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Tehničko kosponzorstvo

MIPRO 2024 - 47. međunarodni skup

PM - Upravljanje projektima

ponedjeljak, 20.5.2024 14:00 - 18:45, Camelia 1, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija

Hibridni događaj
Program događaja
ponedjeljak, 20.5.2024 14:00 - 18:45,
Camelia 1, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
14:00 - 14:45Uvodno predavanje 
Nenad Marjanović (PMI Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia)
How To Do Project Planning with GenAI Tools?
14:45 - 16:45Radovi 
1.B. Vegar (Profico, Split, Croatia), T. Mijač (Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Split, Croatia)
AI in Project Management: Insights from Croatia 
The technology of artificial intelligence has become an integral part of everyday life, extending its influence into various business aspects. The concept of artificial intelligence in project management has been discussed since the 1980s, portraying AI as a tool with the potential to expedite, optimize, and enhance project management, aiding decision-making processes. Project management stands as a pivotal process in nearly every organization, and the integration of artificial intelligence into this process can offer numerous advantages, such as heightened efficiency, precision, speed in decision-making, and improved risk assessment. Data from Eurostat in 2020 indicates that only 6% of businesses in Croatia used some form of artificial intelligence in their operations, reflecting the limited adoption of this technology in the business sector. This paper explores the current state of artificial intelligence application in project management in Croatia, exploring both perceived advantages and challenges. An survey conducted in Croatia with 112 respondents revealed that 54.95% utilize some form of AI in project management. Unsurprisingly, AI is predominantly used in the IT industry, followed by the educational sector (25%), and the healthcare sector (4.17%).
2.M. Bajica, A. Pavlović (OIKON d.o.o., ZAGREB, Croatia)
Implications of ESRSs Implementations in Sustainability Consulting Practice 
Climate change is a pressing global challenge that drives sustainability legislation development and enforcement, making sustainability reporting mandatory in addressing it. EC adopted CSRD in 12.2022 and ESRS in 06.2023. 12 ESRSs cover general principles for sustainability reporting, overarching disclosure requirements and specific disclosure requirements focused on 10 environmental (ESRS E1–E5), social (ESRS S1–S4) and governance (ESRS G1) topics. This paper has used case study in the context of sustainability consulting practice to explore the impact the adoption of ESRSs has on existing corporate data harvesting and reporting processes and project related sustainability assessment tools. The way forward to achieve compliance with EU regulations is further outlined.
3.F. Urem (University of Applied Sciences Šibenik, Šibenik, Croatia), N. Pintarić (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia), D. Jureković (Oracle Hrvatska, Zagreb, Croatia)
Analysis of Interactions and Effectiveness in Managing ESI Projects in Croatian Higher Education: Insights from Empirical Research 
This paper explores the management and implementation of higher education infrastructure projects funded by European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds in Croatia for the period between 2014 and 2020. Focusing on projects under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion, particularly those enhancing student accommodation, it analyzes the allocation of 10.731 billion EUR from various ESI funds, including the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The study describes the institutional framework involving the Managing Authority (MA) and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA) as the Implementation Authority (IA). It examines their roles in ensuring transparent, efficient, and adaptable project management. Feedback from project users, mainly universities and polytechnics, was gathered through a structured questionnaire. The survey assessed their perceptions of CFCA's effectiveness in communication, support, and response to project changes. Obtained results suggest a generally positive view of CFCA's role, especially in providing support and impacting project quality. However, the need to improve response timeliness and project adaptability was also highlighted.
4.A. Tanovic, A. Cerimagic-Hasibovic (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Implementation of Service Desk Solutions on the Example of a Company for the Production and Distribution of Electricity Energy Using the Principles of the ITIL Framework  
ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. ITIL is the most famous framework for managing IT services. ITIL provides guidelines for the implementation of Service Desk solutions in the business environment of any company. The original scientific and professional contribution of this work is proof that the ITIL framework, through the implementation of a software solution that automates its business processes, can help every company in daily work and can improve its basic and additional business processes. Measurements will be made in a real public company in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, the software solution itself will be independently developed with its own original programming code only for the purposes of this research.
16:45 - 17:15Pozvano predavanje 
Ivan Lorencin, Gordan Krčelić (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia)
Development Project for Implementing a Solution Based on AI Application
17:15 - 18:45Panel 
Moderator: Darko Jureković (PMI Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia)
PM in Turbulent Times: How AI and War Affect Our Profession and Education?

Panelisti: Darko Jureković, Nenad Marjanović, Marija Bajica, Frane Urem, Neven Pintarić, Gordan Krčelić, Ivan Lorencin

As world leaders publicly acknowledge that we live in the „most dangerous time for generations“, project managers, professionals that “lead all types of projects across various industries” and use “their project management expertise to execute and complete projects that bring brilliant ideas into reality” find themselves facing new challenges and dilemmas. We’ll discuss how disruptions, technological (like AI) or social (like war that started in Europe with invasion of Ukraine) affect our profession, our priorities and responsibilities and what we, as both individuals and professional community should do to respond to those disruptions and challenges they pose in a thoughtful and ethical manner. Please, feel free to join and contribute to our panel discussion either in the conference centre or on-line.

Osnovni podaci:

Darko Jureković (Croatia), Nenad Marjanović (Croatia)


Marija Bajica (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Ivija Jelavić (Croatia), Siniša Krajnović (Croatia)

Programski odbor:

Gordan Krčelić (Croatia), Neven Pintarić (Croatia), Marko Šimac (Croatia), Frane Urem (Croatia)

Područje djelovanja:

Savjetovanje PM služi povezivanju stručnjaka u području upravljanja projektima te predstavnika znanstveno istraživačke i obrazovne zajednice u Hrvatskoj te srednjoj i istočnoj Europi.
Savjetovanje organizira i provodi udruga PMI Hrvatska u suradnji sa stručnjacima iz međunarodne strukovne asocijacije Project Management Institute, stručnjacima iz njoj pridruženih udruga u drugim državama te stručnjacima iz obrazovne i znanstveno istraživačke zajednice koji su uključeni u obrazovanje u području upravljanja projektima.

  • Struka upravljanja projektima
  • Upravljanje projektima kao znanstvena disciplina
  • Standardi, metodologije, metode i tehnike upravljanja projektima
  • Obrazovanje za upravljanje projektima 
  • Istraživanja o upravljanju projektima 
  • Razmjena znanja i iskustva kroz naučene lekcija 
  • Primjeri dobre prakse 
  • Studije slučaja
  • Primjena informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u upravljanju projektima

Službeni jezici savjetovanja su engleski i hrvatski.

Važni datumi:

Rok za dostavu sažetaka: 8. siječanj 2024
Rok za dostavu radova: 29. siječanj 2024
Rok za konačnu recenziju: 11. ožujak 2024


Do 6.5.2024.
Od 7.5.2024.
Članovi MIPRO i IEEE
Studenti (preddiplomski i diplomski studij) te nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola

Popust se ne odnosi na studente doktorskog studija.

OBAVIJEST AUTORIMA: Uvjet za objavu rada je plaćanje najmanje jedne kotizacije po radu. Autorima 2 ili više radova, ukupna se kotizacija umanjuje za 10%.


Darko Jureković
PMI Hrvatska – PMI Udruga za upravljanje projektima Hrvatska
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


Nenad Marjanović
PMI Hrvatska – PMI Udruga za upravljanje projektima Hrvatska
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska



Najbolji radovi bit će nagrađeni.
Prihvaćeni radovi bit će objavljeni u zborniku radova s ISSN brojem. Radovi na engleskom jeziku prezentirani na skupu bit će poslani za uključenje u digitalnu bazu IEEE Xplore
Postoji mogućnost da se odabrani znanstveni radovi uz određenu doradu objave u sljedećim časopisima: Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)MDPI Applied ScienceMDPI Information JournalFrontiers i EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information Systems.


Mjesto održavanja:

Opatija je vodeće je ljetovalište na istočnoj strani Jadrana i jedno od najpoznatijih na Mediteranu. Ovaj grad aristokratske arhitekture i stila već više od 170 godina privlači svjetski poznate umjetnike, političare, kraljeve, znanstvenike, sportaše, ali i poslovne ljude, bankare, menadžere i sve kojima Opatija nudi svoje brojne sadržaje. 

Opatija svojim gostima nudi brojne komforne hotele, odlične restorane, zabavne sadržaje, umjetničke festivale, vrhunske koncerte ozbiljne i zabavne glazbe, uređene plaže i brojne bazene i sve što je potrebno za ugodan boravak gostiju različitih afiniteta. 

U novije doba Opatija je jedan od najpoznatijih kongresnih gradova na Mediteranu, posebno prepoznatljiva po međunarodnim ICT skupovima MIPRO koji se u njoj održavaju od 1979. godine i koji redovito okupljaju preko tisuću sudionika iz četrdesetak zemalja. Ovi skupovi Opatiju promoviraju u nezaobilazan tehnološki, poslovni, obrazovni i znanstveni centar jugoistočne Europe i Europske unije općenito.

Detaljnije informacije se mogu potražiti na i

Novosti o događaju
Trenutno nema novosti
Suorganizatori - nasumično
ENT ZagrebA1 HrvatskaEkonomski fakultet RijekaTehničko veleučilište u ZagrebuHATZ