Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit scientific, professional, and review papers. Only original papers that have not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. All papers will undergo a plagiarism check before peer review.
Papers can be prepared in English or Croatian. These instructions are only for the authors who are writing a paper in English.
Note: If you are preparing your paper in Croatian language, please follow the instructions for authors in Croatian by selecting the Croatian flag in the upper right corner. The instructions for preparing a paper in Croatian language are different from the instructions for preparing a paper in English language.
Papers should be submitted electronically through the MIPRO portal as PDF documents (and optionally in DOC format).
Paper Formatting
Papers must be prepared according to and by using one of the following MIPRO templates:
Please read the template carefully. Papers that are not prepared strictly according to the guidelines will not be taken into consideration.
Final Manuscript Submission
The final camera-ready manuscript of the paper should account for all the critical reviewers’ feedback.
Please follow the following steps to finalize the camera-ready version of your paper:
- papers must strictly follow the MIPRO template
- the length of the paper is limited to 6 pages including illustrations and references
- the final version must include authors' names and affiliations (as illustrated in the conference template)
- make sure that all figures and tables are of high quality and their content is easily readable
- do not add page numbers
- proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
After finalizing the camera-ready version, the paper should be converted to PDF format using the Adobe Acrobat Distiller program, or using some other free software tools (for example CutePDF Writer).
Note: Make sure to set the A4 paper size for the output page size when converting your Word document to PDF.
Authors of accepted papers MUST submit the Electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCF).
IEEE Copyright Transfer Form
As MIPRO is no longer the copyright holder for papers in English, the new copyright rules are to be followed.
To include your accepted paper in both the conference proceedings volume and the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, the corresponding author MUST fill and digitally sign the IEEE copyright transfer form (eCF). Upon acceptance of your paper, the corresponding author of the paper will receive an email with instructions on how to sign the electronic copyright form through the MIPRO portal. Kindly note that, if the electronic copyright agreement is not signed, the paper will not be published in the proceedings or IEEE Xplore.
IEEE Copyright form MIPRO - submission steps 
Paper Presentation and Publishing
To have your paper published in conference proceedings and submitted to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, it is required that you pay at least one registration fee for each paper. Authors of 2 or more papers are entitled to a 10% discount.
Each accepted paper must be orally presented by one of the authors (presenting author).
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN-registered conference proceedings.
Papers must follow the above-mentioned guidelines. MIPRO reserves the right not to publish papers that do not follow them.
If you experience any technical difficulties or have additional questions, feel free to contact us at