create a gamified e-course in the field of teaching information technologies content; 2) examine a possible positive effect on more usage of learning materials in an experimental group of students who will use a gamified e-course (online system).
18.T. Orehovački, D. Etinger (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia), S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Perceived Security and Privacy of Cloud Computing Applications Used in Educational Ecosystem 
When employed in educational settings, cloud computing applications enable users to create, store, organize, and share divergent artefacts with their peers. As an outcome, they have a large number of users worldwide which makes them vulnerable to a variety of security and privacy related threats. With an aim to examine the extent of the perceived security and privacy in the context of cloud computing applications that are most commonly used for educational purposes, an empirical study was carried out. Participants in the study were students from two Croatian higher education institutions. Data was gathered by means of the post-use questionnaire. Study findings uncovered pros and cons of examined cloud computing applications with respect to the manner they are addressing security and privacy concerns of their users.
19.D. Oreški, M. Konecki, L. Milić (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Estimating Profile of Successful IT Student: Data Mining Approach 
The study presented in this paper aims to explore students’ characteristics and to determine student groups based on their previous education and socio-demographic characteristics. Descriptive data mining method, cluster analysis, is applied in the analysis process. Data used in the research is collected among first, second and third year IT students. Research results indicate profile of successful IT student. As such, research results provide useful insight into both micro and macro level aspects of educational process, which can benefit both students and academic institutions. Data mining has shown promising results in educational domain and a substantial potential to serve as a tool for improvement of quality in education.
20.S. Pavkov, I. Franković, N. Hoić-Božić (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, Rijeka, Croatia)
Comparison of Game Engines for Serious Games 
Serious games are specially designed computer games which are used in an educational setting, in other words, they are interactive competitive lessons with defined learning outcomes which allow students fun during learning. The importance of serious games in contemporary educational practice is increasing. Applying serious games in teaching, students facilitate the learning process, adopt new skills and abilities, show more interest in learning, are more focused and more active in a class, and better understand and apply lessons learned. The complexity of serious games requires large efforts for their development. For the development of serious games teachers mostly adapting commercial game engines. One of the important parts of game development is a selection of appropriate development tool. Due to the range of available tools the choice of platforms for serious games is a challenge, whose selection often has considerably different goals and technical requirements depending on context and usage. The aim of this paper is to propose criteria which should be considered before selecting a game engine for serious games and shows results of a comparison of evaluated most popular game engines. Some recommendations for teachers about choosing the most suitable game engines for serious games development are also presented.
Thursday, 5/25/2017 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 1:00 PMChairs: Libuša Révészová & Dana Palova


1.J. Bucko, L. Kakalejčík (Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Economics, Košice, Slovakia)
Machine Learning Techniques in the Education Process of Students of Economics 
Nowadays, in the period of the digitalization of reality and knowledge economy development, the universe is surrounded by massive volume of electronic data. There is an increasing urge to gather information in the effective manner and this need has become highly demanded in each area of business. The knowledge of methods and techniques of big data processing is not solely IT specialists’ domain anymore. It is also a tool of a modern economist. Machine learning courses should become a part of a study plan at universities of economics and business. In our paper, we propose the concept of teaching of maching learning techniques using software Weka as a possible solution to integrate this issue into the study plan based on the example of problem-based learning.
2.G. Kőrösi, F. Havasi (University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary)
Moodle Based Data Mining Potentials of MOOC Systems at the University of Szeged 
In today’s world virtual online educational platforms emerge literally on daily bases and many offer MOOC-based courses. With the appearance of MOOC, educational platforms have gained an additional boost, a new aspect in their evolutionary process, which has opened a new field of research thanking to the extraction of logging information within the frames of data mining. It has become clear that educators will be able to tailor their courses by merging the two previously mentioned fields and by carrying out MOOC-based data mining, targeting pedagogical aspects. This field of research seems promising and important, thus a faculty at the University of Szeged has created its own MOOC educational platform which has been set to facilitate data mining by implementing a wide range of logging algorithms. The data would be processed through a complex Artificial Intelligence program, which, in the short term, could reveal new and exciting pedagogical findings, while in the long run, the supervisors could put together a platform that would help and notify educators about relevant information. It would become possible to create adaptive educational materials, as well. This work aims at clarifying how such platforms function and what the steps of data collection and evaluation are.
3.L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia)
View on Development of Information Competencies and Computer Literacy of Slovak Secondary School Graduates 
The degree of including information, knowledge and technologies into all human activities is very high. New skills for new society are not only classical literacy (reading, writing, counting), but also information competencies and digital/computer literacy. According to ACM Europe Working Group in our “digital world”, information is available anywhere at any time, computer power is ubiquitous, communication of vast amounts of information is almost instantaneous, and storage capacities seem infinite. But these powerful possibilities only benefit those who have learned to use them effectively. That is why all students need to be educated in both: fluency with computer tools and the Internet and the science behind information technology, to use ICT and its devices intelligently. Educational system should be able to react appropriately to the development and trends, however the required state and the reality do not meet. This article summarizes the results of the research of information competencies and digital/computer literacy of secondary school graduates who entered the first grade at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University in Košice. Our research problems are: What are the information competencies and students' knowledge gained during their school informatics education? How can they use this knowledge and their competencies?
4.D. Palova (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Slovakia, Kosice, Slovakia), N. Novak (Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria), V. Weidinger (Verein Offenes Lernen, Vienna, Austria)
Digital Learning as a Tool to Overcome School Failure in Minority Groups 
In the European Union development strategy formulated in the Europe 2020 document (European Commission, 2015) it was indicated, that the smart growth of the EU as a whole should be reached through the realization of three priorities: the increase in employment, the increase of productiveness and the social cohesion and specialized agendas: Digital Agenda, Education and Learning, E-skills and Employment. The main documents identify main weaknesses and risk areas. One of the most significant was described as the early school leaving of Roma minority members. Roma constitute Europe’s largest transnational ethnic minority with an estimate of ten million people. Learning outcomes of this minority are significantly lower than outcomes of the majority. As one of the reasons for early school leaving of Roma, insufficient understanding of learning materials is identified. The result is that most of the Roma community members drop out of education before attending a secondary school and continue their lives as unemployed or enter the labor market as unskilled workers. Within the paper will be presented the CloudLearning project that represents an alternative and innovative educational method: the way of the SOLE method implemented in their education. This paper will include partial results from the pilot tests realized these days.
5.D. Bokan, M. Temerinac (Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), Ž. Lukač, S. Očovaj ( RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems LLC, Novi Sad, Serbia)
C Based Laboratory for Teaching Digital Signal Processing to Computer Engineering Undergraduates 
This paper describes experience and lessons learned from teaching introductory Digital Signal Processing course as a part of Computer Engineering curricula using C based laboratory exercises. Matlab based laboratory exercises are substituted with a series of hands-on experiments which include implementation of Signal Processing algorithms using programing language C and DSP development boards, and the analyses of implemented systems. The theoretical content of the course and the topics covered by the laboratory exercises have remained unchanged. Main goal of a new set of exercises was to enhance student performance, motivation, as well as their understanding of theory. Results are measured by comparing student final grades on this course and grades on successive courses related to DSP topics with grades of students who enrolled in Matlab based course. After finishing the course both student groups were given a survey on experience, satisfaction with the course and learning motivation. Survey results indicated that students who enrolled in C based laboratory course rated the course better and were more interested in Digital Signal Processing topics.
6.P. Esztelecki, F. Havasi (University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary)
Analysis of Video Views in Online Courses 
Nowadays, in our fast-paced world there are countless MOOC courses on the Internet in various themes to broaden our knowledge. One of the most powerful tools for effective learning is online video. Many case studies were made in order to specify the qualities of a good educational video. Philip J. Guo, Juho Kim and Rob Rubin published an article (How Video Production Affects Student Engagement - An Empirical Study of MOOC Videos) about their experiences on edX courses. They were analysing the optimal length of a video and determined which videos were more preferred by the students. Our research group from University of Szeged has developed a logging system which records all the student activities in online courses to analyse the learning styles and behaviours of video watching. In our research, we made a literature review about on-line videos and introduced the system for logging the student activities, focusing on videos views.
7.M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Education in the Field of Electronic Financial Services of its Future Users 
Information and communication technologies revolutionized the ways of providing financial services. Modern technologies instigated the rise of electronic banking and electronic finance and their development continues to bring new forms financial services provision. Students of finance, banking and investment fields of study should keep in touch with newest forms of electronic finance to stimulate their interests in the area of the newest technologies in banking and finance. In the process of education in electronic finance, the use of information and communication technologies is undoubtedly required. The aim of this paper is to present how modern electronic financial services are introduced to students in educational process at our faculty. The course named Electronic Services in Banking is provided to students, during which students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of electronic finance and banking. The course uses multiple eLearning methods such as using learning management system, virtual bank, training videos, online demos etc. The course is provided for several years already and is continuously updated and adjusted as new technologies emerge. Students have the opportunity to come into contact with various forms of electronic services in finance. During the course is the emphasis laid on the security of electronic finance usage, including the principles of digital signature and biometrics. Before and after the completion of the course, a survey is conducted to detect students' awareness of electronic finance services and their advances in knowledge of the subject. The evaluation and a comparison of the survey results in recent years is the main output of this paper. The results serve also as a feedback, which provides important suggestions for changes in the educational process.
8.C. Ungermanns, W. Werth (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria)
Didactic Concepts of Modern Data Analysis 
Nowadays, huge amounts of data are produced within shortest time. Especially modern production and measurement systems daily generate a big volume of data, which is growing exponentially. In many cases the challenge is not just obtaining the data, but an appropriate analysis, which is necessary to extract the significant information for enterprises and institutions. The added value of information is zero, if the employees of a company are not able to effectively evaluated the collected data. In this paper a didactic concept is presented, how students become familiar with methods of modern data analysis. A complete and systematic approach starting with data acquisition, database management, extraction, up to evaluation and interpretation is shown. For better understanding the used complex and theoretical multivariate algorithms are applied to illustrative examples. This gives the students the opportunity to establish a relationship with these methods and the ability to transfer them to practical industrial problems.
9.M. Aglić Čuvić (Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia), J. Maras (Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and naval architecture, Split, Croatia), S. Mladenović (Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia)
Extending the Object-Oriented Notional Machine Notation with Inheritance, Polymorphism, and GUI Events 
Learning to program is a challenging task. Novices need to have an accurate understanding of the program execution at the conceptual level provided by the programming language. This level of execution is often referred to as the notional machine, which is often easier to understand through program visualizations. Currently one of the most popular programming paradigms is object-oriented programming, which introduces a number of advanced concepts. In addition, in order to increase student engagement, teachers have started to introduce graphical user interface (GUI) applications into programming courses. This brings its own set of challenges, mostly related to a significantly larger number of application states, which are more difficult to keep track of. However, most existing programming visualizations do not cover all necessary concepts for teaching object-oriented programming, nor have they considered visualizing complex GUI applications. For this reason, we present our own concept of a visualization system that addresses these shortcomings. In this paper, we have: i) extended an existing notation for a notional machine to support learning of advanced objectoriented concepts inheritance and polymorphism; ii) presented our own concept of a visualization system that introduces the source code into the notional machine, thereby making the relationship between source code and the visual representation more concrete; and iii) proposed solutions for reducing the cognitive overload introduced by GUI applications.
10.D. Krpan, S. Mladenović, G. Zaharija (Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, Croatia)
Mediated Transfer from Visual to High-level Programming Language 
Visual programming languages (VPLs) are becoming more popular and moving from the informal settings into conventional education. One of the important features of VPL is that novices do not need to remember list of commands or complex syntax since everything they need is just there in the environment. The objective of introductory computer programming courses at the university is to teach students how to develop solutions in high-level computer programming languages such as C#. However, they also need to acquire problem solving skills. Since computer programming and problem solving are both difficult, schools and universities often make use of VPLs combined with game-based programming. Students will eventually need to transfer programming concepts learnt from VPL into high-level programming language. Transition from VPL to text-based high-level programming language is not seamless as it might be expected and additional tools and efforts may be required. This paper presents prototypes we have developed for undergraduate university students to enable mediated transfer from VPL to high-level programming language by using the idea of mini-languages.
11.K. Osmakčić, K. Kocijan (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Story of a 'Storyline Visualization' in High School Readings 
Storyline visualization, as a process of illustrating data that has a course of events via a visual medium, has been used in the area of film making for a very long time. Not so long ago, it has moved from the paper version to the digital word allowing for a wider usage. In this paper we propose its usage as a teaching tool in the area of literature reading for the Croatian class (primary language). We have conducted a preliminary research in five Croatian high schools of a different profile to see how storyline visualization, and visualization of school materials in general, affects students understanding of the material being studied. Each school participated with two groups of students where one group was exposed to the storyline visualization of a novel Prokleta avlija by Ivo Andrić [N=103 in total] during the reading period, and the other one was reading without the visualization [N=93 in total]. We will present our results taking into account students’ gender and type of a school.
12.H. Stančić, A. Rajh, M. Jamić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Impact of ICT on Archival Practice from the 2000s Onwards and the Necessary Changes of Archival Science Curricula 
At the outset authors of this article investigate the influence of ICT on archival practice. All archival processes are affected by latest developments in ICT. DMS and eSignature requirements and legislation (like MoReq and eIDAS) influenced record management practice. PAIS, OAIS and storage solutions have their impact on the archival management. Special audio and video format solutions influenced specialised archives. Graph databases as a more agile tool for organising information and the upcoming Records in Contexts (RiC) standard are influencing archival description. New preservation methods have emerged - Chain of Preservation model (COP) and the upcoming Preservation-as-a-Service for Trust (PaasT) model. PaasT is the result of growing cloud services. Semantic web influenced retrieval and usage of materials in all heritage institutions. The authors proceed to discuss how the elaborated changes should reflect the archival science academic curricula. They investigate what are new archival science core competences that should be taught to students and archival professionals by university teachers today, how should universities prepare their students of archival science for contemporary (digital) labour market etc. The authors offer a clear position what archival competencies, arising from the influence of ICT and cloud environment, should be built upon in the contemporary archival science curricula.
13.P. Džapo (National and university library, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Duić (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)
Publishing of Personal Information on Facebook with regard to Gender - Comparison of Pupils and University Students 
The goal of this research was to explore and compare personal information Facebook publishing behaviour of male and female pupils and university students. One important finding is that very small percentage of all examinees publish items in most sensitive data types regarding the privacy: religious and political views, mobile phone, email, address. Additionally, it was established that a similar percentage of male and female pupils publish information in almost all data types. The exception is a Books data type where female pupils publish about two times more than male pupils. Also, on average, female pupils publish about 7.5 times more often information in Books data type than male pupils. Male pupils, on average, publish information in Sports data type about 4.5 times more often than female pupils. Considerably higher percentage of male students publish information in data types: High School, Apps and Games, Music, Friends, TV Shows, Movies. On average, male students publish about 8 times more often information in Sports data type than female students. Female students, on average, publish information considerably more frequently in Check-Ins data type: about 3.5 times more often than male students.
14.M. Duić, B. Konjevod, L. Grzunov (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)
Web Sources of Literature for Teachers and Researchers: Practices and Attitudes of Croatian Faculty toward Legal Digital Libraries and Shadow Libraries Such as Sci-Hub 
To be able to teach classes and write scientific articles, faculty need to have at their disposal numerous scientific papers. Croatian faculty have access to scientific papers and journals through subscription by various institutions. However, many scientific papers are available on the web in the so-called „shadow libraries“ in which papers are included without permission from the authors and journal publishers. In this paper, we will explore the extent to which faculty use different web sources of scientific papers, as well as their practices and attitudes related to availability and use of scientific articles. In order to reach these insights the questionnaire will be used. The information about this questionnaire will be sent to employees with teaching responsibilities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as at the Faculty of Science at University of Zagreb. These employees work in different domains of knowledge so that research results will illuminate mutual similarities and differences. Additionally, we will use log analysis method to explore which scientific articles are used by Croatian faculty in one of the largest shadow libraries: Sci-Hub. Insights from this part of the research will be compared with insights from survey of faculty practices and attitudes.
15.R. Vrana, D. Gaščić, M. Podkonjak (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Supporting Mobile Learning: Usability of Digital Collections in Croatia for Use on Mobile Devices 
Mobile learning is growing in popularity as use of mobile devices by students worldwide increases. At the same time the number of digital information resources such as digital collections in libraries available online has also increased. Digital collections in libraries are valuable and proven resource of information in education. As students use mobile devices more frequently it is expected that use of digital information resources including digital collections in education will also increase. To achieve this goal user interfaces of digital collections must be developed in such a manner to be easily used, especially on mobile devices. This paper presents results of the research of elements of user interfaces of digital collections in libraries in Croatia available on the Web to establish the level of their mobile usability and accessibility as a prerequisite for their potential use in the learning process. To fulfill that potential, digital collections have to support different screen sizes on mobile devices and be accessible on new and old mobile devices, offer assortment of common functions to user etc. The results of this research will help librarians in planning further development of digital collections and educators in planning use of digital collections in their curricula.
16.R. Lerga (Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Candrlic, M. Holenko Dlab (Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Use of ICT in the English Language Classroom 
All aspects of society are constantly developing while adapting to the challenges of the modern world. Education is also included in this continuous process of transformation with the emphasis on the fast information retrieval and acquisition of knowledge from multiple resources. Young people live in a digital environment where they are constantly available on some digital device. This paper presents research on the use of information communication technology (ICT) in education. Attitudes towards the use of technology in the English language classroom were tested among elementary students. Several surveys were conducted to compare the attitudes of students who use tablets in classrooms on the daily basis with those of students who have only experienced one lesson using tablets. The results suggest that the use of ICT in education is perceived more positively among those students who use technology in their classrooms on the daily basis.
17.I. Hebrang Grgić (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
LIS Students and Plagiarism in the Networked Environment 
Plagiarism is unethical behaviour that can have negative consequences on the development of science and society. It also ruins the reputation of individuals and institutions. Plagiarism can be intended or unintended. The paper will focus on unintended plagiarism that is a result of absence of that topic in the education curricula. Teaching about plagiarism is part of so-called ethical literacy that is a subcategory of information literacy. A survey will be conducted with the aim of finding out about the degree of knowledge about plagiarism among the students of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. The analysis will be based on an anonymous web questionnaire with 20 questions. The presumption is that the students do not know enough about plagiarism, they have not had any experiences with plagiarism during their education and they do not know what self-plagiarism is. Another presumption is that the students get detailed instructions about how to cite sources, but do not know enough about the concept of authorship. The conclusion will be made about the inclusion of this segment of information literacy in education curricula. New surveys will be proposed (on local and national level).
18.A. Kavčič, M. Pesek, M. Marolt (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
A Platform for Supporting Learning Process of Visually Impaired Children 
Although ICT supported tools and e-learning material are widely available in schools to support teaching and learning, there is still a lack of specific tools and material designated for children with impairments. The costs of adapting and preparing such material is often economically not justifiable due to a small numbers of such children, and commonly, for the best leaning outcome the material has to be adapted for each individual child and their deficits and level of impairments. Our solution to this problem is a Web platform for delivering customized exercises intended for visually impaired children. There are two sorts of exercises already prepared: a tutorial for learning and practicing Braille and ten-finger typing, and various exercises for practicing vision, memory, and motor skills. For each individual impaired learner, the teacher can select appropriate type of exercise and customize it by adjusting visual aspects of the exercise, setting the specific content (e.g., words for typing, or items to sort), or selecting the level of difficulty (e.g., set timing, complexity levels, or number of shown images). A set of such customized exercises is given to a learner for practicing and their progress is constantly monitored and saved for later inspection.
19.A. Čobić, M. Čarapina (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Web Application for Time Telling 
This paper presents the web application for time telling and results of its usage in the second grade of primary school in Croatia. The paper analyses the usage of the web application for time telling in classroom described with both qualitative and quantitative data. The research was done in order to gain a detailed perception on how the application and other parameters influence the children’s test results and studying habits, as well as an insight on what are the convenient forms of technology-enhanced learning for children of certain age.
20.P. Kurent (ŠOLSKI CENTER KRANJ, KRANJ, Slovenia)
Integration of the Future Technologies to High Schools and Colleges 
Science and technology are progressing with the speed which seems to be unfamiliar to us. What seems to be science-fiction some 30 years ago is now becoming our everyday reality. 3-D printing, O-led technology, modern communication, smart materials, mind recognition etc. How to follow the progress and all novelties and what is more, how to integrate them into the educational systems of high schools and colleges, is practically an art. Article addresses the mind recognition system, EPOC technology, and its integration in the educational process. Mind recognition device EPOC works in way to recognize brain activities in specific brain parts and sends this information to the computer. The computer processes the information and produces appropriate exit signals, whereas by strengthening the latter machines and devices can be controlled. Next to mind recognition, the device also has integrated the gyroscope and system for facial movement recognition. In ten years such technology could thoroughly change the life of disabled people and the operational working processes in industries, as by controlling the mind, human would be able to control more machines than today by using hands. Main obstacle for quicker integration in the practical use is the reliability – repeatability. For successful use in industry the rate must be at least 99,5 %, whereas it currently reaches only roughly 70 %.
21.U. Sterle (Šolski center Kranj, Kranj, Slovenia)
Generating Large Random Test Data Table for SQL Training 
For a quality SQL training we need many different exercises and many different tables. There are many databases along with the exercises in English. In Slovenian and other languages we have a lack of them. The idea was to create a random table from existing data. On the web we find a lot of data in our own language. When we assemble these data according to some random logic, we can obtain a large table, which is needed for practising SQL language. We've compiled a table of people which includes the following information: name, sex, place of residence, birth date and time, the profession and a popular place. From the Web we obtained information about the most common names by gender, last names, places in Slovenia and the professions. Birthdays were generated randomly, so that a person's age is between eighteen and eighty years. Popular places were also randomly generated as a geolocation in Slovenia. Table was used in exercises of the module entitled "Advanced usage of databases" in the third year of secondary school program of Computer Technician.
Thursday, 5/25/2017 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 7:00 PMChairs: Božidar Kovačić & Aleksandar Skendžić
1.D. Cvetković (Pedagoški fakultet u Somboru, Sombor, Serbia), M. Mijatović, M. Mijatović (Internacionalni univerzitet, Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina), B. Medić ( Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija, Subotica, Serbia)
Web Service Model for Distance Learning Using Cloud Computing Technologies 
The improvement of communication and the exchange of teaching resources between teachers and students has developed a model of web services based on cloud computing technology. Today's models and systems (in the application approach) are used according to the user's needs, while the rest of the time computing resources remain not used. Such services are characterized by extremely high level of security and synchronization of files that are continuously exchanged. The infrastructure that is based on cloud technology provides uninterrupted simultaneous work of great number of different virtual machines on which are installed different systems and application software. For the purposes of the experiment, teaching resources are offered in the form of a virtual machine. Experiment included approximately 500 respondents in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The experiment results show that the system for e-learning (online education) developed in cloud environment is more scalable and shows better performance from the currently used classical server oriented system.
2.T. Vrbanec (Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Meštrović (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Struggle with Academic Plagiarism: Approaches based on Semantic Similarity 
Academic plagiarism is a serious problem nowadays. Due to the existence of inexhaustible sources of digital information, today it is easier to plagiarize more than ever before. The good thing is that plagiarism detection techniques have improved and are powerful enough to detect attempts of plagiarism in education. We are now witnessing efficient plagiarism detection software in action, such as Turnitin, iThenticate or SafeAssign. In the introduction we explore software that is used within the Croatian academic community for plagiarism detection in universities and/or in scientific journals. The question is - is this enough? Current software has proven to be successful, however the problem of identifying paraphrasing or obfuscation plagiarism remains unresolved. In this paper we present a report of how semantic similarity measures can be used in the plagiarism detection task.
3.B. Grba (Gymnasium Bernardin Frankopana, Ogulin, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Personal Learning Environments as Support to Education 
The methodologist's cognitions achieved by experience in education resulted in the fact that the centre of education must be transferred from teacher to student. The consequence of such approach is development of personal environment for learning. Former generations of the learning system by which introduction of information technology is introduced into educational process points to the need for introduction of individual approach to learning by development of the personal environment for learning. The results of the most important researches implemented on the European Universities are presented. Currently leading systems for the development of the personal environment for learning and tools for creation of personal environment for learning are described. The directions of development of educational environment and guidelines for future researches are established.
4.M. Pezer (Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. Lazić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Odak (Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Free and Open Source Software in the Secondary Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Significant benefits, like an IT cost savings, security, customability, knowledge sharing, can be achieved through the introduction and use of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) in high schools. By using FLOSS, level of students’ innovation, computer literacy, knowledge and creativity could be increased. That benefit could be important for developing countries as a chance for strengthen local IT industry. This paper shows differences regarding FLOSS and proprietary source software treatment in a computer science classroom in high schools with curriculum in Croatian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In this paper survey of computer course teachers’ interest and their knowledge regarding use of free and open source software was conducted by on-line questionnaire. The FLOSS presence regarding operating systems and office package at computer classrooms was also explored. An additional analysis of curriculum in secondary education in schools with curriculum in Croatian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed.
5.V. Dedić, R. Cvejić, M. Anđelković ( School of Strategic and Operational Management, Belgrade, Serbia)
E-Learning of Mathematics, Problem and a Possible Solution 
This paper presents the introduction into theoretical founding of an e-learning system that uses principles of transactional analysis (TA), designed for elearning of mathematics. TA is both theory of personality and a practical approach to managing numerous problems that are arising from inadequate communication patterns. We believe that the key problem of low mathematical performance found in Serbian learners is not in mathematics but in promoting and maintaining nonfunctional communication patterns. Internet and e-learning are seen as good arena in which a new battle for better math knowledge should be lead and won.
6.D. Cvetković (Pedagoški fakultet u Sombor, Sombor, Serbia), B. Medić (Viša tehnička škola stukovnih studija, Subotica, Serbia)
Research Methodology in the 21st Century 
Within this paper, we consider recent developments in methods of research and consider the context of how students are introduced to this compared with late 20th Century methodologies. We compare these strategies and consider why changes of approach have occurred and what this means for the quality of research. Finally, we suggest two further routes that will help in this analysis which are likely to provide yet more insight in to how to develop better research strategies.
7.D. Pešić, Z. Radivojević, M. Cvetanović (University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia)
A Survey and Evaluation of Free and Open Source Simulators Suitable for Teaching Courses in Wireless Sensor Networks 
This paper attempts to give a survey of some free software tools for wireless sensor networks. It targets teachers and students who might have the need for education in this area. As a first stage in creating this survey, a process of software collection is presented. First collection step is search through the Shanghai list for the first 50 universities. From these universities, available information about used software for wsn-related courses is collected. Additionally, other wsn software surveys are considered. Then, only free, open source and available software are kept, because they are the easiest for students to get it. Then evaluation based on topics coverage and software features is done. Topics are selected from IEEE Curriculum guidelines, while features give emphasis on practical usage from user aspect. Selected topics are embedded systems, computer networks, operating system and system resource management. Features used in the evaluation are support for GUI and command line, programming language learning overhead, ease of installation, extensibility, and platform portability. As a result, following software tools are described: TinyOS, Prowler, Riot, Castalia, Avrora, Shawn, TRMSim-WSN, and Shox.
8.S. Tapiška (Pedagogical Institute of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Kresoja, Z. Putnik, M. Ivanović (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Excessive Internet Use Among Elementary School Students in Vojvodina 
In this paper we investigate factors that affect excessive use of Internet among elementary school students in Vojvodina. The quantitative analysis was performed using datasets from research carried out in 66 elementary schools across Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Using a large data set on elementary school students, we have tried to describe the profile of students who excessively use Internet. Results reveal the significant impact of using Internet in non-study related purposes for differentiation between students who excessively use Internet and those who do not.
9.B. Kovačić ( University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia), A. Skendžić, K. Devčić (Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospic, Gospić, Croatia)
E-learning on Polytechnic Nikola Tesla – Analysis and Comparison  
E-learning System has become a common constituent unit of web page of any higher education institution. At the Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospic Loomen is established since 2010, a system that is designed in a role of teaching repository for students and for preparation of e-courses for the teachers and students. The aim of this paper is by using descriptive and inferential statistics, and based on a survey conducted among students, examine how, and to what purpose and how often students used Loomen E-learning System.
10.T. Alajbeg, M. Sokele, V. Šimović (Tehničko Veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Determination of Time Criteria for Assessment in Learning Management Systems 
Today’s Learning Management Systems, in conjunction with knowledge and skill acquisition modules, offer the possibility for automated assessment of the aforementioned knowledge and skills. Their implementation in teaching offers a wide range of advantages: reducing teacher administrative work, reducing the possibility of errors concerning preparation, execution and evaluation of exams; elimination of teacher's subjectivity during the evaluation phase; lessening of inappropriate student actions during exams etc. A majority of tests that are done through LMS have a time limit, which opens up a problem of determining the optimal time parameters for a specific exam. This paper includes a statistical data analysis that was collected during five years via LMS Moodle on the Personal Computer Applications (PCA) course in professional study of electrical engineering at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences. Through analysis and modelling the results of the statistical data processing, guidelines for time criteria for future tests were made.
11.D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany)
Using CODESYS as a Tool for Programming and Simulation in Applied Education at University 
The software platform CODESYS, is an application for the industrial automatic control engineering, which becomes more and more a competition product, to the similar systems currently used in Europe. For this reason it is increasingly utilized in the school- and university lessons as an education tool. In this article, with the help of a practical example, it is shown how the called platform can be used for the programming according IEC 61131-3, as well as, for the visualization purposes in industrial automatic control engineering. The example in this paper is presented, by using of freely available version of the software platform, which is accessible to all students and lecturers.
12.M. Pavlinović, B. Juričić, B. Antulov-Fantulin (Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Croatia)
Air Traffic Controllers’ Practical Part of Basic Training on Computer Based Simulation Devices 
Air traffic controllers are responsible for guiding aircraft through the airspace and for ensuring timely, safe and expeditious flow of fair traffic. Throughout the whole training and later work, air traffic controllers undergo extensive training on computer based simulation devices. The training is divided into four phases – initial training (basic and raining training), unit raining, continuation training and development raining. In all for phases of the training, the focus is placed on exercises performed on different computer based simulation devices. This paper focuses on basic part of the initial training and gives an overview of practical training exercises performed on computer based simulation devices. It also provides an insight into challenges the trainees are faced with while mastering the techniques of technology based training.
13.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Perspective of Use of Digital Libraries in Era of e-Learning 
The aim of this paper is to review digital libraries' role in supporting e-learning. Digital libraries offer technology based information resources and services to enable learners to access relevant knowledge anywhere anytime. As such, digital libraries are inseparable from the learning process because they made e-learning possible. Though highly relevant for e-learning, digital libraries haven’t been used in education to their full capabilities due to their unequal development, legal and technical barriers and the fact that the industrial sector (commercial publishers) manages access to digital content used in education on commercial basis (making it inaccessible to wide audience). The paper also present results from the research of digital libraries and their capabilities for inclusion in education.
14.M. Tucaković, J. Lisek (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
ArTeFact - Digitization of Archives of Technical Faculty from the Period 1919 – 1956 
The purpose of this article is to present the process of creating a future portal of digitized archival collections of council minutes of the High Technical School – Technical Faculty between 1919 and 1956, a project funded by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb. The project aims at using metadata and available contemporary technology tools (scanning, Indigo, server space etc.) to enable to potential users the access to trustworthy data on historical facts about the development of STEM subjects within the University of Zagreb as well as in the rest of the country. The Central Library of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing aims at promoting the idea of creating a virtual technical library based on digitized historic heritage.
15.V. Krstić (College for Information Technologies, Zagreb, Croatia)
Introductory Physics Course for ICT Students: Computer-Programming Oriented Approach 
Physics is an important subject and it is good that introductory physics courses are obligatory subjects in many, if not all, ICT colleges and universities in Croatia. However, these courses often cover too many different areas of physics and are presented in a traditional way – lectures/solving problems on paper/laboratories. We think that the Introductory physics course for ICT students should be oriented more towards computer programming and solving physics problems using computers. In this work we show how we plan to use SageMath, a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL, to boost students’ understanding of electric field and electric potential.
16.D. Pešut (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije, Zagreb, Croatia)
Advocacy of Born-Digital Materials: An ESP Course Example 
The coexistence of print and electronic format brings forth a great variety in the choice of most suitable literature for students. If the choice is electronic, it is important to distinguish between digitized materials and the ones that originated in digital format. The author attempts to advocate the creation and usage of born-digital materials by presenting a published electronic handbook created for an ESP course for ICT students at the College for Information Technologies in Croatia. In addition to presenting the software used for the creation of the electronic handbook, the methods of using the electronic handbook in the classroom are also given.
17.V. Šimović, T. Alajbeg, J. Ćurković (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Theoretical and Practical Challenges of Using Three Ammeter or Three Voltmeter Methods in Teaching 
The tree ammeter method and the three voltmeter method are used for measurements of power, specifically to calculate the power factor of a specific load. Both methods are used on the Fundamentals of electrical engineering course in professional study of electrical engineering at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences as an introduction to measurements of power and phasor arithmetic. Both methods are susceptible to accuracy problems caused by small errors in measuring. These accuracy problems in specific scenarios that were used during the course presented an opportunity to educate students on the difference of theory and its practical application. This paper examines our solution to the perceived accuracy problems and discusses the changes that were made in course material and teaching methods to highlight the measurement uncertainty.
18.Z. Prohaska (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia), Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia)
National Competition of Photography as Visual Art in Croatian Primary Schools, High Schools and Schools of Applied Arts 
Photography as a visual art is studied in courses in Croatian primary schools, high schools and schools of applied arts and design. In this article the preparation of a national competition in using photography and computers in Croatian schools on three levels mentioned above, will be presented, discussed and statistically evaluated.
19.B. Strnad (Gimnazija Novo mesto, Novo mesto, Slovenia)
Preschool Children and Computers: Who Lives in a Meadow? 
In recent years, most developed societies have realized that it is very important for students to acquire the skill of algorithmic thinking and the basic knowledge of computer programming. Nowadays we have numerous ways that allow us to teach programming with appropriate first steps. The paper will present one of the possibilities which we have to introduce basic programming concepts to younger children – with lego robots and a topic Who lives in a meadow?
20.B. Strnad (Gimnazija Novo mesto, Novo mesto, Slovenia)
Programming Lego Mindstorms for First Lego League Robot Game and Technical Interview 
It is of great importance in the information age to equip children with the capacity to independently navigate in the flood of all available data and be responsible towards acquiring knowledge. We must provide a learning environment, where children can be enhanced to think creatively and develop innovative solutions. The article further presents the robotic part (a robot game with a technical interview) that is half of the multidisciplinary program First® Lego® League, which was brought to Slovenia by Super Glavce, the Institute for the Promotion of Knowledge. There is an overview of several months’ work and the preparation for the robotic part of the competition, where children have to build and programme an autonomous robot that can complete as many tasks on the competition mat as possible in a limited amount of time. During this process a technical portfolio is made, where children record the progress, the problems and describe ways of solving the problem, explain strategies and present innovative solutions. The technical portfolio is the basis for the technical interview. The ways of working with lego robots in preparation for the First® Lego® League competition can be successfully replicated in class with the topic of algorithmic ways of thinking and programming.
21.J. Žufić (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Educational Science, Pula, Croatia), T. Žajgar, S. Prkić (Elementary School Kaštanjer, Pula, Croatia)
Children Online Safety 
The article provides results of a research study on safety of children on the Internet, and on use of the information-telecommunication technology (ICT) from the aspect of safety. The study was conducted on the elementary school children using paper or web-based questionnaires. It involved 1,232 students from grades one through eight of elementary school (approximately 400 students per survey), ages 7-15. The study was conducted over a period of eight years on three occasions (2008, 2011, and 2015) in elementary school Kastanjer, in Pula, Croatia. Based on the questions and answers, the findings are separated into groups: a) use of ICT among students; b) parents/teachers cooperation and provision of support to children/students in regard to cyber bullying; and c) students’ understanding of what constitutes cyber bullying and their response towards unwanted harassment. The results show poor informational literacy of students in terms of safety. Parents need to invest much more effort in recognition of predation and dangers of the ICT use in order to protect their children, and teachers should spend more time and more educational contents related to the elements of cyber bullying and their prevention in order to teach their students.

Basic information:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Marko Čupić (Croatia), Snježana Babić (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Michael E. Auer (Austria), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia)


Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before 8 May 2017
After 8 May 2017
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.


Marina Čičin-Šain
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

GSM: +385 91 735 9423

The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISBN registered conference proceedings. Papers written in English and presented at the Conference will be submitted for posting to IEEE Xplore.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committee:

Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Dubravko Babić (Croatia), Snježana Babić (Croatia), Almir Badnjevic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Bartosz Bebel (Poland), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Gianpiero Brunetti (Italy), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Čupić (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Renato Filjar (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Paolo Garza (Italy), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Marko Koričić (Croatia), Tomislav Kosanović (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Nikola Mišković (Croatia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Mario Spremić (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Stefano Stafisso (Italy), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Mateo Stupičić (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Mihaela Vranić (Croatia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)


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Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities on the Mediterranean, particularly important for its international ICT conventions MIPRO that have been held in Opatija since 1979 gathering more than a thousand participants from more than forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific center in Southeast Europe and the European Union in general.

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