Prof. dr. sc. Karolj Skala, M.IT Jelena Čubrić

HPC for SME Forum 1/JUNE/2016
We are pleased to invite you to participate in HPC (High Performance Computing) for SME Business Advancment Forum on the MIPRO 2016 to be held in Opatija, Croatia on June 1st 2016. The event is jointly organized by MIPRO, Consortium of HORIZON 2020 project SESAME Net and Ruđer Bošković Insitutute. The Forum, dedicated to promoting access to computational expertise anywhere in Europe, aims to solve some of the main challenges faced by SMEs in efforts to advance their business. It will demonstrate best practices, applications and concrete actions for introducing HPC to SMEs. The Forum will also support initiatives at the regional and international levels to increase cooperation and coordination amongst different HPC Centres and user community and also present financing opportunities for SMEs that are currently opened.
The forum is opened for all who are involved in development, design, integration, marketing, use or support of HPC technologies and those who wish to become a part of the user community. The forum will be especially helpful for SMEs that wish to gain knowledge about how to better adapt to market demand, develop innovation, produce new services and goods faster and increase their overall market competition.
HPC for SME Forum
1st June 2016, 16:30 - 19:00
1. Karolj Skala, Head of Centre for informatics and computing, Ruđer Bošković Institute, CRO
Introduction and opening welcome speech
2. Key note speaker: Max Lemke, EC Head of Unit Complex Systems and Advanced Computing, European Commission (TC)
Topic: “ICT Innovation and manufacturing”
3. Key note speaker: Karen Padmore, Bangor University, Wales, UK (TC)
Topic: “Sesame Net project Overview”
4. Key note speaker: Horst Schwichtenberg, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing, DE
Topic: "HPC technologies and applications for SME’s”
5. Key note speaker: Enis Afgan, John Hopkins University and Ruđer Bošković Institute, CRO
Topic: “HPC/Cloud based Business in Bioinformatics for SMEs”
6. Key note speaker: Tomi Ilijaš, Head of ARCTUR d.o.o. SLO
Topic: “Business model and profit perspective”
7. Key note speaker: Matej Andrejašić, Pipistrel d.o.o., SLO
Topic: “Application of HPC technology in aerospace industry”
Poster Exhibition
31st May 2016 - 3rd June 2016 (Exhibition area - Central Lobby of Adriatic hotel)
SESAME Net, Zagreb, Croatia
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL, Brisel, Belgium
University of Rijeka, Faculty of engineering, Croatia
1. Assessment of structural behaviour in limit state operating conditions
2. Greener Approach to Ship Design and Optimal Route Planning
3. Optimisation and modelling of thermal processes of materials
4. Development of evolutionary procedures for characterization of biological tissues behavior
5. Evolving Software Systems: Analysis and Innovative Approaches for Smart
6. Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services
- Ultijack
- Pointme
- Exevio
- Fiziotech
Stanalone posters
ICSI Project, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Croatia
GRASS Project, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia
SORDITO Project, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences,Croatia
INDIGO Project, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
FREE Entrance.
Registration for MIPRO participants is open trough MIPRO portal.
Participants that wish to register only to the HPC for SME Forum can use https://hpcforum.eventbrite.com
Call Open - March 17, 2016
Call Closes at 12:00 PM (CET) - May 29, 2016