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Opening ceremony
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MIPRO Croatian Society
Full name of the society: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO.
Brief name: MIPRO Croatian Society

Seat: Croatia, Rijeka, Kružna 8/II.

Basic goals and tasks of MIPRO are:
  • interdisciplinary consideration and solution of economic, informational, cultural, educational, technical, scientific and other problems inherent to microprocessors, microelectronics, electronics and their application in informational and production process systems,
  • protection and forwarding of ecological, national, social and professional interests and goals,
  • cooperation with local selfgovernment and local administration for the accomplishement of
  • economic and other goals,
  • additional and special education of members and others,
  • publication and propaganda of informational technologies,
  • cooperation with other relative societies,
  • organisation of International Convention MIPRO and of other conventions.
All competent persons working actively scientific or professional in the fields promoted by MIPRO
society or registered organisations interested in the activity of MIPRO, can become members.
Member of MIPRO can be:
  • individual member,
  • registered collective member.
Members of MIPRO can materialize certain advantages. Some of them are:
  • Individual members have a discount of 10% paying for convention fee;
  • Collective members have a discount of 10% for commercial-professional presentations and a discount of 25% for advertisements in the MIPRO Final Announcement. Two members of the non-commercial organisation are allowed to participate at the convention or one of the seminars without paying the fee. Two members of a commercial organisation are allowed to participate at the convention paying only 50% for the fee.

Each non-commercial or commercial organisation can obtain on request a new membership form and a document describing all rights and duties for new members.


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Ekonomski fakultet RijekaTehničko veleučilište u ZagrebuHATZUNIPUT-HT Zagreb